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Heritage Interpretive Activity Assessment Task

Revision V1
May 2018
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Assessment Task - Smart Form
Assessment Task 1: Heritage Interpretive Activity
Student Version
Section A – Program/Course details
Qualification code:
Qualification title:
Certificate IV Conservation and
Ecosystem Management
Unit code:
Unit title:
Develop interpretive activities
Department name:
ESSE, Environment
CRN number:
Section B – Assessment task details
Assessment number:
1 of 5
Semester 1/2023
Due date:
Duration of
2 weeks
Assessment method
Assessment task
☒Ungraded result
☐Other: Click here to enter text.
Section C – Instructions to students
Task instructions:
Students will develop an interpretive activity for a heritage site. The scenario presented here is for The Oakleigh
Pioneer Memorial Park, Warrawee Park, Oakleigh. Discuss with your trainer if you wish to use a different scenario,
before you begin the task.
Students will meet with the client and visit the site to obtain all the relevant information you require to complete the
There are four parts to this task, all of which need to be completed.
Part A: Students will research existing activities and information relevant to the client’s requirements. An activity will
be chosen/adapted/developed to suit the audience cohort and any special circumstances. The planning process
will be documented and submitted.
Part B: A draft activity will be developed, listing the resources and timing of the activity and detailed instructions and
information about the activity. The draft will be presented/submitted/piloted for feedback.
Part C: Document the feedback and submit.
Part D: Incorporate the feedback and submit final activity.
All criteria listed in Section E below need to be completed before students can be deemed successful at completing
the task.
Section D – Conditions for assessment
Student to complete and attach Assessment Submission Cover Sheet to the completed Assessment Task.
This is an individual assessment
Students to complete the assessment by the due date.
All documentation must be presented using the templates provided or as otherwise discussed with your assessor –
See Reasonable adjustments in the Unit Outline.
Please decide with your assessor within one week of commencing this assessment, if you feel you require special
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Revision V1
May 2018
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Assessment Task - Smart Form
Assessment Task 1: Heritage Interpretive Activity
Section D – Conditions for assessment
allowance or adjustment to this task.
Please take note that the assessment of this task requires you to attend a client briefing onsite. Please make sure
you are in attendance for the nominated day. Your assessor will give you dates of when this will be. If you are
unable to make the dates allocated, please consult your assessor a minimum of one week beforehand to arrange
alternative arrangements.
Students must meet all criteria listed in the marking guide to be deemed satisfactory in this task.
All assessment submissions to be submitted via Bright Space by the due date.
Should the learner be deemed (US) Unsatisfactory, a further two (2) opportunities will be provided. Should
the learner miss the initial submission due date, the learner has (5) working days to submit. Due to not meeting the
initial due date, the late submission will be classes as a second attempt.
Should the learner be deemed as (US) Unsatisfactory or Not Yet Competent on the last attempt, the student
will be required to re-enrol into the unit of competency.
Learners are to complete this task either in a simulated Clinical environment with access to all available
commercial equipment, where it will be assessed by a qualified assessor. Alternatively, to provide flexibility, this
assessment task can be undertaken in the workplace.
This is an individual task that learners must complete under direct supervision from either the Holmesglen
qualified assessor or alternatively the workplace supervisor.
This is an individual task that learners must complete with limited support from the Assessor.
Learners must complete the Assessment Task within the permitted allocated timeframes
Please make arrangements with your assessor prior to the assessment due date if you feel you require
special consideration or permissible adjustments to the task.
Important Note:
To apply for Special Consideration, the learner’s application MUST be completed and submitted along with
all supporting evidence/documentation within (5) five working days after the competed assessment.
Special consideration constitutes: Extreme circumstances or illness
To apply for Assessment Deferral, the learner’s application MUST be completed and submitted along with
all supporting evidence and documentation within (5) five working days Prior to the commencement of the
Assessment Deferral constitutes: Extreme circumstances or illness
To apply for Reasonable Adjustment, the learner’s application MUST be completed and submitted along
with all supporting evidence and documentation within (5) five working days prior to the submission date of the
Reasonable Adjustment parameters include Provision of adaptive equipment and in-class support, other
academic support, modified assessment conditions (Environment), flexibility in assessments in the form of
extensions/modified assessment tasks that does not compromise the integrity of the Assessment and the Unit of
Please Note: If learner application is not submitted within the permissible timeframes or there is a failure to
submit the appropriate application an automatic ‘Non-Approval’ will be granted
Learners will be assessed as (S) Satisfactory or (US) Unsatisfactory for this Assessment Task
Learners have the right to appeal any assessment decision as per Holmesglen appeals policy. Learners
must contact their Assessor within (5) working days of the Assessment in writing, providing a rationale for the
appeal. Learners can lodge an appeal in writing by using the Appeals Form located on the Holmesglen Website:
Step 1: Scroll down to the bottom of the website where ‘Students’ is listed
Step 2: Click on ‘Student Resources’
Step 3: Click on ‘Forms for Students’
Step 4: Click on ‘Application for re-mark or Re-Appraisal Form’
Please Note: The above process is the same when applying for Special Consideration and Assessment
Learners must be observed completing all tasks and criteria outlined in the Marking Guide located in
Section E of this Assessment
Learners deemed (US) Unsatisfactory will be provided with a minimum of two (2) re-submissions within the
Holmesglen 9-Jun-23 Документ1
Revision V1
May 2018
Page 1
Assessment Task - Smart Form
Assessment Task 1: Heritage Interpretive Activity
Section D – Conditions for assessment
enrolment period of the unit as per Holmesglen Conducting Assessment Procedure. This will be communicated to
the learner by the Assessor
Equipment/resources students must supply:
Equipment/resources to be provided by the RTO:
Students need to organise the resources/props equipment
required for the activity. Discuss options with the trainer.
Appropriate PPE for field trips – Full covered footwear, Work
Gloves, Long pants & sleeves, sun and or wet weather
protection, high vis vest or clothing, face mask
Client and location. A series of existing resources
will be available but may need adapting/adjusting.
Activities booklets, or students source/develop their
own activity.
Resources for activities (within budget, availability
and suitability of activity)
Holmesglen learning commons (library)
Access to Student Support Services – i.e. Pretraining support in Math.
Access to Reading Writing Hotline
Access to Bright Space for Task information &
Holmesglen 9-Jun-23 Документ1
Revision V1
May 2018
Page 1
Assessment Task - Smart Form
Assessment Task 1: Heritage Interpretive Activity
Section E – Marking Sheet - Student Answer Sheet
Student ID:
Unit code:
Student name:
Unit title:
Develop interpretive activities
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Section F – Feedback to Student
Has the student successfully completed this assessment task?
Additional Assessor comments (as appropriate):
Resubmission allowed:
Yes ☐
No ☐
Resubmission due date:
Assessor name:
Assessor signature:
Student signature:
Holmesglen 9-Jun-23 Документ1
Revision V1
May 2018
Page 1
Assessment Task - Smart Form
Assessment Task 1: Heritage Interpretive Activity
Supporting document
Holmesglen 9-Jun-23 Документ1