API Pentesting Mindmap {{Recon}} V1 V2 API Version Discovery V3 Import the API environment, documentation and collections etc Product / open source Link BurpSuite proxy with Postman API Implementation Discovery Custom API Implementation Activate the API environment Discovering authentication systems, server's headers and requests parameters body RESTful [Most common] Postman These two steps should handle every function in the recon method together API Type Discovery SOAP [Very rare] GraphQL [Newcomer] OTP login Identifying authentication's endpoints. WADL for RESTful API Local etc Analyzing JS code, like the JSON in the Tests tab etc API Documentations GET SoapUI POST HTTP Methods Discovery Link BurpSuite proxy with Postman PATCH PUT Intercept and monitor every request / response DELETE Run the content discovery on the API seeking for additional endpoints, actions and objects Analyze request & response headers and parameters Any public documentation for API like the open source APIs Public Importing WADL / WSDL file initially or using the Application's URL Analyze endpoint behaviors using the endpoint explorer WSDL for SOAP API WADL Endpoints gathering through local docs Reconnaissance BurpSuite Manipulate the request headers and monitor the server's actions to the manipulations WSDL etc the endpoints which requires authentication and other publicly accessible. Weaponizing Cookie based (non-standard) Authentication / Authorization methods Run the JavaScript scans to analyze JavaScript files in order to understand the API infrastructure Authentication & Authorization Header based (standard) JWT (JSON Web Token) Endpoints Encrypted value Objects Fuzzing points Arbitrary value to save the user's state Identification handlers Methods / Actions Encoded Serialized value Link it with Burp in order to extend your sitemap range Fuzzing FFUF Encrypted Serialized value Hashed user value BurpSuite Intruder Link it with Burp in order to extend your endpoints parameter range (Vary from target to another) Tools Comparing docs Arjun API Fuzzing SecLists Actions AKA Methods Objects FuzzDB Using wayback machine Mapping the API's request & response body and headers. Behavior mapping Wordlists Identify the job of every API method [It's vary from API to another] Using the API docs Source Code Reviewing Compare the local & public API documentations seeking for hidden functions, methods or endpoints. Endpoints Analyze the arjun output to check for the possible vulnerable parameter e.g: JavaScript e.g: hashed username, user ID Swagger API Generating Custom Wordlist API Visualization tools / interfaces discovery Organization's github repository if exists Custom Implementations etc The source code of API product - if it was open source - e.g: /api/{{products}}/122/edit Enumerate resources RESTful API enumeration Enumerate objects e.g: enumerate object identifiers: / api/users/{{1}}/edit In this phase you should concentrate more in the response headers, response length and application's behaviors Could be found in PayloadAllTheThings Introspection query enumerating Enumeration GraphQL API enumeration Our aim of making this is to retrieve every query that can be run in the database and it's parameters GraphQL Voyager Visual representation tools Kiterunner Tools unfurl API scanner for endpoints and content discovery. Extracting paths from URL lists, this will help in generating custom wordlists phase. It will show us the visual representation of GraphQL which made use able to analyze the GraphQL in a deep and accurate way parameter's value URL object PDFs some web apps put the user's attachments names like their IDs in the application e.g: 12.pdf Docs Downloadable resources User identifiers Invoices etc National IDs Personal docs Some web apps requires uploading personal docs to register on them, and the user should have access to his docs, and these docs some times also named with it' s owner ID. Passports etc Checking every function having Transaction objects / Identifiers as a value in parameters as an object in the URL Usernames certificates Downloadable resources In addition to the types mentioned in the User identifiers section, in usernames also these docs might have usernames as a names for the files. e,g: cyberguy_10.csv licenses medical documents etc {{based on application's logic}} Some times the user's username being hashed and used as a value for authorization, you can exploit this by guessing the application's usernames and hash them Hashed sessions / cookies Serialized sessions / cookies Authenticators of the application Authorization headers / cookies Check for: Encoded sessions / cookies Some cookies are encrypted with symmetric encryption, so if you were able to achieve the private key by some way you will be able to decrypt the cookie and change it's value Encrypted cookies Some developers defines the user's state when accessing a resource based on server's responses, for example. { "authorized":true, "uID": 122 } resource accessing behaviours Manipulation Manipulate the privilege or user's state from the server's responses OTP stored in some endpoint Leaks Generated by the API using some method Pre-authentication OTP Changing the values from true to false or it's logical representatives. e.g: {"OTP": 1} and number 1 here refers to true. Manipulation Some applications decided the identity of the user through the server's responses, we can manipulate the JSON response for example and the dynamic generated content will be loaded for the injected email. 2FA Process to access specific user content Remote authorization Broken object-level access Application's responses Dynamic application responses OTP Endpoints While accessing particular sensitive / critical resource in an application, some application requires remote authorization to proceed. Some panels requires remote authorization from mobile apps for example, thus we can manipulate the response to bypass into the user's content. e.g: { "authorization_done":true, "resource_id": 120 } etc Login Endpoints email CVV / PIN username Lack of resources and rate limiting Internal resource spoofing Referer manipulation Manipulation Authenticated id identifier's manipulate National Security Number Bypasses Phone number IP Range spoofing confidential / personal info Passport Number etc etc Numeric identifiers e.g: /api/v1/admin/delete?resource_id= /api/v1/admin/update?resource_id= /api/v1/admin/post?resource_id= API Methods Pre-generation attacks Spoofable Identifiers e.g: /api/v1/users/getToken/12 e.g: /api/v1/users/getToken/13 Gradually identifiers 1. e.g: /api/v1/users/getToken/username12 2. e.g /api/v1/users/getToken/username13 Alphanumeric identifiers Some applications the behaviors of deleting, adding or updating info's is normal, so these considered as vulnerabilities based on your application logic. DELETE Changing value in back-end will be used to generate QR Code later to retrieve data. e.g: { "username":"someUser", "user_id":12, "action":"getToken" } Administrative functions PATCH QR Code Attacks HTTP Verbs PUT etc [based on your case] etc Dynamic attacks Real-time applications Response based Anonymous user access to functions requires authenticated users Improper authorizations Anonymous user access to functions retrieves authenticated users data Changing value in back-end will be used to generate QR Code later to perform action. e.g: { "username":"someUser", "user_id":12, "action":"loginAuthorize" } etc etc etc Broken function level authorization When accessing some endpoints under the 'admin' endpoint, some times can retrieve sensitive info e.g: /api/v1/users/info?uID=1 /api/v1/admin/users/info?uID=1 Captcha reuse Weak captcha Verbs & Endpoints manipulations Here some applications blocks the integers identifiers except the current userID, but if you put something like: 'all' can retrieve the whole application's users info's Captcha Attacks e.g: /api/v1/users/?id=myID /api/v1/users/all Exploiting ordinary functions trying to access internal resources via LFD for example e.g: /api/v1/Ajax/resource?url=/end/point /api/v1/Ajax/resource?url=../..//etc/passwd Turning the normal resource grabber into SSRF vulnerable machine made you able to perform SSRF attacks and it's contexts e.g: /api/v1/Ajax/resource?url=/end/point /api/v1/Ajax/resource?url= Captcha implementation without using Unauthorized access to captcha generation endpoint Insufficient cooldown timing could be used to autofill captcha allows brute-forcing attacks Leaked in public compromised databases Exploit endpoints for possible internal access Credentials stuffing OSINT based credentials on the target e.g: /api/v1/Ajax/PUT?url=/user/profile/pic /api/v1/Ajax/PUT?url= Execute functions into internal resources admin:admin etc Api Pentesting Mindmap {{Attacking}} env test example Weak credentials Weak authentication security design administrator:administrator High Privilege defaults root:toor etc Default credentials guest:guest publicly accessible productions test:test branches Low / custom privilege defaults old releases user:user Use of non-production resources which in most cases not protected to attack the production resources etc Improper assets management etc Sending data in GET Request / URLs heapdump dump e.g: springboot Default endpoints which automatically enables with some frameworks Weak encryption mechanism Insecure transmission of sensitive data etc Weak encryption keys Sending data in plain text Price manipulation Amount manipulation Business attack Manipulate server's responses to bypass the authentication mechanism in the dynamic applications. Response manipulation Currency manipulation etc Weak API keys Deletion of resources Manipulating resources Broken User Authentication Privilege escalation e.g: {"is_admin":true} In some applications this allows the user to change it's password without restrictions / versification Mass Assignment Improper API rotating Executing high privilege functions with low privilege access token. Insecure implementation of authentication logic email verification Bypass restrections e.g: {"default_pass":true} Use of leaked API Keys Privilege attack etc e.g: {"verified":true} API Keys attacks default password enable Access token attacks Improper access token validations Access other user's content / data with the attacker's access token. etc etc Weak secret SQL Injection NoSQL Injection Lack of JWT verification (any token will be accepted) Token based attacks LDAP Injection JWT attacks Injection Weak algorithm e.g: [none] algorithm OS Command Injection Signature bypass XML Injection etc. etc Timing attacks CORS misconfiguration e.g: ASP.NET stack trace e.g: S3 Buckets Attacking various authentication systems Stack Traces Outdated systems e.g: kid injection + SQL Injection Security misconfiguration Profiling systems non-expiring JWTs, access tokens and sessions The authentication systems vary from application to another, so there is no standard method to break them, it based on your creative ability :) e.g: /api/clients/show?id=13 Exposed storage or server management panels Information retrieval systems e.g: /api/orders/show?order_id=202 etc Here the (BOLA) will be a part of the attack to make the application's return sensitive info [which isn't required but the application retrieve it] Comments endpoint Excessive Data Exposure Messages endpoint Communicative systems Notifications endpoint etc Logging endpoints etc some applications returns more than the required data, thus the attacker can access sensitive info's like CVV, location, National Security Numbers ...etc. With the applications generates QR Codes for authentication / authorization actions, we can exploit these misconfigs before generation to decode the QR Code after generation then, take other users access_ tokens for example. If you was able to control mutations then you might be able to modify / control data in server-side Organization's github API documentation in the application API's documentation Open source project with public documentation Local documentation etc /graphql Extract mutations according to the type in introspection system /graphiql Common endpoints Schema analysis /graph /explorer Some times it being left in the wild, so an attacker can get benefit from them, it makes the query implementation easier GraphQL Playground Common GraphQL IDEs Application's behavior analysis GraphiQL etc API Pentesting Mindmap {{GraphQL Attacking}} Endpoint discovery Modifying item's price etc Both of them can be found at SecLists GraphQl wordlist etc Enumerating the whole schema then hunting the mutations Modifying item PII data Adding item Financial data Data retrieval Item deletion etc Getting started with queries Enumeration Getting started with mutations Basic enumeration Enumerate schema fields, types and names Deep enumeration Enumerate the whole database schema Query syntax Mutations exploit Queries exploit etc Brute force more than single credentials through one query due to the nested queries Deleting resource etc Query parameters / Arguments Business logic attacks Sessions / Cookies Retrievals If the targets stores sessions / cookies in the application's database, attacker can retrieve them and inject through request to gain access in user's account etc nodes Analyzing schema Multiple brute forcing Modifying resource Profiling systems Arguments structure Number of arguments Possible mutations functions Restrictions bypasses Logging systems Business systems etc e.g: Adding items to purchased section, then confirm the orders and finally exploited without executing the checkout function Adding / Removing items from other users accounts Authentication attacks Adding files / attachments Both of them got payloads in payloadAllTheThings Bypassing checkouts Internal data Users managements edges Mutations etc Exploit mutations for: Data types Modifying item's currency e.g: items cart etc e.g: Account locking bypassing if the application for example got a mutation called: unlock() and it takes argument for the id, simply the attacker can unlock it's account like this: unlock(id: 1) after that the attacker will be able to login again