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Film Analysis Sentence Starters: Close Viewing Guide

2.10 Close Viewing - Sentence Starters
Topic sentences identifying the technique:
⮚ The technique of …………….helps set the scene .....
⮚ The use of …………. is important because ...
⮚ The technique of ……………. is interesting because ...
⮚ The director’s use of ……………. shows the idea of ........
⮚ The character’s actions show......
⮚ Through [technique], the audience knows the outcome will be positive/negative because …...
⮚ This [technique] is in juxtaposition with the [technique] of ...........
⮚ The use of [technique] tells the audience that [survival] is a strong idea.
⮚ This shot makes the point that......
⮚ The director uses [technique] to remind the audience that ......
Sentences to use when explaining and analysing:
⮚ This reflects the theme of .......
⮚ This signals to the audience that .....
⮚ This provides an aural bridge by linking the ............. to the .....................
⮚ This creates a feeling of .....
⮚ [Two] techniques used to create this effect are ...
⮚ This is used to demonstrate that ...
⮚ This makes it seem as if .........
⮚ This demonstrates that ........
⮚ This shows that ..........
⮚ This is significant as .........
⮚ This scene really conveys .........
⮚ This is used to compare ......
⮚ The purpose of this scene/technique is to .......
⮚ This proves [the extent to which] .......
⮚ This foreshadows that .....
⮚ This is ironic because .......
Sentences to use when linking to the audience:
⮚ The audience is made to focus on .......
⮚ These techniques work together to show the audience that ......
⮚ This technique helps develops the audience’s understanding of ...
⮚ This helps the audience to see .........
⮚ This makes the audience feel .......
⮚ This helps the audience understand that ...
⮚ This reminds the audience that .....
⮚ The effect created by this is that the audience’s attention is focused on .......
⮚ This gives the audience a clue that ...
1. Identify the technique and also describe what is seen [or heard] in detail - plus what is
happening in that given moment. E.g. A low angled close-up shot of young Jamal in the
foreground is used and a young Salim can be seen in the background. Salim’s back is facing
the camera and Jamal’s face shows a thoughtful, slightly worried expression. This is because
..........[Say why]
2. Analyse the effect of this technique and its significance. E.g. The low angle makes Salim
seem bigger. This along with his back facing the camera is almost a foreshadowing of Salim’s
dominance. The close-up of Jamal clearly shows the audience the emotions he is feeling and
makes them connect with him.