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Positive Effects of Education: Importance & Benefits

The Positive Effects of Education
The headline of the article is «The Positive Effects of Education». The
article is published by Staff Reports on August 11, 2014. The author of the article
is Hannah Cleveland of «Borgen Magazine».
The headline of the article corresponds to the topic. The article I am going to
render is about the importance and necessity of education in this day and age. The
text consists of 6 paragraphs. The first paragraph contains the central question:
"Why is education so important?". In the first part, the author points out the fact
that education decreases poverty. The author also cites statistics that show that a
huge number of children do not attend a primary school because they are in
poverty. Not every family is able to pay for the education of children, so they lose
the opportunity to realize themselves and earn an income. The second paragraph
covers the fact that education promotes health. It has been confirmed that an
educated woman has a special focus on motherhood. Another area in which health
could improve with education is decreasing the cases of HIV/AIDS. The author
argues that this topic should be explained in educational institutions. The third
point deals with education as a gender gap. There is every reason to believe that
women are capable of assessing world events rationally, making decisions, and
taking pressure from others calmly. In the fourth part, the author touches on
malnutrition. There is a general feeling that people can fix this problem. coming
back to the gender gap again, if female farmers were as educated as male farmers,
crop production could rise by up to 20 percent. In the last part, the author argues
that education increases the level of the economy in the country. By earning an
income, people contribute to the country’s economy as a whole.
The author comes to the conclusion that education at all times has occupied
an important place in the life of every person. If a person is educated, he can
successfully get out of poverty, he can gain the necessary skills and become a
professional in his business, to help his family and teach the next generation, which
will stop the cycle of poverty. An educated person will also be able to make a great
contribution to their country because scientific and technological progress goes
hand in hand with educated people. all the technological and scientific
achievements we have are due to educated and conscientious people.
I fully support his point of view. The great role and importance of education
in human life should not be neglected. The more educated a person is, the easier it
is for him to understand the world around him and solve current problems.
In conclusion, education shapes a person, makes him a unique personality
and develops qualities such as discipline, communication skills and