Uploaded by Angela Reveral


Start the video with a title slide (Professional Advocacy Video with both of our picture and the
program we have)
Nicole: Good Day! I am Nicole Daluro. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy in
National Teachers College and I recently passed my CPA board exam.
Angela: And I am Angela Ricaplaza Reveral, and I am thrilled to introduce myself as a recent
graduate in Bachelor of Science in Accountancy from the esteemed National Teachers College.
I am proud to share that I have successfully passed the May 2023 Certified Public Accountant
Licensure Examination (CPALE).
Nicole: To be an accountant is to be a guardian of financial health, a steward of transparency,
and a catalyst for progress. Therefore, I thrive on the challenge of analyzing complex financial
data, identifying trends, and extracting meaningful insights. I meticulously examine financial
statements, ensuring accuracy and adherence to accounting standards.
Angela: I like to added that To be an accountant is to embrace the responsibility of managing
financial information, providing insights, and ensuring the integrity of financial systems. It requires
a strong educational foundation in accountancy, supported by a Bachelor's degree or higher.
Acquiring knowledge in areas such as financial accounting, management accounting, auditing,
taxation, and financial management lays the groundwork for a successful career in accountancy.
Nicole: With that being said, Accountancy is important for the Filipino Society because this
profession serves as the backbone of economic progress. Accountancy provides the framework
for maintaining transparent financial records, ensuring ethical practices, and promoting fiscal
responsibility. In the Filipino society, where entrepreneurship and small businesses thrive, the
importance of accountancy cannot be overstated.
Angela: Also Accountancy, as a field of study and profession, is a pillar of financial management
and transparency in both the Filipino society and the global community. It encompasses the
systematic recording, analysis, interpretation, and reporting of financial information, allowing
businesses, organizations, and individuals to make informed decisions and maintain financial
stability. Accountancy serves as a critical bridge between financial data and effective decisionmaking, ensuring the accuracy, reliability, and integrity of financial information.
Nicole: The relevance of accountancy extends far beyond national borders. The
interconnectedness of economies in the global community necessitates a common language of
financial reporting, and we accountants play a significant role in upholding these standards.
As accountants, we have a responsibility to address the pressing global challenges, such as
sustainability and social responsibility reporting. By providing accurate and reliable financial
information, we contribute to the assessment of businesses' environmental and social impact.
Angela: In other word, We as an Accountants are also indispensable to Filipino society, playing a
pivotal role in economic growth, financial transparency, and strategic decision-making. Our
expertise ensures compliance with regulations, promotes ethical practices, and safeguards the
interests of stakeholders. Moreover, We as a Filipino accountants make substantial contributions
to the global community by upholding international accounting standards and driving financial
stability. As the importance of accurate financial reporting and ethical practices continues to grow,
the role of us being accountants in Filipino society and our relevance to the global community will
remain crucial in shaping a sustainable and prosperous future.
Nicole: Furthermore, Effective communication and collaboration skills are essential for
accountants in the 21st century. We must actively seek opportunities to enhance our
communication and collaboration skills. By being effective communicators and team players, we
can foster strong relationships with clients and colleagues, and work collaboratively to solve
complex financial challenges.
Angela: as an accountant, developing communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills
is crucial for delivering quality service to my clients. By honing these skills, I will be able to
effectively communicate financial information, tackle complex problems, and provide valuable
insights and recommendations. Continuously seeking opportunities for growth, embracing
collaboration, and staying updated with industry developments will help me to navigate the
evolving landscape of the accountancy profession and better serve my clients.
Nicole: We can also play a pivotal role in contributing to the realization of sustainable
development goals , which are essential for creating a better future for all. We can contribute to
the Sustainable Development Goals through sustainable financial reporting, guide investors and
organizations towards responsible investment practices, and contribute by advocating for
financial inclusion.
Angela: We have a significant role to play as a global citizen. Embracing our responsibilities goes
beyond financial management to encompass ethical practices, sustainable development,
corporate social responsibility, technological advancements, and financial inclusion. By
integrating these principles into our professional work, we contribute to the well-being of society
at large, foster trust in the financial system, and promote a sustainable and inclusive global
community. As a global citizen accountant,We have the power to shape a brighter future by
aligning financial decisions with social, environmental, and ethical considerations.
Nicole: As an accountant I have the opportunity to advocate for corporate social responsibility
(CSR) practices within organizations. By encouraging businesses to integrate social and
environmental considerations into their operations, I can contribute to a Responsible
Consumption and Production and to Climate Action of the organizations. This can involve advising
on sustainable supply chain practices, reducing carbon footprints, and promoting fair trade
Angela: Being accountant, I possess a powerful instrument to fulfill my global citizenship
responsibilities and contribute to the achievement of sustainable development goals. I’ll explain
on how and why I can utilize my accountancy profession as a catalyst for positive change,
focusing on three sustainable development goals that will benefit my society and the world at
large. First is by Fulfilling Global Citizenship Responsibilities: As an Accountant, I have a unique
position to fulfill my global citizenship responsibilities through my profession. Here's how and why
I can utilize my accountancy skills, By Upholding ethical standards in financial reporting,
promoting transparency, and accountability are essential aspects of an accountant's role. By
prioritizing integrity and adherence to ethical codes, my profession contribute to a global financial
system that is fair, just, and trustworthy. Additionally, being accountant is I can use my knowledge
and expertise to advocate for global issues, such as climate change, poverty alleviation, and
social inequality. And for the Second one, How and Why could I could Contribute to Sustainable
Development Goals: Being Accountant, I can contribute to providing quality education by
supporting financial literacy programs and initiatives. I can also promote decent work and
economic growth by ensuring fair and transparent financial practices. Additionally, I can support
climate action by integrating sustainability into financial decision-making, assessing and
disclosing climate-related risks, promoting investment in renewable energy, and supporting
environmentally responsible practices. These activities help me to build sustainable economies
and reduce inequality being an accountant.
Nicole: Once again, I am Nicole Daluro, your Certified Public Accountant leaving you an inspiring
message “Embrace the power of your profession and let it be a catalyst for positive change.”
Angela: And I am Angela Ricaplaza Reveral, your Certified Public Accountant will remind you an
inspiring message that becoming a CPA is not just a professional milestone, but a testament to
the dedication, expertise, and commitment to excellence. As a CPA, We should have embarked
on a remarkable journey that holds tremendous potential to shape the financial landscape and
make a positive impact on society. Our skills as an accountant are not just numbers on a ledger
but instruments of change and progress. As I embark on this exciting chapter, I remembered the
words of Mahatma Gandhi: "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Because being an
accountant, I have the opportunity to be that change, to transform financial systems, and to
promote a more equitable and sustainable society.