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Quarter 4 - Module 1
Distinguishing Technical Terms
used in Research
English 10
Quarter 4: Module 1- Distinguishing Technical Terms used in Research
First Edition, 20201
Copyright © 2021
La Union Schools Division
Region I
All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form
without written permission from the copyright owners.
Development Team of the Module
Author: Ricel D. Mifa
Editor: SDO La Union, Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team
Illustrator: Ernesto F. Ramos Jr., P II
Management Team:
Atty. Donato D. Balderas, Jr.
Schools Division Superintendent
Vivian Luz S. Pagatpatan, Ph.D
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
German E. Flora, Ph.D, CID Chief
Virgilio C. Boado, Ph.D, EPS in Charge of LRMS
Belen C. Aquino, EPS in Charge of English
Michael Jason D. Morales, PDO II
Claire P. Toluyen, Librarian II
This module has been designed to support your self-study path. It
offers significant tasks to improve your skills in writing a basic research
paper, for academic achievements and world of work. It allows you to
become a self-fulfilling, dynamic, and helpful contributor to the society.
After going through this module, you are expected to:
Distinguish technical terms used in research EN10V-Iva-30
Specifically, you are expected to:
define research and basic research terms;
identify the essential parts of a basic research paper; and
use technical terms in making a draft of a basic research
General Directions: Read each item carefully and follow directions.
A. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the most appropriate answer.
1. What is a careful investigation or study of a subject?
A. Assignment
C. Manuscript
B. Experiment
D. Research
2. What term refers to the information which can be numbers or words that
is used in research writing.?
A. Abstract
C. Questionnaire
B. Data
D. Statistical Tool
3. Which of the following terms refers to the game plan or method for finding
out what you want to know?
A. Abstract
C. Questionnaire
B. Data
D. Statistical Tool
4. What term specifies the mathematical tools used to analyze data?
A. Abstract
C. Questionnaire
B. Data
D. Statistical Tool
5. Which of the following terms refers to the accuracy where the extent of a
test or study measures what it is supposed to measure?
A. Abstract
C. Scope and Limitation
B. Hypothesis
D. Validity
6. Which of the following terms refers to the target and limit of the research
A. Abstract
C. Scope and Limitation
B. Hypothesis
D. Validity
7. Which of the following terms shows the brief overview of a study?
A. Abstract
C. Questionnaire
B. Data
D. Statistical Tool
8. What term refers to anything that calls for a solution?
A. Calm
B. Cause
C. Effect
D. Problem
9. Which of the following ideas refers to a concept that needs to be proven
through a thorough study?
A. Data
C. Relationship
B. Hypothesis
D. Statistical Tool
10. What is a term which refers to the judgment or decision made by the
researcher based on the findings of the study.
A. Conclusion
C. Hypothesis
B. Findings
D. Recommendation
B. True or False: Analyze each statement. Write TRUE if the statement is
correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.
11. Data are the gathered information from the respondents.
12. Questionnaires should be validated by an expert.
13. The person or persons conducting a research is called researcher or
14. Validity is the extent to which the result really measures what they are
supposed tomeasure.
15. The significance of the study states the importance of the research
activity and to whom it is addressed.
Still pondering on the comments about research papers and you
remain puzzled? In many previous classes, you have been asked to write
research papers. Do you recall a word or words that have a specific meaning
yet are often broadly used? It is quite common for learners and teachers
alike to use the term research to describe a paper assignment that is a
literature review. It is then necessary to understand the specific language of
research before one can proceed with conducting a research. In this lesson
you will learn to appreciate the importance of research especially during
these trying times.
Language is the system of using words to communicate with other
people. Specialized language has the same function but on a different level.
Learning and dominating vocabulary of a domain would give us the
opportunity to comprehend conversations. We need to know the appropriate
terms of the context to be able to utilize them in different discussions,
especially in crafting a research paper.
Directions: Identify the following terms if they are related to research or
Write RESEARCH if it is connected and NON- RESEARCH if it
is not connected.
1. Sample
2. Conclusion
3. Validity
4. Affidavit
5. Income
6. Reliability
7. Amortization
8. Dehydration
9. Variable
10. Democracy
Having gone through the preliminary steps in your previous module
about research, you are now ready to put together the data and information
that you have gathered. Writing the draft is a recursive process; it entails
gathering more information and using these to provide support to your
thesis statement. Review the sections that you need to write for your
research report. A list of technical terms for basic research is also provided
for further understanding.
 the orderly investigation of a subject matter for the purpose of adding
to knowledge
 investigating a new problem or phenomenon
 studying a subject or question that has already been studied in order
to add knowledge or increase available data or information
Purpose of Most Research
 Observe and Describe
 Predict (outcomes, results) = applied statistics concepts
 Determine Causes (Causality)
 Explain results, findings, effects or issues
Parts of a Basic Research
What is this paper called and who wrote it? – the first page of the
paper; this includes the name of the paper, a “running head”, authors, and
institutional affiliation of the authors. The institutional affiliation is usually
listed in an Author Note that is placed towards the bottom of the title page.
In some cases, the Author Note also contains an acknowledgment of any
funding support and of any individuals that assisted with the research
One-paragraph summary of the entire study – typically not more
than 250 words in length (and in many cases it is well shorter than that),
the Abstract provides an overview of the study.
What is the topic and why is it worth studying? – the first major
section of THE text in the paper, the Introduction commonly describes the
topic under investigation, summarizes or discusses relevant prior research,
identifies unresolved issues that the current research will address, and
provides an overview of the research that is to be described in greater detail
in the sections to follow.
A review of related literature (RRL) is a detailed review of existing
literature related to the topic of a thesis or dissertation. In an RRL, you talk
about knowledge and findings from existing literature relevant to your topic.
What did you do? – a section which details how the research was
performed. It typically features a description of the participants/subjects
that were involved, the study design, the materials that were used, and the
study procedure. If there were multiple experiments, then each experiment
may require a separate Methods section. A rule of thumb is that the
Methods section should be sufficiently detailed for another researcher to
duplicate your research.
What did you find? – a section which describes the data that was
collected and the results of any statistical tests that were performed. It may
also be prefaced by a description of the analysis procedure that was used. If
there were multiple experiments, then each experiment may require a
separate Results section.
What is the significance of your results? – the final major section of
text in the paper. The Discussion commonly features a summary of the
results that were obtained in the study, describes how those results address
the topic under investigation and/or the issues that the research was
designed to address, and may expand upon the implications of those
findings. Limitations and directions for future research are also commonly
List of articles and any books cited – an alphabetized list of the
sources that are cited in the paper. Each reference should follow specific
APA guidelines regarding author names, dates, article titles, journal titles,
journal volume numbers, page numbers, book publishers, publisher
locations, websites and others.
Graphs and data (optional in some cases) – depending on the type of
research being performed, there may be Tables and/or Figures. In APA style,
each Table and each Figure is placed on a separate page and all Tables and
Figures are included after the References. Tables are included first, followed
by Figures. However, for some journals and undergraduate research papers,
Tables and Figures may be embedded in the text.
Supplementary information (optional) – in some cases, additional
information that is not critical to understanding the research paper, such as
a list of experiment stimuli, details of a secondary analysis, or programming
code, is provided. This is often placed in an Appendix.
Basic Terms used in Research
1. Review of Literature
 It is the summary and synthesis of research information available on a
2. The Hypothesis
After the problem is determined, the hypothesis follows.
Should be “testable”–provable or not provable.
Offers a simple explanation for an occurrence or natural phenomena.
Should be realistic and reflective of critical thought about resources
available to produce the anticipated result or situation.
Often based on an earlier research
Becomes the foundation on which to establish a proof Source:
May be posed as a question, statement, or assertion.
3. Research Topic
 The research topic is the general subject of your research -- what it is
4. Research Question/Questionnaire
 It is a structured set of questions on specified subjects that are used
to gather information, attitudes or opinions.
5. Research Design
 Two Design types
 Qualitative requires subjective interpretation of various types
of data, including literature and visual rhetoric, and it is not
“preemptive.” Preemptive–Pre-planned Researcher engaged in
fieldwork and processes information gained through field
NOTE: The hypothesis or hypotheses come at the end of
the process.
 Quantitative requires gaining a large sample size and is
carefully designed and reflects a more objective analysis of the
6. Models
 It is a pictorial or graphic representation of key concepts. It shows the
relationship between two various types of variables.
7. Population
 The group of subjects selected for a study.
 The group is selected based on the likelihood that the study might
impact that group or a group possessing characteristics comparable to
the population.
8. Sample
 It is the population researched for a particular study.
 Usually, attempts are made to select a sample population that is
representative of groups of people to whom results will be generalized
or transferred.
9. Participants
 They are the individuals whose physiological and/or behavioral
characteristics and responses are the object of study in a research
10. Reliability
It is the "repeatability" or "consistency“ of a measure
Measures are categorized as reliable if the measures give the same
result(s) each time they are tested.
11. Validity
 The extent to which the result really measure what they are supposed
to measure.
12. Measurement
 It is the process of observing and recording the observations that are
collected as part of a research effort.
13. Data
 It is any information that has been collected, observed, generated or
created to validate original research findings.
14. Variable
It refers to a person, place, thing, or phenomenon that you are trying
to measure
The dependent variable is often referred to as the outcome (effect)
The independent variable is also referred to as the cause or
experimental variable.
Extraneous variables are all variables, which are not the independent
variable, but could affect the results of the experiment.
A demographic variable is a variable that is collected by researchers
to describe the nature and distribution of the sample used with
inferential statistics. Within applied statistics and research, these are
variables such as age, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic measures, and
group membership.
15. Correlation
It is the process of establishing a relationship or connection between
two or more measures.
It is interdependence of variable quantities.
It is time for you to put into practice your understanding of this topic.
Activity 1. RECOGNIZE IT!
Directions: Analyze each statement. Identify what part of a research paper
is being described. Choose your answers from the pool of words.
1. It is a detailed review of existing literature
related to the topic of a thesis or dissertation.
2. It an alphabetized list of the sources that are cited
in the paper.
3. This includes the name of the paper, a “running
head”, authors, and institutional affiliation of the
4. It is a section which describes the data that was
collected and the results of any statistical tests
that were performed.
5. It is a section which details how the research was
6. It is a one-paragraph summary of the entire study.
7. This is an additional information that is not critical
to understanding the research paper
8. It commonly features a summary of the results that
were obtained in the study
9. It should be sufficiently detailed for another
researcher to duplicate your research.
10. It contains an acknowledgment of any funding
support and of any individuals that assisted with
the research project.
Activity 2. UNRAVEL IT!
Directions: Based on your understanding of the technical terms in
answer the crossword puzzle. Clues are provided for you
to give
accurate answers.
The group of subjects selected for a study.
The extent to which the result really measures what they are supposed to
Offers a simple explanation for an occurrence or natural phenomena.
They are the individuals who are physiological and/or behavioral
characteristics and responses are the object of study in a research project.
It is the repeatability or consistency of a measure.
It is the population researched for a particular study.
It is a structured set of questions on specified subjects that are used to
gather information, attitude, or opinions.
It is any information that has been collected, observed, generated or
created to validate original research findings.
It is a pictorial or graphic representation of key concepts.
It is the general subject of your research.
As you go along this lesson, you are ready for a greater task.
Activity 1. PLOT IT!
Directions: Read and understand the statements. Match them with the
parts of research and technical terms by writing the letter that
corresponds to your answer.
A. The purpose
strategies to
instruction of
of this action research is to implement guided reading
help develop reading comprehension skills. Educational
and theorists have determined that focused intensive
reading strategies will improve reading.
B. Enhancing the Reading Comprehension Abilities of Grade 10 Learners
Through Enhanced Home Reading Report
C. Developing Reading Interests http://www.learn-to-read
D. It can be noted that the average mean of the experimental group is 8.2
while the control group is 8.2. The result is quite good since the
learners under the experimental and control group progressively
improved their reading abilities.
E. Is there a significant difference in the Pre-Test Scores of selected
Grade 10 learners for SY 2019-2020 under the Experimental and
Control Groups?
F. The study focuses on multiple reading strategies: pre-reading, duringreading and post-reading as a way to help reinforce comprehension of
the written text.
G. This action research will be conducted with the intention to determine
which guided reading strategies most successfully lend themselves to
the development of comprehension skills in eighth grade learners. It is
necessary to apply a variety of strategies to see any increase in
reading comprehension.
Learner Number
Grades of Learners
in the Experimental
Grades of Learners
in the Control Group
I. The researcher uses the purposive sampling in determining the
respondents in the research. She ranks her learners and identifies the
top 10 and bottom 10 using their grades in English. She conducts a
pre-test and using the t-test, the result shows that no significant
difference exists in the scores.
J. This action research focuses on selected Grade 10 learners of SY 20192020.
Activity 2. DRAFT IT!
Directions: Fill out the graphic organizer with the needed information for
to draft your research paper. A rubric is given to evaluate your
What TOPIC do you want to learn more about? Why?
What are the five (5) most important things you will
need to research about your topic?
What resources would you
use to research on your
What would you need for
the final presentation of
your work?
Structure and
You’re getting better every step of the way of this module. You’re on
the right track now.
To test how far you have gone with this module, take this post-test.
Directions: Analyze each item carefully and distinguish the technical term
or research part being asked the following questions. Write the
letter that corresponds to your answer.
1. What does an abstract do?
A. Summarizes the research
B. Shows only the results of the research
C. Introduces the problem tackled in the research.
D. Shows the methods that the researcher undertook.
2. Which of the following terms refers to the variables that change as the
independent variable is manipulated by the researcher?
A. Demographic Variables
B. Extraneous Variables
B. Dependent Variables
C. Independent Variables
3. Which of the following terms refers to the variables that are purposely
manipulated or changed by the researcher; also called manipulated
A. Demographic Variables
B. Extraneous Variables
B. Dependent Variables
C. Independent Variables
4. Which of the following terms refers to the characteristics & attributes of
the study subjects?
A. Demographic Variables
B. Extraneous Variables
B. Dependent Variables
C. Independent Variables
5. What is the statement of the predicted relationship between two or more
variable in a research study
A. Assumption
C. Hypothesis
B. Conclusion
D. Reference
6. How do you call a critical summary or research on a topic of interest,
generally prepared to put a research problem in context or to identify
gaps & weaknesses in prior studies so as to justify a new
A. Abstract
C. Literature Review
B. Hypothesis
D. Validity
7. Which of the following ideas refers to the restrictions in a study that may
decrease the credibility & generalization of the research findings?
A. Abstract
C. Statistical Tool
B. Scope and Limitation
D. Validity
8. Which of the following terms refers to the entire set of individuals or
objects having some common characteristics selected for a research
A. Population
C. Scope and Limitation
B. Sample
D. Statistical Tool
9. Which of the following ideas refers to the method of organizing, sorting, &
scrutinizing data in such a way that research question can be
answered, or meaningful inferences can be drawn?
A. Analysis
C. Sampling
B. Hypothesis
D. Validation
10. Which of the following statements is NOT a reason for making a
A. A tool for building knowledge
B. Means to understand various issues.
C. Means to generate funds for appropriation.
D. Means to find, gauge, and seize opportunities.
For items 11-15. Distinguish the technical term or part of research that
matches the situation given in each item. Write the letter
that corresponds to your answer.
11. The learners of Fortunato F. Halili National Agricultural School
answered the questionnaires given by the researchers.
A. Conclusion
C. Research
B. Reference
D. Title
12. Based on the gathered data, I therefore conclude that using cellphone is
one of the factors affecting the students’ performance.
A. Conclusion
C. Research
B. Reference
D. Title
13. Ms. David prepares a set of questions to be given to the students of
Grade 10 for the necessary information needed in her study.
A. Conclusion
C. Research
B. Method
D. Title
14. Celebrating Diversity through World Literature, Learner’s Material Pages
A. Conclusion
C. Research
B. Reference
D. Title
15. “Connecting the Disconnected English Classrooms through Offline
Learning Tools”
A. Conclusion
C. Research
B. Method
D. Title