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e-Certificate System Development Meeting Minutes

MoM for e-Certificate Generation System Dated 21.12.20
1. New system is developed in JAVA (with MariaDB) for the certificate generation. It will be
taking care of core functionalities of the system previously developed in .net framework (with
My SQL Database) namely Export, Verification, Certificate generation, Porting and Digital
2. This system take L1 Data from student portal and generate e-certificates and finally push the
same to student portal(student.nielit.gov.in) and ecertificate.gov.in.
3. Presently Certificates are generated locally through link Server and data is replicated at
multiple locations and saved finally at Digi Locker.
4. New certificates will be issued as per new format (keeping in mind the font, color, size etc).
5. All the fields suggested/prescribed by NVCET for certificate generation are to be maintained
in the database.
6. Certificates will have 2 signatures from NIELIT (can be minimized in size).
7. There is disparity observed in the fields for the certificates for Short term and Long term
courses that will be clarified by NCVET along with NIELIT Code & Category, 6 digit Serial
number for certificates, qualification code etc.
8. Trade (Field) is categorized as IT and Electronics for NIELIT.
9. Need to implement new logic for Certificate Number.
10. Duration of different Courses need to be maintained in the DB.
11. System shall be able to re- generate certificates after a cut-off date i.e. inception of NSQF
Certificate generation.10.
12. Presently, there is no primary key in the database of this system.
13. Data pertaining to this system need to be normalized.
14. System will have to keep Masked (Virtual) Aadhar Number for future.
15. Keep all the old certificates while migrating to the new system.
16. Dual signing of e-certificates can hamper the speed of their generation.
17. NIELIT logo will be placed at the right most corner of the certificate in new format.