A TRACER STUDY OF THE TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAM OF THE UNIVERSITYOF PERPETUAL HELP SYSTEM LAGUNA-ISABELA CAMPUS Institutional Graduate Tracer Study (Phase 1: Batch 2013-2017) Dear Respondents: The institution is conducting a study to assess the employability of the graduates of the program for the last five (5) years. The result of this study will also determine if the academic programs that the school offers are still relevant to the needs of the labor force as crucial inputs toward the continual development of the institution. Your honest answers will be of great help to the success of this study. Date Accomplished: I. PERSONAL DATA Name: (Last Name First Name Middle Name) 2. Age: 3. Gender: Male Female 1. Civil Status: single Married Separated Widowed 5. Residence: (Barangay Municipality/City 6. Contact No./s: 7. E-mail address/es: 8. College Program/Degree: Year Graduated: 2015 2016 2017 2018 I. PROFESSIONAL GROWTH: 10. Professional Eligibilities: (please check) Required License for the Field (e.g., NLE for Nursing graduates) Date of Examination: Rating: Civil Service (please specify) Sub Prof Prof Executive Province) other profession al licenses (please specify) 11. Further Studies Master's Degree, please specify: Doctoral degree, please specify: Post-doctoral, please specify: 12. Reason/s for taking further studies: Promotion Regularization Personal enhancement Others, please specify: III. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: 13. How long did it take for you to get your first job after graduation? (Please check one) Less than 3 months 6months this to 1 year A 73-6 months 1 to 2 years More than 2 years 14. How did you find your first job? (Please check one) Walk-in application Information from friends Assistance from school Recommendation from someone Job Fair Internet job search sites Newspaper advertisement Job agency assistance Job Succession Program others, please specify: 15. The following are some difficulties in getting a job. Rank them using 1 as most relevant in your case.11 No Work experience yet Lack of training in the field Lack of nation al examination/certification requirements Lack of strong referrals Lack of strong referrals Limited opportunities that are aligned to the field training Salary being offered was too low No jobs available Strong competition Others (Please specify) IV. CURRENT EMPLOYMENT 16. Present employment status Not employed Self- employed Employed, Name and address of the Company: Position: 17. Type of Sector of Company Government Sector Local International Private Sector Local International Non-Government Organization Local International 18. Nature of Business of the Company Human Services (eg, front desk, customer service) Manufacturing/Production Sales/Marketing Finance/Accounting Health Sciences Education/ Training Admin HR Compute/IT/Engineering Public Office/Media Others, please specify: 19. Reasons for accepting the job (please rank with 1 as most influential) Salaries and Benefits Career Challenge Relevance to skill Relevance to degree finished Proximity to Residence Peer Influence Influence of Family and Relatives Image of the Company Availability of Job Offer/Opening others, please specify. 20. Is your present job related to your field of training in college? Yes No 21. Present job position Rank-and-file Supervisory level Managerial level Executive level Others (please specify). 22. Present tenure of employment Contractual Temporary/Probationary Regular/Permanent Others (please specify) 23. Gross monthly salary (Approximately in Pesos) 66,667.00 and above 133,333,00-66,667.00 120,833,00-33,333.00 20,833.00 and below 24. Years of Service in the Company: 25. Reasons for staying on Job (please rank with 1 as most influential) Salaries and Benefits Career Challenge Relevance to skill Relevance to degree finished Proximity to Residence Relationship with Co-workers Influence of Family and relatives Others, please specify: 26. Awards and Commendations Received from Previous and current employment: V. UPHSL-IC ACADEMIC PROGRAM 27. Kindly rate the level of contribution of your programmed of study at UPHSL-IC relating to the following indicators: (Please check the column which corresponds to your answer) Indicators A. Workplace Skills Complex problem solving Critical Thinking Creativity People Management VERY HIGH HIGH LOW VERY LOW Coordinating with Others Emotion al Intelligence judgment and Decision Making Service Orientation Negotiation Cognitive Flexibility B. Specific to the Program Competence to exemplify profession al ism as marketing professional Proficiency in communication both in English and Filipino Skillful ness in using technology to carry out marketing functions Capability in developing and evaluating business proposals Adeptness in conducting marketing research Being responsible and ethical Filipino global leader Expertise in camaraderie in the workplace and in the community 28, The following are some components of the UPHSL-IC Education System, Please rate as to what extent have these components contributed to make you competitive graduates. 4-to great extent and 1-to a least extent VERY HIGH HIGH Components LOW VERY LOW School Philosophy, Mission-Vision, and Objectives Faculty Curriculum and Instructions Library Laboratories Physical Plant and Facilities Student Personnel Services Social Orientation and Community Involvement Social Orientation and Community Involvement Organization and administration Research 29. What competencies did you gain from UPHSL-IC that gave you the edge/advantage among your colleagues? 30. What skills do you think are essential/needed in your current work that were not acquired during your stay with UPHSL-IC? THANK YOU PERPETUALITES!