1 SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND GOVERNANCE MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT ENTREPRENEURIAL ORIENTATION, MARKETING STRATEGY, AND BUDGETING AS PREDICTORS OF PERCEIVED FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE AMONG MICRO-ENTERPRISES IN DISTRICT 1, DAVAO CITY An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to The Management Accounting Department in partial fulfillment of the requirements for MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING RESEARCH Baclaan, Andrie John B. Cancino, Kate R. Geralde, Eloisa Marie S. Mutia, Fritzel S. Rafallo, Kate Diane P. Sasoy, Maynard Rico S. Researchers Dr. Christhoffer P. Lelis, LPT, MAT-Math, MBA Research Adviser March 2023 ii 2 ABSTRACT This study aimed to discover whether entrepreneurial orientation, marketing strategy, and budgeting significantly influence the perceived financial performance of micro-enterprises in District 1, Davao City. The study utilized a descriptive-correlational research design. The research respondents in this study were managers or business owners of micro-enterprises in Davao City. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using frequency distribution, mean and standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis (MRA). The data was collected through face-to-face visitation with informed consent and a survey questionnaire, and 186 respondents were selected through a cluster sampling method. The results showed that out of three (3) entrepreneurial orientation, marketing strategies, and budgeting predictors, only marketing strategies and budgeting significantly influenced the perceived financial performance. Moreover, it was found that 16.9% of the variation in perceived financial performance could be accounted for by two variables, with marketing strategies having the highest significant influence compared to budgeting. This recommends that marketing strategies can be key in driving success for micro-enterprises. Also, it is essential to conduct similar studies in other places and introduce new variables in the Philippines and other districts in Davao City. Keywords: Perceived Financial Performance, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Marketing Strategies, Budgeting, Micro-Enterprises iii 3 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Appreciative acknowledgment of those who helped and gave guidance to the researchers; this research would not make it through the process without the support and guidance given to the following people: To the thesis adviser, Dr. Christhoffer P. Lelis, LPT, MAT-Math, MBA, despite his busy schedule, he gave his time in encouraging and enlightening the researchers with words, patience, motivation, and guidance to the researchers. The researchers would like to thank him for his unselfish way of teaching, his expertise, and his consideration towards the work made. To the Panel of examiners, headed by Dr. Jovelyn A. Castro, LPT, Dr. Cleofe A. Arib, CPA, and Dr. Michelle Rose M. Juadiong, for sharing your valuable suggestions and comments. You have been an invaluable source of motivation to the researchers and helped them identify their shortcomings and aim for a purposeful study. Your extensive knowledge and experience in the research field are highly appreciated and have been of great help in achieving our research goals. We thank you for your time and effort in helping to ensure the success of our research project. To the Department Chair of Management Accounting, Mrs. Kaye B. Mosqueda-Binoya, CPA, MBA, for your outstanding support and guidance during the research process. Your expertise in the field of research was invaluable in helping us to reach our objectives. Your willingness to provide timely responses to our questions and concerns was greatly appreciated. Your assistance was instrumental in helping us to stay on track with our research goals. iv4 To the research respondents, for your cooperation and participation in our survey. We appreciate your willingness to answer our survey questions. Your feedback is invaluable to the success of our research. We are highly thankful for your support and kind cooperation. To the researchers' families, friends, and batchmates, for your unwavering support. Your moral and emotional support during this research project has been invaluable. We are also grateful for the financial help that you provided us with. All of this would not be probable without the blessings and guidance of our Lord, giving the researchers courage and strength to complete this research paper. All glory and honor are yours now and forever. 5 v TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Ii Abstract IIii Acknowledgment III iii Table of Contents Vv List of Tables viii VIII List of Figures ix IX Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1 Background of the Study 1 Research Gap 5 Theoretical Framework 7 Entrepreneurial Orientation Theory 7 Innovativeness 9 Riskiness 9 Proactiveness 9 Marketing Mix (4P’s) 10 Product 11 Price 11 Place 12 Promotion 12 Goal-Setting Theory 12 Financial Ratio Analysis 14 Liquidity 14 Leverage 15 Profitability 15 vi 6 Conceptual Framework 16 Statement of the Problem 20 Null Hypothesis 21 Objectives of the Study 21 Significance of the Study 22 Scope and Limitation 24 Definition of Terms 25 Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature 26 26 Entrepreneurial Orientation 26 Marketing Strategy 28 Budgeting 32 Perceived financial performance 35 Synthesis 39 Chapter 3 Methodology 41 41 Research Design 41 Research Locale 41 Respondents 42 Sampling Frame 42 Sample Design and Size 43 Research Instrument 44 Data Collection Procedure 49 Statistical Treatment 52 Ethical Considerations 54 Chapter 4 Findings and Implications 55 56 vii 7 Profile of Micro-Enterprises 56 Level of Entrepreneurial Orientation of the Micro-Enterprises in District 1, 57 —--Davao City Level of Marketing Strategy of the Micro-Enterprises in 60 District 1,Davao City Level of Budgeting of the Micro-Enterprises in District 1, Davao City 62 Level of Perceived Financial Performance of the Micro-Enterprises in 64 District 1, Davao City Significant Factors that Influence the Perceived Financial Performance of 66 Micro Enterprises in District 1, Davao City Influence of Entrepreneurial Orientation, Marketing Strategy, and Budgeting to 68 the Perceived Financial Performance of Micro-Enterprises in District 1, Davao City Implication to Theories 71 Implication to Practice 74 Implication to Research 75 Chapter 5 Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations 78 78 Summary 78 Conclusion 80 Recommendation 81 REFERENCES 85 APPENDICES Appendix A: Survey Questionnaire 100 Appendix B: Survey Question References 103 Appendix C: Survey Validation Form 108 Appendix D: Statistical Data Analysis Results 114 Appendix E: Reliability Test Results 121 Appendix F: Total Number Of Registered Micro Enterprises 124 Appendix G: Curriculum Vitae 125 viii 8 LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1 Summary of Theoretical Framework 15 Table 3.1 Number of registered micro-enterprises in the 42 First District of Davao City Table 3.2 Target number of respondents per cluster 44 Table 3.3 Survey Questionnaire Validation Result 46 Table 3.4 Cronbach Alpha Results of the Survey Questionnaire 47 Table 3.5 Interpretation table for Entrepreneurial Orientation 47 Table 3.6 Interpretation table for Marketing Strategy 48 Table 3.7 Interpretation table for Budgeting 48 Table 3.8 Interpretation table for Perceived Financial Performance 49 Table 3.9 Statistical Treatment 52 Table 4.1 Business Profile-Business Age 56 Table 4.2 Business Profile-Business Size Capital 57 Table 4.3 Level of Entrepreneurial Orientation of the Micro-enterprises in 58 District 1,Davao City Table 4.4 Level of Marketing Strategy of the Micro-Enterprises in District 1, 60 Davao City Table 4.5 Level of Budgeting of the Micro-Enterprises in District 1, Davao City 62 Table 4.6 Level of Perceived Financial Performance of the Micro-Enterprises in 64 District 1, Davao City Table 4.7 Assumption Checks for Regression Model 67 Table 4.8 Regression Coefficients 69 ix9 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 Entrepreneurial Orientation Theory by Miller (1983) 8 Figure 1.2 Marketing Mix 4P’s by E. Jerome McCarthy (1960) 11 Figure 1.3 Goal-Setting Theory Model by Locke and Latham (1960) 13 Figure 1.4 Research Paradigm 16 Figure 3.1 Taro Yamane Formula 43 Figure 3.2 Sample Size Computation 44 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Financial performance pertains to the extent to which financial objectives are achieved (Verma, 2020). It is a complete evaluation of the firm's overall assets, liabilities, equity, and expenses. Further, financial performance measures how effectively a company can utilize resources from its primary line of business and generate income. It is also a broad indicator of a company's long-term financial stability (Kenton, 2022). A tool used to measure, track and analyze the financial health of a business is the Key Performance Indicator or KPI, and through using these metrics: profitability, solvency, liquidity, efficiency, and valuation (Stobierski, 2020). Moreover, various factors can affect a business's perceived financial performance, including entrepreneurial orientation. Several past studies have demonstrated that businesses with an entrepreneurial orientation frequently experience increases in financial performance (Cho & Lee, 2020). Next, marketing strategies (product, pricing, promotion, and distribution) are also known to directly affect the financial performance of a firm (Abdullah Saif, 2015). On the other hand, Banks (2018) suggests that a business's success is based on budgeting. Budgeting guides the business in its planning and controlling its finance. It is a proactive strategy for managing the business's finances. It allows the business to plan for both short-term and long-term expenses by ensuring that it is spending only what it earns. It is a practical approach for businesses with various expenses and incomes to manage their finances (Shim & Siegel, 2012). A well-planned 2 budget contributes to making more informed financial decisions, resulting in better financial performance. In the global setting, according to the study of Patricia (2022), the performance of microbusinesses in Kericho County has raised concerns due to poor entrepreneurial orientation practices. Another study by Nyello and Kalufya (2021) states that micro-businesses in Africa, particularly Tanzania, do not perform well financially and are considered not entrepreneurially oriented due to various business environment issues. They remain insignificant in producing and maintaining low-quality jobs while unable to contribute to the economy's growth. With that, entrepreneurial orientation substantially had an impact on financial performance. Additionally, Entrepreneurial orientation can boost micro-business financial performance even under unfavorable economic conditions. Moreover, small businesses in Indonesia encountered problems with increasing competition in their community, threatening their existence in the industry and their financial performance. Factors such as globalization and technological advancements drive businesses into intense competition (Pangemanan & Walukow, 2018). Due to the importation of comparable goods from other regions, the market is seeing this competitive pricing. Also, they lack a solid plan of action or marketing strategy that could give them an edge over rivals. Further, Nigeria's marketing efforts are poor, with a rate of (70%); this shows that there is no efficient marketing plan for those products on the market (Jovanov & Stojanovski, 2012). In addition, regarding budgeting, 50% of micro-businesses in the US were found to lack budget records in 2020. It was found that budgeting was deemed unnecessary and 3 treated by business owners and managers as irrelevant to their business growth (Roddy, 2021). Further, a study by Mbogo et al. (2021) revealed that businesses in Australia, Yemen, Sri Lanka, and India found that budget planning and control have a favorable and considerable impact on Financial Performance, specifically on sales growth. In the Philippine setting, 99.58% of the business enterprises in the country are MSMEs. Among this number, 90.58% are micro-enterprises making them a considerable part and contribution to the Philippine economy (Department of Trade and Industry, 2021). According to Rapisura (2019), micro-enterprises have faced increasing challenges throughout the years. In 2004, micro-enterprises were found to lack managerial and entrepreneurial skills, technology access, research and development funds, low product efficiency, limited access to finance and information, and hampered business climate due to high production costs. Further, in the study by Gamad (2017) on the MSMEs in Metro Manila, it was revealed that it is essential for businesses to develop better entrepreneurial concepts and strategies as it is an important factor in increasing a firm's performance. The researcher suggests that businesses should pursue a sustainable mode of operation through joint marketing efforts, corporate social responsibility, and economic and environmental dimensions to impact financial performance positively. Furthermore, according to Cammayo and Perez (2021), in their study on the MSMEs in Isabela province, firms must improve their marketing efforts to attain their economic and social objectives. With that in mind, companies must develop coherent marketing strategies that will enable them to attain maximum financial performance. In Quezon province, it was discovered that the MSMEs in Quezon have poor financial performance linked to the low adaptation of 4 contemporary marketing tactics (Almase, 2017). The business practices of the micro-manufacturing businesses in the four districts of the province of Quezon were investigated in this study. It was found that the financial performance of MSMEs has a significant and direct association with contemporary marketing methods. In terms of budgeting, MSMEs were found to experience difficulties accessing finance. This was the lack of records and plans in finance and business (Senate of the Philippines, 2012). Anoos et al. (2020) determined that most MSMEs in Danao, Cebu City, moderately practice budgeting. Their only priority was to sell and be able to pay their obligations, such as bills, rent, utilities, and more. According to the study, the lack of budgeting affects the financial performance or the business's profitability. Another research study by Barbosa (2021) states that budgeting is vital in achieving the business goal through its available resources. The study found that MSEs in Tanauan, Leyte, rarely practice financial management, such as budgeting, since most owners and managers need to learn more about these practices' importance. In the local setting, micro-business owners in Davao face the same issues as the Philippines' entrepreneurs. The difficulties include a lack of research and development and poor access to technology and finance (Castillo et al., 2016). A study by Guhao and Sulayon (2022) on micro-enterprises in Davao del Sur shows that market and entrepreneurial orientation contribute to the business's overall performance. The result showed that business performance declined when businesses failed to analyze customer data and could not meet customers' expectations. According to Dindo and Eugenio (2020), the emergence of the marketing concept has fundamentally altered how businesses devise and carry out their plans for meeting their objectives. Micro-businesses 5 in Davao Region showed that consumer dissatisfaction has resulted in unfavorable customer behaviors that would have a detrimental impact on financial performance and, more critically, sustainability. As a result, marketing and customer satisfaction becomes increasingly important and should become one of organizations' main priority (Syndlar, 2022). On the other hand, in today's competitive environment, enterprises that refuse to innovate regularly, do not consider risk, and are not resourceful tend to have low business performance (Guhao & Sulayon, 2022). Additionally, the Davao City Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc. (DCCII) stated that businesses in Davao city are struggling to stay afloat due to challenges in boosting sales growth and the rapid increase of expenses (Padillo, 2022). A study by Tamayo (2018) found that some of the indicators of financial risks encountered by micro-enterprises in operating their business are the inability to meet monetary obligations, lack of capital budgeting, and failure to acquire fair financial standing. Moreover, in a survey by Sucuahi (2013), micro-entrepreneurs in Davao city were found to be negligent at planning budgets for long periods. The study also reveals that micro-enterprises do not account for the return of their capital expenditures (Kagan, 2022), and their planned budget is not followed and consistently monitored. Thus, micro-enterprise owners in Davao City need to be better equipped with knowledge of financial management, especially in budgeting, to be more financially well-performing. Research Gap Based on the review of related literature, studies conducted on the impacts of the entrepreneurial orientation of micro-enterprises on financial performance were conducted in countries such as South Korea, Malaysia, Tanzania, and areas in South Africa (Cho, Y. 6 H., & Lee, J.-H., 2020; Mamum & Fazal, 2018; Nyello & Kallufya, 2021; Fatoki, 2017). There was a study on entrepreneurial orientation in Metro Manila; however, the study focused on MSMEs as a whole and concentrated on the sustainability of a business instead of financial performance (Gamad, 2017). In addition, a study on entrepreneurial orientation was conducted in Davao City and Cotabato City, but it was directed at manufacturing companies (Flauta, 2021). Moreover, studies on marketing strategies also focused on MSMEs as a whole rather than on micro-enterprises precisely (Hadiyati & Hendrasto, 2021; Cammayo & Perez, 2021; Trivedi, 2013; Josephson, 2014). A study on marketing strategies in the US was limited to small businesses (King, 2018). Another study also used the marketing mix theory to study businesses' marketing strategies, but the study centered on the chocolate manufacturing industry in Macedonia (Marjanova et al., 2016). In the Philippines, a study was conducted in the Quezon province; however, it focused on micro-manufacturing companies and discussed business strategies in general (Almase, 2017). In Davao del Sur, a study on micro enterprises' marketing strategies was conducted using the marketing mix theory. However, this study utilized the financial capabilities of micro-enterprises instead of financial performance as one of its variables (Castillo et al, 2016). Regarding budgeting, studies conducted mainly were related to their budget process and focused on small and medium enterprises only (Abongo, 2017; Susuawu, 2020; Mbogo et al., 2021; Chi et al., 2015). There was a study conducted on the SMEs in the Isabela Province regarding their budget practices and how it affects financial performance (Fortuna, 2021). However, the study used the business types such as servicing, merchandising, and manufacturing as one of its business profile determinants. 7 It was later found in the study that business types do not necessarily impact the budgeting practices of a business. Additionally, this study also did not include micro-enterprises. In the local context, studies were limited to financial management practices and did not specifically discuss budgeting practices (Sucuahi, 2013; Tamayo, 2018). Through this study, the researchers would bridge the empirical gap by imparting knowledge and evidence on the relevance of entrepreneurial orientation, marketing strategy, and budgeting on micro-enterprises' perceived financial performance in Davao city's first district. This study utilized entrepreneurial orientation, marketing strategy, and budgeting as its independent variables and the perceived financial performance of micro-enterprises in the first district of Davao City as its dependent variable. Theoretical Framework This study was anchored on four theories: Entrepreneurial Orientation Theory, Marketing Mix (4P’s), Goal-Setting Theory, and Theory of Financial Ratio Analysis. To better comprehend the study, the following theories were presented, which served as their basis. Entrepreneurial Orientation Theory The Independent variable entrepreneurial orientation was anchored on the Entrepreneurial Orientation theory by Danny Miller (1983); it has three dimensions: Innovative, Riskiness, and Proactiveness. According to Miller, prosperous businesses are frequently innovative, proactive, and risk-takers. Miller gave this concept the moniker "entrepreneurial orientation" (Cho & Lee, 2020). An entrepreneurial business engages in the markets with innovative products that carry some risk, takes the lead in innovation, 8 and squeezes its competitors (Farsi et al., 2013). According to the study by Nair (2016), businesses with high entrepreneurial orientation tend to compete in the market using high-performance design, reliable quality, and on-time delivery. The outcome is in line with how innovative businesses compete with proactive businesses. Most businesses with a high entrepreneurial orientation prioritize high-performance design, take these times in stride and reshape the competitive landscape by concentrating on high-performance design. Technological change, described as radical or incremental innovations, is a critical component of the operations strategy for these entrepreneurial enterprises in creating new markets and developing new goods and processes; this brings us to the study of innovation as it makes businesses take the lead in the market. For businesses to improve their performance, including sales, process, and fulfillment (achievement of the goal), first, it needs to be an innovator; where the business should introduce new products in the market as technology change or sell existing products but in an innovative approach; proactive, where the business should always mind its competition and standing in the market and adapts to technological advancements, and lastly, the business should be risk-taker, where the business will mind the risks through projections and forecasts. The diagram for entrepreneurial orientation theory is shown below on figure 1.1 Figure 1.1 Entrepreneurial Orientation Theory by Miller (1983) 9 Innovativeness Innovativeness is a company's ability to pursue new concepts and creative processes that could lead to developing a new product, market, or technological advancement (Farsi et al., 2013). Innovation is essential to an organization's success; managers must promote entrepreneurship as a significant orientation, as creativity and innovation are seen as critical factors in improving financial performance (Al Mamun et al., 2017). Innovativeness is associated with the kinds of goods and services in the market introduced by the company (Al-Mamary, 2020). Riskiness Riskiness, or risk-taking, is the propensity to engage in audacious behaviors like forging ahead into uncharted waters and investing a significant amount of resources in projects with a hazy future (Bedi et.al, 2012). In an alternative definition, risk-taking is the willingness to devote a huge quantity of resources to projects that have a high failure rate (Eggers et.al, 2013). When it comes to financial performance, risk-taking is the commitment of organizations to large-budgeted projects that, in the event of failure, could endanger the firm’s future (Kurtulmus & Warner, 2015). Proactiveness Proactiveness is defined as acting in advance of future requirements, issues, or changes by relating to market prospects and seizing initiatives, a business can lead the market (Al Mamun et.al, 2017). Proactiveness is described as a company's propensity to foresee, comprehend, and respond to foreseeable wants that will start in the market, leaving behind the current competition and creating a beneficial first-mover advantage 10 among rivals (Anyu, 2015). Proactiveness must recognize and adapt to the quickly shifting needs of its customers and the tactics of its rivals (Cho & Lee, 2020). According to Dai et al. (2014), being proactive means being willing to take risks, such as launching new goods or services before rivals and acting now to meet future demands for the creation, modification, and shaping of the environment. For businesses to improve financial performance, in general, it needs to be proactive through its willingness to take risks Marketing Mix (4 P’s) The marketing mix comprises four key elements: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. E. Jerome McCarthy conceptualized it in 1960. McCarthy made this concept to help marketers develop plans to market their products effectively. The purpose of this concept was stated in his first published book entitled, “Basic Marketing: A Managerial Approach”, wherein it is noted that the 4Ps were to create the right product in the right place with the proper promotion at a suitable price. The marketing mix 4P’s are essential in forming a strategic marketing plan (Twin, 2022.) According to O'Dwyer (2022), one benefit of a marketing strategy is sales growth, as the marketing strategies help the business not only with attracting target customers but also to be known in the market to generate more sales to increase its profitability. A study by Abdullah Saif (2015) states that marketing strategies such as marketing mix significantly influence business performance like sales and financial performance. The diagram for the Marketing Mix is shown in figure 1.2 below. 11 Figure 1.2 Marketing Mix 4P’s by E. Jerome McCarthy (1960) Product The product can be goods or services. The business must understand and know its products to create a marketing strategy from its usage to its quality. The product will be the basis for where it should be marketed, how the business will promote it, and the efficient pricing (Twin, 2022.) Aside from that, in producing products, the enterprise must consider its target market's wants and needs. Knowing its customer's wants and needs will help the business generate and increase revenue (Galkin, 2019.) Price The price is the amount the customer is willing to pay in exchange for goods or services. The price will be based on the product of the business. There are a lot of different pricing strategies depending on the products and industry of a company (Twin, 2022.) The business must generate a pricing strategy that best fits its goods or services. The industry should also ensure that the price of its products is efficient enough to generate profit since it is the basis of its revenue and profit margin (Galkin, 2019.) 12 Place The place is where the product will be available; it can be a store, shop, or even online. A business needs to find a suitable place to market its product or services to boost its sales. In place is where you will promote and sell your product; studying and planning where you will place your business is significant in marketing strategies (Twin, 2022.) An enterprise can boost and maintain sales by having the right place. Proper positioning of the market, such as the right place, would increase market share, revenues, and profits (Leunendonk, 2019.) Promotion Promotion is a way of advertising and marketing a product or service to attract more customers (Twin, 2022.)There are a lot of ways to promote products and services. It can be advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, and public relations (Phawa, 2022.) Through the use of promotion, a business can boost its sales, which can also increase profit (Leunendonk, 2019.) Goal-Setting Theory The independent variable budgeting was anchored on the Goal setting theory by Locke and Latham, developed in 1960. According to this theory, higher-level goals lead to a higher performance level than manageable and abstract goals (Locke & Latham, 2006). The Goal-Setting Theory was designed by conducting a study within industries and was based on around 400 laboratory and field studies in industries and organizations for over 25 years. The Goal-Setting Theory is shown in the figure below. 13 Figure 1.3 Goal-Setting Theory Model by Locke and Latham (1960) In goal-setting theory, four mechanisms intermediate the connection between goals and performance. First, setting goals allows an individual to focus on goal-related actions rather than irrelevant activities. Second, appropriate goals can motivate one to utilize existing abilities. Third, goals can boost the persistence or self-efficacy that one needs in order to achieve goals. Lastly, goals may inspire individuals to explore new and relevant knowledge. In business, one way to set financial goals is through budgeting. A budget is a process of formulating financial plans for the organization in a specified period (Ngumi & Njogo, 2017). According to Borwick (2022), reaching goals and accomplishing ideals are primary objectives in financial planning, and budgets are essential in financial goal-setting. Several studies have also used goal-setting theory in connection to budgeting. The study by Le & Nguyen (2020) applied goal-setting theory to study the impact of budgetary goal characteristics on the financial performance of SMEs in Vietnam and found that managers who implied clearer and attainable goals have better financial performance. Another study by Pimpong & Laryea (2016) applied goal-setting theory to determine the impact of budgeting on financial performance in non-bank 14 financial institutions in Ghana and found that these two variables have a significant relationship. This study supports that proper budgeting practices allow firms to have increased financial performance regarding net profit, shareholder investments, market growth, and sales growth. In applying the Goal-Setting Theory in the micro-enterprises' budget practices, having clear and defined goals is deemed necessary to achieve optimum performance and to understand how goals motivate and direct the businesses towards making goal-relevant actions. Financial Ratio Analysis The dependent variable perceived financial performance was anchored on the theory of financial ratios developed in 1937 by Benjamin Graham, also known as the Father of Fundamental Analysis (Varsity, 2015). This theory formed the concept of using financial ratios to interpret data from financial statements, enabling users to understand a company's financial standing and allow comparison of its current and previous financial performance. The ratios under this theory are categorized into four groups, namely liquidity, leverage, profitability, and valuation. However, in this study, we will utilize only liquidity, leverage, and profitability since valuation may not be applicable to micro-enterprises. Liquidity Liquidity indicates a company's ability to pay its short-term obligations. A higher value of liquidity signifies a greater capacity to meet its debt. Liquidity also refers to how quickly a business can convert its assets into cash (Hussain, 2022). This means that businesses that are highly liquid also have cash readily available. 15 Leverage Leverage, also known as solvency, determines a company's ability to support its daily operations. One way to analyze a company’s leverage is by determining the percentage of how many assets have been bought through debt or through equity. A business that has high leverage means that the company has more debt than its equity, which would also indicate a greater financial risk for the business (Hayes, 2022). Profitability Profitability refers to how well a company generates profits. A company's profitability is essential in understanding financial statements because it is vital in making significant business decisions, such as expanding the business and paying shareholders. An indicator of profitability is through calculating the gross profit margin ratio by subtracting the cost of goods sold (Bloomenthal, 2021). A high gross profit margin ratio indicates that the company is producing profits successfully higher than its costs (Maverick, 2021). Moreover, businesses may also measure profitability by calculating the return on assets or the efficiency in utilizing assets to generate greater sales (Hargrave, 2022). The summary of the Theoretical framework is shown in Table 1.1 below. Table 1.1 Summary of Theoretical Framework Variable Theory Budgeting Goal Setting Theory Marketing Strategies Marketing Mix (4P’s) Entrepreneurial Orientation Entrepreneurial Orientation Theory Perceived Financial Performance Theory of Financial Ratios 16 Conceptual Framework In this study, the independent variables were Entrepreneurial Orientation, Marketing Strategy, and Budgeting. On the other hand, the dependent variable was Perceived Financial Performance. The conceptual framework in this study is shown below in figure 1.4. Figure 1.4 Research Paradigm The first independent variable is entrepreneurial orientation, anchored in the Theory of Danny Miller in 1983. Entrepreneurial orientation focuses on three factors: Innovative, Risk-Taking, and Proactiveness. Innovativeness was described by Farsi et al. (2013) as a business' capability to create innovations to develop specific products or services in line with the market. In the micro-enterprise context, innovativeness can be observed in how the business develops and introduces its product to the market. It is also how the entrepreneur continues to alter and improve its products to grab customer attention and distinguish itself from other goods and services. On the other hand, risk-taking or riskiness, as explained by Eggers et al. (2013), is the business's willingness to take risks with possible high failure rates. It is how the industry manages to make bold decisions for businesses despite the uncertainties and risks. In micro-enterprises, it is essential to have the willingness to take risks because this is one way for the business to 17 explore new advancements and changes that may lead to growth opportunities. Lastly, proactiveness, according to Al Mamun et al. (2017), is how the business leads to future opportunities and changes. Proactiveness in the micro sector can be observed based on their willingness to anticipate future possibilities and their adaptability to change. Adapting to change will help the business maintain in the market and improve sales and profit (McCauley, 2022.) The second independent variable is the marketing strategies which was anchored on the concept of Marketing Mix 4P's of E. Jerome McCarthy in 1960. The marketing mix includes the business's Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. Products are the goods and services that a business sells to gain profit (Twin, 2022). This may also refer to the quality of the products and services offered. In micro-enterprises, products must be appropriate to the target market and aligned with the customers' needs and want to attain business success and profitability (Galkin, 2019). Next is the price, which refers to the amount the customers are willing to pay (Twin, 2022). In micro-enterprises, it is vital to impose prices that would allow the business to gain revenue. Businesses must have a substantial markup or a value added to their prices above their costs. With the right pricing strategy, the business would also have the right price for its products or services and would be able to improve its profitability (Galkin, 2019). Moreover, the place is where the business sells and offers its products and services. According to Leunendonk (2019), proper positioning of your business, such as right placing your store, would help the business gain and increase its profits. In the micro-enterprise context, choosing the right place is crucial for the business to meet its target sales. Business owners and managers must pick the right location where the business would be established and must 18 consider various factors that may affect business profitability, such as competition, environmental risks, accessibility, and many others. Micro-enterprises must strategically choose a place to reach their target market and position themselves advantageously among their competitors. Lastly, promotion is how the business advertises its products and services to gain an audience and reach its target customers. In micro-enterprises, promotion is usually in the form of printed marketing materials such as tarpaulins, flyers, and prominent signages. Promotion may also take the form of the business's promos and discounts to gain and attract customers. According to O'Dwyer (2022), the marketing strategy helps the business' sales grow by allowing the business to produce marketable products or services at a suitable price and be placed in a good market with excellent promotion. Additionally, Saif (2015) adds that the marketing mix significantly influences the business's sales and financial performance. Therefore, marketing strategies can be a presumed factor in the perceived financial performance of micro-enterprises in Davao City. The third independent variable is budgeting, anchored in the Theory of Goal-Setting by Locke and Latham in 1960. Budgeting is a way of setting financial goals. In micro-enterprises, budgeting may not always be in formal writing. Budgeting can be observed in the simplest form of setting aside money for daily, weekly, and monthly expenses, listing costs, saving money for emergencies and maintenance, and keeping track of payments for debts and obligations. As Borwick (2022) mentioned, the main goals of micro-enterprises' financial planning include achieving goals and ideals, and setting financial goals requires creating budgets. Moreover, having defined and specific goals set by a business is crucial in applying the goal-setting Theory to attain optimum 19 performance and comprehend how goals inspire and guide firms toward taking goal-relevant actions. According to the study of Isaboke et al. (2016), in every business, a budget is a crucial management tool; for an enterprise to accomplish organizational goals, it acts as a tool for managing the utilization of limited financial resources, establishing performance goals for the unit in terms of costs, revenues, and production, and giving business owners attainable performance goals. Therefore budgeting can be a determining factor in the perceived financial performance of micro-enterprises in Davao City. Lastly, the dependent variable of this study is perceived financial performance, which is anchored in the Theory of Financial Ratios by Benjamin Graham in 1937. Under this Theory, there are four financial ratios categories: liquidity, leverage, profitability, and valuation. In this study, only liquidity, leverage, and profitability will be utilized since valuation may not apply to micro-enterprises. According to Hayes (2022), liquidity indicates a business's capability to pay short-term liabilities. Micro-enterprises with high liquidity can easily convert their assets to cash, allowing them to have money readily available. On the other hand, leverage describes how much of the business is funded through debt. In the context of micro-enterprises, businesses that have high leverage mean that business has more debt than its equity, while low leverage can show how the business can sustain its operations on its own. Assessing the business' leverage is essential in making investment decisions such as buying new equipment, upgrading stalls, and opening new branches, especially in micro-enterprises, which usually have insufficient capital and mainly utilize borrowed funds. Lastly, profitability, also known as solvency, is one of the vital aspects in assessing the financial performance of a business. Profitability determines the wellness of a business when it comes to generating a profit. 20 micro-enterprises with higher profitability indicate a business' capability to utilize its assets well. On the other hand, profitability also shows that the business has appropriate pricing and sufficient revenue after deducting its costs. Statement of the Problem This study was conducted to determine if entrepreneurial orientation, marketing strategy, and budgeting could influence the perceived financial performance of micro-enterprises in district 1, Davao City. 1. 2. What is the profile of Micro-Enterprises in Davao City in terms of: 1.1. Business Age; and 1.2. Business Size? What is the level of Entrepreneurial Orientation of the Micro-Enterprises in District 1, Davao City? 3. What is the level of Marketing Strategy of the Micro-Enterprises in District 1, Davao City? 4. What is the level of Budgeting of the Micro-Enterprises in District 1, Davao City? 5. What is the level of Perceived Financial Performance of the Micro-Enterprises in District 1, Davao City? 6. Do the following variables: Entrepreneurial Orientation, Marketing Strategy, and Budgeting have a significant influence on the Perceived Financial Performance of Micro-Enterprises in District 1, Davao City? 21 Null Hypothesis The following are the null hypotheses of this study that were tested at a 0.05 level of significance: H01: Entrepreneurial Orientation does not significantly influence the perceived financial performance of Micro-Enterprises in Davao City. H02: Marketing Strategy does not significantly influence the perceived financial performance of Micro-Enterprises in Davao City. H03: Budgeting does not significantly influence the perceived financial performance of Micro-Enterprises in Davao City. Objectives of the Study This study was conducted to know the influence of entrepreneurial orientation, marketing strategy, and budgeting on the perceived financial performance of micro-enterprises in district 1, Davao City. The following were the study’s objectives: 1. To determine the profile of Micro-Enterprises in Davao City in terms of: 1.1 Business Age; and 1.2 Business Size. 2. To determine the level of Entrepreneurial Orientation of the Micro-Enterprises in District 1, Davao City. 22 3. To determine the level of Marketing Strategy of the Micro-Enterprises in District 1, Davao City. 4. To determine the level of Budgeting of the Micro-Enterprises in District 1, Davao City. 5. To determine the level of Perceived Financial Performance of the Micro-Enterprises in District 1, Davao City. 6. To analyze if the following variables: Entrepreneurial Orientation, Marketing Strategy, and Budgeting, have a significant influence on the Perceived Financial Performance of Micro-Enterprises in District 1, Davao City. Significance of the Study This study would be beneficial to the following: Managers and Owners of Micro-Enterprises This study could benefit the managers and owners of micro-enterprises in Davao City by providing them with vital knowledge on the influence of entrepreneurial orientation, marketing strategy, and budgeting on achieving optimal financial performance. It would help them discover marketing strategy, good entrepreneurial orientation, and budgeting that would help them achieve good financial performance. Moreover, having an accurate budget plan gives confidence in decision-making, especially in the financial aspect. It would enhance the business's overall performance. 23 Management Accountants This study could benefit management accountants by providing them with evidence on the influence of entrepreneurial orientation and budgeting and the efficiency of marketing strategy concerning micro-enterprises, which may also contribute to the field of management accounting. It would help management accountants prepare better budgeting plans and reports by examining the different factors affecting the budget process. This would aid the business strategy and decision-making for the business's growth and profitability. Future Business Venturers This study could benefit future business venturers or aspiring business owners and entrepreneurs who aim to establish their businesses by providing them with knowledge and background on how vital entrepreneurial orientation, marketing strategy, and budgeting is in setting and achieving financial goals. They would be able to discover strategies to market the product and acquire good entrepreneurial orientation and budgeting that are used by businesses that work best for them. It would ensure the feasibility of their business both in the short-term and the long term. It would also help establish financial stability in their first period of operations. Academe This study could benefit the academe as well as the students and teachers by discovering the importance of entrepreneurial orientation, marketing strategy, and budgeting in the financial performance of businesses. The professors might use this as a 24 reference for their future lessons regarding improving the financial performance of entities. Students could also use this as a reference as they learn about how these predictors have become an important factor in improving business performance. Future Researchers This study might be useful to future researchers because it would serve as a basis for their own research. They would be able to gain insight and knowledge of the influence of entrepreneurial orientation, marketing strategy, and budgeting with regard to the business's financial performance. Future researchers might use this study to open up a new perspective that would generate a different result. Scope and Limitation This study was mainly focused on the perception of the micro-enterprises from the first district of Davao City on the influence of entrepreneurial orientation, marketing strategy, and budgeting on their financial performance. Specifically, previously mentioned variables, entrepreneurial orientation, marketing strategy, budgeting, and financial performance, were measured and assessed. The researchers used the associated determinants described in the conceptual framework to measure the primary variables. Furthermore, this study was conducted within the first district of Davao City. The participants in this study were the registered micro-enterprises registered with the Davao City Business Bureau. The criteria used by the Davao City Business Bureau in categorizing businesses was also adapted. According to the Bureau, micro-enterprises were classified as those with a capitalization ranging from Php 1 - Php 499,999. In order 25 to gather data from these respondents, a face-to-face survey was conducted. Chapter 3 of this study covered thorough details about the aforementioned data collection procedure. Definition of Terms For a better understanding of the research variables, the technical and operational definitions for the key terminologies mainly used in this study was presented below: ● Budgeting. It is the process of creating a plan on how to spend the money and how to allocate the available resources. ● Business Age - It refers to how long the business has been operating, from the completion and approval of the requirements set by the Department of Trade and Industries up to the business's current situation. ● Micro-Enterprises - Businesses that have a capitalization ranging from Php 1.00 - Php 499,999.00. ● District 1 - A legislative district of Davao City composed of Poblacion and Talomo Districts and is considered the city’s center of commerce. ● Entrepreneurial orientation. It refers to the procedures, behaviors, and methods of decision-making used by businesses that act entrepreneurially. ● Marketing Strategy. It refers to the plan created by the business to promote its product and meet its desired goals. It includes everything, from deciding who will be the target audience to selecting the channels to communicate with them. ● Perceived Financial Performance - It refers to how the business is viewed based on its economic condition by its customers, stakeholders, investors, tax authorities, and society. 26 CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Entrepreneurial Orientation Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) puts forth a conceptual framework and outlook for entrepreneurship represented in the organization's current business practices and culture Farsi et al. (2013). According to the study of Arshad et al. (2014), entrepreneurial orientation refers to how the business enters a new market. Entrepreneurial orientation also pertains to the firm's strategic posture as a whole, as it distorts the intentions and attitudes of key individuals within the firm from the firm's overall proclivity toward entrepreneurship (Wales et al., 2013). In 1983, Danny Miller proposed that businesses with innovativeness, proactiveness, and risk-taking propensity can seek and seize new opportunities, develop novel values, and establish themselves as market leaders (Cho & Lee, 2018). According to the study of Rohana et al. (2018), innovativeness is the most crucial part of entrepreneurial orientation among the three dimensions. Innovativeness is the capacity of the business for new idea generation and innovative problem-solving that can lead to the development of products, markets, or technological advancements. Innovativeness also refers to being creative. Without creativity, there will also be no presence of innovativeness, as creativity will result in the innovation of services, goods, markets, procedures, or technology. Entrepreneurs' creativity and innovation are crucial in enhancing financial performance, which indicates that managers must support entrepreneurship as a fundamental orientation (Al Mamun et al., 2017). Businesses 27 known for introducing innovations must significantly adjust their business practices by entering new markets, unknown markets, or by launching new services and products employing new technology and significantly enhancing the overall effectiveness of the business (Nieto et al., 2013). The second dimension is proactiveness; it anticipates future wants, challenges, or changes and drives the market by referring to market prospects and utilizing initiatives (Al Mamun et al., 2017). A proactive business looks for opportunities in the future, introduces new goods or services before the competition, and takes action in anticipation of demand to create, alter, and influence the environment (Bedi & Vij, 2014). The degree to which a business is entrepreneurially proactive frequently determines how well it will survive weather market shifts (Anyu, 2015). Proactiveness means being willing to take risks, such as launching new goods or services before rivals and acting now to meet future demands for creating, modifying, and shaping the environment (Bolton et al., 2012). The third dimension is risk-taking. According to Putnins and Sauka (2019), In improving the business's financial performance, it must be willing to take risks to get new market opportunities in the dynamic environment. Risk-taking means choosing a course of action for which there is no certainty about an event's likelihood (Duell et al., 2018). A business's risk-taking propensity depends on how likely it is to reap the benefits of a proposed situation's success before putting itself at risk for its adverse outcomes. Alternative scenarios offer less favorable rewards and less severe adverse outcomes than the proposed scenario (Danso et al., 2016). Risk-taking in the context of financial success 28 refers to an organization's commitment to expensive projects that, in the event of failure, could jeopardize the company's future (Kurtulmus & Warner, 2015). Marketing Strategy According to Twin (2022), marketing describes a business's actions to encourage selling or purchasing a good or service. Selling, advertising, and delivering goods to customers or other firms are all included in marketing. Marketing refers to ideas about markets, trade products, transactions, needs, wants, and demands. Individuals and groups create, give, and trade valuable goods without restriction with other parties (Abbas et al., 2018). Through market research, analysis, and consideration of a company's ideal clients' interests, Jaiswal's study about market research accomplished it by luring them in with messaging that would be instructive and beneficial to the target market. As a result, firms could convert more leads into consumers (Jaiswal, 2022). A marketing strategy is a long-term, progressive approach and a comprehensive plan for any firm or organization, aiming to obtain a sustained competitive advantage through understanding customers' needs and wants (Farkash, 2022). A marketing strategy covers the four Ps of marketing — product, pricing, place, and promotion — in-depth (Barone, 2022). It became a massive challenge to entrepreneurs since trends and customers' needs and wants constantly change (Endelman, 2018). As a result, businesses would require a solid marketing plan with clearly defined targets and objectives (Farkash, 2022). In order to improve SME effectiveness and investment growth, marketing is a crucial tool. Properly defining the target markets for goods and services, changing the 29 distribution system, and other techniques are all made possible by the skillful formulation of marketing strategies (Seilan, 2020). Moreover, in the study of Lin (2019), most micro-enterprises still employ a passive strategy. They rely solely on price competition, which prevents them from turning a profit and building a long-term business, especially when trying to meet customers' expectations. The literature suggests that micro-enterprises may increase value and actual profits if they consider how to develop and implement suitable marketing strategies, develop positive consumer experience procedures, and build positive brand experiences based on customers' value propositions. The first component of the 4Ps is product which refers to the item or service offered to customers to satisfy their needs (Kenton, 2022). In a product or service that a business provides, it must establish a competitive advantage by selecting the market segments that place a high value on the benefits (Stagno, 2016). According to Murdayani et al.(2021), whichever product is purchased is affected by various factors, including price, location, advertising, and product quality. Further, as mentioned by Murdayani et al. (2021), consumers look for a variety of factors in a product, including (1) Quality/quality; (2) Appearance and selection of goods; (3) Model/style; (4) Brand; (5) Packaging; (6) Size; (7) Type; (8) Warranties; and (9) the Services. In addition, the products or services provided by microbusinesses are typically marketed locally (Rahman, 2017). The second component is price. Price is very crucial in businesses; that is why enterprises utilize different pricing strategies. Businesses commonly use three (3) pricing strategies (Stanisz, 2021): cost-based, market-based, and value-based. Cost-based pricing increases the cost of a product by a markup above its production costs (Dias, 2021). In 30 contrast, market-based pricing considers competitors (Stansz, 2020). This strategy determines the price using the most current market rates for comparable or identical goods. On the other hand, value-based pricing is based on the customer's perception of the product (Bloomanthal, 2022). It is often called the most difficult one to implement (Stanisz, 2021). Further, promotion, the third component, refers to communicating the product to the target market. The main objectives of promotion are building awareness, creating interest, providing information, stimulating demand, and differentiating products (Luenendonk, 2019). Advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, and online marketing are just a few examples of promotion (Gawande, 2020). Lastly, a place means a method through which goods and services are transported from the supplier or maker to the customer can be referred to as the location. Distribution routes, warehousing facilities, modes of transportation, locations, selections, convergence, logistics, and inventory control management are among the components of the place that make up the marketing mix in which the product make accessible (Singh, 2012), as cited in the study by Suidan & Badi (2018). The activities that go into getting the product or service to the customer are included in the distribution channels. These avenues assist the business in marketing, selling, and distributing its products to end users, including retailers, physical distribution companies, marketing services organizations, and financial intermediaries (Kotler & Armstrong, 2012), as cited in the study by Suidan & Badi, (2018). Moreover, according to Acutt (2020), as cited in the study by Galili (2021), a company should be aware of its target market and conduct a comprehensive analysis of its business location. It is the specific product placement within its shop (if relevant), methods of distribution, 31 and the precise manner in which it presents services and products to the consumer and end user. Also, this positioning draws customers inside the store and down aisles of merchandise before they finally get these essentials. They must make their way back past rows that feature advertisements and promotional displays that tempt the buyer to add another item to their cart. According to the study conducted by Saif (2015), marketing mix impacts sales, customers, and the financial performance of firms. The findings demonstrated that a company's performance increased directly to how actively it adapted and innovated its product. The pricing significantly impacts the company's overall performance, while the promotion favors sales. Lastly, distribution also has a favorable effect on sales and profitability. Furthermore, the study conducted in Isabela, Philippines, by Cammayo & Perez (2021) emphasizes the direct relationship between marketing strategies and the firm's financial performance. Some businesses still opt for traditional marketing due to the need for more skills in implementing modern technology advertising, which significantly impacts their financial performance. In addition, the study by Almase (2017) discovered that the MSMEs' financial performance is "poor," with a 55 percent overall rating. They have a low rate of return and a low survival rate. It also was found that the financial performance of MSMEs has a significant and direct association with contemporary marketing methods, consistent with the study of Cammayo & Perez (2021). MSMEs continue to entice customers conventionally and have a low adoption rate of contemporary marketing tactics, as discovered in the context of marketing strategies. Further, the result showed that the marketing strategy with the most significant general weighted mean was "availability of a 32 product." In contrast, the strategy with the lowest general weighted mean was "sales promotion" and "advertising." Young business owners concur that marketing methods are heavily relied upon to make every business venture successful. Budgeting Budget is derived from the Latin word "bulga," which means leather bag used to carry supplies. This describes not just the bag itself but its contents (Badem, 2016). It originated in England. Nowadays, it is extensively used in business; however, in 1760, it was first used by the government. Each fiscal year's national budget was proposed to Parliament by the Chancellor of the Exchequer. The goal was to limit the king's ability to impose onerous taxes and rein in government spending. The Reform Act of 1837 made the budget enforceable (Marciano, 2021). According to Shim and Siegel (2012), a budget is a strategic planning tool businesses use to achieve organizational goals and objectives. It concerns the overall operation of the business for a designated period. Additionally, it serves as a sign of where the business is going and a set of assumptions based on the current environmental factors, the company's standing, and past estimates. Since it is based on assumptions, it is a precautionary measure for what will happen in the future. Budgeting is a way of making solutions before the problem even occurs. It is expressed in pesos, dollars, and the number of people or hours. A budget is concerned with identifying available resources and allocating them. Most budgets are prepared annually. Annual preparation of budgets allows companies to manage their finances better because it provides more detailed and specific 33 data (Kenton, 2020). Since long-term goals are extensive, they must be broken down into short-term plans. After a year, they can evaluate what went well and where they went wrong by comparing the actual result and the budgeted estimates. This way, they can make the necessary adjustments, and the budgets will be up-to-date. When budgets are used effectively, it will result in efficient and productive management. A well-organized budgeting procedure will save resources, cut down on labor hours, and avoid conflict. The budget should be coordinated, integrated, organized, methodical, clear, and thorough to achieve the best results (Shim & Siegel, 2012). There is no budget fit for all. A budget would depend on the nature of the business, goals, needs, and the company's financial position. Moreover, there are different ways of budgeting for a business. According to Beers (2022), to sustain daily operations, have an income, and expand the business, the following steps are suggested to achieve a better business budget. The first is to assess what industry the business belongs to since different industries have different procedures and practices when it comes to budgeting. The second is to create a timeline and a draft for budgeting. This is to allocate and assign the resources accordingly. Third, the business must have extra funds or resources in case of changes in the operations and when circumstances need to be funded. Fourth is to cut costs in some areas of the business in times of tight budgets. The business must learn and assess the expenses and capital, on how and what process needed to be done to cut costs and provide some allocations to short-term obligations. Fifth, to monitor and regularly review its budget. Using a budget planning calendar is a way of monitoring whether the budget and capital plan are met. Lastly, businesses must not hesitate to look for other suppliers and compare where the 34 business can save more money so that the business can allocate the saved money for other expenditures. Beers (2022) summarizes that creating and implementing a budget is easy, and business owners must allocate resources and forecast capital and future expenditures. Furthermore, in a survey by Roddy (2021), 335 small business owners and managers participated. The survey found that among the participants, 50% of small business owners did not have a documented budget in 2020, while micro businesses are unlikely to have a budget. It shows that budgeting for them is unnecessary, while according to some experts, budgeting is an effective practice for businesses. Aside from that, 35% of small businesses have a budget plan in 2020 that exceeds their expenditures from their budget. This shows that with their budget plan, only a few strictly follow it. Moreover, 54% of small businesses with an official and formal budget plan in 2021 expect their profit to increase as the COVID-19 pandemic affects decrease. Among these, 54% of small businesses show the importance of budgeting in business. Lastly, a study by Kibor and Maina (2019) was conducted in Eldoret Town, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. The study was about the relationship between cash budgeting and the financial performance of Micro and Small Enterprises. The result of the study shows that with 381 respondents from micro and small enterprises, there is a positive and significant relationship between cash budgeting and financial performance. Aside from that, it also indicates that budgeting must be applied in the daily operation of MSEs. The result of this study was also supported by the following study by Mulani et al., (2015) and Akande et al., (2014.) 35 Perceived Financial Performance Financial performance refers to the extent to which financial goals are met (Verma, 2020). According to Megawati et al. (2020), MSMEs focus on their financial performance to grow, evolve, and become part of the economy's cornerstone. Adongo & Jagongo (2013) state that financial stability is significant for firms and organizations to function efficiently and fully utilize their capabilities in service delivery. Additionally, Kenton (2022) pointed out that several financial performance indicators are utilized to quantify a business' economic health. Analyzing working capital shows how a business can provide funds to finance day-to-day operations. On the other hand, gross profit margins show a company's profitability after deducting its production costs after sales. In contrast, net profit margin depicts the business' ability to generate earnings after subtracting business expenses. Other financial performance indicators mentioned by Kenton that are essential to a company are debt-to-equity ratio, operating cash flow, current ratio, quick ratio, inventory turnover, and return on equity. Moreover, Hartill (2021) also states that various measures for a company's financial performance can be classified as liquidity, solvency, efficiency, leverage, and profitability. In the theory of Financial Ratios by Benjamin Graham, three crucial financial performance indicators were adopted in this study, namely: liquidity, leverage, and profitability. According to Elangkumaran & Karthika (2013), liquidity can be depicted through a firm's capacity to pay its short-term liabilities. Liquidity is highly essential in ensuring efficient business processes, especially when it comes to daily operations. Liquidity can be distinguished in a business through its ability to pay short-term obligations and the existence of cash readily available. On the other hand, 36 Fauchs (2021) states that high financial leverage can be risky for a business as it indicates its tendency to default on its loans. On the contrary, a low leverage ratio is ideal since this shows that the business has minimal risk due to lesser debts, and potential shareholders may find the firm worth investing in. Furthermore, profitability relates to a firm's ability to generate sales and profit. According to Bloomenthal (2021), identifying the gross profit margin is one way of knowing if a business is profitable. This can be done by deducting production costs from the generated sales amount. Firms with high gross profit margins indicate that they are successful in producing profits. Another method of measuring profitability is through ROA or return on assets, which measures the efficiency in utilizing its resources to generate higher sales (Hargrave, 2022). In a study by Ntakobajira (2013), one of the factors identified to affect financial performance is entrepreneurial skills. According to this study, micro and small enterprises in Nairobi County, Kenya, have low entrepreneurial skills, resulting in underperformance. The researchers in this study suggest that appropriate entrepreneurial skills are essential in any business as they determine the quality of the decision made and substantially affect a business's financial standing. On the other hand, the study by Kamunge, Njeru, & Tirimba (2014) also found that one of the factors affecting the financial performance of micro and small enterprises in Kenya was the availability of management experience. According to the study, managerial skills significantly affect businesses, thus stressing the need for training to enable business owners and managers to make better business decisions. This study concluded that entrepreneurial skills are essential for internal business stakeholders to recognize and utilize business opportunities more effectively. The study by Abdissa & Fitwi (2016) also shares the same findings in their research, as 37 they have found that one of the factors affecting financial performance is the management "know-how" and efficient experience. According to the study, the managers in several areas of South West Ethiopia did not have sufficient managerial and entrepreneurial skills, leading to unsuccessful business operations. Additionally, the researchers also pointed out that the lack of managerial know-how can pose considerable constraints to the growth of a business. Moreover, the study by Abera (2012) on the micro and small enterprises in Addis Ababa pointed out the absence of persistence and courage in taking responsibility for failed business decisions and the lack of initiative in assessing company strengths and weaknesses as one of the entrepreneurial factors affecting financial performance. Several studies also found marketing strategies to be one of the predictors of financial performance. In the study by Cammayo & Perez (2021), MSMEs have poor financial performance because they have difficulty adopting modern marketing strategies. According to the same source, MSMEs in Isabela, Philippines, also had a low rate of survival and rate of return. Thus, the researchers concluded that one of the factors to be considered that can affect financial performance is marketing strategies. According to Kuznecovs & Tambovcevato (2016), giving the company a competitive edge will significantly improve the financial health of a business. The study also cited that a successful marketing strategy increases shareholder value by developing valuable brand equity, raising customer satisfaction, adding value to research and development activities, and establishing product equity. Furthermore, in the study of Terblanche N., et al. (2013), it was emphasized by the researchers that the financial success of a business will depend on the ability on how good the marketing strategy is. In a related study by Baek H. et al. 38 (2014), promotional strategies like advertising and promotion could make a customer more likely to purchase. That would mean the more customers purchase, the more money is made. Therefore, goods and services revenue could significantly impact how well a company performs. Another factor affecting financial performance is budgeting. According to the study by Fortuna (2021), businesses that adopt good budgeting practices have a higher profitability level. The research studied SMEs from the four-commercial centers in Isabela Province, Philippines. The study concluded that good budgeting practices are relative to the active participation of management in the budgeting process, the link between budget formulation and strategic plans, rationality in allocating resources, budget development and adaptability to change, and streamlined budget procedures. Furthermore, the study utilized the type of businesses these SMEs are classified, such as servicing, manufacturing, and merchandising, and found that an exact budgeting process is practiced throughout, which means that the type of business does not affect the budgeting practices used. Furthermore, the study conducted by Mbogo et al. (2021) entitled Effects of Budgeting Practices on Financial Performance of Manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises in Nairobi County, Kenya. According to the study, the result shows that the following variables such as planning for Cash flows (BP), Controlling Cash flows (BC), Resources Allocation (BRA), Activity Coordination (AC), and Monitoring Financial Position (MFP) have all been implemented to a great extent mainly as part of Budgeting practices. The study concluded a significant positive relationship between budgeting practices and manufacturing SMEs' financial performance in Nairobi City. 39 Another study by Mulani et al., (2015) was conducted to determine the impact of the independent variable: the formal budgeting process, on the dependent variable: the firm's performance with the control variables: and the firm size and ownership. The result of the study indicates that small and medium enterprises working with unclear goals face higher uncertainty concerning goal achievement. In contrast, clear goals reduce uncertainties in the budgeting process, which, in turn, will improve the performance of enterprises. Also, the result shows that as the size of the firms increased, their profit growth rate also increased. The reason is that firms in their initial years are smaller in size, and their focus is more on sales growth than profit growth; with due time, the focus shifts to profit growth as their size increases. Synthesis Many research studies found entrepreneurial orientation as one of the factors affecting a business's financial performance. Although the following studies use different aspects of entrepreneurial orientation, it has the same results and findings. On the other hand, research studies show that businesses need better financial performance due to a lack of and poor marketing strategies. The following studies mentioned in the related literature have the same findings and results. Despite that, some studies used marketing strategies as a variable in the research, and some used specific factors and components of marketing strategies, such as promotional strategies. Moreover, according to other research studies, budgeting is also a factor that affects the financial performance of a business. The following research studies share similar results and findings that a business that has good budgeting improves and 40 positively impacts the financial performance of a business as it helps the growth of its profitability. Additionally, a study also mentioned that despite the classifications of a business, it does not affect the budgeting of a business. As long as it has good budgeting, it will improve and positively impact financial performance. 41 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY Research Design This study is a quantitative research that utilized a combination of descriptive and correlational research design. McCombes (2020) emphasized that descriptive research design precisely and methodically describes a population and phenomenon wherein it can be answered by What, Where, When, and How questions. While correlational research design, according to Bhandari (2021), determines the relationship between two or more variables. In this study, the researchers gathered the demographic data of the chosen micro-enterprises of District 1 in Davao City. It described the business profile of micro-enterprises, such as their business age and size. It also described whether the independent variables significantly influenced the dependent variable. Additionally, this study utilized this correlational research to assess entrepreneurial orientation, marketing strategy, and budgeting as factors of the perceived financial performance of micro-enterprises of District 1 in Davao City. Research Locale This study was conducted in the First Congressional District of Davao City. It measures 10,054 hectares and has fifty-four barangays. The first district is composed of two administrative districts; Talomo District and Poblacion District. Talomo District has fourteen barangays and is known to have tourist spots. Poblacion District has forty barangays and various businesses (National Economic Development Authority, 2022). Since this study focused on the entrepreneurial orientation, marketing strategies, and 42 budgeting of micro-enterprises in regard to their financial performance, the first congressional district served as the best place to conduct the study given that the district is urbanized and continuously growing and developed with the businesses around the area. Respondents The research respondents in this study are managers or business owners of micro-enterprises in Davao City. In each chosen business, there was one respondent. The selected respondents were given consent on whether they were willing or not to participate in the study. The authorized or top managers were chosen in terms of selection for the managers. While if there was more than one owner of the business, the researcher selected one available owner. Sampling Frame The registered micro-enterprises within Davao City's first district served as the study's sampling frame. The number of registered micro-enterprises derived from Davao City Business Bureau's Business Permit and Licensing System was considered in this study. In acquiring the information needed, the researchers requested from the Davao City Business Bureau the total population of registered micro-enterprises in the first district in Davao City as of October 7, 2022. The table below exhibits the total number of registered businesses for micro-enterprises. Table 3.1 Number of registered Micro-Enterprises in the First District of Davao City Category Total number of registered businesses Micro 14,370 Source: Davao City Business Bureau 43 Sample Design and Size The study utilized cluster sampling as its sample design. In cluster sampling, the proponents divided the two administrative districts in district 1, namely Poblacion and Talomo, into clusters. Poblacion consists of four clusters: cluster 1 comprises barangay 1-10, cluster 2 is from barangay 11-20, cluster 3 comprises barangay 21-30, and cluster 4 is from barangay 31-40. On the other hand, the Talomo district comprised Bago, Baliok, Bucana, Catalunan, Dumoy, Langub, Maa, Magtuod, Matina, and Talomo proper, a total of 10 clusters. The proponents randomly selected 3 clusters per administrative district. The chosen clusters for Poblacion were clusters 1, 3, and 4. On the other hand, Bucana, Maa, and Matina were the chosen clusters in the Talomo district. The study's sample size was computed using the Taro Yamane Formula, a mathematical equation for sample size calculation formulated by the statistician Taro Yamane in 1967 to determine the sample size from a given population. Davao city’s first district has a total of 14,370 registered micro-enterprises. Through the sample size calculator, the survey will employ an 8% margin of error with a 95% confidence level. With a 95% confidence level, the percentage of respondents who selected "yes" for one of the questions (1 in 20) would be different from the appropriate answer than the margin of error. Figure 3.1 below shows the computation using the Taro Yamane Formula. 𝑛= 𝑛= 𝑁 2 1 + 𝑁𝑒 14,370 1 + (14,370 𝑥 0.08) ≈ 155 where: 𝑛 = 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 𝑁 = 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 (14, 370) 𝑒 = 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑖𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 (0. 08) Figure 3.1 Taro Yamane Formula 44 In addition, the survey utilized a 20% response rate distribution, resulting in a sample size of 186 respondents for this study. Figure 3.2 below shows the sample size computation after employing the 20% response rate. 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 = 155 + (155 𝑥 20%) = 186 respondents Figure 3.2 Sample Size Computation Moreover, the sample size was divided equally among the clusters selected to ensure a fair distribution of the survey respondents. Table 3.2 below shows the target number of respondents per cluster. Table 3.2 Target number of respondents per cluster Administrative districts Poblacion administrative district Talomo administrative district Clusters Sample Size per cluster Cluster 1 (Brgy. 1-10) 31 Cluster 3 (Brgy. 21-30) 31 Cluster 4 (Brgy. 31-40) 31 Bucana 31 Maa 31 Matina 31 Total number of respondents (sample size) 186 Research Instrument In order to gather the quantitative data needed for this study, a hybrid survey questionnaire was used and administered to the respondents. According to Te et al., (2019), a hybrid survey questionnaire combines questions from standardized and 45 custom-written surveys. A standardized survey questionnaire, on the other hand, uses questions that are taken directly from an existing study. On the other hand, a self-developed survey questionnaire consists of questions created by the researchers themselves and needs to be evaluated by a group of experts. Using this model, a set of standardized questions was adopted, particularly on three of the independent variables: a) entrepreneurial orientation and b) marketing strategy c.) budgeting. However, the researchers changed the adopted questions better to reflect the topic and parameters of the study. In contrast, the survey questionnaire's questions for the self-developed section were created particularly to capture the study's research goals. Accordingly, there are a total of five questions allotted for each determinant of the independent variable. For the entrepreneurial orientation, questions relating to how the enterprise identifies opportunities, create tangible and intangible innovations, and acquire entrepreneurial skills. For marketing strategy, questions relating to the plan on achieving the objectives of the firm and meeting the needs of the customer. For budgeting, questions about how the enterprise allocates its available resources. Further, five questions were also allotted for the determinant of the dependent variable. In the perceived financial performance, questions relating to how the company performs given the level of entrepreneurial orientation, marketing strategy, and budgeting they have. Furthermore, the quantitative data gathered in this study were interpreted using the Likert scale. The Likert scale is used to measure survey participants' opinions, attitudes, and behaviors in terms of frequency, agreement, and satisfaction (Bhandari, 46 2020). A similar scale lets the researchers learn what respondents believed about the particular factors that affected the independent and dependent variables in this study. The researchers' degree of agreement was as follows: from highest to lowest, (4) strongly disagree, (3) disagree, (2) agree, (1) strongly disagree. Additionally, the survey questionnaire used in this study was validated by the three panelists to measure the reliability and accuracy of the questions. As presented in Table 3.3 below, the survey questionnaire was rated “Very Good” by the first validator, while validators 2 and 3 rated the questionnaire as “Good”. Overall, the survey questionnaire had an average score of 3.85, indicating that the questions were rated “Good” and were ready to be disseminated. Table 3.3 Survey Questionnaire Validation Result Validators Averages scores based on criteria presented Interpretation 1 4 Very Good 2 3.71 Good 3 3.86 Good Overall Average 3.85 Good To measure the internal consistency and reliability of the questions used, the survey questionnaire was tested using the Cronbach Alpha. According to Frost (2019), a Cronbach Alpha of at least 0.70 is considered to be acceptable. Based on Table 3.4 below, shows the Cronbach Alpha results on both independent and dependent variables. The 47 results show that the survey questionnaire was reliable to be used as the survey questionnaire of this study. Table 3.4 Cronbach Alpha Results of the Survey Questionnaire Variable Components Number of Items Cronbach Alpha Reliability Level Entrepreneurial Orientation, Marketing Strategy, and Budgeting 15 0.702 Acceptable Perceived Financial Performance 5 0.742 Acceptable Table 3.5 Interpretation table for Entrepreneurial Orientation Scale Range of Means Responses Descriptive Level Verbal Interpretation 4 3.26 - 4.00 Strongly Agree Very High Managers/owners of the business have a propensity to fully engage in innovativeness, proactiveness, and risk-taking decisions. 3 2.51-3.25 Agree High Managers/owners of the business have a propensity to moderately engage in innovativeness, proactiveness, and risk-taking decisions. 2 1.76 –2.50 Disagree Low Managers/owners of the business do not tend to engage in innovativeness, proactiveness, and risk-taking decisions. 1 1.00 –1.75 Strongly Disagree Very Low Managers/owners of the business do not have the propensity to fully engage in innovativeness, proactiveness, and risk-taking decisions. 48 Table 3.6 Interpretation table for Marketing Strategy Scale Range of Means Responses Descriptive Level Verbal Interpretation 4 3.26 - 4.00 Strongly Agree Very High Managers/owners of the business employ a marketing strategy fully aligned with the 4Ps of the marketing mix. 3 2.51-3.25 Agree High Managers/owners of the business employ a marketing strategy aligned with the 4Ps of the marketing mix. 2 1.76 –2.50 Disagree Low Managers/owners of the business employ a marketing strategy but not aligned with the 4Ps of the marketing mix. 1 1.00 –1.75 Strongly Disagree Very Low Managers/owners of the business do not employ any marketing strategy. Table 3.7 Interpretation table for Budgeting Scale Range of Means Responses Descriptive Level Verbal Interpretation 4 3.26 - 4.00 Strongly Agree Very High Managers/owners of the business fully utilize budgeting practices to allocate resources efficiently. 3 2.51-3.25 Agree High Managers/owners of the business moderately utilize budgeting practices to allocate resources efficiently. 2 1.76 –2.50 Disagree Low Managers/owners of the business poorly utilize budgeting practices in allocating resources. 1 1.00 –1.75 Strongly Disagree Very Low Managers/owners of the business do not utilize any budgeting practices. 49 Table 3.8 Interpretation table for Perceived Financial Performance Scale Range of Means Responses Descriptive Level Verbal Interpretation 4 3.26 - 4.00 Strongly Agree Very High Managers/owners of the firm believe that the business has strong financial health in terms of liquidity, profitability, and leverage. 3 2.51-3.25 Agree High Managers/owners of the firm believe that the business has good financial health in terms of liquidity, profitability, and leverage. 2 1.76 –2.50 Disagree Low Managers/owners of the firm believe that the business has low financial health in terms of liquidity, profitability, and leverage. 1 1.00 –1.75 Strongly Disagree Very Low Managers/owners of the firm believe that the business has poor financial health in terms of liquidity, profitability, and leverage. Data Collection Procedure The following were the procedures used in collecting the data needed for the conduct of the study: Pre-Data Collection 1. Determine the total population of the Micro-Enterprises. The researchers emailed the Davao City Business Bureau to determine the total number of registered micro-enterprises in District 1. A document was given showing the total population of micro-enterprises in District 1. 50 2. Identifying the sample size. The researchers identified the sample size as well as the number of micro-enterprises that will be participating in the data collection through the use of the Taro Yamane formula. 3. Clustering of Micro-Enterprises in District 1. District 1 is composed of two administrative districts, namely Talomo and Poblacion. The researchers divided the two administrative districts into clusters. Then, the researchers randomly selected 3 clusters per administrative district. 4. Formulation and validation of the survey questionnaire. A hybrid questionnaire was utilized in the survey that was conducted. The researchers formulated the questionnaire and provided a translation both in Bisaya and Tagalog to help respondents in answering the survey questionnaire. It was then validated and tested for reliability by validators. Actual Data Collection 1. Location of the Business. Six clusters were randomly chosen, three from Poblacion and the other three from Talomo. The researchers were divided into three pairs, and each pair was assigned to one cluster per administrative district. 2. Respondents. The respondents of the survey were the owners and managers of the business. The researchers ensured that the businesses were registered in the Davao Business Bureau, within the clusters selected, and were qualified as micro-enterprise. 3. Orientation and Consent. The respondents were informed about the study's objectives and were asked for their consent and voluntary participation. An 51 informed consent form was provided. Also, the researchers assured the respondents that the data collected would be confidential. 4. Conduct the Survey. A printed survey questionnaire was given to the respondents. The researchers answered any queries regarding the questionnaire. Consequently, the survey questionnaires were collected and checked if all the questions had been answered. Post-Data Collection 1. Data collection and tabulation. The data collected was encoded in a Microsoft Excel file and imported to the SPSS application for analysis. 2. Interpretation and Results. The data was analyzed and interpreted through frequency distribution, descriptive analysis, and multiple regression analysis. 52 Statistical Treatment In this study, the researchers utilized the following statistical treatment to address the problem statement. The types of variables, statistical tools, and analysis required are shown in Table 3.9 below. Table 3.9 Statistical Treatment Statement of the Problem Type of Variable Analysis Required Statistical Tool What is the profile of Micro-Enterprises in Davao City in terms of business age and size? Categorical Descriptive Frequency Distribution What is the level of Entrepreneurial Orientation, Marketing Strategy, and Budgeting of the Micro-Enterprises in District 1, Davao City? Numerical Descriptive Mean and Standard Deviation What is the level of Perceived Financial Performance of Micro-Enterprises in Davao City? Numerical Descriptive Mean and Standard Deviation Does Entrepreneurial Orientation, Marketing Strategy, and Budgeting have a significant influence on the Perceived Financial Performance of Micro-Enterprises in Davao City? Numerical Correlational Multiple Regression Analysis A. Frequency Distribution The respondents' demographic profiles were analyzed, interpreted, and presented using frequency and percentage tables to answer the first question. Since data regarding demographic background were nominal, they could only be subjected to frequency distributions. According to Turney (2022), a frequency distribution is the arrangement of unstructured data in a table using classes and frequencies. 53 B. Mean and Standard Deviation The researchers analyzed, computed, and presented each variable's mean and standard deviation to determine the answers for questions two, three, four, and five of the study. The mean of the interval data collected was used to know the level of entrepreneurial orientation, marketing strategy, and budgeting of micro-enterprises in Davao City and to know the level of perceived financial performance of micro-enterprises in Davao City. The standard deviation was also presented to know how each value deviates from the mean (Bhandari, 2022). C. Multiple Regression Analysis To answer the last question of the study, the researchers performed the Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA). This tool was selected so that researchers can evaluate the strength of the relationship between an outcome (the dependent variable) and several predictor variables, as well as the significance of each predictor to the relationship using multiple regression analysis, frequently with the effect of other predictors statistically eliminated (Uyanik & Guler, 2013). 54 Ethical Considerations To protect the participants and the data of this study, the following ethical standards were highly observed and considered: Informed Consent 1. In the distribution of the survey questionnaires, the researchers gave a consent form that informed the participants about the research study and asked permission to participate. 2. The consent form was given by the researchers to ensure that they are willing to participate and would give truthful and accurate responses. The letter also contained information about the research study, such as its objectives. Voluntary Participation 1. The researchers respected the respondents who did not sign the consent form and excluded them from the study. 2. The researchers ensured that the respondents’ decision to participate in the study was completely voluntary. Confidentiality 1. The researchers ensured that the information given by the participants was kept confidential and was used for research study purposes only. 2. The business and respondent’s name will not appear in any report or publication of the research. 55 Validity of the Research 1. The survey questionnaires were validated by the panelists and were scored based on the criteria presented in the survey questionnaire validation form. 2. The survey questionnaire was tested using the Cronbach Alpha to measure the internal consistency and reliability of the questions. Results and Interpretation 1. The researchers made sure that the data collected will be used and presented appropriately. 2. The researchers avoid misinterpretation of the result from data and would not alter the results. 56 CHAPTER 4 FINDINGS AND IMPLICATIONS Profile of Micro-Enterprises The profile of the micro-enterprises in terms of their business age and business size capital from District 1, Davao City. The results are presented in Tables 4.1 and 4.2. Table 4.1 Business Profile-Business Age Business Age Frequency Percentage Below 1 to 2 years 34 18.30 % 3 to 5 years 57 30.60 % 6 years and above 95 51.10 % 186 100% Total Table 4.1 shows the micro-enterprises' frequency distribution regarding their business age. It shows that 18.30% (n=34) of micro-enterprises have a business age of below 1 to 2 years, which indicates that they are in a startup or introduction stage. At the same time, 30.60% (n=57) of micro-enterprises have 3 to 5 years of business age, which indicates that they are in a maturity stage. Finally, 51.10% (n=95) of micro-enterprises are 6 years and above of business age, meaning they are in a maturity stage. All in all, a total of 186 micro-enterprises. The result shows that most micro-enterprises are 6 years and above of business age. In contrast, a business age below 1 to 2 years has the least percentage of 18.30%. 57 Table 4.2 Business Profile- Business Size Capital Business Capital Frequency Percentage Below P100,000 71 38.20% P100,000 to less than 200,000 56 30.10% P200,000 to less than 300,000 30 16.10% P300,000 to less than 500,000 26 14.00% Did not disclose 3 1.60% 186 100% Total The micro-enterprises' frequency distribution regarding their business capitalization is presented in Table 4.2. It was shown that 38.20% (n=71) of micro-enterprises have below P100,000 starting capital. While 30.10% (n=56) of micro-enterprises have a starting capital of P100,000 to less than P200,000. At the same time, 16.10% (n=30) of micro-enterprises have a starting capital of P200,000 to less than P300,000. Moreover, 14.00% (n=26) of micro-enterprises have P300,000 to less than P500,000 starting capital. Lastly, only 1.60% (n=3) of micro-enterprises did not disclose their starting capital. All in all, a total of 186 micro-enterprises. The result showed that most micro-enterprises have a starting capital of less than P100,000. Level of Entrepreneurial Orientation of the Micro-enterprises in District 1, Davao City The section presented the level of entrepreneurial orientation of the micro-enterprises in Davao City. The result is presented in Table 4.3. 58 Table 4.3 Level of Entrepreneurial Orientation of the Micro-enterprises in District 1, Davao City Statement Mean SD Descriptive Level 1. The business employs new technology to make its services and distribution of goods convenient. 3.41 0.92 Very High 2. The business recognizes the significance of creativeness for strategic planning. 3.61 0.78 Very High 3. The business ensures it is ahead of its competitors through readiness. 3.24 0.93 High 4. The business is willing to take risks in order to get new market opportunities in these changing times. 3.78 0.64 Very High 5. The business is cautious in its handling of money and in taking new opportunities in the market. 3.30 0.94 Very High 3.47 0.84 Very High Overall Age Table 4.3 shows an overall average mean of 3.468; the overall descriptive level is very high as entrepreneurial orientation is present in the everyday practice of their business operations. Statement four has the highest mean of 3.78, implying that most respondents are willing to take risks to get new opportunities in these changing times. The level of entrepreneurial orientation of the micro-enterprises in district 1 of Davao City in terms of their willingness to take risks in order to get new market opportunities in these changing times was very high; this means that Managers/owners of the business have a propensity to fully engage in proactive decisions. Moreover, statement two has the second highest mean of 3.61, implying that the respondents recognize the significance of creativity in strategic planning. Businesses' creativity and innovation are crucial in enhancing financial performance, so managers must support entrepreneurship as a 59 fundamental orientation (Al Mamun et al., 2017). The level of entrepreneurial orientation of the micro-enterprises in district 1 of Davao City with regard to recognition of creativeness for strategic planning is very high; thus, Managers/owners of the business have a propensity to fully engage in innovative decisions. Most respondents always employ and adapt to new technology to make their business operations convenient, as statement one has a mean of 3.41. The level of entrepreneurial orientation of the micro-enterprises in district 1 of Davao City concerning employing new technology to make its services and distribution of goods convenient is very high; this means that Managers/ Owners of the business have a propensity to fully engage in innovative decisions. Moreover, statement five has a mean of 3.30; this implies that the respondents are careful in handling their resources and taking new market opportunities. In the study of Danso et al. (2016), a business's risk-taking propensity depends on how likely they believe it will be to reap the benefits of a proposed situation's success before putting itself at risk for its adverse outcomes; one example is the businesses' handling of its resources, where a business makes sure it has nothing to lose in taking new opportunities in the market. The level of Entrepreneurial Orientation of the micro-enterprises in District 1 of Davao City regarding its handling of money and taking new opportunities in the market is very high; as this only means that Managers/owners of the business have a propensity to fully engage in risk-taking decisions. Lastly, the third statement has a mean of 3.24, implying that for a business to be entrepreneurially oriented, it should be competitive and includes ensuring that the business is ahead of its competitors. Most respondents agreed with the statement, but not the majority of them want to be that much of a proactive 60 entrepreneur, they only want to gain profit and thrive without looking at their rivals in the market. The level of Entrepreneurial Orientation of the micro-enterprises in District 1 of Davao City concerning its competitiveness in the market is High; this implies that Managers/owners of the business have a propensity to moderately engage in proactive decisions. Level of Marketing Strategy of the Micro-Enterprises in District 1, Davao City The section presented the level of marketing strategies of the micro-enterprises in Davao City. The result is presented in table 4.4. Table 4.4 Level of Marketing Strategy of the Micro-Enterprises in District 1, Davao City Statement Mean SD Descriptive level 1. The products and services of the business are aligned with their target customers’ needs and wants. 3.85 0.38 Very High 2. The business priced its products reasonably enough to earn and pay its expenses. 3.78 0.41 Very High 3. The business offers discounts and promos to their customers as a way of promoting the product. 3.27 0.92 Very High 4. The business utilizes advertising whether printed or digital. (ex. tarpaulins, flyers, word of mouth, social media etc.) 3.24 0.9 High 5. The business location is accessible to its target customers. 3.72 0.68 Very High 3.57 0.66 Very High Overall Average Table 4.4 has an overall average of 3.57, which shows that the micro-enterprises in district 1 have a very high level of marketing strategy in employing their businesses. 61 Based on the results above, managers and owners of the business employ a marketing strategy fully aligned with the 4Ps of the marketing mix; product, price, place and promotion. Statement one has the highest mean with 3.85, which implies that businesses align their products and services according to their customers' needs and wants. For instance, micro-enterprises that are located near schools should consider the needs of their primary target customers, which are students, teachers, and faculty members. This is why most businesses outside schools are printing services and food stalls. Further, with the second highest mean of 3.78, statement two indicates that businesses set their product prices competitively enough to generate revenue and cover their costs. Understanding customer needs and wants, and effective pricing will assist the business in generating and increasing income (Galkin, 2019). Statement five is the third highest, which showed a mean of 3.72, interpreted as very high, wherein respondents are confident that their business locations are accessible to their target customers. The business's earnings increase if it is strategically positioned, such as by establishing the store in the ideal location (Leunendonk 2019). Moreover, a study by Acutt (2020), as cited in the study by Galili (2021), states that businesses should conduct thorough research on their business location and be knowledgeable of their target market. In addition, micro-enterprises in Davao City also provide discounts and promotions to their customers to advertise their products. This is evident in statement three, with a mean of 3.27 which implies a very high level of marketing strategy. Wholesale, buy one take one, free delivery, coupons, and vouchers are common sales discounts and promotions employed by micro-enterprises to encourage consumers to buy 62 their products. Lastly, the lowest mean of 3.24 in statement four signifies that micro-enterprises have a high level of using both print and digital advertising. Although it has the lowest mean among the five statements, it still indicates a high level. This showed that most businesses utilize print and digital media such as tarpaulins, flyers, posters, websites, social media, and emails. However, businesses can improve their advertising strategies through research and using other approaches that work better for them. Level of Budgeting of the Micro-Enterprises in District 1, Davao City The section presented the level of budgeting of the micro-enterprise in Davao City. The result is presented in table 4.5. Table 4.5 Level of Budgeting of the Micro-Enterprises in District 1, Davao City Statement Mean SD Description 1. Budgeting is used by the business in making financial decisions. 3.83 0.41 Very High 2. The business sets and prepares a plan to budget its resources. 3.73 0.58 Very High 3. The business monitors its expenses daily/weekly/monthly. 3.63 0.76 Very High 4. The business monitors its income daily/weekly/monthly. 3.89 0.33 Very High 5. The budgeting is significant for the business especially in finance and in daily operations. 3.82 0.49 Very High 3.78 0.29 Very High Overall Average Table 4.5 shows the overall average of 3.78, which indicates that micro-enterprises of district 1 in Davao City have a very high level of budgeting. Based on the table shown above, statement four has the highest mean of 3.89 which indicates 63 that micro-enterprises in district 1, Davao City have a very high level of budgeting when it comes to monitoring its income daily/weekly/monthly. The result shows that micro-enterprises in district 1, Davao City monitor their budget through their income. They list and record their income in order to budget their resources. According to Beers (2022), monitoring the financials, such as in budget, is a way of having a better business budget to sustain daily operations. Statement four is followed by statement one which has the second highest mean of 3.83 which indicates that micro-enterprises have a very high level of budgeting when it comes to financial decision making. Micro-enterprises tend to base their financial decisions through their budgeting. According to Shim and Siegel (2012), budgeting is a precautionary measure for what will happen in the future. Moreover, statement five which has the mean of 3.82 indicates a very high level of budgeting when it comes to its importance to micro-enterprises in district 1, Davao City. For micro-enterprises, budgeting is an important aspect to their business especially to their daily operations and to their financials. A study by Kibor and Maina (2019) indicates that businesses must apply budgeting in their daily operation which their study shows the result that cash budgeting and financial performance has a significant positive relationship. While statement two has a mean of 3.73, micro-enterprises have a very high level of budgeting when it comes to setting and planning a budget to allocate resources. According to Kenton (2020), annual preparation of budgets allows companies to manage their finances better because it provides more detailed and specific data. Through budgeting, they can evaluate what went well and where they went wrong by comparing the actual result and the budgeted estimates. Lastly, statement three has the lowest mean of 3.63 which indicates that micro-enterprises have a very high level of budgeting when it 64 comes to monitoring their expenses daily/weekly/monthly. Same with statement four, micro-enterprises monitor their budgeting with their expenses, they list and record their expenses to monitor and allocate their resources accordingly. Level of Perceived Financial Performance of the Micro-Enterprises in District 1, Davao City The section presented the level of perceived financial performance of the micro-enterprise in Davao City. The result is presented in table 4.6. Table 4.6 Level of Perceived Financial Performance of the Micro-Enterprises in District 1, Davao City Statement Mean SD Descriptive Level 1. The business is able to pay its short-term obligations with its current assets. 3.48 0.69 Very High 2. The business has cash readily available. 3.61 0.62 Very High 3. The business is funded through its own capital. 2.91 0.66 High 4. There is adequate profit after deducting production costs from the generated revenue. 3.55 1.20 Very High 5. The business uses its equipment productively to generate more sales. 3.57 0.76 Very High Overall Average 3.42 0.65 Very High Table 4.6 above shows the overall weighted average mean for the perceived financial performance, 3.42, which indicates that the micro-enterprises in the first district of Davao city have a very high level of perceived financial performance. As shown in the table above, statement two has the highest mean, 3.61, which shows that the respondents perceive their business to have cash readily available and indicates a very high level of liquidity. According to Elangkumaran & Karthika (2013), the presence of cash readily 65 available in the enterprise is one of the signs a business has good liquidity. Businesses may always have cash on hand ready for emergencies or miscellaneous expenses such as unexpected repairs of equipment, petty cash, and others. Having cash readily available also means that the business can easily convert its assets into cash, such as its inventories for merchandising businesses, indicating a good inventory turnover. Statement five has the second highest mean, 3.57, which shows that the micro-enterprises are productive in using their equipment to generate more sales. These equipment can be machines they use for productions such as ovens, stoves, trucks, computers, manufacturing machines, and others. Businesses need to produce goods efficiently to meet their target sales for the day, week, or month. Furthermore, statement four has the third highest mean, 3.55, indicating adequate profit after deducting production costs from the generated revenue. This means that most micro-enterprises employ proper pricing and consider the costs of their products when setting prices. Having adequate profit after deducting costs is a good indicator of profitability and shows that businesses generate sufficient revenue from the prices they have set. On the other hand, statement one gained a mean of 3.48 which shows that most micro-enterprises can pay their short-term obligations using their current assets, which is a vital indicator of liquidity. Short-term obligations in a business may include monthly rent and utility expenses, and based on the survey conducted, the respondents strongly agreed they could meet these obligations. High liquidity for a business is vital because this suggests they have a lesser chance of going bankrupt since they can pay their current liabilities without having to issue loans or go through debt. Lastly, statement three had a mean of 2.91, which shows that the respondents have a high level of perceived financial 66 performance regarding leverage. Based on the survey, the respondents agreed their business was funded through capital instead of debt, which is an indicator of lower leverage. According to Fauchs (2021), low leverage indicates that a business is funded more through equity rather than debt. This shows that these businesses are stable due to lesser risks from loans of their revenue streams. Significant Factors that Influence the Perceived Financial Performance of Micro-enterprises in District 1, Davao City The three independent variables (entrepreneurial orientation, marketing strategy, and budgeting) were tested for their ability to explain and predict the dependent variable (perceived financial performance) using multiple regression analysis. Prior to assessing the various models' capacity for prediction and explanation, the Stepwise Model was used to conduct the Normality Test, Collinearity Test, Homoscedasticity Test, and Standard Residual. The MRA findings were subsequently examined and presented. Entrepreneurial orientation, however, was determined to be not a significant factor. As a result, it is not taken into account when interpreting the findings. Several assumptions must be met by the data gathered before the Stepwise MRA can be implemented. The regression model's assumption checks are summarized in Table 4.7 below, along with the determination of whether or not the assumptions were met. to The complete results of the Stepwise MRA is shown in appendix D. 67 Table 4.7 Assumption Checks for Regression Model Assumptions Criterion Results Remarks p >0.05 0.000 Assumption is not met Marketing Strategy <5 1.076 Assumption is met Budgeting <5 1.076 Assumption is met Normality (Kolmogorov-Smirmov/Shapiro-Wilk) Collinearity (VIF for each IV) Homoscedasticity No triangular/ No pattern Assumption diamond observed is met pattern Standard Residual All cases -3<std are within Residual No Outliers acceptable <3 range *See Appendix D of the figure of Homoscedasticity results On the test of normality, the Kolmogorov-Smirmov and the Shapiro-Wilk Tests are conducted on the standardized residuals. To assess if the data are normally distributed, the p-value for both tests must be greater than 0.05, indicating that the null hypothesis that the observed variables are normally distributed is not rejected (Ghasenu & Zahediasl, 2012). Results show that the p-values are both 0.000 for Kolmogorov-Smirmov and Sharpio-Wilk, respectively. Since the p-values are less than 0.05, the observed variables are not normally distributed. On Collinearity, each independent variable's Variance Inflation Factor (VIF), which indicates the absence of collinearity among the independent variables, must be less than 5.0 among independent variables. It is a requirement in order to prevent overlapping 68 explanations for different variables (Glen, 2020). Results show that the VIF of marketing strategy, and budgeting are both 1.076. With these results, collinearity is absent among the independent variables. The standardized predicted value and the standardized residual of the regression analysis are projected to the X- and Y-axes of a scatter plot, respectively, on the Homoscedasticity test to look for a triangular or diamond-shaped pattern. Because the dependent connection explains the dependent variable's volatility, homoscedasticity is preferred because it prevents the concentration of independent values in a small range (Glen, 2021). The graph (see appendix D) does not show any triangular or diamond pattern. Additionally, the standard residual have no outliers because all cases are within an acceptable range such as minimum, maximum, mean, and standard deviation are 2.480, 1,907, 0.000, and 0.995, respectively. With these results, marketing strategy, and budgeting are part of the regression model. The detected deviations can be subjected to MRA because the assumptions are met. Table 4.8 below summarizes the MRA results and displays the regression coefficients. Influence of Entrepreneurial Orientation, Marketing Strategy, and budgeting towards Perceived Financial Performance. The Influence of Entrepreneurial Orientation, Marketing Strategy, and budgeting towards Perceived Financial Performance is shown in Table 4.8 below: 69 Table 4.8 Regression Coefficients Variables in the Model Unstandardized Coefficient Standardized Coefficient t Sig. 2.255 0.025 B Std. Error B Constant 0.909 0.403 Marketing Strategies 0.350 0.084 0.288 2.154 0.000 Budgeting 0.334 0.095 0.245 3.524 0.001 R =0.425 R² = 0.181 Adjusted R² = 0.172 F = 20.155 Sig = 0.000 * at 0.05 level of significance The ANOVA results show an F-value of 20.155 and an overall p-value of .001. In ANOVA; the F-value is employed to establish if the differences in means between groups are more significant than the differences within each group's individual values (Feldman K., 2018). This result implies a significant statistical difference between the means of the groups for the F-value is high and indicates that the variation between groups is more significant than the variation within groups. In addition, it also implies that the independent variables (Marketing Strategy and Budgeting) significantly influenced Perceived Financial Performance. For this model, the adjusted coefficient of determination or R2 is 0.181, which means that 18.1% of the variation in the dependent variable's variance was accounted for by the independent variables, taking into consideration the number of independent variables and sample size. When a term does not significantly enhance the fitness of the model, the R-squared value decreases, as stated by Frost (2022). However, the Normal Plot of the Regression Model indicates that the goodness of fit remains relatively unaffected despite the decrease in the R-squared value (see appendix D for the result). Independent variables that explained the dependent variable’s variances are: marketing 70 strategy (with a beta coefficient of 0.337, t-value of 3.863, and p-value of 0.000), and budgeting (with a beta coefficient of 0.321, t-value of 3.291, and p-value of 0.001) explain the 18.1% of the variances of Perceived Financial Performance. Now, the factors that have a significant impact on Perceived Financial Performance have been identified, it is possible to create an estimation model. The MRA equation, which is presented below, can be used for this purpose. 𝑌 = 𝑏 0 + 𝑏 1 𝑋 1 + 𝑏 2𝑋 2 + 𝑒 Where: Y= Perceived Financial Performance 𝑏0= Beta Constant 𝑏1= Beta Coefficient of Marketing Strategy 𝑏2= Beta Coefficient of Budgeting 𝑋1= Mean of Marketing Strategy 𝑋2= Mean of Budgeting E= Error Term Therefore, the multiple regression model in terms of perceived financial performance was: Perceived Financial Performance = 0.909 + .350 (Marketing Strategy) + 0.334 (Budgeting) The multiple regression model uses the slope (b) to indicate how the means of the dependent variable (Y) change for every unit shift in the independent variable (X), while controlling for other independent variables. As such, the results show that a one-unit rise 71 in marketing strategy corresponds to a 0.350 increase in perceived financial performance, and a one-unit increase in budgeting corresponds to a 0.334 increase in perceived financial performance. The research used multiple regression analysis (MRA) to investigate how independent variables, such as entrepreneurial orientation, marketing strategy, and budgeting, can clarify and predict the dependent variable, perceived financial performance. Before analyzing the effectiveness of different models in prediction and explanation, various tests were performed. Initially, the enter method was employed, followed by the stepwise method to ascertain which variables were insignificant and should be removed. Subsequently, the researchers conducted Normality Tests, Collinearity tests, and Homoscedasticity tests. Additionally, the stepwise method was chosen since it yielded a higher r-square value than the first method. Based on the findings, it was observed that entrepreneurial orientation was not a significant factor and was therefore excluded from the interpretation of the results. Furthermore, the findings indicate that out of the three hypotheses presented, only H01, which states that entrepreneurial orientation does not significantly impact the perceived financial performance of micro-enterprises in Davao City, was accepted. Implication to Theories The study has anchored its foundation to the following theories: Entrepreneurial Orientation Theory, the 4Ps of Marketing, Goal-Setting theory, and Financial Ratio Analysis. This study suggests that the Entrepreneurial Orientation theory by Danny Miller (1983), is in a way, impact the financial performance of micro-enterprises in district 1, Davao City, by being proactive where the business should adapt to new 72 technologies to make operations convenient, and some businesses do make sure that the business’ standing is ahead of its competitors based on the result. In the study of Cho & Lee, (2020), in order for the enterprise to be advantageous financially in the market, the enterprise must adapt to the quickly shifting needs of their customers and the tactics of their rivals. The second entrepreneurial orientation of Danny Miller is the Innovativeness, where most of the micro-enterprises of district 1, Davao City, recognize the significance of creativeness for strategic planning; according to the study of Al Mamun et al., (2017), innovation is significant to the enterprise’s success as innovativeness is seen as a critical factor to improve financial performance. The third entrepreneurial orientation is riskiness or risk-taking, where most of the micro-enterprises of district 1, Davao City, are willing to take a risk to get new opportunities in the market in these times, and are cautious in handling its resources. According to the study of Kurtulmus & Warner (2015), in order to improve financial performance, an enterprise should be a risk-taker but should also consider being careful in its resources so that it won’t endanger the enterprise’s future. The second theory is the 4Ps of Marketing by E. Jerome McCarthy (1960). This study suggests that Product, Place, Price, and Promotion affects the perceived financial performance of micro-enterprises in district 1, Davao City. Micro-enterprises in district 1, Davao City agree that their products and services of the business are aligned with their target customers’ needs and wants; most of the micro-enterprises in district 1, Davao City agreed based on the results that they do consider their product first before its price and location. In the study of Murdayani et al. (2021), it was mentioned that the product is the one consumers look at first; it could be the quality, appearance, model, packaging, size, and type. The second P is price; The micro-enterprises in district 1, Davao City, surveyed 73 mostly agreed that the price should be reasonable where it’s enough to cover the costs and expenses, and it is not too high. In the study of Galkin (2019), an enterprise should price its products efficiently and fairly enough to generate profit and cover its expenses. The third P is the place; most of the micro-enterprises in district 1, Davao City, agreed that the place should be accessible and easy to locate for their target customers. In the study of Twin (2022), an enterprise should be located in a suitable place to market its product or services to boost its sales; In a place where the entrepreneurs can promote and sell the product; studying and planning where the business should be located is significant in marketing strategies. The fourth and last P is promotion. Promotion is a way of advertising your products to the target customers, letting them know the features of the product and how it can help their needs. One way of promoting the product is through offering discounts and promos. According to the study by Phawa (2022), there are a lot of ways to promote the product to increase sales, it can be advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, and public relations. The third theory is the Goal-setting theory by Locke & Latham (1960); this study suggests that the budgeting of the micro-enterprise in district 1, Davao City affects their financial performance based on the results by setting goals, which includes budget planning and monitoring for financial decisions. The micro-enterprises in district 1, Davao City, mostly agreed that the budget income and expenses should be monitored and planned regularly for their day-to-day financial decisions. In the study of Shim & Siegel (2012), the budget should be coordinated, integrated, organized, methodical, clear, and thorough to achieve the best results. 74 The fourth theory is the Financial Ratio Analysis theory by Benjamin Graham (1937), the impact financial ratio analysis theory helped the researchers identify their perceived financial performance as a business in terms of liquidity, and leverage. Through this theory, the study suggests that the micro-enterprises in district 1, Davao City surveyed mostly agreed that they are able to pay their short-term obligations with their current assets, has cash readily available, has adequate profit, and use their equipment productively to generate more sales; Not entirely all respondents agreed that the business was funded through its own capital. According to the study of Kenton (2022), several financial performance indicators are utilized to quantify a business' economic health; Through analyzing working capital, it shows how a business can provide funds to finance day-to-day operations. On the other hand, gross profit margins show a company's profitability after deducting its production costs after sales. Implication to Practice This study suggests that micro-enterprise businesses in district 1, Davao City, should focus on two factors that significantly influence the perceived financial performance: the marketing strategy and budgeting. The results also determine which areas the micro-enterprises could improve and exercise within their business operations, such as the products and services. It should align with the customers' needs and wants and the impact of planning and monitoring the budgets of a business. Moreover, the study calls for an initiative in business-related professions, such as accountants, business managers, marketing, and entrepreneur, to sharpen the marketing and budgeting skills that emphasize the quality of financial performance. In the study of 75 Terblanche et al. (2013), it was emphasized by the researchers that the economic success of a business will depend on the ability on how good the marketing strategy. Also, micro-enterprise owners can gain insight into their Financial performance by practicing marketing strategies and implementing budgeting in their business operations. This study has also highlighted the importance of budgeting when preparing and monitoring budgets in business. Additionally, marketing strategies are essential to business operations, with 4P's Marketing mix strategies, particularly helpful. A marketing strategy results show that it focuses on particular target market segments and clarifies what product characteristics are required to satisfy customer needs successfully. This helps to ensure that your micro-enterprise services, products, and messaging are tailored to meet the needs of those target markets. It helps the business to identify and capitalize on any competitive advantages. Also, It lets the business owners anticipate, apply, and improve their business operations through shared ideas about the finances in budgeting and financial performance. Lastly, management accountants should practice the techniques, accounting tools, and information through internal operations of micro enterprises to improve their sustainability. By equipping micro enterprises with the right skills and knowledge, the management accountant helps them achieve long-term success and growth. With that, accountants should provide the necessary training and support to ensure these businesses thrive in today's competitive market. Implication to Research There has been an accelerated growth of micro-enterprises in the city, with 14,370 registered businesses (Davao City Business Bureau). With this rapid growth of micro-enterprises, there is a lack of data in the Philippines, even in local (Davao City), 76 that discusses the influence of entrepreneurial orientation, marketing strategy, and budgeting on the perceived financial performance of micro-enterprises. Additionally, there is existing data in the country that only discusses business types such as servicing, merchandising, and manufacturing as one of its business profile determinants. The researchers found it essential to conduct this study to address the lack of empirical data by providing insights and evidence into how entrepreneurial orientation, marketing strategy, and budgeting related to the perceived financial performance of micro-enterprises in the first district of Davao City. Targeting district 1 in Davao City for the study was also reasonable due to its highly urbanized and rapidly developing nature. Davao City is also considered the center of trade and commerce in Mindanao, making it worthy of being studied. Additionally, the researchers intended to gather and merge proof that illustrates the present situation of micro-enterprises in Davao City, specifically in terms of marketing strategy and budgeting. The outcomes of this investigation could serve as a basis for future studies and investigations conducted by the authorities and businesses in Davao City and the whole Philippines. The entrepreneurs may also use the research's findings to evaluate the necessary actions needed to enhance the implementation of business practices, like marketing strategy and budgeting, across the country. Furthermore, the information produced by this research can be utilized by entrepreneurs and potential business ventures to identify areas in which they can enhance their business strategies and skills. Moreover, the results of this study can serve as a foundation or launching point for future research, recognizing that this research has constraints due to limited funding and previous studies. Future researchers can adopt this study's theoretical 77 and conceptual framework to explore further and gather information regarding the variables used. The information and data produced by this study can serve as a point of reference for other similar studies. The topic discussed in this research is timely and relevant because of the deficiencies that the micro-enterprises had in terms of managerial and entrepreneurial abilities, access to technology, funding for research and development, low product efficiency, limited access to finance and information, and encountered difficulties in the business environment, such as high production costs. The facts and data gathered in this study can be helpful to the governing bodies to improve the current state and the businesses for product development. Finally, future researchers can benefit from this study as a reference for further studies. 78 CHAPTER 5 SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS Summary The study was conducted to determine the level of entrepreneurial orientation, marketing strategy, and budgeting of micro-enterprises in district 1, Davao City, and assess its significant influence on their perceived financial performance. This study was anchored on four theories: Entrepreneurial Orientation Theory, Marketing Mix (4P’s), Goal-Setting Theory, and Theory of Financial Ratio Analysis. The following theories were used to comprehend whether entrepreneurial orientation, marketing strategy, and budgeting are relevant to the micro-enterprises in district 1, Davao City. In the conceptual framework, the independent variables utilized in the study were entrepreneurial orientation, marketing strategy, and budgeting. In contrast, its dependent variable includes the perceived financial performance of micro-enterprises in the first district of Davao City. Moreover, the study used quantitative research that utilized a combination of descriptive and correlational research design. The research respondents in this study were the managers and business owners of micro-enterprises in Davao City. For every business surveyed, there was one respondent. For the sampling frame, the population of registered micro-enterprises derived from Davao City Business Bureau's Business Permit and Licensing System was considered. Cluster sampling was used, and a sample size of 186 respondents was computed using the Taro Yamane Formula. The survey was conducted 79 face-to-face. The researchers went to each micro enterprise's location, and the respondents' answers were collected through a printed survey questionnaire. From the data collected, the results showed that the micro-enterprises in district 1 have a very high level of entrepreneurial orientation. This indicates that managers and owners of the business have a very high propensity to fully engage in innovativeness, proactiveness, and risk-taking decisions. On the other hand, micro-enterprises also have a very high level of marketing, which implies that managers and owners of the business employ a marketing strategy fully aligned with the 4Ps of the marketing mix. The results also showed a very high level of budgeting, indicating that they fully utilize budgeting practices and allocate resources efficiently. Lastly, micro-enterprises in district 1 showed a very high level of perceived financial performance. This implied that the managers and owners of the firms believe that the business has strong financial health in terms of liquidity, profitability, and leverage. Furthermore, the independent variables (entrepreneurial orientation, marketing strategy, and budgeting) were tested for their capacity to explain and predict the dependent variable (perceived financial performance) using Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA). The findings showed that entrepreneurial orientation does not significantly affect the dependent variable perceived financial performance. To summarize, the study found that marketing strategy and budgeting significantly affected 18.1% of the perceived financial performance of micro-enterprises in district 1, Davao City. 80 Conclusion The researchers concluded, based on the survey results, as follows: 1. The business profiles of micro-enterprises are from District 1 in Davao City, and the majority ranged from 6 years and above of business age. Also, most of them have a starting capital of less than P100,000. 2. The micro-enterprises in District 1, Davao City, have a very high level regarding their entrepreneurial orientation, marketing strategy, budgeting and also, perceived financial performance. 3. The following factors used in this study were; entrepreneurial orientation, marketing strategy, and budgeting. Among these factors, only marketing strategy and budgeting have significant factors in the perceived financial performance of micro-enterprises. 4. There were three null hypotheses in this study, among the three, only Hypothesis 1 was accepted. Hypothesis 1 stated that entrepreneurial orientation does not significantly influence the perceived financial performance of micro-enterprises in district 1, Davao City. 81 Recommendation The researchers would like to extend the following recommendations: Managers and Owners of Micro Enterprises. The research found that both marketing strategy and budgeting were significant in the companies’ perceived financial performance. Therefore, the researchers recommend that managers and owners should keep using marketing strategies in their daily operations. They should also do thorough research such as online surveys, customer observation, interviews, or suggestion boxes on what their customers’ needs and wants are as well as their preferences. The type of survey and interview questions would depend on the nature and type of business. Moreover, the results showed the significant influence of advertising on the business’ financial performance. The researchers recommend that managers and owners strengthen their social media presence through the creation of Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok accounts. According to Reno (2022), social media is an effective way to reach new customers. During the third quarter of 2022, internet users in the Philippines used various devices to access the internet for an average of 9.14 hours. Meanwhile, 3.43 hours a day on social media were spent on average (Statista Research Department, 2023). Consumers habitually log on to it daily, and engagement on these platforms keeps on increasing. Consumers like and share posts, and they leave comments, feedback, or reviews that open for instant interaction. Therefore, managers and owners should make sure that their contents are creative, engaging, and up-to-date in order to reach a greater audience. 82 On the other hand, managers and owners should continue to incorporate budgeting in their business, for it will help the company plan and adequately allocate its resources, thus increasing its financial performance. The results showed that in creating budget plans, it is important to monitor daily, weekly, and monthly income and expenses. To better monitor income and expenses, the researchers recommend that managers and owners should utilize Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Excel is simple and easy to use for micro-enterprises. It organizes data, can perform calculations, and it can create visualizations of data with charts for analysis. This tool will help the business stay on track and be helpful in the decision-making process. Management Accountants. The findings of this study showed that budgeting greatly influences the perceived financial performance of the business. Therefore, management accountants should monitor daily, weekly, and monthly income and expenses. In monitoring the business’ income and expenses, the researchers would recommend that they should record daily transactions, check them at the end of the week, and have a bi-monthly meeting to present reports and updates. Furthermore, to prepare accurate budget plans, management accountants should continue to compare actual results and the budgeted estimates to evaluate what worked and what did not. This is to prevent the business from spending on things that did not actually benefit the business operations. Budgeting would be a good planning strategy for management accountants of the business to make sound financial decisions. Future Business Venturers. Marketing strategy and budgeting are essential factors in the perceived financial performance of a business. The result of this study helps future business venturers understand how significant the 4P’s of marketing and budgeting 83 are in entering the business world. Through this study, future business ventures will learn everything about the four considerations in marketing strategy; product, price, place, and promotion. Future business venturers will learn how to select market segments (Stagno, 2016), and target customer study as the quality of the product, model, brand, packaging, size, and type is a very important consideration in looking at the product to position in the market. The pricing strategies: are cost-based, market-based, and value-based; Cost-based is increasing the cost by markup above the production cost (Dias, 2021); market-based pricing, which is considering or looking at its competition through competitor analysis; value-based pricing is based on the customer's perception of the product, the perception can be gathered via survey or interview. Future business venturers will also learn about promotion and place, where promotion is about communicating the product to the target market via advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, and online marketing. Place is the last strategy of the 4Ps of marketing; this is the consideration of future business venturers where goods and services are transported from the supplier or maker to the customer can be referred to as the location. Lastly, budgeting helps businesses track their income and expenses, using it as a basis for financial decisions. Moreover, in front of the study results and through this paper, future business venturers will be aware of what to consider, maintain, and improve soon as they start their business. Academe. The Ateneo de Davao University Community recognizes entrepreneurial orientation, Marketing strategy, and Budgeting as important aspects of the business as this school offers business courses. For the AdDU SBG Department, especially to the Accountancy and Management Accounting Department, this study can be used to teach students how marketing strategies: product, price, promotion, and place 84 as they carry the teachings as soon as they enter the business world. The results and references for budgeting in this study can also be used for students to be taught that budgeting assesses the business’s current condition and operation. Lastly, teachers can also benefit from this paper as not only students do have plans to enter the business world; considering the results of this study, they may use it as soon as they start their own business. Future Researchers. There are other factors aside from the ones discussed in this study that could influence the perceived financial performance of micro-enterprises. Financial performance is an essential matter of discussion not only in the Philippines but also on the global aspect, primarily because different countries engage in businesses that fit for the customer’s needs. This study focused on a particular district, so it is in the best interests of future researchers to conduct a similar study in other places, not only in the Philippines but also in other districts in Davao City. The perceived financial performance of SMEs should also be studied. The study approached perceived financial from an entrepreneurial, marketing, and finance standpoint; thus, future researchers should be inclined to dig further into other factors that affect or influence MSME micro-enterprises’ perceived financial performance, such as inflation and other economic factors. 85 REFERENCES Abbas B., Anaam, N., Supriaddin, N., Razak, A., & Muthalib D. (2018). 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Purpose of the study: The purpose of this study is to discover whether entrepreneurial orientation, marketing strategy, and budgeting have a significant influence on the perceived financial performance of micro enterprises in district 1, Davao city. Confidentiality: The researchers will secure all information collected with utmost confidentiality and data will be used for research study purposes only. The business and respondent’s name will not appear in any report or publication of the research. Voluntary Participation: Your decision to participate in this study is completely voluntary. If you have any questions about the research study in general or your role in this study, please email us at emsgeralde@addu.edu.ph. Informed Consent Statement I ____________, am aware of the terms and conditions and I voluntarily agree to participate in answering the survey questionnaire of this research study. Respondent’s Printed Name and Signature Date Signed 101 102 103 APPENDIX B SURVEY QUESTION REFERENCES VARIABLE QUESTIONS AUTHOR Entrepreneurial Orientation The business employs new technology to make its services and distribution of goods convenient. Rohana, N., Zarina, S., & Abidin, Z. (2018, August). Exploring Micro Enterprises’ Business Performance Through Entrepreneurial Orientation, Knowledge Sharing And Innovation. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/33757114 3_EXPLORING_MICRO_ENTERPRISES%27_B USINESS_PERFORMANCE_THROUGH_ENTR EPRENEURIAL_ORIENTATION_KNOWLEDG E_SHARING_AND_INNOVATION The business recognizes the significance of creativeness for strategic planning. Rohana, N., Zarina, S., & Abidin, Z. (2018, August). Exploring Micro Enterprises’ Business Performance Through Entrepreneurial Orientation, Knowledge Sharing And Innovation. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/33757114 3_EXPLORING_MICRO_ENTERPRISES%27_B USINESS_PERFORMANCE_THROUGH_ENTR EPRENEURIAL_ORIENTATION_KNOWLEDG E_SHARING_AND_INNOVATION The business ensures it is ahead of its competitors through readiness. Bedi, H., & Vij, S. (2014, April 18). Relationship between Entrepreneurial Orientation and Business Performance: A Review of Literature. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/25569803 7_Relationship_between_Entrepreneurial_Orientati on_and_Business_Performance_A_Review_of_Lit erature. The business is willing to take risks in order to get new market opportunities in these changing times. Putnins, T. J., & Sauka, A. (2019, June). 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Investopedia. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/pf/08/smallbusiness-budget.asp The business monitors its income daily/weekly/mo nthly 106 Perceived Financial Performance The budgeting is significant for the business especially in finance. Kibor & Mania (2019, October 10). Effects of Cash Budgeting on Financial Performance of Micro And Small Enterprises at Eldoret town in Uasin Gishu County, Kesha. https://ijecm.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/71 010.pdf The business is able to pay its short-term obligations with its current assets. Hussain, A. (2022). What is liquidity? It's how easily you can sell an asset for cash — here's when and why it matters to your finances. Business Insider. https://www.businessinsider.com/personal-finance/ what-is-liquidity The business has Hussain, A. (2022). What is liquidity? It's how cash readily easily you can sell an asset for cash — here's when available. and why it matters to your finances. 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Jacinto St. Davao City Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting Ateneo de Davao University E. Jacinto St. Davao City 126 Name: Kate R. Cancino Email: kate.riveracancino@gmail.com Address: 53 Osmena St. SIR Phase II, Davao City Gender: Female Civil Status: Single Birthdate: March 24, 2001 Religion: Roman Catholic Citizenship: Filipino EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT 2008 - 2013 Primary Teodoro Palma Gil Elementary School E. Quirino Avenue, Davao City 2013 - 2017 Secondary Davao City National High School F Torres St., Davao City 2017 - 2019 Senior High School Ateneo de Davao University E. Jacinto St., Davao City 2019 - Present Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting Ateneo de Davao University E. Jacinto St., Davao City 127 Name: Eloisa Marie S. Geralde Email: emsgeralde@addu.edu.ph Address: Brgy 21-C. Davao City Gender: Female Civil Status: Single Birthdate: May 14, 2001 Religion: Roman Catholic Citizenship: Filipino EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT 2008 – 2019 Primary to Senior High School Holy Child College of Davao E. Jacinto St. Davao City 2019 – Present Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting Ateneo de Davao University E. Jacinto St. Davao City 128 Name: Fritzel S. Mutia Email: fsmutia@addu.edu.ph Address: Buhangin, Davao City Gender: Female Civil Status: Single Birthdate: February 23, 2000 Religion: Pentecostal Citizenship: Filipino EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT 2007 – 2013 Primary School Buhangin Central Elementary School Sped Center Buhangin, Davao City 2013-2017 Junior High School Bernardo D. Carpio National High School Buhangin, Davao City 2017-2019 Senior High School – Accountancy, Business and Management Strand Ateneo de Davao University Jacinto St., Davao City 2019 – Present College – BS Management Accounting Ateneo de Davao University Jacinto St., Davao City 129 Name: Kate Diane P. Rafallo Email: kdprafallo@addu.edu.ph Address: Roseville Subd., Lanang, Davao City Gender: Female Civil Status: Single Birthdate: June 06, 2001 Religion: Roman Catholic Citizenship: Filipino EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT 2008 - 2013 Primary F. Bangoy Central Elementary School Km. 9, Sasa, Davao City 2013 - 2017 Secondary Holy Cross College of Sasa KM. 9, Sasa, Davao City 2017 - 2019 Senior High School Ateneo de Davao University E. Jacinto St., Davao City 2019 - Present Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting Ateneo de Davao University E. Jacinto St., Davao City 130 Name: Maynard Rico M. Sasoy Email: mrmsasoy@addu.edu.ph Address:Bayside View village, Cagangohan, Panabo City Gender: Male Civil Status: Single Birthdate: April 24, 2001 Religion: Protestant/ Non-catholic christian Citizenship: Filipino EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT 2010 - 2013 Primary Francisco Adlaon Learning Institute Ybañez compound, Sto. Niño, Panabo City 2013 - 2017 Secondary Panabo Faith Mission Academy Tadeco road, New Visayas, Panabo City 2017 - 2019 Senior High School Ateneo de Davao University E. Jacinto St., Davao City 2019 - Present Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting Ateneo de Davao University E. Jacinto St., Davao City