CHE3161 Chemistry & Chemical Thermodynamics CHE4162 Particle Technology Lecture 11 : Lecture 4: Volumetric Properties of Pure Fluids – Part 2 Dilute Phase Pneumatic transport Rhodes: Chapter 8 CHE4162 Particle Technology Two Forms of the Virial Equations ØFor convenience, define a dimensionless ratio called the compressibility factor, Z, by ØThen with a = RT, we get two forms of the virial expansions € € Lecture 11 : PV Z≡ = 1+ B' P + C' P 2 + D' P 3 + ...... RT Dilute Phase PV B C D Z≡ = 1+ + 2 +Pneumatic 3 + ...... RT V V V transport 8 B, C,Rhodes: D, B’, C’Chapter , D’ are virial coefficients B B' = RT C − B2 C' = (RT) 2 D − 3BC + 2B 3 D' = (RT) 3 CHE4162 Particle Technology Ideal Gas VS Real Gas ØVirial EOS are firmly based on statistical mechanics, providing physical significance (molecular interactions) to virial coefficients. Lecture 11 : ØIn the absence of molecular Dilute Phase interactions, the virial expansion would reduce to Z = 1 or PV = RT Pneumatic transport ØFor real gases,Chapter as P è 0, Rhodes: 8 Z è 1 or PV è RT CHE4162 Particle Technology Ideal Gas VS Real Gas Lecture 11 : Dilute Phase Pneumatic transport Rhodes: Chapter 8 CHE4162 Particle Technology Ideal Gas Lecture 11 : Dilute Phase Pneumatic This equation does not imply that Cp and CV are themselves transport constant for an ideal gas, Rhodes: Chapter 8 but only they vary with temperature in such a way that their difference is equal to R CHE4162 Particle Technology Ideal Gas VS Real Gas Lecture 11 : Dilute Phase Pneumatic transport Rhodes: Chapter 8 CHE4162 Particle Technology Process Calculations For Ideal Gases Lecture 11 : Dilute Phase Pneumatic transport Rhodes: Chapter 8 CHE4162 Particle Technology Process Calculations For Ideal Gases Lecture 11 : Dilute Phase Pneumatic transport Rhodes: Chapter 8 CHE4162 Particle Technology Process Calculations For Ideal Gases Lecture 11 : Dilute Phase Pneumatic transport Rhodes: Chapter 8 CHE4162 Particle Technology Three Formats for dW and dQ Lecture 11 : Dilute Phase Pneumatic transport Rhodes: Chapter 8 CHE4162 Particle Technology Isothermal Process Lecture 11 : Dilute Phase Pneumatic transport Rhodes: Chapter 8 CHE4162 Particle Technology Isothermal Process Lecture 11 : Dilute Phase Pneumatic V2 P2 Q = −W =transport RT ln = −RT ln Rhodes: Chapter 8 V P 1 € 1 CHE4162 Particle Technology Isobaric Processes Lecture 11 : Dilute Phase Pneumatic transport Rhodes: Chapter 8 CHE4162 Particle Technology Isobaric Processes Lecture 11 : Dilute Phase Pneumatic transport Rhodes: Chapter 8 Q = ΔH = ∫ C dT p CHE4162 Particle Technology Isochoric Processes Lecture 11 : Dilute Phase Pneumatic transport Rhodes: Chapter 8 CHE4162 Particle Technology Isochoric Processes Lecture 11 : Dilute Phase Pneumatic transport Rhodes: Chapter 8 Q = ΔU = ∫C V dT Adiabatic Processes (with constant heat capacity) CHE4162 Particle Technology Lecture 11 : Dilute Phase Pneumatic transport Rhodes: Chapter 8 Adiabatic Processes (with constant heat capacity) CHE4162 Particle Technology Lecture 11 : Dilute Phase Pneumatic transport Rhodes: Chapter 8 CHE4162 Particle Technology Lecture 11 : Dilute Phase Pneumatic transport Rhodes: Chapter 8 CHE4162 Particle Technology Lecture 11 : Dilute Phase Pneumatic Note: The three equations are restricted to ideal gases with transport Rhodes:heat Chapter 8 constant capacities undergoing mechanically reversible adiabatic expansion or compression Example 3.3 CHE4162 Particle Technology Lecture 11 : Dilute Phase Pneumatic transport Rhodes: Chapter 8 Solution CHE4162 Particle Technology Lecture 11 : Dilute Phase Pneumatic transport Rhodes: Chapter 8 Solution CHE4162 Particle Technology Lecture 11 : Dilute Phase Pneumatic transport Rhodes: Chapter 8 Polytropic Processes CHE4162 Particle Technology Polytropic means “turning many ways”, and “polytropic process” suggests a model of some versatility. Lecture 11 : Dilute Phase Pneumatic transport Rhodes: Chapter 8 Irreversible Process CHE4162 Particle Technology ØAll equations developed in this section have been derived from mechanical reversible, closed system for ideal gases. ØHowever, the equations giving property changes – dU, dH, ΔU and ΔH – are valid for ideal gases regardless of the process in both closed Lecture 11 : and open systems (State Functions). DiluteforPhase ØOn the other hand, an equation Q or W, unless it is equal to property change, is subject to the restrictions of derivation (Path Pneumatic Functions) transport ØTo Rhodes: calculate Chapter the work 8of an irreversible process, a two-step procedure may be used: calculate the work for a mechanically reversible process and then multiply (work produced) or divide (work required) by a an efficiency to give actual work.