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Science V Lesson Plan: Soil Erosion

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
District of Morong
Lesson Plan in Science V
Learning Objective: Investigate extent of soil erosion in the community and its
effects on living things and the environment
Subject Matter:
A. Concepts
Soil erosion harms the soil’s capacity of growing plants and crops. It
removes the topmost layer of the soil, which is the most fertile and most
productive part of any soil.
If there are no enough plants to go around for all of the animals, the
animals will starve and die.
When the environment has already suffered the impact it results in
washing off of the fertile upper soil layer, loss of vegetation, reduced
yields, mud clogging of rivers, landslides, and others.
B. Materials: cartolina, pentelpen, realia, pictures, videos, powerpoint
C. References: Science for daily Use 4: CG , TG
D. Process Skills: Inferring, Communicating, Analyzing, Describing
E. Value Integration: Keeping trees in our surroundings to prevent harmful
effects of soil erosion
Learning Tasks
A. Engagement
1. Preliminary Activities
1.1 Prayer
Good morning children!
Good Morning maam!
Let us start our day with a
prayer. Alyana, kindly come
here in front and lead the
Classmates, let us all stand and feel the
presence of our Lord.
Father in heaven,
I give you today all that I think, do and say.
I will work and laugh
Have fun and play.
Jesus, be with me all through the day.
1.2 Checking of Attendance
Ms. Secretary, May I know
who is absent today?
I am glad to tell you that all of my
classmates are present today
Very good! All of you are
present today
1.3 Health Inspection
Before we start our lesson
for today, let us have first
our health inspection
May I request the leaders of
each group to help me check
or inspect the nails and ears
of your group mates
Yes maam
Ok, group 1, kindly report
those pupils who have dirty
fingernails and ears
I am glad to tell you that all of my
members have clean fingernails and ears
Very good! Let us give group
1 a HOORAY clap
one, two, one, two, three, one, two, three,
four, HOORAY!
How about the members of
group 2?
I am glad to tell you that all of my
members have clean fingernails and ears
Very good! Let us give group
2 a BRAVO clap
one, two, one, two, three, one, two, three,
four, BRAVO!
How about the members of
group 3?
I am glad to tell you that all of my
members have clean fingernails and ears
Very good! Let us give group
3 an EXCELLENT clap
one, two, one, two, three, one, two, three,
How about the members of
group 4?
I am glad to tell you that all of my
members have clean fingernails and ears
Very good! Let us give group
4 an GOOD JOB clap
one, two, one, two, three, one, two, three,
four, GOOD JOB!
Why is it important for us to
check our nails and other
parts of our body?
It is important to check our nails and other
parts of our body to avoid different
Precisely! What else?
We will become a healthy person
Very good! It is important to
clean every parts of our
body to avoid diseases and
be a healthy person by
taking a bath every day
1.4 Science Trivia
Now, Let us hear our
science trivia for today from
Did you know how old Earth is?
Researchers calculate the age of the earth
by dating both the oldest rocks on the
planet and meteorites that have been
discovered on earth. Their findings were
earth is about 4.54 billion years old.
Thank you Mishca for your
trivia. We all learned from it.
1.5 Review
Let’s have a review about
our past lesson. What was
our lesson last friday?
It is all about soil erosion
and what is soil erosion?
Soil erosion is a natural process and is the
removal of soil from one location to
Very good! So, How will soil
erosion form the soil?
The soil is formed by the carrying away of
rocks and other materials on the Earth’s
surface by wind, water, and gravity break
down rocks into smaller pieces.
Great answer! Let’s give
them an excellent clap
One. Two, one, two, three, one, two, three
2. Developmental Activities
2.1 Motivation
Before we proceed to our
new lesson, Let’s play a
game! I will play a song and
I want you to pass next to
your classmate this magic
box and when the music
stops, the pupil who holds
the box will get 1 riddle to
answer. If your answer is
correct you can open the gift
attached in the riddle.
Ok, Let’s begin.
What is the first riddle?
Kindly read
I am not a bird, but I can fly through the
sky. I’m not a river, but I’m full of water.
What am I?
So, what is it?
Very Good! Your answer is
correct! You may open 1 gift.
Let’s play again the music
and pass it on
What is the second riddle?
The more you look at me, The less you
see. What am I?
So, what is it?
Very Good! Your answer is
correct! You may open 1 gift.
Let’s play again the music
and pass it on
What is the third riddle?
I can be red, blue, purple, and green. No
one can reach me, not even the queen.
What am i?
So, what is it?
Very Good! Your answer is
correct! You may open 1 gift.
We have now completed the
puzzle. What can you see in
the picture?
The picture shows a huge flood in the
Then, How do flood occur in
our community?
Flood occurs because of soil erosion
Precisely, Have you ever
thought what can soil
erosion lead to us? We are
here today to discuss, the
effects of soil erosion in our
community. Are you ready
Yes, we are
Very well
B. Exploration
I have here a small pot and I want
you to get 1 seed.
The pupils who got red seed will be
the group 1, pupils who got yellow
seed will be the group 2 and the
pupils who got green seed will be
the group 3.
Figure 3
Figure 2
Figure 1
Now, I have here 9 figures and I will
give 3 figures to each group. I want
you to pour gently 1 small bottle of
water in each figure and observe
what will happen to the soil and
water. I want you to answer the
questions I have provided and write
your answer on the cartolina.
But before you proceed to your
respected groups, I want you to
choose your leader and prepare a
What are the things you should
remember in doing activities? Kindly
read the rules in doing an activity
Group 1 leader what are your
We observed that figure 1 with plain soil
was easily carried by water compare to
figures 3 and 2. Also it has the dirtiest
Very Good! Let’s give group 1 5
How about the observation of group
We observed that figure 2 with dried
leaves and garbage stops the water from
flowing and makes the water to rise up and
cause flood. Also it has a dirty water
Excellent! Let’s give group 2 5 claps
How about the observation of group
We observed that figure 3 with plants
prevents the soil to be carried by water
and it has the cleanest water
Great! Let’s give group 3 also 5
C. Explanation
Your observations are all correct.
As you can see trees really helps us
to prevent soil erosion but what if
there are no trees left what will
happen to our community, what are
the effects of soil erosion to every
living thing?
Let us see the effects of soil erosion
to plants.
Soil erosion harms the soil’s
capacity of growing plants and
crops. It removes the topmost layer
of the soil, which is the most fertile
and most productive part of any
Will the plants grow if the soil is too
Excellent! Plants cannot survive if
the soil is too wet.
Now, How about the effects of soil
erosion to animals?
No, the plants will die because it will drown
in too much water
If there are no enough plants
around for all of the animals, the
animals will starve and die.
What will happen to the animals if
all the plants they eat was
destroyed by the erosion?
They will die because of starvation
Very good! Animals can’t survive
without plants.
How about the effects of soil
erosion to humans?
When the environment has already
suffered, it results in washing off of
the fertile upper soil layer, loss of
vegetation, reduced yields, mud
clogging of rivers, landslides, and
What will happen to us if all the
animals, fruits and vegetables die?
We will get hungry and will result of death
Correct! That is why we should take
good care of our environment to
avoid flood and deaths of our plants
and animals
Kindly get again your thumbs up
and thumbs down stick and tell
whether if you agree or disagree
Before we do our activity, I want
you to watch a video that happened
5 years ago here in Morong, Rizal
What have you noticed on the
There was a huge flood in our town
Bagyong Ondoy hit our country on
September 26, 2014 and the flood
create a huge damage in our town.
There was a landslide happened
near our town, it was on antipolo. It
causes traffic and damage to our
agriculture. We should be thankful
that there were no landslide or soil
erosion happened here in our town.
You were just 5 years old that time.
Do you still remember? How do you
feel during that time?
We are so scared that time and we don’t
know what to do.
Now you know what we should do
to prevent soil erosion so that huge
flood will never happen again.
D. Elaborate
Now, Let’s have a group activity.
Before we have our group activity,
again, what are the things we
should remember in doing an
activity? Kindly read the rules in
doing an activity
I have here 3 envelops and inside
are the directions.
Group 1 Activity
Direction: Write on the apple the ways to avoid soil erosion and put it on the tree.
Group 2 Activity
Direction: Put in the trash bin the picture that shows harmful effects in the environment
and write down its negative causes in the community
Group 3 Activity
Direction: Create a poster on how to avoid soil erosion in our community.
Very good! Give yourselves “ang
galing galing clap”
One, two, one, two, three, one, two, three,
four ang galing galing
What have you learned in our
activity today?
I learned that we should take good care of
our surroundings to avoid soil erosion and
its effects to every living thing.
How will you take good care of our
By planting trees
Very good! What else?
By proper disposal and using the 3Rs, the
Reuses, Reduce, Recycle
Great answer!
I have here a big apple. Supposed
this apple represent the earth. Did
you know that earth is composed of
Planting trees and proper disposal
of garbage is one of the key to
prevent the effects of soil erosion to
every living thing.
E. Evaluation
Now, It seems that you fully
understand our lesson for today,
Kindly get your pen and paper and
prepare for a short quiz
Direction: Put a (  ) if the
statement is correct and (  ) if not
____1. Cutting of trees will help us
to have a good and clean
____2. Learn to recycle waste
____3. Throw your garbage in the
drainage and river
____4. Every year, plant new trees
in your backyard
____5. Burning your household
garbage to easily dispose waste
F. Assignment
Make a list of places in your
community where you have noticed
a situation related to erosion. It may
be along roads exposed to running
water, along riverbanks, along canal
or drainage, or in some parts of the
school yards and write down what
you can do to fix the problem on a
clean sheet of paper.
Prepared by:
Ms. Jeniffer F. De Leon
Student Teacher