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Altered Cellular & Tissue Biology Lecture Notes

Unit 1- Altered Cellular and Tissue Biology
Sunday, May 21, 2023
1:33 PM
Altered Cellular and Tissue Biology
The majority of diseases are caused by multiple factors acting together (multifactorial) or a sing
genetically susceptible person.
Injury to cells or their surrounding environment, the extracellular matrix (ECM), leads to tissue
Although the normal cell is characterized by a narrow range of structural and functional constra
increased demands and stress so as to maintain a steady state, called homeostasis.
Cellular Adaptation
Reversible response including structural or functional modifications to accommo
(normal) and pathologic (adverse) changes or demands.
▪ Adaptations to pathological conditions are usually only temporarily success
Adaptive changes :
→ Atrophy—decrease in cell size
→ Hypertrophy—increase in cell size
→ Hyperplasia—increase in cell number
→ Metaplasia—reversible replacement of one mature cell type by anoth
type or a change in cell phenotype
→ Dysplasia—or deranged cellular growth, is not considered a true cell
rather atypical hyperplasia
gle factor interacting with a
and organ damage.
aints, cells can adapt to
odate both physiologic
her, less mature cell
lular adaptation but
Decrease in cell size
Decreases organ size if enough cells shrink
w Normal in early development
w Results from decreases in workload, pressure, use, blood supply, nutrition,
When breaking an arm, the arm is temporarily put in a cast for the bone to heal in position. Ma
lay unused for a period of time, and begin to waste away due to their redundancy.
A, Normal brain of a young adult. B, Atrophy of the brain in an 82-year-old male with atheroscle
any of the muscles in the arm
erotic cerebrovascular
A, Normal brain of a young adult. B, Atrophy of the brain in an 82-year-old male with atheroscle
disease, resulting in reduced blood supply. Note that loss of brain substance narrows the gyri a
meninges have been stripped from the right half of each specimen to reveal the surface of the
Increase in cell size
Increases organ size
w Results from increased demand, stimulation by hormones, growth factors
w Results from chronic hemodynamic overload
The muscle cells produce more proteins or myofilaments and get larger in size
Hypertrophy of Cardiac Muscle in Response to Valve Disease. A, Transverse slices of a normal h
hypertrophy of the left ventricle (L, normal thickness of left ventricular wall; T, thickened wall fr
narrowing of aortic valve caused resistance to systolic ventricular emptying). B, Histology of car
heart. C, Histology of cardiac muscle from a hypertrophied heart.
Increase in number of cells
Increased rate of cellular division
w Compensatory—enables organs to regenerate
erotic cerebrovascular
and widens the sulci. The
heart and a heart with
rom heart in which severe
rdiac muscle from the normal
Increase in number of cells
Increased rate of cellular division
w Compensatory—enables organs to regenerate
w Hormonal—in organs that respond to endocrine hormonal control (For exam
phase of the menstrual cycle, estrogen secretion by the ovary results in hyperplasia and e
w Hormonal—abnormal proliferation of normal cells
Increase in the size of the breasts during pregnancy, increase in thickness of endometrium duri
growth after partial resection
Abnormal changes in size, shape, organization of mature cells
May be reversible if triggering stimulus is removed
Tissue appears disorderly, but is not cancer
If changes penetrate basement membrane: invasive neoplasm
Cartilage in the various types of chondrodysplasias that result in dwarfism
mple, during the follicular
endometrial proliferation)
ing menstrual cycle, and liver
Tissue appears disorderly, but is not cancer
If changes penetrate basement membrane: invasive neoplasm
Cartilage in the various types of chondrodysplasias that result in dwarfism
Reversible replacement of one mature cell type by another
Associated with tissue damage, repair, regeneration
Reprogramming of stem cells or undifferentiated mesenchymal cells
The long-term cigarette smoker, the chronic irritation from smoke causes the normal ciliated co
trachea and bronchi to become replaced by stratified squamous epithelial cells )
Metaplasia and dysplasia in bronchial cells
olumnar epithelial cells of the
The long-term cigarette smoker, the chronic irritation from smoke causes the normal ciliated co
trachea and bronchi to become replaced by stratified squamous epithelial cells )
Metaplasia and dysplasia in bronchial cells
Cellular Injury
Start of most diseases
Loss of function results from cell injury and cell death
Occurs when cell is unable to maintain homeostasis
Injury may be reversible or irreversible
The most common forms of cell injury include:
○ ischemic and hypoxic injury
○ ischemia–reperfusion injury
○ oxidative stress or accumulation of oxygen-derived free radicals-induc
○ chemical injury
olumnar epithelial cells of the
ced injury
○ ischemia–reperfusion injury
○ oxidative stress or accumulation of oxygen-derived free radicals-induc
○ chemical injury
Agents that Cause Cellular Injury
► Physical Agents
○ Mechanical forces
○ Extremes in temperature
○ Electrical forces
► Radiation Injury
○ Ionizing radiation
○ Ultraviolet radiation
ced injury
○ Extremes in temperature
○ Electrical forces
Radiation Injury
○ Ionizing radiation
○ Ultraviolet radiation
○ Nonionizing radiation (U/S, microwaves)
Chemical Injury
○ Drugs
○ Lead toxicity
Biologic Agents
Nutritional Imbalances
Mechanisms of Cellular Injury
Hypoxic injury
Single most common cause of cellular injury
Results from:
▪ Ischemia—reduced supply of blood
▪ Reduced oxygen content in ambient air
▪ Loss of hemoglobin
▪ Decreased production of red blood cells
▪ Diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems
▪ Poisoning of the oxidative enzymes (cytochromes) within the cells
Anoxia - total lack of oxygen caused by obstruction
Ischemia- reperfusion injury
Cell injury and death caused by restoration of blood flow and oxygen
Restoration of blood flow and oxygen to ischemic tissues can increase recovery of cells reversib
result in additional injury known as ischemia-reperfusion injury (reperfusion [reoxygenation] in
• Oxidative stress
(Reoxygenation induces oxidative stress by generating highly ROS and nitrogen species)
• Increased intracellular calcium concentration
(Intracellular and mitochondrial calcium accumulate within the cell during acute ischemia
more calcium influx because of damaged cell membranes and ROS-mediated injury to the
• Inflammation
(Ischemic injury promotes inflammation. Dead cells stimulate immune cells to release cyt
signals, thus initiating an inflammatory response)
• Complement activation
bly injured, but paradoxically
njury) and cause cell death
a. Reperfusion results in even
e sarcoplasmic reticulum)
tokine-mediated danger
more calcium influx because of damaged cell membranes and ROS-mediated injury to the
• Inflammation
(Ischemic injury promotes inflammation. Dead cells stimulate immune cells to release cyt
signals, thus initiating an inflammatory response)
• Complement activation
(Complement activation may exacerbate damage which has occurred secondary to reper
e sarcoplasmic reticulum)
tokine-mediated danger
rfusion injury.)
Free radicals and reactive oxygen species
Cause oxidative stress
Free radical is electrically uncharged atom or group of atoms with an unpaired el
Free radicals also cause damaging effects such as:
• Lipid peroxidation
○ Destruction of polyunsaturated lipids (membrane damage)
• Alterations of proteins
• Alterations of DNA
• Damage to mitochondria
Role of reactive oxygen species in cell injury :
Chemical or toxic injury
Xenobiotics - compounds that have Toxic, mutagenic or carcinogenic properties
- Carbon tetrachloride
- Lead
- Carbon monoxide
Chemical or toxic injury
Xenobiotics - compounds that have Toxic, mutagenic or carcinogenic properties
- Carbon tetrachloride
- Lead
- Carbon monoxide
- Ethanol
- Mercury
- Social or street drugs
Chemical agents including drugs
Over-the-counter and prescribed drugs
Opioid abuse
Leading cause of child poisoning is medications
Environmental toxins
Air pollution (indoor and outdoor)
Heavy metals
Cadmium and arsenic
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Unintentional and Intentional Injuries
Blunt force injuries
Result of application of mechanical force to body
▪ Results in tearing, shearing, or crushing of tissues
▪ Motor vehicle accidents and falls
- (bruise)
- (tear or rip; usually ragged and irregular with abraded edges)
- (bruise)
- (tear or rip; usually ragged and irregular with abraded edges)
- (blunt force blows or impact)
Sharp force injuries
Incised wound
- (longer than deep; can be straight or jagged)
Stab wound
- (penetrating sharp force; deeper than long)
Puncture wound
- (instrument or object with sharp point but without sharp edges)
Chopping wound
- (heavy, edged instrument producing a combination of sharp and blunt force cha
Gunshot wounds
Asphyxia injuries
Caused by a failure of cells to receive or use oxygen
○ Suffocation (process of dying as a result of lack of oxygen)
- Choking asphyxiation : obstruction of pulmonary airway
○ Strangulation (compression of blood vessels and airway passage from exter
- Hanging: use of noose or similar
- Ligature: does not require suspension
- Manual strangulation : when an assailants hand compressed the neck
○ Chemical asphyxiants
- Carbon monoxide
- Cyanide
- hydrogen sulfide
○ Drowning
Infectious Injury
Pathogenicity of a microorganism
Disease-producing potential
rnal pressure on neck)
causes asphyxiation and
Infectious Injury
Pathogenicity of a microorganism
Disease-producing potential
• Invasion and destruction
• Toxin production
• Production of hypersensitivity reactions
Immunologic and Inflammatory Injury
Injury from substances generated during inflammatory response
• Phagocytes
• Biochemical substances
- Histamine, antibodies, lymphokines, complement system products, an
• Membrane alterations
Manifestations of Cellular Injury
Cellular accumulations (infiltrations)
▪ Normal cellular substances
- Water
- Proteins
- Lipids
- Carbohydrates
▪ Abnormal substances
- Endogenous substances
- Exogenous substances
Accumulations result from four mechanisms :
▪ Insufficient removal of normal substance because of altered transport
(Example: steatosis, fatty changes in the liver.)
▪ Accumulation of abnormal substance because of defects
(Such occurrences are usually secondary to gene mutation.)
▪ Inadequate metabolism of endogenous substance because of lack of lysoso
(Example: storage diseases.)
▪ Harmful exogenous materials
(Example: heavy metals and mineral dust inhalation and ingestion or the presence of pat
nd proteases
omal enzyme
thogenic microorganisms.)
(Such occurrences are usually secondary to gene mutation.)
▪ Inadequate metabolism of endogenous substance because of lack of lysoso
(Example: storage diseases.)
▪ Harmful exogenous materials
(Example: heavy metals and mineral dust inhalation and ingestion or the presence of pat
omal enzyme
thogenic microorganisms.)
Cellular Death
Attributed to necrosis or apoptosis
Distruction categorized by Rapid loss of plasma membrane structure, organelle s
○ Lacks typical features of apoptosis
○ May be regulated or programmed
○ Autolysis (autodigestion)
Coagulative necrosis
Protein denaturation
Albumin is transformed from a gelatinous, transparent state to a firm opaque su
swelling, mitochondrial
Coagulative necrosis of myocardium of posterior wall of left ventricle of heart. A large anemic (
apparent; note also the necrosis of papillary muscle.
Liquefactive necrosis
Neurons and glial cells of the brain
Cells digested by own hydrolases
Tissues become soft and liquefied
Triggered by bacterial infection
- Staphylococci, Streptococci, and Escherichia coli
(white) infarct is readily
Liquefactive necrosis of the brain. The area of infarction is softened as a result of liquefactive n
Caseous necrosis
Results from pulmonary tuberculosis infection
Combination of coagulative and liquefactive necrosis
Caseous necrosis. Tuberculosis of the lung, with a large area of caseous necrosis containing yell
Fatty necrosis
Breast and other abdominal organs
Action of lipases
Fatty acids combine with elements to create soaps
Tissue appears opaque and chalky white
low-white and cheesy debris.
Action of lipases
Fatty acids combine with elements to create soaps
Tissue appears opaque and chalky white
Fat necrosis of pancreas. Interlobular adipocytes are necrotic; these are surrounded by acute in
Gangrenous necrosis
Death of tissue from severe hypoxic injury
no specific pattern
w Dry
- Skin becomes dry and shriveled, brown or black
w Wet
- Area becomes cold, swollen and black
- Gas gangrene, caused by Clostridium
Programmed cell death
Active process of cellular self destruction
Eliminates aged/injured cells. Normal part of aging.
Controls tissue regeneration
Normal Physiologic Process:
- Destruction of cells during embrionic process
nflammatory cells
Active process of cellular self destruction
Eliminates aged/injured cells. Normal part of aging.
Controls tissue regeneration
Normal Physiologic Process:
- Destruction of cells during embrionic process
Pathologic Process:
- Alzheimer
- Parkinson
Cell size
Enlarged (swelling)
Reduced (shrinkage)
Pyknosis → karyorrhexis → karyolysis
Fragmentation into nu
Intact; altered structu
orientation of lipids
Enzymatic digestion; may leak out of cell Intact; may be release
Physiologic or Invariably pathologic (culmination of
irreversible cell injury)
Often physiologic, me
unwanted cells; may b
some forms of cell inj
deoxyribonucleic acid
Self-destructive and a survival mechanism
Cytoplasmic contents delivered to lysosomes for degradation
Contributes to the aging process
Aging and Altered Cellular and Tissue Biology
Normal physiologic process that is both universal and inevitable.
Time dependent loss of structure and function that proceeds very slowly and in s
that it appears to be the result of the accumulation of small, imperceptible injuri
“wear and tear.”
ure, especially
ed in apoptotic bodies
eans of eliminating
be pathologic after
jury, especially
d (DNA) damage
such small increments
ies—a gradual result of
Aging and Altered Cellular and Tissue Biology
Normal physiologic process that is both universal and inevitable.
Time dependent loss of structure and function that proceeds very slowly and in s
that it appears to be the result of the accumulation of small, imperceptible injuri
“wear and tear.”
▪ Weakness, decreased stamina, and functional decline in older adults
▪ Increases vulnerability to falls, disability, disease, death
Somatic Death
Death of entire body
Postmortem changes are diffuse
1. Pallor mortis
Surface of Skin become pale and yellowish
2. Algor mortis
Decrease in body temperature
3. Rigor mortis
stiffening of muscles 0 - 24 hours after death
4. Livor mortis
Blue-purple discoloration over skin due to blood settling
5. Dilated pupils
begins immediately but not evident by human eyes until 2hrs post mortem;
maximum 8-12 hours (no bleeding)
6. Putrefaction
Tissue and organs loose cohesiveness; break down into gaseous and liquid m
24-48hrs after
7. Decomposition
Organic matter is broken down into elemental matter
8. Skeletonization
Tissue of the body degrade, exposing skeleton
such small increments
ies—a gradual result of
; reached a peak