CHC Cross Battery Cognitive Abilities Standard Scores between 90 and 109 are within the Average Range Cluster Test Battery Crystallized Knowledge (Gc) Subtest Name Narrow Ability Breadth and depth of acquired cultural knowledge and its effective application Cluster Average = Similarities Vocabulary Comprehension Information Oral Vocabulary General Information Cluster Average = VL VL KO KO VL KO WISC-V WJ-IV Fluid Reasoning (Gf) WISC-V Ability to solve novel tasks that cannot be performed automatically WJ-IV Working Memory (Gwm) WISC-V Ability to hold info in immediate awareness and then use it within a few seconds WJ IV Learning Efficiency (Gl) Ability to learn, store, and consolidate new information over periods of time measured in minutes, hours, days, and years. WISC V WJ-IV WJ-IV Retrieval Fluency (Gr) Ability to rapidly and fluently retrieve new or previously learned information, from longterm memory. Auditory Processing (Ga) WJ IV Visual Processing (Gv) Ability to analyze, synthesize, & perceive visual stimuli WISC-V WJ-IV Processing Speed (Gs) Ability to perform simple tasks quickly and fluently I RG I I RG RQ Digit Span Wa Digit Span Forward Digit Span Backwards Digit Span Sequencing Wa Ac Ac Picture Span Memory for Words Verbal Attention Object Number Sequencing Cluster Average= Wa STS STS Ac Immediate Symbol Translation Ma Story Recall MM Visual Auditory Learning Ma Cluster Average= WJ-IV Ability to analyze, synthesize, & perceive auditory stimuli Matrix Reasoning Figure Weights Picture Concepts Concept Formation Analysis-Synthesis Number Series Cluster Average = WISC V WJ IV Rapid Picture Naming Na Cluster Average = Phonological Processing Pc Cluster Average = Block Design Visual Puzzles Visualization Cluster Average = Coding Symbol Search Letter Pattern Matching Vz Vz/SR Vz Pc Ps Ps