IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Practical-1 Aim: Demonstrate the connection between two LAN connections with one router using cisco packet tracer. Practical: Network is being ready Network is ready #Router configuration DEPSTAR-IT 1 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Fast ethernet port 0/0 used to connect to network of Fast ethernet port 0/1 used to connect to network of DEPSTAR-IT 2 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Router connected to different network using fast ethernet port Ping in same network From pc -> DEPSTAR-IT 3 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Ping from network 1 to network 2 using From pc to Conclusion: In this practical we have made two network and connect them using a router and seen if messages travel from one network to another. DEPSTAR-IT 4 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Practical-2 Aim: Demonstrate the configuration of VLAN (Virtual LAN) using cisco packet tracer Practical: Network is being ready Network is ready DEPSTAR-IT 5 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Adding VLAN port in VLAN database Added port 9,11 and 22 Changing VLAN number from 1 to 11 DEPSTAR-IT 6 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Changing VLAN number from 1 to 9 Changing VLAN number from 1 to 22 DEPSTAR-IT 7 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 After Changing VLAN port in a switch Ping in same VLAN From pc -> DEPSTAR-IT 8 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Ping in different VLAN From pc -> Conclusion: In this practical we have made VLAN(virtual LAN) in a switch and made the efficient use of the switch and seen the message transfer from one VLAN to another which is not possible and with that we confirmed that VLAN is setup in a switch. DEPSTAR-IT 9 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Practical-3 Aim: Demonstrate the static routing configuration between 3 routers using cisco packet tracer Practical: Network is being ready Network is ready for use #Port configuration DEPSTAR-IT 10 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 For router0 configuring Fast Ethernet 0/0 and serial 0/0/0 After configuration of port in router0 DEPSTAR-IT 11 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 For router1 configuring Fast Ethernet 0/0 and serial 0/0/0 and serial 0/0/1 After configuration of port in router1 DEPSTAR-IT 12 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 For router2 configuring Fast Ethernet 0/0 and serial 0/0/0 After configuration of port in router2 DEPSTAR-IT 13 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 #Routing and Routing table Routing in Router2 so it can access to and Routing in Router1 so it can access to and Routing in Router0 so it can access to and DEPSTAR-IT 14 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Routing table for router0 two new route is added after routing to access and Routing table for router1 two new route are been added after routing to access and Routing table for router2 three new route are been added after routing to access and DEPSTAR-IT 15 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 #data transfer Ping to and after routing From pc0 -> pc2 From pc0 -> pc4 DEPSTAR-IT 16 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Ping to and after routing From pc2 -> pc4 From pc2 -> pc3 DEPSTAR-IT 17 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Ping to and after routing From pc4 -> pc0 From pc4 -> pc2 Conclusion: In this practical we have learned about the concept of routing and how to transfer data through router after routing. DEPSTAR-IT 18 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Practical-4 Aim: Demonstrate the Dynamic routing configuration using RIP and OSPF protocol using cisco packet tracer Theory: Dynamic Routing - Dynamic Routing is a network routing procedure, which facilitates the routers to pick and choose the routing paths depending on the logical changes happening in the network structure in the real-time. This is opposite to the typical traditional static network routing. This is an automated routing technique that requires very less administration and supervision. Various protocols used in this routing method are Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), Routing Information Protocol (RIP), Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), and Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP). 1. OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) - It is a very famous dynamic routing protocol that is being used in today’s world. OSPF is also an open protocol to ensure that any router or even server operating system is able to run this protocol. It selects the best route by making use of cost as its metric. It is also considered as a complete-featured routing protocol and also it can be complex, however, it can also scale to any size in the network. 2. RIP (Routing Information Protocol) - RIP is considered a protocol that is an open-source. Version 2 of it is the latest one that you should be using today since it provides VLSM, that is, Variable Length Subnet Mask support. It is simplest as well as the easiest protocol of routing to configure, although it also has got lesser features as compared to OSPF. It is restricted to routing for the network having less than 15 hops. This protocol works quite well for a small network that doesn’t think of expanding largely. Another great feature about it is that it is generally supported by the smallest routers and also the firewalls. For RIP Topology: DEPSTAR-IT 19 IT344 Computer Network Step of configuration: • • • 18DIT056 First step is to create the topology. For that click on the devices and drop on workplace and connect all the devices with the necessary cables. Provide the IP address to all the connected PC by clicking on the PC and selecting desktop tab in that IP configuration option Next step is to configure the Router ✓ Click on Router and go to CLI tab ✓ To get in to configuration mode, write router>enable ✓ To configure the terminal, write Router # configure terminal ✓ Write interface [fa 0/0 or se 2/0 or se 3/0] that u want to configure ✓ Give ip address using => ip address ✓ Then -> no shut which set up the connection ✓ The exit and do for another port. ✓ After doing for all the ports ✓ Use router rip to add the other network in rip pool. For router 0 configuration and setting up routing using rip Router>enable Router# Router#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)#int fa 0/0 Router(config-if)#ip ad Router(config-if)#no shut Router(config-if)# %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface FastEthernet0/0, changed state to up %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/0, changed state to up Router(config-if)#exit Router(config)#int se 2/0 Router(config-if)#ip ad Router# %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console Router(config)#int se 2/0 Router(config-if)#ip ad Router(config-if)#no shut %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Serial2/0, changed state to down Router(config-if)#exit Router(config)#int se 3/0 Router(config-if)#ip ad Router(config-if)#no shut %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Serial3/0, changed state to down Router(config-if)#exit Router(config)# Router(config)#router rip Router(config-router)#network Router(config-router)#network Router(config-router)#network Router(config-router)#exit DEPSTAR-IT 20 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 For router 1 configuration and setting up routing using rip DEPSTAR-IT 21 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 For router 2 configuration and setting up routing using rip Checking network: To check the connections are working properly or not drop on package on the one PC0 of LAN 1 i.e. and receive it from the PC2 of LAN 2 i.e. DEPSTAR-IT 22 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 To check the connections are working properly or not drop on package on the one PC3 -> PC1 i.e. -> For OSPF Topology: Step of configuration: • • • First step is to create the topology. For that click on the devices and drop on workplace and connect all the devices with the necessary cables. Provide the IP address to all the connected PC by clicking on the PC and selecting desktop tab in that IP configuration option Next step is to configure the Router DEPSTAR-IT 23 IT344 Computer Network ✓ Click on Router and go to CLI tab ✓ To get in to configuration mode, write router>enable ✓ To configure the terminal, write Router # configure terminal ✓ Write interface [fa 0/0 or se 2/0 or se 3/0] that u want to configure ✓ Give ip address using => ip address ✓ Then -> no shut which set up the connection ✓ The exit and do for another port. ✓ After doing for all the ports ✓ After doing that we will setup OSPF algorithm for routing. 18DIT056 ✓ Write router ospf id[like 1,2,…] ✓ Then write => network wildmask address[compliment of subnet mask address] area 0 For router 0 For router 1 For router 2 Checking network: DEPSTAR-IT 24 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 From to From to Conclusion: In this practical we learned about dynamic routing and routing algorithm like RIP and OSPF. DEPSTAR-IT 25 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Practical-5 Aim: Demonstrate the EIGRP and BGP protocol configuration using cisco packet tracer Theory: EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol) It is considered as a proprietary protocol for Cisco. Just for your information, just the Cisco devices make use of EIGRP. It is a completed-featured protocol just like OSPF. It has got some amazing features, but until you make sure that you are going to have a Cisco network, the use of open protocol (OSPF) is recommended. EIGRP has replaced IGRP which was its predecessor. The metric that is needed to select the best route through EIGRP is calculated by the use of a formula that takes into account bandwidth, reliability, delay of the link and also load. BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) BGP is considered as the routing protocol of the Internet. It is also Exterior Gateway Protocol, that is, EGP which means that BGP is used by routers making decisions of routing on the Internet. If your home has got a connection to the Internet then you don’t really need BGP or even need to run it. In case the router has got more than one dedicated connection to, you might require running. It is a path-vector protocol which implies that it can select the best route as compared to other routing protocols. BGP makes use of the “AS-PATH” as the routing metric and also it selects the route which has got the shortest path through the entire Internet. For EIGRP Topology: Step of configuration: • • • First step is to create the topology. For that click on the devices and drop on workplace and connect all the devices with the necessary cables. Provide the IP address to all the connected PC by clicking on the PC and selecting desktop tab in that IP configuration option Next step is to configure the Router ✓ Click on Router and go to config tab and configure router from there ✓ For following topology Fast Ethernet 0/0 and serial 2//0 are being used of each router ✓ After configuring them open cli and establish Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol for each router ✓ For that open cli and in configure mode type => route eigrp 1 ✓ The provide ip of the direct connections that are made to router. DEPSTAR-IT 26 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 For router 9 For router 10 For router 11 DEPSTAR-IT 27 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 For router 12 Checking network: Ping from to Tracert from DEPSTAR-IT 28 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 For BGP Topology: Step of configuration: • • • First step is to create the topology. For that click on the devices and drop on workplace and connect all the devices with the necessary cables. Provide the IP address to all the connected PC by clicking on the PC and selecting desktop tab in that IP configuration option Next step is to configure the Router ✓ Click on Router and go to config tab and configure router from there. DEPSTAR-IT 29 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 ✓ The make the looback network from router 0 ✓ Then set the router-id for each router (router0,1and 2 respectively.) Router 0 ✓ Router 1 Router 2 ✓ Set up the neighbor configuration for router 0,1 and 2. Router 0 Router 1 Router 2 ✓ Link the loopback network to router 0 DEPSTAR-IT 30 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 ✓ Loopback network is automatically linked with router 1 and 2 as they are connected to router 0. Router 0 Router 1 Router 2 Checking network: Conclusion: In this practical we learned about routing algorithm like EIGRP and BGP DEPSTAR-IT 31 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Practical-6 Aim: Demonstrate the static and dynamic configuration of NAT using cisco packet tracer. Theory: Network Address Translation (NAT) is the process where a network device, usually a firewall, assigns a public address to a computer (or group of computers) inside a private network. The main use of NAT is to limit the number of public IP addresses an organization or company must use, for both economy and security purposes. NAT can be used to allow selective access to the outside of the network, too. Workstations or other computers requiring special access outside the network can be assigned specific external IPs using NAT, allowing them to communicate with computers and applications that require a unique public IP address. Again, the firewall acts as the intermediary, and can control the session in both directions, restricting port access and protocols. Topology: Step of configuration: • First step is to create the topology. For that click on the devices and drop on workplace and connect all the devices with the necessary cables. • Provide the IP address to all the connected PC by clicking on the PC and selecting desktop tab in that IP configuration option. DEPSTAR-IT 32 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 • Next step is the router configuration of router 0 Router(config)#interface FastEthernet0/0 Router(config-if)#ip address Router(config-if)#no shutdown Router(config-if)#exit Router(config)#interface Serial2/0 Router(config-if)#ip address Router(config-if)#no shutdown Router(config-if)#exit • Next step is the router configuration of router 1 Router(config)#interface FastEthernet0/0 Router(config-if)#ip address Router(config-if)#no shutdown Router(config-if)#exit Router(config)#interface Serial2/0 Router(config-if)#ip address Router(config-if)#ip address Router(config-if)#no shutdown Router(config-if)#exit • • • • After that, to configure NAT Configuration, We have to Click on Router0 and go to CLI tab. And write, Router(config)#ip nat inside source static And write, Router(config)#ip nat inside source static After that, we have to assign private ip to inside network and public ip to outside so that, write, Router(config)#int fa0/0 Router(config-if)#int nat inside Router(config-if)#exit For another serial port 2/0, write Router(config)#int se2/0 Router(config-if)#int nat outside Router(config-if)#exit After that we have to apply Routing, so that write, Router(config)#ip route Router(config)#exit • • DEPSTAR-IT 33 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 • • • After that, to configure NAT Configuration, We have to Click on Router1 and go to CLI tab. And write, Router(config)#ip nat inside source static After that, we have to assign private ip to inside network and public ip to outside so that, write, Router(config)#int fa0/0 Router(config-if)#int nat inside Router(config-if)#exit • For another serial port 2/0, write Router(config)#int se2/0 Router(config-if)#int nat outside Router(config-if)#exit After that we have to apply Routing, so that write, Router(config)#ip route Router(config)#exit • DEPSTAR-IT 34 IT344 Computer Network Checking network: 18DIT056 We have ping to PC1 from PC0 using private ip as well as public ip and we got output as below • We have to check also in PC1,whether public IP is Responding or Private IP. To Check out this first we need to go out our sever0 and there services->HTTP->edit (at below side) and do check index.html or want to edit we can. • In PC1, Desktop->Web Browser->URL then have check like below so that we can get to know that public ip is working and private is not. DEPSTAR-IT 35 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Conclusion: In this practical we learned about static and dynamic configuration of NAT(Network Address Translation). DEPSTAR-IT 36 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Practical-7 Section-A Aim: Design simple tcl script for Wired topology of 4 nodes in NS-2 and analyze various tcl parameters like network nodes, links, queues and topology. Queue Size :- 5 ,Duplex Link, Queue Type Droptail Theory: NS2 stands for Network Simulator Version 2. It is an open-source event-driven simulator designed specifically for research in computer communication networks. • • • • • • • • It is a discrete event simulator for networking research. It provides substantial support to simulate bunch of protocols like TCP, FTP, UDP, https and DSR. It simulates wired and wireless network. It is primarily Unix based. Uses TCL as its scripting language. Otcl: Object oriented support Tclcl: C++ and otcl linkage Discrete event scheduler Topology: Code: set ns [new Simulator] $ns color 1 red set nf [open Prac1.nam w] $ns namtrace-all $nf proc finish {} { global ns nf $ns flush-trace close $nf exec nam Prac1.nam & exit 0 } set set set set n0 n1 n2 n3 [$ns [$ns [$ns [$ns node] node] node] node] #$ns [Type of link between node(duplex-link)] [node1 node2($n0 $n2)] [Bandwidth delay queue type(10mb 10ms DropTail)] DEPSTAR-IT 37 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 $ns duplex-link $n0 $n2 10mb 10ms DropTail $ns duplex-link $n1 $n2 10mb 10ms DropTail $ns duplex-link $n2 $n3 5mb 10ms DropTail $ns duplex-link-op $n0 $n2 orient right-down $ns duplex-link-op $n1 $n2 orient right-up $ns duplex-link-op $n2 $n3 orient right #tcp protocol set tcp [new Agent/TCP] $tcp set class_ 2 $ns attach-agent $n0 $tcp set sink [new Agent/TCPSink] $ns attach-agent $n3 $sink $ns connect $tcp $sink #to generate ftp traffic and also application $tcp set fid_ 1 set ftp [new Application/FTP] $ftp attach-agent $tcp $ftp set type_ FTP $ftp set packet_size_ 1000 $ftp set rate_ 1mb $ns at 1.0 "$ftp start" $ns at 2.0 "$ftp stop" $ns at 3.0 "finish" $ns run Output: 1. At starting point DEPSTAR-IT 2. When packet transfer begins 38 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Section-B Aim: Design simple tcl script for Wired topology of 6 nodes in NS-2 and analyze various tcl parameters like network nodes, links, queues and topology. Theory: TRANSMISSION CONTROL PROTOCOL (TCP) TCP is a connection-oriented protocol. Connectionorientation means that the communicating devices should establish a connection before transmitting data and should close the connection after transmitting the data. TCP is reliable as it guarantees delivery of data to the destination router. TCP provides extensive error checking mechanisms. It is because it provides flow control and acknowledgment of data. Sequencing of data is a feature of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). this means that packets arrive in-order at the receiver. TCP is comparatively slower than UDP. Retransmission of lost packets is possible in TCP, but not in UDP. TCP has a (20-80) bytes variable length header. TCP is heavy-weight. TCP doesn’t supports Broadcasting. TCP is used by HTTP, HTTPs, FTP, SMTP and Telnet. USER DATAGRAM PROTOCOL (UDP) UDP is the Datagram oriented protocol. This is because there is no overhead for opening a connection, maintaining a connection, and terminating a connection. UDP is efficient for broadcast and multicast type of network transmission. The delivery of data to the destination cannot be guaranteed in UDP. UDP has only the basic error checking mechanism using checksums. There is no sequencing of data in UDP. If ordering is required, it has to be managed by the application layer. UDP is faster, simpler and more efficient than TCP. There is no retransmission of lost packets in User Datagram Protocol (UDP). UDP has a 8 bytes fixed length header. UDP is lightweight. UDP supports Broadcasting. UDP is used by DNS, DHCP, TFTP, SNMP, RIP, and VoIP. Topology: DEPSTAR-IT 39 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Code: set #to $ns $ns ns [new Simulator] color the transmission from diffrent node using different protocol color 1 red color 2 green set nf [open prac7.nam w] $ns namtrace-all $nf proc finish {} { global ns nf nt $ns flush-trace close $nf exec nam prac7.nam & exit 0 } #node varibles set n0 [$ns node] set n1 [$ns node] set n2 [$ns node] set n3 [$ns node] set n4 [$ns node] set n5 [$ns node] #$ns [Type of link between node(duplex-link)] [node1 node2($n0 $n2)] [Bandwidth delay queue type(10mb 10ms DropTail)] $ns duplex-link $n0 $n2 10mb 10ms DropTail $ns duplex-link $n1 $n2 10mb 10ms DropTail $ns duplex-link $n2 $n3 5mb 5ms DropTail $ns duplex-link $n3 $n4 10mb 10ms DropTail $ns duplex-link $n3 $n5 10mb 10ms DropTail #to check dropping of packets $ns duplex-link $n2 $n3 5mb 15ms DropTail #limiting the queue size between different nodes for storing limited number of packects $ns queue-limit $n2 $n3 5 $ns $ns $ns $ns $ns duplex-link-op duplex-link-op duplex-link-op duplex-link-op duplex-link-op DEPSTAR-IT $n0 $n1 $n2 $n3 $n3 $n2 $n2 $n3 $n4 $n5 orient orient orient orient orient right-down right-up right right-up right-down 40 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 #tcp protocol #using sink as tcp provide synchronization between sender and receiver and many other services set tcp [new Agent/TCP] $tcp set class_ 2 $ns attach-agent $n0 $tcp set sink [new Agent/TCPSink] $ns attach-agent $n4 $sink $ns connect $tcp $sink #to generate ftp traffic and also application #providing flow id to ecah connection using fid $tcp set fid_ 1 set ftp [new Application/FTP] $ftp attach-agent $tcp $ftp set type_ FTP $ftp set packet_size_ 1000 $ftp set rate_ 1mb #upd protocol #using null as udp does not provide any kind of services set udp [new Agent/UDP] $ns attach-agent $n1 $udp set null [new Agent/Null] $ns attach-agent $n5 $null $ns connect $udp $null #cbr pure traffic #providing flow id to ecah connection using fid $udp set fid_ 2 set cbr [new Application/Traffic/CBR] $cbr attach-agent $udp $cbr set type_ CBR $cbr set packet_size_ 1000 $cbr set rate_ 1mb $ns $ns $ns $ns $ns at at at at at 1.0 2.0 1.5 3.0 4.0 "$ftp start" "$ftp stop" "$cbr start" "$cbr stop" "finish" $ns run DEPSTAR-IT 41 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Output: DEPSTAR-IT 42 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Section C Aim: To demonstrate various queuing mechanisms and make comparative analysis of various queuing techniques. (using trace file) (Droptail, RED,SFQ,FQ,FIFO) Theory: Drop Tail - It is a simple queue mechanism that is used by the routers that when packets should to be drop. In this mechanism each packet is treated identically and when queue filled to its maximum capacity the newly incoming packets are dropped until queue have sufficient space to accept incoming traffic. Fair Queuing - It is a queuing mechanism that is used to allow multiple packets flow to comparatively share the link capacity. Routers have multiple queues for each output line for every user. When a line as available as idle routers scans the queues through round robin and takes first packet to next queue. FQ also ensure about the maximum throughput of the network. For more efficiency weighted queue mechanism is also used. RED - Random Early Detection (RED) is a congestion avoidance queuing mechanism (as opposed to a congestion administration mechanism) that is potentially useful, particularly in high-speed transit networks. Sally Floyd and Van Jacobson projected it in various papers in the early 1990s.It is active queue management mechanism. It operates on the average queue size and drop packets on the basis of statistics information. If the buffer is empty all incoming packets are acknowledged. As the queue size increase the probability for discarding a packet also increase. When buffer is full probability becomes equal to 1 and all incoming packets are dropped. Stochastic Fair Queuing - This queuing mechanism is based on fair queuing algorithm and proposed by John Nagle in 1987. Because it is impractical to have one queue for each conversation SFQ uses a hashing algorithm which divides the traffic over a limited number of queues. It is not so efficient than other queues mechanisms but it also requires less calculation while being almost perfectly fair. It is called "Stochastic" due to the reason that it does not actually assign a queue for every session; it has an algorithm which divides traffic over a restricted number of queues using a hashing algorithm. SFQ assigns a pretty large number of FIFO queues Deficit Round Robin - It is a modified weighted round robin scheduling mechanism. It can handle packets of different size without having knowledge of their mean size. Deficit Round Robin keeps track of credits for each flow. It derives ideas from Fair Queuing and Stochastic FQ. It uses hashing to determine the queue to which a flow has to be assigned and collisions automatically reduce the bandwidth guaranteed to the flow. Each queue is assigned a quantum and can send a packet of size that can fit in the available quantum. If not, the idle quantum gets added to this meticulous queue’s deficit and the packet can be sent in the next round. The quantum size is a very vital parameter in the DRR scheme, determining the upper bound on the latency as well as the throughput. Explain Scenario: For FQ, SFQ queue we have to find the delay and queue limit foe the packet to start droping. the queue limits model, which is used by the traffic control to limit the NetDevices queueing delay. It operates on the transmission path of the network node. The queueing delay is the time a job waits in a queue until it can be executed. It is a key component of network delay Table Queue Type RED DropTail FQ SFQ DEPSTAR-IT Delay 5 3 2 2 Queue limit 5 4 10 10 BANDWIDTH 5 5 5 5 43 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Code: set #to $ns $ns ns [new Simulator] color the transmission from diffrent node using different protocol color 1 red color 2 green set nf [open prac7.nam w] $ns namtrace-all $nf proc finish {} { global ns nf nt $ns flush-trace close $nf exec nam prac7.nam & exit 0 } #node varibles set n0 [$ns node] set n1 [$ns node] set n2 [$ns node] set n3 [$ns node] set n4 [$ns node] set n5 [$ns node] #$ns [Type of link between node(duplex-link)] [node1 node2($n0 $n2)] [Bandwidth delay queue type(10mb 10ms DropTail)] $ns duplex-link $n0 $n2 10mb 10ms DropTail $ns duplex-link $n1 $n2 10mb 10ms DropTail #changing node n2 and n3 queue type # For RED type queue $ns duplex-link $n2 $n3 5mb # For Droptail type queue $ns duplex-link $n2 $n3 5mb # For FQ type queue $ns duplex-link $n2 $n3 5mb # For SFQ type queue $ns duplex-link $n2 $n3 5mb 5ms RED 3ms DropTail 2ms FQ 2ms SFQ $ns duplex-link $n3 $n4 10mb 10ms DropTail $ns duplex-link $n3 $n5 10mb 10ms DropTail #to check dropping of packets #$ns duplex-link $n2 $n3 5mb 15ms DropTail DEPSTAR-IT 44 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 #limiting the queue size between different nodes for storing limited number of packects # for RED - 5, DropTail – 4, FQ – 10, SFQ - 10 $ns queue-limit $n2 $n3 5 $ns $ns $ns $ns $ns duplex-link-op duplex-link-op duplex-link-op duplex-link-op duplex-link-op $n0 $n1 $n2 $n3 $n3 $n2 $n2 $n3 $n4 $n5 orient orient orient orient orient right-down right-up right right-up right-down #tcp protocol #using sink as tcp provide synchronization between sender and receiver and many other services set tcp [new Agent/TCP] $tcp set class_ 2 $ns attach-agent $n0 $tcp set sink [new Agent/TCPSink] $ns attach-agent $n4 $sink $ns connect $tcp $sink #to generate ftp traffic and also application #providing flow id to ecah connection using fid $tcp set fid_ 1 set ftp [new Application/FTP] $ftp attach-agent $tcp $ftp set type_ FTP $ftp set packet_size_ 1000 $ftp set rate_ 1mb #upd protocol #using null as udp does not provide any kind of services set udp [new Agent/UDP] $ns attach-agent $n1 $udp set null [new Agent/Null] $ns attach-agent $n5 $null $ns connect $udp $null #cbr pure traffic #providing flow id to ecah connection using fid $udp set fid_ 2 set cbr [new Application/Traffic/CBR] $cbr attach-agent $udp $cbr set type_ CBR $cbr set packet_size_ 1000 $cbr set rate_ 1mb $ns at 1.0 "$ftp start" $ns at 2.0 "$ftp stop" DEPSTAR-IT 45 IT344 Computer Network $ns $ns $ns $ns 18DIT056 at 1.5 "$cbr start" at 3.0 "$cbr stop" at 4.0 "finish" run Output – RED DropTail DEPSTAR-IT 46 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 FQ, SFQ For all four type of queue DEPSTAR-IT 47 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Section 4 Aim: To demonstrate the use of AWK script with NS2 trace file of scenario A. Find Out Throughput, Packet delivery ratio , Number Drop Packets for all Queues. Theory: The file written by an application (or by the Coverage Server) to store coverage information or overall network information and In NS2, it is called as Trace File. In order to generate a trace file. we have to create a trace file in Otcl script. Awk is a scripting language used for manipulating data and generating reports.The awk command programming language requires no compiling, and allows the user to use variables, numeric functions, string functions, and logical operators. Code: set #to $ns $ns ns [new Simulator] color the transmission from diffrent node using different protocol color 1 red color 2 green set nf [open prac7.nam w] $ns namtrace-all $nf #creating trace file set nt [open w] $ns trace-all $nt proc finish {} { global ns nf nt $ns flush-trace close $nf close $nt exec nam prac7.nam & exec awk -f prac7-tp.awk & exit 0 } #node varibles set n0 [$ns node] set n1 [$ns node] set n2 [$ns node] set n3 [$ns node] set n4 [$ns node] set n5 [$ns node] #$ns [Type of link between node(duplex-link)] [node1 node2($n0 $n2)] [Bandwidth delay queue type(10mb 10ms DropTail)] $ns duplex-link $n0 $n2 10mb 10ms DropTail $ns duplex-link $n1 $n2 10mb 10ms DropTail DEPSTAR-IT 48 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 $ns duplex-link $n2 $n3 5mb 5ms DropTail $ns duplex-link $n3 $n4 10mb 10ms DropTail $ns duplex-link $n3 $n5 10mb 10ms DropTail #to check dropping of packets $ns duplex-link $n2 $n3 5mb 15ms DropTail #limiting the queue size between different nodes for storing limited number of packects $ns queue-limit $n2 $n3 5 $ns $ns $ns $ns $ns duplex-link-op duplex-link-op duplex-link-op duplex-link-op duplex-link-op $n0 $n1 $n2 $n3 $n3 $n2 $n2 $n3 $n4 $n5 orient orient orient orient orient right-down right-up right right-up right-down #tcp protocol #using sink as tcp provide synchronization between sender and receiver and many other services set tcp [new Agent/TCP] $tcp set class_ 2 $ns attach-agent $n0 $tcp set sink [new Agent/TCPSink] $ns attach-agent $n4 $sink $ns connect $tcp $sink #to generate ftp traffic and also application #providing flow id to ecah connection using fid $tcp set fid_ 1 set ftp [new Application/FTP] $ftp attach-agent $tcp $ftp set type_ FTP $ftp set packet_size_ 1000 $ftp set rate_ 1mb #upd protocol #using null as udp does not provide any kind of services set udp [new Agent/UDP] $ns attach-agent $n1 $udp set null [new Agent/Null] $ns attach-agent $n5 $null $ns connect $udp $null #cbr pure traffic #providing flow id to ecah connection using fid $udp set fid_ 2 set cbr [new Application/Traffic/CBR] $cbr attach-agent $udp DEPSTAR-IT 49 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 $cbr set type_ CBR $cbr set packet_size_ 1000 $cbr set rate_ 1mb $ns $ns $ns $ns $ns $ns at 1.0 at 2.0 at 1.5 at 3.0 at 4.0 run "$ftp start" "$ftp stop" "$cbr start" "$cbr stop" "finish" #Screenchot of making trace file AWK script : BEGIN{ #for tcp and udp connection differently #for tcp stime=0 ftime=0 flag=0 fsize=0 throughput=0 latency=0 #for udp stime1=0 ftime1=0 flag1=0 fsize1=0 throughput1=0 latency1=0 } #for tcp looping { DEPSTAR-IT 50 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 if($1=="r" && $4==4){ fsize+=$6 if(flag==0){ stime=$2 flag=1 } ftime=$2 } } #for udp looping { if($1=="r" && $4==5){ fsize1+=$6 if(flag1==0){ stime1=$2 flag1=1 } ftime1=$2 } } END{ latency=ftime-stime #to convert into bits we multiply it with 8 #for tcp conn throughput=(fsize*8)/latency printf("\nfor tcp conn") printf("\nlatancy: %f",latency) printf("\nthroughput: %f",throughput) #for udp conn latency1=ftime1-stime1 throughput1=(fsize1*8)/latency1 printf("\nfor udp conn") printf("\nlatancy: %f",latency1) printf("\nthroughput: %f",throughput1) } • How to link awk script with tr file in tcl script #creating trace file set nt [open w] $ns trace-all $nt proc finish {} { global ns nf nt $ns flush-trace close $nf close $nt exec nam prac7.nam & DEPSTAR-IT 51 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 exec awk -f prac7-tp.awk & exit 0 } Output: Conclusion: In this practical we learned about the types of queue , how to design simple tcl script for Wired topology, we also learned about tr file and awk script to know latency and throughput. DEPSTAR-IT 52 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Practical- 8 Aim: Create ring and mesh topology in NS2 and learn about the dynamic routing while one link goes down. Theory: Ring Topology In ring topology each device is connected with the two devices on either side of it. There are two dedicated point to point links a device has with the devices on the either side of it. This structure forms a ring thus it is known as ring topology. If a device wants to send data to another device then it sends the data in one direction, each device in ring topology has a repeater, if the received data is intended for other device then repeater forwards this data until the intended device receives it. Mesh topology In mesh topology each device is connected to every other device on the network through a dedicated point-to-point link. When we say dedicated it means that the link only carries data for the two connected devices only. Lets say we have n devices in the network then each device must be connected with (n-1) devices of the network. Number of links in a mesh topology of n devices would be n(n-1)/2. Dynamic Routing – DV & LS Dynamic routing is a networking technique that provides optimal data routing. Unlike static routing, dynamic routing enables routers to select paths according to real-time logical network layout changes. Dynamic routing protocols allow routers to share information about the network with other routers to allow them to select the best path to reach a destination. Distance Vector Routing Based on the least number of hops Full routing table It updates On broadcast Low utilization of CPU and memory High simplicity DEPSTAR-IT Link State Routing Based on the cost Link state updates It updates On multicast Intensive utilization of CPU and memory Requires a trained network administrator 53 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Topology: 1. Ring 2. Mesh DEPSTAR-IT 54 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Topology: NAM (Before sending any packet) 1. Ring 2. Mesh DEPSTAR-IT 55 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Code: Ring Topology set ns [new Simulator] $ns rtproto DV set nf [open ring.nam w] $ns namtrace-all $nf proc finish {} { global ns nf $ns flush-trace close $nf exec nam ring.nam & exit 0 } set set set set n0 n1 n2 n3 [$ns [$ns [$ns [$ns node] node] node] node] $ns $ns $ns $ns duplex-link duplex-link duplex-link duplex-link $ns $ns $ns $ns duplex-link-op duplex-link-op duplex-link-op duplex-link-op $n0 $n1 $n2 $n3 $n1 $n2 $n3 $n0 $n0 $n1 $n2 $n3 10Mb 10Mb 10Mb 10Mb $n1 $n2 $n3 $n0 10ms 10ms 10ms 10ms orient orient orient orient DropTail DropTail DropTail DropTail right down left up set tcp [new Agent/TCP] $tcp set class_ 2 $ns attach-agent $n0 $tcp set sink [new Agent/TCPSink] $ns attach-agent $n2 $sink $ns connect $tcp $sink set ftp [new Application/FTP] $ftp attach-agent $tcp $ftp set type_ FTP $ftp set packet_size_ 1000 $ftp set rate_ 1mb DEPSTAR-IT 56 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 $ns at 1.0 "$ftp start" $ns rtmodel-at 2.0 down $n1 $n2 $ns rtmodel-at 3.0 up $n2 $n2 $ns at 4.0 "$ftp stop" $ns at 5.0 "finish" $ns run Mesh Topology #Changed Statements $ns duplex-link $n0 $n2 10Mb 20ms DropTail $ns duplex-link $n1 $n3 10Mb 20ms DropTail $ns duplex-link-op $n0 $n2 orient right-down $ns duplex-link-op $n1 $n3 orient left-down $ns rtmodel-at 2.0 down $n0 $n2 $ns rtmodel-at 3.0 up $n0 $n2 DEPSTAR-IT 57 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Output: Ring Topology 1. When Link Goes down 2. When Link Goes up DEPSTAR-IT 58 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Mesh Topology 1. When Link Goes down 2. When Link Goes up Conclusion: In this practical, we have implemented ring and mesh topology in NS2 and also dynamic routing while one link goes down. DEPSTAR-IT 59 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 Practical-10 Aim: To work with SDN technology and SD WAN Theory: What is SD WAN and how it works? • A Software-defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) is a virtual WAN architecture that allows enterprises to leverage any combination of transport services – including MPLS, LTE and broadband internet services to securely connect users to applications. • There are three main components to this virtualized network: The SD-WAN edge, the controller, and the orchestrator. • The SD-WAN edge is where the network endpoints reside. This can be a branch office, a remote data center, or cloud platform. • An SD-WAN Orchestrator is the virtualized manager for network, overseeing traffic and applying policy and protocol set by operators. • The SD-WAN Controller centralizes management, and enables operators to see the network through a single pane of glass, and set policy for the orchestrator to execute. • These components make up the basic structure of an SD-WAN. In addition, there are three main types of architecture: on-premises, cloud-enabled, and cloud-enabled with a backbone. • An On-premises SD-WAN is where the SD-WAN hardware resides on-site. Network operators can directly access and manage the network and the hardware it resides on, and it does not use the cloud for its connections. This makes it ideal for sensitive information that cannot be sent over the internet. • Cloud-enabled SD-WANs connect to a virtual cloud gateway over the internet, which makes the network more accessible, and provides better integration and performance with cloudnative applications. • Cloud-Enabled with Backbone SD-WANs give organizations an extra backup by connecting the network with a nearby point of presence (PoP), such as within a data centre. It allows traffic to switch from the public internet to a private connection. Moving to a private connection leads to a more secure SD-WAN and adds consistency in case the connection is overwhelmed or fails. DEPSTAR-IT 60 IT344 Computer Network 18DIT056 CHARACTERISTICS: • • • • Better Prioritization Flexible Bandwidth Allocation Dynamic Connection Establishment Minimal Packet Loss ADVANTAGES: • • • • • Improves Performance Boosts Security Lowers complexity Enables cloud storage Reduces costs DISADVANTAGES: • • • • SD-WANs have not been fully adopted yet. There is no on-site security functionality. IT staffs will have to be heavily relied on in order to deploy and maintain this technical solution. SD-WAN networks are immune to slow performance. Conclusion: By doing this practical we learned about what is SD WAN technology, how it works and its advantages and disadvantages. DEPSTAR-IT 61