l.ec6 Quantum theory Waves Quantum theory developed toexplainexperimentalobservations 2 l BlackbodyRadiation⿊體 輻射 Oscillation 磁蕩 leiiast.ro 線 災害 phe紫外 MaxPlanck 1990 Einstein1905 ⼗lightis isquantised energy Ehv 光⼦ 能量 quantised Kclx 光treq⼆点 速1波長 4C 3 xii 普 郎克常數x光treq Yo hf.li f Ehv 3 lighteject ēfrommetal 1igtas awave energyisproportional to thesquare ofitsampt 振幅 forparticles energy is proportional to freq radiation Electromagnetic energy ⼀ of charges Heat t 效應 Photoelectric Effect 光電 線 spectroscopic lines光譜 visibleatomicemissionspectra discretespectralwavelength Cline 光譜 Bohrl1913 罹散 lightemitd byanexcited atomicgas consists ofdiscrete wavelengths nota continuous banana 理 4 Bohrmodel NielsBohr1913 postulated asetof circularorbits for ē ēcanmove ineachorbits withoutradiatingenergy discreteradii andenergies Hatom En méyztinz ER吉 inquantumnumber8 n Rydbergconstant 2.18⼼了 t nì En What's wrong toclassical according ēcontinuouslostenergyand spiral intothenucleus physics 21couldonlyexplaintheemissionspectra ofsingle_ē x multi t 3 noreasonwhyanē shouldhavediscreteorbits or energies Matter waves 0 mv DeBroglie f that themomentum of a particleshould berelated toits入 inthe same wayas a photon reasoned debroglie relation 光波粒潒現 Einstein'stheory momentum t P E1C 点 7 入⼆号⼆ quantumtheory E⼆hc.la Wave behavior t restricted motion of freq discreteenergylevels both momentum wavelength lec7 Properties of waves orbitals shape FundamentalEnergy Thefundamental is thelowest energy Electron static atraction to nucleus confine an electron wave in atom Electron density 定律 Borninterpretation 恩 波 i 1 入1 4 electronwavefunction⼆ electron density 42 probably offindinganelectron morenodes⼆ moreenergy ⼀直 p short入 Electron density r no 4 pT ⼆ moreenergy lobes 0 ⼆42 0 surfacecontain90 Three 周 _X_x 兩 darklight Qee Tfflflf partiabmn t lowdensity ofpartials 0 otēchargedensity Radialprobability ēdensityx4 āid eoa 球形 入 1爾 Bright light hv t highdensityofpartials