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Science Exam: Plant & Animal Reproduction

Cong. Ding Tanjuatco Street
Tanay, Rizal, Philippines
S.Y. 2022-2023
3rd Periodical Examination in Science 5
Name: ________________________________________________________________ Score:____________
I. Word Pool
Directions: Identify the reproductive part and flower part described. Write the letter of the
best answer in the space provided before each number. Options may be used more than
A. Accessory Glands
B. Cloaca
C. Infundibulum
D. Fallopian Tubes
E. Magnum
F. Ovary
G. Uterus
H. Uterine Horns
I. Papillae
J. Style
K. Stigma
L. Stamen
M. Pistil
N. Ovule
O. Ovary
P. Filament
Q. Corolla
R. Calyx
S. Anther
_________1. It secretes the thick white part of the egg.
_________2. It receives the yolk from the ovary; it is also referred to as a funnel.
_________3. They are the two tubes that carry the eggs from the ovaries to the uterus.
_________4. It produces the female sex cells and the hormones estrogen and progesterone.
_________5. It is an enlarged part where the large intestine joins the end of the end of the
passageway of food.
_________6. They produce an adhesive substance to attach eggs to an object such as leaves
or rocks.
_________7. They are structures which may be big or small depending on the number of
offspring at each breeding.
_________8. In mammals, it is a Y-shaped organ which is made up of the cervix, two uterine
horns, and the body.
_________9. In birds, such as chickens, it is in this structure where the thin white and the outer
shell is added to the egg.
_________10. The organ on the back wall of the cloaca that puts the sperm into the hen’s
reproductive tract.
_________11. Male reproductive organ of a flower
_________12. Becomes the seed when egg cell is fertilized
_________13. Bottle-shaped organ that contains the ovules
_________14. Consists of all the petals which attract pollinators
_________15. Stalk of the pistil down which the pollen tube grows
_________16. Thin, slender stalk that holds and supports the anther
_________17. Male reproductive organ that contains pollen grains
_________18. Sticky, pollen-receptive part of the pistil
_________19. Female reproductive organ of a flower
_________20. Consists of all the sepals which protect the flower
II. Modes of Pollination
Directions: Study the characteristic of the flower. Write I if the flower would be pollinated by
insects or W if they would be pollinated by wind.
_________1. Small, dull-colored
_________4. No scent
_________2. Sweet nectar
_________3. No nectar
_________5. Bright, colorful petals
III. Mode of Reproduction in Animals
Directions: Animals can be classified as viviparous, oviparous, or ovoviviparous. Write V in the
blank if the animal below is viviparous, O if it is oviparous and OV if it is Ovoviviparous.
_______1. Butterfly
_______6. Goat
_______2. Goldfish
_______7. Whale
_______3. Frog
_______8. Tilapia
_______4. Lizard
_______9. Milkfish
_______5. Chicken
_______10. Frogs
IV. Sequence of Events
Directions: Sequence the events in the formation of seed from the jumbled steps given
below. Use numbers 1 to 5.
A fruit develops from the ovary
All flower parts drop off
The petals dry up and an embryo develops
A seed develops from each ovule
A fertilized egg (zygote) develops after fertilization
Prepared by:
Ms. Genesse E. Marasigan
Teacher in Science 5
Cong. Ding Tanjuatco Street
Tanay, Rizal, Philippines
S.Y. 2022-2023
3rd Periodical Examination in Science 6
Name: _______________________________________________________________ Score: ____________
I. Word Pool
Directions: Identify the body part described. Write the letter of the best answer in the space
provided before each number. Options may be used more than once.
A. Alveoli
B. Capillaries
C. Diaphragm
D. Larynx
E. Epiglottis
F. Ribs
G. Trachea
H. Bronchi
I. Nasal Cavity
J. Lungs
K. Arteries
L. Blood Plasma
M. Capillaries
N. Heart
O. Left Auricle
P. Left Ventricle
Q. Platelets
R. Red Blood Cells
S. White Blood Cells
T. Veins
_____1. The main respiratory organs located in the chest cavity
_____2. Cartilaginous structure that contains the vocal cords
_____3. Microscopic blood vessels that enable the exchange of gases
_____4. Flap of cartilage that prevents of food from entering the trachea
_____5. Thin-walled sacs in the lungs where the exchange of gas takes place
_____6. Two large tubes that branch off to the trachea and carry air into the lungs
_____7. The part that warms, moistens, and cleans the air before it reaches lungs and heart
_____8. Bony and cartilaginous structures that provide protection to the lungs and heart
_____9. Cartilaginous tube lined with mucous and cilia that connects the larynx to the bronchi
_____10. Main muscle used for breathing which separates chest cavity from abdominal cavity
_____11. pumping machine of the body
_____12. delivers oxygen to the cells of the body
_____13. carry blood away from the heart
_____14. carry blood toward the heart
_____15. help in blood clotting
_____16. fight germs that enter the body
_____17. distributes the nutrients and oxygen to the cells
_____18. delivers nutrients to the cells and picks up wastes
_____19. receives blood from the lungs
_____20. pumps blood to the different parts of the body
II. Multiple Choice
Directions: Read the question carefully, circle the letter of the correct answer.
1. The control center of your entire body.
a. Nervous System
b. Digestive System
c. Circulatory System
2. Main transport system of the body.
a. Nervous System
b. Digestive System
c. Circulatory System
3. The system that helps you breathe
a. Nervous System
b. Digestive System
c. Circulatory System
4. Made up of the brain and the spinal cord.
a. Central Nervous System
b. Peripheral Nervous System
c. Cranial Nerves
5. Twelve pairs of nerves originating from the brain
a. Spinal Nerves
b. Neuron
c. Cranial Nerves
6. Simply a nerve cell that serves as the functional unit of the nervous system.
a. Spinal Nerves
b. Neuron
c. Cranial Nerves
7. Anything that triggers a response.
a. Stimulus
b. Spinal Cord
c. Brain
8. The largest organ in the nervous system.
a. Stimulus
b. Spinal Cord
c. Brain
9. Made up of nerve fibers that carry information to and from the brain.
a. Stimulus
b. Spinal Cord
c. Brain
10. Which of the following is NOT a function of the nervous system?
a. receives information from the environment
b. distributes food to the brain
c. controls activities of the body
III. Essay
Directions: Answer the following questions. (5 pts each)
a. Give a scenario or a situation that shows how different body systems are working
b. What are the steps that you can do to keep your body systems healthy?
Prepared by:
Ms. Genesse E. Marasigan
Teacher in Science 6
Cong. Ding Tanjuatco Street
Tanay, Rizal, Philippines
S.Y. 2022-2023
3rd Periodical Examination in Science 9
Name: _______________________________________________________________ Score: ____________
I. Word Pool
Directions: Identify the word described. Write the letter of the best answer in the space
provided before each number. Options may be used more than once.
A. Extinction
B. Comet Impact
C. Epidemic
D. Invasive Species
E. Water Footprint
F. Earthquake
G. Tsunami
H. Wildlife Poaching
I. Habitat Destruction
J. Environmental Footprint
K. Volcanic Eruption
L. Population Increase
M. Climate Change
N. Bleaching
O. Pollution
P. Sustainable Use
Q. Janitor Fish
R. Golden Apple Snail
S. Dinosaurs
T. Pacific Ring of Fire
_____1. The movement of the crust that might cause extinction if in massive scale.
_____2. Non-native species that multiply rapidly and can threaten the existence of native
species either by predation or competition.
_____3. The believed cause of extinction of dinosaurs 60 million years ago.
_____4. The illegal hunting or catching of wild animals often for commercial purposes.
_____5. The over-all environmental impact of everything that we do or consume.
_____6. Largely responsible for the current sixth wave of global extinction.
_____7. Occurs when the symbiotic algae separates or die from the corals.
_____8. The use of components of biological diversity in a way and at a rate that doesn’t
lead to the long-term decline of biological diversity.
_____9. Introduced in the early 1980s as a cheap protein source.
_____10. Countries located in it have numerous active volcanoes that have erupted violently.
_____11. Also called as “virtual water”
_____12. A widespread disease
_____13. The dying out of species because of natural or man-made causes.
_____14. Tidal wave in massive scale.
_____15. Caused by illegal logging, slash-and-burn agriculture, dynamite and cyanide fishing
and aquaculture.
_____16. May also cause mass extinction because of its lava and lahar.
_____17. Brought by the unabated emissions of greenhouse gases.
_____18. The introduction of harmful contaminants into the environment.
_____19. An invasive specie who can thrive well even in polluted freshwater ecosystems like
the Laguna de Bay.
_____20. Believe to be extinct because of the impact of a massive asteroid.
II. Enumeration
Directions: List down what is being asked.
A. Natural Causes of Species Extinction
B. Anthropogenic Causes of Species Extinction
C. Top Ten ways of reducing your carbon footprint
III. Matching Type
Directions: Match items in Column A to Column B.
____1. The key molecule for photosynthesis
____2. The process by which light energy is converted to chemical
energy by plants and other autotrophic organisms.
____3. The chlorophyll is present in the unique cellular structure
called ______ which is usually found in the leaves of plants.
____4. Water and other nutrients from the soil are brought to the
leaves by the vascular channel called _____.
____5. Vascular bundle ______ transport food from the leaves to
other parts of the plant.
____6. Membranous structures that connect the thylakoid within
one granum to another.
____7. 10-20 thylakoids are stacked together to form a ____.
____8. The alkaline aqueous space inside the chloroplasts.
____9. Disc-shaped membranous sacs that contain the
____10. An opening that allows the passage of gases into and out
of the leaves.
a. Chloroplast
b. Chlorophyll
c. Photosynthesis
d. Xylem
e. Phloem
f. Stroma
g. Granum
h. Stroma Lamellae
i. Thylakoid
j. Stoma
Prepared by:
Ms. Genesse E. Marasigan
Teacher in Science 9
Cong. Ding Tanjuatco Street
Tanay, Rizal, Philippines
S.Y. 2022-2023
3rd Periodical Examination in Science 10
Name: _______________________________________________________________ Score: ____________
I. Word Pool
Directions: Identify the word described. Write the letter of the best answer in the space
provided before each number. Options may be used more than once.
A. Prepuce
B. Corpora Cavernosa
C. Corpus Spongiosum
D. Seminiferous tubules
E. Leydig Cells
F. Testosterone
G. Semen
H. Ejaculation
I. Scrotum
J. Testes
K. Epididymis
L. Vas Deferens
M. Cremaster muscles
N. Prostate Gland
O. Cowper’s Glands
P. Glans
Q. Penis
R. Spermatogenesis
S. Spermache
T. Sertoli Cells
____1. Produces Androgen-binding protein which facilitates the production of sperm cells.
____2. Loose-fitting skin which can be removed through circumcision.
____3. Pair of sponge-like vascular tissues that run along the back of penile shaft.
____4. Pair of sponge-like vascular tissues that run along the front of penile shaft.
____5. The compartments of the testicle contain highly coiled _________.
____6. A steroid hormone that stimulates the development and maintenance of sexual
characteristics in males.
____7. Sperm cells are secreted along with seminal fluids to form ________.
____8. A reflex mediated by the sympathetic nervous system which forces the ejection of
sperm cells.
____9. The skinny pouch that houses the testes.
____10. Primary sex organ or gonads of the male.
____11. Temporary storage of the sperm cells.
____12. A muscular tube that transports the mature sperm cells from the epididymis.
____13. Envelop the testes and raise or lower them to maintain a cooler temperature.
____14. Secretes a milky white, acidic fluid which contains of clotting enzymes.
____15. Adds alkaline mucus to the semen that neutralizes the acidity of the urethra.
____16. The bulbous head.
____17. Male copulatory organ.
____18. Production of sperm cells.
____19. The onset of sperm development and maturation in males.
____20. Produces androgen-binding protein or ABP.
II. Classification
Directions: Write F if the part given is a female reproductive part and write M if it is a male
reproductive part.
____1. Vulva
____6. Corpus spongiosum
____2. Hymen
____7. Prepuce
____3. Mons Pubis
____8. Glans
____4. Lobules
____9. Corpora Cavernosa
____5. Labia Minora
____10. Bulbourethral glands
III. Identification
Directions: Identify the word being described.
________________1. Circular, pigmented area that surrounds the nipple.
________________2. A yellowish fluid in milk that is rich in nutrients and antibodies.
________________3. The most sensitive erogenous zone of the female genitalia.
________________4. A small organ at the base of the brain near the pituitary gland.
________________5. Onset of menstruation
________________6. Condition where the testes do not produce enough amount of
________________7. Primary estrogen in women who are not pregnant
________________8. Main estrogen in females during menopause
________________9. Dominant estrogen during pregnancy.
________________10. Hormone released by the corpus luteum in the ovary which prepares the
female’s body for pregnancy and its maintenance.
________________11. It starts one year after the last menstrual period.
________________12. The stoppage of menstrual period.
________________13. The point of decline in the female sex hormones which usually results to
irregular period and symptoms like hot flashes and vaginal dryness.
________________14. Painful cramps in the pelvis or lower abdomen.
________________15. Also known as monthly period, is the regular vaginal bloody discharge
that happens in a woman from puberty to her menopausal period.
IV. Essay
Directions: In 3-4 sentences, read and answer the question provided below. (5 pts)
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), also known as venereal diseases, are infectious diseases
that are spread through sexual intercourse. There are serious infections that can be fatal,
and some are even incurable. Among the 8 discussed STDs, choose one disease and discuss
its symptoms, effects, and possible treatments.
Prepared by:
Ms. Genesse E. Marasigan
Teacher in Science 10