NAME: Radjel M.Cosido BSABE 3M2 Central Bicol State University of Agriculture College of Engineering and Food Science Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering ABE 103 Laboratory Exercise 2 Flowchart and Algorithm Objectives of the Exercise: The exercise aims to introduce text-based programming to students. Specifically, the exercise aims for the students to: a. Able to develop flowchart for computer programs b. Create algorithms necessary for computational techniques Design an algorithm and flowchart for the following problems: 1. Find the largest among three different numbers entered by the user. Algorithm Step 1: Start Step 2: Read/ Input num 1, num 2, num 3 Step 3: If (num 1>=num 2) and (num1 >=num 3) then Max= num 1 Step 4: If (num 2>=num 1) and (num 2>=num 3) then Max= num 2 Step 5: If (num 3>=num 1) and (num3>=num 2) then Max=num 3 Step 6: Print Max Step 7: End 1 of 4 Flowchart Star t Read num1, num 2, num 3 False True Num1 >num 2 False Num 2>nu m3 Print num 2 is the largest number False False Print num 3 is the largest number End 2 of 4 Num 1 > num 3 True Print num 1 is the largest number 2. Find all the roots of a quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0 Algorithm Step 1. Start Step 2. Read the coefficients of the equation, a, b and c from the user. Step 3. Calculate discriminant = (b * b) – (4 * a * c) Step 4. If discriminant > 0: 4.1: Calculate root1 = (-b + sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a) 4.2: Calculate root2 = (-b - sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a) 4.3: Display “Roots are real and different” 4.4: Display root1 and root2 Step 5: Else if discriminant = 0: 5.1: Calculate root1 = -b / (2 *a) 5.2: root2 = root1 5.3: Display “Root are real and equal” 5.4: Display root1 and root2 Step 6. Else: 6.1: Calculate real = -b / (2 * a) 6.2: Calculate imaginary = sqrt(-discriminant) / (2 * a) 6.3: Display “Roots are imaginary” 6.4: Display real, “±”, imaginary, “i” Step 7. End 3 of 4 Flowchart Start Read coefficient a, b and c from the user v Discriminant= ( b*b)-(4*a*c) Discrimi nant>o? false v vvv Discrimi nant=o? false Real= -b/(2*a) v true true Root1=(-b=square root of discriminant)/(2*a) Root1=-b/(2*a) Root2=(-b-square root of discriminant)/(2*a) Root1=root2 Imaginary=Square of (discriminant)/(2*a) Display “ roots are imaginary” v Display “ roots are real and different” Display root1, root2 Display “ roots are real and equal” Display root1,root2 End 4 of 4 Display real “ +” imaginary “I” Display real “ -” imaginary “I”