Summary Physical exercise has been looked at as not beneficial in some areas among students and students don’t view physical exercise as a priority. This report focuses on the benefit of exercise and how it affects students both mentally and academically. It also addresses the issue of how it helps reduces obesity among students which if not properly taking care of, can leads to other forms of illness and diseases like depression and anxiety among students. This affects the overall affair of the student and distort their focus in school which then leads to poor performance in class. Regular exercise can help reduce this problem and also helps improve your cognitive function making it easier for students to assimilate faster. Physical exercise also helps reduce stress among students. A lot of students get stressed up with school material which can be frustrating sometimes but physical exercise helps reduce this stress and also keeps your body fit for the day. Introduction Physical exercise has been known to be the cure of a lot of physical and mental problems, but this report is going to focus on how it helps reduce obesity, depression and anxiety among students. “Obesity is a global public health challenge that increases the risk of various diseases including type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension and cancer, and will in the future cause further increases in the incidence of chronic disease” (Foss Brynjar, Dyrstad Sindre M, 2011, pg. 7-10). Understanding the mechanisms of obesity is critical if we are to prevent and treat this pandemic challenge. Researchers have found that physical activity such as jogging, walking and swimming can help prevent obesity. Obesity is also a situation that gives rise to depression among students. 41.2 percent of college students are affected with anxiety and 36.4 percent of college students are affected with depression (American Psychological Association, 2013, pg13). This is an alarming rate that needs to be address to students. This is a situation that not only affects the mental health of students, but also affects the overall affair of the student when depressed. A lot of students are dealing with depression and also obesity which is why it is important and significant to discuss about the importance of exercise and how it could help cure this problem. The question now is how does exercise benefit students?howdo we tackle obesity and depression? and how does exercise help to cure this problem? The purpose of this report is to help the students understand the importance of a physical exercise and how it can help students dealing with depression or obesity. This report is divided into different sections and will focus on how this problem arises and how to tackle them, the benefit of the various type of exercise for our physical and mental health, the cause of obesity among students, the consequences of obesity if they are not properly cared for, how to take good care of your body and one of the reasons of depression and anxiety among students. This report will focus mainly on students and how obesity affects their state of mind and will also focus on different type of exercise needed to help students and not specific type of exercise. The information will come from various secondary sources, most of which will contain information from peer reviewed articles that made a lot of research on this topic. The benefit of exercise to the body Exercise is very important to the body and it performs a lot of functional needs that a lot of people might not realise to the body. Exercise helps improve the mood of people, Free people from all kind of depression and also help reduce certain diseases in the body. Physical exercise also improves your quality of sleep. Below is a chart on how exercise is beneficial to both adults and teens: Figure1: Data chart of how exercise is beneficial (American Psychological Association, 2013). Effect of exercise on your brain function Sleep is a very important aspect of health which enhances how effective we perform on daily basis. It is very important to students because they have to be able to perform their daily task and be able to engage in a lot of school activities. Physical exercise enhances that if done regularly. Poor sleep quality among student have be found to be the reason in low GPA and also students engaging in risky health behaviours such as drinking (Carter, Briana, et al.,2016, p.315+). Down below is a chart of how exercise improves the quality of sleep: Figure2: Chart of how exercise improves sleep quality (National sleep foundation as cited by Sarah Klein, 2017). Exercise also improves your memory and brain function. When you have quality sleep, your brain tends to function well along with your body, and this helps improve the performance of your brain. Students perform well academically when their brains are functioning well and also think in the right direction making the brain sharp which is why it is important to perform regular exercise. Physical exercise also boosts the size of your brain which enhances your memorization skill if done regularly. “researchers found that regular aerobic exercise, the kind that gets your heart and your sweat glands pumping, appears to boost the size of the hippocampus, the brain area involved in verbal memory and learning” (Godman Heidi, 2014). Effect of exercise on obesity Obesity is an excessive fat accumulation which arises due to lack of proper diet and regular exercise. A lot of students are dealing with this problem which is why it is important to talk about what they are lacking. One of the causes of obesity is lack of physical exercise. Researchers have found that regular physical exercise are associated with controlling body weight (Robin P. Shook,2016). Regular exercises such as jogging, walking or running are forms of exercises to engage in to reduce obesity. Obesity is a problem not only because it isn’t good for the body but also because it leads to other forms of problems like anxiety and depression which are common among could also lead to other form of chronic disease which can be deadly. Physical exercise is not the only way of reducing obesity or curing it. Obesity can also be cured by following a health eating plan, monitoring your weight regularly, taking of drugs to reduce weight and many others. The reason why physical exercise stands out from this other form is because aside from it helping reduce weight loss, it improves the cognitive function of students and also gives them a good quality rest. Engaging in physical exercise also makes you more socially actives and gives you a lot of confidence when approaching a lot of people and also makes you live longer. Physical exercise also helps reduce depression and anxiety among students. Depression and anxiety are another common problem among students. This are problems that can arise due to obesity. Students get depressed when they don’t feel good, healthy and most important when they feel stressed up. In accordance with the American Psychiatric Association, a person dealing with a form of depression along with willingness to eat more are mostly obese or likely obese (Lazarevich Irina, Irigoyen-Camacho María Esther, Velázquez-Alva María Del Consuelo,2013, pp.1892-1899). Depression is also a common illness that causes suicide among students. Below is a chart of suicidal rate among university students in England and Wales from 2013-2017: Figure 3: A graph of the suicidal rate in England and Whales among students (ONS as cited in ‘university student’,2018) This is a suicidal rate that is appalling, and it keeps increasing every year. Physical exercise can go a long way in eradicating this problem. Depression for most people, is an emotional feeling or experience that can affect the mental health of people and anxiety is a feeling of fear not to overcome a certain task which when such fear rate increases, could lead to a lot of problems like psychological ones (Wang et al, 2019). “physical exercise helps to relieve and improve depression and anxiety, and make people feel happy, confident and satisfied” (Wang et al, 2019). Exercise makes you live longer Adults tend to live longer when they engage in physical exercise (Tonks Allison, 2012). physical exercise keeps your bones joints and muscle fit and healthy to perform your everyday activity. The more you keep the body healthy, and all vital organs of the body are in perfect working condition, you tend to live longer. Exercises like walking at least 75 minutes every week keeps your body fit. (Tonks Allison, 2012). When your body is fit and healthy, there is a huge chance of you not getting obese which also prevents other forms of diseases that can cause the body harm. Below is a table of frequently caused death among men and women is Germany: Figure 4: Frequent causes of death among men and women in Germany in 2008. This table is important not only to adults but also to students because we grow every day, and it is important to be aware of how much physical exercise can help reduce the risk of this diseases. Most importantly, if you don’t have this form of diseases, there is a huge possibility you live long. “All-cause mortality is decreased by about 30% to 35% in physically active as compared to inactive subjects” ( J Aging Res.,2012). Effect of exercise on pain, stiffness and stress Physical exercises generally make your body health if done regularly and relieve your body from any feeling of pain, stiffness or discomfort. Physical exercise not only helps improve students’ performances academically by improving their cognitive functioning but also by freeing them from any form of stiffness and discomfort. Stress is another major problem that physical exercise can fix. Taking a lot of classes on its own can be quite stressful to students and a lot of them get frustrated. They also face a lot of stress through taking examinations. Physical exercise controls the emotional and physical feeling of stress and reduces them for students. Conclusion This report is important to students not only because exercise is generally good for the health of the body but also because students have to be aware of the importance of physical exercise for their wellbeing and conscious of the reasons why certain illness leads to other forms of illness. This report addressed the issue of benefit of physical exercise to the body in different areas. Physical exercise was important to the body because it improves students sleeping quality and enhances their brain functioning. A lot of students always want to work efficiently in class and perform better. This is one of the reasons why physical exercise should be done among them. Many other reasons and how sleep can affect your everyday lifestyle was discussed in this report. Another reason why physical exercise is important is because it helps reduce the risks of obesity thereby reducing depression and anxiety among students. Obesity is a problem that leads to other forms of diseases and illness which could all be alleviated by engaging in regular exercise. This report also went over why physical exercise was a better way of reducing obesity compare to the other forms which is because physical exercise adds more benefit than the others. Another importance of physical exercise is it makes you live longer. When you are able to reduce the number of diseases or illness, you tend to live longer which is why it is important deal with the problem before it leads to other forms of problems that could lead to shorter life span. Finally, another benefit of exercise was it reduces pain, stiffness and discomfort in the body and also reduces stress. This is important because a lot of students go through different forms of stress because of the workload of school and if there is a way to reduce that form of stress, it is important to talk about it. Physical exercise helps in doing that by engaging in it regularly. Recommendations I would recommend students engaging in more physical exercises every week because it helps a lot in so many areas of your body and also keeps your body healthy. Appendix A RCM 300 Formal Report Grading Criteria Report Format (20%) SIDCRA /25 Summary – summarizes all sections of the report Introduction – includes background, purpose, significance, scope, organization, sources and methods Discussion – appropriate headings Conclusion – includes a statement of logical outcome, answers the question “what does this information mean for the reader?” Recommendations – an appropriate response to the conclusion, appropriate tone Appendices – references included, and any other material is correctly labelled and cited Professional presentation of formal report elements /05 Letter of transmittal – correct business letter format, appropriate relation and tone established Correct order of formal report elements and page numbering Formal report cover used; formal title page included Table of contents – contains all headings and correct page numbers List of tables and figures Graphics integrated and labelled correctly Grammar and writing style (15%) /10 Varied and well-formed sentence structure Absence of run-on sentences or fragments Absence of unclear or awkward phrases Proper punctuation Effective and correct word choice (diction) Document is carefully proofread Citations and use of sources (15%) /10 All source material cited when necessary and no missing citations Use of signal phrases Correct/accurate parenthetical citations in APA style Balanced and varied use of sources (quoted, summarized, paraphrased) Correct format of references page Book-length source and academic journal use Sources used to supplement or support writer’s argument (not merely relying on the source’s arguments) Minimum of seven cited sources, of which at least four are scholarly or peerreviewed sources Body of report (50%) /50 Research question (purpose) identified and adequately answered or responded to Argument is clear and report content is effectively developed Ideas and main points are fully explained and expanded; adequate content Logical and coherent argument organization (including use of devices of cohesiveness) Meaningful and supportive source material integrated effectively and correctly Headings focus and guide discussion Document is engaging Appropriate length (minimum of 6-8 pages, only counting the Introduction to Recommendations) Comments /100 Appendix B Changes on Assignmnet#3: Report introduction The report introduction had few changes: it is focusing on benefit of exercise rather than exploring obesity and depression among students as a topic on its own. A reference was removed because I felt it wasn’t useful in the introduction, but I used it in other aspects of the report. Reference page American Psychological Association, Monitor on psychology. (2013). College students’ mental health is a growing concern. Survey on college students dealing with depression, vol 44, No.6, pg. 13. American Psychological Association Monitor on psychology. (2013). Exercise: A healthy stress reliever. Stress and Exercise. BBC. University student suicide rates revealed. (2018). Student suicide rate in England and whales,2013-2017. Carter, B., Chopak-Foss, J., & Punungwe, F. B. (2016). An analysis of the sleep quality of undergraduate students. College Student Journal, 50(3), 315+.|A466783178&v=2.1 &it=r Foss, B., & Dyrstad, S. (2011). Stress in obesity: Cause or consequence? Medical Hypotheses, 77(1), 7-10. Godman, H. (2014). Regular exercise changes the brain to improve memory, thinking skills – Harvard Health Blog J Aging Res. (2012), Does Physical Activity Increase Life Expectancy? A Review of the Literature. Published on 2012 Jul 1,v.2012. Lazarevich, I., Irigoyen-Camacho, M., & Velázquez-Alva, M. (2013). Obesity, eating behaviour and mental health among university students in Mexico City. Nutrición Hospitalaria, 28(6), 1892-1899. Sarah Klein, (2017). Sleep and Exercise: Vigorous Exercisers Report the Best Sleep, Poll Says. Exercise is good for sleep Figure. Shook, R. (2016). Obesity and energy balance: What is the role of physical activity? Expert Review of Endocrinology & Metabolism, 11(6), 511-520. Tonks, A. (2012). Active adults live longer than those who do no exercise. British Medical Journal, 345(7883), 15. g=en_US&search_scope=UofS&adaptor=primo_central_multiple_fe&tab=default _tab&query=any,contains,how exercise makes you live longer&offset=0 Wang, Lijun, Li, Jing, Bai, Shi, Liu, Tao, Pei, Tengbo, Liu, Zhiyong, . . . Ruan, Cailian. (2019). The effect of different exercise on anxiety and depression of college students. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2079(1), 2018 International Conference On Biotechnology And Bioengineering (8th Icbb), Budapest, Hungary (24–26 October 2018):.