CS 1337 9-7-2022 -Most of the time, a FOR loop can be represented by a WHILE loop -DO-while is the only loop that guarantees the execution of the body at least once. (useful for menus) -Read up on pre-test loops and post-test loops -HW assigned today ? -For HW, you will need the rand() and srand(). srand() will generate a pseudo-random int value between 0 and INT_MAX. You can use it to generate random values between a range [Min, Max] Ex) rand % n will yield a number between 0 and n-1. So if you want to generate values between 0 and 6 then use rand()%(6+1) But what if you don't want to start at 0 ? use a number to start before expression. So Min + rand()%(6+1) reading assignment-- srand()