CS 1337 (C++) 08/24/2022 -Pointers are where the memory address is stored -A program is a series of steps to complete a well-defined task. A program could be a recipe, agenda, etc. -What is a computer programming language ? Syntax(rules), punctuation symbols, and variables. -Data Types- -Primitive data types: int(4 bytes), double(8 bytes), float(4 bytes), bool(4 bytes), void(varies), -Derived data types: arrays, functions, pointers, reference (these are derived from the primitive types) -Abstract or user-defined data type: Structures, unions, classes (only exist within the program and are created by the user) -Constants- -Named constants (they have the keyword "const" and MUST be initialized when declared) -Symbolic constants (they have the keyword #define and they're a preprocessor directive) -Algorithms- -Similar to a program; well-defined steps to be performed to solve a task -To represent an algorithm: FlowChart---> Diagram representing steps by boxes(shapes), connected by arrows Terminal---> start/end, ellipse/circle Process---> rectangle used to represent a specific operation or function Decision---> Diamond/Romboid/Rhombus, usually associated with yes/no or true/false Input/Output---> Parallelogram, represents sending or receiving information -Pseudocode- -Informal high level description of an algorithm -In some cases, it includes reserved keywords, but itseld is not programming language-specific -Algorithm ford-fulkerson is input: Graph G with flow capacity C, source node s, destination node t, output: Flow f such that f is maximal from s to t; for each edge (u,v) in G do f(u,v) <- 0 f(v,u) <- 0 while there exist a path p from s to t in the residual network G, do { } --READ CHAPTER 2;