Know 4 3 2 1 You know 90% or more of the 4th quarter TEKS. You know 89-80% of the 4th quarter TEKS. You know 79-70% of the 4th quarter TEKS. You know 69% or below of the 4th quarter TEKS. 4 3 2 1 You were always able to comprehend and perform the work we did in the 4th quarter. You were mostly able to comprehend and perform the work we did in the 4th quarter. You were sometimes able to comprehend and perform the work we did in the 4th quarter. You were rarely able to comprehend and perform the work we did in the 4th quarter. 4 3 2 1 You show excitement in learning in my class. You are responsible by turning in your assignments and completing your work on time. This is a great trait to have in school. Enjoy the summer break! You show excitement in learning in my class. You are mostly responsible by turning in your assignments and completing your work on time. This is a great trait to have in school. Enjoy the summer break! Make sure you are attending class, getting your assignments completed and turned in on time. Make sure you are attending class, getting your assignments completed and turned in on time. Do Become