Sonarqaon Unien siy Semestan Code Final Exom AMT 204 THleSewing Mackina tginearing Aloement Case Tedea Gnolem Rabbarni Nave. HM. Meledi Hasan AMT-2101 01 800 Vanadium wlat ic ipped stiel Skipped stilehes i stites mad a Creafing ara oraas in ow a hava not amd thread wawathe nead and Congistent sfiteh Comphte a Lald spot. 1 0 reason ol skippad Belot is my ot pattaan, s4itehes. lisf of l fere s4:eh skippin 1- pon ta thneadng. most eommom Jua Sons 2 Poort elamping on -T insulkieient pruuna maede nauds ruplacn 4. Wnomg l2e neede. pn the -Wrong type ef md mateual, C-LubwCaton - Nro" Wno thoraad onthe application. 8-Poor quali thea d. Nend size and thnd weiglt lo-Wonn thread qud Nhatis po9T tension? poo7 tension in stiteh. that cltteh La4e mismatded paku s OT eyekds. wrude the Caus oc PooT tension an a of +he amount tt nead ea Cam pass thoug t a maelh t @rate 4w if lookng loosä tham avaraan eilehing qualidy ealled theop amd otom Calld poor poo tgnsion. n Hie e read aru nt pateet y Lalamerd. Reasons ot lses Poor tension ; Oornecky thraedod t MaleS Tvd of Sersna Inot maelene Can ensl on Por tensim Coraeedly. threaded. be ocered. Dia: t a Hhen #Tread dial seftings. ds rugular poston. poon tehsion moved Can qualhy- f ta heread qual4y then poor pO0 Than # Maalina tangion damages A - have aan - bu tha Tanoat I bobl he occand, is had uzgest paollm. plate i diny nwanted nieks o #Dobbin Windina trom ot md dammages, Cwen twoun d penteetly or too 4lg1t. #Dolbis Case Co rneetly. B.b, Caseiimot insoted 2wet is Om Tetormanl alleeted w in Sewing b, maekine motor? tt a Seuwino macuna is onaey adnel t Spead of Swns machn'use motor 4 md uun what is s Seuwing maeune Seavo nm Smvo sewin usin moten ston? wrte th loanifits of moton Omi A Tats moton is a rotany snvo on lnean actuatom on Limea nguar anguln of Contnol pacis ackuaton fhat allows pr Con Sisds 44 cmsisds acculenokon. Veloeky amd edbadon lireon poseBon to a Senson pr positon , of a a Stutable Sudable moton Benof Senvo coupled moton- Hig fieianey Telative High oudpu poser More onstant tonqus c l e s e d - loop Conol. Quuiet operation. Higly Hig4 reiable acerleratbn. at o size. thal gher specd. Deserdke is A senvo moton Can s ype Senve modons motor a 4 of tyPe a twit qet+ praesion. Noumally notatee o of 4u dials moto Con sists of eomtaol a eincut on the euunt position ghaft, Auls fadlaek on Cumnt 4Lt pmovidas Jad Laek of Hha neton positon allows th Sevomotons noote a qraat prision. His Small qh orque but vey ad moton ade. 44ed h a SAnvo kgfem. 1+ Consitt o ea l i t weiglt pands pants entael daviea Oodput+ Sanse Fed A a Laek System melonpe Ae aniste a gotendiometer, qem assembly, amd senvo meton a Contndin Cintt. Fhst ofa l l e us gem assem b Tduet moton, A RP M ad motns have to incxeasapnqu ot h tua Supy Posde gesta) Sutr wiS egimin awlon out Used foa ha qnal tha4 to be Sen 4 drom MW. Seavo Savo Can Can be notated fnom 20 dire oith apoo v Cane about mornehan derus, Senvo wLat is swimg A A Sewing Sewina A Wite 4 m dagren, ASevo moto nails but sheull b maehina maehine is amaehna Used Foun Flat 10 Seuwima maehin, oveloek maehina read Ove loek maehine lck maeline Two sets togalun with hruad. n a l e medla loek stiteh machime, DoubDoubl Naudle loek stdeh maekna 4hnead wonks ot cunnent to using ath nanme of any Thrrea but otoT, m tale amd moterials to 180 Supp tha amount two o hee du votiea maehna Kamgai Macha Dex 4ack maehha elton stite, maeina Summanike th activites ot 4he ovrloek Seuing maene Aron mass ganmntsaecbn , aftn loekstetdh macnes, Ovaloek machene a r mostly used on amoung mmy Sewina maelin type. Ovoloek Sewmg maekine also know 3ergo Ove edaga Sewina maeline amd intaloek 9ewing maehina. An indus1ual ovaloek is prumauly used to Sew adge ot a ebt piee ui el2am ish.14 an make vanious sypA of Hiteh Aike slitelh eass 503, 5o4512 ete. lao a atina kife tlat Cut Jatnies edaa tsti la stiHdhing. Width of a Seam shtes Cam b adustd ty using t. dangity also alsD mackrne, Cam be honga in tus Dvealock macluh auavailab l e head s. 4 hneads amd 5 hreads Oveedas Sewin. k:4 gmments s ma ortoeking suve, Joi m Sid Saamu amd use or amd ndamn atHehing neeksto wek. watis l Foll bnding halps to is atteehmunt to an and o ld ha awe pneiou 3awin impaova tha produetiviny. pes of maeliaFollatw h e r 0J m Appanel Sewima desebe them 3 (1) Hemmina old, henmi"R. n Sewing maehne a 5t0SA Mamy I4 is om ying to pr Conthinuo excllen4 s automatie gewina openatrons. IHs Suteble doubl nido loeksHe mac , vsel bmaka prdon to nutling. Cunaing ote 3traiglt hamminmo pAnation s. neraos and hums, on Pl+ Hemming Foldr i s usel on seva aftaelnin ataching opnation lyuslngaslg adl Toek DSleve attaeling bldor etiteh maehina. Slave atachmg Folar ipio Seam oldo usi us used s a n prage ymahs i t , Jek yadh Sing iping Waist Dand Flden ycusit Foldar is double needla us on attdkina waistbond loek stiteh mae Wast ba»d Wai Lend tldn