;\ame: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CIAss: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date: Pll4l' \\ 2023 A ---- ID: A IG:"\ \ 1E:"\T on Units 4 and 5 Chapters 9 to 12 '1odificd True1Falsc /ndicat<' 'M.hctha th~ statement 1< true orfalse. Iffalse. change thc 1dent,ficd uord or phrase to make the .1tatemcnt troe. T r. F 2 The pnnc,p/c of rewmb,hty sl.a.les that a hght ray \\ill follo\\ e.\actly the same path if its direcllon oftmcl is rnersed _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Ne\\10n l1fl!llcd that hght p:micles must have a large mau from his observations of pressure e.xened by light _ _ _ _ _ _ __ small mass T 3 A thm film doer not nud a suppomng material to show interference elfects _ _ _ _ _ _ __ F 4 Comp:!fed 10 a double-sht pauem. the interference pattern from a diffraction grating has maxima that are wider and less mtense. _Narrower _ _ _ _and __ _ more intense F 5 The colours visible when light is reflected from a CD or a DVD are the result of interference. Diffraction T 1 6 The \'a.lue o r T T , IS undefmed ,1hen vis greater than or equal to c. I-~ c' T 7. No obJect 11ith a rest mass greater than Ocan move faster than the speed ofhght. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Completion Comp/ere each staremenJ. The mdex of refraction for a mechum can be calculated from the equation ______ . n = c/v 2 Ne\\10n sho11ed that 1flight panicks undergo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ collisions, the law of reflection elastic follo\\s from the laws ofmouon 3 Propagauon ofhght through a 1-acuum is consistent \\ith the _ _wave _ _ _ _ _ _ theory oflight. 4 A clungmg magneuc field can produce an clectnc field. This IS kno1111 as _electromagnetic _ _ _ _ __ _induction 5 Spe<ial relatmty establIShes the pnnciple of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of mass-energy. equivalence 6 When hght ~tnl..es some metals, most of the energy is absorbed by the electrons of the metal. If an electron abso~ an amount ofenerg) that is ab01 e the metal's work function, then the electron is eJected from the metal. This phenomenon is c:tlled the _ _ _ _ _ _effect _ _ __ photoelectric Name:---------- ID: ,\ 7. ----,---,------was the first se1cn11s110 perfom1 a doublc-sh1 interference c,penmcnt that Thomas Young provided clear evidence that light is a 11av.: Matching Match 1hc paiticlc or class ofparticlc::; to the correct description. Each answer c.in be used only once a. quark e. leptons b boson ( gluon c. H1gg's boson g. hadrons d an11ma1ier h fermion a e h b an elcmcn1ary particle that makes up protons, neutrons, and other hadrons 2. a class of particles that includes the electron, the muon, the tauon, and the three types of neutrino, not composed of smaller particles 3. a fundamental particle that forms matter 4. the particle responsible for transmitting clec1romagnctic, s1rong, and weak forces f 5. a particle that mediates the strong nuclear force d 6 the theoretical particle thought to play a role in giving mass to other paniclcs c 7. a form of matter in wluch each particle has the same mass and an opposite charge as its countcrpan in ordmary matter Short Answer How does the energy of yellow light with a wavelength of 5.60 x Io·' m compare to the energy of microwaves of wavelength 15.0 GHz used in satellite imaging radar? 2 Calculate the rest energy of I t of coal 3. Suppose you are a graduate student in the physics depart111ent ofa u111vcrs1ty. Your research professor has given you the task to idenllfy and describe a technological advance in medicine that uses applicallons of quantwn mechanics List at least three key areas of research that you should explore for your chosen advance 2