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Individual report
Topic: globalization
Topic question: Does globalization cause poverty?
Name: warnakulasuriya Sithum Vihanga Fernando
Does globalization cause poverty?
The world seems to be struggling with poverty because of globalization and negative
effects of it , and globalization seems to be badly impact on developing countries
which doesn’t have proper income to full fill their basic needs. Global poverty must
be stopped taking best solution in many ways to solve poverty.
This project will be going through the causes which affects poverty and the
consequences and also include global perspectives, national perspectives and other
different perspectives as well about globalization which cause poverty.
There seems to be so many causes of poverty like limited capacity of the
government as well as poor education and many more. Billions of people enjoy
affluent style, more than tenth of the world’s population live in extreme poverty
today. The poorest people in other countries are almost always at greatest risk from
environmental damage like climate change and competition for resources. The
world’s poorest countries tend to have the largest family sizes and fertility rates (as
shown in the picture below) . They often have children to ensure they will be looked
after when they are older. The poverty in Somalia’s is 97.90% , it is one of the
countries’ with high poverty and low population.
There are many people who are suffering from diseases because of poverty. The
impact on global poverty, moving an estimated 49 million people into extreme
poverty. People deal with some diseases because of poverty and some are malaria
and tuberculosis. This is caused by poor health conditions. These diseases might
affect people because of the bad environment they are living in. in other hand
people aren’t being able to afford for education, food, health care and job security.
In other words high population growth can trap individuals, small communities and
even entire countries which are still developing. This is mostly caused for countries
like Somalia.
Global perspective
Adonis Quality Life (AQL) has decided to donate money for countries which are
suffering with poverty. They are focusing on initiating community solutions to help
vulnerable people have a better life. As a charitable organization, they focus on
community projects covering different aspects. The project will be resolving social
strife, which includes food, water and lack of other supplies which are needed for a
rural location like in Somalia. AQL thinks that “we all believe that no one should live
a deplorable life when we can team up together and improve”.
National perspectives
Some commentators have been critical of ‘methodological nationalism’, thinking
that is bounded by the constraints of the nation-state. Countries define the scope
for legitimate social action, the limits of social responsibility and the effective means
of achieving social ends. The nature of poverty is constituted by social relationships
such as low status, social exclusion, insecurity and lack of rights. Zoran Milanovic
(president of Croatia) discusses ways of reducing poverty. First concept, treat all
nationals as equivalent. Concept 2, weights counties according to their population.
Concept 3, disregards nationality. The human population have increase from 5
billion to 8 billion between 1990 and 2022. The number of people in low human
have fallen down from 3 billion to 926 million.
Different perspectives
A new international community prepared new Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs), having the question of “how we measure poverty became more important
than ever before?” one of the conclusions of ATD’s is that some global statistics are
very uncertain and in addition, the $1.90 a-day indicator of extreme poverty is
deeply flawed. With people living in poverty, we can include them as partners in
building knowledge on development and with government and international
organizations, to ensure that multidimensional measure of poverty are included in
international sustainable development goals.
Cause of action
In 2024, it is likely that there will not be enough food supply in the system which will
push global food prices more higher than usual. The Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
have caused to rise in hunger and the price in every product or service they have.
According to the WFP“22million people are at risk of starvation in most of the
countries as the annual needs are increased from $4.3 billion to $6 billion”. Somalia
is one of the countries with one of the worst droughts on record and food price
shocks are pushing Somalia toward famine. “Famine (IPC Phase 5) is projected to
emerge in three areas in southern Somalia in April-June 2023 if current high levels of
multi-sect oral humanitarian assistance are not sustained.”
Source evaluation
I have gone through many secondary research until this point of the report and all
the websites that I have gone through is up-to-date, Examples are, “AQL” (Adonis
quality life) and “Trust bridge global.”
Personal reflection
For this report to be done, I have gone through many secondary resources. This
really helped me get to know about things what causes poverty and some few
possibilities about how this problem can be resolved with some global perspectives
that I have gone through. This made me realise the world should go through more
poverty so people might feel how much bad poverty is.
I believe that the Russians invasion of Ukraine have caused various types of
problems to every country by increasing the value of prices in every item. In other
words I would like to imply that the world should be caused by more poverty than
population so the human can know through what kind of problems that people are
going through in poverty. As estimated in 2021, 698 million people are living in
extreme global poverty and over one-fifth of population live below the higher price
$5.50 poverty line (1,803 million as estimated), and over two-fifth live below the
price of $3.20 per day ( around 3,293 million people). In the near future to make
sure this is stopped there must be causes of action as we researched throughout
this report.
Word count: 1000
Children & poverty
Poverty and development
Trust bridge global
Global – poverty
Poverty and development
Global perspectives
Adonis quality life initiative
National perspectives
Policy press scholarship
Policy press scholarship online
Cambridge university press
Different perspectives
Dimensions of poverty
Cause of action
People experiencing poverty
Development initiatives