1. Eyes on the speaker 2. Listening ears 3. Body still 4. Singing voices 5. Unmute yourselves only when you need to speak Good morning, Good morning, nice to see your smiley face. Good morning, Good morning, to you and to me. Hello teacher, hello friends (x2) Good morning, good morning, to you and to me. It’s a ___________________ day It’s a __________________ day It’s a __________, ______________ day There are 7 days, there are 7 days, There are 7 days in a week (x2) Sunday, Monday, Tuesday , Wednesday Thursday, Friday, Saturday. January , February , March and April May, June, July and August September, October, November, December 12 months in a year. Rise and shine it’s a brand new day. Rise and shine good morning I say. A kiss for mummy. A hug for daddy. A smile for sister. A pat for brother. Rise and shine, it’s a brand new day. Rise and shine, I love you everyday. . Let’s read a story /gr/ consonant blend gr ass gr een gr eet gr ee dy gr apes gr owl gr and ma gr and pa gr ow Let us play a game. All the answers has the /gr/ sound in it. This fruit is purple in colour. It sometimes comes in green too. Sometimes it tastes sweet, sometimes it taste sour. What is it? grapes I do this when I see someone. Sometimes I say “hi” or “hello”. What action word is this? greet Sometimes I am tall, sometimes I am short. Cows, goats and horses loves to eat me. What am I? grass I am a descriptive word. I describe someone that takes a lot of food but cannot finish them. What adjective am I? greedy I am a person. I am your parents’ father. Who am I? grandpa I am an adjective. The grass, most of the leaves and one of the traffic light has this. What colour am I? green Animals do this action when they are angry or unhappy. What verb am I? growl I am a person. I am your parents’ mother. Who am I? grandma I am an action word. People do this when they become bigger and older, from a baby, to an adult. What verb am I? grow Your task for the day. Draw a grape and write the /gr/ words on the grape. grow green grass growl greet grandma