GLOSSARY | CUSTOMER SAP Transportation Management, Container Shipping Liners for SAP S/4HANA Document Version: 1.0 – 2020-01-31 © 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Glossary for SAP Transportation Management, Container Shipping Liners for SAP S/4HANA SAP Transportation Management, Container Shipping Liners for SAP S/ 4HANA THE BEST RUN Content 1 Glossary for Container Shipping Liners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 Document History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2 CUSTOMER Glossary for SAP Transportation Management, Container Shipping Liners for SAP S/4HANA Content 1 Glossary for Container Shipping Liners Term Abbreviation actual event Definition An event that has been reported inter­ nally or by an external partner such as terminal, depot, transport service pro­ vider, or customer. basic ocean freight BOF The main charge for transportation by sea. beneficiary The party that sells goods or provides services, and receives payments or a letter of credit. bill-to party paying party The customer designated as the party paying for services. brand A trade name used by an organization to uniquely identify a maritime freight product or a service. break bulk B/B The classification for cargo that is not transported in a container. business partner BP A business partner is a natural person or an organization in which business in­ terests exist. There exist different types of business partners (such as custom­ ers, suppliers, competitors, and so on). business partner role BP role A classification of a business partner in business terms. It defines the rights and obligations that can be taken on by a business partner in different business transactions. cargo The freight carried by a ship, an aircraft, or any other vehicle. cargo delivery The process of handing over the cargo to the receiver at an agreed place. cargo delivery mode The point of receipt for the cargo. It can either be a port, or a door, or a ramp. Glossary for SAP Transportation Management, Container Shipping Liners for SAP S/4HANA Glossary for Container Shipping Liners CUSTOMER 3 Term Abbreviation cargo handling Definition The provision of services related to the physical handling of the cargo when it is loose or containerized. cargo readiness An indication of whether a specific unit of cargo is, or is expected to be received in a timely manner and in a state that allows its shipment to progress. Readi­ ness can be expressed in terms of phys­ ical state (that is, where it is), docu­ mentation (in terms of bill of lading and any regulatory requirements), and ac­ counting (in terms of invoicing, collec­ tions, and credit). cargo receipt mode The point of receipt for the cargo. It can either be a port, or a door, or a ramp. carrier Any person or entity who, in a contract of carriage, undertakes to perform or to procure the performance of carriage. The bill of lading (B/L) is delivered in its name. On a B/L, there can be several carriers, but only one carrier between two consecutive points on the B/L rout­ ing, for example: ● A carrier for pre-carriage by feeder third party carrier) ● A carrier for a mainliner (the car­ rier that has booked the B/L) ● A carrier for on-carriage by rail from port to ramp ● A carrier for on-carriage by truck from ramp to door carrier haulage CH A designation in a booking that indi­ cates that the carrier is responsible for the pre-carriage or on-carriage trans­ portation or both. carrier space commitment CSC The carrier space commited for exclu­ sive use of the ordering party. 4 CUSTOMER Glossary for SAP Transportation Management, Container Shipping Liners for SAP S/4HANA Glossary for Container Shipping Liners Term Abbreviation Definition change of destination COD A request from a customer to change the port at which a unit of cargo is to be discharged from a vessel. Change of destination requests are subject to op­ erational approval and may require cargo to be restowed so that the cargo can be accessed for discharge at a port or final destination at which it wasn’t planned when loaded onto the vessel. charge An amount of money paid (cost) or re­ ceived (revenue) by the carrier for an activity. chassis A trailer or wheeled unit on which a container is placed to move the con­ tainer on the road. connecting carrier A carrier that has a direct operating connection with another carrier, or forms an operating link between two or more carriers. consolidate To group and stuff several small ship­ ments together in one container. consolidated container A container stuffed with several ship­ ments from different shippers, for deliv­ ery to one or more consignees. consolidation A cargo that contains shipments from two or more shippers or suppliers. Con­ tainer load shipments may be consoli­ dated for one or more consignees. consolidation point The location where the consolidation of consignments takes place. Glossary for SAP Transportation Management, Container Shipping Liners for SAP S/4HANA Glossary for Container Shipping Liners CUSTOMER 5 Term Abbreviation Definition container TC An item of equipment as defined by the International Organization for Stand­ (transport container) ardization (ISO) for transport purposes. It is an article of transport equipment: ● Of a permanent character and ac­ cordingly strong enough to be suit­ able for repeated use ● Specially designed to facilitate the carriage of goods by one or more modes of transport without inter­ mediate reloading ● Fitted with devices permitting ease of handling, particularly its transfer from one mode of transportation to another ● So designed as to be easy to fill ● Having an internal volume of 1m3 and empty (35.3ft3) or more Containers may be ventilated, insu­ lated, refrigerated, flat rack, vehicle rack, open top, bulk liquid, or equipped with interior devices. A container may be 20 feet, 40 feet, 45 feet, 48 feet, or 53 feet in length, 8 feet or 8’6” in width, and 8’6” or 9’6” in height. container booking An arrangement with a steamship line to transport containerized cargo. container freight station CFS A facility at which small export cargo lots are received from shippers for load­ ing (stuffing) into containers, or at which small import cargo lots are un­ loaded (stripped) from containers and delivered to consignees. container prefix A four-letter code that forms the first part of a container identification num­ ber indicating the owner of a container (formatted as AAAA9999999). container shipping liner CSL A company that specializes in the for­ warding of containerized freight by way of sea. 6 CUSTOMER Glossary for SAP Transportation Management, Container Shipping Liners for SAP S/4HANA Glossary for Container Shipping Liners Term Abbreviation container status Definition A stage in a container’s lifecycle. This lifecycle includes handling (loading the container at a pool location, moving it to another pool location, and discharg­ ing it), and maintenance and repair op­ erations. The container’s status changes at each step of the lifecycle and usually follows a sequence that de­ pends on whether the container is empty or full. container yard CY A specific location at the site level, ei­ ther inland, or at a shipping terminal, at which equipment is stored. Sometimes referred to as pool, although it is pref­ erable to use the term container yard. country The territory of a nation or state (land); referential data used in transactions to specify where the transaction occurs or where master data (for example, cus­ tomers, terminals, and such others) are located. The country is a level of geo­ graphical axis of analysis. country of origin The country in which the goods have been produced or manufactured, ac­ cording to certain customs criteria. country profile An object in which specific data and general settings required for a particu­ lar country are stored. credit terms A credit facility provided to creditwor­ thy customers, specifying the payment terms and credit limit. customer location The nominated pickup or dropoff loca­ tion that is requested by the customer. It is the address that is contained in the freight order and that is used to calcu­ late the cost of transport. The ad­ dresses are shown on the transport or­ der document sent to the transport service provider (TSP). Glossary for SAP Transportation Management, Container Shipping Liners for SAP S/4HANA Glossary for Container Shipping Liners CUSTOMER 7 Term Abbreviation customer profile Definition A set of customer preferences (such as (communication method, notices, infor­ mation, and so on) required for a partic­ ular customer. Customizing The overall implementation procedure to set up one or more SAP systems at a customer site. The procedure aims to: ● Adjust the company-neutral and industry-specific delivered func­ tions to your company’s business requirements ● Enhance SAP functions in the com­ pany ● Implement SAP functions in your company quickly, safely, and cost effectively cut-off The last possible date when cargo may be delivered to a ship or a designated point. cut-off time The latest time when cargo may be de­ livered to a terminal for loading to a scheduled train or ship. dangerous and hazardous DnH A solid, liquid, or gas that can harm people, other living organisms, prop­ erty, or the environment. They are often subject to chemical regulations. dangerous goods DG A solid, liquid, or gas that can harm people, other living organisms, prop­ erty, or the environment. Dangerous goods may be radioactive, flammable, explosive, spontaneously combustible, toxic, corrosive, biohazardous, an oxi­ dizer, an asphyxiant, a pathogen, an al­ lergen, or may have other characteris­ tics that render it hazardous in specific circumstances. 8 CUSTOMER Glossary for SAP Transportation Management, Container Shipping Liners for SAP S/4HANA Glossary for Container Shipping Liners Term Abbreviation Definition dangerous goods declaration DGD A document prepared by a consignor or shipper to certify that the dangerous goods being transported have been packaged, labeled, and declared in ac­ cordance with the standard interna­ tional shipping regulations. deconsolidation point A place where loose or other noncon­ tainerized cargo is ungrouped for deliv­ ery. demurrage A charge imposed on a merchant for detaining the carrier’s equipment in the port, terminal, or depot beyond the free time included in the freight rate. destination The place to which a shipment is con­ signed; it is the place where the carrier actually hands over the cargo to the consignee (or the consignee’s agent). detention A charge imposed on a merchant for detaining the carrier’s equipment out­ side the port, terminal, or depot beyond the free time included in the freight rate. duration-based charges DBC The application of charges levied when the shipper or consignee retains the full or empty container beyond the free time (as per the tariff or agreement) at import, export, or transshipment, pre­ venting or delaying the merchant car­ rier from reusing the container for the carriage of goods for another customer. detention in transit DIT A customer-requested delay in the transportation of their cargo where the cargo remains at a named location for a longer than normal period without the customer’s request. For example, cargo is usually transshipped at a transship­ ment port within a maximum of seven (7) days, but a customer could request that the cargo be held there for a mini­ mum of 14 days. discharge port Glossary for SAP Transportation Management, Container Shipping Liners for SAP S/4HANA Glossary for Container Shipping Liners A port where the vessel is unloaded. CUSTOMER 9 Term Abbreviation Definition documentation fees doc. fee The charges for executing documents. door The customer’s premises. door-to-door D2D The through transportation of a con­ tainer and its contents from the con­ signor to the receiver. drayage The transport of goods over a short dis­ tance, often as part of a longer overall move. For example, a truck move be­ tween two terminals during a transship­ ment. dry box A standard container for the transpor­ tation of non temperature-controlled cargo. dry cargo A consignment that does not require temperature control. dry reefer A refrigerated container for the trans­ portation of dry cargo (that does not re­ quire temperature control). dry-bulk container A container constructed to carry grain, powder, and other free-flowing solids in bulk. empty repositioning Repos The movement of empty transportation resources from one location to another. This is a means of correcting surpluses or deficits of transportation resources in particular locations. equipment An item that is used to facilitate the storage, the handling, and the transpor­ tation of commodities. Examples in­ clude container, chassis, MAFI, rolling floors, and gensets. equipment category A group of equipment with similar at­ tributes, for example: 10 CUSTOMER ● Containers ● Chassis ● Container Handling Equipment ● Vehicles Glossary for SAP Transportation Management, Container Shipping Liners for SAP S/4HANA Glossary for Container Shipping Liners Term Abbreviation equipment class Definition A set of containers that have the same characteristics in terms of dimensions, construction, and cargo-carrying capa­ bilities. equipment height The height of the equipment; it is gener­ ally as follows: equipment size ● Standard – 8’6” ● High Cube – 9’6” ● Half Height – 4’3” The length of the equipment; it is gener­ ally as follows: 20’, 40’, 45’, 48’, or 54’. equipment subtype A more detailed classification of equip­ ment within an Equipment Type; it is used to group equipment items that have similar attributes. For example, the equipment type Dry could have the following possible subtypes: equipment type ● Standard ● Hatched Open Top ● Side Curtain ● Open Top A classification of equipment within a category, which is used to group equip­ ment items that have similar attributes. For example, the Container category could have the following equipment types: estimated time of arrival ETA ● Dry ● Flat Rack ● Platform ● Refrigerated ● Tank The scheduled time at which a vessel is supposed to enter into the seaport mar­ itime area from the sea passage. estimated time of departure ETD The scheduled time at which a vessel is supposed to enter the sea passage from the seaport maritime area. Glossary for SAP Transportation Management, Container Shipping Liners for SAP S/4HANA Glossary for Container Shipping Liners CUSTOMER 11 Term Abbreviation Definition event management EM The SAP Event Management (SAP EM) application; it can be used for compar­ ing expected events with the actual events, and then: ● Actively notify the involved parties or trigger an action ● Make the internal and external per­ ● Update the status of the different formance measurable event handlers: resource (con­ tainer), trip plan (TU/FU), intermo­ dal transport order (FO), and mani­ fest (vessel/voyage) exception A notation made when the cargo is re­ ceived at the carrier’s terminal or loaded aboard a vessel. It states any ir­ regularities in packaging or actual or suspected damage to the cargo. Excep­ tions are then noted in the bill of lading. expected event EE An event that can be defined before the corresponding business process has begun, and that is generated from a combination of information from the application system (milestones) and from SAP Event Management (ex­ pected event profile). export The transport or sending of goods abroad for trade or sale; the temporary or permanent transfer of goods out of a customs territory. feeder service The transfer of cargo from a regional port to a central hub port, or vice versa, to connect with a long-haul ocean voy­ age. feeder vessel A short sea vessel that transfers cargo between a central hub port and smaller spoke ports. flat rack FR A flat bed 20’ or 40’ container with fixed or collapsible ends, suitable for the carriage of over width cargo and re­ inforced for the carriage of heavy loads. 12 CUSTOMER Glossary for SAP Transportation Management, Container Shipping Liners for SAP S/4HANA Glossary for Container Shipping Liners Term Abbreviation food grade container Definition A shipping container that is intended for the transport of food and is specifically designed to prevent the contami­ nation or infestation of the cargo. forwarding agreement FWA A long-term contract that represents the contractual relationship with a cus­ tomer to whom you are selling trans­ portation services. freight agreement FA A long-term contract that represents the contractual relationship with a car­ rier from whom you are buying trans­ portation services. freight forwarder FF The party arranging the transportation of products including connected serv­ ices and the associated formalities on behalf of a shipper or consignee. freight order FO An order to a transportation service provider to ship goods from shippers to consignees. It is a combination of ship­ ment orders, which can be assigned to stages and resources. The combination is based on transportation planning or transportation charges calculation. freight settlement document FSD A document that is sent to SAP Enter­ prise Resource Planning (SAP ERP), re­ questing the verification of an invoice received from a supplier or carrier. When the invoice is received, SAP ERP checks it against the data from the freight settlement document. If you perform evaluated receipt settlement, the automatically generated invoice is based on the data from the freight set­ tlement document. freight unit FU A set of goods that are transported to­ gether across the entire transportation chain. A freight unit can include con­ straints for transportation planning. Glossary for SAP Transportation Management, Container Shipping Liners for SAP S/4HANA Glossary for Container Shipping Liners CUSTOMER 13 Term Abbreviation Definition full container load FCL A container loaded and unloaded at the risk and account of the shipper or con­ signee or both. The stuffing and un­ stuffing responsibilities lie with the mer­ chant. general export notice GEN A report sent to customers to commu­ nicate general updates for an export voyage such as vessel delays, vessel omissions, and sudden and specific transshipment exceptions received from the ports of transshipment. genset A portable generator, which can be at­ tached to a refrigerated container to power the refrigeration unit during transit. hitchment The merging of two or more portions of one shipment that originate at different locations, and then move under one bill of lading from one shipper to one con­ signee. International Maritime Organization IMO class A classification for dangerous and haz­ class ardous goods. import An action that involves taking movable goods into the customs territory, in ac­ cordance with foreign trade law from overseas economic areas to domestic economic areas. 14 CUSTOMER Glossary for SAP Transportation Management, Container Shipping Liners for SAP S/4HANA Glossary for Container Shipping Liners Term Abbreviation Incoterms Definition International commercial term A codification of international rules for the in­ terpretation of the commonly used terms in international trade. An interna­ tional commercial term (Incoterm) de­ fines the terms of sale and the passing of risks for import and export of mer­ chandise. Incoterms include the follow­ ing: ● EXW – Ex Works ● FCA – Free Carriage and Freight ● FAS – Free Alongside Ship ● FOB – Free On Board ship ● CFR – Cost and Freight ● CIF – Cost, Insurance, and Freight ● CPT – Carriage Paid To ● CIP – Carriage and Insurance Paid To inland carrier ● DAF – Delivered At Frontier ● DES – Delivered Ex Ship ● DEQ – Delivered Ex Quay ● DDU – Delivered Duty Unpaid ● DDP – Delivered Duty Paid A transportation service provider that moves export or import traffic between ports and inland points. intermodal The movement of cargo containers us­ ing different modes of transport (for ex­ ample, water, rail, or truck) where the equipment is compatible within multi­ ple systems. ISO code A standard, internationally recognized code published by the International Or­ ganization for Standardization. kilogram A unit of weight equivalent to 1,000 grams or 2.2046 pounds. knot A unit of speed that is equal to one nautical mile (6,076 feet or 1852 me­ ters) per hour. Glossary for SAP Transportation Management, Container Shipping Liners for SAP S/4HANA Glossary for Container Shipping Liners CUSTOMER 15 Term Abbreviation Definition lead to agreement L2A A module of SAP Transportation Man­ agement for container shipping liners comprising the following: ● Forwarding agreement quotations ● Forwarding agreements ● Transportation charge calculation sheets less than container load LCL ● Transportation zones classification ● Exception templates ● Charge calculation ● Routing A cargo that is insufficient in either vol­ ume or weight to fill a standard sized shipping container; and therefore is also insufficient to qualify for the freight rates applied to a standard shipping container. less than truckload LTL A cargo load that is insufficient to fill a van trailer or truck; also referred to as a part load that is less than a complete truckload. Often less than truckloads are cross-docked at a facility to make a full truckload for the final destination. line A regular rotation operated by a group of vessels that offer regular calls along a particular rotation. Usually the vessels go from one sequence of ports to an­ other sequence of ports in another re­ gion. A line is managed by a line man­ ager, offers services to the trades, and is an organization that comes under a group of lines (hierarchy). load To lift containers and cargo onto a ves­ sel at a port call. load port The port where cargo is actually loaded onto a vessel. 16 CUSTOMER Glossary for SAP Transportation Management, Container Shipping Liners for SAP S/4HANA Glossary for Container Shipping Liners Term Abbreviation location Definition An address or geolocation to describe a place where an object is located at a particular point in time, for example, a terminal or a depot for a container. The location can also help define a place of departure or destination for a trans­ port. location profile The general settings (such as default payment place) required for a particular location. merchant A person who owns or is entitled to the possession of the goods or a bill of lad­ ing, and anyone acting on behalf of such a person. This includes the ship­ per, the holder, the consignee, or the re­ cipient of the goods. merchant haulage MH A designation in a booking; it indicates if the customer is responsible for pre­ carriage transportation, or on-carriage transportation, or both. minimum quantity commitment MH The minimum quantity of cargo speci­ fied in a service contract that a cus­ tomer commits to give to the shipping line. multimodal transport The carriage of containerized cargo by at least two different modes of trans­ port. net weight The weight of an item excluding pack­ aging and containers. Glossary for SAP Transportation Management, Container Shipping Liners for SAP S/4HANA Glossary for Container Shipping Liners CUSTOMER 17 Term Abbreviation network and operations Definition A module of SAP Transportation Man­ agement for container shipping liners comprising the following: ● Line maintenance, monitoring, and simulations ● non-vessel operating common carrier NVOCC Capacity management ● Capacity allocation management ● VSA ● Capacity utilization ● Intermodal ● Routing ● Cargo tracking and tracing ● Operation replanning ● Handling list management ● Port call operations management ● Nonstandard cargo handling A carrier that provides ocean transpor­ tation and issues its own bills of lading, but that does not own or operate the vessels by which ocean transportation is provided. nonstandard cargo The cargo that does not fit within the di­ mensions of the frame for a single con­ tainerized structure, that is, it is out of gauge or break bulk. notice of arrival NOA The information sent to the customer informing their shipment arrival details at the destination. notify party The company or person named on the bill of lading as the party to be notified about the arrival of the goods. The no­ tify party can be different from the con­ signee. on-carriage O/C The stage in which goods are moved af­ ter the main carriage. 18 CUSTOMER Glossary for SAP Transportation Management, Container Shipping Liners for SAP S/4HANA Glossary for Container Shipping Liners Term Abbreviation Definition order to cash O2C A module of SAP Transportation Man­ agement for container shipping liners comprising the following: origin ● Bill of lading ● Booking ● Shipping instructions ● Delivering order ● Manifest ● Partner and location profile ● Part load The location where a cargo begins its movement. out of gauge OOG A unit of containerized cargo that ex­ ceeds the dimensions of a standard container. Out of gauge cargo can cause lost slots in adjacent bays (and above them), and therefore may be subject to a surcharge. pick up The act of calling for freight by truck at the consignor’s location or facility. place of delivery The location where a shipment is deliv­ ered to the consignee and where the cargo leaves the care and custody of carrier. place of origin POO The location where the shipping line takes control of the cargo, as specified by the customer in the booking. port A commercial place on the coastline; it is used for import and export of goods from one country to another. Generally the port also provide facilities for load­ ing and unloading of a ship. port of discharge POD The port of call for a specific unit of cargo that it is to be discharged from the vessel on which it was loaded. port of entry A port where foreign goods may be cleared through a customhouse. Glossary for SAP Transportation Management, Container Shipping Liners for SAP S/4HANA Glossary for Container Shipping Liners CUSTOMER 19 Term Abbreviation Definition port of loading POL A port where cargo is loaded aboard the vessel. port of transshipment PTS A port where a specific unit of cargo is to be discharged from one vessel and loaded onto another vessel. However, the discharge and load activities can take place at different terminals of the same port. port to door P2D The transportation of a container and its contents from the origin port to the receiver’s premises. port to port P2P The description of the port of loading (POL) and the port of discharge (POD) of a specific journey. It can also be un­ derstood as a customer’s rate request between two destinations. post code A code of letters and digits used as part of a postal address to aid the sorting of mail; it can also delimit a specific area in a town or country. pre-notice of arrival PRE NOA The information sent in advance (be­ fore vessel arrival at destination) to the customer, informing their shipment ar­ rival details at the destination. prepaid A commercial term, which means that the remittance of the bill of lading to the shipper must only be done after pay­ ment (confirmed by the bank). If the place of payment is different from the place of issuance of the bill of lading, a confirmation of payment from agent at place of payment must be received be­ fore remittance. prohibition and restriction PnR A set of rules protecting carriers from prohibitions and restrictions. 20 CUSTOMER Glossary for SAP Transportation Management, Container Shipping Liners for SAP S/4HANA Glossary for Container Shipping Liners Term Abbreviation ramp Definition An inland location that can be either a storage place or a transit place; it is a physical place on which container movements are reported. Usually ramps are linked to locations that serv­ ice the rail or barge modes of transport. reefer container RFR A temperature-controlled container that is usually refrigerated (but can sometimes be heated) to prevent the deterioration of cargo over long distan­ ces and periods of time. Reefer contain­ ers are composed of two parts, as fol­ lows: ● A box responsible for temperature isolation ● The machinery responsible for temperature adjustment and main­ tenance Depending on the accessories attached to machinery, it may be possible to con­ trol humidity, ventilation, and the gas levels inside the unit. reefer plug An electrical outlet on ship or a terminal that provides electrical current for maintaining the temperature of a tem­ perature-controlled container. remain on board ROB The cargo still on board after a vessel’s departure following a particular voyage call. roll-on roll-off RORO A vessel designed to carry wheeled con­ tainers or trailers using interior ramps. route The path taken by a container. A route can be made up of a combination of dif­ ferent inland and maritime voyages. routing The process of searching for possible routes based on the carrier, source lo­ cation, and destination location. sales organization An organizational unit responsible for selling materials and services. Glossary for SAP Transportation Management, Container Shipping Liners for SAP S/4HANA Glossary for Container Shipping Liners CUSTOMER 21 Term Abbreviation Definition Transportation Management TM The Transportation Management (TM) application, which supports you in all activities connected with the physical transportation of goods from one loca­ tion to another. You can use TM to per­ form the following activities, for exam­ ple: ● Create forwarding orders for your ordering parties ● Transfer orders and deliveries from an ERP system ● Create freight bookings ● Plan the transportation and select carriers ● Tender transportation services ● Dispatch and monitor the trans­ portation ● Calculate the transportation charges for both the ordering party and the supplier side ● Consider foreign trade and danger­ ous goods regulations You can use TM to create and monitor an efficient transportation plan that ful­ fills the relevant constraints (for exam­ ple, service level, costs, and resource availability). You can determine options to save costs and to optimize the use of available resources. You can react to transportation events and find solu­ tions to possible deviations from the original transportation plan. service level agreement SLA The part of a service contract between two parties where a service is formally defined. 22 CUSTOMER Glossary for SAP Transportation Management, Container Shipping Liners for SAP S/4HANA Glossary for Container Shipping Liners Term Abbreviation Definition service product SP An intangible commodity supplied by a logistics service provider. For example, a service product can be used for han­ dling dangerous goods, providing trans­ portation insurance, or providing a fu­ migation service for containers. A serv­ ice product can contain details on pric­ ing, source country, and destination country. ship-to party The name and address of the first party scheduled to physically receive the goods after the goods have been re­ leased from customs custody. shipper The consignor, exporter, or seller (who may be the same or different parties) named in the shipping documents as the party responsible for initiating a shipment. shipper-owned container SOC An item of equipment that is owned by the shipper. Shippers Association A group of shippers who consolidate and distribute freight on a non-profit basis for the members of the group, to obtain volume rates or service con­ tracts. shipping party The party who is providing the cargo at the source location, also known as the shipper. short shipment A container not loaded (although plan­ ned to be loaded) due to error, strike, or slow operations. split booking A booking for more than one container that is split into multiple bookings. Standard Carrier Alpha Code SCAC A unique code used by the USA to iden­ tify transportation companies. The code is comprised of a three-letter car­ rier code followed by a suffix that identi­ fies the carrier’s equipment. Glossary for SAP Transportation Management, Container Shipping Liners for SAP S/4HANA Glossary for Container Shipping Liners CUSTOMER 23 Term Abbreviation storage costs Definition The amount charged for ground occu­ pation. Storage charges are the com­ pensation paid for the square meters occupied on the ground in a seaport terminal or depot (such as inland con­ tainer depot, US ramp, rail terminal, or river port terminal). store door SD The customer’s premises. store door destination SDD The location where the container is un­ packed. store door origin SDO The location where the container is packed. stuffing The loading of cargo into a container. tare weight The weight of an empty container in­ cluding all its standard fittings and ap­ pliances. It is a technical characteristic provided by the equipment manufac­ turer, either in kilograms or in pounds. terminal A location where in-transit cargo or empties are loaded or discharged, or temporarily stored for the next stage of transport. terminal handling charge THC A charge made for a service performed in a carrier’s terminal area. total gross weight The total weight of the commodity (goods and packaging) and the equip­ ment (freight car or container) trans­ porting the commodity. It is equivalent to the sum of the cargo gross weight and the tare weight, and it is measured either in kilograms (kg) or in pounds (lbs). 24 CUSTOMER Glossary for SAP Transportation Management, Container Shipping Liners for SAP S/4HANA Glossary for Container Shipping Liners Term Abbreviation trade Definition A trade is an organizational unit to link geographical areas, in one direction, from source to destination. Any line that departs from the source and reaches the destination is considered as part of the same trade. A chain of multiple lines (transshipment) between the two connections is also considered part of the same trade. A trade is de­ fined by all business between the source and destination. The actual route, intermediate stops, or voyages are not relevant. For example, any book­ ing from China (source) to destination (USA) with a transshipment in EU would be considered part of the trade China to USA. transit time The duration a full container remains on board, for analysis purposes, the transit time is usually split as follows: ● Transit time from the customer’s point of view: Point of Origin (POO) to Final Place of Delivery (FPD) ● Transit time from the operations point of view: Port of Loading (POL) to Port of Discharge (POD) transportation charge calculation sheet TCCS A hierarchical table to calculate trans­ portation charges. The transportation charge calculation sheet combines the transportation charge types (charge types) permitted for a document; and the sequence in which the system con­ siders these charge types during the calculation. transportation unit TU The level that defines if the cargo is containerized or roll-on roll-off (RORO) or break bulk. It is represented by the International Organization for Stand­ ardization (ISO) standard type of con­ tainers. Glossary for SAP Transportation Management, Container Shipping Liners for SAP S/4HANA Glossary for Container Shipping Liners CUSTOMER 25 Term Abbreviation transship Definition To transfer goods from one transporta­ tion line to another, or from one ship to another. transshipment TS A shipment under one bill of lading, whereby the transport consists of two or more stages, and where the ship­ ment is transferred from one transpor­ tation resource to another. trip plan TP A plan that is created when the booking (forwarding order) is set to confirmed. Upon creation of the trip plan, required activities are instantiated and the exe­ cution of activities can start. In addi­ tion, the default services and activities at the header or the cargo item level are supported. Trip plans support the fol­ lowing two levels: the operational trip plan on cargo unit level and the consoli­ dated trip plan on booking level. De­ pendencies between both levels are taken into account (for example, aggre­ gated statuses on booking levels). twenty-foot equivalent unit TEU A unit of capacity that is the equivalent of a standard size of twenty foot con­ tainer. Twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) are used as a basis of perform­ ance metrics and in cost calculations, with conversion factors being associ­ ated with equipment types, sizes, and heights so as to be able to determine the number of TEUs for a unit. unexpected event UE An event that is not planned or ex­ pected but still occurs and is noticed. unloading The removal of a shipment from a ves­ sel. value-added service VAS A service that improves the appear­ ance, attractiveness, and processing of a product, for example, packing, ticket­ ing, and special service. 26 CUSTOMER Glossary for SAP Transportation Management, Container Shipping Liners for SAP S/4HANA Glossary for Container Shipping Liners Term Abbreviation vessel capacity Definition A measure of the best performance possible in terms of the maximum num­ ber of containers that can be loaded on board the vessel. For example, twentyfoot equivalent units (TEUs), forty-foot equivalent unit (FEUs), weight, reefer plugs, and so on. vessel manifest A document listing the details of each shipment on board the vessel by bill of lading number. It is required for the use of customs and other officials at both the port of departure and the port of ar­ rival. Voyage Suggestion Framework VSF A solution consisting of the following business functions: ● Generation and validation of the route options ● Scheduling of a booking with the selected route option Vessel Sharing Agreement VSA An agreement between two or more slot providers putting up a fleet of ves­ sels together to operate a joint line. Each slot provider remains responsible for the following: ● Operations and the costs of its ves­ sels in the fleet ● Marketing, sales, pricing policy, and accounting The general principle is that each slot provider receives on all vessels of a cy­ cle plan, a total declared capacity equal to its provision of contractual capacity in the cycle plan. yard A storage facility, or holding area usu­ ally away from a terminal or quay area. It can be used for full or empty boxes; and it may or may not report gate in and out activity. Glossary for SAP Transportation Management, Container Shipping Liners for SAP S/4HANA Glossary for Container Shipping Liners CUSTOMER 27 2 Document History This section provides a history of revisions made to this document. 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