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Camera Shots, Angles & Movement Module

PAREF Springdale School, Inc
J. Solon St. Lahug, Cebu City
Academic Year 2021-2022
Computer 7 Module
Name of Student: __________________________________________________
At the end of this module the students will be able to.
 Identify the different camera shots, angles and movements
 Determine the use/ purpose of each camera shots, angles and movements.
 Appreciate the importance of each camera shots, angles and movements.
Instruction: Match Column A with Column B. Identify the different camera shot
used in taking the pictures in Column A. Write your answer in the space
provided in column A.
Column A
Column B
A. Close-up Sjot
B. Point of View Shot
C. Long Shot
D. Establishing Shot
E. Bird eye shot
F. Extreme close-up
Lesson Proper:
Camera shot, angle and movement
 What is a Shot?
 A shot is a series of frames, that runs for an uninterrupted period of
 Film shots are an essential aspect of a movie where angles, transitions
and cuts are used to further express emotion, ideas and movement.
 In production, a shot is the moment that the camera starts rolling until
the moment it stops.
 In film editing, a shot is the continuous footage or sequence between
two edits or cuts.
 Camera Shot Categories
 Extreme Long shot
 Long shot
 Wide Shot
 Establishing shot
 Mid / Medium Shot
Medium Close-up
Close up shot
Extreme Close Up
Birds eye view shot
Over the shoulder shot
Point of view shot
Two Shot
 Extreme Long Shot
 A wider frame value in which subjects in the frame are
small; a building, cityscape.
 Long Shot
 A shot which displays a full figure from top to tip showing
the entire object or human figure.
 Wide Shot
 Long shot as a "wide shot" because it often requires the
use of a wide-angle lens.
 Establishing Shot
 When a long shot is used to set up a location and its
participants in film and video, it is called an establishing
 Mid/ Medium Shot
 A shot displaying the human figure / object in half.
 Medium Close-up Shot
 A shot which displays the figure in a little close-up form
but the head and shoulders are very much in the frame.
 Close-up Shot
 It is a type of shot, which tightly frames a person or an
object. Close-ups display the most detail, but they do not
include the broader scene.
 Extreme Close-Up
 The shot is so tight that only a detail of the subject, such
as someone's eyes, can be seen.
 Birds eye shot
 A bird's-eye view is an elevated view of an object from
above, with a perspective as though the observer was a
 Over the shoulder Shot
 An over the shoulder shot (also over shoulder, OS, OTS,
or third-person shot) is a shot of someone or something
taken from the perspective or camera angle from the
shoulder of another person.
 Point of view shot
 A point of view shot (also known as POV shot or a
subjective camera) shows what a character (the subject)
is looking at (represented through the camera).
 Two-Shot
 A Two shot is a type of shot employed in the film industry
in which the frame encompasses a view of two people
(the subjects).
 Camera Angle
 The camera angle marks the specific location at which a camera is
placed to take a shot.
 A scene may be shot from several camera angles simultaneously
 Camera Angle Categories
 High Angle shot
 Low Angle shot
 Eye-level camera angle
 High Angle Shot
 A high angle shot is usually when the camera angle is
located above the eye line.
 Connotes inferiority.
 Low Angle Shot
 A low-angle shot, is a shot from a camera positioned low on the
vertical axis, anywhere below the eye line, looking up.
 Connotes superiority.
 Eye-Level Camera Angle
 It is a shot when the camera is positioned on the same level as
that of the character in the film.
 Camera Movement Categories
 Panning
 Tilt
 Zoom
 Tracking / Dolly
 Panning
 Panning refers to the rotation in a horizontal plane of a camera.
 Tilt
 Technique in which the camera is stationary and rotates in a
vertical plane
 Zoom
 A camera movement requiring a zoom lens ("zoom in/out")
 Tracking Dolly
 The camera is mounted to the dolly and the camera assistant
usually ride on the dolly to operate the camera.
 For smooth movement.
IV What I know.
Instruction: Take 10 Photos using a camera or your phones camera. Utilize
the different shot and Camera angles.Then label what shot you used in taking
the pictures.
Camera Angle used: Over the shoulder
Shot used: Medium Shot
Camera Angle
Video Production and Digital Photography for Beginners
Prepared by:
Mr. Stanley Mark P. Lazaga
Computer 7 Teacher