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Dynamics & Vibrations Homework: Particle Motion & Coordinate Systems

MEEN 363/501 Dynamics & Vibrations, Fall 2022
HW 1
Objectives: describe particle motion with different coordinate systems and reference points,
practice coordinate transformations.
- Convert all numbers to SI units (meters, seconds, radians, etc) for final answers.
- Show your work (required for full credit), and circle final answers.
- Crunching numbers and generating plots in the software of your choice (python, excel,
matlab, wolframAlpha, etc) is encouraged; however, you still need to explain your work
and reasoning.
- Be careful about signs!
Problem 1 (5 points)
A paddle steamer is moving down a river at a speed of 20 mph, with its paddle wheel churning at
25 rpm. The wheel has a radius r = 3 meters. At time t=0, the paddles (labeled (a-h) are in the
configuration shown in the figure above.
At time t=0:
a. Which is the fastest moving paddle relative to a person standing on shore?
- Report the magnitudes of the velocity and acceleration of that paddle relative to
the shore observer.
b. Which is the slowest moving paddle relative to a person standing on shore?
- Report the magnitudes of the velocity and acceleration of that paddle relative to
the shore observer. .
c. A seagull flying by at a constant speed of 40 mph and an angle of β = 30° off the water’s
- What is the velocity of paddle b in the fixed, rotated coordinate system ijbird?
- Draw a diagram showing the velocity vectors for paddle b and the bird, and the
unit vector directions for both the cartesian system (ij) and rotated coordinate
system (ijbird).
- What is the velocity of paddle b relative to the bird?
Problem 2 (5 points)
You are skiing down the slope of Mt. Aggie. Your path is described by equation:
𝑌(𝑋) = 𝐴𝑐𝑜𝑠( 𝑑 π) + 𝐴
where d = 1000 and A = 300. Gravity (g) = 9. 8
Velocity (tangential velocity) along the arc is simply the potential energy converted to kinetic energy:
𝑣𝑡(𝑋) = 2𝑔ℎ
where ℎ = 2𝐴 − 𝑌(𝑋)
For the interval x E (0,d):
a. Plot skier velocity vt(x) vs x. Does it match your intuition of the skier’s speed?
b. Find the equation and plot the radius of curvature ρ(x) vs. x
c. Find the equations and plot the skier’s tangential(at), normal (an), & total (||a||) acceleration vs. x
For the location x = d/2:
d. Find skier’s velocity [vx; vy] and acceleration [ax; ay] in cartesian coordinates
e. Find skier’s velocity [vr; vθ] and acceleration [ar; aθ] in polar coordinates
f. What physical, operation and design considerations have we neglected in this example, and how
would they affect the skier’s motion? Think of shape, friction, etc. Explain in words.