CHAPTER FOUR IMPLEMENTATION This chapter shows what was done practically in other to archive the expected results as per my user requirement specification. It shows to what extent I was able to archive my results. All source code related to this project is in the CD that came with this report. The index page This is the first page the user sees when he/she enters the site. The page includes a short guide on what each button does when clicked. The signup page The sign up form allows a new user to register into the system either as a lecturer or a student. The username field will take the student’s name and the password field will use the student’s matricule so that if a student tries to sign up like a lecturer the system will check if his/her matricule follows a lecturer matricule pattern. The login form This form shows two buttons, one for a lecturer who wants to login to the system and another for a student who wants to login to the system. Either of the users must exist in the data base. The form has been validated such that a student cannot login using the lecturer login button and vice versa. The username field will take the student’s name and the password field will use the student’s matricule. The Lecturer page The lecturer page is only accessed when a lecturer logs into the system. In other words a lecturer’s session must have been started. The create course form This form allows a user to create a new course in order for the lecturer to be able to send assignments for students in relation to the course. The create assignment form This form allows a lecturer to post assignments for a particular course. The student’s interfaces are yet to be created. Since the plagiarism check is supposed to run in the background, it doesn’t have an interface as such. The classes used for this module were copied from developer’s pages with their permission. All modifications were done by me with the help of my supervisor. This section of the code does the diff check: This section of the code does the conversion of pdf and word to text (The class was gotten from the internet and called in the diff class). This section of the code was added by me with the help of my supervisor. It displays the degree of document copy detection as a percentage.