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Website Evaluation
Thursday, September 22, 2022
11:00 AM
 The internet has made it possible for anyone to publish web pages. Most websites have not undergone a review
process for inclusion in a collection, whereas the resources in the library's subscription databases have.
 For these reasons, you should closely evaluate any internet access
Why Website Evaluation?
 The internet is an ocean of information and unfortunately, misinformation.
 Anyone can publish anything on the internet. It is the job of any good researcher (and teacher) to
evaluate the information on the web before taking it at face value.
Types of Websites
Advocacy website
Business and Marketing
Elements of a Good Website Design
ABC's Of Website Evaluation
A= Author
Is there an author?
Is the author qualified to write about the particular subject?
Can the information be verified?
B= Bias
Is the information presented fairly and objectively?
Is the page riddled with unnecessary advertising?
C= Content
Is the information relevant, believable, and useful to you?
D= Dates
Does the webpage show the date when it was created and last updated?
Is it regularly maintained/ updated?
Is the information current?
E= Editor
Does the webpage have an editor?
Does the webpage have reputable sponsors? Eg. Govt. agencies or universities
Does the webpage have a bibliography?
More Clues/Domain Names
.com= commercial site
.org= non profit organization
.edu= educational site by an educational institution
.net= network of organization
.mil= military organizations
.ma.us= geographically based website
.gov= government website
Factors to Consider when designing a Website
Algorithm Page 1
(@ #1 + @ #2 + @ #3)/ 3=
Average age
Print Display
Average Age
@ #2
@ #3
1. A program is required to read two numbers calculate and print their difference
NUM 1 - NUM2 =
Print Display
Arithmetic Operations
Addition (+)
TotalPay = BasicPay +
NetPay = TotalPay - Tax
Week = Days*7
Day = Hours/24
DIV- The operater DIV
Result = 20 DIV 8
gives the result of
integer division, but not The variables "Result"
would hold the value 2
the remainder
MOD- The poerator
MOD gives the
Remain= 20 MOD 8
The variable "Remain"
would hold the value 4
Algorithm Page 2
Algorithms can be represented by:
• Pseudocodes
• IPO chart
Pseudocode Algorithm
 Pseudocode is a special language used to write algorithms that has less stringent rules than programming languages do.
 It is another way of representing the logic of a program. It can be defined as English-like statements used to express the steps of an algorithm. The prefix pseudo means in this contextresembling or imitating.
 It is not a programming code but uses words or phrases that are clear enough to be converted into programming code.
 It can be developed from an IPO chart to specify what data is input and processed into information.
Statements and Keywords
➢ A statement is a description of the processing that can be included in an action or condition.
➢ Instructions within the statements are called keywords.
➢ Example of keywords are INPUT or READ, OUTPUT, DISPLAY, PRINT or WRITE. The keyword normally tells the type of statement
Input statement
Assignment Statement
Output statement
Control statement (sequence, selection, repetition)
Similar to the input statement used in the defining diagram, the statement for the pseudocode algorithm
Read variable_name
Read num_1
processing Output
Print Display
Print Display
"You have done well"
Algorithm’s name or title:
Developer: Kalia Fowlin
Date : 10/20/2022
Purpose: This algorithm finds the name, class and mark of a student.
Declare Name, class as String
Mark as real
Display “Enter your name”
Accept Name
Display “Enter class”
Accept Class
Display “Enter your mark”
Accept Mark
If mark >90 then
Display "You have done well"
Display Name
Display Class
Write a pseudocode that takes the name & age of a person and determines if they are eligible to receive their driver's licens e. A person is eligible if they are above the age of 18. If they are below
18, they should be informed that they underage. If they are above 80 inform them that they don’t qualify for license.
Algorithm’s name or title: Driver's License Eligibility
Developer: Kalia Fowlin
Date : 10/22/2022
Algorithm Page 3
Date : 10/22/2022
Purpose: This algorithm finds the name and age of a person
Declare: Name as string
Age as integer
Display “Enter your name”
Accept Name
Display “Enter Age”
Accept Age
If Age ≥18 then
Display “You are eligible to receive a driver's license”
If Age ≤18 then
Display "Unfortunately, you are underaged so you are not qualified for a driver's license"
If Age ≥ 80
Display "Unfortunately, you are not qualify for a driver's license"
Display Name
Display Age
Control statements
There are main types of control structures that are used in designing programs:
1. Sequence - This is the structure that allows statements to be executed in order in which they are written in your program. Each statement will only be executed once by the computer.
2. Selection - These structures allow for decisions to be made in a program based on a condition. Examples of those constructs are the IF-THEN statement and IF-THEN-ELSE statement.
3. Repetition - This allows statements to be repeated numerous times until some condition is met. A repetition statement( also called lopping statement, an iteration statement or loop) allows
you to specify that an action should be repeated, depending on the value of a loop- continuation condition or a loop-termination condition.
IF-THEN Statement
• The If-THEN statement suggests that one or more statements will only be considered based on a condition or the answer to the question.
IF (condition is true)
THEN (carry out one or more statement)
The keyword ENDIF is used to indicate the end of the IF-THEN statement. Any statement below ENDIF in the psuedocode is therefore part of the general psuedocode and not specifc to the IFTHEN statement.
Write a program to read a mark and determine if the mark is greater than or equal to 80. If the condition is true, output the statements "Excellent!", "You have done very well!" or if the condition is
false, output the statement "Work harder next time".
Algorithm Name:
Developer: Kalia Fowlin
Date: November 3,2022
Purpose: The algorithm finds if mark is greater than/equal to eighty or less than eighty
Declaration: mark as real
Print: "Enter mark."
Accept: mark
IF mark is ≥ 80 then
Print: "Excellent!"
Print: "You have done well!"
Print: "Work harder next time."
Print: mark
The IF-THEN-ELSE statement directs the algorithm to one or more statements if the outcome of the condition is valid or true. The algorith m is directed to another set of statements if the outcome of
the condition is not valid or false.
IF (condition is true)
THEN (carry out one or more statement)
ELSE (carry out one or more statement)
Flow Chart
1. Identify and differentiate the shapes used in a flow chart.
2. Outline some general rules for the creation of a flow chart.
3. Represent algorithm flow with the use of flowcharts.
Algorithm Page 4
3. Represent algorithm flow with the use of flowcharts.
4. Represent algorithm (with if statements) flow with the use of forward
Every flow chart must have a start and a stop symbol.
Use arrow-heads on connectors where the direction of flow may not be obvious.
The main symbols used in a flow chart are the decision and process.
The flow if sequence is usually from the top of the page to the bottom of the page.
Symbols used in Flow Chart
Flow lines- shows how data flow through the algorithm
Terminator- shows the beginning and the end of the flow chart
Process Box- used to carry out any processing throughout the algorithm
Input Output- used to accept input into the algorithm and output to screen
Decision- used to make decisions in if statements
Connector- used to connect branches of IF statements and other loops
Declaration- holds the declaration statement
Algorithm Page 5