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Teacher & Learning Environment: Principles of Teaching

Educ 3A – Principles of Teaching 1
Module 2
Instructor: Prof. Jane R. Gumiran, MAEd, LPT
September 20 to October 2, 2021 1
The texts in this module are taken from the book authored by Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D. and Gloria G. Salandanan,Ph.D. entitled
Principles of Teaching 1. All credits to both of them.
The texts in blue are my inputs to further elaborate the discussion.
Educ 3A – Principles of Teaching 1
Module 2
Instructor: Prof. Jane R. Gumiran, MAEd, LPT
September 20 to October 2, 2021 2
NCC’S Fair Use Disclaimer
In the preparation of distance-learning modules and online-accessible lessons for our students during the CoViD-19
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Table of Contents
NCC’S Fair Use Disclaimer
Lesson 1 – The Teacher and The Learning Environment
The Teacher
The Learning Environment
Elaborative Learning
Lesson 2 – Principles of Learning
Laws of Learning
PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION (To be submitted on October 2, 2021)
The texts in this module are taken from the book authored by Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D. and Gloria G. Salandanan,Ph.D. entitled
Principles of Teaching 1. All credits to both of them.
The texts in blue are my inputs to further elaborate the discussion.
Educ 3A – Principles of Teaching 1
Module 2
Instructor: Prof. Jane R. Gumiran, MAEd, LPT
September 20 to October 2, 2021 3
In this module, challenge yourself to:
1. describe the professional teacher, his/her personal and professional attributes.
2. describe a facilitative learning environment.
In module 1 we discussed one principal element that makes the teaching and learning possible
and attainable and that is the learner. We learned that the learner is an embodied spirit He is neither body
nor spirit alone. He has the power to see, hear, touch, smell and taste perceive, imagine, retain, recall
recognize past mentals acts, conceived ideas, make judgement, reason out, and he has the capacity to
feel and choose. It was also emphasized that all learners are equipped with the cognitive and appetitive
faculties. However, they differ in the degree to which they are utilized and expressed on account of the
learners’ abilities, aptitudes, interests, values, and attitudes as well as the home background.
In this module, we are going to discussed the other two elements and these are the teacher and
the learning environment.
Here are some questions that I want you to focus on and answer as we go along discussing these
topics in module. First is who is the professional teacher and what are the attributes that are expected of
a teacher to facilitate learning. On the other hand, on the learning environment, the question that I want
you to reflect on are what does learning environment consists of and when is learning environment
facilitative. I hope you enjoy reading all the text in this module and connect it with our first lesson in
module 1.
Let’s see how well can you remember the concepts learned in module 1 and how well did you enjoy
studying about the learner. Answer the following questions based on the discussions in module 1. Two
points each correct answer.
_________ 1. The cognitive faculty used by the learner to analyze and make judgements.
_________ 2. Which makes the teaching-learning process exciting and a productive learning experience?
_________ 3. What will happen to the teaching-learning process without the learner’s imagination?
_________ 4. It refers to the natural capacity of the learner to learn certain skills.
_________ 5. Multiple intelligence which describes the person’s sensitivity to deep questions about
human existence.
Email this to me not later than 1PM
on Saturday, September 25, 2021 @
It’s a good start!!
The texts in this module are taken from the book authored by Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D. and Gloria G. Salandanan,Ph.D. entitled
Principles of Teaching 1. All credits to both of them.
The texts in blue are my inputs to further elaborate the discussion.
Educ 3A – Principles of Teaching 1
Module 2
Instructor: Prof. Jane R. Gumiran, MAEd, LPT
September 20 to October 2, 2021 4
“Teachers open the door. You enter by yourself.” – Chinese proverb
The Professional Teacher
The professional teacher is the “licensed professional who possesses dignity and reputation with
high moral values as well as technical and professional competence.. he/she adheres to, observes and
practices a set of ethical and moral principles, standards and values (Code of Ethics of Professional
Teachers, 1997). The professional teacher is the one who went through a four-to-five year period of
rigorous academic preparation in teaching and one who is given a license to teach by the Board of
Professional Teachers of the Professional Regulation Commission after fulfilling requirements prescribed
by law such as passing the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET). He/she is registered in the roster of
professional teachers at the Professional Regulation Commission and undergoes continuing professional
1. Recall your experiences with teachers. What in their personalities helped to make you learn? Which
ones did not help you learn at all? Write your reflections. Limit your answers to 3-5 sentences only.
Email this to me not later than 1PM
on Saturday, September 25, 2021 @
Quality of Writing
5 points
and well-organized
3 points
Gives some new
poorly organized
Grammar, Usage &
grammatical errors
Few spelling and
punctuation errors,
minor grammatical
2 points
So many spelling,
grammatical errors
that it interferes
with the meaning
Earned points
Total earned points
Source: https://www.thoughtco.com/essay-rubric-2081367
Professional Attributes
A professional teacher perceives himself/herself as someone who can effect change or learning,
(sense of efficacy) because he/she is an expert in what she/he teachers (subject matter knowledge), and
in how he/she teaches (pedagogical knowledge).
The texts in this module are taken from the book authored by Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D. and Gloria G. Salandanan,Ph.D. entitled
Principles of Teaching 1. All credits to both of them.
The texts in blue are my inputs to further elaborate the discussion.
Educ 3A – Principles of Teaching 1
Module 2
Instructor: Prof. Jane R. Gumiran, MAEd, LPT
September 20 to October 2, 2021 5
A professional teacher possesses the following attributes:
➢ Control of the knowledge base of teaching and learning and use of this knowledge to guide the
science and art of his/her teaching practice.
➢ Repertoire of best teaching practices and can use these to instruct children in classrooms and to
work with adults in the school setting.
➢ Dispositions and skills to approach all aspects of his/her work in a reflective, collegial, and
problem-solving manner.
➢ View of learning to teach as a lifelong process and dispositions and skills for working towards
improving his/her own teaching as well as improving schools (Arends, 1994). This last attribute
highlights continuing professional development (CPD) or continuing professional education (CPE).
As the quotations goes, “once a teacher, forever a student.”
Personal Attributes
Personality is the sum of one’s personal characteristics. It is one’s identity. Teachers, more than
any other professional, are momentarily subjected to scrutiny to the minutest detail and observation by
those they associate with. Teachers are judged more strictly than other professionals. The personality
they project determines the impressions they make upon students and colleagues. Their pose, bearing,
manner of dressing, and facial expressions has an impact on their interaction with students. Teachers’
personality must be natural and genuine, that is, devoid of pretenses and artificiality. They must be
consistent, true and authentic.
Some outstanding personal qualities that never fail to win their flock are worth mentioning:
Photo credit: https://anasebrahem.wordpress.com/2013/10/30/living-a-life-of-passion/
Passion for teaching is a compelling force that emerges from teachers’ love for children.
Passionate teachers show spontaneity in ministering to the needs of the students especially those
experiencing learning difficulties. It is passion for teaching that drives them to care for their students
corrected with appropriate reformative action. Passion does not die nor diminish. Their passion for
teaching makes them feel they “will live and die a teacher.”
Photo credit: https://fragranceofsuccess.wordpress.com/2017/11/27/the-importance-of-sense-of-humor/
The texts in this module are taken from the book authored by Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D. and Gloria G. Salandanan,Ph.D. entitled
Principles of Teaching 1. All credits to both of them.
The texts in blue are my inputs to further elaborate the discussion.
Educ 3A – Principles of Teaching 1
Module 2
Instructor: Prof. Jane R. Gumiran, MAEd, LPT
September 20 to October 2, 2021 6
Teachers’ humor connects them with their students like a magnet. They help in merging two
worlds – youth and maturity. When they laugh together, young and old, teachers and students, they
cease to be conscious of their age difference. The enjoy as a group, thus promote a spirit of togetherness.
A clean joke will always elicit rapport in a learning environment.
Photo credit: https://www.iedunote.com/values-attitudes-difference
Teachers are models of values. Whether conscious of them or not, values are exhibited implicitly
and explicitly. Values connote standards, code of ethics and strong beliefs.
Open-mindedness is basic in promoting respect and trust between teachers and students.
Problems and issues are resolved in a democratic way. Students are encouraged to consider one another’s
findings and explanations. Free exchanges of suggestions develop a respectful attitude among them.
Fairness and impartiality in treating students eliminate discrimination. Teachers must be
unbiased and objective in judging the students’ work and performance. Avoid preferential considerations
that result to negative response and indifference. Objective evaluations are easily accepted and gratefully
acknowledged. Fairness inculcates self-confidence and trust among students.
Sincerity and honesty are values exhibited in words and actions. Their mannerisms, habits, and
speech as watched and at times imitated. Therefore, teachers must show their real self, devoid of
pretenses and half-truths. Sincerity dictates that they stick to the truth, to the extend of accepting what
they do not know about a lesson. Mistakes and faults are accepted and not “covered up”. In the end,
students realize that it is better to tell the truth than feign a falsehood. Sincerity and honesty are taken
as openness in dealing with others.
Another value that is expected of a teacher is professionalism. It is highly treasured in the teaching
profession. Teachers are declared professional if they are knowledgeable, skilled, and value-laden. In
addition to competence in teaching, they must have internalized the edicts of the profession, thus exhibit
ethical and moral conduct. Upright and exemplary in behavior, they earn respect and high esteem from
students and colleagues.
Photo credit: https://www.dreamstime.com/illustration/patience-lettering.h
The texts in this module are taken from the book authored by Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D. and Gloria G. Salandanan,Ph.D. entitled
Principles of Teaching 1. All credits to both of them.
The texts in blue are my inputs to further elaborate the discussion.
Educ 3A – Principles of Teaching 1
Module 2
Instructor: Prof. Jane R. Gumiran, MAEd, LPT
September 20 to October 2, 2021 7
In teaching, patience refers to a teacher’s uncomplaining nature, self-control and persistence.
Patient teachers can forego momentous frustrations and disappointments. Instead, they calmly endure
their students’ limitations and difficulties. Circumstances such as student’s becoming irresponsible and
careless in performing classroom routine may challenge a teacher’s patience. But remembering how their
teachers felt when they, as young students committed similar mistakes, they are able to tolerate such
misbehavior with coolness and equanimity. This may be the reason that older teachers or teachers who
have been in the service for many years seem to be more patient and lenient to their students. Another
situation that may test the teacher’s composure, is the inability of students to progress, as they should in
learning a concept. The teachers’ capacity to adjust their methodologies could allay the tension, at the
same time save time and effort for appropriate remediation. While it is natural to feel irritated and upset
at times, meeting disquieting situations with cool-headedness is indicative of one’s moral strength and
Photo credit: https://www.dreamstime.com/calligraphy-hand-written-pink-enthusiasm-word-text-font-color-beautiful-typographydesign-calligraphic-logo-icon-desi-image101388459
Enthusiasm is synonymous to eagerness and excitement. Enthusiastic teachers are full of energy
and dynamism. Their passion and love for children are easily felt. Everyone anticipates an interesting and
enjoyable learning activity. Unfortunately, not all teachers are born with an alert and zestful disposition.
With enthusiastic teachers, students look forward to any activity they can participate in with them.
Nothing will be difficult to undertake since a common feeling of eagerness exists among students.
It is not a surprise that students identify and describe their teachers by the enthusiasm and warmth they
enjoy with them every minute.
Enthusiasm is a gift. It is contagious and can instantly affect children’s moods and attitudes.
Undoubtedly, it is an irresistible feeling that intensifies the students’ momentum to reach a desired goal.
It connects teachers to parents.
Photo credit: https://www.123rf.com/photo_29974826_many-hands-holding-the-word-commitment-isolated.html
Commitment is a “solemn promise” to perform the duties and responsibilities mandated by the
laws and code of ethics of the profession. It is an unwavering pledge to perform all teaching and learning
The texts in this module are taken from the book authored by Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D. and Gloria G. Salandanan,Ph.D. entitled
Principles of Teaching 1. All credits to both of them.
The texts in blue are my inputs to further elaborate the discussion.
Educ 3A – Principles of Teaching 1
Module 2
Instructor: Prof. Jane R. Gumiran, MAEd, LPT
September 20 to October 2, 2021 8
activities with consistency and selflessness to the best interest of the students under their care.
Committed teachers are caring and dedicated. They are ready to carry on no matter the price.
Dedication to the teaching job is the true essence of professionalism. Today, we lament over the
fast-disappearing breed of teachers with a missionary spirit.
Here are some research findings on effective teachers compiled by Stronge (2012).
1. Teachers with a major or minor in content area are associated with higher student achievement
especially in the area of science and mathematics.
2. Caring teachers who know their students create relationships that enhance the learning process.
3. Effective teachers practice gender, racial and ethnic fairness.
4. Effective teachers consistently behave in a friendly and personal manner while maintaining
appropriate teacher-student role structure.
5. High levels of motivation in teachers relate to high levels of achievements in students.
6. Effective teachers exude positive attitudes about life and teaching.
7. Teachers whose students have high achievement rates continually mention reflection on their
work as an important part of improving their teaching.
1. Think of a moment about your favorite teacher. Make a mental list of what made that teacher so special
that even years after leaving elementary, high school, or college, you can still remember the teacher’s
name. Then, compare your mental list to what we discussed in this module.
2. Reflect on the personal attributes of a professional teacher that are discussed in this module. Which of
these do you have? don’t have? What is your personal plan of action for your growth?
Email this to me not later than 1PM
on Saturday, October 2, 2021 @
Quality of Writing
5 points
and well-organized
3 points
Gives some new
poorly organized
Grammar, Usage &
Few spelling and
punctuation errors,
minor grammatical
2 points
So many spelling,
grammatical errors
Earned points
The texts in this module are taken from the book authored by Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D. and Gloria G. Salandanan,Ph.D. entitled
Principles of Teaching 1. All credits to both of them.
The texts in blue are my inputs to further elaborate the discussion.
Educ 3A – Principles of Teaching 1
Module 2
Instructor: Prof. Jane R. Gumiran, MAEd, LPT
grammatical errors
September 20 to October 2, 2021 9
that it interferes
with the meaning
Total earned points
Source: https://www.thoughtco.com/essay-rubric-2081367
The learning environment consists of the physical environment as well as the psychological or the
socio-emotional climate which is mainly a product of the interaction and relationship between teacher
and the students and among students.
Physical Environment
The physical environment includes the physical condition of the classroom, the arrangement of
furniture, seating arrangement, the classroom temperature and lighting. We enjoy learning in a neat, tidy,
orderly, spacious, well-lighted, well-ventilated and quiet classroom. We can’t learn in dirty, topsy-turvy,
warm, poorly ventilated and noisy classrooms.
Psychological Climate
Let us not forget that equally important, if not more important is the psychological atmosphere
or climate that reigns in the classroom. Researchers agree that in addition to conducive physical
environment, the favorable school climate includes:
1. Safety (e.g. rules and norms; physical safety; social emotional safety)
2. Relationships (e.g. respect for diversity; school connectedness/engagement; social support – adults;
social support – students; leadership)
3. Teaching and learning (e.g. emotional, ethical and civic learning; support for learning; professional
Pine and Horne (1990) described a facilitative learning environment for learning. It is one:
1. which encourages people to be active. A psychological classroom environment which is supportive of
learning engages the learners in the learning process.
2. which promotes and facilitates the individual’s discovery of the personal meaning of idea. Meaning
is not imposed by teacher. This is personally arrived at by the learners considering the uniqueness of their
3. which emphasizes the uniquely personal and subjective nature of learning. Every learner is unique.
4. in which difference is good and desirable. There is respect for diversity. To be different not mean to
be deficient.
5. which consistently recognizes people’s right to make mistakes. Learners feel at ease and learn best
when mistakes are welcome because they are recognized as part and parcel of the learning process.
The texts in this module are taken from the book authored by Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D. and Gloria G. Salandanan,Ph.D. entitled
Principles of Teaching 1. All credits to both of them.
The texts in blue are my inputs to further elaborate the discussion.
Educ 3A – Principles of Teaching 1
Module 2
Instructor: Prof. Jane R. Gumiran, MAEd, LPT
September 20 to October 2, 2021 10
6. which tolerates ambiguity. This leads to openness to ideas and prevents teacher and learners alike to
be judgmental.
7. in which evaluation is a cooperative process with emphasis on self-evaluation. This makes evaluation
less threatening. The learner is not alone when he evaluates learning; he is with a group. His/her progress
is seen against his/her targets not against the performance of his/her classmates.
8. which encourages openness of self rather than concealment of self. People feel at ease and so aren’t
afraid to be transparent.
9. in which people are encouraged to trust in themselves as well as in external resources. There is a
strong social support and it is not difficult to trust others.
10. in which people feel they are respected. Everyone is convinced of the former inner worth/dignity of
each individual and so it is easy to respect everyone.
11. in which people feel they are accepted. There is a sense of belongingness.
12. which permits confrontation. Since learners feel at ease and feel they are accepted, they are not
afraid to confront themselves.
13. provides conducive learning environment necessary in the full development of the cognitive and
appetitive faculties of the learner. These include his/her senses, instincts, imagination, memory, feelings,
emotions, and will.
Elaborative Learning
1. Compose a song maximum of 18 lines that describe a conducive learning environment. Submit lyrics of
the song and your video while singing the composed song.
Song-Writing Rubric
1 point
The song does not
have a theme.
2 points
The lyrics have little
to no connection to
the theme
The song lyrics are
not coherent. The
Less than 10 lines
OR 10-14 lines.
The song lyrics are
Total points
10-14 lines, OR 1417 lines
5 points
The lyrics mostly
follow the theme,
with some that do
The lyrics mostly
follow the theme,
with some that do
14-18 lines
7 points
The composition
uses lyrics that
relate to the overall
uses lyrics that
relate to the overall
18 lines
Source: http://pkmusicapp.weebly.com/uploads/4/8/3/7/48379481/_songwriting_rubric.pdf
The texts in this module are taken from the book authored by Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D. and Gloria G. Salandanan,Ph.D. entitled
Principles of Teaching 1. All credits to both of them.
The texts in blue are my inputs to further elaborate the discussion.
Educ 3A – Principles of Teaching 1
Module 2
Instructor: Prof. Jane R. Gumiran, MAEd, LPT
September 20 to October 2, 2021 11
Email this to me not later than 1PM
on Saturday, October 9, 2021 @
2. Using a pictograph, visualize the conditions of a learning atmosphere that is conducive to learning.
Rubric for Pictograph Making
Include a key picture with the
Description of what the pictograph
Description and points
The symbol/picture selected
accurately represent the theme (7
The pictures/symbols used in the
pictograph is represented on the
key. (5 points)
Write down a brief description of
what people will understand by
looking at the pictograph. (8 points)
My Score
My total score (20 points)
Email this to me not later than 1PM
on Saturday, October 2, 2021 @
The texts in this module are taken from the book authored by Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D. and Gloria G. Salandanan,Ph.D. entitled
Principles of Teaching 1. All credits to both of them.
The texts in blue are my inputs to further elaborate the discussion.
Educ 3A – Principles of Teaching 1
Module 2
Instructor: Prof. Jane R. Gumiran, MAEd, LPT
September 20 to October 2, 2021 12
Learning Outcomes:
In this module, challenge yourself to:
1. Draw the implications of these principles to the teaching-learning process.
The learning of our students is our foremost concern. How do we define learning? Learning is the
acquisition of knowledge-base use with fluency to make sense of the world, solve problems, and make
Let us break the definition for analysis. The key words are: 1) acquisition of a knowledge-base, 2)
fluence, 3) make sense of the world, 4) solve problems and 5) make decisions. The definition implies that
learning begins with knowledge acquisition. This knowledge learned must be used with ease or fluency
because it has been mastered. This knowledge is applied in problem solving, in decision-making and in
making meaning of this world. Knowledge that is just acquired without being utilized is what American
philosopher North Whitehead referred to as “inert ideas”. These are “ideas” that are merely received into
mind without being utilized, or tested, or thrown into fresh combinations.
Principles of Learning
By knowing some principles on how learning takes place, we will be guided on how to teach.
Below are some principles of learning from Horne and Pine (1990)
1. Learning is an experience which occurs inside the learner and is activated by the learner. The process
of learning is primarily controlled by the learner and not by the teacher (group leader). Learning is not only
a function of what a teacher does to, or says to, or provides for a learner. More significantly, learning has
to do with something which happens in the unique world of the learner. It flourishes in a situation in which
teaching is seen as a facilitating process that assists people to explore and discover the personal meaning
of events for them.
No one directly teaches anyone anything of significance. People learn what they want to learn,
they see what the want to see and hear what they want to hear. When we create an atmosphere in which
people are free to explore ideas in dialogue and through interaction with other people, we educate them.
Very little learning takes place without personal involvement and meaning on the part of the learner.
Unless what is being taught has personal meaning for the individual, he will shut it out from his field of
perception. People forget most of the content “taught” to them and retain only the content which they
use in their work or content which is relevant to them personally.
It must be then wise to engage the learners in an activity that is connected to their life
experiences. It is unwise to impose learning on our students. No amount of imposition can cause student
The texts in this module are taken from the book authored by Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D. and Gloria G. Salandanan,Ph.D. entitled
Principles of Teaching 1. All credits to both of them.
The texts in blue are my inputs to further elaborate the discussion.
Educ 3A – Principles of Teaching 1
Module 2
Instructor: Prof. Jane R. Gumiran, MAEd, LPT
September 20 to October 2, 2021 13
2. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning and relevance of ideas. Students more readily
internalize and implement concepts and ideas which are relevant to their needs and problems. Learning is
a process which requires the exploration of ideas in relation to self and community so that people can
determine what their needs are, what goals they would like to formulate, what issues they would like to
discuss and what content they would like to learn. Within broad programmatic boundaries, what is
relevant and meaningful is decide by the learner, and must be discovered by the learner.
It is necessary that teacher relates lesson to the needs, interests, and problems of the learners.
3. Learning (behavioral change) is a consequence of experience. People become responsible when they
have really assumed responsibility; they become independent when they have experienced independent
behavior; they become able when they have experienced success; they begin to feel important when they
are important to somebody; they feel liked when someone likes them. People do not change their behavior
merely because someone tells them to do so or tells them how to change. For effective learning, giving
information is not enough; e.g. people become responsible and independent not from having other people
tell them that they should be responsible and independent but from having experienced authentic
responsibility and independent.
If experience is the best teacher, then a teacher should make use of experiential learning.
Experiential learning makes use of direct as well as vicarious experiences. We do not have to experience
everything in order to learn. We learn from other people’s experiences, too, good as well as not so good
4. Learning is a cooperative and collaborative process. “Two heads are better than one.” People enjoy
functioning independently but they also enjoy functioning interdependently. The interactive process
appears to “scratch and kick” people’s curiosity, potential, and creativity. Many times, you are reminded
of something because of what you hear from the group.
Cooperative approaches are enabling. Through such approaches people learn to define goals, to
plan to interact and to try group arrangements in problem solving. Paradoxically, as people invest
themselves in collaborative group approaches, they develop a firmer sense of their own identification.
They begin to realize that they count, that they have something to give and to learn. Problems which are
identified and delineated through cooperative interaction appear to challenge and to stretch people to
produce creative solutions and to become more creative individuals.
5. Learning is an evolutionary process. Behavioral change requires time and patience. Implicit in all the
principles and conditions for learning is an evolutionary model of learning. Learning situations
characterized by free and open communication, confrontation, acceptance, respect, the right to make
mistakes, self-revelation, cooperation and collaboration, ambiguity, shared evaluation, active and
personal involvement, freedom from threat, and trust in the self are evolutionary in nature.
Change takes time. Let us not expect results overnight. Rome was not built in one day. Then as
teachers and learners, let us learn to be patient. Things that are worthwhile in life take time.
6. Learning is sometimes a painful process. Behavioral change often calls for giving up the old and
comfortable ways of believing, thinking and valuing. It is not easy to discard familiar ways of doing things
and incorporate new behavior. It is often “downright” uncomfortable to share one’s self openly, to put
The texts in this module are taken from the book authored by Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D. and Gloria G. Salandanan,Ph.D. entitled
Principles of Teaching 1. All credits to both of them.
The texts in blue are my inputs to further elaborate the discussion.
Educ 3A – Principles of Teaching 1
Module 2
Instructor: Prof. Jane R. Gumiran, MAEd, LPT
September 20 to October 2, 2021 14
one’s ideas under the microscope of a group, and to genuinely confront other people. If growth is to occur,
pain is often necessary. However, the pain is breaking away from the old and the comfortable is usually
followed by appreciation and pleasure in the discovery of an evolving idea of a changing self.
It may be good to make our students realize that learning is a difficult task. It is accompanied by
sacrifice, inconvenience, and discomfort. But it leads to inner joy.
7. One of the riches resources for learning is the learner himself. In a day and age when so much
emphasis is being placed upon instructional media, books and speakers as resources for learning, we tend
to overlook perhaps the richest source of all – the learner himself. Each individual has an accumulation of
experiences, ideas, feelings and attitudes which comprise a rich vein of material for problem solving and
learning. All too often this vein is barely tapped. Situations which enable people to become open to
themselves, to draw upon their personal collection of data, and to share their data in cooperative
interaction with others maximize learning.
As a teacher, you must draw these learners’ ideas, feelings, and experiences. You midwife the
birth of ideas.
8. The process of learning is emotional as well as intellectual. Learning s affected by the total state of
the individual. People are feeling beings as well as thinking beings and when their feelings and thoughts
are in harmony, learning is maximized. To create the optimal conditions in a group for learning to occur,
people must come before purpose. Regardless of the purpose of a group, it cannot be effectively
accomplished when other things get in the way. If the purpose of the group is to design and carry out
some tasks, it will not be optimally achieved if people in the group are fighting and working against each
other. It might be said that in any group, regardless of the people problems which exists, enough group
intellectual capacity remains intact for members of the group to acquire information and skills. However,
to maximize the acquisition and internalization of ideas it seems reasonable that the people problems
would have to be deal with first.
As teachers, let us appeal to our students’ intellect as well as to their emotions.
9. The process of problem solving and learning is highly unique and individual. Each person has his own
unique styles of learning and solving problems. Some personal styles of learning and problem solving are
highly effective , other styles are not as effective, and still others may be ineffective. We need to assist
people to define and to make explicit to themselves the approaches they ordinarily use so that they can
become more effective in problem solving and learning. As people become more aware of how they learn
and solve problems and become exposed to alternative models used by other people, they can refine and
modify their personal styles so that these can be employed more effectively. (Source: Gerald J. Pine and
Peter J. Horne, 1990).
It pays to allow students to learn in accordance with their unique learning styles and multiple
The texts in this module are taken from the book authored by Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D. and Gloria G. Salandanan,Ph.D. entitled
Principles of Teaching 1. All credits to both of them.
The texts in blue are my inputs to further elaborate the discussion.
Educ 3A – Principles of Teaching 1
Module 2
Instructor: Prof. Jane R. Gumiran, MAEd, LPT
September 20 to October 2, 2021 15
Laws of Learning
It is worth including other principles/laws of learning by Thorndike (1932).
Law of Effect
Learning is strengthened when accompanied by a pleasant or satisfying feeling.
Learning is weakened when associated with unpleasant feeling.
Learning takes places properly when it results in satisfaction and the learner derives pleasure out
of it.
The class room experiences should be satisfactory and pleasant. The teacher must enjoy his
teaching work.
Learning experiences and other activities must be meaningful and understandable in terms of the
personal life of the learners.
School activities should be organized in increasing difficulty order so that the students may
progress without any failure.
Law of Exercise
Things most often repeated are best remembered.
Students do not learn complex tasks in a single session.
Law of Readiness
Individuals learn best when they are physically, mentally, and emotionally ready to learn, and they
do not learn well if they see no reason for learning.
This principle states that motivation is needed to develop an association or display changed
Law of Primacy
Things learned first create a strong impression
What is taught must be right the first time.
“Unteaching” wrong first impressions is harder than teaching them right the first time.
What the student learns must be procedurally correct and applied the very first time.
Law of Recency
Things most recently learned are best remembered.
frequent review and summarization help fix in the mind the material covered.
this principle often determines the sequence of lectures within a course of instruction.
Law of Intensity
The more intense the material taught, the more it is likely learned.
a student will learn more from the real thing than from a substitute.
The texts in this module are taken from the book authored by Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D. and Gloria G. Salandanan,Ph.D. entitled
Principles of Teaching 1. All credits to both of them.
The texts in blue are my inputs to further elaborate the discussion.
Educ 3A – Principles of Teaching 1
Module 2
Instructor: Prof. Jane R. Gumiran, MAEd, LPT
September 20 to October 2, 2021 16
In the class room, demonstrations, skits, and role playing increase the learning experience of
Law of Freedom
Things freely learned are best learned.
The greater the freedom enjoyed by the students in the class, the greater is the intellectual and
moral advancement enjoyed by them.
Knowledge of these laws helps the teacher for better understanding of learning behaviors of the students.
Source: https://currentnursing.com/theory/laws_of_learning.html
Movie Review
Watch the movie, “To Sir with Love” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DO4NYVtGAI.
Your movie review should include the following:
1. Introduction
2. Summary
3. Personal Reflection
a. Discuss what you like or dislike about the movie.
b. Give reasons to support your opinion.
c. You can also compare the story to your own personal experience or current event
in the news.
4. Critical Analysis
a. What is the author’s purpose for writing the movie?
b. What is the theme or central idea of the movie?
5. Conclusion
The texts in this module are taken from the book authored by Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D. and Gloria G. Salandanan,Ph.D. entitled
Principles of Teaching 1. All credits to both of them.
The texts in blue are my inputs to further elaborate the discussion.
Educ 3A – Principles of Teaching 1
Module 2
Instructor: Prof. Jane R. Gumiran, MAEd, LPT
September 20 to October 2, 2021 17
Title and author listed. Introduction is attention-getting and provides
relevant information. (5 points)
Summary consists of a discussion of major themes, ideas. It includes
very strong opinions and new ideas using your own words. (10 points)
Critique consists of thoughts responses and reaction to the story. The
student reviewer reacts to the themes, the author's aims or intent. (10
Structure of the paper flows and is easily read because of smooth
transitions from paragraph to paragraph. The sequence of topics is in
logical order (10 points)
Uses complete sentences. Vibrant, effective vocabulary included (5
Source: https://www.wintonwoods.org/userfiles/557/AGS/Summer%20Assignments/Rubric%20for%20book%20review.pdf
Email this to me not later than 1PM on Saturday, October 2, 2021 @
The texts in this module are taken from the book authored by Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D. and Gloria G. Salandanan,Ph.D. entitled
Principles of Teaching 1. All credits to both of them.
The texts in blue are my inputs to further elaborate the discussion.