CALCULATE EQUILIBRIUM CONSTANT AND THE PRESSURE OR CONCENTRATION OF REACTANTS IN AN EQUILIBRIUM MIXTURE MA. ISABELLA ARTIAGA ANGEL BUCAYO The Equilibrium Constant, K The equilibrium constant, K, is the numerical value that is obtained when equilibrium concentrations are substituted to the equilibrium constant expression. The value of K may vary from very large to very small values. This value provides an idea of the relative concentrations of the reactants and products in an equilibrium mixture. REMEMBER: If K >> 1 (large K value), the equilibrium lies to the right and the products predominate in the equilibrium mixture. If K << 1 (small K value), the equilibrium lies to the left and the reactants predominate in the equilibrium in the equilibrium mixture. Calculating K when all equilibrium concentrations/partial pressures are known Determining equilibrium constants when equilibrium concentrations or partial pressures are known involves straightforward substitution to the equilibrium constants expression. Calculating K from initial and equilibrium concentration/partial pressures In most cases, what is known to the experimenter is the equilibrium constant at a certain temperature and the initial concentrations or partial pressures of the species present. This means that equilibrium quantities must be determined before calculating for K. This can be done by treating the change as a variable where the stoichiometric coefficients from the balanced equation can be used to denote the relationship between the changes in the concentration/partial pressure of the reactants and products. Calculating equilibrium concentrations/partial pressures from initial concentrations/partial pressures and K values Example: CALCULATE EQUILIBRIUM CONSTANT AND THE PRESSURE OR CONCENTRATION OF PRODUCTS IN AN EQUILIBRIUM MIXTURE LUIGI NICOLAI SACE GIL JANE CABANIG Keep In Mind REMEMBER: If K >> 1 (large K value, the value is above 1), the equilibrium lies to the right and the PRODUCT predominate in the equilibrium mixture. If K << 1 (small K value, the value is below 1), the equilibrium lies to the left and the REACTANTS predominate in the equilibrium in the equilibrium mixture. Equilibrium the concentration of N2O4 is 0.2 M and the concentration of NO2 is 0.05 M Find the Kc 2NO2(g) ⇌ N2O4(g) Equilibrium Constant Formula: Substitute the given values: Kc = [N2O4] ———— [NO2]² Kc = [0.2M] ———— [0.05M]² = 80M^-1 The Value 80M^-1 is K>>1 (Higher value than 1) so the PRODUCT predominate in the equilibrium mixture REACTANT PRODUCT 2NO2(g) ⇌ N2O4(g)