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Beginner Core Calisthenics Circuit Workout Sheet

A. Larosa - Core Daily Calisthenics Circuit 1
Perform the Core Circuit a minimum of 3 times per week and up to 5
times per week.
Equipment needed for this Circuit:
-Pull-up Bar
Beginner Core Circuit:
8 Repetitions of Knee Raises (Hanging at the bar)
10” Hanging L-sit (at the bar)
8 Tuck ups
10” Hollow Body Position
20” Side Plank (10” Each Side)
10” Elbow Plank
10” Straight-Arm Plank
10” Arch Body.
Rest Period between sets: 3 Minutes.
Repeat for a Total of 2 or 3 Sets.
A. Larosa - Core Daily Calisthenics Circuit 2
Perform the Core Circuit a minimum of 3 times per week and up to 5
times per week.
Equipment needed for this Circuit:
-Pull-up Bar
-Swiss Ball (Optional)
Intermediate Core Circuit:
5 Repetitions of Leg Raises (Hanging at the bar)
10” Hanging L-sit (at the bar)
10 Tuck ups
20” Hollow Body Position
30” Side Plank (15” Each Side)
30” Elbow Plank
20” Arch Body
30” Straight-Arm Plank (Better with feet over a Swiss Ball)
10” Arch Body.
Rest Period between sets: 3 Minutes.
Repeat for a Total of 2 or 3 Sets.
A. Larosa - Core Daily Calisthenics Circuit 3
Perform the Core Circuit a minimum of 3 times per week and up to 5
times per week.
Equipment needed for this Circuit:
-Pull-up Bar
-Swiss Ball (Optional)
Advanced Core Circuit:
8 Repetitions of Leg Raises (Hanging at the bar)
10” Hanging L-sit (at the bar)
8 Repetitions of Dragonflag
10 Tuck ups
30” Hollow Body Position
30” Side Plank (15” Each Side)
30” Elbow Plank
30” Arch Body
30” Straight-Arm Plank (Better with feet over a Swiss Ball)
30” Arch Body.
Rest Period between sets: 3 Minutes.
Repeat for a Total of 2 or 3 Sets.
Exercises Demonstration:
Knee Raises (Hanging at the bar – Beginner Program):
Leg Raises (Hanging at the bar – Intermediate Program):
Leg Raises (Hanging at the bar – Advanced Program):
Hanging L-sit (at the bar):
Tuck ups:
Hollow Body Position:
Side Plank:
Elbow Plank:
Straight-Arm Plank:
Arch Body:
Dragonflag (Advanced Program):
This workout sheet is not designed to, and therefore does not, provide medical advice. All
content, including text, images and information, available in this file are for general informational
purposes only. The content is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis
or treatment. Please never disregard professional medical advice, or delay in seeking it, because of
anything you have read on this workout sheet.
Andrea L. shall not be held liable for any damage and/or injury caused by the exercises you obtain
from this file. If you do not agree with the statements above, then you should not apply any of the
exercises, workout and training plans offered by this workout sheet.