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Is the Nuclear Power a safe way to get clean energy?
On the last 50 years, scientist have been concerned about climate change and its effects. In 1956
UK run the first nuclear power station in the world and since then, the nuclear power has become
in a real alternative to get celan energy. But, even after all the new information that scientists and
researches have discovered, the people are still asking wheter nuclear power is safe or not.
Scientist agree that nuclear power are a good alternative to get clean energy, specially because of
the process is not like fosil fuels, the nuclear fission (main way to get nuclear power) doesn’t
release high levels of carbon dioxide, and does not leave amounts of greenhouses gas emissions. In
adittion to, nuclear power stations has the capability to produec high and constant leves of energy,
which are helpful to meet electry demand of small and large cities.
In contrast with all this adventages are the waste of nuclear poweer stations, that, if are not
managed in a correct way, could be a threatened for all the people that work into nuclear stations
and for the population around the place, because of the radioactivity levels of the waste. Another
issue is that build a nuclear power station is expensive and need a long time. As far as Latin
America conerned, is difficult build and support a Nuclear power station, mainly because the
governments are not interested in research and use this kind of energy.
As far as I concerned, the nuclear power are a very suitable clean energy and a safe way to get it,
as long as be managed with responsability. Maybe is the energy of the future, so we must be more
informed about this topic to raise awareness.