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Philosophy: Mind-Body Dualism & Modern Physics

Philosophical inquiry into the modern world (Class 5)
Mind -body dualism and anti-teleological mechanist physics
Table of Contents
ANCIENT GREEK PHILOSOPHY ....................................................................................................... 2
THE NETHERLANDS IN THE 17TH CENTURY ..................................................................................... 2
DISCOURSE ON THE METHOD (GALILEO GALILEI)........................................................................... 3
PHILOSOPHICAL SEARCH FOR THE TRUTH ..................................................................................... 3
WHAT ARISTOTLE CALLS SUBSTANCE ............................................................................................ 3
CARTESIAN EPISTEMOLOGY ......................................................................................................... 3
Today’s world and modernity
Ideas of reason
Habermas: the public use of reason
In the past:
o Reason is divine (which human not quite really know)
o The entire cosmos reflects reason (even Aristotle believed so)
Ancient Greek philosophy
- Objects in this world are imperfect copies of Forms in the ideal realm
o The bottle we see is not a perfect bottle
- “Timaeus” was an important word that time
o Someone created this world
- Objects in this world are a combination of matter and form
- Form is inherent in matter and of this world, no ideal realm is necessary
- Natural objects carry in themselves their own principle of change
- Their form is their end
o E.g. from baby to adults to elderly
Epistemology (theory of knowledge)
(Knowledge is gained primarily through
(Knowledge is gained
The Netherlands in the 17th century
- Poland: place for philosophy to think
- 1581: declaration of independence from Catholic Spain
- Freedom of conscience
o People can have different religions
o Slowly the church could not control everything, neither control the
explanation of the universe too
o People started learning how to use gun
Discourse on the Method (Galileo Galilei)
- Challenge the church with the Italian inquisition for espousing heliocentrism 日心說.
- Descartes: The Discourse on the Method
- Only published huge part of it
Philosophical search for the truth
- To find absolutely certain truth
- Everything can be doubted
o Try to prove the doubt -> involve thinking
o Something that can be certain
- Cogito, ergo -> I think, therefore I am -> 我思故我在
o We cannot doubt the existence of ourselves when we are thinking
What Aristotle calls substance
- I or God are a (mental) substance whose nature resides in thinking
- my thought (mental substance)
- Materials substance -> e.g. tables
- Dualism
Cartesian Epistemology
- Knowing something = 100% certainty, clearly, absolutely, distinctly
- “I think, therefore I am” = certain knowledge
- I don’t know everything = imperfect
- Where does the idea of “perfection” come from?
o I am imperfect so it does not come from me
o The idea must have been placed in my head.
 God is the one who put the image of “God” in our head?
God and the Triangle
God (valid but not sound -> whether existence is property)
- If God exists, then he must be a perfect being.
- Perfection exists
- So God exists
o Challenges:
o Thinking that how does perfection exists?
o There must be a list of perfect otherwise we could not think about what is
Denial of God
This imaginary new world
 Our world is pre-supporting by material substance and natural laws.
 Chaotic matter with the natural laws arranges itself to form precisely the kind of
universe we live in
o God: established the rules and let them run without intervention
 No need for any the existence of “forms” or “qualities”
 No entity exists, soul and body are separated
Challenging the imaginary world
- If matter would continue to arrange itself until bodies were formed that resemble
those of human
- Humans will be purely material: unable to speak, because to be able to speak
requires reason
Mind-Body Problem
- Plato and Descartes: thinking substance and material substance are radically
- If the world we inhabit is one of change, and the world of the Forms is one that is
eternal, then how could our reason even mediate between them?
o Somehow humans can be overlapped between thinking and material
o E.g. raising arms -> we think, and then we move