Chooset hecor r ectwor dt ocompl et et hesesent ences. 1-Icoul dn’ tgett osl eepbecauseofOwen-ar oundupst ai r s. a)bangi ng b)l y i ng c)swi t chi ng 2Wai tamoment– t hedocumenty ouneed-i sabouther e somewher e. a)f l y i ng b)f l oat i ng c)r unni ng 3-It hi nkweshoul dst opt hecarandl ett hechi l dr en-ar oundf ora bi t . a)get b)l i e c)r un 4-Ther oom l ooksdi f f er ent .Hav ey out hef ur ni t ur ear ound? a)pot t er ed b)swi t ched c)banged 5-I fy ou-ar ound,y oumi ghtbeabl et of i ndsomeonewi t hacar f orsal e. a)ask b)boss c)pl ay 6-Ihat et hewayr umour s-ar oundt heof f i ce. a)r un b)f l y c)l i e 7-Your eal l yshoul dn’ tl eav esuchi mpor t antpaper sabout . a)cl owni ng b)l y i ng c)pl ay i ng 8-Yanni smadet hechi l dr enl aughbyar oundwi t hpi ecesoff r ui t . a)bangi ng b)get t i ng c)cl owni ng Compl et e each di al ogueusi ngav er bf r om t heboxwi t har oundorabout . Boss get ask cl own I l i e 1-I sl a:Ineedt of i ndaf l att or enti nLondon. Doy ouknowofany t hi ngav ai l abl e? Kat i e:No, butI ’ l l - 2Sar a: Doy ouknowwher et heext ensi onl eadi s? Mi l o: Yes, It hi nki tmi ghtbe-i nmyst udysomewher e. 3Adam: Howdi dHugoknowwe’ r eget t i ngmar r i ed? Zar a: Wel l , newsl i ket hatv er yqui ckl y . 4-Av a: Doy ougetonwel l wi t hy oursi st er ? El l a: Yes, ont hewhol e, t houghshe-me-abi tt oomuch. 5Amber : Whatdoy out hi nkofFr eddi e? Loui s: If i ndt hewayheal way s-abi tchi l di sh. Hi Fi nn, Thanksf ory ouremai l . I ’ v emor eorl essset t l edi nt omynewcot t age.I t ’ sl ov el y–exceptf or t henei ghbour s.Theyar ej ustsonoi sy !Icanheart hei rsoundsy st em bl ast i ngoutatal lhour soft hedayandni ghtandoneoft hem pl ay st he t r umpet–he’ sbel t i ngoutj azzmostev eni ngs.Atl easthepl ay swel l , so t hatnoi sedoesn’ tgr at eonmeasmuchasi tmi ght !Muchwor sei st he f actt hatoneoft hem hasav er yl oud v oi ceand i sal so v er ybadI I t emper ed.Whenshe’ sangr yshebangst hi ngsdown and herv oi ce boomsoutandsomet i mest hear gument sev endr ownoutmyown musi c.I ’ v easkedt hem ni cel yi ft heycoul dkeept henoi sedownabi t , but t heyhav ei gnor edme.AndIt houghtIwasmov i ngt oaqui etv i l l age wher et heonl yl oudnoi sewoul dbebel l speal i ng outonaSunday mor ni ng!Hopeal l goeswel l wi t hy ou. Cheer s, John Meani ng: 1bl ast i ngout : pr oduci ngal otofnoi se, especi al l yl oudmusi c. 2bel t i ngout( i nf or mal ) : pl ay i ngamusi cal i nst r umentorsi ngi ngv er y l oudl y . 3-gr at eon: ( ofsoundorbehav i our )annoy . 4bangsdown: put sdownwi t hf or cebecauseshei sangr y . 5-boomsout : makesav er yl oudnoi se. 6dr ownout : dr ownoutpr ev entf r om bei nghear d. 7peal i ngout : r i ngi ngl oudl y( ofbel l s) . Chooset hecor r ectwor dt ocompl et et hesesent ences.Somet i mes t her ei smor et hanonepossi bl eanswer . 1-Youcanal way sonDani el .He’ st ot al l ydependabl e. a)r el y b)count c)hi nge d)hang 2-Iwi shGeor gi awoul dst oponaboutKi an.I t ’ ssot edi ous! a)r i di ng b)dr oni ng c)goi ng I I I d)har pi ng 3-Domakeupy ourmi ndsoon.Somuchonwhaty oudeci de. a)hi nges b)pr esses c)r i des d)hangs Atf i r stonl yTani aandIl i kedt hebl uedesi gnbest ,butwegr adual l y wont heot her sr ound.Benwasn’ tsur eaboutj oi ni ngt hespeci alpr oj ect t eam att hebegi nni ng,butImanagedt ot al khi mr oundi nt heend.I t t ookawhi l et oper suademyl i nemanagert osendmeont hebusi ness managementcour se, butshegav ei nev ent ual l y !Whenwef i r stmov edt o anopenpl anof f i ce, Idi dn’ tr eal l yl i kei t .ButI ’ v ecomer oundt oi tnow, as i thasi mpr ov edcommuni cat i oni nt het eam.TheBoar dhav ef i nal l y backeddownov ert hei rpr oposal st or est r uct ur et hedepar t ment .The managementhadt obowt opr essur ef r om t heuni onsandgi v et hepay r i set heypr omi sed.Shewant edt owor ki nLondonor i gi nal l y ,buti nt he end,shehadt oset t l ef ort her egi onalof f i ce.Twooft het eam hadabi g di sagr eementand wer en’ tt al ki ng t o each ot herf ora f ew day s. For t unat el y , t heyseem t ohav esmoot hedt hi ngsov ert hi smor ni ng. Meani ng: wonr ound: per suaded( canal sobewi nov er ) t al kr ound:per suade gav ei n:agr eeaf t eri ni t i al l yr ef usi ng comer oundt o: changedmyopi ni on backeddown:admi t t edt heywer ewr ongandchangedt hei rmi nds bowt o: dosomet hi ngy oudon’ twantt odo( anot herwayt osayt hi si s bendt o) set t l ef or : agr eet osomet hi ngwhi chi sn’ ty ourf i r stchoi ce I V smoot hedov er :madeapr obl em l essser i ous Chooset hecor r ectpar t i cl et ocompl et et hesesent ences. 1-We’ v ebookedt hev enueandt hecat er er s.Now wej ustneedt onai l down/up/r oundt her estoft hedet ai l s. 2-I ’ v eexpl ai nedwhyweshoul dupdat et hewebsi t e,buthej ustr ef uses t ogi v eup/i n/backandl etmedoi t . 3-Wespentagesdi scussi ngt henewl ogo,andweev ent ual l ycamet o/ t hr ough/upagai nstanagr eement . 4-Canweset t l eon/f or/downapai ntcol ourf ort hewal l sf i r st ,and t henst ar tl ooki ngatf ur ni t ur e? 5-Pol l yagr eedt o/out/upt henewschedul ei ni t i al l y ,butt henr eal i sed t hati tdi dn’ tgi v eherenought i met of i ni shherwor k. 6Despi t et hef actt hatMar kwascl ear l yi nt hewr ong, her ef usedt oback up/r ound/downandapol ogi se. 7-Weneedsomev ol unt eer st ohel por gani set hechar i t yf undr ai ser .Can wecounty ouon/i n/i nt o? Letmet r yt odescr i bet hi sscenei nauni v er si t yl i br ar y .Agi r lwi t hl ong hai ri spor i ngov eramap.Nextt oheraboyi sski mmi ngt hr oughsome books, l ooki ngf orsomei nf or mat i ononwi ndener gyf orhi st hesi s.Att he samet abl ei sagi r lwi t hshor thai r ,whohasbur i edher sel fi naj our nal . Nex tt oheraboyi st i cki ng/ checki ngof fnamesonal i st–he’ scr ossed of foneoft hem.Ther ei sabusyandst udi ousat mospher ei nt hi sl i br ar y andIhopet hi shascomeacr ossi nmydescr i pt i on. V Meani ng: por i ngov er : st udy i ngcar ef ul l y . ski mmi ngt hr ough: r eadi ngqui ckl ywi t houtst udy i ngt hedet ai l s. bur i edi n: gi v enal l herat t ent i ont o. t i cki ng/ checki ngof f :wr i t i ngsomet hi ngnextt oeachi t em onal i sti n or dert omakesur et hatev er y t hi ngorev er y oneoni ti scor r ect ,pr esent , orhasbeendeal twi t h. cr ossedof f :r emov edawor d( e. g. ,name)f r om al i stbydr awi ngal i ne t hr oughi t . come acr oss:been ex pr essed cl ear l y enough f or t he r eadert o under st andi t . Chooset hecor r ectal t er nat i v et ocompl et et hesesent ences. 1Thi nkt hr ough/Getoutof/Fol l owupt heessayquest i oncar ef ul l y andi dent i f yt hei ssuesy ouneedt ot al kabout . 2-I t ’ sr eal l yi mpor t antt oendup/f ol l owup/wei ghupal l t heev i dence bef or epr esent i ngy ourf i nal ar gument . 3Af t eral ongdi scussi on, wegotoutof/endedup/wentoveragr eei ng t hatt hechar act erofBeckyShar pwasnotl i keabl e, butv er yi nt er est i ng. 4-We’ r egoi ngt oendup/goov er/getoutoft hesol ut i onst ot he pr obl emsi nl astweek’ sexam anddi scussanyquest i ons. 5-I fy ouwantt ot hi nkt hr ough/goover/f ol l owupont hequest i on Jemmaaskedaboutgamet heor y , Icanr ecommendacoupl eof i nt er est i ngbooksont hesubj ect . VI Chooset hecor r ectwor dt ocompl et et hesesent ences. 1-Wi t hmynewr adi oIcanf armor est at i onst hanIusedt obeabl et oget . a)t unei n b)pi ckup c)setup 2-I famachi nest opsmov i ngorwor ki ngnor mal l y , y oucansayt hati thas. a)cutof f b)wi pedof f c)sei zedup 3-OK, i fy ouwantt ocr eat eat empl at e, got heTool smenu. a)on b)i n c)t o 4-I ’ m goi ngt ohav et ogetmypr i nt err epai r ed–i tkeepsgoi ngf orno appar entr eason. a)on b)of f c)out 5-Pl easecoul dy ouhel pmemynewcomput er ? a)setup b)t unei n c)pi ckup Ref ert ot hephr asalv er bsi nt heset ext s.Remembert hepar t i cl eor pr eposi t i onmaynotbei mmedi at el ynextt ot hev er b. ﺎ ﻬ ﺘ ﺑ ﺎ ﺘ ﻛ ﺔﻭ ﻴ ﻠ ﻌ ﻔ ﻟ ﺍ ﻤﻞ ﻟﺠ ﺍ ﻩ ﺎ ﺒ ﺍﺷ ﺭ ﺎ ﻴ ﺘ ﻳﻦﻳﺠﺐﺍﺧ ﺮ ﻤ ﺘ ﻟ ﺍﺍ ﺬ ﻬﻢﻫ ﺍﻣ ﺪ ﺟ 1-Ideci dedt ot akeupgar deni ng,soIt ookoutasubscr i pt i ont oa gar deni ngmagazi neandr eadupont hesubj ect .If oundoutsomany i nt er est i ngt hi ngs,suchast hebestt i met opl antf l ower soutf ort he summerandhow t ogr ow v eget abl es.I ’ v er eal l ygoti nt oi tnow and spendhour si nt hegar denev er yweekend. 2-Theot herdaywewentof fonahi kei nt hemount ai ns.Weputourwet VI I weat hergearonast heweat herf or ecastwasn’ tgood.Wesetof fear l yt o av oi dt her ushhourandsoonr eachedt hest ar t i ngpoi ntf orourwal k.The whol ewal kt ookaboutf ourhour s,andwhenwegotback,wewer e ex haust ed. 3-Ihav et ocat chuponmycour sewor kt hi sweekendasI ’ v ef al l en behi ndabi t .Iwor kedoni tt i l lmi dni ghtl astni ght , butIst i l lhav el oadst o do.Ihav et ohandoneessayi nonTuesdayandanot heroneonFr i day . I ’ m notsur ewhet herI ’ l l makei t , butI ’ l l t r y . VI I I