EVASCO, MARK ANGELO L. BTLE-ICT II-25 PROF. MAVILLE DIZON 05/25/2023 WORKSHEET #1 Task 1 What is a learning environment? 1. Copy and paste on the matrix below at least 5 statements that define LEARNING ENVIRONMENT. You may use the information provided in the Content Resources and find some more from other available materials. Remember to cite your sources after each statement. Definitions Sources A learning environment is a place where learners feel comfortable, encouraged and inspired by their surroundings. Alternative terms are learning space, educational setting, school environment, etc. The type of learning taking place and other variables determine the type of environment. For example, formal studies may take place in an institution like a university or study centre. Different environments influence a student's relationships, resources, time and control over their learning. Learning environment (definition, types and examples). (2023, January 18). Indeed. https://uk.indeed.com/ career-advice/careerdevelopment/learningenvironment The term learning environment encompasses learning resources and technology, means of teaching, modes of learning, and connections to societal and global contexts. The term also includes human behavioral and cultural dimensions, including the vital role of emotion in learning, and it requires us to examine and sometimes rethink the roles of teachers and students. Learning environments. (2023). EDUCAUSE Library | EDUCAUSE Library. https://library.educaus e.edu/topics/teaching-andlearning/learningenvironments#:~:text= Learning environments provide the context in which learning takes place. A learning environment is an organic, holistic concept that embraces the learning taking place as well as the setting: an ecosystem that includes the activity and outcomes of the learning. Review education policies. (2023). Education GPS OECD. https://gpseducation.oe cd.org/revieweducationpolicies /#!node=41710&filter=all The learning environment includes the intellectual, social, emotional and physical environments of a course; all of which will affect learning. Instructor-student interactions and the tone of the course may affect how students approach learning and work through difficulties. The demographics of students within the course, and how peers interact, also play a key role in this environment. Learning environments. (2022, October 25). Welcome to the University at Buffalo University at Buffalo. https://www.buffalo.ed u/catt/develop/teach/learningenvironments.html Learning Environment is the physical environment should include appropriate indoor and outdoor spaces to enhance learning activities for children. The environment consists of the physical layout of the room, materials that children have access to and the overall sense of belonging. Learning environment. (n.d.). Early Childhood Development | Nebraska Extension. https://child.unl.edu /choosing-qualitychildcare/learning-environment 2. Highlight the significant terms that you can find in the 5 definitions that you have. Copy them randomly on the shape below. Comfortable, encouraged and inspired in surroundings. Learning takes place, Learning space and educational setting. Learning resources, modes of learning, and means of teaching. Physical Environment Human behavioral and cultural dimensions. Organic and holistic concept. Intellectual, social, emotional connection. 3. Put together the terms into concise statement(s) to make your operational definition of a 21st century LEARNING ENVIRONMENT. You may add in some more ideas that you wish to be included. Write your final statement below. A learning environment is a setting that encompasses human behavior and cultural contexts in which it revolves around student learnings, classroom interactions, and teacher approaches. It’s a positive space that provides holistic support to the students such as intellectual, social, and emotional that fosters the development and growth of wellbeing. Learning environment optimizes the learning process and learning outcomes of students. It includes a social support system to ensure a harmonious connection between the teacher and the students, as well as offers learning resources, effective modes of learning, and teaching methods that uphold the standard and effectiveness of classroom instruction. Task 2 What are the different components of a learning environment? 1. Examine your final statement in Task 1. What did you say an environment must have to be conducive for learning? Name all of them in clusters using the matrix below. You may add some more ideas that may come from your own experiences as a student. 2. Context Content Conduct Covenant What elements surround the school and learning environment? What do teachers use or do to facilitate teaching and learning? What are the different behaviors that learners bring to the LE? What should an LE have to ensure that persons relate with one another appropriately? The elements that must be present and surrounding the school and learning environment are technologies, facilities, teacher-student relationships, a positive atmosphere, a supportive system, an effective curriculum, creative space, motivational culture, inclusiveness, and daily activities. Teachers in the 21st century used different tools and methods to facilitate teaching and learning. It includes creative techniques for guiding the learning, such as audiovisual tools, motivational and engageable activities, relevant and effective learning materials, and teaching strategies that promote studentcentered learning. The behaviors that must be brought into the learning environment are having a sense of responsibility in learning and decisions, being willing to collaborate with peers, a sense of respect, a positive attitude, and selflessness. The learning environment must possess a positive space that ensures healthy communication between teachers and learners. In order to do this, teachers must encourage higher levels of student performance, provide honest feedback, and understand students diversity needs. Which of the components do you think is most essential? Why? The component that I think is most essential is context. In order to have an effective and positive learning environment, we must have adequate elements in our learning environment. The learning environment must have good facilities, educational technology, a positive classroom atmosphere, and a motivational culture. Moreover, when implementing conductive learning, this component must be the first one to be present and taken into account. 3. What do you think may happen to teaching and learning when a component is not considered? The four components mentioned above must be considered and present in teaching and learning. Context refers to the surroundings and learning environment in which students is going to reside and grow as learners; Content refers to the materials and methods used by teachers to facilitate learning; Conduct refers to student behavior; and Covenant refers to students' relationships with one another in the learning environment. If one of these components fails to be implemented, we be unable to achieve the desired learning outcomes. 4. What roles do teachers play in ensuring that all these components dynamically relate in the learning environment? I believe that one of the most effective things teachers can do to maintain the dynamics of these components is to constantly assess and evaluate the learning environment. The role of the teacher is to monitor that these components are properly implemented in his or her learning environment. It could also be seen in student performance and learning outcomes.