KWAME NKRUMAH UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY E. P COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, BIMBILLA ENGL263 LITERATURE IN ENGLISH 1 COURSE DESCRIPTION This course focuses on complete understanding of the three genres of literature-prose poetry and drama. The course will examine the concept of textual analysis as a way of consolidating a thorough understanding of the elements of each genre as have been studied on isolation. It is expected that at the end of studying the course, students will not only develop the concept of textual analysis on the recommended texts in this course, The course will be delivered through whole group discussions, small group discussions, assignments and presentations. Assessment will be done through quizzes, projects, group presentations and an examination. CLASS / WEEKLY SCHEDULE WEEK TOPIC AND SUB- TOPICS LEARNING OUTCOMES MATERIALS ACTIVITY 1 Students will explain what literature is and discuss poetry, its types elements and characteristics Prepared slides/notes and other reading materials Discussion, lecture, think-pair -share i. ii. iii. iv. Definitions of literature Genres of literature Importance of literature Review of nature, types and aspects of poetry 2-3 4-5 i. ii. iii. Elements of poetry. Sources of poetry types of poetry i. Review of nature, types and elements of drama ii. Analyse, interpret and evaluate a given drama text to unravel the themes and subthemes of given texts Convention of construction of drama Convention of language Conventions of action Explain tragedy as used in drama iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Students appreciate the types as well as the sources of poetry Students will identify literary devices and themes in the poem Give the plot outline of the text under study 6 i. Reading and analysis of a selected poem ii. Identify literary devices in poems Identify themes of selected poems Students will be The selected able to explain poems a poem and identify literary a) Things devices Fall Apart by kofi kinata b) She Walks in Beauty by Lord Byron Put students in three groups. Group presentations 7 i. Reading and analysis of a selected poem ii. Identify literary devices in poems iii. Identify themes of selected poems Students will be able to explain a poem and identify literary devices c). The Second Coming by William Butler Yeats d). When I Consider How My light is Spent by John Milton 8 i. ii. iii. Reading and analysis of a selected poem ii. Identify literary devices in poems iii. Identify themes of selected poems e). Death in the Dawn by Wole Soyinka f). Night Rain by John Pepper Clark 9-10 i. Review of nature, types and elements of drama ii. Analyse, interpret and evaluate a given drama text to unravel the themes and sub-themes of given texts iv. Convention of construction of drama. Explain tragedy as used in drama ix. Give the plot outline of the text under study DRAMA: Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare 11. Analyse, interpret and evaluate a given drama text to unravel the DRAMA: Much Ado About Whole class participation themes and sub-themes of given texts 12 13 Nothing by William Shakespeare revision semester CLASS ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION Attendance to lectures is compulsory to all students and at all times. In the event where a student will not be able to attend lectures for various reasons, that student is required to obtain permission from the lecturer through writing. It must be noted, however, that any student who fails to attend lectures without permission on the grounds of ill-health shall have to provide proof in the form of medical report certified by the University medical officer. Full class participation is highly encouraged as it may attract some points. READING TASKS In addition to the suggested list of books, students are going to be assigned directed readings on each topic for the week. Each student is expected to read them before coming to class. EVALUATION Evaluation will be based on the university-wide stipulated grading policy (i.e. 30% continuous assessment and 70% final examination). The two are broken down as follows: Continuous Assessment The continuous assessment will be made up of a INDIVIDUAL and/or GROUP ASSIGNMENTS which will constitute 15 marks and a MID-SEMSETER 15 marks. Final Examination The final examination, which shall comprise multiple-choice questions, will constitute 70%. ACADEMIC HONESTY Students are always required to do independent work unless they are told to do otherwise as in the case of group assignments. Thus, students may share ideas and information on a given exercise but the individual student should own the final work. Second, and most importantly, all external sources used in any work must be duly acknowledged since failure to do so will amount to plagiarism.