majmu'at rasa^l AL-IMAM AL-SHAHID HASAN AL-BANNA' CONTENT!? Ml>SA(*r OY THE TEAC HINGS TODAY BETWEEN YESTERDAY AND OCR MISSION MANK1M> TO WHAT IX) WE SUMMON 5. ? TOWARD THK LIGHT i. ON « 3 JIllAl* Uoswir? of Arabic I Terms , ? Message of the Teachings Om Part Dear truthful brothers, covenant arc ten; so grasp the basic (heir elements of our meanings and memorize (hem. They ate comprehension* devotion, action. (Jihad) sacrifice, obedience, therhood, and «A> perserverance, trust. By Comprehension I tain that our cause of Islam, and understand it resoluteness, bro- is mean in full lhat you should be cer- agreement with the principles you should understand Islam ah we within ihe bounds of the following twenty that concise principles. slain h of spheres a comprehensive .system which deals with all life, it is a government and an umma). U mercy and justice). h a culture and and a slate is homeland £or a morality and power (or and jurisprudence). U i* material and wealth (or gain and prosperity). It is (Jihad) and a call (or army and a cause). And finally, it is true belief and worship. The (Sunn a) glorious a law Quran (or knowledge and the purified tradition of the Prophet (peace be upon him) arc the refe- rences oi every Mu&lirn lor the realization of the rules of Islam. The Quran can be understood according to Lhe principles of the Arabic language without affecial! cm or J controv-my. and the Sunna rence 10 the muitworih can be acquired transmitters of Hadith by refe- (collected saying* of the Prophet). 3. True of Allah have hearts proper worship, and Jihad in the belief, and warmth light Allah casts in thai of whomever He chooses from among His Way the ser- and visions and there- fore should not be given Rny consideration except when vants. Bat inspirations, notions, revelations, are not authentic references for Islamic Lav* they do not conflict , with the authentic references, and established principles of Islam. ^Talismans, netelling, incantations, abrogation geomancy, gnosis, fortu- similar practices are all detested atrocities that fought, except what is and must be of knowledge of the unseen, mentioned Ihc in Quran or trans- mitted to us as an authentic incantation of the Prophet (peace be upon him). The opinion of Imam or his deputy matters which are of proven benefit vided I hat his is acceptable in To the public, opinion does not conflict pro- with any esta- blished principle of Islam. In this regard. The opinion of the Imam is preceding allowed to marginally differ from similar ruling.* by virtue of changing circumstances, customs, and conventions of the society. yfi. The opinion of everyone except the infallible phet (peace be upon him), fications. All is liable to Pro- changes and modi- rhar has reached us of the opinions and ratings of the righteous early Muslims w acceptable to us ihe as long as it rs in agreement with the Quran and Sunna. !n case of cE^agreemeflt. the Book of AUah and the practice of our of Hit Apontk are more deserving adherence. However , we do not those individuals who were criticize or attack any in disagreement, of since we do not know what their intention* were nor the drcumslances I hat necessitated tlieir decision. level of 7- Every Muslim *"ho reaches the understan- jurisprudence ding the aftmmcnif ot legal deduction and encouraged to inmii&fiie ihe works of ihe four great Imams of or hlaraic jurisprudence and see which ilicrn him most. With the help of the arguments of that Imam And the proven opinions of trustworthy wof kers of attracts own age, he should be able 10 increase his knowledge of Mamie Law and find the Isljimk solutions to the con* temporary problems of his society, Those Muslims who his do so are advised to e*eit die necessary efforts to acquire such a level of understanding. are unable 10 Deferences matters opinion regarding secondary should not be allowed to cause division, contention, in haired wiihin rhc ranks of ihe Muslims. of To every seeker disagreement, a reward. In cases of of knowledge is» however, there Is no harm in objective scientific investigation in an .irmosphere of love (for the sake of and cooperation with the aim of realizing the Fanaticism, obstinacy, among true Mu&iims. and controversy 9 have no Allah) truth. place Wasting ters that lime and effort wi41 This category not lead to action prohibited in Islam, is includes debating minute aspect* in eases which have- never mat- irivial in investigating of rulings investigating occurred, the meaning of the Quranic verso which aTeciitl beyond the mutashabihot verses), scope of human knowledge {the of between the com pairiofu- t&ababah) and differentiating the Prophet of men* investigating the of disaaree- inslances Every Sahabi Imay that took p&ce among Them, the honour and disAllah b* pleased with them all) has Messenger of Allah tinction of being a companion of The and to each is the recompense of his (peace be upon him) , motives. Jjfl^Recogniring Allah'.; existence (may He be exalted), are the mm! bchevrag in Hi* oneness, and gknifying Him sublime beliefs of Islam. We upon and authentic traditions of the Prophet (peace be ham) which describe «he exalted attributes Hi* name. ajorkfy verses believe in the Quranic We of Allah and also believe in the allegorical (mutftshabihat* Quranic purpose, without verses, rejecting which serve this ume attemp- any part of Eh«ro or aloof from theologians the disagreement which exists among the with adopting concerning these verses; we arc satisfied ting to interpret them on our own. We stand hini> and his the attitude of the Prophet (peace be upon companions: "And those who are established in know- ledge say: •We our Lord/ 1 believe in the Book: the whole of rn it is from into the J£. Every innovation introduced by the people Religion of Allah on the grounds of iheir whirm and the without Authentic foundation, whether by adding to considered a principles of Islam or taking from them, is must there(icvifttion from the path of trurh and serious fore be fought and abolished by ihc best means which not lead to worse deviat ions do a difference of opinion regarding Innovaprincitions which do not contradict established Mlamic figures wilh ples, such as praising Imarm and religious pronouncements of their credibility and bidding people There is to acu of wonlrip opew to one left honouring of respecting pcopte. pious, We adopt evidence. what can be con firmed by sound Love choice, s and them, their righteous achievements brings one closer to Allah (may extend thi* to He be exalted). other than i)ie However, one should not favourites of who arc Allah who believed and prestige are due co were fearful of Allah". Honour and Law, them with the conditions prescribed in the Islamic described in the Quranic bar we muss firmly verse: "those believe that they (may Allah be fates pleased with IheuO had no power over iheir own after their and, thereby* cannot avail or harm anyone death. Visiting if gravcsiies done in the manner upon himl they may and tombs prescribed by the But seeking is an authentic Prophet (peace be the help of Ihe dead, whomever fulitll be, appealing to them, asking them to I! Sunna certain request, vowing to them, and swearing names instead of the name of Allah are that must be fought, gross atrocities no matter what the excuses are. Building high lambs, covering ihem with nuiiaiing Ihera, all with their curtains, illu- and throwing one's body on them are evil innovations that arc equally prohibited. There is a difference of opinion regarding the use of the names of the favourite* of Allah in supplication. However, this is a matter of secondary importance and does not pertain 10 the fundamental* of the Islamic beliefs Erroneous practices 16, trained irrespective of the Ihey may be Islamic disguised, principle in its of Ihc people should be namre tf or lilies something under which contradicts should essence, it res- an be opposed without regard to what people call it. In Islam, conside- ration is gives to the significance and meaning of lations and not to the appellations themselves. Belief Jtf. is appel- the basis of action. Sincere intentions are more important than good actions with bad or no intenHowever, the Muslim is urged to accain tions. improve- ment in both spheres : purification, of the heart and per- formance of righteous deeds, IS. Islam liberates the mind, urges contemplation or honours science and scientists, and wclcomes all that U good and beneficial to mankind: "Wisdom n the objective crl Ike fcfiiver Wh*p*s he the universe, )2 finds J9. he it. more deserving in may Islamic principles are pure scientific principles. the two for an classes will to it." be evident or Bficcrtain, as The evident principles of never conflict; thai csiablKhed scientific fact is, ii one or both of them are uncertain, then it uncertain. If impossible contradict an may happen if one of them is to Duiheniic Islamic prindpte, However, this is should be reinterpreted so as to remove the contradiction. If both are uncertain, (hen the uncertain kkamic principle Khould be given precedence over uncertain scientific notion until the latter a* the proven. any Muslim che two declarations (shahadati) of [2pr Never labd a& an uabeiiever (kafir) wno has laith, acts confessed according^ and performs the obligatory (fard) of Islam duties unJess he ctcariy professes the word of unbelief, refuses to acknowledge a fundamental principle of Islam, belies the verses of the Quran, or commits an evident act of unftehef. If you, dear brothers, understand your religion accor- you will have perthe meaning of your slogan: "The Quran is our constitution, and the Prophet is our model"; ding to these twenty principles, then ceived (B> By DEVOTION F mean thai a Muslim brother should dedicate of Allah his sayings* work, and Jihad for the sake and the attainment of His pleasure and good reward without seeking recognition or anticipating any gain, honour* title, or advancemens in this world. Only then, dear brothers, can you become ideological fighters rather than fighters with worldly "Say: Truly, my prayers purposes and interest and my sacrifices, my and life arc all for Allah. my death Lord of the worJds. No partner has He This I am commanded." Thus, you now understand the meaning of your slogans: "Allah is our goal" and MAllah is Supreme, and all praise is due to Him." (O By ACTION devotion: 4,And say: I 1 mean the fruit and knowledge of Work righteousness, for soon will your work. Allah, His Apostle, and the believers observe And soon what will you be brought back to the Knower of hidden and what is open, then wil] He show you the truth of all that you did." Our sincere brothers are requested to work according to the following steps; is Reforming th* self. A Muslim should strive to attain a strong body, good character, cultured thourght. correct and true worship, He belief, should he able to earn his own living, improve his own condition, and solve his own problems. He should be careful about his time, organized in his affairs, and willing to offer help others. These comprise the duties of individual. and service to every Muslim as an Establishing an Islamic home. A induce his family to respect his ideology Muslim should and observe the Islamic manners in all aspects of home life. He should be wise in selecting his wife and should advise her about her rights and obligations, He should bring up his children, and other household members under his supervision, according ro the principle* of Islam. These, IOQ, artf the duties of every individual Muslim. 3* Instructing arid guiding the society by spreading the call of righteQusnc^, thing*, encouraging fighting atrocities enjoining all virtue, and (hat det&ftfui is good, helping the people, trying to win the public opinion lo the and observing side of Islam, aspect* Of public life. This the Islamic principle!} is in all the duty of the individual brothers as well as the jamaai {community) as a working unit. LitoeniClnn of the iKinwUittf foreign control* whether poliJical. Reforming truly Islamic nation ment I in the from all unblamic or economic, or ideolo- government so that may become a governmenl. performing a& a servant to the the [merest of the people. mean who perform it a wbOM government By Islamic govern- officers are ihe oblivion-" duties, of Islam, show any signs of rebellion against principles, and who work Muslims who do noi the evident Islamic arid execute their plans accor- ding to Islamic teachings. The Islamic government may non-Muslims, when necessary, of leadership There is utilize the services in office* crfher flexibiiity in of than thoae Islam as to the slsape and detailed siructure of the government, as long as the government i* in agreement with Ik general principles oi the Islamic system of rule. I 15 The Islamic government should heavy responsibility, to people, funds, and public and honest just policies. The Islamic government is and order, enforce Che Islamic provide military security, protect public utilities, develop the public If the of call obliged to maintain Law, ponsibilites, then it or the land, guard of the people, the morals performs all above mentioned of the its beobediem and by placing their wealth On the other hand, it the disposal, government neglects peace public health, oversee duties, it is incumbent upon the people to loyal to LI arid to cooperate with It at ils its Islam. government and expertise in spread education, the resources treasury, strengthen and spread the its companionate the careful about of be conscious duues and will be the falls of short its duty of the people to resfirst advise and guide, then to dismiss and remove the government, for "No obedience is due to a creature who is disobedient to the Rebuilding Mamie Urnma Creator." the international by liberating its prominence lands, heritage, bringing closer the cultures uniting its countries so established. that reviving of its its of the glorious regions, and one Islamic Caliphate may be Instructing the wurld about the spreading the call of Jslam to all Islamic corners "until there is no more tumult or Oppression ideolog* of (he bv globe and the Religion of Allah prevails." that "Allah not allow but will His Light should prevail." The responsibility for the las? four steps falls upon the jamaat as a whole and upon every Muslim brother because of his membership in the jamaat. The pro- gramme as whole a indeed, involve* great consider Other people may resntfrniifciuties. k dreams and We reality. ambitious and lar reaching and, is imagination*, shall never despair, we btil our for sec as a ti faith in Allah is limitless. "Allah's decree among mankind know it <D) Hy which (JKian) mean I reflected Is always will prevail, but mosi not." that ttivincty ordained obligation in the following saying of I Mes- lac senger of Allah (peace be upon him) and which Muslims are 10 carry out Day of Judgement: ''Whoever or wishing to the Way of Allah, until the dies without slruggiing in 1 do so, dies a Pre- degree is degree is Islamic Jahiliya death' and Ihe bean's abhorrence of evil, fighting in the Way Its its weakest highest two of AMaru Between these degree* are numerous forms of jihad, including snug- gling with the tongue, pen, or hand.^nd speaking a word of truth to a tyrannical No call survive.? ruler. without diligent Jihad, The lime and comprehensive the call, ficult ie* in i:> way, the higher adherring to to its it, suitable greater are Ihe difis the price required for and the more generous upholders, "And strive in ihe for iL" tnus, dear I? more sub- the reward is Way brothers* of Allah as given is you understand the meaning of youi slogan "Jihad By SACRIFICE I lime, energy, There is sacrifice who mean giving one's and everything no Jihad without wuhouth our means". is else for the generous reward cause of Islam. nor sacrifice, wealth, self, from there will be Those "Allah has Allah. renege and offer no sacrifice are sinners: purchased of the believers their persons and their goods, lor theirs in return is Paradise." "Say: If it or kinsmen; merce in which you be that your Fathers, sons, brothers, mates, you have gained; the wealth That which you fear a decline; delight arc dearer to Apostle or the Jihad brings about His com- the or the dwellings in you than Allah and His His cause, then wait until Allah in Incision, and Allah guides not ihe rebellious." "Nothing couJd they suffer or reckoned to their credit ther they suffered thirst, do without having as a deed or righteousness, fatigue, or hunger of Allah; walked paths chat rawed the ire in the it wheCause of the unbelie- vers: or received any injury whatever from an enemy. Allah does not suffer the reward of those who do good to he lost " "So if you show obedience, Allah will grant you goodly reward.*' Thus dear brothers, you understand the meaning of your slogan: "Death in the Way of Allah is our most cherished aspiration'*. , By OBEDIENCE commands of the I mean full compliance with the leadership and prompt execution of (UK command* i„ ineif implementation pleasant or is Note, dear and prosperny. difficulty the brothers, that through three different I r unpleasant. Islamic the trative units and is call i* directed among preaching the people- the through adminis- through social wrviccs. expressed method is sometimes call passes phases; Th, s invoIvB propagating general concept* of the Islamic message In this phase whether and leaching, Its and some- times establishing beneficial institutions for the public. All branches of the Muslim Brotherhood organization today represent Ihis phase of the call. Their work is governed by the bylaws of the organization, and (heir methods of work are explained Participation in the call in this jamaaiS publica- the in tions. phase is not limited to member*. Anyone can contact die januiai and take pari he our agrees with oui in effort* if objectives mises to adhere lo our a„d proprinciples. Absolute obedience 15 not incumbent upon member* and associates in this phase. Respecting the genera! principles of the jamaat and abiding by its rules are (he main requi- rements. Fermatioa: This is achieved lidating those members who can The Training in this phase by selecting and consobear the burden of jihad comprises spiritual refinement and military preparation. The motto of this phase is "command and obedience" without tion* suspicion, of work is represented by lated or The mode opposition, the Brotherhood battalions and by the message verifica- hesitation, is. regu- the presenl of "The Program" and message. The movement be of very workers in this phase should lhorou.ghly prepared hsgh quality. Only those who have be allowed themselves for a long and tedious struggle will preparedness is total to join, The first indication of (his obedience. 3. phase Implementation: The mode of work in uncompromising Jihad and the objective. The pwrsisicnt effort call here can be withstood only by in a battalion, the truthful ones- trial which In this phase obedience to accepting the message and matting this covenant, dear brothers, the second and come close io the level of » a tremendous also, success ennot be attained without total the leadership. By joining pursuit ts ihfcrd- herein, you advance to So. full) evaluate the responsibilities which you have undertaken, and prepare yourself for (heir fulfillment. ICS) Bv PKKSEVERANCK brother persists in I mean that Muslim no matter the bis Jihad to achieve his goal, how far the term extends, until he meets Allah in this grcai state of Jihad. Thus, he will come to either Of two Allah, victory, ends or martyrdom in the Way of "Among true to the believers are men who have been covenant with their martyred same Of Allah. some have been them,, Way of AHahj and some still in the wail for the never having changed their determination in fate, remedy needs time, and patience is one of our means, The road is long, ibe goal is far, and the the least," .Social But it is the only road of our goal in this life and obstacles are indeed numerous. thai leads to ihe realization leads' to the best of rewards in ike Hereafter. Each of the preceding six measures needs careful planning, ample preparation, and precise execution. We must seize all possible opportunities, bui everything Jakes time to achieve: ""They ask: 'When 'Maybe it iW By will he quite soon, RESOLUTENESS 1 will that be? ? Say: * mean rhat ymi commit yourself to your ideology and abandon all olhcr principlesThin is because your ideology is loftier and more worthy than all other ideologies: "it baptism of Allah, Tor, 138) There tism?" Ibrahim and those people; "We are clear To is is for was rather the very better than Allah in Bap- you an excellent him when they you and of We hostility has arisen believe in Allah who with worship besides Allah. and I of example said to whatever in their you have rejected you, and enmity between us forever, unless you and Him alone." the sincere, devout brothers, the people arc of seven Mujahid Muslims, relaxant Muslim^ sinning Muslims. floD-Muslims living peacefully under the Islamic Law in a Muslim state (i.e. Dhimmies). noncategories: 21 Muslims having Muslims, and non-Muslims Kach group has Muslim (rcaties with own its at states, neutral war with status within the non- Muslim scales. Islamic Law, and accordingly, we should judge each individual or institution within thai context to determine the appropriate action. By BROTH KRHOOD I mean spirit* should be- united by the band of the companion of faith, all and Common belief. belief is Che firmest and most precious of brotherhood is beam our thai bonds True and division is the companion of unbelief. Unity produces strength, but there cannot be unity without love. The lowest degree love is purity and unspftefufness of intentions heart; the highest degree of loyc is of (he complete selflessness: saved "And their own those from the covetousne&s of souls are the ones that achieve prosperity,'' The of Truthful brother consider* his brother's interests more important than his own. This is can survive with or without him, while vive with i he jairmai. because the jamaat he can only sur- "The wolf preys upon sheep rhe that stray from the flock." "The believers arc like a solid structure whose parts support "The one another. *' believing men and the believing women are Protectors of one another/' Similarly, this should be, helpers is how we And by TRUST I mean that the soldiers have found confidence in their commanders competence sincerity. This confidence .should 22 . be the result and of -pro- and lover. esteem, respect, and obedience: "But no, by your Lord, they can have no real faith until they refer to disputes between them, and then you in all find in Their souls no resistance against your decisions, accepting cliem wilh Ihc fullest The there conviction:" leader is an important pan of the movement, for cannot be a movement without leadership. strength of the jamaat, the perfection of success in achieving and obstacles arc all ic$ plans, the its aoals ami overcoming difficulties in proportion to the degree between the members and fitting for The leadership; their them was to obey and say what of trust "But more it just/' In the Muslim Brotherhood movement, the leader has the rights of a father by virtue of his cordial relationship to the brotherhood, t he rights of a teacher by virtue of his educational aid to them, the rights of a preacher by virtue of his contribution to the rights of their spiritual a commander by virtue advancement, and Of his political lea- dership. Consequently, confidence in the leadership cornerstone of our movement 1 the * success. Therefore, truthful brothers, you must the following questions, so that is ask yourselves you may know the degree of confidence in your leadership. Have you acquainted yourself with your leader and gained some knowledge about the relevant aspects Of his 1, is Are you confident about Are you ready orders his competence and his and precisely carry out to promptly without hesitation or argument* disobedience to Allah? since- And whenever except jo necessary, arc you leader's opinion ready to offer advice or correction? Arc you ready to consider right your and your opinion wrong When they disagree on matter* that are not decisively determined in the Quran and Surma? Are you ready all your resources at to put the dis- posal of the leadership and give preference to the interest of Ihe movement over your own By interest? answering these questions, dear brothers, you will be able to judge your relationship with your leader and evaluate your trust in him, However, hearts are in the He Hands of pleases: £<Not if Allah, you had spent we and concede that He changes chem all a_s the earth could you have produced that affection, but Allah has done it, for He is all that is in Exalted in Might, Wise/1 Part Ttofl Deaj truthful brothers, your acceptance of obliges you to fulfill become strong Devotea You this covenant the following duties so that you may bricks in che structure. daily period for reading the are to finish the whole boot Book of Allah, within a month, but not before three to lour days. Carefully recite the Quran, over its meanings. listen lo and ponder it, Study the purified tradition of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and che history of the early Muslims, as required knowledge on far your as time lected saying of the contained in this subject is book The Defenders of Islam. The minimum permits. the Frequently read the col- Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), and memorise at least forty hodiths • You ace also to study a dissertation on the principles of Islamic beliefs and another on Islamic jurisprudence, Hasten to have a thorough medical checkup, and created for any ailments you find in get yourself. Attach importance to physical aloof from all fitness an self' and stand causes of bodily weakness, Don't drink too much coffee, ting beverages. defense, tea, or otner stiroula- Drink ihcm only when necessary. Also, abstain completely from smoking Show home and interest in the cleanliness and tidiness of your place of work. He concerned with the cleanii- 25 tiess of your founded on dress, diet, was Islam for cleanliness. Always be Fulfil! and person, and never truthful, tell al He, your promises and agreements. Never breach covenant, regardless Be courageous and of the circumstances. enduring. The highest of degrees courage are telling the -truth in your own disfavour, keeping secrets, admitting mistakes, and controlling yourself when angry. Always be serious should truthful However, and dignified. not prevent you from smiling or this engaging in jesting. Always have bashful, delicate to beauty and ugliness; the- first feelings, and the you, pleases second pains you. Also, be modest Be sensitive without humiliation, servility, or adulation. If you demand less than what you receive what you deserv*. deserve, you will Always be equitable 1. situations. nor a] Never allow and of sound anger to judgement in all make you forget merits, affection and pleasure blind you to defects. Don't tow disputes to make you ungrateful. Always, speak the let truth, no matter how yourself or Be painful against the it is. even if happy when you offer ther person. You should feel is against people dearest to you, active, energetic, and skilled in You should feel it a public services. service to ano- compelled to visit the sick, 26 assist the needy, ill-fated, support the weak, and give relief to the even if Always rush lo it only a kind word of sympathy. is do good deeds. Be companionate,, others. Be ving and graciously excusing forgi- tender, forbearing, and clement to people and animals, and observe good manners wllh everyone. Observe Islamic social injunctions. Be merciful to the young and respectful to the old. Make room for your brothers in meetings add gatherings. Don't spy or back- before Don't be noisy. Always seek permission entering non-public places and make a courteous exit. bite. Be proficient read the message $f m "the; reading and writing. Frequently ikh.wa.nn] Mushmcen -1 h maga- zines, books and other publications. Establish a private library, if no matter how you are a with small. Delve deeply into ybur specialist in science or art. the general Islamic subjects makes you capable of forming cerning day-to- day problems. to Acquaint the Field yourself which degree general judge-ments con- 13, Undertake some economic enterprise, even If you are wealthy. Try to establish a private business, regardless of how small it may be or how busy or scientifically oriented you are. 16- most limited them government jobs, for they are the sources of income, However, don't reject Don't run after unless they totally conflict with your duties the movement, Z7 towards ⠀ ⤀Ā ᜀ ̀ Ā ᜀ erform your job in the besi Ā ᜀ manner Aland aloof from di&honesly and Ā ᜀ you can, and cheating. Observe your appointments, and never be late for work. Be amicable give others their due awgy Keep from claiming in Sn full, Allah yom due, and without hasten to procrastination. forms of gambling, no matter what the Incentive may be. Avoid unlawful rnearvs of livelihood, regardless of what quick profit lies therein. Avoid che practice of charging interesi (ribe) aJr in your transactions. and Purify yourself from its putrid touch. Foster Mamie wealth in general by encouraging helprng Islamic economic institutions. Be careful about your money. Don't la it fall in unlslamic hands, regardless of the circumstances. Eat and wear products Islamic enterprises. of 22_ Contribute a portion of your wealth io the move* mem. Pay zakau no matter how small your income and consider tt the inalienable ri^ht of the is, poor and deprived. Se8 aside a portion of your income to defray reseen expenses, no matter how until never indulge in extravagance. your income Struggle Tor the revival of forgotten islamic unfo- is, and prac- tice* and the (rumination of practices alien to Islam in all areas of life. Thu include* greetings, drc*§, household furnishings, m language, calendar, time* of wotk and rest, food and drink, joy and sorrow. Always expressing and departing* and arriving refer to the purified tradition of the Prophet (peace be upon him). judicial Boycott non-Islamic courts and Also, pers, dissociate yourself committed -systems. newspa- from organizations, schools, and institutions which oppose your Islamic ideology. Always be conscious or Allah (may He be exalted); resoluteness. His pleasure vuich determination and be exalted) by Bring yourself closer to ASIah (may He fasting at least performing extra flight prayers (tahajjud), three days every month, contemplating Allah and menseek tioning His name, and tions of retiring the personal purity and Perfect your their cleanliness, (wudu) most of try to keep in a state of ablution within by upon him}, the Prophet (peace Perfect your respected supplica- prayers, congregation in the mosque Also, try ti me. perform them and strive to proper lime periods. the and to pray in as frequently as possible. perform Fast the whole month of Ramadan, and can pilgrimage to the Sacred House (Kaa-bah) if you Hajj, make it afford to. If you cannot afford to make one Of the 3-Gi. for goals of your life and strive hard to undertake Always cherish the intention of jihad and the desire martyrdom in the SVay of Allah, and actually 29 prepare Dissociate yourself from those organizations and institutions with interest to which you feci your contact of your cause, especially do so by your if not id the is you are commanded leadership. Propagate your call everywhere. Familiarize your leadership with your activities, and never undertake any action that first will seriously affect consulting your leadership. and tant spiritual always consider the movement without Keep yourself practical contact with youf cons- in call, and yourself a soldier in the barracks awai- a command. ting Dear truthful brothers, that was a summary of your call and a brief account of the important concepts ofyour ideology. The principles outlined cart be clauses: Allah five model the ; is Quran is combined our goal; the Messenger our constitution; jihad into is out is our means; and martyrdom in the Way of Allah is our aspiration, These can he condensed further into five words; modesty, recitation (of tary preparedness, and Quran and HatiiLh), prayer* mili- ethics. So hold firmly to these (cachings, or else you will not have difficulty finding a place among the Frivolous, the lazy, and thoie who lag behind. On the other hand, if you make and these teachings consistent with the goals of your life act according to this life Vou and will Them, your reward will be honour in and divine favour in the Hereafter. belong to us, and we will belong to you. blessings 33 But guidance, there Iheir and you forsake them if ua P even and cease no connection be Will according act lo to you between if you Appear great among us and the people give you the highest titles and foremost positions in the councils. Allah will bring you to a severe account and ask you about your for yourself, and slackness we and inactivity. pray to Allah to guide "O you who believe, shall [ lead you will save you from a grievous penally? will So choose and help you. to a bargain that That you believe your utmost in AJlah and His Apostle and that you strive in The Cause of Allah - that will be best knew. He for will forgive your sins and admit you beneath which river* flow and gardens of eternity. ment. And another That is favour will love - help from Allah and tidings io the believers." "O you, if you but you who believe, be to to gardens beautiful mansions in indeed the supreme achieve- He bestow, which you do a speedy victory. So give glad helpers of Allah. Jesus, the son of Mary, said to ihc disciples, 'Who will be my helpers in the work of Allah? The disciples ^aid, 'We- are- Allah's helpers believed, io those r Then a portion of the you. of enemies, and they Israel and a portion disbelieved- But We gave power who believed against their became chc ones who prevailed," May children the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon BETWEEN VKSTERDAV AND TODAY I Nam* In the Pfaise be of tailor's Preface |' Compassionate blessing and salvation Aitah, the Merciful, the to and Allah : His 10 who Apostle and to those follow him.; The Muslim Brotherhood have published tracts which explain their mission, expound their ideology, and outline program. These their the basic principles underlying Now the reader and Today," together their mission and and have expounded various phases, is Islamic ideology dawn of have brought tracts offered this tract t its truths and goals. "Between Yesterday its concerned with the evolution of the and its goals. It was written at the very this ideology shortly before the outbreak of Che Second World War, and has frequently been the subject of discussion among the Brotherhood since that time, it provides an excellent exposition of the principles of Islam as well as of the which it outlines means of introducing reforms, means and advocates. the Islamic state at the beginning of the Qur'ari for its its rise, Ir also deals briefly with when it took constitution and the Apostle (May Allah Mess and save him !) for its model and leader. Jt also contains an accurate analysis, of the factors which undermined altered their 1 , t/acti upward movement of the Muslims and condition; and the reader, at the conclusion this Thew name of h the editor of this collection flQWbCre mentioned a of Hasan ^il- Banna's of the tract, remarks. For some find wall umma2 end. this means by which ii at through the ils prosper only will prospered in begin- its ' 1 rings. penincni and instructive ' . Wc ask AHahto render chis work pure in His sight, to open the hearts and minds of the Muslims for this through the guidance of the True Religion. Name of In the Praise be to Muhammad, and lask Compassionate ; bless Our Lord Allah, the Merciful, the and may aIIaIi, He rhe Conqueror, the Seal, as also his House and his Companions, and may He save themThe Message of the Faithful Prophet the Way of the Noble Qur'an Thirteen hundred and seventy years ago, b. 'Abd Allah, Muhammad the Illiterate Prophet,' proclaimed in che 2; See the Glossary of Arabic Terms. There is mma no doubt (hat the Muhammadiyya., but Hatari al-Banna's usage fluctuates unpredictably between this and the editor is referring here- to the- Li modern meaning of "nAlion", Where it latter Eneaulrig more or feel in mind. I have given the term The (he Is proof of therefore Its the Arabic form tradition, 0"""m wis fact that the language rature h\ ti cT»al lie aiisla lion. Umma Muh has this, Wliefe I ammadiyya, I Ifll&en divine origin. Matainmatl could not read or revealed la or the Book b aim by the uri-hud gel Gabriel. the High Arabic uf thr lite- as an eTidenEiarv miracle and prcMimpti*e Most Western word ummi, here to thetractitionaI.iS'1 Spirit of ih* obvious umma. 3, According to Muslim when means tbe teas certain ti« have kept the Arabic write Js. Biblical ''Gentile." Orientalists, however, see in translated ''illiterate*' in order to con- of ak-Banna's See Rudi Paret, 34 writings, the equivalent art, "ummi," El1 . hean of Mecca from kind, am F apostle of Allah whom belongs earth There : make* the He you sent to of the rulcrstiip no god but is f "O man- the hillock of Al-Safa and heavens He makes : Him by all, to live lo ihe and He AJiah and His Apostle, believes in Allah and His to die. Therefore believe in who (he Illiterate Prophet, Words, and follow Perhaps you him. will be rightly This universal mission was a decisive landmark for all of creation - between a murky past, guided" [ Q.7 158 : ], b brilliant and shining berant present future, as - and well prosperous and exuas a clear and a unambiguous announcement of a new order decreed by wing, the Wise, herald was Its binger, Ihe Warner, Enlightening Qur'an, and its : knoHarfind Perspicuous the Pre- soldiery were ihe First cursors consisting ol the Emigrants and thtf and chose who followed them in doing good, it was ibc artifact of man aim, for who is better than the Muhammad, the Rook was its Allah, AuKinflriesft It rather rhe very was not baptism of Allati in baptism ? T "Thou Book was, nor the Faith, bur We know what Ihe have made it a light through which We guide those whom ThU mound and Its WHiiuerpari, Al-Morwa, originally Puaan. didst not plwes nf rirvftl worship in Pw-fslawk Mefea. ar* a ceremony terming annual pilEiimaipc. iwirl (lie of [he total ceremonial cycle of in Moirs, who tJfc Muslim Hajj. The Emigrant* {Mahajlnin) were mailr oday totsren* of tnn^rak't! hi the Medina converts in llir Muhammad Hijrai H.Hexjnil ol The Auxiliaries (Anw) were rfae Medinese convert to Islam h Hum logei Iht Willi in* F migrant*, combined if> form ihe primal ve lalimn: stale in Medina. A paraphrase or Q.X : 13*. 55 Wc will of our worshippers. And truly dosi chou guide to a straight paih, the paih of aMali to whom belongs heavens in the is and the earth. Do. not things ajj 0 Albf,?"|Q.42 1J. proceed 52 ^53]. : The Basic Principles for Provided Complete Social Reformaiion by the NofaEe Qur'an The Qur'an is the comprehensive work the fundamentals of this all-embracing which contains reforma- social tion, and Lhat all came gradually to be revealed 10 the Prophet (May Aliah blesb and save him!), through whom it announced its message to the believers rom time to time, according to the fall of events, circumstances, and occasions '"In Ibis manner, so Thai We may reinforce l h y it f : heart with it, and We not bring thee any truth, and have set it simiiitude, out in order. And do they but that we bring thee the a better one as exposition" [ Q. 25 ; 32 • 33j This went on until revelation ceased through his mediation* and it was preserved in incri's breasts and their written notes for some twenty - two years. NowAllah gathered therein chc explanation of all for things uimna', and the reformation bases surrimaraed under these headings tor the which He thoroughgoing rcveated had this social may be ! Matters of Divinity. The elevation of (he (c> The stipulation punishment, of the human doctrine spirit. of reward and «) The proclamation of che brotherhood of man. Advancement for men and women the together; proclamation of their joint responsibility and their equaIhe precise definition of their lity respective duties. The safeguarding of society by stipulating the right Go life, property, work, health, freedom, education, and security for every member, and defining : the legitimate sources of gain. The control of the two instincts preservation and the species; find of the instinct : of the instinct of the preservation ihe regulation of the self alimentary sexual demands. (h) Severity in punishing The confirmation of the condemnation of all the causes (0 nity, The obligation of sake of the principles of the and symptoms of disu- Consideration of the stale ideology, as concerned to defend well as for in. The conveying Practica] to *- wage ? *> jihad for the as the it., embodiment of thj* and as responsible own particular society as its to mankind as a whole. it Observances Promulgated Regime This Qtu-'anic order stood c ;V* provided by Lhis order, {Je> Tor realizing its aim within V tlin umma justice umma and unity of the ," .v, crimes; cardinal in opposition to by This all other poshivist systems and theoretical philosophies. It did not allow principle tod teachings to remain simpiy tJicories held by minds, or ideas relegated to books, Or words to be bandied about. On the contrary, it lis instituted prat*- 3? tjca! ways of applying them order to in implani them* Strengthen (hem, and draw profil from their effects and compelled results, il the urn ma which believed in it end owed allegiance lo it to be zealous in performing these works, making diem obligatory duties for (he omission of which no indulgence was granicd. Indeed, ic rewards the worker, and punishes the slacker in such fashion as to him from expel the bounds of this Islamic society and him cast CO an abyss. The most important duties which this order has imposed as a protective fence for the inculcation of its principles arc the following 8 dnikr, repentance, asking (fl) Prayer, for pardon, : etc. Fasting, chastity, warning against luxury. Zakat. aims - giving, expenditure for -benevolent purposes.. Pilgrimage, travel, and discovery, journeying, Kingdom. investigation of Allah's Acquisition, work, and the interdiction of begging. (0 Jihad, fighting, outfitting fighters, and earing for iheir families and interests after their Commanding the departure. good and giving sound Forbidding evil, and intervention place and between its perpetrator's-. (ij The obtaining of education and male and Female Muslim Items lest four in the various disciplines "Five Pillars ot Islam, duties iQi-iiiFibent "There knowledge (a) pr*jrr, (b> facing, (c) zaltat, and (it) of the on all when 1 ' it takes by every of life, first is god but Allah, and Muhammad is ihe thr - pilgrimage are the or <hc fundamental religion? Muslims. The 38 advice, creed (shahada) AposilcofAllah", each one in what suits him Good deportment and moral values* best. and control health Striving for physical senses- :-,) .i between custodianship and obedience. Social solidarity It cultivation assiduous is demanded of the Muslim ruler and ruled, of high of j:; in the both these obli- thai he fulfill the'Qur'anie order gations and put them into piac&ice as per forming any has set t hem out. He must nol s-lacken in Noble specified the in of Inem, for they have all been unequivocally in the Qur' an, and have been illustrated Aiiahbiess. and save hira!) and deeds of the Prophet (May Companions9 and those who followed l hern in doing his good, with simplicity and Hvery clarity, deed, or a number of them, strengthens and inculcates a principle, previously cited or a number of them> from among Ihe came CO bring theoretical headings which this realization and to results and effect. mankind by virtue IV. On The the benefit First Islamic deeply, applying of their Qur'anie social excellent first Islamic state arose, it 1.0 State foundation of this organization the order meticulously, 9, The Companions (AstiabJ are :he and firsr believing in di&seminating it it gencratiem of Muslims, convened during the lifetime of the Pmphrf and -comprising IxiJli the Emigrants and Ihe Auxiliaries, throughout the world, so thanhefir«Ca[ipH lff (V!ay Allah be pleased with him !) used to say f "If i should lose a camel's haJter. would find it fought Allah's those who refused to pay He Book". in I regarding zakat. as (hern apostates because they had overthrown this pillar of the order, and said Adah, "By if they halter refund me a which they used t& pay over to the Apostle or Allah (SfeV AlUh bless and' save him \) I wouM fight : them r as soon as had grasped a sword in my hand For unity, in all its meanings and manifestations, pervaded this new-risen r uraraa. Social unity included chc general dissemination or the Qur'anic order and the language or the Qur an, while unity political was all- encompassing in the shadow of the Prince of Believers" and beneath the siandard or the CaJiphate in the capital. The fact that the Islamic ideo- logy was one or decentralization state treasuries, armed of the and Ike administrations proved to be no obstacle to this, since to a single creed and a unified and force-s, the provincial acted according all comprehensive conThese Qur'auic principles trol. warred against superstitious idolatry in the Arabian Peninsula and Persia, and and did away with it. They warred against guibftl Judaism confined it to a narrow its religious HO- the Abu gmt flakr, and political tion, i Life authority. -whg reigned from 632 to 654, and tni^! rebcliion of the Ridda. which or dissolve (he early Nfuslim A awrned fertile titles threaded who put 4mvfi tnmtm to staw. Urn by [he second Caliph, or r)» standard an end to They struggled with province, putting of all life according Ulnar b. al-Khattab ihc Sunnkc 40 to the usual [634- 644), Caliphs after him. tradi- and gfe Christianity until its influence was greatly diminished in the continents of Asia and Africa and to nance come to btf and spiritual domi- political centered in the Islamic slate within ihe largest continents. 'Fins state persisted in its against the third from the came it at Spain, wich tU victorious wearifrom the west, plunging into until the siege it it grew soldiers reaching the heart of France and penetrating as far as northern and Italy. It science succeeded in effecting and knowledge- Afterwards, it the conquest of Constantinople and the containment of Christianity within the resr tricted area of Central Europe. deeps southern established, an imposing Mate in western Europe, refulgent with itself snacks Constantinople continent, assaulting and besieging cast some. Then of the Mediterranean became Islamic lakes. and And I&tanric fleets Red Seas, so the armed forces of I East and West, and enjoyed absolute mastery and the plowed and both Islamic state assumed she primacy of.the seas he both in the over land sea. These Islamic nations had already had contacts with others, but of Europe under the aegis of ihe Bysfrntinc Empire Constantinople. Thus did two became confined it and had taken ever much of they triumphed through the strength their culture, of their faith upon and the solid fabric of the institutions ihey imposed in doing all of them. They Arabized I hem. or succeeded so to a degree, and were them over to their language splendor, beauty and able to and vitality. religion, There wa* nothing prevent ihera from adopting any 41 convert because of their- sway them and at all useful feature of to these cultures,, insofar as not have did it an adverse and political unity. Factors Conducive to the Dissolution effect on their social Islamic State and For alJ this of the the Islamic People imposing strength and extensive dominion, the factors of disintegration came to insinuate themselves into the fiber of this Qur anic umraa to and gradually become grave, widespread and powerful, until they rem this fabric apart and brought the centralized Islamic state to an end in the sixth century A H. {the A.D.) at the hands of thirteenth century rhe Tatars. In the fourteenth cen- tury A.H. (the twentieth century A-D.) they did cliis a second tirfie, leaving in their wake on both occasions disunited nations and small stales aspiring toward unity and striving for resurgence. The most significant of these factors were the following Political differences, partisanship, and supremacy which islam had brought eo bear ging to indifference attention to and the positions this aspect, the despite prestige, which destruction of ijeoples is and struggle for forceful in this regard, warning encoura- of power and drawing the canker and slates : of nations "And contend not with one another, so that you become weak and your strength depart, and perscver, for Allah persevere" (Q. 8 : 46) ! flee with those who and despire die profound exhor- tations to remain faithful to and to is Allah alone in spcach and love of fame and praise. act, Religious and turning as constituting both doctrines and sectarianism, differences, away from religion, works, to dead works and technical expressions endowed with neither spirit not life, accompanied by indifference and the Sunmi of the Apostle (May Allah AUahS Book blew and save him to stagnation, fanaticism in thought ?), and 'word, and a passion for disputation, controversy, and wrangling, AH these were among che things Islam had warned of and forbidden most rigorously, so that the Aposilc (May Allah bless and save him "No said" t) people has ever fallen into error after receiving guidance except by b«mg brought indulgence in luxuries and comforts, Self - ving 'for to controversy." anything their reading He!) is a many Wc fd) m&. The at to it& h 1 Tne- them agaiiisl 5 to- 16 despite Jn«4 Famous Borid dynasty targe lilamcc empire whu granted of the Day I < - Ls. % Per- MamluksJ wnow 3 founder* am. Tbey reigned contend on Fcrsia ami thetn only a itfgjp Mamkt and ]. * at another, ihc Slti'itc *os b> ihs iktw Justified, is non-Arabs Ptiraia province of Sunrjfce Caliph, inysstitare. this a city, We issue and they transgress wealth,, time, Daylaroites sprang from the northern (from $45 to 1055) ttvee a Tfee mtn of utterly" (Q.17 ; l%e reference b Iraq. and wksh to destroy transfer of authority to one periods goes of the Words of AtUh(ffl<ssed and Almsgruy and so the Word destroy of others recorded "And when We : command thereto, cra- pleasure and sensual joys eo the point thai what has been recorded of Muslim rulers in beyond and - (hew diplomas of political (Slave) dynamics fifM-chcnd «rc ihose of Turks, and others who had absorbed never genuine Islam, and whoa* or the light hearts hail never been illurninaied Qur'an because of the the encountered in trying to grasp ihey ( arvd the Arabs ) i.e., Alroifhty is He Words of read the MQ f) ; difficulty concepts, for it-5 ye who with betieve they thai alt (Blessed Allah Do not take f as confidants those who arc not or you; ihey will noi to casC fail among you; they are pleased by what troubles you. Haired has been revealed out of their mouths; whai l heir hearts conceal i& yet greater. We have nude ehe signs dear to you, if you would but disorder understand" fQ. 3 Indifference ; tfl 118 ]. ihc applied And natural sciences science, and watte of time and loss of energy on speculative philosophres nmd unhealthy, abstruse, phantasmago- ria! pscudo sciences, despite Islam** urging them io consider the universe, to explore the secrets of creation, and to travel about in the earth, for it commands them - conieinplate the Kingdom of Ls in the heavens and ihc earth Sgypi. ruling from Allah - " 1250 to to 'Behold what "say - ; Q. 10 [ The 1317. 102 : mm [ iagnJfDcant cjuftgaj wrought by ibe Ottoman conquest of 1517 were the wbitniitiofl of a Turkish governor for the MamJalr *uliafl and flu imposition ol an annual tribute. Hence the Majnluk hierarchy remained in effactiw rute (imtT the Frcntb [nvaaton of 179*. Th*fc troyerf only in AH Padia W tim i fh>*cr was by the founder of the fctadh/M One, - The dynasty of tJavc origin, who tiiigenlt from central Asa antf *o rate and ctettwg MatnJufc* *ere rcpleniiherf rhefr Ci'rcassia, a sultan from hoir Mulianmud a .teifperreiuaUiifi rants wlUi frc*h coa= zraining their f Rftajjr tfcj. own member* own corpi- 44 (0 lnfaEuaclon with and to their power, iheir authority, tclf - deception as failure to look, into the social evolu- tion of ibe nations Outside (hen fold, until These latter got ahead of lhw» in preparedness and equipment and look them by iurprise. But the Qui'an had commanded them to be and had warned them of ihe consequences of alert, heedleHne&&t regarding even more deluded u Jaharinam ifac "For ; many heedless We and jinn as cattle, nay, as have surely created for men, having Hearts mih. which they discern not, having eyes with which they see not. having ears with which they hear 1101 - these are tike caule, even nrotc deluded: these are the heedless" riay, [Qv? : J70] 4 Self - deception through the of hostile works and the oni admiration for their flatterers, intrigues ward way of and unthinking imitation of them in ways thai were harmful rather than beneficial, despite the stringent prohibition again*i modeling Themforms of their on rhem, from them and selves life, the clear 10 command preserve the to basic remain different elements of the Islamic ununa, and the warning ol ibe consequences of Ihi* mimicking, 10 which effect the Noble Qur'an says "O yc who you obey those who disbelieve, they will throw you back upon your heels, and you will be turned into losro" [ Q-3 S 149 J. believe ! If VI. Political Struggle 14, One of the Quran* hdU, ibe equivalent of Gehenna. These factors began to operale within the ummn, and Islamic state And the Islamic thought nations mwf wbh revenge and 10 do conquered earlier mores their dawn their lands ripe take their to this titanic *twe which had and altered rhe character of departments of all the suppressed The Tatars fife. s*vepr u devastating flood upon the Islamic stale and like began in lime nvas ihai the of the life tearing Baghdad, the trampled apart fi piecemeal, of Capital {he underfoot ii until came the* and 'Abbasid Caliphate, in ihe person of to the Caliph Al-Musla 'sirttJ 5 So was the of the unity asunder* and the knoi 0/ the Caliphate time. first The nations fell apart flare renfi undone for the into small siaics, and every Iribe had a pulpai and a Prince of Believers. Christianity revived in Europe, gathered back the Muslim East in its forces, and hurled Mitt and Africa with ihroughtwght nine crusading assaults, In its legion* which the best of ihcir chivalry, royally, and arrnamems were deployed. These invading forces were able He in Crusader Jerusalem, *o threaten the nation? oflslam in Che East and Wen, and powerful of these Revival : did noi yet was able some of 10 establish a to attack Egypt, at Thai time the moat states.. But AJluh (Blessed and Almighty is He 5) allow vanity 10 overcome iiuth, and Egypt to gather about hetwHf ihc minor warned forces of and she hurled chcrn at the throaJ of the Crusader*, under the leadership of Salah af-Din ts$ fading she recovered Jerusalem from Jlieni, aiid l$. tn Chtflji/ these stales, 1258, at rhc conquest of B^tuliw! by Htitajju. piandaun of Khan. «hou>ed them rtood up to the meaning of defeat at undo Tatars the f*ce Then »he Hattiiv'* of leadership the Al-tthir Baybars, 17 lhrew ibcm back upon heels, their broken, at Ayn Jatut, and restored ihe form of ihe Cahphuie onci? again." Then God willed chat a slat* extensive in domain, boJd in courage, and on the $idc of unanimity antl welding Islam, uniting under it* formidable in power rise people into complete banner most or the iis Islamic nation* and peoples. lr& lofty ambitions imperative ihar it attack Christianity in its very conquered Constantinople, and the heart of Europe was the (c> Fruit* state until its of the Ottoman m of the Renaissance 1*. OWi 17- authority, it accepted The Battle yf Hattta i 1 1 &7( was Europe the Crusaders, leading to The fourth Vtaraluk j'ulcr of SilIuIj The islamic : lunjty defeated the Mongols al-Dln's (1260 - no notice MttsHlM. J277J wlio crus- En 1260. thereby raring Frcsm rhedetftueiton a:ici milage of and greatest victory of the fecapturt EfcftH 10 Turks. natively and look it li Vienna. This state was tranquil under the banner of the Ottomans ihejfl it Laic authority extended reached a* far t& it made E$ypn and Syria Man^l eonquesH Iraq In and The Mamlulr* wup» Oudo* Caliphme Lu Cairo by a scion of the Abbuid hoiu* with the iltk after the fall to- the Mongol*. He and hi* succcwars were even lew than rtie Uughdad calipltii nt the tart«r 'AppHiid period. these died in Cairo in 3 M3. quer of Egypt- Thereafter l*reni>-*i* yean after the the <itfc of Caliph came irivttt of ing Bagdad meajiMiafuJ The last oi Ottoman con- more and rauie to by the Otioroan lultani, special tq impress their standing among Muslim rulen froth #m Europe and on ihe ren of the Islamic »<iHd. This reniorwlon "Of the form of die Caliphate*' CO he appropriated which al-Flanm' jefen was iherefnrr DO mote tnaa an empty gesture ort the pari of 1hc Mumluks. e7 of what was happening come into contact with Wc»i the the Crusades, by best i round it. Bui Europe, whit* had she superior culture of islam in and through Spain, in the East no opportunity and did not lost lessons. Through fail to profit She began to build up her forces* and in unite under the banner of ihc Franks in the land of Gaul, and thereafter she assault in the was able Wesi and to to stem the tide of the Islamic vjw dissension within fhe ranks of the Spanish Muslims, employing some to assail other*, until ihc finally drove I hem overseas ro the? African coastThe young Spanish state took their place, and Europe continued to build up her forces, acquire knowledge, 10 to unite, to plan, to traverser foreign lands, and to dis- cover new countries until the discovery of America was made by Spain and the discovery of the route to India by Portugal. Then cries for reform followed swiftly on one another throughout Europe, numerous reformers arose, and she eagerly embraced natural science and fruitful, productive knowledge. These revolutions of the Refor- mation resulted and the ties pose at in the creation rise of a number of nationali- of a strong state aiming with single pur- the diMiu-mbermcn! of ihe Mamie state, which Europe parcelled out arid whose place she usurped Asia and Africa. These yuuftg Mates formed alliances this purpose, which at times rose to the level in for of sacred pacts. (d'j to A new attack discoveries, Travels to the : European power expanded, thanks expeditions may throughout the distant horizons * a* far as world, and many of the 4t more remote Islamic countries like India, as well as to some of the neighboring Islamic provinces. Europe began to work earnestly at dismembering the powerful, fai -flung Islamic this end, referring lo tibtl" and them it toward plans, ques- at times as "the Eastern of Europe". Every opportunity as numerous lay others as "dividing at Man Sick and to slate arose, to up the inheritance of Che state adop the proceeded to seize flimsiest excuses, to attack the peaceful, negligent Islamic state, and to reduce its periphery or break off portions of This onslaught continued over its a long integral fabric period of time, many during which the Ottoman Empire was stripped of an Islamic European domination, which Territory e.g., Then Morocco and non-Islamic areas previously under independent during this- under fell North Ottoman time, e.g., Greece Many Africa. rule became and the Balkan The final round in this struggle was the First World War, from J914 10 1918. which ended in the defeat of Turkey and her allies^ and which provided the stronstates. of Europe, England and France, and under patronage, Ualy, with a perfect opportunity. They gest nations their reached out 10 grasp this grandiose heritage consisting of the Islamic nations and peoples and imposed thek over them under various teeship or mandate - titles - occupation, colony and divided them up in the > rule trus- iollowing manner North Africa (Morocco. Algeria, became French colonies interpenetrated and Tunis) by a ?one of irucrnationaS influence in Tangier and a Spanish colony 4y in the Kif. ,!» Tripoli and Barca became an Italian which Italy did not wish any forced Italian "South citizenship ItaJy'". hungry upon Then she trace of Islam to it filled families and wild Egypt and the Sudan tion, neither one and gave possessing it fell a remain. She name of thousands of the il with beasts colony in in human under form. English protecof independent shred authority. Palestine became EngEand took the they might liberty establish therein an of English selling to chc Jew* so a national Zionist Syria became a French which colony, homeland. colony. Iraq became an English -colony, The Hijaz possessed a weak, charity and clinging and worthless covenants. poverty and govern- unstable ment dependent on -Yemen possessed to false treaties an outmoded governmeni stricken populace exposed to attack at any time. - The remaining nations thai of the and a anywhere Arabian peninsula consisted of small emirates rulers Jived under the wing of the British consuls and who fought one another for the crumbs falling from ihcir tables, their breasts burning with mutual resentment and hatred. This was the The northern coastal region 50 of Morocco. case despite the reassuring promises and binding treaties drawn up by the Allies with the mightiest potentate of the Peninsula, King Husayn, staling that they would help him achieve the independence of the Arabs and the authority of the Arab Caliphate,* (1.0) s jpporl Iran and Lhe Afghans possessed shaky govern- means beset by the greed of the strong on every they were under the wing of one nation ai and one time and side, under that of .and her at orher times. (1 Olndia was an English colony. Turkestan and tnc adjoining regions were Rus- sian colonies, subjected to (he bilicr harshness of the Bolshevik authorities. Apart from these. Inert; were Islamic minorities scattered Through many countries, knowing no recourse, iheir state 10 -whose protection they might nor any well nationality, as, have armed government to defend e,g., the Muslims in Ethiopia, - China, the Balkans, and the lands of Central, South, East and West Africa. Under such conditions, Europe won the political struggle, and dismembering the Islamic finally Islamic state and erasing accomplished her empire, it, politically in will in annihilating The speaking, from the rosier of powerful, living nations. 20, The Sharif Husayn King of the Arabs'* by tiis Mecca, who bad himself proclaimed who proMecca n clique in 1916, and <if was pvw rtW* claimed hjnwelf CkJJph in 1924. Neither of these titles grazed 'by the European- puwers jWr by any Islflxnic rulers or nations, At no time in liis carcar could tic mightiest potentate-of lhe Peninsula," 51 be seriously described as "the (e)Back 10 Power Again : Bui this flagrant hostility and contempt for treaties and covenants tormented men's hearts and aroused their spirits, and these nacioas began to -demand their independence and to struggle EC regain their freedom, and glory Toward this end, revolts flared up within their borders : Turkey revolted, Egypt revolted* Iraq and Syria revoked, and repealed revolts took place in Palestine and the Rif in Morocco. Every where people began to stir, and as a result the Islamic peoples obtained some of their rights. Turkey became independent williin her new frontiers, Kgypi and Iraq were recognized sovereign as staler the state of the Su'udis rose in thcHijaz and Najd,. while, Yemen, Iran, and Afghanistan preserved their already existing hidependente, and Syria came close to winning recognition of her independence.21 Palestine 'drew- the attention of the world to. herself through her struggle, and the Muslims, without any doubt, took significant steps, even if they were few and slow, toward the noble aims they sought to achieve, the restoration of their freedom and glory and of their state. .Although these steps led to the concept of local nationalism, with each nation demanding its eight to freedom as an independent entity, and while many of those who worked for this revival the rebuilding purposely ignored outcome of these Editor'* note : r«0" :;-vi the of idea Unity, nevertheless the steps will be, without a doubt, consoli Syria finally afr&fned her freedom, iFie nations htr iadepe-ndejicc. and the French evacuated her territo- ries: 52 and a emtio ti fied slate embracing the There and and bearing material of suffering and interests, A uni* mes- its participation in joinr and similarity hope that hold the Muslims logefher. spiritual a world held together by The in the unu^ as. of the Islamic scattered peoples no nation is. of linguistic kind of the Islamic empire rhe banner of lsEam world, raising sage. resurrection, New War The European nations emerged from the First World War with the seeds of rancor and hatred deeply implanted within many of them. The peace conference tnofc place and the ensuing treaties were sharp slaps in the face to some and a painful disillusionment to many others; furthermore, many new concepts and ideo(0 : logies, strongly Such a situatioji made their appearance. these nations mu$i lead inevitably chauvinistic, among new antagonisms and a terrible, devastating war which will tear them asunder and rend apart (heir unity, bringing chetn back to their senses and deterring them from Co And it injustice. opportunity to will close give the Islamic nations another ranks, their to unite, to finally ' ' I achieve their freedom and independence and to their state and of Believers : who had been their unity ,lAnd regain under the banner of the Prince We desired to show Favor to those rendered weak in the earth, and to them leaders and make them inheritors' 1 [Q.2K : make 5 J. VII. Social Strugeie A into new civilization contact : The European with Islam and 5J its nations, peoples which came in the Ease through Lhc wars of the and Crusades, West in the through the proximity of The Arabs of Spain and from intercourse with them, did not profit solely in terms of heightened sensibility, political unification intellectual with ail cohesion, A scientific its Church rose to combat the .strength at and cultural Renais- appearance among thenu chis strange phenonrienort command- U its subjected scholars and humanists to the bitterest punishments courts or awakening, acquiring numerous sciences and sance,, vast in scope* made the this contact they also profited through a greai : branches of knowledge, and their of the Inquisition waged I : heir (he war upon them and aroused the wrath of states and people against chem. But and .is teachings could not stand up before the truths and discoveries of science. The scientific Renaissance emerged entirely victorious, and the state thereby awoke and it too fought the Church all this served until overcame it nothing,, it completely from it its and European authority. Its society was delivered men were driven into the shrine and the cloister, the Pope was confined to the Vatican, and the work of the clergy was limited to a restricted area in the affairs nor go and to which their retained its of beyond which they could efforts were confined. Europe life Christianity only as a his-torica) heirloom, as one factor among others for educating the simple minded and naive among the masses, and as a means for conquest, colonization, and the suppression of political aspirations. The domain of science stretched out before Europe, and the scope of invention and discovery broa- 54 dened. The machine doubled industrial cast hand wilh to all the rise production and gave an of life. At'l this proceeded hand in of the strong slate whose authority and regions. The world eagerly welcomed these European nations, arousing (heir cupidity for the profits to be gained everywhere. Ii reached out to poured out many lands wealth to them from all sides, natural (hereafter that European life its and it was and culture of relishould rest upon ihe principle of llie elimination regards gion from all aspects of social life, especially- as onlv The state, the law - court, and the school; the domination of (he materialistic outlook, and iu enthronement as the for criterion culture everyfihin. became purely revealed As a utterly those principles character of this what the demolishing promulgated and contradicting which True Islam had established and made the foundations of spiritual and the material. traits tfoe materialistic, had religions result, of European united the its culture wHieli Among the most important -civilization arc the following.: Apostasy, doubt denial in Allah, of the soul, obli- viousness to reward or punishment in the world to corne. and of material, tangible exis"They know something external of the life of this fixation wiihtn the limits- tence : world, " Chey are heedless ' ; [.Q,36': 7 ],' ' {2) Licentiousness, versatility in self the lower come of the world to but - ; * !' , unseemly dedication to pleasures, indulgence, unconditioned freedom lor instinct:*, gratification of Ihe l»&5 of the belly and the women equipment of rhe genitals, technlque of seduction and incitement, practices until they shatter pernicious, mind, destroying the home ning the happiness or the take their enjoyment and their dwelling - place'" Individual vaunls priaie all <4) all and class others, and tries granting various forms and practice among to man wants selfishness, is rhc each for seeks engulf dealings and appro- to and regarding expertise for the in blems have multiplied, appearance, These purely the weakening of destructive ideologies economic, social, and have made political longer stand stable foundations. Nations have been torn apart and parties, and peoples have fought one their mora- and ruinous revolutions have been shaken and no gely because' of general war against creime. while pro- devastating have burst forth, and as produced traits and flacciduy it are under its a it and individuals. nation.? which those making have within European corruption society of the spirit, titutions the Fire ]. every legal recognition, it varieties, materialistic their and and national Selfishness, a principle of business lity, J2 disbelieve bigoted on behalf of ha members, dispa- is Usury, for : over the others and profits to itself; each nation rages itself "Those who : Q.47 [ and excess in both body and family and threate- the- eat as cattle eat, selfishness, goad only for himself; class oT integrity wilh every ins- upon bv sects another savagreeds and hatreds, This modern civilization lias con Firmed human or rantee Ihe security peace and tranquility within failure to gram men all it, just as it its has disclosed to them, as it it has made and despite the power and authority it embody it throughout has brought to the states which earth, even though establish has confirmed ihe means ro wealth and opulence available to them, much and to society happiness, despite all the truths of science and knowledge that well as absolute impotence to gua- its it has not yet been in existence tor the m as a century. VIII. The Tyranny of Materialism Over the Lands of islam The Europeans worked Of this materialistic life, murderous germs, to assiduosuly to enable rhe tide with its corrupting overwhelm all traits the Islamic and its lands toward which their hands were'outstretched. An ill destiny overtook hese under their domination, for they were t avid to appropriate for themselves ihe elements of power and prosperity through) science, knowledge, industry, and good organisation, while barring these very nations from them. They laid their plans for this social aggression in masterly fashion, invoking the aid of their political acumen and their military predominance until they had They deluded the. Muslim headers by granting them loans and entering into financial dealings with chein, making all oi this easy and effortless for them, and thus they were able lo obtain the right to infiltrate the economy and to flood the countries with accomplished [heir desire. 37 their capital, their banks, and over (he workings of the their companies; to take economic machinery as they wished; and to monopolize, to the exclusion of the inhabitants, enormous and immense wealth. After profits thai, they were able to alter the. basic principles- of government, justice, and education, and co imbue political, juridical, and liar character in tries. cultural systems with their pecu- even the most powerful Islamic coun- They imported their half - naked- regions, together with their liquors, dance own women into these their thcaires r their amusements, their stories, their newspapers, their novels, their whims, their silly games, and their vices. Here they countenanced crimes they did not their halls, tolerate in their own countries, and decked out this frivo- and redolent with yioe, to the- eyes of deluded, unsophisticated Muslims of wealth and prestige, and to those of rank and authority. strident worlds reeking vkli sin lous, This being insufficient and scientific and for them, they founded shcools cultural institutes in the very heart the Islamic domain, which cast souls of disparage selves, doubt and heresy into the sons and (aught Iheni its their of religion how to and their divest thetneselves of their traditions and demean themfatherland, beliefs, and 10 regard && sacred anything Western, in ihe belief that only that which had a European source could serve as a model be 10 emulated in this These schools took in the sons -of the upper ctass alone, and became a preserve restricted to them. The sons life. of this' class consisted of the mighty and and those who would shortly hold within keys to all important matters thai 38 ruling group, their grasp the concerned these nations and finishing Those who did not peoples. these in guarantee them local found institutes sliKfem mission*.22 This drastic, well campaign had a tremendous success, dered most attractive to would of scries organised social since the mind, arsd would exerc a strong intellectual that sill continuing finishing in the this- complete their was ren- it continue iq influence on individual* over & long period of time. For this reason, it was more dangerous than the political and military campaigns by far, and some Islamic countries admira- went overboard in their tion for this European civilkation and in their dissatisfaction with their own Namic character, 10 the point thai Turkey declared itself a non-Islamic state the Europeans with the utmost rigor Aman Allah 21 did, khan, - King in and imitated everything they Afghanistan, tried Tins, of but the attempt swept away his throne, and in fecypi the manifestations or this mimicry increased and became so serious chat one of openly tliat the only civilization with all and bitter, These dents it intellectual leaders could path to progress was to contained of the appealing were, Muhammad her and the adopt this good and evil, hateful, say Wm. the -praise* famous student missions inaugurated by Ali Pasha in Egypt* Croups of promising Egyptian stu- would be the sene to Europe to. lata modern Western language hjjJ sciences, so thai they might be able to transtofe works dealing with these disciplines into Arabic and Tuikish on the completion of their studies Many also taught in the new ih«r return Ti> E*ypt. Sec ihe Hittorv J. or Ldueaiiun governitau schools on Heyworth-Dunne; An InueKluctinn io in Ruler of Afghanistan from Milturn 1919, 5& Ea,vpt, His premature attempt to From Egypt it worthy and the reprehensible. w began spread rapidly and vigorously into neighboring countries, until reached Morocco and circumambulated the very it We may shrines in the purlieus of the Hijaz subdivide ihc IMamic countries, according to the degrees to which I hey were affected dOminalion Of by this materialistic materialism its and civilization Over them, into the three groups Countries in which this influence has reached mind and ihe forms and conventions. serious proportions, penetrating even the feelings, apart A mong from outward these countries arc Turkey and Egypt, where even the slightest trace of Islamic ideology has disappeared from all social situations, and has been driven off to take up Quarters and inside the mosques and Sufi esiablismeni* retreats, Countries which have been influenced hy lization in their official observances in which it this civi- and conventions, but has not triumphed over their inward sensibih* tics. Such ate Iran and ihe countries of North Africa. Countries which have not been influenced by this civilization, cncepi for a particular class consisting Of the wcllcducaled and Ihc ruling group, to the exclusion of the common people and the masses. Such are Syria, Iraq, the Mijaz. many sections of the Arabian Peninsula, and the remainder of ihe Islmic countries. emulate Egypt und Turkey by Instituting country led to op<n revolt jmi his AO modernist reforms in his forced abdication anJ exile. Nevertheless h wave this We spreading out vvith is speed of lightning to reach into minds, social classes, and mores that has not yet it Muslim deceive various in vance, arid and draw a thick intellectuals by depicting Islam the eyes of the zealous detective 0/ doctrine, aspects and inane rices, superstitions, over veil itself" can as being ritual obser- accommodating a host of morality, beside* them to carry out Enemies of Islam penetrated. forcnalitics. What helps the Muslims' igno- rance of the true fneaning of their religion, so that many of them are with it, of them that with satisfied and accept it is deception this it. h'or this presentation^ rest content so long a time has this been true difficult for understand that Islam is with it is its social wake any of them us to a perfect system of social orga- nization which. CflLcOmpasses result, is all the affairs of life. .As a possible for us to say thai Western civilization, materialistic struggle over ideology, has triumphed islamic civibxation, with its in this sound and matter, in the very territories of Islam, and in a ruthless was whose battlefield has. been tbe spirits and souts of Muslims as well a* ideology comprising both spirit and intellects, exactly as it has triumphed on the political and military batdcilckis. It is no wonder, for the phenomena of life arc not fragmented what is strong is wholly strong, and what is weak is wholly weak "These art the days which we apportion to mankind in turn** ( Q.3 : 140 }. And even if the ideology and their betiefs : tea.- chings ol" islam have gone astray, essential nature, abundantly fertile si it is and poweful in vital, its. attractive and enchanting in remain so because splendor and beauty, its it will and human existence ihc truth, is it and and virtue through any other means. And because it is of God's creation and under His cart "La. We have sem down ihc Reminder will never achieve perfection : and We lo, are Protestor" its QJ5 9 ; "tied refuses ]; | uught hut He that should perfect unbeteevers fed aversion" Awakening in arousing nationalist had its effect have been Of ft in aagression Voices demanding a return to an applica- precepts. an d soon come when the castles be laid low upon the hrir Inhabitants. Then they will reel the burning spiritual JO up effect its social litis islamic ideology. imm The day this materialistic heads of t the irnderstendinfi of its rule*. 32 J. : feelings, so raised on every hand, islam, an tion of its of reviving in though Ihc light, as political aggression had Jtisi : Q.9 [ His civilization will hunger flames, in which and hey I their hearts will find and souls will no siwrrnanee. no no remedy, save in the leaching? of this Noble Hook: "O man, an admonition from your Lord has come to you, and a healing for what is in your hearts, a guidance and a mercy ror ihe believers. Say 'In God'i healing, : bounty, and in His mercy : la ibem rejoice in that." better than what they hoard IX. Our Mission is 0 [ It is Q.10 : 58 - 59 ]. one of Reawakening and Delive- rance A Wesftluy Heritage tha! wc inherit : So. Brethren, this heritage ft2 did Allah will weighty with consequence, that and i he of your tni^ion glow amidst this darkness, prepare you to exalt His Word -and reveal light ihat Allah His Sacred aid surely Law and reestablish His state : ons who helps Him, Allah ;" Glorious [ Q.22 40 ; "Allah will Mighty^ is ji Our General Aims What do we want. Brethren 7 Do we want to hoard up wealth, which is an evanescent shadow T Or do we wane abundance of fame, which is a transient accident ? Or do we went dominion over the : earth ? "The - whom He will earth is Allah's of His- read the Speech of servants" AJJaJi He r gives to inherit Q.l [ : 127 - | {Bles&ed and Almighty it those even as we He is t) Abode oT the Hereafter which We assign to those who do not wain exaltation in che earth,., nor any corruption. The final consequence is to the pious" 83 ]. May Allah witness that we do not want aiiy f Q.28 '"That is the : of our wort these, that is not toward these end**, and tliat on their behalf, Rather always hear mind that you have two fundamental goals : in from ail our mission is not {1) Thai the Islamic foreign domination, for this to every fatherland is be freed a natural right human being which only belonging the unjusL Oppressor or the conquering exploiter will deny, (2) That a fatherland, applying principles, free acting its social may Islamic seate according to regulations, and broadcasting its kind. For as long as this state 63 arise in this free of Islam, proclaiming its sound the precepts sage mission to do« ail man- not emerge, the Mus- him sible in their totality are committing wn, and arc respon- before Allah the Lofty, the Circa? for their failure to establish ir and for their slackness in bewildering circumstances, a state should arise, e*toil it dealing It. In these counter to humanity that an ideology of injustice and iv mg white there propaganda of oppcrsi-ioq, should be no one anions at] mankind working for the proclaiming a ad van i of a state founded on truth, justice, and peace. We want lo realize these two goals in the Nile Valley and the Arab domain, and in every land which AJlah has made fortunate through the Mamie creed a religion* a nationalUy, and a creed uniting all Muslim*. : Our Special Aims Following these two aims, we have some special aim* without the realization of which our society cannot become completely Islamic- Brethren, recall thai more than 60 percent of ihe Egyptians live at a .subhuman level, that they get enough to eat only through the most arduous toil, and Egypt is threatened by murderous famines and exposed 10 many economic pro: blems of which only too that there are Egypt , Allah know more than 320 monopolizing facilities in can all public the outcome. Recall foreign companies in utilities and all important every part of ihc country; that die wheels of commerce, industry, and economic institutions are in the hands of profiteering foreigner*; and thai our wealth speed from the In land is being transferred with lightning all possession of our compatriots to that of these others. Recall also that Egypt, out of the entire civilized world, is the most subject t.o and diseases, plagues, that illtuab.cs; over 90 percent of The Egyptian people are threatened by infirmity, the loss or soaie sensory perception, physical of sicknesses, and ailments; and ihat Egypt backward, with no more than one- fifth of the audi a variety is still population possessing any education, and of these moic chan 100,000 have never gone farther than the elementary school chat level. an alarming rale to the poiiu that increasing: at is ii out more graduates the prisons are putting schools; <hal doubled in Egypt,, and Retail that crime has up to the present army unable to outfit a single Egypt time division wirli She .than been has full its com- plement of materiel; and that these sympioms and phe- nomena may be observed any Islamic country. in Among your aims art to work for the reform of education; to war ignorance* against poverty, create an exemplary disea^ and which society will crime; and fo deserve to be associated with the Islamic Sacred Law. Our General Means of Procedure arrive at these goals ? Speeches,, lessons, tion and of How pronouncements, will we letters, lectures, diagnosis of the ailment and prescrip- the medicine these by themselves are useless, will never single : - ail realkea single aim, nor will they advance a agent of our mission to any one of his Nevertheless, missions do have certain goals. means of proce- which dure which they must adopt ami according to they must operate. The general procedural means Hied by at] missions arc invariable and unchanging, and they are limited to the three following matters 65 Deep faith. Precise organization, UFinterrupted work. your are Tlic^e general procedural measures., Brethren, so believe in your ideo- form your ranks about logys itand unwaveringly by it may be there adopted and behalf and its it. Additional Procedures : cedures work on > Besides these general pro- additional which must be ones, There arc negative and positive ones, Some of which accord with people's cusadhered strictly to. tomary behavior and others which go against such behavior, differ from it, and contradict it. there are mild ones and we mutsi train ourselves of these and to be prepared to resort and rigorous with all ones,, We may thefn in order to guarantee success. CO put lo up any of be asked, to go against entrenched habhs and usages, and to rebel against regulations and w'luaiions which people lake For granted and arc essence^ familiar "with. our mission i$ actually accepted usage and a change you then prepared do these building an tracts- umraa a in habits in its rebellion and deeper against situations. Are Brethren ? Tor this, Some Discouragement what But then : Many people will <vay ; mean ? Of what use can they be lor and rebuilding a society burdened with (ncse chronic problems and sunk in such a welter of How will you manage the economy on a nonprofit basis? How will you act on the woman question? How will you obtain your rights without the use of corruptions ? 66 force? know; brethren, his whispered Satan slip* that suggestions into the aspirations of every reformer, but that Allah cancels out what Satan whispers; then Allah decrees His-miracles,- for Allah is knowing. Wise. Remind past and all of these people lhaL history, in telling us of contemporary nations, also gives us admonitions and lessons. And a nation that is determined to live cannot dte. Our Path frankly that your mission Obstacles and people, grasp its in that : on and would is -still like Eo avow unknown its you to many to the day they find out about import and antagonisms I and it aims, you will encounter violent sharp You hostility. will find many many hardships ahead of you, and before you, Onjy at that tread the path of those time you are presenr time will who come still obstacles will rise you have begun up Lo with a mission. At the unknown, and yon are still smooting the way lor your mission and getting yourselves ready for the necessary struggle and campaign - the ignc- ranee of the people as to what constitutes (rue Islam stand as an obstacle in your way, and you will will find among the clerical classes and the religious establishment those who will regard your undemanding of Islam as outlandish... arid censure your campaign on thai account. and men of rank and authority will hate you, all governments will rise as one against you, and every government will try to set limits to your activities and to put impediments in your way. The spoliators will Chiefs, leaders, 67 use every pretext oppose you, and to extinguish the of your mission. For that end they will invoke the light to weak government and aid of a weak morality, and oflbr hands stretched out co them in beggary aod toward you malignity and hotiiiry. (They «k up will all in around your mission [he dutf of suspicion and unjust accusations., and they will try to display endow ii with every before the people in the most it on sible guise, relying by tified their their "They mouths, but with their light [Q. 61 68 : rience trials you a doubt, without h |.) grid tribulations, you Allah will (hen to it" expe- be imprisoned, will and persecuted, and your goods be confiscated, your employments, suspended, and arrested, will transported, your homes searched. This period of time will for- desire to be averse perfect His light though the unbelievers to cpuanant pos- f power and authority and wealth and influence. extinguish Allah's and possible defect : believe, imagine i^at and they will thai Bin Allah be be rot left to say put to a long last the 'We : itsAV* promised you afterwards the triumph of those who have striven and the reward of [ Q.29 "Do men may trial those ; 2 J who work chdsttfiement against 61 : :(h) their good for the show you a commerce : "O We who yc sustained those enemy, and they became 10 and 14 }. Are you resolved The Factors -for Success: remember. Brethren, as we believe, shall I you from a painful that will save Then ?... haft face who victorious*' believed [ Q, to be Adah's helpers 1 It all is proper that we These obstacles, chat we are proclaiming Allah's missions, which is the Loftiest we are promulgating the Islamic ideology, which is the most poweful system of ideas; and that we are offering to mankind Use Sacred Law of the of missions; all Qur'an, which chat is most the of just all revealed law - "The baptism of AUah - and who is better than Allah in baptism]" ( Q.2 : JW], Let remember that the entire world is in need of this message, and that all that codes : crisis in it is preparing and smoothing out its path before and that we, Allah be praised, are free from persona] ambition and far from seeking personal advantage- We it, seek nothing but Allah's Face and the welfare of mankind, and we labor desirous only of His approval. We look forward lo Allah's support and His aid, for he whom Altai* overcome aids cannot be defender of those vers have who no defender" "Thai ; believe, [ Q;47 mission* the world's need for ; it, is because Aiiah is (he and because the unbelieJ ]. The strength of our 1 the nobility of our goals and Allah's support for us are rhe factors for success before which no obstacle can stand nor any hindrance impede "And Allah has the upper hand in His affairs, but most of -mankind do not know" [ Q.12 : 21 ]. : X. An Exhortation Muslim Brethren, listen Through these words. I wished to logy to your close scrutiny., for times await us, you will be exit and off lor that a. ! your ideo- possible that critical is it present communication between while so that 69 I me and may not be able to you u> pander them by hear* if you can, speak Of wriie to you- Therefore Ihese words carefully, to learn advise J them your wholehearted acceptance. behind every word he manifold meanings. and give Lo For Brethren, you are not a bencvokat organization, nor a political party, nor a local association with uricdy limited aims. Rather you are anew spirit making jn way into The and revivifying it through the Qur'un; dawning and scaitcrlng ibe darkness of heart of this nation ft new light materialism through the knowledge of menage voice rising and echoing the Alia* bless and save himf). It a resounding AJbh; of the Apostle (May simply the truth, and no that you ore bearing the is you know burden after the rest of mankind have shunted if off. If someone should ajk you To whai end is your appeal made ?, SAy We are calling you to Islam, which was exaggeration, that : ; brought by Muhammad (May *i|jh bless and save him! ; I pan of it, freedom is one of its religious duties. If someone should say to you "Hii$ is politic* I, say This is Islam, and we do not recognize such divigovernment is : : sions. someone should say to you If revolution peace in I, say : We : are agents you arc agent* of of the truth and of which wc believe and which we caalt If you up against us and offer hindrance rise our message, kW has given us permission lo defend ourselves, and you will be unjust rebels. If someone shouJd say to you : You are asking the help of individuals and associations !, say to : "We believe in Altai alone, and reject that 70 which you were associating with Hton."2* tility, say : And if "Peace be unto for the ignorant " Q. 28 : I they persist in their vrni We I hos- have no deairc 53 J. XI. Duties Brethren, We believe in AlWIi, exult in the upon Him and knowledge of Him, rely upon Him. Fear no one bui Him, stand in awe of no otter than Him. Perform His commandments and shun whai lie has forbiddeh- Modd lean yourselves fection*. Be strong on in the virtues and cleave 10 your morality and might which Atta*1 has given to the through the nobility of the sincerely pious,. as&iduously, and devote yourselves ro the Pure than wranglers , for when people He inspires belivcra, the Qur'an, and vtudy Prophet, taking counsel from Be it. Aiij.ii per- mighty through the Apply yourselves to lise ix and together Life of the active workers rut her bestows His guidance on a them to work. And people do not go astray after receiving guidance, except when disputation becomes the vogue among them. Love one another, union, tor tress A this, fc and hold fast zealously to your the secret of your strength and the but- of your success. Si-and fast until Allah judges justly paraphrase 0? alone. «AfJ : rejec* rhit 94 wbteh suy* ; "Wc believe in Allah which wc w^rc auoctwin? with Hh»". you between and your people, He U for the of best Judges. Listen, fort, in and obey your leaders both in duress and com- good rimes and conviction and the bad:, for this bond of (he is solidarity token of your among you. look forward to Allah's aid and His support. The occasion will come, without a doubt "And then the Finally, : believers and He rejoice in Allah is * aid. He aEdfc the Mighty, the Merciful" [ whom He Q. 30 : will, 4 ]. Allah grant u* and you success in whai He loves and approve*, and conduct us and you along the paths of May the the good who are life rightly guided; He give us to live of the glorious and the forlhunate. and give us to die the death of the martyrs For may He is the best who have striven of Masters, and the 72 best in jihad. of Defenders. OUR MISSION We of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate Name In the would like so Preamble apprise mankind of our 1 goal, put our program before them, and address our mission to them wilhouth obscurity or ambiguity - brigh ter lhan he sun, clearer than the wrack of daw n, and mote luminous than J the fullness of the day. Exoneration At the same lime, we would Hie our people to know and all Muslims are out people - that the mission or the Muslim Brotherhood such heights of purity that has aspired to cended the a pure and unblemished one. is held material gain in has. trans- ii of merely personal ambition limit* It : U has abandoned ail selfish forward on the road contempt, impulm and goals and gone mapped out for the missionary by iheTrulh ; 1 (Blessed and almighty is He') "Say *This is ra^y way ; I summon unto Allah according to a clear evidence I and : r whosoever me. follows potyiheisu'" kind we them, a in the wage from them. nor do we desire (hanks it is : Allah, J- We I am not of the ask nothing of man- we make no monetary demands of them, nor do ; sock | Glory unto Q. 12 108 We gain of them no credit any recompense or Whatever be our recompense hands of our Creator. through in this regard, "The Trutti/' AMIaqq, is a common Mt of God. Fellow - Fceline In Ihe same way, we wish our people io know thai we love Ihern more than ourselves* and that ji is pleasing to us lo be offered up as a sacrifice for their greatness, we if muse make such a sacrifice, and to pay the price glory, their nobility, their religion, and their for their hopes, possess the requisite suaded us to feeling which keeps we One thing alone has per- wealth. lake this position in their regard seizes if our us from sleep, and brings us ti the fdlow our emotions masters hearts, - difficult, our peopEe are pre- tears. It is indeed very difficult,, to see how sently beleaguered, and inert to resign ourselves to.hurnilily, or accept a submissive role, Or abandon ourselves to despair. For when we work for mankind in Allah's- way, it is we work harder than for ourselves : we are Tor you and for no one else, beloved, nor shall we ever be against .you, even for a day, Allah's We that Is the Virtue and Ihe Munificence are conferring no special favor, nor do we suppose we derive any particular virtue tor ourselves in this matter. We simply believe in what Mali (Blessed and Almighty is He !) has said : "Rather has AJiah conferred a benefit upon you in chat He has guided you to faith, if speak the truth" you Q 49 : 17' But we whh behalf - if wishes avail - that our hearts be laid haring of our observe whether they see sight and their advantage, on your ]. [ people, so thac in bare to the our brethren may them aught but desire for compassion toward them, and seH- sacrifice for their welfare. Will they find aughL but consuming grief for the cumstance* chat Allah in which wc find ourselves. knows all this, that a successful outcome, and AU*h guide, leads asiray has will no bese of Guarantors, Let is the guarantor of it suffice us and (he keys to (hem. He nor be misled^ but he whomAiiah guide. Is alone ? that in His hands lie the gui- ding reins of men's hearty whom He cir- He is not our sufficiency, *nd the AlUh sufficient for Hia wr- Faor Types wc would desire of mankind is that they before ui as one welded oul of these Tour types All siou-d : Any person who has faith in our mission, brieves in what we say, approves of our principles, aiKl sees therein some good in which hia soul may find satisfaction and hit heart be comen* ii one whom we The Belkier : , invite to hasten la join us tuid to work with us so that the number of those who and the voice of strive in Allah's, way-' may increase, the agents of our mission be augmented unless by his voice. There is no meaning to faun it be accompanied by works, and no profit in a doctrine which does not impel its possessor 10 bring sacrifice himself for its sake. 2- The lerm used Kern •\raWc Tenni. is it (o fruition Such were ihe and to First Precur- mujuhld, which Mfl In the Oomsy of w>n> of chose whose breasts were opened byAiUfa guidance, so lhat Chey followed H prophets, has His revealed scriptures, and these will Allah thai thev will lowed them will Him. On strove mightily lor fact have the same reward as those who not lessen (heir wages id the slightest. fol- bestow His most generous wage Anyone : in to whom we have Mud, whai wavering, arid we rim leave him, however, to or remains truth the or ideals sincerity and he&iiant is We counsel to his hesitancy. more mimate contact get in read about us sooner and faith in (| unclear, and who has not discerned the clu^s. i Latter, study our writings r with irt. visit our become personally acquainted with Brethren, Then he have confidence in will ling, for the altitude of (he waverer* followed the Hi*, The The Waverer and moral profit io Aa : Attah wil- among those who former limes was identical. apostles in The Opportune* us, our for the person who doe* not wish Co lend his aid except after finding out how much get back as profit, and how much flain his he will contribution him, we say Co him "Take prize to offer e&ccp aiuiA reward will net : il easy if I We have no you are sincere, and Paiadisc if He recognizee any good in you. A* for us, we are unimportant and poor our concern is to offer wba(ever we have as sacrifice and to contribute whatever we : po»fr« Our hope Matter* and [he the veil from is Allah'* grace, for best of Helpers. his covetouaeasvs from his mind, He " Then, and dispels henn, he will Ihc besi is the if Allah of removes nightmare of know that the ihings and MJah are belief and more lasting, vhicb are oF will tie such goods of reward in the this world as he possesses to obtain Aiiah'b but that Afterlife, for what you po&sess will pass away, otherwise. Allahisin which is of AJJah is everlasting. If it is join Ally's battalion to give generously of no need of those who do not see thai to AJIah bcloflfte term in was death. It world and the next, their life and their adopted when same attitude thai people like them (May Swear fealty to the Apostle of Mfoh first right over their persons, their wealth, this tfte the they refused to Allah bless and save him unless they were !) their granted the God "The bupreme authority after him. His sole response (May bless and save hhn earth i& J) was co inform them thaL Allah's : he gives to inherit it those of His servants, and. the final consequence t0% the pious" [ Q-7 : The prejudiced is in is favor of has sons of doubts and all looking at us through dark passes and will about us only in talk whom He The individual who looks on us wirh and suspicion, misgivings about us, : ; terms indicative of vexation and delusions, skepticismHe remains &oUdIy fixed in his wrapped up in his doubts, and enveloped tn his fancies. On behalf of we pray AUah to $ive us follow it; and grant us to ourselves and hite; to see the (ruth as truth and to togtve us to see vanity a* vanity and si; to grant us to shun and to inspire both us and him with right guidance. invite him, if lie will accept the invhartcwu We and summon him, if he will reply to ihe summons; and we pray Aliabon He. Glory unto Him, his behalf, for ts the Cynosure of hope. Allah revealed the following concerning one type of man whom those 10- 28 tha^i love*!, but Afcth 5$ ; We ), convinced by our mission, word of 10 us aforetime do not know We the Elect' will" 10 us our only slogan (May my and he the gui- and save him Allan bless forgive is thai I) people, for they !*' wish that one with whom He f aides come over will for "My Afitfc, : dost indeed not guide however, continue to Jove shall, hope that he individual and ding "Thou His Noble Apostle : to all people ol these lypes were united a* us, for the rime has come when Muslim must the pursue his goal atid define his objective, and work Jo ward he attains his goal. As for thh mis- this objective until guided negligence, these silly notions, these heedless turn* of mind, \hh blind mdtrision of his. every Torn, Dick, and Harry atfter and bib Ihis is in following no way the palh of the believer. Annihilation Besides Only he is it in this, fit demanded of and our people ta know (hat who comprehend* and who devotes,to ii all thai may be liim in terms of bis person, his wealth, hi* "If your fathers, your sons, your your wives, your kin. the wealth you have his health brothers, like to respond to this mission aspects, all its firtic. we would : earned, the commerce whose falling off you fear, and the 3, "The Fled." Al-Mi>sc»lk. Muhamiua<[, is 9 coramms title of the Prophci than Alton more beloved by you and hw Apostle, and struggle In His. way then wail God dwelling* in which you rejokc, are until - brings His command; a an iniquitous people" [Q. 9 : For it loyally, h is through prepared to accept him, Whosoever will be deprived of the reward not divided tolerate and ihat of total unity, is it docs not guide ]_ mission which does a since iu very nature whosoever lives 24 Lib I through will live it as it too weak for this burden of those who sirivc* and is will remain with he backsliders and stay with the slackers. Allah will extend His Invitation to him Lo another I people In his stead "humble ; toward powerful against unbeliever*, striving in the way of Allah, and fearing not the reproach of any reproadier the bounty of I Q*5 34], which He brings Allah, to and believers That is whom He wilH : Clarity We summon mankind to accept a principle well defined principle already accepted by are acquainted with if, believe in it, - them a clear, all : and acknowledge all its and Ihey know Ihat their &Kation, prosperity, and peace of mind depend on it - a principle whose validity, eternal validity ha* been attoied eo by experience and the judgment of history, reform of temporal as. well as existence. by Us applicability to the Two The are all difference between us and our people, though accord iri in among them their souls, according whereas kened Faiths in an anesthetized is whose LO the. amazing principle, is this that dormant within one to which they do not wish to submit and it faith, they do dlcatates not. wish a burning* blaiong, intense faith is it our failh in we to fully aci; awa- Muslim Brotherhood. There is which we Easterners, as we!3 as souls of the spiritual quality others perceive wiehin our souEs; namely, that we tellev£ our ideology with a faith which, when we discuss it with people, leads them to believe that ic will impel us to in shatter mountains. to our persons and our up offer wealth, bear misfortunes, and struggle against adversities until we triumph through it, or it through us- Neverthe- once he hurly - burly of debate grows quiet, and ihe group break up and go their ways* each individual forgets less* I his faith and ignores acting in his ideology, giving order to further it, no thought to nor urging himself to put on its behalf- In fact, he may carry this forgctfulness and negligence so far that he will even act against it, unwittingly or not. Do you not laugh in amazement when you sec a man, thoughtful, -active, and educated, merely within the space of two consecutive forth the slightest effort hours out of the apostates, This entire and a listlesivness, torpidity - call it day turn into an apostate among believer or -among believers ? forget fulness, whaL you will - as or negligence, what has made us try or to accepted by of this souls arouse our principle <the very same principle people) to copiousness beloved people. our Various Therefore are first statement, and say Brotherhood the prea- is and West today there and iedologies and principle, for in ihe East various missions and principles schools of chougM and which sow the .Vlissiutts shali return 10 may L thai the mission of the Muslim ching of a within iopiaions and objectives - all of men andwar within shown in Lhe best pos- division in che minds of their'hearts. Each one of the in is sible lighl by its adherents : each one has spread about by its creatures, its its propaganda devotees, followers,, its and excelpretensions as lences for it, and make such exaggerated to il attractive, captivating, arid striking will render &nd its disciples. Tftey claim special virtues - people. Propagandists Propagandists of today are not They are educated, well- like those ol yesterday. equipped, and trained specialists, particularly in the Western where there are trained corps specializing logy, clarifying Futures, and its abstruse points, inventing means displaying of methods of propagandizing for it. out the- easiest, most effortless, at in its thoroughly countries, every ideogood dissemination and Of its behalf, (hey feel and most convenient way* co influence the minds of people, conviction and leading to inner conversion. The Methods Similarly, the methods of propaganda today arc not those of yesterday. The propaganda of of sisted a verbal message given out yesterday a speech in con- or at a meeting, or one written in a tract or letter. sists of publicaSions, Today, k con- magazines, newspapers, articles, plays, films, and radio broadcasting. All these have made mankind, women as easy to influence the minds of all well as men, in their tomes, place*. of business, it and Therefore it has become necessary that perfect all these means so thai desired results. Now why more of factories field?. ail am I making propagandists may yield the their efforts this digression ? 1 that the world today h surfeited with kinds - political n> shall once propaganda economic, mission of tae naeiontdist, patriotic, military, and pacifist- And what is the Muslim Brotherhood alongside this confused wdter ? will give rnc the chance to speak to you on two It ters : first, the simple, positive framework of om mis- sion; then, afterwards, our siand with respect to every one of Do made not judge mat- each and these other missions, me too harshly for this digres$»c a resolution Co write as I ; I speak, and to dbOfts had my 82 topic in (his manner, wiihou! stylistic artifice or preciosity. I simply wish people 10 know me as am, and to ltet I my message reach their minds devoid of ornament and enabellishtneni- Our Islam by che comprehensively word Our mission Brother : Listen, has a meaning term al] life, one described "I&Iwmic, 11 mo« though this broader than the narrow definition understood by people generally. ad is We believe that Islam is embracing concept which regulates every aspect of - adjudicating bing fur it a on every one its concerns and prescri- and rigorous order. solid docs not stand £t helpless before life's problems, not the steps one must take improve to understand by mankind. Sorwe people mistakenly Islam -something restricted to -certain types and con- of religious observances or spiritual exercises, and their understanding CO areas determined by their limited grasp. line themselves But we understand I slam as - opposed to narrow ihe&fi this view -very broadly and comprehensively as regulating the affairs of men in this world and fihe ctaim out of presumption, nor do the basis of solely on our understanding of first do not make we enlarge upon our own preconceptions biographies of the We next. the Muslims. : on it is bused rather it Book of If the chis Allah, and the reader wishes to understand the mission of the Muslim Brotherhood in a sense broader than the mere word "Islamic," 81 let him take up Qur an and rid himself of whimsy and prejudgmeni. Then he will gel to understand what the Qur'an is about, and will see right here the mission ol he Muslim his I I Brotherhood. Yes indeed, our mission 'Islamic" is in every sense of the word, That taken into account, unUcrsiaxid by you will, as long as Ally's Bool:, the $unnaJ phics of I und^rsinndmg this Allah's Apostle is confined to of his Apostle, and the Muslim he cariy foundation of I is whai it dam and its trio-gra- pietist , Book is pillar, and the Surma of the explanation and the commentary on while the biographies of the early pietists5 the < AJittr* His. Book, grace be upon them ;) embody Ttiejr execution of its commands and their obedience Lo its teaching*. They arc the practical exemplars and ihc paradigmatic modd* of these commandment and teachings. Our Altitude Our Maud Toward the Various with respect to (he various MKuoan misskm- which a veritable flood in this era, and which have divided men's hearts and thrown (heir minds into cosifuuoa - is are The Sunns oj ihc Prophet ^vir^prncs »II hii murUtC umngv opinions, and Jul praciYed in the Traditi&nv, In ihc MuUim view, dww eofitfiiute a practical commentary on the cuhtcul ami firuas precepts laid down in ihc Qui an, and therefore Pf7*uk aad ideal model wltkti ihc pioiis Muslim whouW rtciiaic bus duty We. s3*o Auona and hudhfc in the Gloomy of Arabk lam The SaJafF or eaciicst generiuicm of during the ProheTi ministry. The term is Ylu.Uiirvk cnaraunui 19 KMncaoKft Ihr %Ri>nd gcncrjlh>n, ihc Imbi un, as writ. wm$ Sec bkm to mctude that we weigh them in the balance of our mission. Wha- in accord with it is tever is dashes with we it, that our mission that dt>es it welcomed^ but whatever (herefrom. We believe universal and all - encompassing, but are absolved is not turn back on the beneficial aspects of its any other mission, without familiarizing and recommending Eh em, itself with them Patriotism People are times seduced by. the appeal to patriotism, at other times tay thai, of nationalism, especially in the East, at tavern peoples are aware of the abuses of the West toward them, abuses that have done where the irajury to their dignity, their dence; as well as commandeered honor, and their indepen- and shed their Hood; and where these peoples suffer under the Western their wealth yoke which has been forced upon them. Hence they are frying to free themselves resistance, oposition, from it and endurance they arc summoning up. The tongues of gi with whatever strength* capable of their leaders have been ven free rein, a stream of newspapers has gushed forth, their writers have written, their orators have made ches, and their name or This that is broadcasters have broadcast good and .try being Muslim in in patriotism and the majesty of nationalism. when you Islam all , speethe a state line. But it is neither good nor to acquaint the Eastern peoples with the fact That this is to they be found in - more complete, more pure, more 85 fine lofty, and more exalted than anything that, can be found in The utterances of Westerners and the books of Europeans, they reject it and claiming Islam belongs that persist in imitating these latter blindly, in one category and this Some fflhcm think that this is what of the nation and weakens the solidarity ideology in another, splits the unity of their youth. This mistaken notion has been a danger for the Eastern peoples from every standpoint, would now turn to like to and with notion this I of the Muslim the attitude Brotherhood and their mission, insofar as they deal with the idea of patriotism - the attitude they approve of for themselves, and which they desire and are trying to con- vince the people to adopt with them. The Patriotism or Sentiment If by it the propagandists for patriotism mean love of attachment lo it, sentiment toward it, and affection toward it,. it is something, anchored in the very this Land, nature of the soul, for ode thing; and for another, prescribed by islam- Bilal,6 Pilal b. Rabah (?-S4]) «tfly convert co toiCure because of hts a Victim 1*tfln», ieILj(ioLi£ the first paigns, and scaie treasurer. died in. Damascus in every way for who His pagan master subjected him and 1)$ one 10 perform the office at "mucMin") in Islam, and He toughr in after the all fro was bought and first the faithful ia prayer (mu'MJhdlifa,. was the suffered slave of Ethiopian origin convictions, freed by Atw Bakr. He was Ufia who is it rlie eal- Prophet's onrn- Muslim conquest of Syria. the sake of his creed and his religion, who uttered Exile,7 filled with longing for wing with tenderness and Would &ame the Bilal House of sentiment in the following the- was Mecca, in verses overflo- replete with sweetness : knew if I shall spend a single night once more In a valley, about me sweet - smelling herbs and panic gras^; Or if I shall come down some day to the waters of Majanna, And if Shama that I - The Apostle of (May Allah our hearts let if to tree mean they tfce pendence that and it this too. this* as He (Blessed I its the Usayyil, sons laid lo increase its - then we are with them the .greatest stress is inde- of freedom and principles and Almighty He;) says : upon "Great' His Apostle, and the believers, but (fcrnitj aiinr.) Majanna. Shamft. and Usayyil, a "O r his o Medina. Lhecity lo which Ihc Muslims emigrateci a body in the Hijra of Mecca. said and had necessary to tnake every elTort ravagcrs, For Islam has A £, % 10 instill ness belongs to Alia; ., as, i its greatness in the souls of in IJSflryytii* ) Freedom and Greatness otf land from > He it. him rest quiet 11 . PalrioUsm Or Mecca by up in yearning; for tears welled and save Allah bless listened to a description of 8 up before me. arid Tafil shall ever rise t of 622. #JK arc rawuniain* in the neighborhood name assigned to 3 number of the Prophet's con- Whoever il waft he was asked by the Prophet or by the departure Prophet's v/i£c '.Viiha it> describe Mecca at the lime of EiU to utter these ox for Medina- His dcKeription moved the Prophet leraporMte*. similar sentiments. «7 know the Hypocrites 10 not*' [ "Allah will never grant the believers " [Q, 4 : they if S : ]; to the unbelievers and He says ; a way against 141 ]. Patriotism nf Or Q. 63 Omrmiity mean by "patriotism" reinforcing the bonds which unite individuals within a given country, and guiding them to the means of putting this reinforcement to work toward their best interests - itoen we are also in agreement with, them on this. For Islam regards this as a AHah necessary religious duty, and its Prophet (May and save him f) s.a5d : "Be worshippers of Anah. brethren,"' Do believe 1 you t while the Noble Qur'an says 1 by to cast fail what We yet greater. who were hue what has who Q. [ {Munafiqunj 3 make you if M8]. : were Methnese half-hearted pcofewetl loyally to the Prophet evidently ready to been their breasts conceal have made the signs clear to you* -Hypocrites convert! (o Islam Hatred you. troubles would but under stand" The who ye who are not of disorder among yon; they revealed out of their moulhs ; is **0 and not take as confidants (.hose they will not are pleased : bless and ttia peace with the juzj.-.s faith. in the event of a serious Muslim defeat, and were therefore waving to sec which way the chips would all fall..They effective political authority co »ittanct» with the II A . See A. Wesniek 4:115. hftdiih in the r-dvdMH to wntff&Bf Muhammad by &n*t Medioeae Jewish Tound arc also up theit tribes. Mn?m>d pf Ahimadfc H«tbri. J. et al., Comxirdantr tt indue* d* la irartna aMwloiuJi*. Patriotism of C«itqueil Or if mean by "patriotism" they couniries and lordship over the earth, ordained thai conquest the Islam has of ready aJ and has seni out conquerors to carry out the most graciou* of colonizations and the- most of bleised , conquests. Thi* "Fight hem i is ti3l Almighty, says no longer discord., and the whftl lie, the there is isAibbV 10-2: gion 193 reli- J. Patriotism or factionalism Or if they mean by "pairioinni" dividing ap the nation into parties which engage in mutual throat cutting, haired and vituperalion, hurling accusations ther, further and banding one another, deceiving posilivi^ courses of action one at ano- together da to by rated their desires, informed by and inierprrted by selfish interests all this lor his ihrir motives and personal their minds to accord with goals, own their then the enemy will take advantage own ends, encouraging chis fixe of to blaze forth all themore fiercely, causing ihetn to differ over the truth but be united on the false. Further, he will prevent any communication or will allow them around him, 10 cooperation between ihern, communicate wirh but him and io rally with the result that they will seek only his purlieus, and only chose who come to him as visitors will encounter one another- This which does no good cither for its is a counterfeit patriotism, propagandist* or for people in general. Now you have already seen thai wc arc on the side of sound ideas it the country and their extremists contains its with which redound people. Arid you this extensive and respect wideranging to to the bone the benefit of have also seen that patriotic propaganda constitutes no more than a part of the teachings The all The limits of Our of contention between of Islam. Patriotism us and them is thai define patriotism according to the standard of credal while they belief, define it according to we territorial borders and geographical boundaries. For every region in which there is a Muslim who says "There is no god but AJlah, : and Muhammad is the Apostle of Aiiah'% is a fatherland in our opinion, possessing its own inviolability and sanctity, and demanding love, sincerity,, and earnest effort for the sake of its welfare. All Muslims in chese geographidetermined cally countries are our people and our brethwc are concerned about them, ren and we share their feelings and sensibilites. Propagandists for patriotism alone are not like this, since all that interests r them concerns a and narrowly is what delimited region of the This practical difference shows forth clearly never any one of the nations deyres to aggrandize itself whethe expense of any other one, for we do not at approve of chis taking place at the expense of any Islamic country. We seek power onEy thai we may all share in it together, But the propagandists for pure patriotism see nothing wrong in this; and as a result, bonds of amicable relationship -are snapped, power is dispersed, and the enemy specific earth. 90 strikes out at some by making use of others. The Goal of Our Patriotism This is one The second factor. patriots seek for the most pan that is- to free their and then afterwards to build up it* slrengrh purely local own on country, the mate- Europe js doing today. We, on the other that the Muslim is duty bound to give of his rial side, just as hand, believe person, his blood, and hib wealth 10 carry out his namely, to guide mankind by the its light trust, of Islam and to lift banner On high above the regions of the earth, without desiring thereby wealth, rank, or power over anyone, nor the enslavement of any people. He Face and the felicity desires only Allans of the world through His religion and the exaltation of His word. This is what spurred on the pious early Muslims (Allah's grace be upon them !) (o which astounded the world and went bayond anything history had known in their swiftthose saintly 'victories ness, justice, nobility, and virtue. would like to draw your attention eo the egregious that acting on this error of that leading figure who says I principle would tear apart the unity of Ihe narion t which is different retagious elements.' 2 composed of which is and (he very religion of unity tees the maintenance of the ties Now Islam, equality, guaran- uniting the whole, .so long as they continue to cooperate not forbid you to deal against you in for die good : "Allah docs with those who have not fought religion your homes, with kindness and justtee* lov« the just" [0.#>:8 could dissension You have agreement and have nai expelled you |. Now from for indeed ihen, from what Aliah source spring ? seen after all how much we arc this with the most ardent patriots as regards love of the country's good and earnest struggle for the sake its liberation, its welfare, progress. and its in of We do, and we supper; everyone who will endeavor lo procure these with sincerity. Even more, J warn you to know their thai endeavor, if it should resulr in freeing the fatherland and restoring its glory, would represent lo the Muslim Brotherhood mereiy a part of ihe way, or simply a single stage of ii. For after that, it still remains for (hem w strive to raise the standard of the Islamic high over all the regions of the earth, fatherland on and to unfurl the banner of the Qur'an everywhere. 12, Here Ai-Banuu' N ediKainr Ahmad Lutll al Sayytd numcroui tliKir-lea, ikm naitai*fcni famous wrlrcr and -1^3), or to one *i his probably retelling to ifcc who campaigned uo behalf of u an opposed 10 b<*h pan-Mmum and Sec, far tnumpfc, Charles Wendell. The Kroltiilon of ihc National IniAge; fmm 229-21 1. 256 - 237. Hh OrifflitH 92 lo atden E*yp- Pan-Aubi*nu Rupiiqn Ahmad V*m akSavvid. no Nationalism And now I speak 10 shall you about our attitude toward the principle of nationalism. Nationalism of Glory If, by what .they vaunt as the principle of nationalism, chey mean that the of fheir ancestors, ttfrms should follow in the footsteps grandeur; on the ladder of glory and thai i hey should emulate them in their faculties of excep- tional ability and resolution; that they Should take them as a good example to follow, and that the grandeur of the forefathers something and through which their descendants may they may discover boast of, bravery and magnanimity by virtue? of intimate connection and inhcritance - then it is a worthy, fine goal which wc encourage and advocate. Doe? our apparatus for awakening the ardor of the present generation exist far any other reason ;han to spur them on through the glories of those gone oefore ? Perhaps a clear directive for this may be seen in what the ApOsiIe of AUith (May Allah bless and save him !) said : "Men are treasure troves - the best of them in : Islam, if Lhey but pagan times are the best of them in knew", 15 There you see now that Islam does not deny this excelteot A and noble quality to nationalism. hadilh to be found in Al-Biikhari, I.udolf KrchJ and Th. W.- JuyflboH). CotKordaike, 2 :I00 and 4 : 156. 93 Book Al-Jami al-Sahlh (*ds. m. «0, Section 1*9. .See. also Nalicmaibm «>f tonununil? Political Or if They mean by "nationalism" that a his nation are the motf deserving put of man's kin and hit benevolence a ad devotion, and the most favor and zealous- striving for who docs | think riot deserving of manttind of worthy of then k if jihad | thai his hi* mankind of all people ihe truth, the arc zealtm* efforts, lift when most he has sprung from Ihem and has grown up among ihcm? By mv life, a man's kin arc greater m forbearance Toward him. even if they mount him on all kinds of saddles. 14 Nationalism of Discipline If what ta intended by "natiofialisni" is that all of us are put co the test and held accountable to work and strive assiduously, it is up to every collectivity to realize the goal from lis own vantage point until wc converge. Aflat, willing,, in the forecourt of victory, and then this division ftill have been a good thing indeed Who is for its, in company with those who ! spur on the on its own felicity baufcfietd, umU wc converge liberation? of freedom and Meaning. "Even if they subject dwcomforis," From 3 poem ewiilrd each one Eastern peoples in phalanxes, but there are 94 in the vanousannoynncesand mnih-crmmy the cwci recent Egyptian edition orthi* work, KfuuJd b. Nadla. m him in she fcunnu* AJ-Hama&a, compir«3 by all amboiojj' Abu Tarnuwra. In ihe author's numer™ name is .fcivon ihr *4 other attribution*. All this and nationalism the like comprised by the concept of not our and wonderful Islam does J&ct, reject it - [stain being our criterion - but in hearts arc open to receive it, and we urge all to accept is fine it. (Nationalism nf Paganism If, however, of the the revival meant by "nationalism" is have customs of a pagan ^'whi^ what is been swept away, and manners lization extinct the reeonstitution of benevolent gone by, while a which has long been established that have- and the bonds and attachment* of Islam are is civi- effaced, dis- racial solved by the propaganda of nationalism and sclfaggrandizemcnt, as taking extreme measures some to annihilate the characte- Islam and Arabism ristic crakscf personal names, the have done by states letters - extendi tig even to of the alphabet and the vocabulary, and to the reviving of long - dead pagan customs - then this ingredient of nationalism is reprehensible, deleterious in its consequences and evil in its results. bankruptcy, its is ' It causing presiige-will thereby intrincie This 1 \nH lead the East to a serious it to forfeit its heritage, decline, and qualities, together with the a clear reference ctj Us while mosi most haUowed the sweeping ccfoiirts institute by Mustafa Kemal Ataruric in the years following the emergence of the Turkish republic; in l'>23. characteristics of Bui this harm will honor and kit AJUfa's religion noi at all He you turn your backs, and they ther people, and is lis It Char rhe of a to the dis- continued existence, as preached for Italy nay more. j claimed by every nation which preaches idea. racial sel- races. aggression against then), euunple by Germany and over : victimization for the take of the nation' ihcif glory and rity if of Agression faggrandi/emem to a degree which leads paragement of Other "And : you with anonot be like you" |Q. 47 meant by "nationaJtaft^ what If lost. will replace will Naiiririulisra be nobility, will all has (hen this too no share in humamtariariisin, human superio- a reprehensible others - is it* as. and means race will Liquidate itself for the sake -delusion with no basis in (act and embodying hoc the slighter good- Two PHbr* The Minimi Brotherhood do not believe in a nationalism containing these ideas or their do like, nor they advocate Ptauraonism. Arabism. Phoeni- cianism, or Syrianiun, or employ any of those epiThets by which peoples arc held up to insult. Ihcy do believe in what the ApostEc of 96 But God (May AlUh bless and save him *) most perfect teacher the Perfect Man, r ,f, (he t mankind (he wfeo has ever taught Allah has removed from you the arrogance of paganism and the vaunlingol your ancestry : mankind good, sulci ,L : springs from Adam, and Arah ha* no Adam spring* from dust. superiority over ihc How 17 virtue Of kits jusf I Mankind are of Adam, and piety." equals, and people and tlieir ii i! which, if pillars, would Adam, are sprung from b human mankind up lift in how line and is. they therefore one another vie witti duty to be rivals Arab except by non splendid this Tlie doing good - arc works, in their iwn firm were only huih upon Sift- to the Inches: heat ens (hem, Mankind ! they are brethren and it their duty to cooperate with one another, io keep the among peace another, Jhemsetves, to deal mercifully wiih one to guide with one another duty to therefore in one another toward the good and performing good work*. strive /eakmsly, each within his sphere, It 10 vie their fc.< so that mankind may advance. Have you ever wen humanity rise 16, In fcdeal Arabic, "At- model Iman al-kamcL ihixxJ, ' the First Intelligence Sufi ordrr, ibis 9 to Muhammad ai is Of Course, Che of believer, tut in Vk\» Ttie Prophet of Muslim virtue and piety for the A^HannaYeari* a/niiatiott-with Allusion * the Primordial Arvhciype who mediates between tion, as Creation, as for example In the mystical al-Ara&i and Abd *-KanJJ/* Eft ' al-Kiuim IT. T'hcic words wecc Mecca hi beencJcansri of its Sec lbn Jiliao. idols al-Jlli. uttered h> a* iw wood and Tat Ufr See RB all or alsi> an or nicphe- God md Crea- of Lbn philosophic* at chc ctiBqtKM; Kw'tM. which Ii.kI after trace- o1 |v«lvihcis-i,- MafcammMl. 97 be AsntJdex, an. "Al-lnsan Muhammad the dixir of the at may p . 553. ar' iusi uonhip. CO heights loftier Than this, or a teaching more than this? excellent Oiunicterislics of Ar&bdoui Nevertheless, we arc nations have their own quality and know that own share of ics and we know fiber, denying that distinct qualities m moral characters, for own not the various and particular every people has excellence its and moral too iha£ in this respect (he various peoples differ from one another and vie with one another in excellence. We -believe thai in respects Arabdom possesses the fullest and most abundant share, but this docs not mean ihai peoples should seize ic> upon these characteristics as a pretext for aggression. Rather should them adopt they as a means of realising the foremost task (Or which every people is responsible the renaissance or - humanity. Probably you will not find in one or the peoples or this earth who concept as fully as did the Companions or and s-ave This is it the a digression would rather not this phalanx consisting of "(May Allaii bless Hence I by the context of our continue in this vein, now return to our of interest. The Bond Now have grasped Apostle of Allah demanded Lake us ioo far afield. chief point of history any him!). dweussion, but -I lest that Arabian all that you have of CredaJ learned all 98 ttortrine this - may Allah sustain know Muslim Brotherhood regard mana-vis themselves kind as divided into two camps visone, believing as they believe, inAUah's religion and His you! - thaL the - : of Mis Apostle and what tie brought with him. These are attached to us by the most hallowed of bonds, the bonds uf crcdal doetfinCt which is Book,, and the mission in bond of blood or of soil. These are relatives among the peoples : we feel to us hotter than the our closest sympathy toward them, wc work on defend them and we for chem iacrifice ourselves may in whatever land they origin they may their As spring. behalf, and our wealth whatever from be* or we for other people with whom he at peace with we do not yet share Ihis bond, V?£ will them as long as they refrain from aggression against US. We believe, however, that a bond does exist between us and (hem - the bond of our mission - and nhat it is our duty to invite best fJiat there to what we adhere to because humanity has and means to offer, arid eo to succeed in this mission as mow toward virtuous repelled- Book of we our faith If you wish to the has who show shall repel their aggression means through which such Allah, .listen "The fore us, is employ such ways designated for that end. As. for those of them hostility it hostility by the may be hear this authenticated by the I believers are none other thart brothers; There- make peace between your two brothers" 99 [ Q . 49 : noI forbid you to "Allah does have not fought again si you in deal wjih and have not religion, expelled you from your homes, them with kindness and justice, those who you should thai for indeed, Allah loves ihe juu. He religion, forbids you only those who fought against and expelled you from your homes, and helped to evpel you, thai you should Cake treat you in Q. ihern a? friends" | 60:8-9]. Perhaps through rim I of our mission enigmatic il have revealed to you an aspect wluch will not leave it ambiguous or your mind. know what kind of And perhaps after organization the this* you will Muslim Brotherhood Ib law Face of Religion Difference* 1 will now speak to you on the subject of our mission vis-6-via religious differences Joining, not enlighten you ! and sectarian opinions. separailftf : kaow that the mission rust may - Allah of the Muslim Brotherhood is a general one unaffiliated with any particular and thai Met, does not favor any opinion known among people as possessing a parchial cast and parcftiaJ preconceptions and conclusions. Ii addresses itself lo the - ii heart and core of religion, and we would various interests and points of view unified so that like to sec our work may be more producisve and our results greater and more significant, rhood « For the mission of The pure and unsullied, 3013 Muslim Brothe- unblemished by any stain, and It on the is side of truth wherever may it be found, warmly espousing unanimity and detesting deviancy. The from which Muslims have suffered lias been that of separatism and disagreement v while the basis or all their victories has been Jove and unity. The last of this umnta will prosper only through the same means as did greatest trial the first a fundamental principle and acknow- this is : ledged goal to every Muslim Brother. belief It firmly anchored within our souls origin to Differences on • wc owe our in the subordinate these It is it. aspects of religion impossible for us subordinate schools of thought for a or article Withal, wc believe that are inevitable : absolutely unavoidable. united an and we appeal to others to accept it> differences are is aspects, number of all <o be opinions, and Among these reasons. are difference* of intellectual capacity to undertake pro- found investigation, grasp of rigorous proofs, do or incapacity to or so; conscious ignorance of them; and varying ability to penetrate into the depths of ideas and the interconnccfcdncsk of essentia! gion texts containted in Qur'aruc verses* is subject to within the bounds sec by language and people are very escaping dissension. liadith in at its odds Aslo among breadth and paucity of Sec much Formal Traditions, 18 intellectualexposition this score IS. truths. reli- and and judgement rules, and on arid there is these factors, no are knowledge. Foe one individual Ux-OJossary of Arabic Terms. 101 will beard of something have that another has not, ;and the next one will be in a similar predicament. Malik1 * said Abu of Allan (May Allah "The Companions of the Apestfe have been scattered bless and save him 5) about in the various 10 Ja'far* : settlements2'* military group has its store of knowledge. If accept one opinion, there will be among Malik tcv b. Anas {d. 795), VEcdincsc jural MalikUe School of Simnile law. His Kanh Also sunna of Medina, and the preserves the McJiiiesc and jurists up to w.'holairs Lhc frequent use tiis and the founder of the vtuwaita' time. His in Abu & *he earbest and survived, consensus <ijjna) work it of Ihe is notable for (ja» where both tradition suitable answers. The Malikite to givtS failed prevalent in North and Weal Africa, School 'is Imam of independent judgment and customgry taw formerly ai- diffe- will see the Muslim law which has extensive wjmpendiun) of Upper Egypt, and Muslim Sapin. 'Abd Allah Caliph of the 'Abbasid j50. strife."22 each.wUl differ according to the of each environment, You rent nature 19. civil these factors are differences of environment* so that adaptation . and each you compel them to Ja'fai Hound built The original b- Muhammad who Al-Maasur, the second reifiiwd from 754 - 775. He City of Baghdad as the new capital of the WarDic Empire. The military aeutemenls (umsar) w«e vflr&t temporary head- quarters tor the Muslim -armies during ihe early years o£ the -seventhcenittrs' concjiKsts. urban cenlers. Vusuf (Cairo : h. e.g.. Abd rud.), I Many of these posts gradually became important Cairo. Basrah, Shirai, Kairouan. al-BaiT, J : ami Huyaa IJZ 102 al-llib we TintII hi. 2 vols. Al-Shafii23 legal (May be pleased with him Aiteh opinions according to lucid to delivering old &ystem of Iraq and the according to the new system in Egypt24 was acting E) In each case he - accord with what seemed perfectly clear and in htm; in neither case did he go beyond ferreting And among out the trulb. these factors are differences in the degree of inward confidence placed particular Imam, accepting him wholeheartedly, you a received trathis dition as ici& promulgated; for while you may regard particular traditionist as authoritative, according to this and fee) quite in with him, satisfied may him find regarded as faulty by another iaiam, because of what he may know of factors Also among these the evaluation of proofs; for his real circumstances- are differences in Muhammad Idris Medina 76? to study under Malik in and Egypt, and Iraq founder of the origin, he left Mecca .820), Of Qurayshite Shafi'iSe school of Sunnitc Saw. for (767 - al-Sfaafl't b. settled in Fufitat in the latter tomb-mosque neai the Muqartam sysum, ilw ^tyr'an and hia phet override oibec pittsablc sources of law, pt&. he aiaO recognized the ijma of the analogy iqiras) ba^ed on I lisfc The on Ihr i-iiiul iicn^iiiii) shafi'ite Sources of School pievails live in of his His life. a favorite sice is &unna of the Pro- A& substdiacy priiKi* ecttire MusUflj-coitiiUDfcy, he two primary important work, from the standpoint of laugbi both in pan Cairo Hills ease of of pilgrimage. In all He Anas. and principles. I Ii> iuost juristic theory. Is the Trca- Law {AlRteala flnsri aJ-Tlqh), lower £!gyp(, Easl Africa, Soulbeasi Asia, Indonesia, and part* of South Arabia, India, and Central Asia. 24, Meaning Lhat Al-Shafi'i would hav* recourse to the Theories the so-called "ancient schools of law** in Arabia and. earlier period and of his life, before eJaboraEiug his rLth!v-nin£ the Kisala. 103 own Irati during of the- theories in Egypt this one will consider, for example, thai the course of action adopted by the people as a whole has priority over !hc welfare or the. one disagrees while that individual, with him, and 50 forth. Unanimity on Minor Details Is Impossible All these comribuling factors have convinced us that even unanimity on a single question culled from the minor detail of religion is a hopeless wish. Nay, it is even incompatible with of nature the desires only that this religion last* survive, ages and eons. We We and endure for for this reason easy, flexible* simple, It is and mild, without since AJJah religion, rigidity or severity. Our Apologize fur believe this, Differences and apologtee sincerely to chose from us in some details. We feel that this will never be an obstacle to friendly relations, differ esteem, and cooperation sweeping concept of for the good; that the Islam will contain both who difference mutual broad, and them within its excellent bound* and capacious limits. Are we not Muslims as they are ? Do we nol wish 10 achieve peace of us Do we not claim that we wish for our brethren what we wish for ourselves ? In what way mind as they do ? do we then subject among differ ? for discussion us? among Why should an atmosphere of Why should not our views ihcrrt, as their be a views are we not understand one another in serenity and m affection, whom the iris- ligation to mutual understanding exists ? The Miah very Companions of the Apostle of Allah (May bless and save him 0 used to have difference of opinion, bill did this create ihem My ? Or did it concerning Qurayza. between sunder Ehetf Of dissolve their solidarity not There is Allah, essential differences w tradition lianu the nothing Improbable in the afternoon the ? among prayer If these men differed with one another even chough aposthey were, of all mankind, ihe closest in time to the colic age and ihe mast familiar with he context in which hs precepts were revealed, who are another we to cut one to bits over trifling differences of no importance whatever ? If the imams, who were Ihe nuM erudite of mail- kind with Apo&tle, respect M>Aftah differed should wc not be Book and y f and disputed with one satisfied with what s&lisfied the Sunna of Hifc why another, them ? If arose concerning the most well-known and unambiguous of detail, such as the call to prayer which is differences — pagan Ihe BfltiS* of the Trench tn 627, In wlik'h the ihe ProVhrir Bffdi>uU allfe* wlv* unable i» (Me* M&dina, 25. After inns and pile* »•» cornmandwt by GafcrteI the Bmiu Qurayra, Prophet ordered the Lust remaining Jewish I rib* in lh*f ant hiving feftag arrh-rd rfier ihe pvrfomkrij In* iftt nraon pnr>vf lu ihe city. Thw Ift rreouq; a6eda*"« (o prtryti. t\ rfiH k nrder- pmyer. Al-Bunna" twn; ihe prtat oat Ihe CAisience ut oc<aaiona1 dirfrr*iw:cs in Oniraflcr rhe*r Is !* «Wter of no on* should perform rlw afternuun prayer Ourayw iiuaHrr. Th*. PropheL laid stege 10 rh? he rearbed the quarter, trot *#m* of *H men np:i> 10 advajKc iftatafl riteal practice of arrival did ib*> tH ptrfarm earth* Muslim EJfe q9 Wiaamawrf, p. 461. 103 ibis ppar-ratton. *ws? tftm khaq. The performed a day, with relevant text* and hisbdnj handed down in attestation, what five times torical traditions have you which do 10 original learned in points Of such questions, (he fine tvith and painstaking discussion research ? There used to is one more matter worth looking him iccoum into. to the Caliph and the law People - enfor- cement agency or the lmamale2h when they differed, and he would judge between them, and Where the dispute. settle is the do is way matter* is decision bis would the Caliph these days ? If this Muslims can stand, the best ihing that look for a qadi and submit their case lobirn, sinceif Ibey disagree without resorting to competent authority,, it can only propel them into further disagreement. The Muslim Brotherhood and are acquainted with all these most forbearing of men with those who differ with them. They recognize char every people has some knowledge, and thai there is considerations, are therefore the They h, and .some truth and falsehood in every propaganda. fceen to search The out the truth & Imanuttc, iwcd hew, the supreme administtativT The Caliph or siatc. oi sUte, bill arid is hold fc&Xbc diHG&ny," while the term the CaJtphate, office tn th<c Islamic woild- fenxoAOHo Muhammad chief of "unxcwoa" in sun ate sJtcaws ihw of "leadership" or Muslim Mxnnuintty-. vie*, or the Caiifsf) munity of nvvuM./c. Or "fiurragftle - J "guidance" uf the com w they ijiheril*minp of his rc!itf:uu> or prophetic powers. The term CaUphaff ensphatue* the itptrt ihi? to quntmnvM and CMeutiye Imam fast axe imam nsusi qt teiitvm. *ivd According lo the Sunnue he elected by mm tiualiJiisJ ptn&m electors from ihe rcouuitr iiaftrt .vixl.nn. |:ujhn>, MiiirttfrKVi or mind ,ind IkhJv, <tewcnt from Che irihe ui O.iravOi. ;hc iribe uf :h* Prophet. .md 106 try, with forbearance and sympathy, ro satisfy those who disagree with their viewpoint. If they are satisfied, then well arid good; and they are not satisfied, they are s-till brethren in the fai«b* and wc ask Aitatt 's guidance for us if and them. Fiffhl Against the Forbidden The Mustim Brotherhood know logical aspect which is- I a socioof the utmost importance for the contin jed existence of this faith, thai How fine there it is would be. if the efforts of Muslim prosdyiizers were directed toward organizing people around the idea of fighting these dan- gerous issues whkh we which threaten the faith is vis their religion. veTyroot, and are all united in detesting, as well as in recogni- zing the necessity to annihilate them This at its ! program of the Muslim Brotherhood vis-aopponent on questions of minor detail InAllaVa Perhaps I can summarize ii for you by the saying that the Brotherhood dciesi fanaticism permit differences of opinion, of outlook, and try to arrive and to convert incn to at the truth by the gentlest methods of for- it bearance and affection. To the Cure ! Diagnosis Brother,, know and learn that nations, in terms of their strength, weakness, youth, old age, health, are like human and individual*, without exception. 107 richness, For even you as look a human at being, sound, strong, and enjoying good health, and behold, io seized by illness and beleaguered and you by maladies. Ailments pains undermine his strong constitution, and tinues to complain and groan until Allah's mercy and Almighty is He 3 overtakes him in the - skilled physician and well - him sec will trained specialist the locus of the complaint and diagnoses it he con- Blessed from of a who knows expertly, dis- covering.the area of the infection and working with dedication to cure it. And lo and behofd, after a time you will see the same patient with bis strength health restored To him. He may even dition after his treatment than before be same in his and con- better Imagine exactly it. the returned situation with respect to nations : the changes of time confront them with threats to their very existence, breaking apart their iolid structure while disease infiltrates the surface appearance of their strength. If continues to work away at them without wreaks iti intertuption^untiJ damage upon them, and they turn it out sickly and weak, the covetous eyeing them with greed, and the spoilers robbing them, Tliey have no strength spoiler and cannot ward off the greed They can only be cured by these means to repe] the of the covetous. : knowledge of the locus of the ailment endurance , to put up with the pain of the treatment, and an expert who will undertake until Allah realizes his goal through his hands, he brings his cure to a successful Conclusion. it and 108 I Experience know, thai has. he Syinp • taught us, and events have given us to the disease afflicting these Eastern nations assumes a variety of aspects and has many symptom has done harm to every expre»*ion of cheir on the have been assailed on aggression h they by imperialist enemies, and by factionaside political the part of their and lives, for v, on the part or their sons. They have been assailed On the economic side by the propagation of usurious practices throughout all their lism, rivalry, social classes, division, disunity and the exploitation of sheer resources natural treasures by foreign companies, afflicted and on the heresy which destroy I They have been by anarchy, detection, side intellectual and heir religious overthrow the ideals withia their sons' belie f\ breasts. and They have been assailed on the sociological side by licentiousness of manners and mores, through the slouching off of the restraints of the from humanitarian their glorious, imitation of the West, the they inherited while through venom creeps in&ipoisoning their blood and viper's - They have been through the workings of a positive law which sullying the purity of their well does not restrain the criminal, refx! marts fortunate ancestors; diousiy into their affairs, assailed vi the unjust; nor does it being. ehas-iise ihe assailant, or eves for one day cake the place of the divinely revealed laws which the Creator of creation, and the Lord of down. They have been the Master of the kingdom, souls and their Originator, has set W4 a&uuied also through anarchy in and trainings which stands who way of in the ding their present generation, (he those their policy of education men of be responsible for will effectively guitheir uture and f bringing about their resurgence They have been assailed on the spiritual side by a death - dealing despair* a murderous apathy, a shameful cowardice, an ignoble humility, an all* pervading impotence, a !Ugg*rdJine&& and an egocentririty which prevent people from making any self-sacrifice, and the thrust effort, preclude nation from the ranks of and gamesters. What there for a nation against which all these factors, earnest striven into those of triftefs hope in is their -strongest manifestations and most forms, have been conjoined for the assault and factionalism anarchy in „ - extreme imperialism usury and heresy and licentiousness, education and legislation, foreign companies, despair and niggardliness, impotence and cowardice, and admiration for the enemy, an admiration which prompts one to imitate him mil acta, One he does, especially in everything of these diseases alone is his sufficient to kill how much more now among all, in every nation off numerous proud nations, and [bat has been spread about it without exception? If were not for it the resistance, imperviousness. hardihood, and strength of those Eastern nations whose enemies have been contending with them from the remote pa«, duously innoculating them diseases for a long time, themselves and hatched - if and who have been with until it no the they germs finally of assi- these imbedded were not for these qualities. would have been long ago swept away and iheir traces wiped out of existence. But and the Allah believers will not tolerate this. Brother* this make of is. the diagnosis which the .Brotherhood the ailments of this are doing in order to cure it umma, and oFthem and Hopes and I it its we hope Feelings would likeyo-u to know, before I calk co you about these means, that to restore to and strength. lost health Brother, what they tins is that wc do for a great good, noi despair of ourselves, and that we believe that only such despair stands between us and success. For if hope grows strong within us K we shall arrive at this great goodj Allah willing, and therefore we do not despair, nor does, despair force its way into our hearts, Aruii be prai- Everything around u& gives our glad tidings of hope, you were to visit a sick person, and found him declining gradually from speech to silence and from motion to immobility , you would feel thar he was close to the end* that his cure would be a difficult matter, and thai his disease was gaidespite the forebodings of pessimists. If ning gTOund. to move And if the reverse took place,, and he began gradually from silence to speech, and from torpor to mobility, you would feel that he was close to being cured, and that he was making progress to health and vitality. A period of time had; in on Lhc way come over Eastern these nation* during which they grown tad torpid, bored even unto deaih with torpor, borne even to ihdr end by iaacrivily* wil's and inactive, But now they arc seeching with a waking consciousness embracing ail of aspect* li fe, and are flari ng up with a vital and Forceful awarencw and sharpened sensibilities, weight of iheir shackles on of direction on the other, moat striking the f the one this were not for the f ii and their lack awarcnew would produce resulis. hand, But these shackles shall not endure forever : an eye time is change, and in the twinkling of changes thing? from one state to anoth er The directionless shall no< remain so forever; Atluh after bewiidiennem, and mobility after guidance comes anarchy, for The cojmnuntl before and after ! Therefore we never deapair - the verses ofAflak (Blessed and Almighty is He !), the Tradiiioru of Hi* Aposile (May AHsh 'Vilah's is bless and save him !), His sunns (Almighty is He!) as regards tfie Leaching of nations and the exaltation of peoples they have ga/cti on matters these perdition/ 27. The swiina-or all alt He has related to u* of of these proclaim an MmV allude ta aiwk "practice" vte-A-vi* manthe epical vfci* of human t&foty tautfii fey ihcOur'nn. kind Tim* afi« and Book Has in 7 aher a propbee h x« (kmn by OcmS lo leach \hc gviieiasiwi who have or an apostle fs sent to Knew rhexc wmiudc »i Judgment Iq rriaj»6od in:o pfrfyrhcism c-r mi belief, tkfetftfl andi* bring u new Di*in< itaif. Mnchanjuna ui^iate uf HitUimy and cunie » Lirv. Thu >a«f«nul leiurr." ..jwrtle. radttt only Muhammad, whh "pon^e" ntemicwed hen? sample fa pn>ud - ihc trodden. At-Baiira'i h*** of fiw ta«r ihe *ith the viicting levabiiiw. the arc [uab&Jsfy |he writing* to illustrate pci*rai>h - and His JwkIi Gorf's <if i&e fat Qur'an The <rihes, a ravyrite humbling of£h* cjtsanta of ihe down- 112 imrticn** hope to and guide us toward (he path ui, know this genuine resurgence, For the Muslims - of a if they have studied. Just read the noble Qur'anic verses at the Sura 28 ; clear "TA S.N MIN."21 There are speaking Book "We shall some : the beginning of verses of the relate to thee portion of the story of Moses and Pharaoh in irulh, to a believing people. LoT Pharaoh was exalted Ift the earth and made its people into groups, rendering weak a party among them, slaughtering ihcir sons and keeping alive i heir women. Lo, he was of those who spread corruption. And We desired to show favor to those who had been rendered weak in rhe earth, and to make them leaders and and to make them won* Ha the earth, and to display through Khan* to Pharaoh and Hainan and their soldiery, what they were guarding to make them against" [ inheritors; Q. 28 1-6], ; noble vcjcs and you will sec how the vain one oppresses through hfo brutality and exults tn hia strength, Read these satisfied with his tyrannical power and forgetful Eye* Turtfa which observes hirn. But just as he is in his fortune, God seizes him with the grasp Mighty, the Powerful, for A tdUd or several of it is Allah's will invariably of the rejoicing of the to 29 chapters of the Qui' an begin with a single tellers, c-l the Arabic alphabet, which weft, before. ibeTirv wwe. In no or ptoau; and d«pue numerous lacsr pretence has been made. mlrodiiit^ii to ihr !>ran, pp. ca*c <to Iftcy effort*, S*-c 61 . 6!=. W. no tetfer, arc Mmpty read as fcrm a coherent irad sntLkfaclory explanation V-tomfooiery Wan. Bell's in succor the wronge and to fifcos* rendered Mftk- For the vain crumbles foundation,, but the truth ported, the downtrodden and help is solidly buiJt and those who cling to very 113 and firmly win it 41 be sup* triumphant. After reading ihese noble Qur'anic verses and their Kite in the Unassailable Book, not one of fee l&lamic nations believing toAlah. HU Apostle, and Hts Book, has any excuse to give way the Muslims apply themselves For in similar reasons, brother AUab*s pair of rejigiou the - io will ? such Muslim Brotherhood do not des- despite the difficulties the light of this hope, th*y il God's Book and there are many - Altah'a- succor being sens and the hopeful, for When xo despair and hopelessness, down io ihexc nations, which can be seen before (hem. In cany on the task of the of whom aid is sought I is Atralt As for the means which promised you 1 cuss, hey are three bask principles would di*- I aboui 1 earnest which (he ideology of the Brotherhood revolves. The proper program of -action. The Brotherhood have found k in God 5 Book, the Sunna of His Apostle* and the precepts of Islam, when the Muslims wili unders<l) 1 tand ihese a* they should be • fresh, pure, and far removed from the spurious arid the untrue and when they devote themselves to the study of Islam on this basis, simply, broadly, and comprehensively. - Believing workers, have taken it For this reason the upon themselves they to Brotherhood apply what 114 understand slackness. of Allah's religion without indulgence God or be praised, they believe in their ideology, are satisfied as to its goal, and are confiden t lhat Altah will sustain them while they remain devoted to Him, and so ahead under the guidance Apostle (May,Miah bless and save, him !)- they will forge A determined, irustworthy leadership, Brotherhood have found theirs to and so they are obedient it This,, brother, The Muslim this character, and work under banner. its sum and substance of what the is wanted to discuss to be of of Allans with you about our mission. It is I an explanation which has an explanation, and you yourself are the Joseph of these dreams.2* if what we are about appieals to you, your that we may work in hand is linked together with ours no unison on this path. AJlah is the Bcs- tower of success on us as well as on you; He is our sufficiency, and how wonderful a Trustee What a wonderful Master, what a wonderful Hel! Allah 2V. is TJaat is, like the most Great you yoorsetf unto Allah be praise: : are best able lo interpret what Joseph of Genesis and the 135 Qur'an. we mean, TO WHAT DO WE SUMMON MANKIND Ia the Name of Cod, the Merciful, the ? Companionate ! Preamble You may be speaking to a large number of various subjects, and people on you have elucidated the utmost clarity and believe thai ami explained everything with exhausted every possible means of revealing what is in your mind, crystal - until you leave off addressing clear exposition, having presented them with them with the facts you wished to impart as reveaiingly as of dawn the first crack or the sun in broad daylight, as they say. Then how grossly are you astonished after a wfciilc when you discover that these people have nor grasped have numerous neither anything of what you understood yo\i said. seen this time after time, and experienced iron occasions. I do not think that its secret is any more arcane than either of these alternatives : either each one of us uses a different criterion to judge what he says and hears, therefore our understandings and percep- and tions differ; of speech evert if the speaker believes unequivocal. The In what I all am ambiguous and cryptic^ what he says to. be clear and iisclf is Criterion going to say, 1 would like 10 make plain to people the mission of the Muslim Brotherhood It? and its alms, goals, methods, and means, frankly and clearly, plainly and openly. Bui first I wish to define Ihe criterion using to are we measure this clarity, and I shall strive to make what have and simple. not be impossible for any reader who wishes to benefit by it to understand, and I do Tiol imagine *hat anyone, out of the entire Islamic umma, will oppose me over my mating J io say easy will It tJnis criterion the Book of Allah, from whose platitude refresh ourselves, from whose oceanic our sustenance, and to whose wisdom we O The Noble Qur'an an I all-inclusive Allah has gathered together the doctrine and depths we draw have recourse. Our People is commands and prohibitions. book as as the well both Muslims legislation containing Now* have the acted according to the Qura an, have they believed conviction those religious doctrines by cited have (hey understood the them ? objectives Have they applied which in fundamentals, of religious the bases of social welfare, broad generalities of secular we He with Allah, has made clear and to His social and existential legist lation to the manner in which they dispose of their lives ? If wer conclude from our study that they have mdeed then we must have arrived all together done so, at the desired goal; but if our study reveals chat they are far from Ihe path decreed by Lhe Qur'an and that they ignore its teachings, and cornmandnients, then know that it is our duty to bring Ourselves, as well as those who follow as, back to that way. is The Goal of Life in the Our an The Qur'an has defined the goal of life and iht purpose of man's existence* And has. $hown that a people whose and sensual enjoyment -He, the Blessed and Almighty says : "Those who disbelieve, enjoy themselves and eat as cattle eat; but the Fire chier concern in this I will be I abode* heir eaiing life is 1 Q- 47 I 12 : |. And it I | [ has shown that others whose chief concern is luxury and transitory possessions He, Biassed and Almighty : the love of fleshly desires "Made beautiful for women and up mounds' of gold and heaped I He. «yi is mankind is children, and for and branded silver, horses, and cattle, and tilled land. That is the comfort of the life of this world, but the best resort is with Allah" *™ [Q.3:14J. has also Ie shown tion in this life it that ititl and (O cau« evil are those of whomAit&h says : to arouse civil strife, in arid corruption to flourish, Of mankind this is life of turns his hack, he hastens about in The spread corruption within cultivation [ he whose talk concerning the thee, And when he earth lo is and he calls AiKiiito witness what though he is the must stubborn or ene- world please* mies. I there in hi* breast, others whose chief distinc- and the cattle : Allah it, and to destroy the loves not corruption" Q.2 204-205]. : These are some of the aspirations of men which AUaA kept the believer.* IN clean in this life, of them* rendered them innocent of them, and entrusted them with a loftier concern ! And He laid upon iheir shoulders a higher duty, namely to guide humanity to the truth, to lead : all of mankind to the good, and to illumine the whole world with the sun of Islam. This "O what He, the Blessed and is Bow down, and prostrate yourselves, and worship your Lord, and do what is good perhaps you wilt prosper. And strive to your utmost for AUal.; He has chosen you, and imposed Almighty, says; ye who believe 1 : on you on hardship in religion - the. creed of your father Abraham. He named you Muslims formerly, and in this, so that the Apostle might he a witness against you* and you be-witnesses againsi mankind. Therefore perform the and pay the alms, and take refuge prayer, And how your Protector. Helper!" [ Q. 22 fair 77 : - a Protector, 78 He is how fair a in AktaS. ]. This means that the Noble Qur'an appoints chc Muslims as guardians over humanity in its minority, and grants them the right of suzerainty and dominion over the world in order to carry out this sublime commission is our concern, not that of the West, and it per- Hence it tains to Islamic civilization, not to materialistic civiliza- tion. The Mandate of Self Then - sacrifice, Allah (Blessed all Muslim I* Not Personal Advantage and Almighty clear that the beiiver striving himself and the is toward he possesses to AUali, He I) has made it this goal has sold and that he has nothing personal to gain dependent solely on communication froffl it. is what He, ihe bough! from the of men. This to the hearts says : theirs" [ Q.9 :1 11 is the success of this mission and its "Surely Allah has believers their persons and their wealth, Almighty, attainment Its is in that Paradise ]. From this we see that world subordinate to his Muslim makes the his Jot in this may gain the next world as a reward for his. self - sacrifice. As a result, the the Muslim conqueror wa& teacher qualified fry all enlightenment, guidance, compassion, and benevolence with which the teacher must be graced, and the Islamic conquest was one of civilizing, guiding, and teaching. How can this he compared with whal Western imperia- lism is doing mission, so that he at the present How Ooi* By your Lord, time ? Are the Muslims to This Goal 7 my dear brother, understood the Book of their their souls have been uplifted, Lord Muslims That fashion, 50 have ihe in this and their spirits raised an So that they have freed themselves from dage of matter, and purified themselves of the pleasures high 1 the bon- have lifted and cravings ? So that they thems.clve& above trivialities and lowly concerns* and of fleshly lusts turned their faces toward Allah and the earth, as The terra , pure believers' used here is hunanV, the the Glossary of Arabic Terms. J2L who created the heavens who exalt Allah's Word plural of haail*, which see in and strive in His path ? defend His iheir lusts and Whose Law Sacred front of were title Taith and these prisoners of cravings and their greed, their a delicate mouthful, and an empty His are they a .comfortable nap, suit, They Or 7 slaves sole interest is handsome And who broadcast a a fast car, a fair wife, a false 7 satisfied in their aspirations but afflicted in their fortunes; They plumbed the seas of striving, so they said, were no niore"afflicted. The Apostle of Allah {May Allah was is right ; the slave "Wretched -and save the slave of The dinar, dirham. wretched is the of the him !) wretched is The Goal and -bless and of slave Is the Basic Principle Its Practical Application Since the goal was what provided the impulse to follow the path, and the goal lias become obsucred and confused in our wnma, it was absolutely imperative that we clarify and define it, and I believe that we have suceeded to a great extent in doing so. We have come to the conclusion that it is our duty to establish sovereignty over and to guide all of humanity Islamand cannot to its teachings, attain happiness. ConfOrtJaace, i T 283, where hadiib. omitting the "velvet," AMkukhari and the to r.hc without which as Sunan of Ibn 122 world of sound precepts 3 lightly shorter is cited the version uccumjig an the Maja. mankind of ttris Sihiti of The Origins of Our This wish to bimma the message which the is faring Cioni Muslim Brotherhood to mankind, and that they wish the islamic to understand as it should be understood swd to proceed to salvage with determination Muslim Brethren have not invented it on fabricated The and. energy* it. nor have they own. It is no more than the message from every verse of the Noble Qur*an, their which shines forth appears with the utmo$[ clarity and distinctness, in every Tradition of the mighty Apostle (May Alia* bless and save him!), and is manifest in every deed or the First Mush'ms, who are the paragons for the true understanding of Islam and for salvaging the teachings of Islam. If the Muslims wish io accept this message, will i( and of che genuineness of faith be the proof of their Islam, chtm - tf they Book of Blessed and Almighty stands between us and find anything objectionable or faulty in Allah the But their a just authority and a final itr the pronouncement which will judqe between us and our brethren, and will demonstrate whether the truth be for us or against us : "Our Lord, decide between us and our people in truth, for Thou art the best of Deciders" [ Q, 7 89). : Excursus There have been whom we inquiries from many of our brethren* our hearts, and to whose benefit and welfare in this world and the next we have conselove with alt crated our efforts, our wealth, and our lives* and have sacrificed ourselves for this goal the goal of bringing happiness to our urnma and our brethren through our wealth and our persons. On their behalf, we have neglected our children and our How much do wives, wish that these brethren who are making inquiries inform of the Muslim Broawake while other men wide are are working while the One of them will be bent over midnight, until the month is over, organization, donation his money, Is carefree relax. desk from afternoon working, his striving pondering, assiduously, keeping at it uncassingly and his would themselves about the youth therhood Their eyes sleep; their mind* When I toiling month all long. he hands over his incoms is to dedicated put to the service of his hi* to his mission, goal. He seems to be flaying to the sons of his people who are heedless of ttag sdf - sacrifice ; "I do tint ask of you a wage for this my wage is due from - Allah shuiitd bestow a gratuity and to it we belong : sacrifice as a moans oi' alone/ oil 53 Allah our uimna forbid that From f merely resorting wfi.arc. drawing irs we came it to aiienlion .so thai we such self it may - comprehend our minion and respond to our vail. What Is Money ? the Source of the who survey the Muslim Bro- These beloved brethren ibcrhood from a distance and peer at Mem from>s.e range raiie the question ''What is thv source of Ihcir i r This is Qur'an,Q. a parapbiaie of II a number of 51. 124 similar verses occurring in the espcnUiiures? from where docs money come 10 them for a mission which is as succ&btut and flourishing as theirs, *hen times arc light and people are, niggardly?" ansM.iT in these h thai religious missions arc supported My hv faith before money, and by conviction before traiHiioty goods, Wherever die irue beJievcr lo be hound is found, there Bfco are The money sf the Musliin brotherhood consists of she small amount ihcy deduct from their expenm, and which ihcy save through cconontizing on ilieir basic necessities and on the needs of tlieir households and children* So do ihcy increase ihc goodness of their souls, and improve their beam with all generosity, Every the find mia$ with to success. one of them wouftf limes over what ho of them means hns. for 1 lie spend many like to sake of Allah, and If $mi cjw hrim- nothing, they turn away, iheir tears of sorrow because ihcy have t»i fouitd anything ro contribute. In this link money and grout faith, with praise and gJor\ unio Allah, is -'a clear proclam at inn to a worshipful people" 106) and |Q. 21 : success to sincere workers. Aibh r in whose hand all things rest, blesses every Mingle penny of those cullmed hy the Brother hood, for Allah has onnihilaicd usury, but lie has increased the fruiiv "And that which you Face of Ailah - of charity'" | bring in charil they are the ones manifold" (Q. 30:391. 121 who will Q.2 : 276 |. y desiring only the be increased We and Politics Other people say that the Muslim Brotherhood are a political group and thai heir mission aapolitical One, .is which (hey have still other aims. Who beyond how I XiiOW'-s far our nation will go suspicions, and name way-supported : in - bandying abandons a sure spreading accusal ions, eaJImg, while ii by Che actual, slate of affairs. CO proceed along a path of mere'conjecture inspired by doubts ? Oour people, wc out io >^tt with theQur'an are calling our right hand and the Simria in our deeds of" the pious ancestors of the in our Example. We summon and wiih the left, s&Eft Of this umma as you to Islam, the teachings of of/Mam, $M Htmi, the laws of Islam and the guidance smacks this of "polities" in your then eyes, it if is our "policy"! And ciples is tf the one a "poliiician P 51 summoning you 10 these printhen wc are The most respectable of men, Allahbc praised, in call This "politics," "politics"! And say what you like, if people, let not mere names will is made clear words stand bdween you and the facts, nor names hide our goals, veil die essential from you. Islam next : this is substitute. Therefore govern convert others to it, nor unessential does have a embracing the happiness of or the wiih to for never barm us when what has been named and our goals stand revealed. 0 Our you this our world and the godliness policy, for which wc yourselves according to and you will 126 policy win seek no it, the glory of the world to come. May know yuti its lidings glat! be force long. Our Brother, come, Nationalism and Us Bavis us listen together to the voice of die lec Drvinc Glory resounding through ihehorizons, earth and the Seven Heaven*;1 believer wtih the loftiest feeling he hears this all St ailciuive., inspiring the soul of every of glory and pride, when from The moment Al-AimiV to this crouton For lime without has been decreed for it those who befee" | Q, 2 : 257 eternity Yes, "Here you. JhankS who rny brotlier ! I am. itnro thee Thou art those tnt ; yes., who ! This my AHah', is .the here of the Defender are attacked in their end, since Protects ttf J. call 3 am of your Lord ! 31 Praise without stint unto the Protector toil, the which the heavens and the earth and cal] io ihev contain arc proclaimed filling the believers, * Praise Thee 3 Lo and Tlrou-, the Helper of of those who are wronged,, -homes and driven from tteir The seven - layered heaven nf die Qiir*an. Paradise (Janna' or Firdaws) is regarded "hy #tw rheolOEfrrt* an briiitf Sfr&atfttf fa tjtt Seventh Heaven; by others, as bean* above the Stwah and directly beneath the Throne oi God. AJ-Amin, "the Trustworthy." is a contmnn Mi to of the PTonhet Muhammad. (> t his is an almost an invocation uttered by the Muslim pilgrims to Mecca coTitinuoii'; retrain alter rliey pilgrim gflrt and are broaching have assumed ftlS the 127 Holy City, a* .If aJui'.-tiLlI Honored abode* f be who lakes his refuge is Thee, and in victorious Is he who seeks Thy jwoEecrion "Allah wilJ Allah surely aid Yes, y*&, my the voice of |Q- 22 brother i beauty of 40 : Come, r ihc Nobte Our'an, and red anon of by the this Speech ofAllah, "Allah in clear m m my irartsprtrled ihc rsijcs t»r brother, 25T "Nay. but Allah of Helpers". - ts aim*, bowjng down". ! - - the Allah, befriends Che pm>ui. ?1 Q. 5 scni : 55 'Nothing our Defender place ihcir irusi. '" - "Behold,, on Ihc : will iji befall God Sural tl-Tawba friends of Allah 121 | pay down the Sara* AI-AVaf ibose Book, Q. 7 | : us *avc what Allah ihc let Q. * there is ihc |, 146). : and and prayer [ who - ISO-]. i and His Apowie, Sural oMVIa'ida is He the best is Q, 3 Sural Al Imran [ "My Protector is He who believe. lighi". * Sural your Protector, and He believe, ihose who- perform decreed. He the J. Only Allah U your Protector "Say lhai and liear Blessed and Almighty is ; lo us record *hr Lei verses. m rue, be i$ ihe Protector of ihoie a>Ba4Bir*[Q. 2 He us listen together lei brings, them forth from darkness to for 1. lei grandeur contained Purified Book. Come lo me, come who Him. is Mighly. Glorious!" (2> who helps one ! has believers ; fI ]. no Tear, nor do hey i who grieve; they wing piety", "Thai - Q. Sural Vmiiis [ because Allah is the. is and were used believe 30 : 6.1 - f>4 iq shoj> Defender of those who and because the unbelievers have no defender," Mnit a mmad (May AUah bless and save him!) [ Q. believe, -Sura! 47:11], Do you not and A'limighty kc in these dear verses- thai Allah (Blessed 3s He 1) relates you lo Himself, grants you and sheds upon you 'die superabundance of Kfs glory? "But glory belongs- to Al'ii'i, and to Mis Apostle, and lo the believers, but (he Hypocriies do nol know" | Q. 63 8 ). Ihc grate oT His protectorship, : m And AlJaJi bless Noble Traditions and save Almighty children relates is somcihuig concerning "Allah (Blessed and : ; I up a kinship, and you have said : ihe Mghi have said Anah g of And today 13 ]. (May He !) says 'On The piy of Kesurreetion, O of Adam, have set up a kinship and you have is SO-and-Vo." But I in hini !) Chosen One7 rhe Lord, ihe substance of which his set the I Verily ihe noblest mo c| ie "So-and- so, son of .si up shall raise of you you" [ Q. 48 kinship and humble pious of My ; your kinship Therefore, ferred noble brother, to trace Almighty is He their I) and ike pious .forefathers pre- relationship to and establish as the foundation of ihcir Al-Mukhiar, "the Chosen Otic," phet Allah (blessed Muhammad- 329 is -a uomtnuji liilt of the Pro- prayers and of heir deeds the realization I One of relationship. iiofc>le m'vjo lira pivot- or" fin therm eallcd \$ ffi : Do For mc not call it O bul by' His Slave' my truly the noblest of is. 1 * names. Anolhcr once answered someone who had asked if ihfs be hailed from ihi or (Jays ; farher, father is Islam 1 have ns '0t£i I ] when they boast of Qays or Tamin.,J tribe of Taniini : Thfre Dear ISrother, Glory fteyond Is Ncs people of boast I I My [ Say his heir liaieacxe because of such splendor and nobility as ihcy find anchors' deeds, and because of Hieh propose 10 they instill in the ujoiry soul?; of liorrt onh in Cfiefi and honor as children. their these two consideration* there i*. nothing. Do yoii see that relating yourself to Allah (Blessed and Heyond not Alraighiy He is tantamount is '.) ambition the ambitious may glory and splendor [ Q.4 : 139-]. £. Attiuti, B - - to strive to attain in "For glory belongs as well as the worthiest 'His slave,'" it si 111 possible Lbe highest A very to icrmv of Allah entirely" way of uplifting common Muslim mawuSinc iiimiurfms per- name, til essence It is a shortened form of any of the sonat names COitipourided of the dement Islav?}, of 'God, Allah, or one of His many epithets. TvrO of arid ihe noble Bedouin irlbes of prt-1slaraic 130 the name Arabia. your soul to the of rebirth the spirit it of 'llliyvun?'" heighrs- more lEon 10 virtue dedicated to will alsu instill in eompanv with in engaged, for whal nobitily It and what greater, 5a ihosc acitvciy insiiga- exalted, than your view of yourself as connected lOAiiah. related tu Allah Allah. 2 Q.n one occasion AJJah (Blessed and Almighty is Me !) said : "But be devotees of Allah., by virtue r>f ya\n caching me Book and what you. were studing" \Q. } \ 79 ]. I The Mightiest Sources of Strength Relating oneself He I) Truth (Blessed and Almighty the tu another concept which involves- anyone who has committed himself This your soul fill be grasped by will thai relationship. tfl the superabundance or faith, and the confidence is up residence success which wilt lake in you so thai t mankind, nor will in fear will your heart and no one out you be inlimidaJcd by even the though it stood before you trying to allegiance or disparaging your high principle. world, "Those agains* to whom men and they said excellent ' them [ Q, Q.83 : T- of all entire your 'The people huv* gathered Bui r, 3 : proper name occurring only in Q.,83 in win' il increased 'Ahahtsour sufficiency, : a Trustee J" companion tcrm'Sijjjn to- said - therefore fear yon in faith, ii>. ft is 8, f. : 73 ihem acid how ]. 18 - 19- It . as well as its would appear from The context be the books pecttvely, of 3 in which the records of The good and bad deeds, resnunkind axe preserved, But lUAny ihedtogian, including Al-Tabarj. regard Illiyytin as Itie name of some portion too,, the Seventh of if.. This is evidently the interpretation io judge by his languaac here. 4 Heaven, or of Al-Banna' And when one of those confidence in few believersin Allah with , Him and Hissuppon, found himself con- fronting a tumultuous horde or a rapacious army, he neither dreaded its assault nor feared Us depradataons, because he was afraid of no onebul tier What is migh- than (hat strength which flaws into che heart of the believer when his breast ( Allah- Almighty i$ He !) surges .with if : the words AlEah aids you, of Allah no conqueror wil3 overcome yon" [Q. 3 r 60 17 1 Our Nationalism Here is one aspect is a Universal Kinship of the lofty social implicit in relating Almighty is mankind He J), and peoples, (he mutual This, is to and (Blessed Aliah significance the assistance of ail brotherhood of ail bumaa societies, The extirpation of ihmc greedy ambitions which are pired hy fanaticism and whose fires sow dissension mutual aversion among She nations. Who is for world, so that be will join Ihe forces rallied about standard of Allah ? and ins- and the the The Dreams of Yesterday Are the Actualities of Today This is a .saying which the Muslims have been hearing for a Jong to them. time, but Someone may say : it may be an incomprehensible riddle "Why do this group write about these ideas which cannot be realized ? What are they m about, floating made up of an aunoshere fantasies and dreams?" Take It easy And brother in Islam r What you the creed ! common- consider a strange riddle today was a familiar And you place to your forefathers. earliest the lime firs* today and risey telling in good in it, souls aspire to : wji you was revealed to them. and they live by its lights . and truth felicity, not time for those their hearts should be humble hope They sec they place their : die according to "U if Muslim of the the creed whatever comfort, beauty, it | : Brotherhood is what for the Jihad it say to you sincerely thai I 1 becomes just that to you. Believe Muslims understood the Noble Qur an read it what we arc handing on to you never bear fruit until mc. the striving who thcix believe that remembering AlUh and in He has sent down ? And that those who were brought che Book the truth they should not be like before them, For a k>flg period passed over them, and their hearts were har- dened, and many of them were Irartsgrcwors" [ Q. 57 : 16], Breihrcn* if you agree with us on this tion, know thai your and Almighty is He basic assump- Allah (Blessed imposes upon you the task of eva- relating yourselves to I) luating correctly the important duty He has placed upon your shoulders. And you are obliged to hasten even though self-sacrifice lies accomplishment. Will you then act? for it, to work on the way to its The Duty of the Muslim The duty of the true Muslim Allah (Blessed and Almighty Bookv awl the has been epitomized by Noble Qur'an has repeated thereafter in it numerous duty of His He!) in one verse is verses, the verse which contains the in this life is stated in these words of Allah and Almighty is He!) : '*0 you who believe ; on you no will prosper. He : hardship in religion - (Blessed Bow down, ! and prostrate youselves, and worship your Lord, what is good perhaps you your untmost for Allah Muslim's and do And strive to has chosen you and imposed of your father the creed Abraham. He named you Muslims formerly, and in this, so that the Apostle might he a fciiness against you, you be witnesses against mankind. and Therefore perform The prayer, and pay the alms, and take refuge in Allah. He is your Protector. And how fair a Protector, how fair a Helper p* [Q. 22 ?7 : This is clear discourse, without ByAllah. il has indeed sweetness and the dawn and as perceptible as as penetrating ambiguity or mystery. beauty light, as ii : Filling as lucid the ear the heart without seeking permission not the Muslims wilh hearts 78]. - listen To ii heretofore? barred against Allah commands ihe it, Muslims Did Or did They hear heedless,, to ! and bow, it unthinking? go prostrate themselves, and to perform the prayer which is the kernel of faith, the pillar hlam and the most conspicuous of of its outward signs. And nothing with Him. And to to worship Allah do good and as far as to associate Chey are able, I but at the same time as He commands them He evifc\ forbids them to do for the to. do good doing step in first v good is abandoning evil. How succinct and yet how eloquent And on this condition, He decreed for them sacand victory. This is the individual duty" of every Muslim* and he must perform it himself, fo solitude or in company. cess, prosperity, The Humanity Righi of Then He commanded them to strive to their utmost for Allah's sake, by broadcasting ihemission and propagating and proof. But if they il among men with argument should persist in rash acts* outrages,, and rebellion, then with the sword and the spear 3 But if men abjure proof and stray from the path, Them war more avails upon earth than peace. Guarding the Right Through Forre How man who wise was the way of Implementing that "Force : force and right should march side from preserving tt.e the Islamic Although he-does not AJ -Banna incumbent on all by mission, Aiiali on side.' phrai* This quite apart is ano- here use the technical expression of the Arabic Terms), "al-manamma al-farUiyya," does mean to refer to the set of adult responsible is the Muslim, just ayn (which see in the Glossary of but rather the nomethtucaJ evident that the surest hallowed precepts of I&lam, ther religious duty imposed by Islamic jurists, lard is and how beautiful il the right, striving to broadcast il.. said Muslims with no exception 335 .- it 15 observances He imposed fasting, prayer, pilgrimage, alms, and the doing of good and abandonment of evil, upon Ihcrn. He as upon them, and delegated (hem 10 do it. He did not excuse anyone possessing strength and capacity from performing it, for h is a Qur*anic verse which iv imperative and admonitory, and an exhortation which is binding and admonitory "March, forth, tight and imposed It : heavy, and strive with your wealth and your persons Allah 1 * my!" 9 |Q. u 41 J : in . commandment and the wisdom of thn ordinance which He had imposed on the of this AHafa revealed the secret Muslims afterwards, showing them that them and them, selected mankind, them, elected He had chosen from apart all be the Leaders or His creation. His trustees over His Divine Law, and His deputies in His earth, as to (May AWah well as the heirs of His Apostle him]) in religion made its prosecuting his easy for them, places, and humanity sec in so ««m» is rather a wfteclioo <?f rigorous and appeas* to y5dd UrHyft (which see lis 11 their and legislation, ihem applicable to would accept ihem anticipated desire and its has chosen you, and imposed position to ih* (foeltine of die Kharijue*. Al-Baan*' make* page?., His that the world "Me Long- awaited hope : This perfected them us and save And He made mission. prescriptions light, rendering aH times and bless foeacvbftt lake regarding mm xadkmi the Glossary of Arabic Mi nets and of the kti tfringeni in succeeding to the genernl exlfew condition!. Jihad, of jihad as a fard Terras), except under your faiher Abraham. He named you Muslims formerly, and in this, m on you no hardship religion - the creed of so that the Apostle might be a you be witnesses against tor the social duty against you, and 78 J. This is Q.22 witness mankind" [ : which God has delegated so that they might be strong force, and so that as Muslims,, all a one phalanx, a solid bloc and they might be the army of rescue humanity and together to ihe. path. vation which would sal- guide them all * Monks by Night and Then the Truth wards, showed commandments (Blessed Day knights by and Almighty He is after- !) between the prayer and such as mankind die connection on the Individual, fasting, and the commandments laid on the community* and showed that the first were the means to the second. laid both togeAlso that true doctrine was the foundation of for some people to ther, so that there should be no way shirk their individual were carrying out be any way for their obligations by arguing communal that Lhey should there ones; nor communal works with their with che argument that they were preoceuppicd ritual obligations and totally absorbed in their commuthe saying. nion with Mlah- How precise and wise is "Who 13, is The fairer in speech cirigiiia) who is mote others to source for veracious in 436, only one frwfiUL, cited *omw close to it : "the this, is shirk their d^^Uiit'?^ undoubtedly Q> feeM* than God" as appearing in fairest «f 4 : 87 : "and In the, 1. rhc Sahib speech » The of At-Bukhai i ? Book of God*\ O MiMlfrm, the worship or yo\H Lord, and make your religion strong, arc your duty in this life. striving to and exalting you Sacred Law, For if you perform these as they should be performed, you arc the saved; but if you per- form only some of rhenn or neglect them altogether, then I quote to you the words ofAtlnh (Blessed and Almighty is "Did you then think We created you in sport, and thai you would not be returning to Us? Almighty is He!): that fQ. Atohthc King, rfw Truth!" Apropos of this, among ; US ). the descriptions of She Muhammad (May panions 23 115 - Allah bless Com- and save him!), were the elect of Allah from among His creation, and the pious forefathers of His worshippers, since they "Monks by occurs rhc following ; day." You can <red in : them at night, standing his oratory, clutching his beard, the fauEtless .saying see one of jusl night and knighes by murmur, weeping "O murmuring as as the sorrowful weep, an* world, reduce some other than myself*!" when at Che break of dawn the summoning the fighier to jihad, call And to arms rang outs you would have seen him, a wolf on the back of his mount, shouting his warcry while the entire baltlefield resounded with By fare Allah, what wax coupling, that ihat it. miraculous harmonizing, thai unique mixture compounded of the works and duties Ofthis world combined with the affairs and spirituality of the next? Why, it was nothing but Islam, which combines the best 138 features of everything! An Imperialism Accordingly, the (May O hastened Muslims, (he Muslims Mom Sublime Ken™ of Education and Friend took unto Himself aftcf - His Prophet countries Allah bless and save him!) -throughout the homes earth, with HitQur'an in their breasts, riieir of the and with hands, their saddles and their swords in their the dear argument on the lips of their tongues, calling on Islam, tribute mankind u> accept one of these three on ; (jtzyu j, 4 Anyone or combat. became their brother, with tions; anyone who paid tine lection and the conditions came granting him his made with him, and faithfully accepted by him; anyone who they responsibility, their rights, observing the pact keeping 10 tribute and obligaunder iheir pre- rights Lheir all accepted Islam who until God granted remained obdurate was fought by them "But God refuses aught bu thai He them the victory : should perfect His light" IQ. 9 :.32 They did not do this nial with respect people. Their tor political to rank and fame religion had ]. po*w well, is known Ihese condemned trapping* which certain peoples enjoy their setfde- i at the. 10 all surious expense of beins allotted the others. Their Caliph was one of them, same amounts Q.9 : 29 : in property and paymenl as "Fight Last Day, and who do tM Book, until who di> not "believe 3ft not forbid what forbiddwi oi follow the &iit tfcifl« Ch?d religion of It tali, they iend« tribute out themselves " Also sec Jtara in the 139 any man of Qad ur ill the and Hi> Apostle have being erf those who «me of (belfhajuLs, humbling Ciliary *f Arabic Terms, them received, who was neither the most nor the excellent mast intelligent of then; and their commander was one Lhcrn, nol being especially distinguished except by of virtue of the outstanding faith and awe of Judgment with which Allah had graced mm> or was |*g done \\ for wealth, them sniiified wii h a chunk of bread to stay his hunger and a swallow of water to quench lib thirsl. Fasting to them was a watcrxkin, and the> preferred hunger lo satiation. Each one of them possessed just enough clothing co cancel his nakedness, and ihcir Book announced to them in Allah'? word* : "Those who for every one of and eat Q, 47 disbelieve enjoy themselves Fire will be their And abode" Prophet their | said slave or the dirham, wretched wieiehcd 12 : : their exodus from lism, or exploration. - or their territories the sake of rank* wealth* political mission J. •'Wretched the slave is hut the is the the dinar. xhc slave of velvet." is Therefore for them to m cattle eai» It vva* power. imperia- whs only to carry out a the mission of their Prophet not (May special Allah bicss and save him I), which he had fell a* a trust in their hands. And he had commanded them lo Hrrvc vigorously on its behalf religion : "until iheic isAUahV It Is The Muslim* accordingly, their [ Q. 2 : Time for I formerly no longer is 193 s us discord* ]. Lndmland and acted sacrifice them- understood this faith impelling, 140 and the them to wives on iL& Muslims the behalf. These days, however, dui.y their. their undemanding of diffenvidely in and f and theories have made use of allegorical interpretation justification for of the total transcendence of deity as The you and sloth. One of them will say to slackness, : time for Jihad and good works dampen your zeal by will and that the Islamic conienl clay to give his and night, and bowings which religion tip he performs, ! The And 1 [ Q. 49 : ' 'The believers l His Aposcel in Allanand driven with AlUli's these are the way - 15 ], the Sutma, the in possession.calk but have their wealth and their persons in sincere il religious duties to Qtir'an in your doubted, hoc about without inner conviction. to you clearly, and un ambiguously and then have prating service, be third will A nations arc shackled, are only chose who have believed [ over." Another saying thai means are lacking satisfied to limit his No, no, brethren qui long Ss ' save liim?) -^eJls you s ApcwLe -(May Allah bless "When people are slingy with and their of cattle^ money, buy and .sell 0r» credit, follow the tails way, Allah almighty will and abandon jihad in Allan 's inflict a humiliation from them ti, until upon thern they fio back which He to In the tource, but omitted 141 their in litis wil! not T$#&tf quottiliou, lift The Imam Ahmad related this in Musoiid," his AJ-Tabarani in Al-Kabzr17 and Al-Bayhaqi al-lman' 8 on the authority And you may read in as Shu ab the in of 'Abd Allah b. Urnar. yoiir books of jurispurdcnce Lhat has been written, both in aneieni and modern Ifi. Ahmad b. Hanbai (7«0 . has 8355, the- School of Sunnite law. This, rte noil founder * 1 all cirtics, or rhe Hanbahr.e A fiiniUmemalisl prevails ludaj on1> in Saurfi Arabia, though it SrcaLcf cxierisJon in 2 he Middle Ages. The chief sources law arc Ibe Quran and Ihc Sunn* of ihc Prophet and nions, jjma and pJay only a very subordinate 4^ the Four had much of Haobaliic CompaAhmad's rife role. work k ALMiisttad, a vnsr collection of rratlitions' which m^oTpocaus many that were rcsardsd auLtioiTrfet chier surviving by bier "rare" or "dubious". a* - Suiaym*, b. Ahmad ai-T^ui (S73 - 971),. renowned *. hfldlth- authority of Syrian origin whry trended extensively N^ar East in search of hatlith and died in Isfahan. number of coEleetions (mu'jam), of which ito Ai-Banna' is ovc; r3w- He wretch Kabir cited one. Ahmad 6. Shafl'ke hadilh al-Husavu - aJ-JJayhaqi (994 - 1066). auclKuny born near Nishapur in a Arabia, he died. a prolific, author, and wa* regarded by many aathftjjtiet tis 19. Shar'i'itc scholar after the founder Abd ihc Four Altah b. 'fmac OnbudaV CaJiphs and frequent^ regarded as a cited soars* for BitfdeJ b. aJ-fchatrab (AUkttulalV a g} the lea- of (he School, so;:oPthe.?&c«ondof ^\ many Traditions transmitter nf 142 He was ^festtUtfun^ and a lamou* of Miuiiaipeity mid absolutely scrupulous (? famous Persia, where, after periods of travel and study in Iraq. and ding by virtue in his liadiCh. . He iei hfcum*. and sin on the qucslion of when bly and and jihad communal responsi- a is know when an individual one. You these facts lethargy is this their iTTuilfcatkms very well, so wha* that has settled over you has-seized your minds, so awaken? Muslims, is this, What is. ? this hopelessness (hat thai they neither a period -remember nor of creation create : yourselves, and your iirwma created thereby be will 1 you believing .strengthen your therefore work to This divine commandment require* souls and pure hearts; faith and to purify you breasts. 0.f demands of you selfstruggle; therefore presacrifice in terms of weahh and but the pare yourselves. What you possess is trarisitory, things Of AJ3ah the their persons : believers endure, It for surely and Paradies k Efceifsi whose breadth and the earth.20 Atlati wealth, their is that From Where Do We The creation of realization of demand of die any rate, bought from has in that of the heavens Begin ? nations the education of peoples, the hopes, and the defense nation which tries io achieve of these - principles or, at proseEyuang for them of the group which - a mighty spiritual strength which may be manifested in weakness can a strong will which no numerous ways : penetrate; a steady Loyally treachery; a noble spirit unassailable by fickleness or unaffected by of self-sacrifice, greed or avarice; a knowledge of 20- A coriflfllion of pails of '0-9 143 : the principle, a ,] 1 and • w« faith in and a proper immune assessment of it, value which its is to error in its. regard, 10 any deviation from any it, to quibbling over U„ or to any delusion by some other one. On ihese primary foundations which arc peculiar to cfre soul atone, and upon thjs awesome spiritual strength, principles will be creeled, resurgent riution& will cated and be edu- voting er peoples created, and renewed in those who have been deprived of life for ''^^r*r ^^^^iaM^ aSS™ livery people Dial any rate, whose lovt them, leaders has wiH lite long ^ these four qualities, lust and prosctytiwri or at reform have for a wretched, frivolous people which neither comes to any good nor realizes any hope. It is enough il to is Ifvc an in an atmosphere speculation*, and avail be fancies : again** rhe truth" for made up of dream*, idle "buc idle speculation [Q. $1 : 28 of no is J. This is the law of AJfeh(Blcssed and Almighty is He and His sunu with respect to His creation; you will !) find no alteration in Atiih** sunn* tircinibtances of a mertuclves' [ Q.13 : "AJbJidoes : people until 11 not change the rhcy change what Is in ]. also the- law expounded by ibc Prophet (May Allah btes and save him !) in the veracious Tradition Ihe text It is of which is "The ; nations are about *o advance upon you as eaters advance upon the planer. Allah will surely remove the fear of you from [ho hearts of your enemies, and He will surety casi feebleness auditor said : "Is it into because 144 your hearts. " we will be few And ai that nmc, He said at lhat time, but you Aposile of Allah?'* many bish borne along by "What is feebleness, "No : will indeed, you b3E be be rubbish, flood," Apostle of Allah a flash 1 - An 51 the rub- like- auditor He said s-oid. ' : love of this world, and ihc haired of Don't you see that he (May Allah bless and save him 2) showed lhai the cause of the weakness of nations and the humiliation of peoples the feebleness of their is spirits, and the emptiness of their hearts devoid of high rnoralily and the qualities of true manliness, even though they be great in number and their the weakness of their minds,, resources and products abundant ? When a nation wallows drowns affluence., tence, is seduced how forgets tance, it sell" in Ihe gewgaws of material life exis- urihis world, and the blows of circumsinAllalr's way, you may bid lo bear adversities irs glory strive and its Between (hp Many luxury, grow* accustomed to by the glamour of the and neglects to farewell 10 in hopes. Two Forces people assume that the East strength in the form of is tacking in materia3 money and equipment, and the instruments of war and combat, in order to rise up and compete with Ihe nations which have stolen oppressed its even more t\. its rights and but This is iruc and important; important and necessary is spiritual strength, peoples. Cuiicurdancfc. 4, 460, citing lb e Sahlh Siman ot Abu Da'utL E45 <\f Al-Bukhari and the of superior consisting belief in their righes arid a determined and good Then will. knowledge of what they are, selfsacrifice -in lite upon which faith East believed in concerned itself, took pains strength wrought changes right, its' means fiber, the would come to spirit, in and of achie- from any it every direction, for the indispulable facts are in the of - created. is moral to rectify its ving material are founded wilh the strength of the itself and of duty line and unity trust out of these two strength If the mindendness, character, high and. pages history The Muslim Brotherhood believes (his fervently, and are therefore diligently purifying their sirengthening tcfljJSi themselves, And it is for and rectifying their this moral reason thai they are striving their mission, convincing people to accept ples, and demanding tliat the rectify its moraE character. umma They have not been innovators they have to .say from the Mightiest Ocean, Firm Constitution, and Allah (Blessed fulfill princi- their and of what context drawn their inspira- the Boundless ihc Loftiest to reform itself in the rather have ihey : tion character. Source - Sea, the Book of the and Almighty He!.); but you have already heard the eternal stipulation of thai law : "Allah is does not change change what is ihe circumstances of a in themselves 1 ' [ people until they Q, 13 ; II J. The Qur'an indeed; it 3$ dear theme discloses this in many of its verses; has given us a proverbial example, eternal and in (he cul as il can be, as well, as entirely true, saga of the of Children Israel, which depicts the way of saga magnificent tha? every despai- self - ercauoit in ring nation.32 The Course The Muslim and Almighly is t lear is Brotherhood, believe He!), when He that Allah (Blessed down ihc Qur'an sent and commanded His worshippers to follow Muhammad (May Allah ble-ssd and save htm !) and when He was pleased 10 gram cheryi within this true religion for lbc life, prospcrily. (Blessed dawn This in I session23 - Illiterate is He!) : Prophet, word "Those who fallow the whom they find written to do This, as will be.seeu shortly, refwvio aocoum.of the Exodus of ihc their or Allah's he Tawrat and the Injil which are he-commands them necessary advancement, and their che confirming tcxi is incorporated the fundamentals aEI of nations, and Almighly Apostle, che Islam as a religion, the Uw in their pos- good and forbids Biblical Hebrews fn>m andQyr'aijfc fcgypi umltfr Lhcir leader, the Proplici Moses. in he Tc-fahoj peistaleuch. acid Uwlnjil isiheNe* Tesianwnr. The Muslim belief, based on Qur'anic testimonial, is thai .23. ThcTavvrui ihc advent of chePropltft Scripiuna. uniil Muhammad was the fe"#s wr.U Christians .committing the sin ut cjearty; predicted in rhew wiifiilJ* altered iheoi, dftfs lahrif (which see in ihc Glossary of Arabk" Term?). 1.4? them do to evil; he makes law eial arid prohibits for than what from them the burden*1 them 5 ' Q, 7 | them what fid to and he puis is vile; and the shackles that 157 : bencii- is off were upon ]. The confirming words of Che Apostle (May AJfch bless in Ehe Noble Traditions arc as follows and save him f) ; "By Allan, I no sooner abandoned an bade you 10 do it.' 1 evil thing but If you examine the teachings of Islam, you Lhat it promulgates the soundest principles, I for- wul find the man sui- table regulations, and the most precise laws lor the life of die individual, man or women, for the life of ihe family both during life their its formation and its dissolution, of nations during weakness, and reformers and leaders their and for the growth, their strength, and before which even of nations have stood hesitant. sanctions ideas Internationalism, nationalism, socialism, capitalism, Bolshevism, war, the distribution of wealth, the link between producer and consumer, and whatever is intimately or distantly tied up with die discussions which preoccupy the statesmen philosophers - we of the nations believe that all of these have with thoroughly by Mam, and gated for the world 24. tlial burden/' social been dealt Islam has promul- the regulations which will The watiing and the guarantee refers to Ihe complicated it and res- trictions and 'tpecifkaiiinift. the Jews by Cod simpuciEv of Ihe of the Jewish ritual a& a sign of His tsJarriSc- • disfavor, analo^e. imposed upon as concrasrect whh tJtc Jaw, 148 1 the usufruct of that all good, as well as the avoidance is of whatever may email danger or on This adversities. is not we are here simply stating our belief and explaining to mankind what we are calling an them lo accept. Later we snail have timeto present what wc have to say in greater detail. the place LO go into details We Must Since the MusHm demand ciples that people this subject : lie Followers Brotherhood believe work toward the of l&Jam be gence of the modern che foundations East, in every they this, end that the prinon which the resuraspeei of life, based. And they believe that every feature of che renaissance which and conflicts rupt is contrary to the with the stipulation* of is modern principles of Islam the Qur'an a cor- is and worthies* experiment, from which the nation will emerge after making enormous sacrifices to It be more advantageous neration to take the shortest prescriptions of Islam. fox the nation route The Muslim Brotherhood are appeal to any one particular no avail. which seek? rege- by adhering to the not addressing Islamic country. their Ther are sending out their call, hoping that it will reach the ears of the leaders and chiefs of state of every country whose sons practice the Islamic relgions. To that end, they are caking advantage of this common factor shared by the Islamic countries, as they seek to build their H9 future on solid foundations embodying the basic element: of pro- gress, advancement, and civilization. Beware of Deviation The Muslim Brotherhood greatest fear of the Eastern Islamic may peoples along by the current let of blind they found their renaissance is be swept themselves and traditionalism, on char the that those outworn prescrip- tions which contradict themselves and which experience has proved to be corrupt and valueless. Each one of the Islamic nations has aconvStitution, and of it necessary that is from the prescriptions of the Noble Qur'an; that the nation which declares i< derive the sources in the first religion is its constitution paragraph of Islam must its set constitution that down the rest of its official paragraphs its in conformity with this principle. Every paragraph which Islam cannot tolerate and which its sanction must be expunged, so that appear in the do not no contradiction will prescriptions fundamental law of the Reform Every' nation has a the State. Law body of law to which ils sons have recourse in their legal affairs. This body of law must be derived from ihe prescriptions of the Islamic Sacred Law. drawn from the Noble Qur'an, and in accordance with Ihe basic sources of Islamic jurisprudence, For the Islamic Sacred jurists axe all- Law and sufficient, the decisions of the islamic supply every need, and cover 150 every contingency, and they produce ihe most excellent and Ihe results mwt blessed fruits, if the punishments prescribed byAJhh 25 were carried out, ihey would be a deterrent dismaying even the hardened criminal, restraining even the habitual Lhug, and relieving, government* of the annoyance of worthless experiments. For experience con fir and supports ui> modern legislation cribed it "And : Allah ha* sent is they by all ihcir commanded and who judge not according to what and their authorities, itself so (hat all tent with Islamic legislation arid condoned prostitution head of every nation in Q. 5 [ : 44 ]. Conduct Social it is life controlled is its to religion and ihat values virtue - wage war on consis- ordinances. Officially a mark of 5-hame on the the case of Islamic nations, mands them up to every Eastern these internal features are conformity with the proprieties of so pres- government*, regulated by iheir laws, and pro- nation to exert to and AJkh ii, nations there arc aspects of social by tected He!} has down, ihey are unbelievers" Reform In and sustain proclaim (Blessed and Almighty assumpeiuns of the basic (Ins. Fore- how much more whose prusiilulion religion and 10 compunish adulterers severely, 2$, The so-called hafui-putushtwiiii, of Aral>k Term*- 13] for whkh sec Lhc Glossary "Let not compassion for the two of them you seize in of Allah 's- religion, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day, and let a party of the believers witness their punishment" Q. 24 :2 |. respect | Bars on the mou prominent streets the most elegant quarters, those sing alcoholic undisguised of the wide signs tall, and cities in adverti- and these plain, beverages, posters displaying the very source of vilencss., 26 by religion and most strictly forbidden by the Wage War rejected Noble Against Vice * This libertine instigation sure, (his frivolous to vice, self-indulgence, summer meeting-places, in this, in beguiling Lhe Streets, in resorts, in the country, all contradict what Islam counsels us to follow in the chastity, decency, renunciation, work and plea- and dedication way of to serious from frivolous activities. "Truly AH*h loves noble things and detests the frivolous". It is abstention lhe duly of the Islamic nations Lo do their utmost and resist all these practices and their like with all the power and drive their authority and 3awi are capable .of exerting, without flagging or growing indifferent. tp fight 26. Vfij-.v. rtee nun her 01 vUwfcss. Regulate Education Every islamic nation and people pursues its own policy jft educating and bringing up the new generation, and whom producing the men of the future upon the new nation will the life of depend. This policy E&JBE be based on wise principles which guarantee lo the rising generation a religious immunity, a moral impregnability, and a know- ledge of the precepts of their religion as well as an appreciation of This its ancient glory and ft* vasi extension. many only a small selection from the is principles which the Muslim Brotherhood wish The Islamic nations renaissance. to consider carefully in creating the modern And. they are directing lims, both Lhis and governments, peoples achieving the realisation of but one MusTheir means of appeal of theirs ro IsLamic ideals lofty iliese alt is to show clearly the superior virtue and perfec- : tion thai inhere within them, so that when people bring will mind and axe convinced of its advantages, it induce them to work on Us behalf and defer to its judgment ''Say This is my way 1 summon unto AMali this to : : : according to a dear understanding, J lows me. Glorv unto Allah ! I polytheists V3t Q. 12 I : JOS "Cling calls fast become out to its. to the rope of divided. sons Allah, Remember am of noe fol- the ]; Profit hy Fraicrnizingwith Islam and whoever all Allah's, Your Brethren and followers, of ycro 5 saying and do grace to you ; not when you when you were enemies and He united your through His grace you became brethren'* And no other than brothers" another verse women And Q. 3 .103.]- : another verse the Noble Qtir'an says in believers arc in [ "The : ( Q. 49 : 10 (May aluu Noble Prophet '''The : And |. and the believing arc protecting friends of one another" the and hearts, Q.V [ : and' save bless r "Be you worshippers of Allah, brethren. the manner in which the first Muslims - Allah's grace he upon them- understood this concept of frater- Win !} This is says ; nity in Islam. Their faith it Allah and affection, and and They were this in !) hand!, so thai expended Allah Book and said "And He has united all that is Tlit: God homeland in Concordance, n-t", ih* a single and Almighty (Blessed their hearts. united left Mecca, and I, as thou If thou hails f Q. 8 : I have w-ouldsi not them" is 63 ], Practical Application The Emigrant who had his and conferred His blessing on in the earth, united their hearts, bul man and one as His : of love sentiment's noblest manifestations of brotherhood tihc friendship. hears He most enduring share The they religion dictated that s ^. Mun-uitfl' .citing his people behind, forsaken fled with his relgion, way ihc Jwihih of Malik, of Al-Bnfchnri, lo ^&£«U the Sunan &i Aby Pa 6t Ahmad b. Umbiii, ihe Sunan of Itin Maja, aiK3 rhi* 1S4 ? ud. him before find sons of Islam, per sons 'of the in rhe men of young yathrib, zy awaiting cad* turn, one an embodiment of yearning 10 set him, of affection for him, and advent. They had lio prior acquaintance or ancient connection : no bond of marriage of blood - relationship oniicd hem. Nor did any personal motive Or idf-inLeresl impel ihcm toward him. Ii was only 1 he islamic creed that made them of rejoicing at his I "sympathize upon with him, join him, and looX tilni a* one of Ihcir own and a spiritual brother. He had only mosque, when the fortunate and glorious and Kliazraj23 would surround him, each to arrive at the Aw$ of scion inviting him co home, choosing bins for himself, pledging himself and his famoly as his protectors even unto death, and stubbornly insisting cm his claim until iJic mtULcr had Lo be settled by recourse to lot- About this, the Imam his Al-Bukhari*1 settled The transmits this text down "No Emigrants of mine with ray Auxiliaries except by lot." name pre-lilartiic The i wo ; of tribe*, Yjrthrib, !i>iethar ot* Mtciiijs. puan Arsb? with the wfcfc frhabrlol Jewish iribev .c?f (he OMto-tf Nadir* 'Qaymuja, and Qurayza, 30, Lecior Muliammad b. Tsma'il al-Btikhaxi (310 and compiler authoritative of Traditions, and revered hariilii • - whose collection is 8*0), ike Al-Sahiti Sun i.; famous rhc nil* foUni. coir nwsi He i-. said to have heard 600.000 Tradition* during his far-luang jouT3.e>-s undertaken for this purpose, fn>m v/hich he accepted unquestionably genuine. 155 finlv 2,7A2 a.1; Even the Qur'an has preserved for all eternity this excellence of the Auxiliaries, and their resplendent glory across the ages shines out in the words fo Allah (Blessed Almighty and "And He!) : is who occupied the tflOie abode and the faith before ibem, love those who emigrate to thsm and find no need in their breasts for that which t they have been given, but prefer them over themselves, even though there should be proverry amongst them; those protected from perous" [ Q. : avarice of soul, they are the 9], Such was the mode of conduct of the sons such and pros- the character of the first battalion of Islam, of those who found fraternity of faith amongst themselves. There was no division between the Emigrants and Auxiliaries among therfl, nor between the Nfecean and the Yemenite, so that the Noble Apostle extolled the Ash'aiites31 of Yemen, .saying (May Allah bless of the people and save himl) ; "How When they wage jihad in expeditions or against .settled communities, excellenl arc the people of the The Mli'ar were a- 3] early whfl Yemenite left Yejlien to tight in two fateful is tribe. the Prophet's Abu Mum important administrative and but Writes- !" The mo« famous of them I.Oamic history were Abu Musa al-Ash'ari colojiies of khaybar in 628, first Ash Caliphs, and wen! art the brother*, his army against in lhc Jewish assume numeriXia. military pi>Ms under the Prophei and the and was 'All's ineffectual tpolicwmaii at <li« Arbitration of Adfaruh in 659. Hcs death samctirnt' after 660. 156 daw is uncertain. they gather together knapsacks, (hen all they possess and put they divide it into their among themselves ir with perfect equity." And you read the Noble Qur'an, and the Traditions if {May % bless and Save him and study the biographies of The fortunate and glorious of the Mighty Prophet Allah of the sons of This religions, you will see therein matter your soul and to cteligfH A Fraternity This creed garner, t,o your mind and Heart. fill Which Proclaims Humanjtariaiusro has produced two which we must fruits and concerning which we must address you res- pecting their sweetness, their delectation, their goodness, and first of these this bling no other in all do has- to wit h the fact Islamic imperialism's resem- creed resulted in that its The their utility- of history* neither in its aimsnor in operations and conduct, nor in Us results or benefits. For the Muslim imperialist conquered a land, Word of when he and to illuminate it' horizons with the suntia of the Noble Qur'an. For whenever the sun of the Muhammadan guidid conquer dance it, only to exalt the shone upon obliterated, wrongs the souls of were its wiped the Truth, people, differences were out, and justice and equity prevailed in their midst, along with love therhood. Here there was no and bro- question of victorious con- queror and vanquished enemy, but simpEy oi aifcelionaic and comradely brethren. The notliion thenceforth melts away and disappears 157 of Qationalism just as snow I disappears after strong, sparkling sunlight falls upon it, by comrast whh Islamic brotherhood, which the Qur'aii hut ills in the souls of all ihose who follow h. Thai Muslim conqueror, even before he raided those; whom he raided and conquered whomever he conquered, had already sold himself and his people, and had rid himself of tits parochial loyalties*' and his nalionaUsm in the path or Allah. He did not campaign for the saVe of such loyalties, nor did he conquer for the sake uf nationalism, and he did not win victories for the sake of racial aa sentiment, but rather did he an, when he did who sake of Allsh and AHab alone, The most remarkable gisi of which is ihat a and save him Allah bless wish 10 wage Jihad what my portion (May man Allah hies* rn in r eatnc before vhe Prophet (May and said ; "Apostle of Allah, I Allah way, and I would lilee to set !) thereafter | and save him !) | and of all personal the Noble Traditions, the a goal desire, is one which occurs partner. has no has been transmitted story that abouE sincere dedication to for ihc , bc, will remained M The Prophet silenl, without And the following Qur'amc verse was revea"Whoever hopes to m*ri his Lord, let him do a answering. led ; work, and righteous panncr. En If iHTftodr All 10 him not associate worshipping his Lord" 32. "Ksnbivya, ttJcrantt les #hkh win,rJ#Ut Jowl irinaJ and tUn m Q. \B : oi Arabic Term*. li>yallies yibeis | anyone as Wbkh in pajfrtii ill \. Hm the Arabia Do you see how Islam looked upon search for commendation and representing a prai&e, as the soul, in the very nature of hidden polytheism that individual's which he must be cleansed and which he must through the nobility of that glorious goal thing more sincere than than a pursuing his goal ? Do you man H and that there any- forget himself in imagine that a man on whom his religion imposes the condition chat he self, above rise *? from rid himself of he suppress his sentiments his inclinations, may be sincerely dedia cated to A"jCj alone, will think thereafter to wage it for of a parochial loyalty, or go on campaign for the sake and his desires, so That his jihad certainly not! race or a nationalist sentiment 7 By Allah, The conquered, whom denting wished to prosper under Islam and to be guided by ils guidance* did not abandon his. land and has soil to a stranger who dominated it and who subjected him to humble servitude, monopolizing all its resources while excluding him. Rather, he abandoned with him whatever he did abandon because he fused blended with him with sincerity bilities as in soul spirit, "You have : we and I The Book of and and called out to him the same rights AJIah{BLesscd and responsi- and Almighty is perished in achieving his goal, and was sacrificed in the path of his so that principle. He abandoned whatever, he abandoned humanity and so Allah's light mighi be she4 over all of He !) will decide between us." Each of them that the sun of the Noble Qur'an might shine upon them. For in this lies the whole of their tion of iheir progress, if they but knew. 159 felicity and the perfec- The Itaruuns The Hccond Islamu- ralhertami of llu Islamic brot3»erhood compelled fruit is thai every Muslim to believe thai Noble a portion of ihe larger Islamic homeland, to porting a brother Qur'an Wfas who every loot of ground sup- work for Ihe held 10 the religion of the made incumbent by Islam on every one of result waft the fatherland Islamic which was and prosperity of protection its sons. The the that horizon* of expanded and transcended Ihe bound* of mete geographical and ethnic pcMrloii.™ co one of lofty principles, and puce, veracious articles oi belief, set down as a guidance and a fight truths tfthichAttah lor the world. For Is sons to understand this concept Islam, when it gives, and fixes it firmly within their souls, imposes upon Ihcm i Islam the ineluctable obligation to protect the territory of from ihe attack of the aggressor, to deliver it from the usurpation of ihe usurper, and lo fortify ambitions of I it against the he hostite. A Ixiiik Road hope that these words in explanation of the mission of the Muslim Brotherhood have revealed their goal to our noble readers, and have made cfettr ro tiwfllj to s-ome extent at least, .goal. I had their program earlier addressed in proceeding toward this myself at great ro many of our zealous brethren on the subject of Islam and its grandeur, in very much the same language as our readers 160 have now seen under the present title of "To What We Summon Mankind?" In the course of talking with them, was I Do received with gratifying attention, and we understood what was being said point by point, one after the other, umil we came our of (he discussion absolutely satisfied with the integrity of our goal and its -ultimate feasibility. How great wasmy astonishment when 1 saw that they were practically unanimous in Lhcir agreement that the way, despite; their admission that it would be successful, was a long one, and that the destructive, violent our country were currents existing within loo power till. At point, this despair began' co creep into their hearts and despondency to take hold of their spirits. Just so that -our noble readers wilt not discover these feelings within their own spirirs, as these earlier discussants did, J would like to infuse these words with a superab lindane hope in the certainty Allah success, first to and two willing, for the matter is of hands, narrow down the subject in Allah's Therefore, I shatt positive poinr* of view. last. The The social Sftcin-Philusuphical VlewptiiiU scientists say thai Che truths of today are the dreams of yesterday, and that the dreams, of today arc Lhc truths of tomorrow. Now this is a viewpoint supported by the actual facts and corroborated by demonstration proof. In Tact, humanity and its it is at and the core of the advancement t>f upward progress toward perfection, for 151 who could have and invention* as they have-, only a few years ago? Even the discoveries to light ties make such before ihcy came believed that scientists would ihemselves rejected Ihcm at their scientific aulori- first encounter with and proof corroborated them! Examples of this are-plentiful, and ihcy are so well known chat we need spend no more lime discussing them. them, until the actual The All nations, ness, so much facts supported Ibcrit Historical Viewpoint from a position of weakto the observer it seemed thai for began their so Chat rise (hem co attain their desired goal was a kind, of impossibility. But despite this presupposition, history has shown us wisdom, and persistence have carried these movements, so weak in their beginthai patience, steadfastness, and so feeble in resources, to the pinnacle of the success and fortune their leaders we-re hoping fot. Who would have beJieved chat the Arabian Peninsula, thai dry and infertile desert,- would ever produce enlightenmenr nings and and learning, and, through influence of sons, rule over the mightiest states in the world Who 7 tender its - the spiritual would have imagined that hearLcd Abu and mild person, against political Bakr, that whom the people had rebelled and whose Companions1 flouted, could send out eleven armies in would suppress the chastise the rebels and set one day that the erring straight, wrongdoar* Eake vengeance on S3 rights they Lhc apostates. and exact Allah F i dues in alms33 from »h$ would Siave believed tJiat skimpy, underground of"Ali and Al-Abba* would be able to overturn flung and powerful they had been exposed, have would chc next, to banishment, and Who S3. ZHkMt. imagined which in I when previously from one day to murder, persecution, threat 7 following ihal far- M state rweritight, Who recusants? Sai ab al-Din hat the Ufcwary of Ayyubid3 the Arabic Term*, thai accms Jt Ridda, 01 "apostasy", of-the central and eastern Arabian ?be tribes in 6.12 *a> Actually motivate yoke of Medina political alms, which was The by the .to' cease in .lv and to JeSire throw off-ifee lor the official liabJe a& a state tax* collected reference is loihelJmajyAd and dytiaft>,. overthrown fc by a joint SUi He and 'Abfeaiid conspiracy '^fej^V Ali b. talib of faw the Prophet, w#ne (m. 600 in 74.9 • figl), cujokd inro House oTAI-'Abfca*, who wcic The SfJ. - Shi*a, or ike eOiisfe the agent*. Adherent* were >-on ambijuous.pTopagsujda spread and son the prctcnde-i* aiditiy, descended from an uncle phet, by abroad by- in - - of the oj the fro- 'AbhaMd io (be cause by b*isig inld that tRi was designed to restore the l^:umr.c rule to ch* "H&use of lla&him/' an ancient Meccan therefore of ho'rb ihc "Alid and the Salah aJ-Utn Yusuf h. Ayyub aneesfor of th? Prophet's Abbasid C' r3fi. - 1 the same rajjafas die destruction SkjppJajKcd Sjtladin's Lunger. 324*3, though in 1 1 of of the 87, the recapture of the rule of the Ugypt, thereby restoring their realna ik The AyyebUl'dynasiy of Egypt, of which Sunnitcorihodoay in 3171. he wax the founder, were ijje in and year, and the-termination Shi'ite Farinritc- dyna*iy In EKypi the -Haladin" 193). i!ient« part of Hie Crusader chivalry at HiUtirj of Jerusalem i/i l:Umk lines. ite Thiid Crusade, whQ&thbf who ' defendants &m in 12iM. various Syrian of hi* brOlhei, Al-Adil, The uynasiy petered OUi in branches lasted somewhat would bold his ground for long years., and hurl beck (he kings of Europe on Iheir heels, defeated, despite their enormous numbers nnd the brave show of their armies, until twenty-five of Iheir greatest kings banded against All that modern ancient history. In i$ tn even more history, there is who would have astonishing example, for M imagined lhai King 'Abd al-Am Al Su'ud. whoxc family had been banished, whose people had been persecuted, and whose kingdom had been stolen, would win kingdom with twenty or so men; and that afterwards he would become on« of the hopes of ihe back thai world for Islamic in rereation of of a restoration grandeur and it* And who would have unity? a believed that German workingman, Hitler, would ever attain such immense influence and as successful a realisation of his that .aims he has? as 'Abd aV Art* Al Sifud ihc Su'udr royal line uf km/ (1*751 deceased Al- Bantu reitu ihc old Sa'ucti naU on a w I Najd jvmiI here iWu Ok {IMO - m of :hrS*mli Arabian kingdom. The *n The raid in by city 'AN hail, Abd of riicir fonuaefr, 164 tf-Aiiz, with nnty «i«d and been ri-A/lit father Ahd family had twen bunched, findinji ihc rcstoraUojt fca< The d&iag and «r>cciACutar recapture of hv the RashldiutfuT AI-Ka'M white until power of 1902, and Ihc tuber *>f ihe rccenih cardial of .M-Riyad riighr restorer 10 .t Wns u wx occupied and child, refuse in AI k i. '.j liU .i There Another Hoail? Is There two are view point negative; which 5 product exactly the same result, and which impel the minds of the zealous to act that this way, forcefully and determinedly. The however long it may take, is and experience has. is the only one suitable for erecting the foundations of the revival unassailable basis, first on an confirmed the correctness of this viewpoint. Duty The second of of All that the agent, acis 10 perform a duty is first then only secondly for a reward in the hereafter, all, and First thirdly for persona! advantage. perform For it he acts, ho no duty and wins Allah's, approval - there is doubt of this - when all the conditions are Fulfilled; ihen his advantage remains* his personal which is outside and this is inAMab's hands. Perhaps an opportunity, quite his and render his calculations, will arise productive of the most blessed quits; while from a matter acting, the sin of dereliction if act he refrains upon htm, he lose* falls' and is absolutely deprived of any Which of these two alternatives has the the reward of jihad, personal benefit. better standing has and pointed this noble verse : lt the fairer repute? out clearly and unequivocally 'Why do you preach destroy or punish with a Allah will They said show piety T But : The Noble Qur*aH to a people En this whom severe punishment?' "As an excuse 10 your Lord; perhaps they will when they forgot that of which they had 165 We been reminded. We and evil, rescued who had been those seized who had ihos* unjust with a grievous punishment, for thai they had been mws." -Swat al-A'rif 7: | enslaves We before us a proud aim's worshippers, despising than as uid using them as. have servicers, attendants,, slaves* yam who it weakling and chat- we have a noble and glorious overbearing despot. Then MU.U while on the other hand tels, people enslaved by ihfa {Blessed and Almighty glorious people lost into Existence now : transgrefc- 164 - 65 ). The Story of a Nailnn Cuming Weakness forbidden glory and or freedom for lender h in its stolen its He!) wished to rcflore to freedom, former might. The this its first ravaged honor, : "We its its dawn ray of the people was ihe rising sun of Moses, as a nursing infant this mighty relate to thee some of the story of Moses and phuraoh in truth for a people who believe. Now Pharaoh grew mighty in the land and divided among them, its people into groups, despising a parly slaughtering crreir sons and keeping alive pised women. Indeed he was of those who ww corrupWe wished to be gracious to tho-se who w«re desin the land, and to mafce them leaders, and lo make them inheritors, their tion. 2»: 1-61 Leadership : and to establish Then wc them 1 in the land see this leader in hkt * [ Q. maturity, protected by the Divine Providence after he had revolted fains* tyranny and showed his Loathing for injusik. He AlUh and escaped with his freedom, when took htm unto Himself and placed upon him (he burden of hi* apostolatc. making the salvation of his people contingent upon h(m+ He returned filled with faith and sustained by fled alone conviction, facing and demanding thai he .freedom and leftve them thief in him and follow him. Ho* thai tyrant restore lo his people their honor, and that he believe munificent burning sarcasm, hi* bitter, is Qur'an narrates the words of the enslave the Children or LvacI 1 Noble "And mighty apostle : me favor thou didst bestow on this is the as the Q ( ' thai choti didst - 26 22 : O J- lyrant who lords Over it worshippers of {tod, the you are reminding me worshippers! Is (he bene you have conferred on my ft I nation, I my people? This he mouth of the (ryani's mc of, and the enslavement of the degradation of nay eomuiuily. and the humiliation of from the favor your not and throne the cry is noble of truth ringing rocking prophet, shaking his kingdom : "We the '"Came before Pharaoh and say : Lord of the universe send away with us the Children of "He Israel. 11 said life? And being of 'Did then thou didst tftose who then, being of JJipk I : we [Q. 26 ; us as a years of thy He arc in error. said : Su I fled "1 from did it yw and ray Lord granted me authority and one of the messcnttersV* ~ Sural aJ-SbiTarV feared you made me us for among thy deed which thou didst. are ungrateful!' who a mtttenger from the not rear thee among while thou didss stay child, for : arc : IJ-Ml, 167 Struggle powerful And : against now we - justice avenge themselves; upon and subjugating those witness it, how I who supporr may Spirits hey rebel and against it. all not languish 'Will : Hie sliou Moses- and his people to sow corruption in the land, leave ihee and thy god*?* He said : 'We sons and save their women alive, for we are over them/ Moses said to and be it, aspira- "And 1 to tliejr the who are for h And also how the (his, and how their council of noble* of Pharaoh's people said allow or of sweet hopes and leaders hold out the promise so chat Their wrath punishing those supporters of justic bear up under tions the patient. end belongs to the pious How people LsAUati's - whom He tage Co those Faith : The land liis will He '.AsK Allah for aid : gives Q_ 7 [ ' for power in a as il heri- of His worshippers, and the 1 magnificent shall kill lis to 3 ; see 17 28 J, - eternal this example of steadfastness and patience, of unswerving allegiance LO justice, and of utter tnniempi for everything, even iife, in the service nl part of the followers of this mission, and who nalJenged and defiance of death determine : : faith leader and on the belief, who believed contempt with this tyrant ^tW*a determine what !hou thou determines! only the life <>f his Lit will this world. We believe in our Lord, thai He may forgive-. us our sins and that magic thou didst eompeE us io perform. God is ihe More Benevolent and the More Abiding' -73 ). 1 | Q. 20 r ?2 Triumph : quences If we we all in this fifth section, may be? Victory prosperity, tiding* brought to dreamers, aiid have delivered hope the oppressed; (he cry wu shall sec conse- its and do you grasp whai Those triumph, success, and glad of manifest through the horizons of the earth We w this, : realized justice for resounding "OCIiitdrcnof" from your enemy!" [ the Q. 20 : Israel, 80 |. TOWARD THE LIGHT 1 Niimc or C*od. Ihe Merciful, the CVkmpovti oniric In Ihr Preface Rajab 1366 (M,ry In June 1947). the tnuim and martyr - llasan al-Banua, Supreme Guide 3f Lhv Muslim rhood, «eni this message la His Majeuy Faruq Egypt and the Sudan, Hi* BrotheI. King of Mustafa ahNahhas fc'Kcellcncy Pasha, ihen Prime Vfirthier, and lu the Kings, princes, and of the various rulers number as well us to a great in We those cournrie*. ting are Many of onue more. il of ccnjni ries flf civic now I he Hlainic world, and religious leader!: publishing aod di$lribo>- the view- points arwJ directives hone of every Arab and every Muslim. Lei us pray *ibh thai it be fulfilled! it contains still represent Name In Ihe ol Vtar,. the Meeeiful, the Praise be unto-vHah, and may Our Master Muhammad, his panions. "0 set forth for Vour Lord, gram Ub. p»mp«uuo- AM bless House, and and save Ins. Com- a mercy from Thee, and Q, IS ; 10 J. Cairo. Egypt, Rajab 1366 u> integrity in our al fair" [ Excellency. Pca,ce be with you, proceed I. the dearcM ; all that and God's mercy and blessings! impels u$ lo submit ikfe Trunshir«d into hreneti by J, Ward for full entry. Ill in Orient; see message To to Uibluiymphy Your Excellency whose leadership He has affair* a bcnevolenl Allah ha* placed in to guide manner which will set trace out for tracted and painful Beyond duty and belter on the most it excel- the best of programs, pro- it pro- it no more than our advice, submitted and more era. in experiences. desire this, modem its from shocks and disturbances and spare it nation, the care and whose your delegated in you during led of path"., ted a keen desire if lo have Tot Allah's done our reward is lasting. Ttw Shepherd'* Responsibility Your Excellency, Aifak had ddegated and has made its future, your trual for aJJ If of these before ruler ship over this interest, its affairs, and your charge Aftah (Blessed generation the present nation its you, 10 present and 11$ you are responsible : and Almighty arc your is Hef). instruments, the coming generation are your products. trust, and how should be held great this low responsibility, answerable for a nation a shepherd, and each is responsible for ancient times, the Just Imam-* said CiMrordMcr. I 2, 2?J r cfcinf his : the Ssblh : mighty that is llus a man "Each of you flock."2 is lit "Jf a mule were to of AS-BukhAfi, the Musrtad of Ahmad b, Hanbtil. and ihe Jami* of Al-Tirrnidhi. Th* second of the Orthoses Cultph*. *Vmu h, al-Uwutah (634 172 would hold myself responsible for stumble in Iraq. I before AKaii (Blessed and had not Almighty- why 1 The Imam Umar b. leveled the road for her." aJ-khattab depicted the immensity of Hcl), as to is her responsibility in his "How I would like to come out of a saying of his : evenly - owning nothing and owing nothing!" it [^traduction A EA) Period of Transition The moil, dangerous peiod in the life Lhe most deserving of critical study, is sition from one state affaire to another. It of plans for the new period ar and policies drawn laid and up, according the nation will be formed an these plans, principles, and the is its of nations, and period of Iranthen thai, guiding to which, (0 which it principles expected* iL is adhere. will policies are clear - If sound, cut. and solid, the nation mil rejoice in this triumph, and its reward, guides, because Of This well - being, In a great renown. fair eternal fame, the just verdict of history, and <B) At the Crossroads This important task poses- two conditions : the liberation of the nation from that k may The second is own wfty others hi its its its reconstruction, so thai it the nations » w is bonds so political lost inde- may take and compete with progress toward sociat perfection. among its s freedom and regain sovereignty. obtain pendence and it the first its these struck- ha* com* to a nation, to face hali r and you have begun, along with the a new period. Now you will see lwo ways before you, each For the time being, one urging you to proceed with the political along it path. Each its advantages eharaeeefi&ticx, iis and co orient the nation in its direction one has to particular elTects, its Eta results, its is the way of propagandists and iis promoter*. The first Islam, its fundamental a^umpiaonfl, iu principles, its culture and its civilization; the second is the way of the West, the external features of iis life, its organisation and its procedures. of 3x1am. is the ix& is It our belief thai the and principles its only way which ought which the present and (O f way, first the Fundamental assumpiiorte, toward, to be followed, and uture nation should be oriented-**. Advantages of Ibe Islamic Orienialitm If we lake the nation along this path, 10 obtain many benefits among them • we he able the ihai shall the faci has history Islamic way lias been tried before and that testified as 10 its soundness It has produced benefit of gest, most way mankind an urn in a which excellent, rnosf merciful, blewcd for all of human iiy. It U otic o1 for ihe the stron- mosi godly, and moat possesses a sanctity and minds of men which makes it easy lor all adopt iu to understand ii, and 10 respond to it, as Weil stability in chc to a* to adhere 10 In M*r<i"5 ii once they are properly oriented 10 irsnUaiiun, and addii iChmI &ciii*fi« not found Lo it, in i dangeroi.i present Arabic rcxtoccun bete : "Ttvexeccnd is the ranst [ way | Cor the pfewmi ot fciSute existence of itie niuioci". [74 he say nothirtg of and the extolmenl of pride naiionalism sincere patriotism. For then we will construct on our lives caking our own principles arid fundameiua] assumptions, highest ideals pf nothing from others. Herein lie the social and after political inde- existential independence, pendence. To the take place; and first The Islamic unity. through means to lengthen Arab unity, in this course its spirit, its world in its whom and whom see in us brethren stand behind as They siand behind as they support it, And herein it. advantage which no This course support us sympathy, and its cniiray will its sensibility, endorsement, and support I^amic in the second, to strengthen lies intelligent .person is eorapleLc arid all - a great will it will it will moral spurn- encompassing, gua- most excellent institupractically and tions for public life in the nation, both, Islam, This is the advantage that distinguishes ranteeing the establishment of the spiritually. lor it places the UBrxii-tant bases institutions of the life of nations : adherence to the good, and on two avoidance of the harmful. If we pursue this pathf we shall be able to avoid the which have problems which beset the other nations Indeed, wc neither known of this way nor followed itviral shall he able to solve many complicated problems which institutions are unable to, and here we cite present words of Bernard Shaw : "How much 175 the world in the the modern age needs a man Muhammad like to to solve stubborn, complicated problems over a cup of coiTce." After we follow all this, it w. stand behind sustaining us in urging us forward our casing Do LI : will moments of weakness, fortifying as a! difficulties, God's support: [his path. not and I oil lor ua, falter in prusulng the people; if you suffer, they suffer as do you, and you hope from which Allah thai Wise" Q. 4 I 104 : do noi. they U Allah knowing, ]- <D> Western Qvilizattofl Today we In concluding ihis discussion, zation of the West, which its by brilliant perfection for a long time, scientific gated wa.s the assert thai civili- of'its virtue and which •subju- of this science Jo now bankrupt and in decline, fts the-whole world with Ihe product* stales and nations, is foundations art crumbling, and ding principles are falling apart itt institution and gui- foundations are beying destroyed by dictatorships, and its economic . Its politic*] foundations are of its being swept away by crises. The millions wretched unemployed and hungry offer their tes- timony against it, while its social foundations arc being undermined by deviant ideologies and rev olutions which arc breaking ouE everywhere. Its people are aL a ln$s the proper measures to be taken and are astray. Their congresses are brokers, and their of Nalions neither is failures, covenants torn to ihcir pieces. : #s to wandcrif far treaties arc their League phantasm,, possessing a spirit no while influence, men, strong their with other along things, arc overthrowing secu- covenant of peace and its rity^ This is one side of the matter. Meanwhile, on the blows, so that am side, tCK>, fhey are being dealt viol the other world, thanks (0 these tyrannical and self cies, has become like a ship in the midst of seeking the sea, assault poli- with on tormented, wretched, worall sides. All of humanity are of and confused, having been scorched by the fires its captain distraught while blustering gales ried greed sweet portion of them the filth The They and materialism. of misery and Mosaic, the of fell into fell Allah's time, guided, and stumbling strong Eastern power blindly, and unjust, and it to eserc itself but then the enjoyed a sunns which may not tyrannical the Muhammadan dispensations inherited world leadership. It was in to the long sleep, and ihe West rebirth. It was behold! it to the East for a second its and the West one time was. at Wcse after Ihe Romans. After that, then and and Christian, brought it back East Greeks them to happiness. to lead leadership of the world of some -wash from dire need in the waters of True Istam to hands of the East entirely, the rise are it new be gainsaid, Bui lo insolent, and mis- remained for a under the shadow of only fluttering Allah's banner, with the standard of the Qur'an at its head* and backed up by the powerful, unyielding soldiery of the Muslim and faith. at s>eace, And and there was the 177 the universe world turned singing out : "Praise be unto Allah had not been guided who guided us had not if Allah to for cruly we this,: guided us" 0- 7 [ • ' 43 ttfory J, This is not r'^f of Ihc imagination the least a product ill : this is no other than the true verdict of history. not fulfilled whom He through us loves "Then ; who and Allah will Him, love And if it is bring a people humble toward bdievers and powerful againsT unbelievers, striving in Allah', way of and fearing not the reproach of That k the bounty of AUati b whom HewiU" [ Q. 5 : 54 J. cher. Islam is any rcproawhich He brings to -Guaranteed to Supply the Renascent Nation with There h no renascent regime in nation with lulions, same est t world which will supply the whai. it requires in The way ol" instil as of this particular deals with these nation adheres to it is uf passages fuJl - it renascent descriptive ^crneral or in in without succeeding renascent nation needs hope, and the Qur'an has a detail - dearly and precisely. No asp.cvls Islam and A iis and contains numerous exanv aspect, plary parables concerning it. and objectives, does every one of Islam nations. The Noble Qur'an while Needs the lo en Its this principles, sensibilities the .aspirations. Hope broad, supplied consciousness in a manner which in its its creates al!-encoit)passtng nations out or irh ihts & dead nation one which roinarjon; Ft is all life, ambition, hope, and deter- enough rhat it labels despair che road to unbelief, and hopc^ Icssness a man focal ion of error. In fact, if (he weakest nation heard the words of the is i Almighty "And We : show favor desired co 10 those who had been rendered weak in the canh, and co make them Leaders, and to make them inheritors, and to maJce tlieni strong in the earth" | Q. 28 5 - G |. And words of the Almighty in the you grieve, for wound will "Falter not. nor : be paramount if you arc believers. If a wound touches you, a like has already touched it Lhe people. These are the days which mankind iruurn" And 3 : 139 - apportion to 40 |. words of the Almighty the in Q. [ We "He Lt : U who who disbelieved "gathering. You did not expelled those of the People of the Hook* from their abodes the .at first think thai they would go forth, would render t hern impregnable their fortresses Allah But came noc reckoned, and He made ruins their hancis of eyes!" ( of to : 2 them from homes by ]. their Consider .reference co to Allah. whence they And own hands then., in the -O words of 'Or did you think lo enter Par adise A * had attd The you who the when what had come one of The two Jewish tribes of cPeopJe for members of any of of the Book" Q&ymiqa' ci f624} or Uhud a catch - all phrase used is the tolerated religions under Islam. r?9 have Almighty : Nadir, expelled rrcm Medicut after the Battle nf Badr respectively, that case terror into their hearts, while they ihc' .believers. Q. 59 and you though [ who to those you on before you had noi passed yet come Misery an suffering touched them and they were ? shaken that "When is the Apostle so and those who believed said" Allah's succor?' Is nutAIlah's succor 2:214]. near?" Q, [ \ •Truly the weakest of nations, if it heard, these good tidings and read the real stories pertinent to them, absolutely emerge thereafter as the strongest of nations in faith and to would would unquestionably see in this hope encouragement to plunge into difficulties, however severe spirit. It they might be, and to confront events however overwhelming, until won it the perfection to which if aspired. Islam and National Greatness Tlie renascent nations need lism just as a superior merits and its on the minds own to glory in their nationa- and splendid nation with iE& history^ so thai image its own be imprinted of its sons, and that they offer up their blood and their lives on behalf or litis splendor and nobility, and work far the welfare of this fatherland, and for its aggrandizement and prosperity. ideal clearly in any regime to merciful as it that its nobility forth "You "see this just, excellent, and knows if the nation and honor have been sanctified Unswerving Book : be as not will in True Islam, For is His foreknowledge, and says We thar - for as He has registered [ Q. 3 il Aitalt in in His He. Ghe Blessed and are the best nation which has for mankind" by HO , ISO ]; Almighty, been brought and in [be words of the Almighty We "Thus have : may be nation, that you made you a midmost a witness against you" the Apostle mankind and witnesses against Q. | 2: 143- J; "Greatness belongs to the believers" worthy of Q. 63 ^ [ and Attain 8 sacrificing Ihe ] then - and to His Apostle, world and h it all to the nation most contains for it its Allah- given greatness. The modern nations have labored to men and boys firmly in the minds of their youth, thus all! 1 we ' hear "Germany above : foster this ideal all!" alike, and "Italy above and "Rule. Britannia? " But the.difference between the sentiments which the Islamic ideology fosters, and the sentiments fostered that The sentiments munion with Muslim Allaii by these the not go beyond the cio and of the Muslim seek to while , slogans sentiments literat ideologies, is com- rise to of Che non- import of the words. Furthermore, in creating these sentiments, Islam defined their goal, made proclaimed that pride, but it it a stringent duty to keep to was not a matter of chauvinism or of Leadtng the world to its and it, false welfare. Concerning He, the Blessed and Almighty, says : "You command the good and forbid the evil, and believe in Allah" this, This, implies the of vice, support of virtue and the combatting and reverence for the mind while performing any ideal as well as bearing act. Therefore these it in senti- ments, by virtue of their hold upon the early Muslims, produced the maximal justice id and mercy reported histo- On of any of (he nations. rurally of domination ideology nations did not define the minds of the in its hand, the the Western goal without involving a cious chauvinism, and therefore falla- brought about internecine warfare and aggression against weak nations In it ideology ad opted the best course, this respect, rhe Islamic away from anything characterised by wickedness and oppression, Islam has extended the domain of the and sought to instill it in sons and to turn them its Islamic and has ordained fatherland, sake sacrifice for che According to the comprises 0-f toil for it? its freedom welfare and self Rreamess, and fatherland Islamic understanding, the of (1) the particular count ty first : • all; (2) then of"them extends to the other Islamic countries, for all Muslim; (3) then m axe * fatherland and an abode for the proceeds to the first Islamic Empire which creeled with their dear and Ancestor s precious the Pious Wood, and over which they raised Allah's banner. Their monuments within it still exiot their superiority and grandeur; and m asked before Allah ibese regions, the Muslim will be not labor to (Blessed and Almighty is He!) why he did for -all restore it. (4) Then the fatherland of the Muslim expands not hear the to encompass the tmirc- world. Do you words ofALlah (Blessed and Almighty is He!): "And Tight them till sedition is no more, and th* faith U Allah's" I Q 2 : m yt Thus did Islam reconcile the sentiments nalism with that of a common nationalism, benefits thcrcor for all of humanity : 182 of local natiowith all the "O mankind. We We created you male and female, and ples and you peoyou might know one another" [ Q. tribes, dial created 49 13]. : (C) I *l it rn and (he Armed strength, and need Similarly, renascent nations require to implant the rnilirary spirit Forces in their sons, especially in when peace can only be guaranteed by prepav redness for war, and when the slogan of all Iheir 50ns is : "Strength is the surest way to guarantee the enforcement these times Islam did not overlook ihiv factor, but as a macEer of made it a stringent duly, arid did not diffcrenlialcih any way between it and prayer or fasting. In the entire fact world, there is 110 regime which has concerned this factor, neither in antiquity nor In with itself modern times, to and in the Tradiand life of the Apostle of Allah (May Allah bless and him!). You can sec ihis presented in clear and the extent that Islam has- in the Qwr'an, tions save- exemplary fashion in the words of the Almighty ,4 ; And prepare against ihem such force and Iroops of horses as you can, by which your enemies" Almighly : [ Q. S fiO ; "Fighting is detestable to you, Bui it thjng which is good something which Es and to frighten the enemies of Allah |, And in prescribed for you, though may be for you,, and bad you" for m of the it be the words thai you deiesl it [ may be that Q. 2 : 216 soTne- you ]. love And have you ever seen a military proclamation in a sacred book read aloud in prayer, dhikr, and private public worship cotninuniOEi with Allah, like Ihe proclamation winch begins with an abrupt command the words in of the Almighty : "So let ihose fight in the way of Allah whe the life otih^^oM far the next!" [ Q. 4 : 74 ]. Then sell He ihc reward immrdiaCely afterwards. specifics he who way and fights in Allah's shall provide He people and the fatherland, a* that you do not fight in the 'Our Lord, bring us forth and appoint appoint for "for us baseness of their that they are enemies' |. the noblest sen- of Ihc way of AJiahand for those : - this city from Thyself tfit 74 : ails you a guardian, and J ' ncbilily goal, who say : whose people arc M us from Thyself a Praectort Then He shows them - from We "What says weakmen, women, and children rendered Q. 4 I to arouse overcome. men's hearts, namely, ihc deliverance timents in lives slain or him with a mighty wage" Then follows an exhortation unjust, is "And 5 of Q, 4 their goal 75 ]. : and the demonstrating clearly sacrificing something of greai value for a precious eoinmodily - which deserves their il and which exceeds same approval - while at [he time non- Muslims are fighting with no Lsoal before then*. Therefore they are weaker fused in it in value their hearts. who believe fight - Allah He, the in the -a and more conAlmighty, says "Those way of in spirit : Allah, and those who dis- believe fight of Satan #jv f' u way Of in the idolatry^ so fight the weak" Truly the wiles of Satan are ! tH:: '"' r; ' ' ?: ' ' \^ ;' The He upbraids those who r'' : auxiliaries y Q. 4 j,t ; shirked doing [ : • duty, Ihcir way out and abandoning the difficult demands of heroism, atsd shows Lhcm cheir mistake in adopting this attitude. He shows them rha? boldness taking the easy would not harm them one the great hit, and Thai ihcy would them nothing, reward:, white abstention profits since death wing the observed ties preceding those them before any in He whom at Directly event, : "Ha&t was said ; ^Restrain fighting is prescribed for them, lo and behold, more. And men Ihcy say cribed fighting a brief little not : much as your and pay the alms.'? Bui when hands., perform the prayer, them fear follothou no savs verses, to reap as their fear of a parly of or even Allah,, 'Our Lord, why hast Thou pres- : IFThou woutdse but for us? us respite or Say : 'Trie pleasure of this wold is t at the next world is bcuer for the pious, atld you will time!' be wronged to Wherever you are, death are in well - the will built lowers- " a exient -of single date overtake you, even if you Q. 4 78 | : 77 - - fiber. % By your Lord, what military proclamation is there possessing force and clarity sodfr as rhis, which will awaken within the faith the soldier's breast all the zeal, pride, commander desires ? and Anil the mainstay of military life according to If two ihinjp practice consisted of - God has conjoined when He^ ifefl loves tho*c who figh( in Almighty, says : His way* in ranks [ Q. *1 : 4 : ibey *'cre if And |.( Almighty, says "And more fitting obedience and civil speech" | Q. 47 : And Book, "TniJy Ood verses from His a solidly eonsirucied building" the obedience discipline unti ift Bkued and ibe their them are fur 20 us He, - 21 ]. you read what Islam prescribes concerning the prepar ation of equipment, the provisioning of the armed i f he sheltering x?F horses, the virtue of the shuhada, the wage of Jihad, the reward forces* the teaching of archery, for Jut expenditures ther in its who campaign those varieties - made on you in ! behalf, it, the consideration comprehension of will see all these treated exhaustively, noble Qur'anrc verses, the its whe- Honored Traditions, the Putc Prophetic Biography, or the True fe&mic prudence : *"Our Lord encompasses all things in 7: ledge" f ©1 juris- know- Q The modern nations have paid dose attention to this and have been founded on ihes-e principles Nazism, j we and see that Mtusolini's Fascism, Communism are based on pure militarism. But there vaw dirrcrence between Hitler's Stalin's i* a of these and the militarism, of [slam, for the Islam which has sanctified force to -sirch an extent has all also preferred peace. Directly after the verses IK* extolling force, the Blessed and Almighty thou ilieyiflcljne to peace, then incline Ahah" And [Q. 8 it : 61 Lo il "And 2 if arid trust in T 1. He who is defined the price of victory and its "Allah will stireily aid one when He said who aids Him, Allah is Mighty, Glorious TftSSfe who if We make them powerful m the earth, perform the prayer manifestations ; ! and pay the aims, and command For untG [Q.22:40-41 ], evil. And it is lie good and forbid the 1 AJlah belongs the consequence of affairs He who set down the basis of iiilernationa! "And if lliou treachery from any people, repudiate them like- military law, fearest I when He, the Almighty, said ; wise. Trufy Allah does not love the treacherous 1 ' [ Q. 8 : For one particular ordinance, the counsel of the Aposcle (May Allah Hess and save him!) and his Successors after him to the commanders of their armies stands out as the most remarkable manifestation of mercy and kindliness : ''Commit no treachery, bounds, do not mutilate, do not and the aged, do not cue down kiEl do not exceed the women, children, do people fruitbearing trees, and not finish off the wounded. You will come across who lead lives of devotion in hermitages : leave them and 1*7 which thaE to This was they devote themselves, in the military force of Islam peace/ * 1 comprising the - police of justice and the security forces of law and order, As for the present military force of Europe, everyone knows that soldiery it comprises the army of injustice of greed. Which of ture and .greater ihe two sides is and the of loftier sta- magnanimity ? .<D}-felam and Public Health Since renascent nations need a superior military farce, mainstay of such a force is physical health and strength, the Qur'art has made allusion to this coneepr and the while narrating the Eook on the task of bearing sake of its of a singling ration which story Che burden freedom, independence For Allah chose for It a leader body, of fighting for tlie and self formation. • who was equally strong in mind and and made physical strength one of his chief supports in bearing bis burden. This is what the Noble Qurf an relates concerning the Children of Israel and the confirmation of their leader, San] : "Indeed Allah has chosen him above you, and has increased him signally in knowledge and, robustness" Thi? s«ms to be a partly mistaken attribution words occur in a form and tete Q. % [ 247 X ]. by Hasan. order sligluJy different The from those given speech of Abu Bakr's delivered in 632 before Zayd and Ms raiding forces. Sec Muhammad b. ma Usama b. Jaric aJ-T-abarn Annates. I i r 1850. 1 ed. M.J. deGoeje rt'al. (LeJden : E.J. Brill, l8?9 -I W]> 1 The Aposle (May Afc* comm*med on bless many of this idea in urged Hie believers and him has Tradition*, and aave his to .preserve their bodily strength, as he urgtrd ihem regarding ihcir spiritual strength. Veracious Tradition* say han the weak believer. 1,7 over you. right The i 1 save him heafth to !) ' often the "The ; And "Truly : Aposilr ul Allah especiially is your body (May He (May Allah hless and save him!) yiid people who do not cat unless we arc hungry a has of public concerning cine. betser bless and Allah expounded ihc principles aroma, just The strong believer medicine, the more excelled of the two aspeels of preventive medi- "We are a : , cat, it f> *c and when not to satiety," And as lo his seeking (May Allah bless and save him!) for water lo drink, the Tradirion* say : "He (May Allah bless* and save him!) used lo look to for sweet water." And he fur bade urinating and defeca- in uagnant water, and declared a quarantine against plague ridden countries and l heir populations s-u iltal ting they should noi leave ifoem nnr any outsider enter ihem. And finally, he (May Allah blew and wc him!| paid much attention lo physical culture Lo., archery, swimming, horsemanship, and running, and ur^ed his unimu \® practice Ihcm and *how inlcrcsl in them. There i$ even Tradition which stales ; "He who once knew, archery and Concordatur, 312. Kanabal. dtieuj; the Miisnactnr Ahmad the Sfl.Nih of MusJim. and the Svcuiii of b. \hn Maja. a \hca forsoc and bless in siringcmly and the order to draw near In is tic!). to AHah deep concern of for ihc health strenuous ef for la made ii AJteh celibacy, of the HlesswFancl Almighty l these rnaueis he guided the *imttia all of moderation. All of direction (May he forbade fomenting and weakening him:) save riionnsticism, body And noi one of mine."* *s ii, unima [foe to Islam's lenities this ihc lit at targe, to the and 10 in order in safeguard it. us rcccpiiviiy to anything thai might conduce ro ii*? fare and happiness in this important respect. Mum m ami which will buttress this Science do Jutf as nations need power, so power sad they need the science direct than with ihc way or inventions and the best in it possible manner, providing a!} menis discoveries, in does not science; indeed:, reject as the acquisition of power, it and make* give?; suffices to say that the very fina vert* to be revealed says who "Revue* : ercaled; created for thy LoFd w Most the in The man from their require- its of the Naiue who the pen; taught man what he did not know" islam as obligatory it it a clol Ciererous, weu support. It Book of of Allah Lord thy of blood. Recite, raughi I Q man «ith , 96 : I -5]. The Apostle of Allsh(May AHah stipulated a> B> ol pari Concordance, Ahmad b. ft, bless and save him!) of the ransom for the polytbem* 441, offers 4 varianl of thin, eiCinj ihc Hanbul, us cap- Musimd lured Badr* that at Muslim chilclreta wipe out of tfKSe teach prisoners ten reading and wriiingv in lh^.-en<t«.avor to illiteracy karned and the one torn the uinnia. J Allah, did nut make equal He* the Blessed, "Are those who know and those who the ignuraot Almighty, says : not know equal 1 Only those who the -do possess .understanding given the same II ]. [slain has are mindful" [ Q. 39 : weigl to ihe ink of scholars as to the blood of martyrs. The Qur'an links science and power together in fv>§ noWe verses : "For why should not 3 few from every group of them march out as 0 party, so that they may gain knowreturn ledge of religion and warn [heir people when they beSicvc, to them? Perhaps they will beware O ye who fight those unbelievers who are close to you, and let them encounter harshness in you, and know yethalAttah 123 ]. the godfearing" Q. 9 : 122 - -s with [ The Qur'an does religious science, secular and not distinguish between but advocates both, natural sciences ra one verse, summing up the their on expostulating revebehalf and making knowledge of (hem a means of rencing Him and a path toward knowing Him. This is what the almighty says down water from an allusion t lie sky? : 55 to astronomy "Hast thou not seen [ Q, 35 and the : 27 ]. The Battle of Bade in 624 was (he ween the Muslims of Medina, Mecca1 tt resulted in led Here there celestial sphere, connection between heaven and eanh. Then first the is and the Alniighiy major engagement twi- Uw pagans of the Muslims. by the Prophet, and an outstanding send Allah vjcioiy for says "And : i IQ> 35 fades*- 27], : Wc have hereby science of botany and its produced Here there varicolored BW an allusion to 1> marvels and wonders, and to its chemwiry. "And mountain* there are whice and red in the varicolored, and black rodta" Q. 35 [ an allusion to the science of Ihcrc is in their beasts. naluriil "The fQ. cattle, 27 ] varicolored'' "And | Here there . is the strata of the geology, earth And their modes and types. end beasts and : stripes, similarly, of Q, 35 : 28 ]. men Here an allusion lo ihc science of bloloav and animals division of Do you mankind Think thai lhi*» and smaller and 1 larger verse hasieftoui any of the To all of this the Almighty appends among Hi* worshippers alone i'carAtei" sciences? learned : 35:2*]. Have you not seen through this nation of verses that AJIah nature and thai learned secrets, remarkable concate- commands mankind He prompts them to it. lo study rendering the among them, by virtue of Mis arcana arid His the people who truly revere Hnd know- Him"? O Allah, enlighten (he Muslims (P Islam in iheir religion! and Moral! \y The renascent nation* above all else, needs a code of morality... a strong, unbending, and tuperior moraliiy, together with a magnanimous spirit fired by lofty aspirations. For it will have to face some demands of ihe new age which cannot be answered except through the pos- m and sincere morality founded on deep unwavering constancy., great self - sacrifice,, and session of a strong faith, considerable tolerance, perfect soul,, for it "He who : made can create such alone rectitude -of the soul and a its The Almighty foundation of success. purification the says has Mam has purlied k will succeed he : has corrupted will fail" [ it And it made change has on change within lingeni 9 - Q. 91 : % 10 of nations in the affairs their coti- moral character .and rectitude of Lhcir souls, He, the AJmigbtyj says i the "Surely Allah will not change the circumstances of a people unit! they change whai is in themselves" [ Q. 13 11 ]. : You will hear penetrating verses dealing with dual aspects of higher morality, and you represent fortifying the an insuperable ii force lor purifying r Almighty, says L : '0f the sincere in I heir covenant with Allah, who fulfilled their correction believers are and of the soul, it,, all, sincere tor their sin-eerily" Q. 33 | 23 He* thcrn arc those for Allah to : as men who were vow, .and of them are those waiting, not having changed at they will .see that and cleansing it indivi- - who are reward the 24 ]. And concerning generosity, self - sacrifice, patience, tolerance* and surmounting obstacles "And that is« ! because neither not thirst hardship nor hunger assails them in Allah's way, nor do they take a step which angers the unbelievers* nor do they gain anything from the . good deed is recorded on their behalf Truly Aliahdocs not lose the wage of the doers of Good, enenij, hut that a m nor do they spend valley, but reward \Q.9i recorded for is it tltem for the 120- 121 |. There is no or much, nor do Ihey cross little agent Ihcrn, so that Allah may they were doing" of wljM best a Islam 10 awaken the ccMucicrtcc, Slice viviiy Ihe fiififcr .sentiment-;, and nation a warder over the soul - Ihe best of all warders - lor aoan front it. ihere is no organized body of fo* which of depths will pereiratc {he the heari or a Hairs kepi hidden. <G) Islam The renascent economic *i*d Ft >innrtik> naHon needs above affairs. all Che•mat* important to question these recent eras, Islam ha* no* nee levied this rather has exception. down set during but aspect, rn fundamental principles without all You may hear AUih (Blessed and Almighty h He!) speaking of Ihe safeguarding of property, ning in value and "Do not give the And ihe Mm!? says : it : foolish your property of which Allah has diture* and income : thy neck, explai- neceuity 10 he concerned »iih ilic appointed you ihe manager" And He says, concerning Ihe lo in regular? nor open "Do it not Oiwortfattc*. 4, 4H. thy (May ecunomtecs citing the m 4 5 ; |. balancing out of expen- 10 hi fullest Apostle of Allah "He who lei Q. [ hand he extent" manacled Q. 17 | and save Attah bless will not Minoad of be Ahaaad : in b. need," Hanbo!. 1 Whatjs true for ihe individual nation, as he excellent is {May Allah bless system ihe nation to promote transactions, and obviate ments - hope, is nations, all - it whole world, in for financial such minute detail and the future these Indeed* these reinforce- power, health, and a is will added belong to the fact that aggressiveness, Islam desire ihe Especially it. has been it egotism, and welfare of the has guaranteed this, and nothing so support a nation desirous of resur- is gence which way. at the The This rules path, its wiibdul a doubt, be che strongest 'will, and has come to . with ha* given them of selfishness, arrogance, Lhere filled the nation possesses all this true if to all purified Any 11 no- obstacles in patriotisiti, science, sound economy of it and puis is "How : lurcher, elaboration. when Finally, says the welcomed by Islam, which urges is il Islamic jurisprudence to. and save himi) for righteous wealth for a righteous man!''' good economic as just as. true is is same time rejects it and stands tit. its Public Institutions of Islam one aspect of the perfection to be found tain Islamic institutions, in cer- namely those concerned with the resurgence of nations, always remembering that tve arc As for reviewing, all aspects Islamic institutions',, it would facing a period of resurgence- of the perfection of all Coneordurcr, 6, 304 citing na almost Ideniual badhh Musnnd of Ahmad b- Ha«ba3. 195 in the require bulky volume andtions. Suffice words it and wast far-flung in discuss this perfection in a the iimiuuiori of Islam with respect : vidual, (he and the nation, farnsly, in 'investiga- few concise to indi- Tic f terms of born government and people, or the rehmoris between nations in all respects, {he institutions of Islam botlv great, breadth and common good are Ihe most known research as per feel to mankind il dear exposition, and most and every aspect ot in and ha precision, well as given combined *v chosen rhe have beneficial confirmed by painstaking limited to particular persons, ha* now become general, and is every fair - minded individual. Whenever their researches, they uncover aspects perfection of these ins.tatutiojis naiional life. This judgment, -which was onee delve into They attested to investigators or the eternal iniitmions not previously cerned by chcir predecessors, Allah by said in truth : dis- "We shall show them Our sighs on the horizons and in their souls until it is apparent to them that, it the truth, H it is. not sufficient that thy Lord is a witness over ali thing*?" [Q. 41 53 ). : Islam Protecis Safeguards the Minorities and ttfghts of Foreigners Excellency, People imagine Ehat adherence the basis for regulating life are to ftJam and making incompatible existence of non -Muslim minorities within \*6 the with it the Islamic nmroa, and with the unity of the various elements comprising the Dirnna, which on national during the present era, Bui the txtuh revival of the strongest supports is Orte precisely the contrary. Islam, which was originated by the Wise and Knowiug. One who knows future of the nations, blem, and solved wise institutions a contained look self full past present, , cognizance of this and pro- clear ever it and unambiguous Do evident than this text - this came up. Ies holy and had hardly been revealed when it already before it protection of minorities more is text concerning ihe mankind require anything ; ** Atfahdoes not forbid you lo deal with those who have not fought againsi you in religion, and have nol driven you from 'your homes, with benevolence, or to show ihem justice, Surely Allah loves chose who This text are just" Q. 60 | : 8]. docs nol merely include protection, bul counsels 'benevolence and the behalf. Islam sanctified the.u nicy in the Almighty's saying you male and female, tribes that you : it "O and have made you nations and : 'We I 13J. : sanctified universal religious unity, put an end to fanaticism,, and ordained that its faith in all the revealed relgions. As the Almighty says "Say alio doing of good on their of humanity as a whole, mankind. We have created may know one another" In the same way, it believe in Allah sons have ; and what He revealed to us and what He revealed to Abraham, and Ishmad, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the Tribes, and that "which Moses and Jesus received* and what the prophets received from their Lord- We do and we have surrendered Lo Him.' And are in suffice thee against them. He is thfji The baptism of-Allah- and who guided, Bui ti>m? sv and dissension, hotter than if Allah will the ihe Hearer, is believe the if"ihcy like or -whai you believe, they arc rcigluly [hey turn awayK then of iheni, any run dislinguish between knpwer I bap- AJlahin [Q/2: 136-38]. Then it denominational sanctified uniEy religious without arrogance or aggrc&siveiVess. The Blessed and "The believers arc no cither ihan brqAlmighty said : brothers and Therefore make peace between your 49 10 ]. AElati; perhaps you. will find mercy" Q. ihers. fear [ This Islam, whkh was founded pattern of moderation and deep not possibly be the cause of its. longcontinuing unity. On according to such equity, roofed followers' (lie ; it disrupting a eoivrraryv it lias endowed a character of religious holiness, used 10 draw its strength solely from the authority. ' And Islam t to oil all Q. 60 ; \' : has defined very precisely ought to oppose and cut ' relations. 8 boycott, ]. che thotf&fi civil ' -rWT ilvrise whom we and with whom, we Following the could - this unity with formerly a verse Almighty .says i'* died .should earlier Allah forbids yau befriend only (liose who fought you in religion, and drove, you from your homes, or aided in driving you - ihey are wrongdoers" forth. Whosoever befriends Lhem m No fair - minded person m nation to rest content with an or any great discord among of compel, any the world would internal its of enemy sons, or this type, any impairment its internal organization, This is Islam's minorities - position with respect to the clear, unambiguous, and Its position with respect to foreigners free from injustice. one is non- Muslim of peacefill- with rectitude ness and sympathy, so long as they behave arid and sincerity. But if their consciences grow corrupt their critns increase, the Quran has already position we whould take regarding them r defined the "O you who are not believe ! Do not take for confidants those who you; (hey will riot fail to hinder you; they are pleased by what troubles you. Hatred has been of revealed out of their have mouths; what their hearts conceal is yet greater. We made the signe clear lo you, if you would but understand. you!" you love them, but they do not lo*e Behold, [Q ,3: And 118- 19 with this, \. Islam ha* dealt with as precisely, benevolently, Islam Is all 0-1 and sincerely these aspects as possible. Not a Disturbing Influence on Relations with the West Similarly, people may imagine in our modern life that Islamic institutions create estrangement between us and muddy the clarity these were of our political relations with them just wlien rooted on the point of being settled. This too is a notion the V tern nations, and that they will 199 in puce fantasy. For those nation* which arc of auspicious we follow 3slam or anything tils*:. It they arc truly our friends, and mutual trust exists between us, their own spokesmen and leaders have us will like us no heller whether already declared that every -nation tever organisation wishes within it adopt whaown borders pro- free to itt its vided it to all honor docs not infringe on the right* of others..]! is up the leaders of these nations to understand that che known Islam international t>l and to history, that toward is the most sacred honor down by the principles scl and to preserve it are the most firmly Used and solidly confirmed of prininternational Islam i hi-. Iionor It is Islam which spoke out for the treaties and fulfillment covexnant, for of ( Q. 17 j whom you 34 "And keep the : the covenant question will '^Except for those of the ]; have a diminished you against you - of obligation fulfill polytheists with and who since your convenant with them up stated term. Truly Allah loves the godfearing" And He said : toward you, "So long Q.9 :7 ]. And He of refugees and the receive them ; as they behave behave [ be made" then have not any way and have not helped anyone treaty, in of safeguarding { Q.9 with rectitude good neigh borliness any one of the :4 its ]. with rectitude toward said, regarding the generous "And to (hem" reception of tho&e who polytheism seeks give him refuge so that he may hear Allali's Discourse^ then take him to a place of security" [Q9:6]. refuge with thee, if 200 how do the treatment accorded poly* heists, If rhii is you suppose People of the Buck would be treated? The Islam which prescribes these principles, and takes its adherents along this path must surely be regarded by Westerners as guaranteeing another type of We namely, for themselves. Europe's benefit own if it would be to sound concepts governed her this would be bctscr for them and these internal relation* more enduring maintain that security, - 3 Tile Fuadfimwila! So««n of the R*n*Ks*oc* In the Ei*t Are N<rt Time of the West Excellency, Anion; the- causes which have impcUed some of the Eastern Nations to deviate from Islam, and to choose to imitate the West, was the study of the Western Renais- made by their leaders, and their conviction was only accomplished by overthrowing: religion, sance that it des- troying churches, freeing themselves from papal authority, controlling she clergy all manifestation* and of religious and definitely departing of the state. If thin is prelates, putting authority religion. the nation, religion from the general policy true in the case of the Western nations, it is absolutely untrue for the since the nature of Islamic doctrines i* or any other in an end to The subvert its nations, quite unlike that jurisdiction authorities in Islam is circumscribed less to alter its statutes or to Islamic of the and religious limited, institutions, power- with the result that the fundamental principles of Nam, across the centuries, have kept pace with the changing eras, have advocated supported progress, learning, h defended scholars. What happened ihcrc and and inappropriate for conditions here. There are exiciuive studies concer- ning ihte which lake up this essay & many volumes our purpose : in to iurvey xh* subject briefly in order to bear it mind and di*p*l all ambiguities. We assure that every Fair - minded person will agree wish us on thh ba&w prinin ciple; accordingly, anient it aJmply not possible (hat this sen- is be our guiding should renaissance, which must a strong pillars of and far - reaching The One of first precept in pwet Clerics which » a flourishing science, is what islam enjoins. Are Not Religion of the excuses adopted by modern be sustained by the all high morality, ow Ifcwtf some of Lhove who fol- lowed the path of the Westerners wan that they had begun to be aware of the courtc taken by the authorities, in view nationalise revival, nalists and of their hostile attitude base their their alliance Muslim religious toward the activitcs against [he natio- with ibe exploiters, and their choice of selfish interests and. worldly ambitions over che welfare of tlie country and the nation. flaw within the religious enaWishmetu If true, (his iiself. was a nor sn the Does the faith command such things? Or are they enjoined by the lives of she most vi niton* and faith as such. illustrious nlantft in of ihe Islamic urama* upon kings and prince*, pa-st who used to burst th«r gates and walls, their censuring them, forbidding them, rejecting declaring what the truth was before them, and bringing them the demands arms in the face took up of the natiotrt Nay, they even of tyranny and injustice! yet forgotten the phalanx of legists in 12 has not History of Islamic Empire) the ranks al-A&h'ath in the eastern region of trie nor the rebellion of the qadi Yahya b. Yahya al-Maliki' 13 in its Abd al-Hahman Muslim genual governor of halt !u huuili He al-Laythl Mohammad b. wuji some b. al-Aih'ath a <?-704>( Asian Turk*, by Al-Hajjaj, victories, but on desiring to pui a bo was accused of cowardice by Al-Hajjaj. iiL-s. Ibn western reg ion. sent against the Central Jrac,. gifts, He and urmy immediately turned back and initiated 3 Woody rebellion against the governor and Itie Caliph, "Abd al-\1alik a in fi99, Recasue his Al-Hajjaj had who had earlier fled to the cities to return to their village*, drastic drop in classes in forced Jewish and Christian converts to Islam the poll-tax revenue which had ensued, the clerical were also againsi him, and flocked to Jbn al-A&IVaih's array &tta numbers. Ion al-AsrVath was CO his because of the ftTAI A while enemies the Turks. king sent his head to Al-Hajjaj was executed ul^iirtaiiety few years detea&ied. later, and tied the Turkish Whether he vOmmitied sweide or nor known. is Yahya b. Yahya .b. AII ha .a|-Uythi (769--849), a Berber jurist of canon law fiaqihj who had studied in Mecca and. Medina and was fc thereafter chiefly responsible tor the spread oJ'lhe Malftita School in Spain.. .He led an uprising ilanity • of (he of the clerics- mcjslly con vetIs (roni Chris- vomhem suburb of Cordoba against the Caliph Al-Hakam l v because Of hiS*OrldHnessand love oftuAiiry. Although the rebellion ended in the crucifixion of 300 rebelsv the exitc of the resi, and the leveling of the entire quarter, Yahya himself lived become an influential court favorite aURahman III, and to fill iht? on to or the succeeding Caliph, 'Abd office Spain. 203 of Chief Qadj a( Umayyad Such arc the [cachings of the and such faith, the legists of Islam. Is there any of what they assert ? Or is there -any justice history of the faiih io tolerate trace in these compelling in who followers of those the past the is have deviated from it? Nevertheless, even some do people, they these if not hold hey arc noi so for i history of the of the modern Egypt; and by ihe ( Arab \ Syria, or Palestine, and Abu Muslim '1-kajam religious authorities ro |A/adj : »aj> lory. by of view 39, Arab kcadtf i PakuiiK AMIajj till tin. coov ml a ejtiMenee from lit the mandated lt>r Arab the bur y*as jttiMttqwmiJy 3 920 lerri- n^inl outlawed of excene* committed dunng the Arab Rebellion of and because 1936 - in Mufti or Jerusalem, tiutw.i aspiration* the British MlincnLH! tq 1937 because brethren his formed in 1936 rccogiH/oi fn she official spi3kcMn.ip vwa* Ji and * *hkn had tumc proiwi and counter in by Al-Aahar in succeeded a number of Arab nationalist and A&uciwiotis roilteet i>n. Il the South outer ihe pcrsidencv of ihe Gran*] Anrin aJ-RiwaytJ. b Higher Coinmtacc" ifl North Syria, or Lebanon; by Acne Higher C'ommiiiec 'Hie if circums- particular every single nation. The position Lakers Mariana And circumstances. This all for renaissance in a he E&&L, so redolent of the altitudes true for the totality. some they can be substantiated for tance, hold allegations ol ihe enlJaborotiun of the Mufti and other wis* tbc ^overnmeniA of ihe Faactex waics or Italy and it-rrrunv. !5. Abu editor Of Uic 1912 - 14. AjokJ 'i-kofaun infJuciiliai He wai a • 1959)- a noicd Indian ihtfloesan, MubJcm newspaper prolific writer in Urdto dlng Muslim political Arid tnrettectuaJ lury. I >vi rin^f Al-llilal in lit Lav! ycar\, Cakultafrom and nne of its* leaden of the twentieth terv he wis Minuter ot Education government of IndUi, 2M. oot«lan- in ibe among the Muslim leaders in Indonesia, name of nationalism, for and if it is it religion simply not the most produc- reform tu tive solution for a nation to an not forgotten nor any nation from il*- pretext for diverting ties is Therefore, these assertions must not be used as a alien, ip the by the most illustrious of I he Indian ularna, and religion* authori- be reconciled with them, rather than annihitatory Attitude toward them? Even to 10 adopt if these expressions which have crept into our kif^itace by * ay of with our West, owe usage least to - Is one since (his of "dergy* in the sense according to the do "religious authorities, " imitation, like 9 - it is peculiar to the Muslim's from the mOsI outstanding of them, the accord includes every Muslim, antic usage, for all I not arc "religious authorises." A Bold Step Bui a Successful One Excellency, After all the foregoing, Co turn aside from the path of truth and to follow the path of path of Europe. would be inexcusable it - the path of Islam fleshly desire* and vanities Along the path of Europe found outer show and cheap tinsel, tor us arc to - - the be pleasures and luxu- and livens and comfort* that captivate the soul, for all of these things are loved by the soul, as the Almighty says 'Made beautiful for mankind is the love ries, laxity ,* 1 of fleshly desires for women, up mounds of mold and and heaped and branded horses, and and: children, silver* 3*5 and cattle, [ Q.J3 (illed htnd- That it the comfort of iM& world" 143. Bui the path of Islam strength, blessedness, is glory. irnporcgnability, truth, rectiiudc, and virtue, stability, nobility. Follow il along wiili ihe umrna, may Alln1»£ranr you success! "'Say 1 'shall 1 inform you of something better than thai? For *ho arc godfearing in the presence of their Lord, there axe Gardens beneath which they being in flow, rivers spouses, and thern forever, the approbation of Allah, His worshippers" [ Q. 3 and purified Atlanta of aware 15 J. : Luxuries only annihilate nations, and her comforts and "And coveted possessions have only convulsed Europe ' We when and they wealth., tence E Q;3 wish Co destroy a city* against : We command 115 men u comirijl transgression in il is and justified, We r the sen- antf dcuory of it uiifcrly" 16J. Allah < Blessed and Almighty if He!) sent His Apostle as a mercy to the worlds uniil the Day ol Resurrection, and sem His Hook with him as a light and a guidance until the Day or Resurrection. The fcackrehip of the Apasile (May Allah blcy> and save him!) survives in his Sunna, and the authority of rhe Qur'n is secure eh rough his proof. Humanity is marching inevitably toward them both, with ihe might of the mighty and the humility of the humble, from near and from "that realized : religion" I Q.9 aFary &r> ihatAifah He may make it : 33 J. 2tt "s Word should be triumphant over every Be the first come forward u> Apostle (May Allah bles* and save hun!) of Quranic healing, to save \9 a bold (Blessed and Almighty His affair* ""I ; bearing the vial tormented, sick world? It the? one crowned with step, bin hen the believers Sleps Toward victorious in is rejoice will succor, He succors whom He will, ihe Merciful" { Q. 30:4-3], Some success, Alluli willing He!), for AIM* is name of God's ihe in He lor in Allah's the Mighty* is Reform J'railkal Excellency, Having giver, a clear presentation of the spiritual mood chat should prevail 'within the nation in ies modern renaissance, we would clusion, &ome by way pi conof the practical manifesiaijcms and rcsiilu which this mood should diciaie. here only ihe brtiddesi ead! one of like .to point out, thes^ fcrtpw, since plumbed We know too Etiae arc going to mention we are demand* questions incentive study, laxingtbe energies ciali&csn We and awarc wel] and extensive of spe- capacities we have not Inst- yet all the puzzling, problems and demands of I lie ihe rnanilcsiations of the renaissance. nation, We do nor all not believe that the fulfillment of these demand* i& a mere trifle which can be accomplished overnight and wc know that before many of them there are manifold obstacles which .„ will vast require determination. stride. Arid patience, We know all besides this, genuine resolve, the way grear wisdom, and keen and can take U in our we know thuc where there is this will 507 be made plain, and lliui if a shall, by Alto of goodness, ii the path willed nation ctujoscs strong Almighty's will, what attain It desires. Stride forward, and God wiJl be wilh Following are you J the spirit the principal goals of reform grounded on genuine Islam of : Firsi 0> An and administrative Political, judicial, : end to political forces party rivalry, : and a channeling of the of (he nation into a common from and a single phalanx, A reform of the law* so that will it conform to islamic legislation in every branch. A strengthening of the armed and forces, an increase in the number of youth groups the inspiration of the latter with zeal on the haws of Islamic Jihad. j A strengthening of ihc bonds between countries, especially the Arab diffusion of the Islamic departmcrrr* of wfl! spirit the government, so that Ihc Islamic the way countries, to pave for practical and serious consideration of he departed Cahphftte. The all matter of throughout all its all employees feel responsible for adhering to Islamic teachings. surveillance of the personal conduct of all its employees, and an end to the dichotomy between the The private and professional spheres- work in summer and winter be easy o fulfill religious duties, and Selling the hours of ahead, so that will I so that keeping late hours (8> Ail end to bribery and cyme advancement Weighing all and legitimate reasons |, acts wisdom and Islamic to an end. favoritism, with considera- be given only to capability tion to ( for wii£ of the government doctrine; the in the scales organization celebrations, receptions, official conferences, prisons hopkals so as nol to of «F all and be incompatible wtth islamie tea- ching; the arranging of work - schedules so chat they will not conflict with liours of prayer. The emptoyement of military and administracK'e Second : graduates of Al-Azhar in position*, and their training. Social and educational : Conditioning the people to respect public morality, and the issuance or directive* fortified law on this subject; the imposition moral offenses. Teatntent of The problem of ol* by the aegis of die sever penalties for women way which in a combines the progressive and the protective, in accordance with Islamic teaching, so that chis problem one of - the most important soda] problems - will doned to the biased pens and deviant who err in not be abannotion*, of those the directions ofdeficietKy An end or excess,. to prosiimtion, both clandestine and oven : the repogniiion of fornication, whatever tances, i 5 the cireuoi*a detestable crime whose perpetrator rouse be m The supervision of summer vacation areas so do away with the wholesale confusion and license- that aims of vacationing. nullify the basic The as 1o regulation of business hours for cafes; sur- veillance nf the activities of their regular clients; instructing these as to what is to their best interest; withdrawal of permission from laics to keep such long hours. The of these cafes for teaching utilization rates reading and writing; toward illite- end, the assistance this of the rising generation of elementary schoolteachers aixd students. A campaign against harmful customs, whether economic* moral, or anything else; turning the masses away from these and orienting them in the direction of ways beneficial to thern, or educating t hem in a way consonant with their best interests. These involve such cus- toms as those to do with weddings, civil arid religious holidays, etc. sci funerals, births, the Let the government a good example in this respect. Due consideration sorship, ,s for the claims of the moral cen- and punishment of all who are proved to have any Islamic docfrine or artaclced !t, such as breaking the fast of Ramadan, willful neglea of prayers, insulting the faith, or any such act. infringed ———^— —— - See the Glossary of Arabic TesiuS. ] S. Sec hisba Li the Glossary of Arabic Terms, 212 The encouragement of marriage and by possible all And protect meant promulgation ; procreation, of lo legislation ami solve give mora! support to the family, the problems of marriage. The closure or morally undesirable ballrooms and dance halls* - and the prohibition of dancing; and other such pastimes. (11) The surveillance of theatres and tine-mas, find a rigorous selection Of plays and films. The expurgation of songs, and a rigorous selection and censorship of them. The careful selection of lectures, bangs, to be jects broadcast to- the nation; and sub- use of radio the broadcasting for the education of the nation in a virtuous and mar ill (I*) way. The that implant and manner, the seeds of newspapers skepticism in which to strive Immorality and capitalize indecently on M&aip tflrii feci so (fan wlsai becomes known. And turn iu perJlap* ww*/ itavr> yfw will pfrttper*" The ihr> Gnd, cunuctia, is dnpwed by atsiicnd ihffm having nn very aged men of good conceal alt t*f <U you, disseminate lustful desires. their O adarninrais helicvw*, plwu-jc "'whal ihctr right lian-ds refer* Ip sUves. but whether only and and boots an insidious confiscation of provocative stories ilciife" cli4raeter. m The phrase gener-alryraVtfn w *' 211 wdi men mean eunuchs, or even .simpletons wkhotil *ppctite$ of exper ici\r r>ov female tlivev or mhet mate the jural*. is and MX^sti uniform mode of An regard to drcSs for the end to the foreign nation, spirit language, manners, dress, governesses, etc.; all these to -class homes. be Egyplianiz-ed, especially To give journalism a proper encourage authors and writers to with nurses, our homes in upper in orientation, and undertake to Islamic, Eastern subjects. Attention to fee given to matters of public health by disseminating health information through all media; the number of hospitals, and physicians, mobile clinics; the facilitating means of obtaining, medical treatment. Attention 10 be regards iheir given to village organisation, their cleanliness problems as thepurifiea provide them tion of their water supply, and the means to with culture, recreation, and training. Third The The economic j : organization of zakat in terms of income and expenditure, according ?o the teachings of the magnani- mous Sacred Law; invoking necessary its assistance in carrying out benevolem projects, such as aged, the poor, and orphans, homes for and strengthening the the armed forcesThe prohibition of usuvy, and the organisation of banks with in this end view, 21A Let the government The annexation of the elementary village schools and a thoroughgoing reform of both, as regards employees, cleanliness, and overall custodial care, so thai the young may be trained in prayer and the to the mosques, oldeT students in learning. The designation of subject in religious instruction as in each according to its type all schools., a basic > as well as in Ihc universities. Active instigation to memorize die Qur'an in mandatory this memorization for obtaining diplomas in the areas of religion Arabic ] language ; the stipulation that a protion of be memorized in every school. and it making elementary schools; the free ail [ The promulgation of which will will advance and supply it, in all purposes which sented in first its its policy raise Che level Of education, varieties, with common arid goals and bring the different cultures repre- will and make wilt the process one dedicated to inculcating virtuous,, patriotic spirit Th educational firm the nation closer together, stage of (24) a cultivation a and an unwavering moral code. of the Arabic language al every stage of instruction; the use of Arabic alone, as opposed to any foreign language, The cultivation in of the primary stages. Islamic and of the history, national history and national culture, and the history of I . . H . . Islamic civilization. {26) Consideration of ways to arrive gradually 2tJ at a mode uniform An end of dress for the nation. to the foreign spirit in our homes with regard to language, manners, dress, governesses, nurses, etc.; ail these to be Egyptianized, especially in upper homes. -class To .give journalism a proper (28) and encourage authors waters lo orientation, undertake and to Islamic, Eastern subjects. Attention to be given to matters of public health by disseminating health information through all increasing mobile number of the clinics; hospitals, faciiuating the media; physicians, and means oT obtaining medical treatment. Attention regards their to be given to village organization, their cleanliness, problems the purifica tion of Their water supply, and the means lo provide culture, recreation, arid training. with Third The economic : as them : The organization of zakal in terms of income and expenditure, according to the teachings of the magnani- mous Sacred Law; invoking its out necessary benevolent projects, such as homes lor the aged, the poor, and orphans, and strengthening rhe armed (2} assistance in carrying forces. The banks the prohibition of usury, and the organization with government this end in view. of Let 214 provide at good example all interest due on its instant* Ln - the loan this domain ii» own by relinquishing undertakings, particular granting banks, industrial The encouragement of economic projects increase in their number; jiving work them; the transfer of such of these hands of foreigners to the purely national The paction of the masses from Limits, and obtaining masses. by raising their sector, oppression keeping these wuhln strict every possible lor the benefit aUu. n An improvement and an as are in the the of monopolistic companies; loans, unemployed to citizen * in for of junior civil in the lot servants by granting ihem steady salaries, increases and compactions, and by ries of senior civil servants. A reduction in the number lowering I be sala- of government posts^ retaining only the indispensable oncfc: an equitable und scrupulous distribution of the work among civil lervane*. The encouragement of agricultural and industrial counseling; attenlion to be paid to raising the production (7> level of A the peasent and industrial worker. concern for the technical and social (he worker; raising respects. his &> The exploitation standard of of natural as living problems of in resources, numerous such as uncultivated land, neglected mines, etc. Priority over luxury Items to be given to necessary projects in term* of organisation This submit Muslim Brotherhood. and place ourselves, our lalenis, and all the message of the is it* possess and execution. in the We we hands of any committee or government hand with an Islamic nation, toward progress and advancement. We will answer (he call, and we are prepared lo sacrifice ourselves. We hope that by so doing we will have fulfilled desirous of taking a step forward, hand in our trust and &aid our piece. For religion means uneerity His Apostle, His Book, the Imams of the Muslims, and their community at large. Aliafeis our *ui- toward Aiiih. liriency ; He is enough; and peace to His chosen wors- hippml Hasan a!-Barm& lit ON JIHAD In the Nam* of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate! Allah, the Lord of: the Universe, and upon our Master Muhammad, fighters b Allah's wayv I mam of the pious, Praise be eo blessings and peace Master of the. : and Leader df'the glorious in purity, and upon his House and his Companions, and those who fought for his Sacred Law* until the Day of Judgment. Jihad ah a Religious Duty Obligatory on Every Muslim Is iii has imposed jihad as a duty on religious every Muslim, categorically and rigorously, from which there neither evasion nor escape. object of de^re, and has fighters in cheir made has rendered it a supreme (he reward of martyrs His way a splendid one, for with them they did, He He is and has conjoined reward onJy those who have acted as and have modeled themselves upon them in in their performance of superior qualities, jihad. both And He has spiritual and graced them with practical, in this world and the next, such as Helms granted to no one else, and He has made Lheix pure and guiltless blood the gauge of victory in this world and the token of triumph and felicity in the world to come. He has threatened backsliders and slackers with His most frightful and punishments, them by the most repellent epithets and invectives. He has reproached them for their cowardice add lack of &pkit, and castigated them for their weakness and truancy. In this world. He has prepared for than a qualified 217 disgrace which will not be and jihad; in the lifted unless they take part in a chastisement they next, shall not escape though they possess the equal of Ml. Uhud in gold. He regards abstention and evasion of jihad as one of the major sins, and one of the seven mortal sins that guarantee annihilation. 1 You will not regime, come across whether religious any or civil, concerned with question of jihad and the armed forces and mobilization of the entire umraa right with all iu strength^ such as in the Islamic religion and the Noble Qur'an; Apostle (May Allah its Or in bless teachings; phalanx to you will find or in the verse the Traditions and savehim!), the and the drafting into one defend ihe modern or ancienL or of the mighty overflowing with all these lofty ideals and summoning men, w[rh Che most eloquent expression and the clearest exposition, to jihad, to warfare, to the armed forces, and to the reinforcement of the means of defense and of every possible kind - on land and on sea, and under all other conditions and circumstances. We shall Of and offer you some portion of this matter example, rather Shan detailed and exhaustive coverage, shall not present any Qur'anic accompanied by commentary or 1 A mountain near Medina, and . engagement of Ihe Muslims defea* for ihc Muslims, but wjrh ilie verses or Traditions glosses. You the scene of the second, major lengthy pagan Mcccans in Ihe Mcccario refrained 625. It iivtporlanl victory inr<i 218 n, wa* a from pursuing what mighl rhcic advantage, and returned 10 Mecca, lh«ieby turning have been an by way stalemate. shall see by the purity exposition, the lucidity of spirituality, of its how much you may From The Noble Qur'an, A and the ideas its of its force of its language, the clarity profit through all the Speech Of Ihc Selection of Verses Dealing with Jihad (J "Fighting J is cablc to you. But which is good may be for you, and it thing which is bad for you. know" I Q; 2 216 J. ; Book be detes- ic you detest that may be Allah it. Almighty in Allah's prescti^ for you* though at of that something you love some- knows, arid you do not : "Prescribed,i means "ordered/* as when the Almighty 11 says : "Prescribed Tor you is the fast, in the same employing the same expression and usage.2 sura, "G ye who believe, be not like those who disbelieve and say to 'their brethren, when they journey through the land or take part in military expeditions 'if : they had stayed with us, they would neither have died nor been slain.' - so that Allah may make this an affliction in their hearts For Allah dispenses both . is well aware of what you do. For Her*, -as if you arc in a number of <^r'ank dtarionsiuid Al-Banutt'- felt ir expressions ta necessary co expl&m erudite readers, most of whom lawd mcrrtfcro uf the clerjta'i group. I have g*3S this- by and ddath, and Allah life w? using word* and hadiih ro follow, or nrchaic words arid *vere not classically cdu- tried, as he bsi* to aik- CKpre&Jons rcFleeling r«nt levels of learning, though slain in Allah's somcwhai difte- not always wiih equal success. 219 way, or from AOaJa and mercy arc baicr die, forgiveness lhan what you amass. And m unto itis Allah thai you surely if die, you shall be gathered" ( or arc slain, Q. 3 The meaning of "journey through ihe land" went oul into it, waging jihad"; and "in military "as fighters tionV means Notice how for the 'faith, it is - "they cwpedi- waging war." "forgiveness" and "mercy** arc associated with slaying and death inAJiah's way how the second verse is devoid because is 156 : devoid of the idea in the first of ihis verse, and association, of jUud. In this verse, there b an intimation of the faci that cowardice is one of the characteristic moral trails of unbelievers, but not of believer* And notice how the order of the words I 1 in the J «i*c has been inverted, , "Do way as not. reckon thos-c who have been slain in Allah's dead. Nay. rather they are ativc with their grsmicd sustenance, gladdened by the bounty Allah has ihern, and driven not rejoicing those tor Lord, who have yei joined them and remain behind, in that no fear shall upon them, nor shall they grieve" Q. [ 3 : 169 ?5 ]. be - Refer 10 (he remaining verses in the Book,4 AI-Baiwu's rune here ttcms a UUIc garbled, "'Forgivcnr.*" and awriated ""nicur-cy*" arts with Jihad in the acenjhl, i& AljfC the (hisd vctk Which fOWk obi llic has lo do nor ike Urse verse. is ionsmoq of »iih the wmdt • devoid urord « 'slain" 4. All Lhar aec quoted here are of hit aasociaiion. wd»cf in ihc iturd and Q. 220 I die. 70. vm? IIU cvwfemiy "So life of let way of world for ihe next, and this way and h a mighty (hose fight in the slain wage" From 71to or overcome. Q. I 4 Wc shall provide him witfe Q. 4, the verses beginning 74 ]. : lie ABah who sell the who tights inAuan's 78. Refer to these verses in (he Noble Book, so thai you may see how AUah the Muslims to exorcise caution urges, and to acquire experience in warfare, in troops* or as individuals, as circumstances armies and amy dictate. . And how He upbraids the slackens, cowards, truants, and how He opportunists* and arouses our zeal to protect trie conjoins, wronged, and how lie weak and secure the warfare with prayer and fasting, showing clearly that like He these two, is One of the Pillars, of Islam. Then it, how arguments of the wavcrers, and encourages Ehe fearful to Lhc untmost degree tc plunge refutes the specious into the uproar of battle and to face death unflinchingly and bravely, overtake must them in any event, and that if they die waging jihad, they will receive the most magnificent recompense for their lives, showing thera death that and that they "shall not be wronged to the extent of a single date-fiber" | Q.4 74 ; of their contribution or ) sacrifice. 1 (5) The "Sura of the Spoils ' [ Q;8 1 is in its entirety an exhortation to combac and a behest to remain steadfast I while engaged many of ] in its rules. It is lims (May it, as well as E dear presentation of for this reason that the first Mus- Allah's grace be upon them t) 221 adopted it as a anthem which they would chant whenever their apprehensions mounted and the bailie grew grim. Suffice military it and Almighly to quote what Allah (Blessed "And them such force prepare against horse* as you can, (Almighty He!) is figbil If there Q. 8 [ tf, 0 60 : a of tioop-s up I, to His words arc of you twenty steadfast men, ihcy there are a hundred of if they will overcame a thousand are : Prophet., rouse the believers to : overcome two hundred; they and Hd> wiys by which to frighten the enemies of and your enemies" Allah is people ot the will you, unbelievers, for who have no Understanding" |Q.8:«5]. The "Sura of Repentance" Q,9 [ J coo is in its enti- rety an exhortation to combat and a clear presentation of its rules. Suffice to quote what Allah (Blessed and Almighty is Hel) says concerning warfare against perfi- dious them potythcifttt through will and "Fight them, ; your hands and humiliate gram you via cry over believing people, arid He | toward Q. 9 and He away the wrath whom He 14 - : Lheirs, and heal the breasts of will take their he-arcs, for Allah turns Knowing, Wise" thetn, punish Allah will wilK a within Alton is 15 J. And His words (Blessed and Almighty is He!) concerfighting with People of the Book ning "Fight chose who believe not in Allah nor in the Last Di*>\ and who do not : forbki wfaai Alton and His Apostle have forbidden, follow Lhe religion of truTh t being of chose the Book, until they render tribute 222 | who were Jlzya 1 or sent out of their hands, humbling themselves'* proclamaiion of rQ. 9 the 29 : general Then the ], muster Tinging an and rebounding verS-cs. ending "March Hc3) : forth, your wealth and your with His words best for you, if you have knowledge" comes resounding by cowardly, of (Almighty is He!) That ! Q. 9 | 41 : honor E3ie and their slacker*, of jihad, "Those who were : left adopted behind rejoice*! and haled to way. in Allah's They said : 'Do not march fonh in the heat! Say 1. of Jahannam is. more vehemently fire hot, knew!' So |ci them laugh a little, much as a, reward -and go forth, lo they hut them weep if let Allah bring thee back 10 a parry of them, and permission The : what they were earning. for «iy: with me, nor shall you ever fight were pleased to remain inactive "You shall Then perpetual His words in in remaining behind the Apostle of Allah, strive with their wealth afld their persons Then inactive with those who stay behind " I if they ask thy never go forth an enemy with me. (he first the is |, disparagement ofthe attitude despicable deprivation way in Allah's is and smvc wrtft and heavy; light persons (Almighty so remain time, Q.9 You 81 -.84 I J. Then follows commendation of the altitude of those who wage jihad, at their head being their Noble Master (May Allah bless and save him!), and the declaration thai this was his. immaculate mission and the Surma of his fortunate glorious and Almighty, .says "But the him, have striven wftji : persons, and those - for Companions, Apostle, and those with iheir them here I are good as the He, who believe wealth and things : their those - 223 Ihey are the prosperous AHahhas prepared for ihcm gar- dens beneash which rivers flow, they remaining therein That forever. the mighty victory" Is Then follows an oath Q I 9 8S - 89 J. i of allegiance, ail-embracing and allowing of no exception which precludes any excuse for who would those (Almighty He!) is exempt way and And who the Gospel and the Qur'an. they slay Him a promise truly binding upon fulfilling his is IQS: II 1 more factors faithful in thai in the the is Q | 47 Just consider named the "Sura of Wise Book of aim • and that the foun snra entire in tfce of the military ha* been Kpiril consists, obedience and : are J, The "Sura of Combat" dftlion (he Torah, covenant than AlUh? Therefore rejoice mighty victory" Constat" and in ilw bargain you have concluded with Him; for how an from their wealth* in that P'uratUsc they Fight in Allah's theirs ; slain, as and words His in "Surely AHafa has bought : believers their persons is themselves;, as fhey say* of Allah has di.scipi.iinr. I wo summarised foundation in two versea in His Book. As regards obedience, it appears in this sura wh*re He\ the this "Those who Almighty, sa>* : "Why has not down? And when a precisely worded a sura been seiii sura down and seest Ls sent those in who&c fighting The '"Sura of who Muhammad" for ihi* 224 : mentioned in is hcaris there thee wiih the look of one J- believe say is it, thou sickness looking ai swocrns through tSeaih. » a fauuiiun sivmr More when the matter is with A3Iah, it As to [ Q. resolved, if they behaved would-be discipline, it 61.], belter for them" where He, the Almighty, says asoJidly constructed to one of the 2f>-21 ; [ Q.48 bless is 1 J. Ranks' 1 Allah were as if they Q,6I [ 4 : also dedicated ], in of the campaigns military Apostle of AUaii (May Allah the eulogy of a Q.47 'Truly : in ranks, building" The "Sura of Victory" entirety [ truthfully appears in the "Sura of the loves those who fight in His way its And them are-obedience and civil speech. fitting for and save him!), and to drawn from the many occasions of the august [Apostolic jihad, which took J place under the shadow of the Blessed Tree* where an oath A of allegiance radiant occasion unto steadfastness and death reference of the oath of allegiance tafcen rc was. Muhammad by Muslims in 628, during the negotiations between Ihc .Prophet and the pagans- of Mecca ai AI-Hudaybiya, a site on ihe edge of the haram, nr sacred territory of Mecca. He had cottK to make Lhc umra. or I.cs$er Pilgrimage, isritfc about 1,500 Murium from tvScdina, but was 3tiei by a force of Meccano who barred bis- wa>'. The actual stipulaiions of the oaih Ibwv'at. which was administered under a ties, the remain obscure, not atl accn-uncs agreeing with' Hasiin al-Banna's version, The Treaty qf AKHiidaytaya. concluded with rhe ^jfli, declared a ton-year truce between Mecca and the Muslims, allowed and the- Musll/m to.comc ai pilgrims to Mecca S« W. Montgomery Wan, MuhammAd al Medina, Clarendon Press, 1956)). pp. 46-32. 325 (Oxford: ill The future years. taken, and which bore the fruit of Tranquility7 and vie* This tory. h what He, the Almighty, -say?? "Allah was : when they swore allegiance to under the Tree, for He knew what was in Their pl-eased with the believers thee hearts and He sent down Tranquility upon rewarded them with a speedy victory and which they could These, Brother Allah seize, are some of is them, and plentiful spoil always August, Wise" the places in wh Ech mention made ofjihad and its virtue set plainly forth; -and where the believers are urged to wage it, and those who do so are given the good tidings of the magnificent is reward and the fair recompense granted therefor. The Book of AJJahis filled with examples like These, and if you leaf through it and take heed of what appears in it on this- subject, you will behold a wonder of wonders and you will be astounded at the negligence of the Muslims advantage of this reward. Next this come will in taking noble Prophetic Traditions on sortie matter. 'TrantjuiJjty," or " assurance. landing of the term "Al-Safctna" likelihood a the dJ virus bouowing jwescrrcc M in tt£ is Lord. 226 usual MusJim Qur an. though from Lhe Hefcre* of the rhe It ^laiMaife,* is undcrv in nlJ signifying A Sampling of Proptttlie Traditions on Jihad On (1} with him!.) pleased Prophet (May Cod bless and my Abu Hurayra the authority of who t save him!) say Hand, sou] within His said : 3 (May Altah be "I heard ihe 'fty ; Hjrn were nor for some if it who has men. of the believers who - even when J J are not pleased to remain behind me can find nothing on which to mount them - would not be absent, AJJah s 5 way. And by would like to be slain. Him who in AHahrs rnititary has way, my expeditions soul in in His Hand, I then live again, then "Transmitted by Ai-Bukhari and Muslim.* 5 On be slain from any the authority of Abu Hurayra (May pkased with him!): "The Apostle of Aiiah(May and save him!) said His Hand, no one 'By i is Him who has Allah be AJlah bless my stHd within way - and AlEah His way • bur that he vulnerated inAJluh's knows best who is vulnerated in comes on the Day of Resurrection, the color being the 'Abd aJ-Rahmsn b- Sakbf al-Dawsi (602 - 679). called "Abu Hurayia" because of a presumed fondness for cats. He \t-as converted to Islam in 629, and became a clow Companion of clW Pm8_ phec. It is said that 5. 374 Traditions arc traced back to him, a greater than Lhat aUripulctf to Musltra b; hidiib and auehariLativc Al-ftukbari, "The Two aMiajjaj figwe any other Companion. (820-^5), an outstanding callcciot of author of Al-Sabih, regarded as ihe second jmosi collection aftex the ideal Lcally untried Sahib of ih€ The iwo works 1* Sahibs, are often cited together a; Al-Sahihavi, and ihc two authors as Al-Shaykban, ''The 227 Two w color of blood, and the scent being the scent of xnusk." "vulfterate" » "wound," and "he "he is is vulncraicd 17 wounded** (May Aliah bc pleased with him!), who said : "My paternal uncle Anas b. al-Nadr was. absent from iheBallleof Badr, and he said 'O Apostle ofAliah^ I was absent from the firsr battle in which you fought the polythekts. if Allah calls me to witOn- the authority of Anas31 : He shall surely sec what Day of Uhud arrived, and the ness a batik with the polytheism I dor And when can the ask Muslims were put to flight, he said; 'My Allah, [ pardon of Thee or what these (meaning his companions) have done, and I absolve myself before Thee of what l he those (meaning the polythcists) have doner Then pressed forward, was accosted by Sa' d.b. Mu'adh, j2 and So 10- the Sahlh in «iT Al-Bukhari. Presumably the •'color" and *:«Wflt- refer u> the Arabic as wound, but ,ne construction is as vague in the in the English translation. Anas b. Malik {612-712). a Mcditt&e convert to t&lan) from the tribe of khajjaj, and a close friend and servent of the Praphet. A prolific IraikSroilCer of Itudilh. Sa'd b. Mu'adh(?-627)t a leader of the Mcdincse tribe of Awn, He was wounded aL Lite Battle of the Trench in 627, the third major engagement with the Meccano, when the nagan army un suecesstidy besieged Medina. As he lay dyinjjt, the Propher allowed him to decide rhe fate of rhc .lews and. a foremost fighter for the faith. of Barvu Qurayza, tiating, who with the enemy. mortally were suspected or accused of seccrtLy nego- He decreed that and the women and children sold all adult males bc executed, into slavery, carried out, 22$ which judgement was 4 said: 0 Al-Nadr! sa'd smell I Mu'adlv Paradise b. Lis Lord from below UhudP Sa'd was unable to do what he scent 'O Apostle of AlLah^ "Anas and the uWe i of said: did.' found him with some eighty - odd sword cuts, or spear - thrusts, or wounds made by arrows, and we found that he had been killed aad thai the said; polycheists had mutilated him. but his sister, and by his that fingers, used to think, or suppose* that concerning him and his who were likes: this 1 recognised him Anas said: "We verse came down * 'Of the believers are men up to the Transmitted by sincere in their covenant with AHah,./ of end No one the verse9 ' { Q.33:23 1- Al-Bulhari. On (4} the authority of Umrn Haritha ibn Suraqa; namely, that she went to ihe Prophet (May Allah biess and "O save him?), and said: tell me of Haritha?" - had struck him before Paradise,, there, said: I I will bear Prophet of AUaii, Paradise, you noi now a stray (or unidentified) arrow the Day of Badr - "For if he is in But if he is not weeping for him," He [ his loss ] patiently. shaM give myself over to "O will mother of Haritha, there are Paradises within and your son has attained the most exalted Firdaws."13 published by Al-Bukhari. A term for Paradise of Persiaa urtein vwtudi curac into Aiabic probably via Syriaci The original meaning is "garden, 11 like jts Arabic synonym "Al-Janna," ihc usual exnTesstort for Paradise in the Qyr'an, Firdaw$i5 regarded by Muslim slwotostansas, varwusEy, a special portion or leve^-of Al-Janricu iic&l stage oFParaiiiw. 229 -a uaidcn \Wihin it. or the lot- "a is stray (or unidentified) U unknown. him" = I weep shall Just sec, Brother, bitterly. how Paradise and misfortunes, and cares On one whose shooter &ive myself over to weeping for shall I arrow" the authority of enabled Abd ' made them them Allah b. Abi forget to -their support Awfa (May Allah be pleased with bun!): "The Apostle of Allah (May Allah bless and save him!) said: 'know ye that Paradise lies in the shadow of the swords-, 1 "Published by the Two Shaykhs and Abu On God be God Da'ud/4 ' the authority of Zayd b. Khalid ai-Juhani (May (May "The Apostle of Allah said: e He who outfits a warrior pleased with himl): and save himE) the way Of Allah Almighty has himself gone on camin paign; and he who has supported a warrior [i.e., family] irk Allah's way through an act of benevolence, has himself bless gone on campaign/" Transmitted by Muslim, Abu Da'ud and Al-Tirmidhi-If That is to say: "he Al-Bukhari, obtains the reward for it." Abut Da'ud SuLayman b. at-AjlVaOi <81T-3&9), a lector Of haditft and author or Al-Sunan. one col- 'most highly M the eswfened collections of Surmite TrHdiiion*. Muhammad b. cullccior* nf collection famous 'ha- al- Finnidhi (82*-992l« tadflh. AMami aJ-Kahir, and a sludrnt of Al-Bukhiiii, author one of the greatest of The famous On the authority of who pleaded with him Allah and save bless ), I belief in (May 'He who makes I he way out of faith in Allah find) the amount of fodder [will amount of water required to water the it, said: Allah be in Allah's His promise required to feed Hurayra (May AKah "The Apostle of said: him!) endowment of a horse and Abu dung placed in his balance on she Day of Resurrection."' Tranmitted by Al-Bukhari. and it, I its And way of like the horse, m the paraphernalia [given] Allah.) On Che authority of Some pleased with him!). is all equal [in merit] Abu Hurayra (May "O said: Apostle of Allah what Allah, to the Jihad in Allah's way?" be He said: "You cannot do ft>" But they brought up the same thing before him two or three rimes more,, and he said: cannot do' it." way Allah's is Then he who he said: *'The equal fasts standing "You of the fighter in and reciting Allah's verses, without interrupting his fast or his prayers, unlil the fighter inAilah's way except for [that ofJ The Si* l ilit Sunjin of In the Six 1' Books- 1 * Abu Da'ud. \L Luluii al-siUaJ art Tions of Sumvitc islam. Mushm. returns,* Lie? six atuunitLil haditb'cOllrc- They comprise the'SaWhs of Al-Bakluri and Abu Oa'ud, the Jami bf Al-'J lnnidhi, Sunan of Ibn .Maja, and the tury), but none of these has managed u> attain the rank and ihe Sunan of Al-NasaM. There were other collections; even highly respected ones, made before, (taring, and after the period covered by the Six Books HiLiiIti io early JeMbi cenof this iron p. (9)On ihc authority of Abu Sa'id al-khudri (May who said: "The Apostle of be pleased with him!), (May Allah bless and save him!!) said: 'Shall Allah Allah you tell I men and who is the worst? Among the best of men is lie who toils in Allah's way on the back of his horse or camel, or on foot, until death comes to him. And among the worst of men is he who reads the Book of who Allah the best of is Almighty, and remains un regenerate." Transmitted n byAI-Nasa'i. *"he remains himself, On unreeenerate = he 1 * does not check nor does he admonish and reprove himself, the authority of Ibn /Abbttsls (May Allah be pleased with him!), who 1k said: i heard the Apostle of Allah (May Allah bJe&s and save him!) say: two eyes which the Fire shall There are not touch: the eye which wept for fear of Allah, and the -eye which passed the night on guard in the way of Allah Almighty." From Al-Tirmldhs. On the authority of pleased with him!) IT. Ahmad b. ' who Abu said; Umayra (May Allah be "The Apostle of Allah (May L Ali al-Nasa'i (8JQ-9I5),, one of the greatest culltt- torsof Prophelic hadftha»d author of Al-Sunan al-Kuhra. Seen. Ifl. 'AbdAlLnria. 'Abbas b. 'AM al-MuttalLb (61 9-687), a younger COUSin of the Prophet, and a highly respected tr&risraittpr of hudilii-, allhua^h be was only thirirtn y*ars old when Uit Proplisi died. .said ihai he was a profound 16, It is scholar, well versed in Qur'un (interpre- tation, ancient Arabian history and genealogies, and Arabic poetry, as mill a* in TnwSitloos, 232 Allah bless and save way more pleasing is to rac than Allah be stain in hiinJ) said: 'Thai 1 "the people of all clay Al-Nasa'i. and hair" corae over to me." Published by On the authority of Rashid b. Sa'd (May Allah be one of the him!), on the authority of pleased with the is it that believers will swords over his head by Al-Nasa*i. This is one of and battle, come out 19. A Apostle of Allah, be put-to the test in their graves, is test "The he said: "a, And For tfie martyr? except how 0 said:i9 *+ Companions, that a man many such in what follows. hadfth such as the martyr in there are will distinctions listen! Now wsih an this, of Published enough for him!" the special distinctions ol just how glittering containing a vasue refe- resting rence to an unwarned Companion, and oh the ultimate testi- normally be regarded as monial of an anonymous "man," would dubious. extremely *eak and The 2f). u "lest" part of the experience of the soul of the newly dead in ihtgiave It -weed and is first interrogated as 'to its assured of Faiadise, and liever, hypocrite, utycls or unre^mani named Munkar answers inadequate, uncertain folic - sinner, it heat it variations Etfader on JsJam, pp. and This belief with iron rods. Quranic authcflilteulton, and that ft of an unbe- two bUie-cycd, black -faced on finding its rest* on very repce^m* andcnl eradicate, and therefore doubtless tradition wnidi Islam was unable to A ft U, acid Nakix interrogate absorbed, has oumerous fety, cojj&ratulaLed. Tf record a piou* Muslim, belongs to of good works in this world. If the soul is its on 208 tail theme, -2 IB. Arthur Jet- 253 On Ihc authority of Abu Hurayra (May pleased Wtth him!): "The Aposdcof and save him the sting of (May AJlabbless Albah 'The martyr feels nothing more J) sajdi from one of you slaughter than any AUah be from the feels of a gnat." 1 [Transmuted by J Al-Tirmidm\ Al-Nasa'i and Al-Darinii.33 Al-Tirmidhi designalcs it as sting acceptable, though reding solely on the of one authority Companion. This another is distinguishing charaeteriscie of Mas'ud- (May Allah the martyr. Ofl the authority of Ibn pleased wilh him!), who "The Apostle of .said; be (May Allah Allah bless and save him!) said: 'Our Lord (Blessed and Almighty is Hef) is pleased with a man campaigning in Allah's way, who, when his companions are driven back, and knowing what the odds the attack] uiltil his blood is outpoured. 'AM AUah 2J are, nevertheless returns b. author of a colletiiort of hadlfh, ' Ahd aJ-Rahman AJ-Jaini' nLtilivc roJtocuon *fl« the Six f which lfow>lts. lis 22. 'Abel AJInh h ati servant ulira of the Mecca. Ris - time He was o-f received text, and j[ is said chat 'Urhraan for not surrendering his t«t % auilio- close friond converii. ro personal copy nf []» Qur'an coittaiiied -the official railier ascetic. Prophet, and one of the earliest beaten by t>rd« most nuunJy in be the importance lies to (797- al-Darimf 15 held tfi says oneofTlu-^rMicrCijrnpajiioiis, $afa devotee and from the *Uth manic Allali »w tfee legal Sphere. and Then to [ Islam in interesting, 234 variants he was recension Vairpii Wished. 'H«'ii an o1ten qiiraed of hadivh, alid ante trans- My the angels: "See how out of liis desire far that which is of Me = ''apprehension" rear, poured" = On the his authority of QayS;b- Shammas, on Me and h punish- [as to on you " have forgiven him I reward] (as his apprehension of that which is from ment], until his blood was outpoured. 1 call witness thaE attack] servant returned [to the and "hid blood was outblood flowed. <Abd al-Khayr b. Thabic b, the authority of his. on che father, authority of his grandfather, who said: "A woman came to the Apostle of Allah (May #lal* bless and save hiinl) named Urnm Khallad, wearing a veil, in order to ask him about a son of hers who bad been /^mighty. One of slain in the way of Allah Have Companions said toner: L cometoaskaboui you son, wearing a veil?' She said; his have been bereft of my son, I shall not be AJten modesty.' The Prophet of Allah (May him!) 'Your son has said to her: She martyrs.V 'Why? He said: killed by People of the Souk." *Ef I of my and save bereft bless reward of two the said: 'Because was he Abu Published by 1 you Daud> "I am bereft of my son" = afflicted because In I It i s. of Tradition, obligation 10 fight that Jihad is have lost him and I am him. there is the People AMi doubles I a clear of the Book, and of the ihe reward of those who fight not against polythcisls alone, but against do not embrace Islam. 235 of the indication fact them. all who On The authority of Sard pleased with him!): and save him!) "The Apostle of 'He who asks said: martyrdom with Hunayf (May AlUh be b. sincerity, will be AJ|aJi(May Allah bless Almighty for Allah brought by Atlnii mansions of the martyrs, though he die in his Published in to the bed. 1 " the Five Books, but not by Al-Bukhari, On the authority of Khuraym b- Fatik, who said: "The Apostle of Allah (May Allah bless and save hian!} said: 'He will who expends a sum have it in the way of Allah Almighty accredited to his account seven hundredfold-"' Transmitted by Al-tirmidhi who desi( gnated it acceptable, and also by On the Al-NasaM. authority of Abu Hurayra (May Allah be pleaded with him:), who said: "One of the Companions of the Apostle of Allah (May ALUh bless and save him!) passed by a ravine in which there was a small fount of fresh water. He was greatly pleased by this, and said to himself: 'What if 1 were to withdraw from mankind and live in this ravine?' He mentioned this 10 (he Apostle of Allah AttaMMay bless and save him!), who said: 'Don't do it! When one of you takes his place raAJijuVs more excellent than if he prayed in his way, house for i( is seventy years. Do you not wish that Allah forgive you and bring you into Paradise? Campaign in God's way: he who fights in Allah's way mounted On a camel must necessarily enter Paradise.'" Transmitted by Al-Tirmidhi. "a small founr- ' = a small spring with plentiful water. 236 On Al-Miqdam the authority of b. Ma'dikacib, who said: "The Apostle of AUah(May Allah bless and save him!) said: 'The martyr possesses six distinctions with he is shown his place in Paradise: he is secure from the supreme terror] or judgment); lne crown of dignity is placed on his head, a the entire single ruby of which h more precious than respect toAJiah; he world and contains; the wide all - ii is forgiven, first of lie is wedded eyed houris; and he may all; - to seventy woof seventy intercede for of his relatives/" Transmitted by Al-Tirnudhi and Ibn Maja*3 On the authority Abu of Almighty be pleased with him!), who of Allah (May Hurayra (May Allah said: Allah bless and save him!) said: 'He who meets Allah with no trace of jihad on him with a flaw in him, "The Apostle will meet Allah "Transmiltcd by Al-Tirmidhi and 1 Ibn Maja. On the with him!}, b)m who authority of said: and save him!) cerely wall Anas (May Allah be pleased The Apostle of AJlah (May Allah said: be giaiUed. 'He who seeks martyrdom sinit, though it never touch him." 1. Transmitted by Muslim. 23Sia Muhammad HuuLs. Sec a. b, Maja (?-896), author of Al-Sunan, i 6, 237 one of che On 1(22) Allah bless (May Allah ihe authority of the Prophet (May with him!), on the authority of the Prophet bless and save him bivouacs for one night Almighty Uthman of in the who E), said: "He who way of Allah (Glorious and Hit) Will he credited with a criousand nights of fasting and standing [in prayer]. "Tranbiiiilltd by Ibri Maja. On is the authority pleased with him!): and save him!) "The said: Abu of Apos.iic of Allah 'A campaign by sea of ten campaign.* by land: he v-ho (Glorious "be Hcf)' Transmilled is tossed is = about" fey A3te*vbe (May AUah is bless Ihc equivalent tossed about at sea is one who wallows in his Wood like (May 'al-Darda'" in Ehe Is way of Aim Ibn Maja, the ship veers and trembles and rocks under him. The vert Islam it> marrying of the Orthodox Caliphs, and an early Meetan (577-t5?fi). He win. Ruqayya Uk definitive his reign (644-$56l 1 h ai cOJj« law 1o "he Prophet, ivice SOI* in if£b of the lauers daughters. was during c^Mt third arid Utmn Kulturn. Ti and auirVoriiaitve. of ihc Qur'an was eaiabLiilwd and ptfomuJgatcd through anc the Istem'K domain. favoritism, Accused iiepo-lism i>r" and *vas he be&wt&L jn his palace in Medina by a Jurge army of malccmtems Iraq aad.L&ypt. and finally awassin&icd. from Ahu 'l-Daida' 'Lwayrtiir b. Malik (?-652), a Mcdincsc convert as a war10 islam uom the r.rihc nt khazraj. He was equally. fawwi-S 25, rior had a learned pietist and. ascetic, and was.oncof hose *lw> memorized the eflrj*£: Qw'an during the Fraphei** Ap&siolaw. arid aa I S In this Tradition., there an is allusion to a sea cam- paign, and the attention of the umma is drawn to the fact that it must take care to proieut its coastline and strengthen its fleet. This applies by analogy to the air as well, an<i Allah many redouble will who campaign by those On me times over air in His. authority of Jabir b. 'O is (May Abd Allah (May Allah who said; "When Ahd 'AM speaks, to 'Yes indeed!' : no save from behind a Co your father fact to face, saying: and Vie what tliou wilt, it Day of.Ubud, and save him!) said: (August and Majestic tell I the Allah bless you what Allah He!) said to your father? I said Jabir, shall reward of way. Almighty be pleased with him!),26 Allah b, "Ainr b- Haram2? was slain on the Apostle of Allah lite shall 4 t veil, but O My be granted. 1 He He *poke ask of servant, ' said: He said: "0 Lord, grant me life, that I may be slain for Thee for a second time!" He said: "Bat 1 have already decreed that ^ [hern 'they shall not return unto it/*9" He said: "o Lord, let (left) behind -me." So God (August ct^b^^^^k^^-^-^^^v Meoincsc conven to l&Uin fr&m the tribe 01 Kha^raj {GO?- know who are ~* 1 A 1 697). acid a prolific Lranominee An {?-f>25), ttte early of badilh. Modinewcouvcrnu Warn from the and Wie of the iwelvr Second (J&Lh of 1 tribe- of Xlnfarnj from Medina w!lo took AqafcA before the Prophet in (32, shortly Iwfoc Lribal leaders the Emigration of the Muslims lo Medina, in which tiiey ihesn selves Lo'ftghi ruT Muhammad bottnd ftnd itrcTailh against all conten- ders. 28. A poislWe.njfercucc. -though no 2» a direct quocarioti, oi Q .?6:?-i" and Majestic reckon Hel) And so on down sent those who have been up this in slain On (May the authority of be Allah to Allah's the Anas.on Che the Authority of his way as verse" father on ihe authority and save him!), who said: Allah's way and bestead pleased with them!), of the Prophet (May ALUh bless **That I accompany a fighter in him on his journey, departing or reverting, sing to me "Do not verse; end of Q.3 :169J. Transmitted by Ibn Maja. dead f is than this and world what Transmitted by Ibn Maja. more is plea- contains." it him on it. "to bestead him on his journey*' = to help ''departing" = setting out in the morning, "reverting" On = coming back the authority Of Apostle of Allah in the evening. Abu Hurayra (May K Allah bless who said: "The and save him!) said: AHahhas sent forth three: the campaigner, the pilgrim, and the visitant to the ka'ba. 1 "Transmitted by Muslim. On of AbU7 !-Darda\ who said: "The Apostle of AUah(May Allah bless and save hirn!) said: The the authority on behalf of seventy of of his house/" Transmitted by Abu Da'ud, martyr will intercede On trie people Abd Allah b. Ilmar, who Allah bless and save said: "Tne Apostle of Allah (May him!) said: Mf you traffic in comrnodities on credit, and Ef you grasp the tails of cat Lie, and of you are content to sow [fields], the authority of and if you abandon jihad* 24C Allah will cast upon you a humiliation which He will no lilt from you until you return To your religion.' ''Traiismitted by "Ahmad [b. Hanbal} and *Abu Da'ud, and attested as to I ks authenticity by On the Al-Hakirn [al-Naysaburi], authority pleased wtth him!), who Abu Hurayra (May Allah be. "The Apostle of AlJah(May of said; Companions set out in a hurry so that they reached Badr ahead of the polytheism, The polytheists arrived, and the Apostle of Allah (May and save him!) and Allah bless his blew and save him!) said: 'Forward to Paradise, whose width embraces the heavens and the carthl' Allah 'Uinayr Allah you b. (May to ai-Humam Allah bless said: The Apostle of him!) said; 'What impels Hurrah! ' and save He say "Hurrah! hurrah!'" Apostle of hope AJIah, except the that r I people/ He-said: 'You are indeed one oi niay be its O 'Nothing, said: one of people."' its He (Abu Hurayra) said: 11 And he [UmayrJ took out some dates from his quiver and began eating them. Then he said: l lf I will indeed live long enough 10 tat [all] my date*, my life be a long oner So he flung away Lhe remai- ning dates, and fought them until he was slain/' Trans- mitted bv Muslim. On the authority of Abu 'Iroran. who said: "We were at die city of Rum [Constantinople], and they sent out a mighty column of Byzantines again&l us. A like number of Muslims, and even more, came out against 241 Uqba them. and Amir29 was b. the head of the Egyptians, at Fadala b. L'bayd30 at the of the head of the entire force.. One Muslims attached the Byzantine column ujilil he broke into it. The men shotted and said; a Glory be to Allah; He has cast himself into annihilation! 1 But Abu Ayyub al-AnsariJ1 rose and said: 'Mem, you intcrpcrL this verse in this manner, but it was sent down concerning When AilaU made only us, the band of the An*ar. Islam some of us said to others in secrecy, but not to the Apostle of Allah (May AJJah b3es& and save him!): "Indeed our wealth has been lost, and A3iah Almighty has made Islam powerful, powerful and hs defenders grew niimerou&1 while its A defenders have grown numerous. companion (?-67S> poet, warrior, and scholar. in 640-41 tinder 'Aimi h. dom He was As, at-' What we if ihe Batui Juhayna, arid a famous the in arid army that conquered Bgypi taught at the siege of Comtati- ih« tlnuplc in 669 under the ejftwn farfitec Vaztd, whC" £82 «o be second Um'&yyad Caliph, 'Cqtai, as did a number <£ oche: Cotttpa nirms, possessed his in some own wriilen cupy from the respects official AMecI.iuese cooven to Islam who fought an aJJ the Lhc Qur'an, whxJi {tilYerrd "DLhmariSc recension. ehs (rite froji] Prophet's campaigns from part in rhe conquests nf Syria and Egypt as. Aw* (?'6?3), Ubud well as (tic on. He.iiwJt fir*-! siege of Constantinople. Abu Ayyub al-An&ri Khalid b, Zayd convert to Islam from the tribe of Khazraj. the major banks phet's campaigns. siege i>f widi He like MeocmK and wus extremely oJd (l<61tyt He Has ptcscm in Istanbul is Medina* at ail of the temaiiider of Ya? Pro- when foe Constantinople by Yazid, and died and. r&puted Tornb "ti look part in ibe buried there. His. venerated a* that of a saint and a martyr. 242 make good what we have lost of iiV" So God Almighty seal down and answer, rebutting what we had said. To His Prophet: "and do not be east by your own hands into were to down settle with our wealth and [Q. 2: 195], The "annihilation" was setting down with our wealth, augmenting it. and abandoning And Abu Ayyub went on faring in God's the campaign annihilation" 11 way imtill he was buried by Al-Tirmidhf. Notice, Brother, that age when he his middle in the land of Ruin, Transfltitted Abu Ayyub was said this, having years.. gone And dospuc well this, were models- for vigorous youth and the might o f Islam. faith On the authority of pleased with him}, on Allah bless dies without having gone And of and save him!), on and the like, his suport for Allah Allah be God he said: "He «too campaign, and withou* that so, dies Transmitted by Muslim, their there & and spirit, Abu Hurayra (May having exhorted himself to do many his the authority of the Apostle of (May hypocrisy." an advanced past his. youth and at in a species Abu Da'hi, of and peers. are precious as welt as Traditions on this subject on campaigning by sea and ita manifold superiority over campaigning by land, and on campaigning against the People of the Book, The Utile Ummtf of Jihad According to the Legists of the Precious verses from the Qur*an and Noble Traditions concerned with of jihad have passed (he excellence review before you. Now would I some portion of what the legists like to in convey to you of the [Four Orthodoxl - even tile laceer - day authorities Schools" have said among them - regarding Ihe rules of jiliad and the necessity for preparedness, so that you may know: to what extent the Islamic tunma own religion on the question the ordinances of lost lias of jiliad along with the con- sensus of opinion of the Muslims period of their history. Now listen. throughout The author of rhe Msjma' al-Anhur taqa M-Abhur,3 ding to * means to word and deed; every fi'Shsrh Mul- in determining (he rules of jihad accor- the Hanafi School, significance its in the forth one's -put Law Sacred unbelievers, and and .smashing their idols. "Jihad said* is it hi its maximal literal effort in the slaying of the connotations such as beating them, plundering their wealth, destroying their shrines,, related the utmost to strengthen t The aim is io desired strive £o he faith by such means as figh- Sunnitc Islam iccognias four legal schools of canon law as equally orthodox- These arc fd. 767), the hfalikite, founded ShafTiM, founded by Ai-Shafi'i by Ahmad h. HanhaL Islam* Law. A b. work on Muhammad (d. Hani Haniflte, else by Malik (d. «20), 855), See Noel b. and the J. Abu Htnufc Ana?, td, Hant?ftfite, Crvuteon, the founded A of Hie jurisprudence by Burhan al-Diu Ibrahim b. Tbtahun al-Halabi (d, 244 1549}. of the Dar al-Harb34 ting the inhabitants rated Scripturaries35 <if they tebd), tates, who are the vilest and the tole- as well as the apos- of unbelievers, for recanting they have affirmed [their belief], after and oppressors. It is by us as a communal obligation, that is, it is obligatory on us to begin fighting with them after transmitting the invitation [to embrace Islam], even if they do initiated not fight against It is us-. Imam incumbent on the to send Dar al-Harb every year one or two times, and it is incumbent on the subject populace. to aid him. If some perform it, the remainder arc released military expedition to the from the obligation. If the cornmunaE obligation cannot be fulfilled by that group, it falls upon the closest [adjacent group], and the closest |after thai], etc., ami if the cornntual obligation cannot be fulfilled except by all .the people, it Ehen becomes an individual obligation, like prayer- Dar As to the actual ordinance, Islamic law ifeft is non-Muslinu Trie >:ct unconquereil counter - phrase, Dar al-lslam* or the Islam," refers, lo the portion of tiie only have world - Here See clearly iri h\$ writings, lh* truce- relations dominion dhinunis. js the avowed aim of a common term As AI-Banna' can since absolute Islam. Tor People of alio ihe Glossary of Arabic Terms. 245 or two separate "Abodes" with one another at l?esf, i? "Abode of world ruled hy Islamic rulers government!?, where islamic law v the law of the slate. indicates very of virtue by Islam, whereparamount, and where the government or ruler world a* ikh by exists "Abode of War,'Vis ihe phrase used io denote al-Harb, or the that part: of it the Book. what He, theism! the Almighty, sacd; |Q.9:5|, and by what he (On 1 and peace!) Resurrection/* dons ft, If in is effect until "up they are in a slate of sin..., "if the enemy whom polybe blessings Day of the whole body [of believers) aban- 'Jihad said the 'Therefore slay to the where he says: conquers any territory of Islam, or any the region* of it. ir becomes an individual obligation, and woman and tfte slave shall go forth without the permisLhe child sion of husband or master. In the same way. parents, and shall go forth without the permission of histhe debcor without ihe permis&ion of his creditor*" And in be captured rhe Kltah aL-Rahr: "Should a Muslim in the East, it. Is incumbent on the lhe farthest West to rescue her their protection and custody," until she *oman people of ha* come kilo The author of the Bulghat ftl-Salik II Aqrah ftl.Jihad in Masalifc Fi Madhnah al-imam MaHk" said: Aflafr's Word it, way for Lhe purpose of exalting AHah every year is a communal obligation. becomes If some fulfill become* specifian individual obligation the remainder are absolved of cally designated (i.e.. it AJmighiy*s if. it Imam is appointed and region, the enemy attacks the population of a specific whereupon it becomes obligatory on them and on those like prayer and fasting), when an Concordance. 6, 258, where the Hunan of Abu Da*ud Ahirad b. Sahfti of Al-Bulchari and the are tiTAd. Muhammad *l Sawi 24fi (d. |R*5>. powerless [to carry in their vicimy, if they arc it woman and obligatory on the 1* And out]. it the stave under these circumstances, even, though the guardian, the husband, the roaster and the creditor - a debLor made a vow have the right Jo forbid it he (hem. forbid obligatory through having - if [the mujahid] should be also It |*o engage ftheir child] in itl, Parents from [caking part communal only under conditions of becomes in] Ran- obligation. when he has no ransom himself is a communal somiiig a captive from the Dar al-Harb money with which obligation* even if to calls for Ihe entire il wealth of the [all] Muslims." And in M al-Nawawi time of che - the alleged that there arc communal If munal was an it wo I it is also individual obligation. Since his day, conditions relative to the unbelievers; obligation, it. Imam the though obligation, they remain in their undertake of -AUMinliaj of the Shafi'ite School: 41 Jihad during the Apostle erf Allah (May Allah bless and save was a him3) of lext if a own territories, is it number of sufficient a comMuslims the remainder are released from the onerous duty. Yahya jurist, born 58- b. in Sharaf afc-Nawai (Ij33 - Damascus. He was Islamic Syrian the I law, perhap* Reader on tstaai. of Naive, and edycaretf he author of numerous works on Tradltkms the best PrpJbHic Tradiliuits <AI-Amba'un Had A village noted scholar and 127"), translated itti pp. J42 known of them - 160. by A. in astd being. the biief r'oflj Jeffery in 247 If they invade one of our them with ate obliged to repulse possible prepare to for territories, its all their force, population and h if it combat* every possible effort must be made by the and indigent, the child, the debtor, ehe slave, even without permission." And in Al-Mughni who «ud lite School, munal obligation, If of tbn Qudttnft3* of "The problem: : lite Jihad a group of people engage remainder are released- It becomes an tion under three conditions.; Hanba- is in a comthe it, individual obliga- two armres race! and two tines [of soldiers] confront one another, those present are forbidden to take If off, and it becomes an individual obligation on each one to remain ax his station, If the unbelievers attack individual obligation on its a territory, it population an becomes to figtit and repulse them. (fit) If the Imam call* a group of people to arms, (hey are obliged lo Join his military forces. And the least he nius* do is [1° **Wt j*had| once every year/1 "AM Allah fc. Ahmad b. MahumeiUd b. Qadama (IU6 - I22J), noted Syrian Hanbalite funsi and aulhorsr.yon traditions, the author of upnifroiis works on hwJilh, jarttpnideflc^ hu^rHptiitfS of ifa< CV»mpankra*. and. Qur'anic MutSies. 248 Abu'Abd Allah said: 'I know of immn Ahmad the (i,e„ b. Hanbal) nothing alter Che divine comrnandments more excellent than jihad, and campaigning by sea is more excel lent than campaigning on land. Anas b. Malik (May Allah be pleased with him!) said; "The Apostle o! (May Allah and save him!) was askcp. Then he Allah bless awoke laughing, and Urani Haranr*0 said: 'What makes you laugh, O Apostle of AHah? He said; 'People of nry 1 umma embarked riding or on a military campaign on the surface of the king* 'like Haram on their thrones.' at the and agreed upon,, this sea as kings in Allah's on way, ' their thrones., [This is) generally end of the Tradicion, Utnm asked the Prophet (May Allah bless and save him!) God on to beseech her behalf that she might be one of them. So he prayed for her, and she lived long enough to ride upon the sea in the Muslim fleet whieh conquered the of Cyprus. She died and was buried island there are a (May AJlah!). mm buried in mosque and a mrtyrium attributed to her have mercy upon her and be pleased with Harani vert to ULani pfBsence al and . , <t0. LI there, from hint Million h, itie tribe e-f many of Cyprus, I tie Khfllid (^-fidS), a Vfcdincsc Con- K3)axr^. She was ciotc^onhv for hex Prophet's L*arnpmgns. Ske died and was having accompanied the exnedilicn Wu'awiya, then governor Of Syria, which syrcWcled irr island from the Byzantines. This hadilti if found In the 249 headed by q0n<|«cnngrh Two Sahifrs And ir (5} says in Hazm Ai-Muhulta of Ibn ihc Zahi* 41 "The problem; Jihad is obligatory gn the Muslims, but if cngough cn^ajic iii it to repulse she enemy, campaign agaimt him in his own territory, and protect the rite; borderlands of the Muslims, ihc remainder are released from it. And if not, then Lhe obligation remains. God Almighty said: 'March forih, ligjit and heavy, and strive with your wealth 9:41]. It parents, Then it otiE in and your persons not allowable in Allah's wayl* JQ. permission of save with the enemy aiGBcks a group of Muslims. obligatory on everyone who can aid than to set unless ihc is to succor hem, parents permitting or nor, unless one c or both would suf fer through his absence. for him lo abandon cither of iriem It is who would not lawf ul suffer the- reby/' 'AH b. Ahmad b Se'tf lusian bcllctri&. jurinc, b Hum the noted Amfe- <9**-IOM>T and Ehwlojjtaru bara tei Cordoba during the day* nt' the Spanish Umayyudi. Bolh. Sift And his- father held ».tw position of Grand VkAter under vamc of ibe !a*C prcteudviv fo the last Caliphil ihioae. gjons ji&sly Hi* wcponarjl works m ml fcis Sctis <Al-ra<d ni-MH*j wm » *h»i' famous bock on aristocrat £c love and lovers, .nr.! Ncckrinft tTawq, aJ-llaraamsj. Ttw Rjbj at dK Don n initiated <l*adoa: Um«c & by Arthur J. B*»* on S*ti' nnd * The Hove'* Arbcrrj ai Co., Ud., 1953). The den- w m&wrciK* tfce rigorously con servwi lvc Legal school founded by Da' ml ai-Tiahtrl <d. 883). The zwlUrite Scliyol did no | succeed in winning r?v?ofcn"i lion at $ finli gitarkm of "tfJwrSte" Ofthodoa School. refets io fwx And Al-Shawkani*2 said in Al-Sayl al-Jarrar; "The available arguments regarding the religious ordinance of and in customary observance [sunna], arc too numerous to be set down here. Nevertheless, it is a communal observance, and if some engage jihad, both in it, writing in the remainder arc released number engage in it, it is from it, Before a certain an individual obligation incumbent on every adualt by law, and similarly, it is incumbent on everyone called to arms by the J mam to join the armed forces, and thereupon it becomes axi indi- vidual obligation." Now you can see from all this how men of learning, who employed indcpcnden£ both those those who latest, agree unanimously that Jihad gation the strictly followed tradition, imposed upon the Islamic broadcast the summons [to judgment and the earliest and che if a communal oblK ufflittu ixi Order TO embrace Islam], and that it is an individual obligation to repulse the attack of unbelievers upon it. Today the Muslims, as you know, are compelled to humble themselves before non-Muslims, and arc ruled by unbelievers, and Their lands have been trampled honor besmirched, Their adversaries are in charge of their affairs, and the riles of their religion have Fallen into abeyance within their own domains, to over, their Muhammad b, Ali al-SNftkaiii £1760-1843), a noted jurist and theologian of Yemen, who vrole numerous works on hadith, bki&tar>hy r arid jurisprudence. He was fir-si Chief Qadi. and later governor of the Capital, 5an'a\ 251 ™ iLoihing [to ihdf impotence embrace Islam). Hence it obligation, which there i:- ta tooadcasl the ninuBoas has become an individual no evading, on every Muslim CO prepare his equipment, to make up his mind io engage in and to Jihad, and Allah gel ready for ft until the decrees a matter which is. opportunity is ripe sure to be accom- plished ~ Probably, to terminate this inquiry, should mention I you that the Muslims, throughout every period of thcii history before the present period of oppression in which their dignity has come 10 its end, never abandoned Ji bad nor did they ever grow tax in waging it, not even their religious authorities mystics, craftsmen, etc. AIL of them were fully prepared [to do so] at a moment's notice. Abd Allah b. al-Mubarak,4' the canon lawyer and ascetic, was a volunteer In jihad for most or his life, and 'Abd a!-Wahhab b. Zayd, the mystic and ascetic, was the same. 4 And in his time, Shaqiq al-Balkhi,"" the Sufi abuvlih to - used 10 despatch himself and his dUcjptes off 'Abd Allah 43. ttrfcsr, first and al-Mubarak b. fighter in b. iheologuin. He w»* the book on the subject of jihad. Ibrahim aJ-H*Lkhi (7-B10J. earSy one of the mow jihad, nwd the holy war stgamn Byxamiirrn. in Islam ta write -a Shauiq a m renowned afcarfcks Bcsidt* preaching the mystical lift, at Kburasaa in N.F. Sufi and Persia. he was a piomincnt warrior Jihad. Sec the Glossary of Arabic Ternu, 252 ucelk and m comnieiUaErK on canon lawyer and traditionist, would Ai-Badr al-Aynir Ariel Al-Bukhari, the (he take part in jihad one year, &tudy for one year and go on pilgrimage one year, while the judge A&ad b. al-Fural.*7 of was an admiral the Malikiu: School Imam al-ShafTi would shoot, ten and the in his day, [arrows) and not miss once^ Such were grace be upoa early generations of Muslims (Altars the chfeiM ' I), bisTory^Bjw Why Do People of the not b. eel Isiscoiiaji a number ut' Ahmad Vit 1 b. haoiih, bom high administrative and judiciary W Islam and the until the [message of) the Mu*a Badral-Din and authority on The work V p*.' stigmatizing ordinance of jihad wage war ws* an ituimaie of' the Mam ALMaift a^-Asftwrf, He devoted tvritjjis, prcducibK fliany works graphy. - some time for religious [divine] permission to Mahmud 1' '>V*'m& the Muslims Wage War? have been because and what are we alongside such a v ' al-'Ayri'HI&l He occupied ia Syria. pt>sis in - and L'jypt, sajHKB Al-Malik al-Mu'ayysd anct Sis Niterjjwi ejidr-ely to ffvdy ort tiaditii, referred to here as his and jurispcutkmw, and bio'L'mrJal ri it Sharh al-BukharL Asad b. al-Fural b. Sinau [759-8283, of Kburawijiiiui origin, a renowned jurist and gctieTa.1 under the Agh tabid Dynasty of Turns. He studied In 'the East, and On his return to Tunis wa apjiointed Chief Qadi of QAyravan. In H27, he commanded- the Muslim army ctf invasion in Sicily, and conquered part of ic, bur died of wouncU • received during ;tie *ie$ie of Syracuse. precious Qur'anic verse Our h is "We is fulfilled: and signs in the farthest horizons in; shall show them themselves, until made dear to them that it is the Truth" [Q.41:531. And now here they arc acknowledging' that it is the surest way- to peace! Allah ordained jihad for the Muslims not as a tool of oppression or a means of satisfying personal ambiiionb, but rather as a defence for the mission [of spreading Islam], a guarantee of peace, and a means of implementing the Supreme Message, the burden of which the Muslims bear, the Message guiding mankind to and justice. For Islam, even as ordains jihad, extols it peace: the blessed and Almighty said: "But toward peace, incline God" 61]. 1Q- 8 : thou toward The Muslim would go within his Word in love - to strive lo and pin fight, thy rrtisi in one concern to his : avoid diluting For the love of it, they incline if "Allah's utmost until the most exalted" |Q.0 40]. His religion had soul ordained that be other; forth truth show is of pomp tin's is purpose with any forbidden him, and the forbidden him, and rhirst for spoils is forbidden hirh, and striving to conquer unjustly is forbidden him, while only one thing is allowed him - to offer blood and his soul as a pledge for dance for mankind. his On his creed and a gui- the authority of AUHaritb b, Muslim al-Harilh. on the authority of his father, who said: "The Apostle of Allah (May ^Uah bless and save him!) sent us on a military expedition. When we reached the area lo be raided, I » 254. my urged on people of my horse ant! got ahead of companions. The met me with cries of lamentation, and I said to them: 'If you say; "There U no god but Atlih,*' you are safe. So they .said it. My companions reproached me and said: 'You have prevented us from taking any spoils} s When we came .back to the Apostle of the [enemy] clan 7 AUah (May AJJah bless and save him!), they told him what had done. He me called Then he praiseworthy. over and found what said indeed decreed for you so every human being/ you something for the He did so, sealed Published by Abu Da'ud. death. 1 And on the much and And he in me: to said: way of a it, much reward myself *I bad done I Almighty has 'Atlah so 1 shall bequest for write my after and handed it over to me." authority of Shaddad b. al-Hadi (May Allan be pleased with himE): "A man came and the Prophet believed in of the [nomad] Arabs- (May AH3I1 and bless you, r And the Prophet (May Altoji bless and save him!) gave him into the charge of some of his Companions - it was [during] a save him!). campaign 'him 5) Then he in He shall 'I emigrate which the Prophet (May took some booty which -*as which he received 'What said: is this?' said; *lt a .share. He said; was not *J And he have Allah with bless and divided up, [i.e., and of the Arab] apportioned 1 for this that I followed it save said: to you.* you; rather I followed you chat I might be pierced here (and he motioned wich his hand to his neck) with an arrow, and that I might die and enter Paradise.' believe Allah , He will believe 255 you. ' He said: *If vou So they remained there do for a space; then they rose Jo He was battle with the eneniy- carried over lo ihc Prophet, having been struck The Prophet he? 5 They said: with an arrow exactly where he had pointed. (May Allah bless and save him!) said- 'Is it 'Yes.' He 'He believed in Allah: therefore He believed him.' Then he was shrouded in the garment of the Prophet (May Allah bless and save himl), and he (i.e.. the Prophet] walked before him and prayed over him. This part of what he said in his prayer: is said: Thy servant who wen forth as and was slain a martyr. And I I Published On am a witness unto A l6 I): man man who wants (to desires the goods of reward for him. 1 AbuHurayra(rVlay AHahbe said: "O Apostle engage in] he (i.e., He the h way, pleased with himT), Allah who Abu no man] repeated ibis (May'ari said: but is 'There said; ham three times, but he said: 'There reward for him.'" Published by Abu Da'ud. the authority of pleased what of a Allah, jihad in Allah ihis world?- And of (question] to On it.' by Al-Na&a'L the authority of with him 'MyAllah, this is an Emigrant in Thy way "The Apostle of is no Allah be -Allah (May bless and save him!) was asked about a man who fights courageously, one who figlus zealously, and one who fights hypocritically. Which of these was in the way of Allah? [he He said: 'He who most exalted" [Q.9:40] in the Five Books |but not fights so that is ' AUah*s Word is in ALUh\s way. 1,1 published by 256 Al-Bttkhari], If you read about ihe (May Allah % waged by the Companions basiles grace be with them!), and their bebavioc in what extent personal desires and the territories ihey conquered, you will see to i hey ab&tained from indulging cravings* and their the extent of their dedication to their fun- damental and original goal - the guidance of mankind to the truth exalted" "Allah's until Word is the most And you wilt see juu hew mistaken is the imputation to them (May Allah's Brace be upon them!) of JO 9:*0|- wanting simply to conquer peoples, subjugate nations, and obtain wealth. Mercy In the Islamic Jihad Since Ihe goal of the Islamic Jihad was the goals, the -Ko lis jSDBptpyad tfflN of means. For "Do nKtKt forbidden agression, Ailaiifoas Almighty, has said: ttw nobksi of exttUMtt He, the not ixuilgaie hostilities, for Alto loves not those who He commanded that justice be observed, even instigate hostilities" [Q-2:190], and toward the enemy and the adversary. He, the Almighty, has said: ^Let nol hartred of a people coerce you Into treating them unjustly. Be juil : it is closer to piety" (Q~5:21-, He has guided the Muslims For when ihey nor do ihey steal to act with the utmost mercy. fighi. they or do plunder commit rape, nor do ihey indulge in not riucigatc hostilities property, taor do they wanton destruction. just warfare they are the best of fighters, peace they are the most excellent of peacemakers. In sheir 257 in On Burayda (May the authority of Allan be pleased with who said: "Whenever the Apostle of Allah (May God bless and save hjm3) appointed a commander over hirnf), an array or a band of raiders, he charged him to behave with piety toward ANah Almighty in his inward self, and with benevolent care for the Muslims who were with him.'* Then he [i.e the Prophet] said: "Campaign in the name of AUafein Allah's way! Fight Chose who disbelieve in campaign, but do not indulge in excesses, do not act treacherously, do not mutilate, and do not slay , Muslim. children/' Transmitted by On the authority with him]), who said: him avoid Shaykhs. On the face. [striking] the authority with him!}, who Allah be pleased "The Apostle of Allah (May God and save html) said: 'When one bless btess of Abu Hurayra (May 5 or you fights, let "Published by the Two of Ibn Mas'ud (May Alkh be pleased said: "The Apostle of Allah (May of manPeople of the Allah and save him!) said: 'The most continent kind are ihc fighters of the Published by On (May 43, and a Faith/" Abu Pa'ud. 'Abd Allah b. Yazid al-Ansari48 with him !), who said: "The Apostle the authority of Allah A be pleased .Mcdjncsc convert well-known tfl Islam (?-690> from the tribe of Aws, warrior foe the faith. During his cated Life he *&& dedi- partisan of *AU b. Abi Talib, and after the toiler's death he supported the ante-Caliph Ibn a3-zuba>T in. Mecca against the Umayyad Dynasty. 25* AM(May Allah ble$$ or and nve himl) forbade plunde- ring and mutilation," Published by Al-Bukhari. St? also it is forbidden to slay women, children, and old men, and to despatch the wounded, or to disturb monk and hermits, and che peaceful who offer no resistance. Jus* contrast this mercy with the murderous warfare of the civilized peoples and what is their disgusting their internal iona] atrocities law alongside And I embra- this all - cing, divinely ordained justice? Allah, instruct My the Muslims in save the world from mcm their and religion, these injustices »iih the enlighten- of Eslam! Supplement* to Jtkad The belief lighting the is widespread among many Muslims that enemy u the lesser Jihad, greater jihwf i he jihad of the spirit. proof of as said: Many of them *^V« from the lesser Jihad to embark on the Thvy said: 'What is the greater jihad?' He 1 'The jihad of the heart, or the jihad Some of them try, by recourse fro* the importance of righting, and resolving to undertake 'n*is narration a is. invoke this the following narration laiharj: have returned greater jihad, and that there is it not really a of the T spirit . to this, to divert people preparing far combat, and embark on Allah's way. sound Tradition; The Prince of Believers in matters of Tradition, Al-Kafiz said in the Tasdid nl-Quws: "It is in "Al-Bayhaqi transmitted tor* on the authority of it in his history even if on it me&riing it the attacks repel may be in every one of itvacu. So in order to rescue it simply that is struggle with the spirit so thai God traiismitted would never warrant preparing for Muslims and the territories of the to and At-khatib Jabir, the authority of Jabir." Nevertheless, abandoning Jihad, or unbelievers, Its 'Abla." with a weak chain of guaran- were a sound Tradition, il it often Ahadilb al-Ahya'i Takhrlj the Hajar* known and well- repeated, and was a saying of Ibrahim b. AUiraqi30, said b, let it necessary to is devoted sincerely it of be known. supplementary matters concerned with jihad are following: to 'command (he good and forbid the evil. Other the It is- 5-asd Ahmad (1382-14491, ifie b. "'AIT the loftiest forms of Muhammad to. famous hiMoi anchor of wozkn of prolific "One of the Traditions: iari, Hajar h. al-'AsqaJani rhwlogian, and traditions, the hadifit, QurVuuc studies, of baditb and the Islamic law, and biopJSphy, especially the lives of transmitters eariv Companion*. Hi» t>e*r.*powri works in this genic are die mdU-voliim©d TahUhib at-Talidbib and A I- saba fl-Tamyta Asma' al-Sahaha The honorific title of ''Al-Hafte" means one who has memorised the Qur'an." II 50, 'AW al-Rahint li. al-Husayn ai-Hartz scholar of Kurdish origin visited who lived the neighoboring regions for at-' Iraqi ibom of st'indy- his ( 111* Egypt. fife in and research and van the author of a number of books on Trad u dence, in He hadlth, ions, jurispru- Prnphetie biojyaphy, and Qui'anic studies. 260 a 1325-1404 », jfctisd is to a word of truth utter the presence of a in tyrannical ruler," But nothing on confers thern in advocate the their supreme martyrdom and the reward of the scrivers in jihad, unless he slays or is slain in the way of Allah. Epilogue AMah Brethren! practice of death and death, and exalted the next. this What life umma the gives know skilled is know? how thai to noble a die the fantasy that has reduced us to is the in in this world and eternal felicity in world and hating death? lofty deed that and yearn you If yourselves gird is inevitable, For a given to you, for death, life shall be then that death loving and that it can only happen once. If you suffer it an the way of Allah, it will be to your profit in this world, and your reward in the next. Nothing shall touch you but what God has decreed for you; ponder well has said: "Then rity upon yen, what after the affliction. as slumber white a party whom at all? 1 saying: Say: He sent down Altah, 'The matter is Allah's in this entirely.' whom if slaughter 26 i preocmatter They hide to thee, and we would not you had been in your decreed had been in this matter, have heen slain here.' Say: 'Even for of you; the surmise of 'Do we have any share say: 'If we had had any share those secu- concern for themselves had within themselves what they do not reveal houses, Almighty, which overcame a party cupied were surmising untruth of pagandom, the Blessed) the Allah, would have gone that Allah might what U in forth to their resting test what your hearts.' breasts'" is in AUati - places.' - your breasts and knows what lies- and so examine within your IQ.3:154]. will win to strive for an honorable death, you perfect happiness. May Allah bestow ur>on us and upon If you you the honor of martyrdom in 262 His way] Glossary of Arabic Terms few places in a been drawn to in the noics. the reader's attention has relevant Islam, in the Qtd or terms may New Any of Editions. more Where I also be sought therein for sition, additional bibliography,, etc. my Kncyclopedia the articles in transliteration system, "k" for my asabiyya: 8l the O the following detailed expo- have "j" have "dj," will of in and q." and partisanship, group loyalty With reference to the pagan Arabs, their soJidarity, unswerving and clan under any and all circumstance*. It was this type of loyalty based on descent that Islam tried to destroy, and eo substitute a similar quality devotion to tribe of devotion to the religious community. In modern times, it has taken on the comparatively new dimension of "fanaticism," term with all the pejorative overtones of this European languages. Since in this is only a possible, not a necessary, evolution in the meaning of the word, is still it often used by contemporary writers with (he favo- rable older meaning of "extreme dedication" or "ardent enthusiasm/ athari a 1 relic, trace, tradition, often used in the same sense as hadilh, or by some, as referring only to a saying or deed of one of the Companions, and not the Prophet. In the usage of many writers., however this term, khabar (report, item of informaeion). and hadilh may synonyms. 2« all serve as bay*fl: an oath of allegiance or fealty to a sovereign. loyalty taken This term was used of the oath of by the and Caliph, and lords of the tribes before che as well as formally involved the mutual taking of hands obedience and submission. the swearing of an oath of In the context of dhlkr; literally, "mentioning, citing." chiefs Names the Sufisin, a litany consisting of glorincationa of prayers. of Allah, selections from the Qur'an, and special by memlarger mosques., and geneas postures and movements, Public, communal dhikrs are often performed; bers of the Sufi orders in the rally entail specific bodily well as varied breathing techniques, for-mulae and sacred Names, a dnlinmi: whom person with has (dhimina) a covenant made. been the in uttering bond or Used as one of several synonymous terms tolerated in the juridical {Jew, moootheist Zoroastrian) who paying tribute and lives is Sabian, or Christian, an Islamic environment, sumptuary laws as a certain status and self- abasement, unit dinar; in early Islam, the basic gold The name a within observing token of inferior context Eo designate from the Latin dlrham: die basic silver of cunency. "denarius." unit of currency. The name is e." According to the Traditions, from the Greek "drachm between the dirham and the rate of exchange the ten or twelve to one, dinar at the etme of the Prophet was but this ratio fluctuated widely in subsequent 264 peiods. fard: a commandment or ordinance, gious duty the performance of which is especially a reli- incumbent on all Muslims. tord'ayn: an "individual" duty;- binding on Muslims, such as prayer and fard kifaya: a ts ««h it, fasting. »ttmraunar duty, binding on the Mus- lims as a group, which perform adult all is fulfilled if a sufficient, number thereby excusing the remainder, Jihad is " one duty. hadd: punishments for crimes or offenses specifically prohibited in the Qur'an, and for most of which specific These are fornication, false accusation of fornication, theft, highway robbery, and winedrinfcing, The punishment For wine - drinking punishments are decreed. - nowhere mentioned forbidden, is in the Qur'an, though the act eighty lashes, based on che Traditions. hatfith; literally* "b^ftvedaifeii? aJOry in which Muhammad is some acl recorded. or itself is or "narration." A saying of the Ideally, the Prophet hadith should go an actual eye-witness who was present ai the time, and whose exact words are scrupulously reported, as well as the exact words uttered by the Prophet- AS one recedes farther and farther from the Prophet's age. the hack to "chain of guarantors," Or isnad, grows longer, but (he people involved must have been in all of persona! contact and have heard the hadith from one another. Thus: "A heard from B. who heard C say that D told him Lhat he 265 was one day in the presence of The itie « called make up a actual deed or saying of the Prophet she miiin. or ''text," Main and isnad Many complete badlth. mam, source or the and together one of terminate in hadtlh Companions as Prophet's wive* or one of the phetic Prophet when be said together wilh Lhese, hadiih, comprise the Sunna, which the ultimate Pro- the the second is most important source ©f Islamic law after the Qur'an. Throughout this translation, the capitalized word Traditions will be taken to refer lo the corpus of the recorded Sunna, hajj: the pilgrimage to Mecca, one of the "five of t&milam," or duties incumbent on Tht Muslim hajj is adult Muslims. all actually theconflaiion of separate and unrelated pagan Arab piitars two entirely umra, or festivals, the month of Rajab, and ihe hajj, or procession *o the sacred Site of 'Arafat and other shrines out tide of Mecca, held in the month of Dhu'a-Hijja. The chief highlights of the Muslim hajj are visitation of the ka'ba. held the "standing 1 ' at 'Arafat from midday ninth of Dhu'l-Hijja, on and he animal i the road back lo Mecca, also performed all In che on till sacrifice in in Mina, the tenth. This sacrifice is over the Islamic world fcsrdf {pl.bunufa'i: sunset, on the on the morning Muslim and Qur'amc usage, a pure Ahrahamic mortotheist HS contrasted with pagans on the one side, and Jews and Christians on the other. often uted fey later writers as a synonym of It was ''Muslins." According Jo term was also the the historical tradition, Lime applied co a number of individuals of the Prophet's who rejected Arabian Paganism and became unaffiliated monolheists before their or ultimate conversion to Islam Christianity, the office of the official catled hteba: who the mohtAsib. inspected public markets, with particular attention to weights and measures* sales practices the quality of goods, of the merchants. He was and the also required 10: superintend public morality and behavior, to enforce sumptuary laws against dhnnmis, and to see thai muttal religious important souree or Islamic Saw, unanimity of practice and bcHcf of community of a practive believers. where all, com- observed. obligations were strictly "consensus" or "agreement/" The ijjna*: rhe rhird most the denotes of, the total part it The number required to validate or belief varies with the Schools, ranging from the entire umma to local populations, e.g. tion of Medina, or to a nions of special group, e.g., the the Prophet, the body of the imam; a term the popula- f ! ulama\ with numerous connotations, all Compaetc. revo!- ving about the idea of "leadership." As a title, it may prayers in refer to the individual who leads the communal a mosque, a renowned religious- teacher or The founders of the Four Orthodox Schools scholar, e.g., of Islamic with law, or even Che Caliph himself. Among the Shi'iiea, aspects of their much greater emphasis on trie theocratic 267 the supreme Islamic of Caliph. office, the term isnad: the "chain of guarantors," duals who daim to imam Of the is used instead list of indivi- have heard a hadilh from one another seriatim, reverting to an ultimate Transmitter who was the eye>witness, and who reports the exact words or the Prophet or a Companion. In almost presented in The tract or first, "holy war" - of of the hadith Jihad, V only. the name of the transmitter earliest, jihad: literally, so-called "On acts is all supplied. "earnest. effort." In Islamic law, the only war p*iv theoretically the war between Muslims is forbidden. Because Islam aimed at universal dominion, jihad was- a communal obligation which must be fulfilled by the subjection and conversion of the non-Islamic world. In the milled in Islam, since case of Scriptuaxies, I hey might retain their old religions if they submitted to the rule of Islam and agreed to the yty-Xi Theoretically, other peoples all pay who could be designated "idolaters" were compelled to accept Islam, slavery, or extinction, Largely jihad could be defensive if Ihc conceived as offensive, domain of Islam were to be threatened by an external enemy. Nights. A supernatural beings, created of smokeless fire (Q jian: the "genies" of the 1001 class of 55:15) and adopted into Islam from the body of pagan Arabian belief. They were sketchily individualized nature- spirits who sites. .inhabited the desert* ruins, In Islam, their religion caves, may 266 vary, and other such some beign good Muslims, others of They unbelievers. the tolerated relgjons, are mortal, but wsi \\ still enormously long and can assume any from or remain life-spans, others invisible. In folklore, they arc often invoked for purposes of black or white magic. imposed on dhiminis as Che price Tor permission co keep their religion and to continue to live under an Islamic goevernuierii and ihc Islamic Sacred jizya: the poll-tax Law Conversion to s well as all annually in free, other money able - collected from the Islam removed this The disabilities. imposition, as jizya was collected or in kind, and was obligatory on all The amount bodied male adults. individual was determined by his ratio varied from time to taxpayer means and income, and this, time and place to place, many of the specific regulations of going back to the circumstances the early conquests, main: (he '"text" of a hadith - thai is, the actual quotation of a saying ofthe Prophet or a Companion, or the narration of a deed performed, mu'adlidhm: "muezzin," one of (he mosque, who chants Ihe call to prayer f of a officials from a adlian.) minaret at the five stated times: (1) a few minutes sunset; (2} at daybreak; (4) Bight, when sky the a few minutes after is full quite dark; noon; (5) in after (3) at midaf- temoon. There are also two supererogatory prayers, just after midnight and about an hour before dawn, announced by the mVadhdhin, in uj ah id: a warrior who is engaged in jihad. Qadi: iudgc, essentially Of religious :i Islamic legal theory Mi is however, ihe qadi was was though law, all -inclusive. in In penal law, restricted in those crimes involving one Of the hadd-punishmeim Apart from infringement* of the relgious ordinances, he also judged cases involving personal status, wills andtestments, and properties left to support rdgioui endowment*.. "analogy." the fourth chief source of law qiyas: Islamic system. By legal found prkKipics in reasoning, analogical The Qur'an. in the general Sunna, the or the accepted ijma' are used as guidelines to an>»cr questions not specific ally dealt with in these primary sources. FOf instance, the Qm'anic prohibition against wine is extended by qiw* 10 ewer all iminxkaiing beverages and other substances which have an uifovicating effect. ra'yr judge "informed opinion." The personal opinion of the in the f&rw iw-o e&nuiries of Island was tacitly employed a* a "ihtrd source*" where Qur'an and Sunna yave no clear answers, but it was never officially recognized as such, except in certain imdilh, where il is recommended by such cases. Ihe Propher himself id cover precisely Nevertheless, earliest judges, many of the decisions of the baicd on ra"> aTc preserved in ihe hadith wherethey are rendered canonical attribution lo (he Prophet or a Companion. -literature, risala; "letter, literature, a communication." In laicrary c&suy. by Classical The ^enre Arabic received this nomenclature because ihe earlier ones were wrinen m their in the form of letters "There Apostle a patron, lo "testimonial," the statement of the Islamic gh&ftada: creed: and addressed is no god but of Allah." Allah and , The first of Islam." The convert to Islam the Muhammad "Five ^liahid: "witness." A martyr defending Islam or extending shaykh: "old mand," Lhc who It modern Bedouin for ad dies sway. a revered elderT especially the clerical class of she 'uhuna*. among shah witness**., tor the faith, ^ if of pillars must repeat the before two unimpeachable male Muslim the is is also a one of common renin the tribal or clan Chief- tain, corresponding to the sayyid of rhe Pre-islamk Arab tribe. sufi: Also the head of a Staff order, almosi certainly from the Arabic "wool/* hence "suf 1 meaning "wool - clad" individual, because of the early adoption by Muslim ascetics and pietists of the while garments nf Christian monks. A member of one of the sufi" Orders, the devotees of a mystical "path" or discipline which consists of carefully a "woolly"' or graded esoteric teachings leading through a tiations co the status series of ini- of adept. The goal of the "path" ftariqa) is to achieve direct com munion with Allah through persona! devotion and a mastery of the techniques taught by the shark v, surma: "beaten path, customary .law clear - cut way." By analogy, the and folkways of a people or tribe. e,g., the sunna of the Prc-Islamic Bedouins. In Islam, the 271 beliefs and practices of the Prophet and the C<nnpasuons., whose living example thus became a commentary on the and iii ethical! and and therefore the Muslims after ihein. The prescription*, legal paradigmatic rnodds for Qur'an all capitalized form "Surma" wiB refer in this translation to the record of these acts and sayings of the Apostolic Age preserved in the hadith- literature. Otherwise »iinna will indicate "customary behavior or pftflfc^ sunnn of Allah," or Ehe way in which manifests His will in nature and history, latarif: term applied "disinnfron," a e.g.. Afi*h "the habitually to the presumed and Christian zealots in excising refethe advnnt of Muhammad and Islam from their activities of Jcwith rentes to Scriptures, This popularly is the least favorable, but perhaps most Some mean but a concealment the word. theologians, however, take the view that it does not a believed, literal alteration interrelation of the sacred texts, of of Their true content, or the accidental arising from textual corruptions scribal errors, carcieuncfi$ of transmission, etc. 'ufoma 1 (sing, Islamic religious alim): "wants." tradition Qur'an, he scholars therefore academies such qualified IsJam is ftnalogOUS to dial rabbinate rather than urnrnir the reiigio - 272 of in the Sacred Law. of the Jewish the Christian political Al-A/har Interpreters Sunna. and the stipulations of the Their position in of the who have been .graduated from one of the great mosque - Egypt, and arc t clergy, community of all Muslim, which during the AposEolic Age and Ihe period of the Four Orthodox Caliphs embraced the political empire of islam as well as the total body of believers. Membership in such a religious community, as in the parallel; case of medieval European "Ghristiantas/* was the equivalent of "nationality," since from the ecumenical religious standpoint, ethnic descent and geographical origin were accidents of history and had nothing do with one's to place in the hierarchy of Creation. During the later centuries of Islam, when the Islamic world was divided into numerous, often mutually '"urnrna hostile, political divisions, the Muhammadiyya" Muhammad"' - "Umma the of remained the constant factor, while the • frequent change of boundaries, and dynasties- were regarded as passing ephemera. urn in i : the usual meaning is " 'illiterate,- ' and as applied Muhammad becomes support for the Muslim doctrine of the evidentiary miracle of the Qur'an, whose perfect to language and bined efforts deemed inimitable by the of mankind and the jinn (Q.17;S8), style are 06m- To Western scholarship, the term as used in the same con- which does not appear in the Qur'an before tlie Mcdincse period and the confrontation with the Jews, seems to denote "a member of (Gentile) community" - or text, those, unlike the Jews, heretofore not possessing a divi- nely revealed Scripture of Sacred Law, This imerpretation would clarify and define the position of as "she ummj Muhammad Prophet, " both with respect to the Jewish community and his own Islamic urnma. 273 unua: the dreumambulation of may be performed as a separate sevenfold but year, it liminary etc. ka'ba. [he Ulam, In it tile ai haj| has incorporated the urnra as ihe pre-] prior to the procession to umra Thus, while the bined ceremonial cycle, which be performed in a separate act of is the hajj proper, com- may not isolation. xakat: the Official from the time of a* exists Arafat. Mina, l the second half of the devotion without ibc bajj, the alim-tax, collected Mcdincse state long since lapsed except in of from Muslims Muhammad* ginal connotation rathe its ori- Meccan sum* of the Our 'an. "Five Milan of Islam," Q.9:G0 as designed to aid bus the form of voluntary contri- butions to the poor. This also seems to have been One Of the ami visitation any time in the not accepted as a sutmhutc Tor the bajj. is The complete or pilgrimage." "lesser Tlie and ii It ii defined in indigent, to pay the collec- tors of the lav, to win over converts to Islam. to ransom captive slaves and deptors, to pay for jihad, and to assiw :p wayfarers, 2Ati a ceremonial Egypt, the Sextan, of exorcism and Arabia, *idety practiced and traceable to in sub- Sah&ran African sources. The possessing demon must be driven out by ecstatic dancing to he sound of drums and other instruments, the burning of intense, and the sacrifice of an animal, usually chicken* or sheep. A. female I exordst-medium nial, slaughter* called the the shavkha directs sacrifice, 274 and the ceremo- gives the victim its * if*iah&ng her bmmea too with may be ii. (The possessed