Proceedings of the International Conference on Inventive Computing and Informatics (ICICI 2017) IEEE Xplore Compliant - Part Number: CFP17L34-ART, ISBN: 978-1-5386-4031-9 Low-power Less-Area Bypassing-Based Multiplier Design Amit Kumar Sahu, Ms. Laxmi Kumre Abstract—Low power less area bypassing based multipliers proposed on the bases of modified XOR gate in low cost low power bypassing based multiplier. On the bases of different tested samples our proposed design has average 49.41% less area, 13.6% reduced power dissipation, 2.36% less delay and 20.89% less power delay product in comparison to different types of multiplier for 4x4 and 8x8 bit. Keywords— Bypassing based multiplier, power dissipation, modified xor, area reduction. I. INTRODUCTION N ow a days , more and more devices are becoming smaller and portable, so area and power both are the important factor for these devices and multiplication is an essential arithmetic operation which consume much power..For CMOS circuits, the power dissipation can be divided into static and dynamic power dissipation. Static power dissipation is from leakage current and the consumption is proportional to the number of the used transistor. On the other hand, dynamic power dissipation is from the switching transistor and the consumption is obtained from the charging and discharging of the load capacitances. In general, the average dynamic power dissipation for a CMOS gate can be obtained as power dissipation in an array multiplier for low power multiplier. Other approach is to reduce the power dissipation in multiplication by interchanging dynamic operand[5] or using partially guard computation[6]. Row bypassing[7] and column bypassing[8] are the another methods for power reduction in multiplication. Next the low power row and column bypassing based multiplier[10] is proposed. Further low cost low power bypassing based multiplier[11] is proposed. II. DIFFERENT TYPES OF MULTIPLIER A. Braun multiplier Consider the multiplication of two unsigned n-bit numbers, where A = an-1 an-2........a0 is the multiplicand and B = bn-1b n2……..b 0 is the multiplier. The product P = p 2n-1p 2n-2……p 0 can be written as follows: n −1 n −1 P = P0P1………..P 2n-1 = ∑∑ (a b )2 i i+ j j (1) i =0 j =0 A 4x4 multiplication example is shown in figure 1. Pavg =1/2 CfV2DDN , where C is the load capacitance, f is the clock frequency, VDD is the power supply voltage and N is the number of switching activities in a clock cycle. Clearly, if the switching activity of a given logic circuit is reduced without changing its function, the power consumption can be reduced. The basic approach for multiplication is Braun multiplier[1].It is well known that multiplier consume most of the power in DSP computation[2]. Hence, it is very important for modern DSP systems to design low-power multipliers to reduce the power dissipationMany research on the reduction of the switching activities[3] for low power multiplier have been published. Another simple approach[4] is to reduce the Fig. 1 A 4x4 multiplier A 4x4 multiplication with the help of half adder and full adder is shown in figure 2. Amit Kumar Sahu, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Maulana azad national institute of technology, Bhopal, INDIA , (e-mail: Ms.Laxmi Kumre, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Maulana azad national institute of technology, Bhopal, INDIA (e-mail: 978-1-5386-4031-9/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 522 Authorized licensed use limited to: SHENZHEN UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on June 11,2021 at 06:52:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Proceedings of the International Conference on Inventive Computing and Informatics (ICICI 2017) IEEE Xplore Compliant - Part Number: CFP17L34-ART, ISBN: 978-1-5386-4031-9 Fig. 2 Multiplication with half adders and full adders. Fig. 4 4x4 column-bypass multiplier A nxn bit parallel multiplier consist of n-1 rows of full adder and 1 row of half adder. In 4x4 multiplication 3 rows of full adder and 1 row of half adder is used. B. Row bypassing based multiplier In row bypassing based multiplier[7], if the bit bj in multiplier is 0 than all the partial product aib j are 0 for 0≤ i ≤ n-1 than the addition operation of jth row is bypassed from j-1 th row to j+1 th row. To correct the final multiplication result extra correction circuit must be added. In figure 3. A 4x4 Braun multiplier with row bypassing is illustrated. D.2-dimensional bypassing based multiplier For a 2-dimensional based bypassing multiplier[9], if the bit ai is 0 or the bit bj is 0, the addition operation in the i+1 th column or jth row can be bypassed. For correct propagation of carry bit in the multiplication following conditions must be considered:- if the bit ai and bj are 0 and ci.j+1 the carry bit is 1, the addition operation in the i+1th column or jth row cannot be bypassed. Hence the correction circuit must be added which is so complicated that the power reduction ability is decreased. In figure 5. a 4x4 bit 2-dimensional bypassing based multiplier is illustrated. Fig. 3 4x4 row bypass multiplier . C. Column bypassing based multiplier In column bypassing based multiplier[8], if the bit ai in the multiplicand is 0 i.e. all the partial product aibj are 0 for 0≤ j ≤ n-1, than the addition operation of the ith column is bypassed. If in the multiplicand bit ai is 0 their input in the i+1th column is disable and carry output must be set equal to 0 in the column to produce the correct output. By adding AND gate at the output of the last row, the protection process can be done. Therefore it does not need the extra correction circuit. In figure 4 a 4x4 Braun multiplier with column bypassing is illustrated Fig. 5 4x4 bit 2-dimensional multiplier For 2-dimensional bypassing based multiplier[10], in the bypassing condition the carry bit in the previous row is also considered. If the product aib j is 0 and carry bit ci,j-1 is 0, the addition operation in the i+1,jth full adder will be bypassed i.e. as the product aib j is 1 and carry bit ci,j-1 is 0, the addition operation in the i+1,jth full adder will be executed. By using the bypassing condition, the (i+1, j)-th FA only executes the A+1 addition as the product, aibj, is 1 and the carry bit, ci,j-1, is 0, or the product, aibj, is 0 and the carry bit, ci,j-1, is 1. On the other hand, the (i+1, j)-th FA only executes the A+2 addition as the product, aibj, is 1 and the carry bit, ci,j-1, is 1. 978-1-5386-4031-9/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 523 Authorized licensed use limited to: SHENZHEN UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on June 11,2021 at 06:52:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Proceedings of the International Conference on Inventive Computing and Informatics (ICICI 2017) IEEE Xplore Compliant - Part Number: CFP17L34-ART, ISBN: 978-1-5386-4031-9 Hence, the carry bit in the (i+1, j)-th FA can be replaced by the AND operation of the product, aibj, and the carry bit, ci,j-1. For the addition operation half adders are replaced by A+1 adder and full adder by A+B+1 adder. In figure 6. a 4x4Braun multiplier with row and column bypassing is illustrated. a3b0 a2b0 A+1 0 a1b1 A+1 0 a0b0 a1b0 a2b1 0 a0b1 A+1 a3b1 0 1 1 0 a2b2 a3b2 0 A+B +1 0 1 a2b3 A+B +1 0 1 FA P7 P6 A+B +1 0 1 FA A+B+1 P5 P4 1 0 1 0 A+B +1 0 1 1 0 a0b3 0 1 0 0 1 a0b2 0 a1b3 0 1 0 A+B +1 0 1 a2b3 0 1 0 a1b2 0 1 0 0 1 A+B +1 0 1 1 0 Fig. 8 4x4 bit low cost low power bypassing based multiplier P3 P2 P1 P0 Fig. 6 4x4 bit braun multiplier with row and column bypassing III. PROPOSED MULTIPLIER In low cost low power bypassing based multiplier the addition operation in the i+1,jth full adder is bypassed if the product aib j is equal to carry bit ci,j-1. Hence XOR result of the product aib j and the carry bit ci,j-1 is used as the control signal in the bypassing condition. The conventional XOR gate used for generating the controlling signal in low cost low power bypassing based multiplier[11] is being replaced by the modified XOR gate. The Modified XOR gate is implemented with only 4 transistor whereas the conventional XOR gate is implemented with 12 transistor. Therefore the total number of transistor in the implementation of proposed multiplier is reduced as compared to the low cost low power bypassing based multiplier[11]. As the total number of transistors are reduced, the power consumption and area of the proposed multiplier are reduced. The 4 transistor modified XOR gate is illustrated in figure 9. Fig.7 Bypassing based (a) HA and (b) FA. If the product aib j is not equal to the carry bit ci,j-1,than the i+1,jth full adder will executes the A+1 addition. On the other hand, as the product aib j is equal to the carry ci,j-1 , the addition result in the i+1,jth full adder will be obtained by adding 2 or 0. Therefore, the resultant carry bit, ci+1,j, in the (i+1, j)-th full adder can be bypassed from the previous carry bit, ci,j-1, and the (i+1, j)-th full adder can be replaced with a low-cost incremental adder, A+1. Besides that, each simplified adder, A+1, in the CSA array is only attached by one tri-state buffer and two 2-to-1 multiplexers. Similarly, a half adder can be also replaced with a low-cost incremental adder, A+1, with the bypassing condition as aibj=0. In Figure 7, the bypassingbased design of a half adder and a full adder is shown. By using the bypassing-based design of a half adder and a full adder, a 4x4 low-cost bypassing-based multiplier can be illustrated in Figure 8. Fig. 9 Modified XOR IV. ANALYSIS OF AREA ON THE BASIS OF TRANSISTOR COUNT In all the bypassing based multiplier the following number of transistor implementation is used. Full adder 28 transistor implementation, half adder 14 transistor, conventional XOR gate 8 transistor, AND gate 6 transistor, OR gate 6 transistor, 4 transistor implementation of 2:1 multiplexer, 4 transistor implementation of tri state buffer, NAND gate 4 transistor implementation, 2 transistor implementation of A+1 adder or NOT gate, 4 transistor implementation of modified XOR gate. For an nxn bit Braun multiplier[1], n2AND gates, n2-2n full adders and n half adders are used. The total number of transistor are 34n2-42n. In an nxn bit row bypassing multiplier[7], n-2 NOT gate,3n2-7n+4 tri state buffer, n 2+n-2 AND gates, 2n2-4n+2 2:1 multiplexer, n2-2n-2 full adders and 2n-4 half adders are used. The total number of transistor are 978-1-5386-4031-9/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 524 Authorized licensed use limited to: SHENZHEN UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on June 11,2021 at 06:52:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Proceedings of the International Conference on Inventive Computing and Informatics (ICICI 2017) IEEE Xplore Compliant - Part Number: CFP17L34-ART, ISBN: 978-1-5386-4031-9 56n2-64n+8. In an nxn bit column bypassing multiplier[8], 2n2-4n+2 tri state buffer, n2+n-1 AND gate, n2-2n+1 2:1 multiplexer, n2-2n full adders and n half adders. The total number of transistor are 46n2-60n+6. In an nxn bit 2dimensional bypassing based multiplier[9], n-3 NAND gate, 1 NOT gate, 3n2-6n+3 tri state buffer, 4n2-13n+17 AND gate, 2n2-4n+2 2:1 multiplexer, n2-2n-2 full adders and 2n-4 half adders are used. The total number of transistor are 72n2142n+112. In an nxn bit bit 2-dimensional bypassing based multiplier[10], 3n2-6n+4 AND gate, 3n2-6n+4 OR gate, 2n24n+2 2:1 multiplexer, 2n2-5n+3 tri state buffer, n-1 A+1 adder, n-2 full adder and n2-3n+3 half adder are used. The total number of transistor are 48n2-84n+28. In an nxn bit low cost low power bypassing based multiplier[11], n2 AND gate, n2-n tri state buffer, n2-2n XOR gate, 2n2-2n 2:1 multiplexer and n2-n A+1 adder are used. The total number of transistor are 28n2-30n. In the proposed low power less area bypassing based multiplier, n2 AND gate, n 2-n tri state buffer, n2-2n modified XOR gate, 2n2-2n 2:1 multiplexer and n2-n A+1 adder are used. The total number of transistor are 24n2-22n. Table I shows the area comparison of different types of multiplier. TABLE I AREA COPMARESION Different types of multiplier 2 4x4 bit 8x8 bit Braun multiplier[1] 34n -42n 376(100.0%) 1840(100.0%) 2-dimensional multiplier[9] 72n2142n+11 2 696(185.1%) 3584(194.8%) 48n284n+28 460(122.3%) 2428(132.0%) 28n2-30n 382(87.2%) 2 296(78.7%) Row and Column bypassing multiplier[10] Low cost low power multiplier [11] Proposed multiplier 24n -22n Conventional Xor 12 Area Modified Xor 4 Power 16.25 uw 2.894 uw Delay 22.61 psec 5.877 psec Power Delay product 0.367 fsec 0.17 fsec B. Power comparison of different types of multiplier The implementation of different types of multiplier is done on cadence 65 nm technology. The power dissipation calculation is done by setting power supply vdd 1.1 volt for 65 nm and by taking average of 25 different samples. Table III shows the power dissipation comparison on 65 nm technology for different types of multiplier for 4x4 and 8x8 bits. The result shows our proposed multiplier dissipate 14.9%, 25.2%, 10.25%, 4.2% less amount of average power in comparison to braun multiplier[1], 2-dimensional bypassing multiplier[9 and10] and low cost low power bypassing based multiplier[11] respectively. TABLE III POWER DISSIPATION OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF MULTIPLIER Area nxn bit TABLE II AREA, POWE , DELAY AND POWER-DELAY PRODUCT Different types of multiplier POWER DISSIPATION(mw) 4x4 bit 8x8 bit 0.987(100%) 6.488(100%) 2-dimensional multiplier [9] 1.098(112.2%) 7.251(117.6%) 1552(84.3%) Row and multiplier [10] 0.934(94.6%) 6.235(96.1%) 1360(73.9%) Low cost low power multiplier [11] 0.869(88.1%) 5.885(90.7%) Proposed multiplier 0.822(83.3%) 5.638(86.9%) Braun multiplier[1] In the area comparison, we compare our proposed low power less area bypassing based multiplier with Braun multiplier [1],row bypassing multiplier[7],column bypassing multiplier [8],2-dimensional bypassing based multiplier[9 and 10] and low cost low power bypassing based multiplier[11] for 4x4 and 8x8 bits. The result shows our proposed multiplier saves23.7%, 113.65%, 50.85%, 9.45% respectively. V.EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS A. Power, Delay and power delay product comparison of XOR gate column C. Delay calculation Table IV shows the Delay comparison on 65 nm technology for different types of multiplier for 4x4 and 8x8 bits. The result shows our proposed multiplier has 2.55%, 4.15%, 1.85%, 0.9% less amount of average delay in comparison to braun multiplier[1], 2-dimensional bypassing multiplier[9 and10] and low cost low power bypassing based multiplier[11] respectively. Below table II shows that modified xor consumes 13.356 uw less amount of power than conventional xor on 65nm and Delay of modified xor is 16.733 psec less than conventional xor on 65nm. 978-1-5386-4031-9/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 525 Authorized licensed use limited to: SHENZHEN UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on June 11,2021 at 06:52:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Proceedings of the International Conference on Inventive Computing and Informatics (ICICI 2017) IEEE Xplore Compliant - Part Number: CFP17L34-ART, ISBN: 978-1-5386-4031-9 TABLE IV DELAY OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF MULTIPLIER Different types of DELAY(nsec) multiplier 4x4 bit 8x8 bit Braun multiplier[1] 2-dimensional multiplier [9] Row and column multiplier [10] Low cost low power multiplier [11] Proposed multiplier 4.149(100%) 4.679(100%) 4.211(101.5%) 4.758(101.7%) 4.128(99.5%) 4.637(99.1%) 4.098(98.8%) 4.581(97.9%) 4.055(97.73%) 4.548(97.2%) D. POWER DELAY PRODUCT(PDP) Table v shows the Power Delay product comparison on 65 nm technology for different types of multiplier for 4x4 and 8x8 bits. The result shows our proposed multiplier has 17..05%, 49.85%, 11.75%, 4.9% less amount of average power delay product in comparison to braun multiplier[1], 2dimensional bypassing multiplier[9 and10] and low cost low power bypassing based multiplier[11] respectively. TABLE V POWER-DELAY PRODUCT OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF MULTIPLIER Different types of multiplier Braun multiplier[1] 2-dimensional multiplier [9] Row and column multiplier [10] Low cost low power multiplier [11] Proposed multiplier Power-delay product(mwsec) 4x4 bit 8x8 bit 4.095(100%) 30.357(100%) 4.624(129.2%) 34.500(136.4%) 3.856(94.2%) 28.912(95.2%) 3.561(86.9%) 26.958(88.8%) 3.332(81.4%) 25.642(84.5%) Pipelined multiplier,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems,pp.57–60, 1996. [5] T. Ahn and K. Choi, “dynamic operand interchange for low power,Electronics Letters, Vol. 33, no. 25, pp.2118 2120, 1997. [6] J. Choi, J. Jeon and K. Choi, “Power minimization of functional units by partially guarded computation,” International Symposium on Low-power Electronics and Design, pp.131-136, 2000. [7] J. Ohban, V. G. Moshnyaga, and K. Inoue, “Multiplier energy reduction through bypassing of partial products,” IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, pp.13–17, 2002. [8] C. 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His area of research are VLSI, Embedded system, and digital system design. Ms. LAXMI KUMRE, Assistant professor, department of Electronics and communication Engineering Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal (M.P.), INDIA. VI. CONCLUSION Based on the less number of transistor implementation of XOR gate, we proposed low power less area bypassing based multiplier. In the consideration of area and power consumption, the experimental result shows that the proposed multiplier has 49.41% less area, 13.6% reduced power dissipation, 2.36% less delay and 20.89% less power delay product in comparison to different types of multiplier. REFERENCES [1] B. Parhami, Computer Arithmetic: Algorithms and Hardware Designs, Oxford University Press, 2000. [2] T. Nishitani, “Micro-programmable DSP chip,” 14th Workshop on Circuits and Systems, pp.279-280, 2001. [3] V. G. Moshnyaga and K. 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