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Workout Plan: Strength & Cardio Exercises

Warm UP
lkm Jogl2 Minute Skip
Circuit 1
Lunges with Weight (15 each leg) x 30
lMedicine Ball Push-Ups x 12
Medicine Ball Sit-up Crossover x 20
Bicep Curls x 30 secs
Reverse lung with twist x 12
Repeat 3 times
Circuit 2
Push Ups 35 secs on 20 off x 2
Sit Ups 35 sec on 20 off x 2
Bicep Curls 35 sec on 20 off x 2
Tricep Curls (laying down) 35 sec on 20 off x 2
Press Ups (weights on bench) 35 sec on 20 off x 2
Lunges with weights (>12k9) 35 sec on 20 off x 2
V-sit ups with medicine ball (4kg) 35 on20 olt x2
Weight bar lifts from chest with squat 35 on 20 offx 2
Bent over rows 35 on 20 off x 2
Circuit 3
Round the world plank 35 on 20
(Push up from plankooto one arm then the other arm,
lhen down onlooneforearm lhen the othe,
swap leadins anr6 each round)
Skip rope 35 on 20 off
Weighted Swing throughs 35 on 20
{Grippingweislit with both hands.
Aent tne6 and stronA corq iwing
Weight downthrough legs and backup)
2 minute break after 5 rounds
Bike stand up pedal 35 on 20
lump squats 35 on 20 off
stomach crunches 35 on 20 off
{BrinSoppGne ebow upto opp knee
in crunch pcition, fullyextend legbackd@n,
Twist to6o and brlna up opp knee)
2 minute break after 5 rounds
Burpee with push up 35 on 20 off
Weighted leg swaps 35 on 20 off
{Start witl} 6ne ,es io froni of the or her,
lumpandswap les posltions while movlng
Medicine ballfrom sideto side)
Overhead weight bar raises 35 on 20
Circuit 4
High knees with medicine ball 15 sec on 15 off for 1 minute
Push ups with medicine ball x 12
Sit up side to side x 20
Medicine ball slammers x 1 min
Jump lunges w medicine ball x 1 min
Bicep curls x 30 secs
Reoeat 3 times
Circuit 5
10 mountain climbers and 2 pushups x 8
Leg raises with hip raise x 15
Laydown push ups x 15
{Laydown with arms ootstraiShtthen brine arms
ln.nd do a push up and back down to a.fts straiStlt)
Weighted leg bent jack-knifes x 15
(Slmilartovsit ups but wnh bent kne6,
Sta( lrom lying flat)
Repeat sets 4 times
Circuit 5
Weighted squat and clean press x 15
(squst holdingwei8hts by side then
upto chest when returnine
To standinS posnionrhen raise weishts above head)
Bring weights
Decline push ups x 15
{Push ups wirh feet 6ised off sround)
Tricep dips with fee raised x 15
Commandos x 15
(starting in plank po.nioo on forearnE then
Moveto push up p6nion one arm at a timeand backJ
Repeat sets 4 times