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Asteroids: Facts, Composition, and Impact on Earth

Fact File - Asteroids
What is an Asteroid?
Asteroids are small planetary objects
orbiting the sun. Their hard, rocky bodies
differentiate them from comets, which
are made of small rocks, dust and ice.
Asteroids range in size from a few meters
across to objects large enough to trap
smaller asteroids in their gravitational
pull, like moons orbiting a planet.
Asteroids lack the gravitational force
needed to round out like planets, so
most are irregularly shaped. They have no atmospheres and are not geologically active. Hundreds of
thousands of asteroids exist in the solar system, most occupying an area between Mars and Jupiter
called the asteroid belt. Despite their numbers, the combined mass of all solar system asteroids only
equals the mass of the moon. Asteroids that cross the Earth's orbit are called near-earth asteroids.
Astronomers have discovered approximately 4,500 near-earth asteroids, including up to 1,000 with
one-kilometre diameters. At least one asteroid with a 4 to 10 meter diameter hits the earth every
year. Impacts with large asteroids have triggered planet-wide extinction events several times in the
Earth's past. The last mass extinction event wiped out the dinosaurs. A similar cataclysm could
seriously test humanity's ability to survive, so astronomers track large asteroids capable of causing
such impacts. Going back to the beginning of the solar system, asteroid impacts helped grow
planets, adding to a forming planet's mass while clearing its planetary orbit. An impact with an
enormous asteroid as large as Mars ripped a chunk off the early Earth, creating the moon. Asteroids
have changed little since the beginning of the solar system, over 4.6 billion years ago. Their
composition could teach us much about those early years. As for the future, rare minerals found on
asteroids could provide raw materials for space exploration. And that's the rock-hard truth about
Helpful Links:
What is an Asteroid? by MonkeySee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iy19nHTVLEY
What's the Difference Between Comets, Asteroids, Meteoroids, Meteors, & Meteorites? by
Astronimate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvd47rMYia0
Asteroids by CrashCourse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auxpcdQimCs