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Social Media Marketing Plan Assignment

1. Introduction of Company (#icanhelp) – 10 points total
a. Background information
b. Branding
c. Products/services they sell or provide
2. Target Market/Audience – 30 points
a. Who are you targeting in their specific campaign?
b. Breakdown the target market
c. Provide an avatar for your target persona as it pertains to this campaign.
3. Analysis of Company Website – 10 points
a. Critique of the website design
b. Placement of social media
c. Are items shareable on the website?
d. View site on multiple devices (smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc.)
e. Overall analysis and potential changes
4. Current Social Media Platforms – 60 points
a. What platforms are they currently using?
b. For each platform
i. How are they using each platform?
ii. How are they creating engagement and interactivity?
1. What are their engagement rates on each platform?
2. Look at the numbers/analytics ROI
3. Justify your observations
iii. Post examples (each platforms)
iv. What are their best practices?
v. What are their worst practices? Introduce areas of opportunity
5. Social Sites Not Being Utilized – 5 points
a. Note if they should or should not be on new/different platforms, i.e. are they active with their
blog? Should they be?
6. Company in the News – 5 points
a. Press releases
b. Response to news items
c. Digital publicity
7. Crowdsourcing and Customer Created Content (consumer blogs and other social media
outlets that are fans or against the company, reviews, etc.) – 5 points
a. Could include any of the following:
i. Consumer blogs
ii. Other social media outlets
1. Review sites
iii. Company sponsored consumer content (paid influencers)
8. Current Season’s Promotional Campaigns –50 points
a. Which vehicles are used in the campaign and how are they integrated together:
i. Social Media
ii. E-mail
iii. Newsletters
iv. Mobile traditional Media
v. Internet/interactive media
b. Analysis of their current campaign
9. Social Media Strengths – 15 points
10. Social Media Weaknesses – 15 points
11. Social Media Opportunities -15 points
a. Use this to introduce your plan!
12. 6-week+ Promotional Campaign (100 points)
a. Campaign Goal and Objectives
i. Add theme including justification and plan of action –15 points
b. Platforms to utilize – 20 points
c. Objectives for each platform
d. Calendar for posts/promotion – 15 points
e. Example posts for each platform (minimum of eight posts total – so if you are only using one
platform you will have 8 example posts for that one platform; if you are using three platforms
you can give 3 examples from two platforms and 2 examples from the other platform) – 30
f. Measures of success/ROI to be used – 20 points
g. How will this be executed?
13. Conclusion – 10 points
a. Justification of why you picked the platforms, et