Lecture 4 Communicating & Negotiating Across Cultures (Ch.6) Objectives 1. What is Communication? • The process? Cultural fields? Grounding? 2. What are the sources of noise in C/C Communication (& how to minimize them)? a) Language b) Cultural communication styles c) Nonverbal Communication 3. Identify the Communication issue 4. Take-aways Thomas, Cross-Cultural Management 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018. 2 1. What is Communication? Communication: The act of transmitting messages, including information about the nature of the relationship, to another person who interprets these messages and gives them meaning. (P112) 3 Thomas, Cross-Cultural Management 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018. What are the five steps in communicating? • Five communication steps • Sender->Encoding->Channel->Receiver->Decoding S Thomas, Cross-Cultural Management 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018. 4 What’s this “cultural field” stuff? Common Ground (for potential signal sharing) Thomas, Cross-Cultural Management 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018. 5 Fault lines in the channel (=> “not enough grounding to get it”) Grounding: Sharing a sufficiently vast amount of common information between sender and receiver to have a successful communication event. (P113) Thomas, Cross-Cultural Management 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018. 6 What do you do if there’s not enough common ground? => Find the sources of noise & try to minimize them Thomas, Cross-Cultural Management 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018. 7 2. Main sources of Noise a) Language b) Cultural Communication Styles c) Nonverbal Behaviour Thomas, Cross-Cultural Management 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018. 8 2. Sources of Noise A) LANGUAGE Language vs. Meaning (<-cult. field) Second language communication Cognitive strain / exhaustion Language fluency (a double-edged sword) High competency attributions “Foreigner speak” (slower/simpler/louder) EXAMPLE: Jackie Chan 1998 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Rl9Cxc7uZA 9 Thomas, Cross-Cultural Management 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018. More second-language issues (reflects expertise & absorptive capacity) Jargon Formality vs Slang Euphemisms (to avoid Proverbs & Maxims social awkwardness) Idioms U.S.: To make a mountain out of a molehill Qc: To drown in a glass of water 10 Thomas, Cross-Cultural Management 4e. SAGE Tips for dealing with language differences Who should accommodate whom in intercultural communication? => Ethno-linguistic vitality usually rules! How to accommodate: Sharpen YOUR fluency (second language skills) Avoid using language ‘registers’ (slang, etc.) Recognize potential for flawed competency attributions due to the other’s degree of fluency => language fluency NOT same as cultural fluency: proactively manage 11 those implicit expectations Thomas, Cross-Cultural Management 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018. 2. Sources of Noise (B) Cultural Communication Styles Cultural Uses of praise Who/what is typically praised (subject of praise) How often? (Frequency of use) How detailed? (Degree of flowery elaboration? -- e.g., use of metaphors) Where? (In what situations is it okay to praise: 1:1 or in front of others)? How to respond? Thomas, Cross-Cultural Management 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018. 12 2. Sources of Noise (B) Cultural Communication Styles (con’d) Low context (explicit) vs. High context (implicit) [most relevant to DECODING] Thomas, Cross-Cultural Management 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018. 13 2. Sources of Noise (Cont.) (B) Cultural Communication Styles (con’d) Direct vs. Indirect [Complementary concept for ENCODING] • Which tends to be associated with individualist vs collectivist cultures ? • Indirectness => collectivist cultures; Directness => Individualistic • Situationally dependent factors (e.g., power relationship) Examples Direct: “No” Indirect: Lengthy pauseThomas, &/orCross-Cultural say “It’s14 somewhat difficult to answer” Management 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018. 2. Sources of Noise (Cont.) (B) Cultural Communication Styles (con’d) Silence vs. Verbal overkill Collectivist cultures Value more silence Individualistic cultures Value more talking exaggeration, assertion, & repetition But variances also exist within the above (e.g., relatively Individualistic Finland) Thomas, Cross-Cultural Management 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018. 15 2. Sources of Noise (Cont.) (B) Cultural Communication Styles (con’d) Formal vs. Informal (approximation) 100- 6040- Argentina 0- U.S. Germany India Brazil U.K. China France Japan 20- Nigeria Mexico Spain Percentage 80- 16 ways that culture affects negotiating Adapted from Salacuse, J.W. (1998). “Ten style: Some survey results”. Negotiation Journal, July, pp.221-240. Tips for dealing with communication style differences • Beforehand, learn about cultural communication norms regarding: • Praise • High-low context/directness/formality • (& related) Silence/talkativeness • During interactions, consider benefits of being accommodating: • helpful to adapt to their style in order to bridge cultural distance & improve communication • This requires behavioral effort to step outside your comfort zone Behaviour => Attitudinal change 17 contribute to similarity-attraction Thomas, CrossCultural Management 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018. 2. Sources of Noise (Cont.) (C) Nonverbal Communication behaviors (NVB) Why are they important to communication? Serve important functions in “rescuing” communication (when understood !!! ), such as: R = repeating (e.g., nod with “yes”) E = emphasizing (e.g. gestures) S = substituting (e.g., shrug vs “no”) C = contradicting (e.g., leakage) U = underhanded cues (e.g., finger to nose) E = ease up (e.g., hand up for slow down) Which is more subject to cultural influence: Verbal/NVB? “gesture boundaries” (Desmond Morris) Which is more “credible”: Verbal or NVB? (involuntary leaks) 18 Thomas, CrossCultural Management 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018. 2. Sources of Noise (Cont.) (C) Nonverbal Communication • Chronemics • (already discussed as a cultural value & communication style; it’s also NVB) • Delays/interruptions/use of silence • Chromatics • Colour of clothes, objects • Material Possessions • Style of dress, items in office décor • Olfactory • Smell/scent 19 Thomas, Cross-Cultural Management 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018. 2. Sources of Noise (Cont.) (C) Nonverbal Communication <Tone of voice (paralanguage) Pitch, volume, speed/tempo, tension, variation, enunciation, breathiness, creakiness, accent Cultural norms about tone of voice Source: https://giphy.com/gifs/antm-tiffany-tyra-banks2FDvOgN8XQoGA Proxemics > Use of personal space Intimate, personal, social, & public distances Cultural norms Haptics (touch: could be own 20 nose too, etc) https://giphy.com/gifs/fBeiAwgmcBFza Thomas, Cross-Cultural Management 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018. 2. Sources of Noise (Cont.) (C) Nonverbal Communication • Kinesics (Body positions & gestures/movements) • Can mean different things • Emblems (=hand gestures) => Avoid until one is sure of meaning • Facial expression • Culture can influence facial expression, but: • 6 basic expressions are the same around the world • Oculesics (Eye contact) • Cultural differences in gaze patterns Thomas, Cross-Cultural Management 4e. SAGE Publishing, 2018. 21 Take-Away Tips • Plan to not communicate on auto-pilot • Retain a modest level of uncertainty about your cultural knowledge (excessive C/C self-confidence is as unhelpful as excessive insecurity) • Remain aware of all possible sources of noise • Strive to see people 1st (& representatives of culture 2nd) • Focus on shared value with other person • If not evident, seek to develop further common ground via shared positive experiences/exchanges • Avoid quick interpretations/judgments • Reduce ambiguity by asking questions • Avoid use of NVBs in another 22 culture Xion/American Role Play (Preparation) 1. Group setup for the negotiation exercise (10 min) • Class will be split into males & females • 3 females & 2 males into each role play group • Each role-play group will have 2 cultural groups: • Xions (sub-team of 2 Females & 1 Male) • Americans (sub-team of 1 Female & 1 Male) • Observers (if any extra individuals) 2. Learning about your role (10 min) • Each role play group’s Male Xion + Male American will come up to the front of the class to collect one copy of the role for their respective cultural group • Share the role ONLY with the cultural peers in your role play group !!! 23 Xion/American Role Play (Preparation) 3. Negotiation Process Negotiate with the other cultural in your role play (4 min) Recess & re-strategize (2 min) Re-negotiate to complete your objective (4 min) VERY IMPORTANT: Do NOT divulge your role instructions to the other side, even AFTER the negotiation Please wait until I ask you to share the info in our class-wide discussion !!!! 24