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Student Assistant Effectiveness at Holy Cross of Davao

A Research Paper Presented to
The Faculty of the Education Department
Holy Cross of Davao College
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
Introduction to Educational Research
Albasin, Maria Theresa G.
Cuesta, Vanessa B.
Gravillo, Flora Mae P.
Lumanas Joan Mae N.
Saraum, Mark Anthony
Approval Sheet
This research entitled “ Student Assistants: Their Perceived Effectiveness in
Rendering Service at the Selected Offices of Holy Cross of Davao College” submitted by
Maria Theresa Albasin, Vanessa Cuesta, Flora Mae Gravillo, Joan Mae Lumanas, Mark
Saraum in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject Education 7 (Introduction
to Educational Research) has been examined and recommended for acceptance and
Dr. Oscar Cervales
Dr. Thelma O. Alderite
Dr. Bernardita
Panelist/ Instructress
Any project like this is always a team effort. There is no way the researchers could
pay back the many people who have actually encouraged and assisted the researchers in
their continuing quest to make meetings more effective. In doing so, the researchers
would like to extend their most profound thanks to the people who helped them craft this
research paper.
The researchers are grateful to the department heads of Library, Guidance Office and
Internet Laboratory for allowing them to disseminate the questionnaire.
To the respondents for honestly answering the questions.
To the continuing assistance of friends and colleagues for the typesetting of this paper
as well as the support given to them.
The researchers are especially indebted to Dr. Thelma O. Alderite for the painstaking
effort of checking this paper.
To God, Almighty for the talents, ideas and wisdom bestowed upon them in the
formulation of this paper.
Finally, the researchers would like to dedicate this research paper to their families for
their continuing support and encouragement for the writing efforts.
The Researchers
This study wanted to find out the perceived effectiveness of the student assistants
assigned at the selected offices in rendering service at Holy Cross of Davao College.
Specifically, the researchers sought answers as to the perceived level of performance on
the job possessed by the student assistants assigned at the selected offices of holy Cross
of Davao College, their relationship with co-workers and clientèles, their perceived level
of satisfaction with their job, their extent coping with stress and the overall level of
effectiveness of student assistants service. The study was made within the duration of the
summer class 2006. It used the descriptive method of research. The respondent of the
study were 37 student assistants from the selected offices namely, the guidance office,
internet laboratory and library. This made use of the questionnaires formulated by the
researchers and validated by some faculty members. Copies of the questionnaires were
given to the respondents who answered the questionnaire during their vacant period. The
data were tallied, tabulated and analyzed. For the treatment of the data, the weighted
mean was used findings showed that the respondents very often performed their tasks
systematically and orderly. The student assistants from the library have the higher level
of performance on their job than those other assigned in other offices. They often
maintained a good relationship with their co-workers and clienteles. They also often felt
satisfied with their job and often had the high extent in coping with stress in their work.
The researchers recommended that the student assistants should be responsible in every
accounts of their job. They should also inculcate in mind that rendering service is giving
until it satisfies the necessity. Effective service is achieved if it is done not by deed, but
by heart.
List of Tables
Performance on Job.
Relationship with Co – Workers.
Relationship with clienteles.
Job Satisfaction.
Ability to cope with Stress.
Overall level of respondents' service
List of Figures
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
The Problem and a Review of Related Literature
Review of Related Literature
Theoretical/ Conceptual Framework
Statement of the Problem
Significance of the Study
Scope and Delimitation
Definition of Terms
Research Design
Data Gathering
Data Analysis
Results and Discussion
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
Curriculum Vitae
The Problem and a Review of Related Literature
Performance is the act of functional effectiveness, a formal exhibition of one's path in
various themes. It is the accomplishment or achievement of action or deed through
demonstration that shows functioning effectively. In relation to this, people in service
must be consistent in rendering quality service since they are accountable to the clientèle
they serve. Working students also known as Student Assistant are not exempted on
providing quality service to their clientèle even though they are working and studying at
the same time.
Many parents can hardly afford to send their children to school. Thus, with help of the
Student Assistance Program, many students can avail the opportunities that it serve
globally. These students are financed by the school to pursue their studies in a condition
that they render service in the institution.
The country today is facing an economic crises that increases poverty in this land.
Thus, many Filipino who graduated from high school cannot go to college. With regard
to this, Colleges and Universities in the Philippines offer privileges for these students
such as being a working scholar.
The City Government of Davao implemented such scholarship. It embraces those
students who deserve to be sent to school, but could hardly be sent due to financial crises.
The unique function of a student assistant is to assist the clientèle in the guidance and
assistance of their needs. Indeed, the said scholarship has contributed much to the
fulfillment of the dreams of the many Davaoeno students.
Holy Cross of Davao College is Filipino, Catholic, Archdiocesan educational
institution. Its mission is to inform well - integrated persons by providing Catholic
Education to all, especially to the less fortunate. In consonance with the vision and
mission of the Holy Cross of Davao College, the SASP(Student Assistant Scholarship
Program) is committed to help in the education of the poor and deserving students. It
aims at the total development of its members and to assist the Holy Cross of Davao
College employees in all offices in the disposal of their responsibilities towards the
efficient and effective operation of the institution.
They enjoy the following benefits and privileges:
Free registration and tuition fee for 18 units of academic subjects and 3 units of
religious education and 2 units of PE per semester: 9 units per summer session:
Monthly monetary allowance for minimum work of seven (7) hours daily Monday
to Friday and four (4) hours of Saturday.
In connection to this, the researchers strove to determine the effectiveness of the
student assistants of Holy Cross of Davao College in rendering service to their fellow
students, to the faculty members as well as to the administrators of the school.
Moreover, this research is envisioned to shed light regarding the help or assistance
given to the students, teachers and administrators in the school community.
Review of Related Literature
Job competence is essential to the qualitative, efficient, skillful working practice.
According to Young(2000), the amount of knowledge that workers must use and the
continuing rapid growth of this knowledge prevent them from being effective workers if
they attempt to function with only the information acquired in school or outlined in
books. She added that when unexpected situation
competence enables the worker to
arise, critical
thinking and
recognize important cues, respond, quickly, and
adapt interventions to meet specific, client needs.
Alexander (1992), explains that competency on job performance is the result of
knowledge and working experience. The competence required to interpret departmental
instructions and makes complex decision is the basis for the advancement of working
practice and the development of the said exposure, to deliver effective service , the
worker should be able to make relevant observations, recognize client's problems and
develop appropriate plans to address those problems. These activities
are continuously developed during departmental working exposures of the people
involved in the service.
According to Abdillah et.al (1996), attitudes are consistent ways of perceiving feeling
or thinking about or behaving toward the client. Mckeehan (1990), concluded that
attitudes are internal process that somehow guide or direct our behaviors. Positive
attitudes of workers should be shown to the clients and so to gain the confidence of the
Establishing rapport facilities a vital working role. Arnold (1990) stated that the
effective communication in an essential element of an optimal worker- client relationship.
In rendering service, communication is a dynamic process used to gather assessment,
data, to teach and persuade and to express caring and comfort.
Most workers experiences stress in their work environments. Stressors can consist of
workloads, institutional policies, conflict with co-workers client characteristics. Reaction
to a job- related stressor can depend on the worker's personality, health situations,
previous experiences with stress and coping mechanisms. Job stress frequently results in
a condition called burnout, which is characterized by a decreased concern for the people
with whom one is working the job or profession no longer has positive rewards and the
client may experiences anger or apathy. Workers are at risk for job stress burnout and
benefit from using the same stress management techniques they teach clients. In the
organizational and work role competency domain of practice, worker should identify
specific stressors at work and strive to eliminate them. It is also helpful to gain social
support from other co-worker in order to maintain a caring attitude towards client.
Kashkoff (1993), stated that "Stress is an inside job", it is up to the person as how
much he will be affected by it. The way the person responds to it depends on his
developmental and environmental heritage. Because every individual has his own unique
set of adaptive habits that have been selected and reinforced by his life experiences.
Studies informs us that the anticipation form of coping by anticipating stressful situations
leads to many thoughts and feelings which themselves can be stress
reducing in cases of tests,interviews speeches or blind dates. Human being have a
tremendous potential for adapting not only biologically over generations but
psychologically within a lifetime- even in a
short period of time if they decide they want to change.
Whereof Copp (2003), since workers witness pain and suffering, they should also be
ready to deal with these stress. She added that in managing any stress problem should be
in recognition. One must learn not only to recognize the signs of stress but also to ask for
Another author, Owen (2002), states that the coping strategies workers adapt to
combat stress have also been studied extensively. They can be defined as active of
passive attempts to respond to a situation of threat or reducing the emotional discomfort.
Davis (1992), concluded that working is devoted to the service for people. Its goal is
to promote and maintain quality service. Workers then are involved in the process and on
the concern with instituting directive measures, monitoring the clients progress and
providing the assistance, guidance and support.
Nicholls (1997), studied the position and job satisfaction of workers in the position,
function and their satisfaction in the social system of workers. She found out that
dissatisfaction appeared to be associated chiefly with social organizational relationships
rather than with the technical functional relationships.
Goldstone (1999), studied assessed that the level of satisfaction is expressed by the
workers after 6 months of employment. The data revealed that job satisfaction scores
were insignificantly predicted by the respondents job expectations and the importance
they placed on various components of the work situations.
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
Young (2000) stated that job competence is essential to qualitative, efficient, skillful
working practice. It emphasized that for a person to provide quality of service, he should
be competent enough in performing one's tasks.
Sison (1991) asserted that good communication is important in interrelationships
either with the employee's co-workers or with his superior. Good communication leads to
a harmonious relationship between the co – workers as well as to their superiors, which is
of great help in the proper disposal of their responsibilities towards the efficient and
effective operation of the institution.
Kozier (2004) states that to know that the effective service outcome have been met,
the person in service must listen attentively to the clientele, observe cues and determine
that the service rendered was effective. The clienteles are the most important person who
benefits the service rendered by the worker. Thus, their welfare should be considered first
in the service process.
Sison (1991) added that several research studies showed that workers do not work
harder just for the purpose of making more money alone, but are motivated also by their
desire for accomplishment and success in their job. Dedication toward one's job is an
important element to achieve effective service. Money should not be considered as a big
factor in motivating the worker to perform quality service. Rather, their desire for a
successful outcome in service is what matters most.
Maslach (2001) viewed that in the organizational and work role competency domain
of practice, worker should identify specific stressors at work and strive to eliminate them.
Stress is one factor that contributes to the hindrance in performing one's job efficiently.
The worker should know the ways to eliminate and prevent them to attain success in their
Statement of the Problem
This study is conducted to determine the perceived effectiveness of the Student
Assistants in rendering service to the clientele in the selected offices of Holy Cross of
Davao College.
Specifically, the researchers sought answers to the following questions:
1. What is the perceived level of performance on the job possessed by the student
assistants assigned in the selected offices of Holy Cross of Davao College?
2. How do the student assistants maintain a mutual relationship with co-worker?
3. How do the student assistants maintain relationship with the clientele?
4. What is the perceived level of satisfaction of the student assistants with their job?
5. What is level of abilities of student assistants in coping with stress?
6. What is the overall level of effectiveness of student assistants service?
Significance of the Study
Since the effectiveness in service is important to achieve goals in different fields, it is
imperative that factors related to the effectiveness in service be properly studied. This
effectiveness must be met if those in rendering service aim to achieve these goals.
The information gathered in this research will be useful to the following:
The Holy Cross of Davao College Administration. The result will develop the
awareness in the performance of their personnel, especially the employees toward their
tasks. This study will also specify recommendations to improve the quality service
rendered to the clientele. This is also one way to upgrade the facilities to direct them
better ways in rendering service to the clients.
The Holy Cross of Davao College Student Assistants. This result will help them
develop skills in rendering effective service and quality of service care.
The Clientele Holy Cross of Davao College. This study will provide awareness of the
benefits of effective and quality assistance that will be rendered to them, such as
efficiency, adequacy, effectiveness, safety and with the use of critical thinking in service.
The Researchers. This would serve as a basis in gaining more knowledge in
developing their whole being to the tasks given to them. the criteria commonly practiced
will serve as a reminder in rendering effective qualitative service as a future mentors.
Scope and Delimitation
This research aimed to determine the perceived effectiveness of the student assistants
in rendering service at the selected offices of Holy Cross of Davao College. The offices
selected by the researchers are the guidance office, internet laboratory and the library.
The questionnaire will be distributed to the student assistants assigned at the
aforementioned offices during the Summer Classes of year 2006 of Holy Cross of Davao
Definition of Terms
Clientele. The person to whom the service is rendered.
Competence. The quality of a person in being capable of performing effective job.
HCDC. Is a Filipino, Catholic, Archdiocesan educational institution at Davao City.
Optimal. Most favorable condition desired.
Rapport. Sympathetic attitude toward the clienteles.
Stress. A system of forces producing tension or pressure.
Stressor. Factors causing stress.
Student Assistant. Poor and deserving students who avails the Student Assistance
Scholarship Program.
Chapter 2
This chapter describes how the study was undertaken. It discusses the main topics to
be covered in this chapter namely the research design, the number of participants, the
instrument used, the procedure in gathering data, and the analysis of the data gathered.
Research Design
The researcher focused their research study on the work scholars rendering service at
the selected offices of HCDC, guidance, internet laboratory and library. The descriptive
method was used and the students having their duty during summer 2006 were selected as
the respondents. This was to determine the perceived effectiveness of the student
assistants in rendering service at the aforementioned offices of HCDC.
The study focused particularly to the 37 student assistants of HCDC. They have
decided to use the above respondents for the reason that they are the group who are
frequently given immediate tasks to handle, as requirements in the departmental area
which the researchers thought could give reliable answers to their research findings. The
researchers oriented the respondents as to their role in this research and were given ample
time to answer the questionnaire. This is done to ensure the reliability of the data to be
gathered. There are 37 Student Assistants as the total number of respondents.
The researchers used a questionnaire as their means of collecting data, because it is
simple wherein items are easily constructed. Questionnaire can be easily distributed and
less time in consumed during data gathering. Answers are kept confidential and data from
closed ended items are easy to tabulate. The terms are comprehensive and in direct
manner to avoid confusion. The respondents were asked to answer the said questionnaire
by checking the box of which would correspond to their most appropriate answer. The
questionnaire is composed of 22 items and it is divided into five parts.
The first part of the questionnaire is about the performance on the job of the
student assistants and has 10 items. The second part is about the relation of the student
assistants toward their co – workers and has three items. The third part is about the
relation of the student assistants toward their clientele also has three items. The fourth
part is about the satisfaction of the student assistants on their job which also contains
three items and the last part is about the ability of the student assistants in coping with
stress also has three items.
The five parts of the questionnaire have the same descriptive interpretation and
scale. The rating scale used in interpreting the responses of the respondents are as
Verbal Interpretation
Very Frequent
Very Seldom
Data Gathering Procedures
Since this study was conducted at the different offices of the Institution, there are
many legal procedures needed that were undertaken by the researchers.
First, the researchers approached the mentor as regards to the problem identified.
Before conducting the study, preparation of the necessary requirements were made. The
researchers wrote a letter of permission to the selected department heads of Holy Cross of
Davao College to conduct the study at the respective offices. The researchers then
gathered related literature from various sources. After the approval of the department
heads, the validation of the questionnaire was done. The researchers conducted the study
by orienting the respondents on the purpose of the study and by informing them of their
importance to the success of the study. Then, they started retrieving the questionnaires
and the tallying of the data gathered was done also by the researchers. After the
tabulation and computation, the data was ready for presentation, analysis and
Data Analysis
The questionnaire is answerable by checking the box below the scale based on their
response. Upon getting all the data, the researchers computed the weighted mean to
determine the average of the respondents regarding their effectiveness as student
assistants in rendering service at Holy Cross of Davao College. . Each item of the
questionnaire is based on a five point scale.
The formula in finding the weighted mean is:
X =
= Weighted Mean
∑fx = Sum of the products of midpoints to frequency
N = Total number of respondents
The following scale was used for the analysis and interpretation of the survey
4.50 - 5.00
Very Frequent
3.50 - 4.49
3.00 - 3.49
2.50 - 2.99
1.00 - 2.49
Very Seldom