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Top 3 Study Tips for Online Accelerated Nursing Students

Top 3 Study Tips for Online
Accelerated Nursing Students
Getting an online collegiate nursing education comes with many challenges and
roadblocks. Studies by the Institute of Education Sciences show that online nursing
students might not get real-world lessons. It is due to the lack of authentic
Hence, the teachers might be unsure about student assessments and their abilities.
Even then, students should give their best in an online classroom, irrespective of the
You get flexibility, cost saving, interaction, and convenience in a remote setting. At
the same time, you can choose an online accelerated, second-degree, or traditional
nursing program. But the overall coursework remains the same.
Therefore, follow these online study tips to help with the rigorous program:
#1. Study Smart
There is no such thing as last-minute studying in an Accelerated Bachelor of Science
in Nursing (ABSN) course. The same goes for a second-degree ABSN online nursing
program. Students with bachelor’s degrees in a related field can opt for a seconddegree ABSN intensive program.
The Holy Family University says these courses will help you accelerate your nursing
career. However, it requires intense dedication and work. These 14-month programs
can be taken up by experienced learners willing to participate in the fast-paced
curriculum. Furthermore, a second-degree online accelerated BSN course requires
you to fulfill on-site residency after completing the coursework.
Students must understand nursing concepts to survive programs like these instead of
memorizing them. You can succeed with good time management, self-care, and
continuous learning.
Take extra time to study and ask for assistance when you need help understanding
certain theoretical concepts. This way, you will become confident enough to apply
those learnings in a real-world scenario. Try and create a study guide based on each
topic, relate them to your personal experiences, and rely on visual cues.
#2. Stay Organized
Reports show that organizing your study materials and schedule will help you focus
and concentrate on work. You get to be productive and less distracted by your
You can invest in a planner or an online scheduling tool to organize everything
properly. For example, you can have an app to track the report deadlines.
It will help you stay balanced with your accelerated nursing coursework and studies.
Any online nursing program will have a blended curriculum. It will include hands-on
lab experience, clinical rotations, and online classes.
That is why you should organize your day and finish things on time. Moreover,
certified nurses suggest you understand your unique learning style, take breaks,
reward yourself, and avoid cramming.
A nursing school secret is the 45-15 method of studying. That means 45 minutes of
studying and taking a break for 15 minutes. These tips will help you remain organized
and study smart to succeed in your nursing career.
#3. Find Support
Reports suggest that nursing is America's largest and most in-demand profession in
the healthcare sector. The career is rewarding and selfless, but nursing students go
through a lot to get certified. Some say that without friends, you cannot survive an
ABSN program.
Being in a study group will help you stay connected and listen to different
perspectives. You can pass and receive knowledge to enhance your critical thinking
In addition, an accelerated nursing degree requires you to spend almost 60+ hours
every week behind coursework, reports, and practical experience. Tackling all these
alone might affect your physical and mental health.
Hence, it is important to find like-minded people with shared experiences. Studies
show that social support leads to better well-being and enhances your ability to cope
with stress.
You can get emotional support from your cohorts in an online accelerated nursing
program. With their help, you can discover what motivates you and channel that
energy into your studies. Moreover, your study group can deal with challenges and
empathize with your situation.
They will understand what you are going through and your sacrifices. Overall,
studying smart and organizing your schedule will only be successful if you have a
proper support system.
The Bottom Line
A report by Science Direct indicates that faculty members should develop courses
geared toward an online setting. Formulating an effective online curriculum based on
assessments will help determine the nursing student’s quality.
However, as a student, you should follow all the curriculum rules and study hard,
irrespective of the shortcomings. To triumph in this online accelerated nursing
program, you must find a way to study smart, stay organized, and find support.
These will help you feel motivated as you learn from shared experiences. You should
treat nursing school as a full-time remote job and use all available resources in the
industry. Only then can you find success in an online ABSN program.