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The Hobbit Test - Without Vocabulary

Date: ___________
Teacher: ____
Unit Test – The Hobbit
NAME: _______________________________________
I. Character Identification – Match each character with the correct description.
A. A dragon
1. _____ Bard
B. Has a riddling contest with Bilbo
2. _____ Beorn
C. A hobbit
3. _____ Bilbo
D. Leader of the dwarves
4. _____ Gandalf
E. One of the lake men who kills the dragon with an arrow 5. _____ Gollum
F. Raven who brings news to the dwarves
6. _____ Roac
G. Skin-changer who can become a bear
7. _____ Smaug
H. A wizard
8. _____ Thorin
II. Weapon Identification – Match each character with his weapon of choice.
A. Biter
B. Black arrow
C. Glamdring (Foe-Hammer)
D. Orcrist (Goblin-Cleaver)
9. _____ Bard
10. _____ Bilbo
11. _____ Gandalf
12. _____ Thorin
III. Multiple Choice – Choose the best answer for each question.
13. What is a hobbit?
A. A dwarf.
B. A little person, about half the height of a
C. An elf.
D. A troll.
14. How are Balin and Dwalin related to each
A. They are father and son.
B. They are friends.
C. They are cousins.
D. They are brothers.
15. What mark does Gloin say was on Bilbo’s
A. “Burglar wants a good job, plenty of
excitement and reasonable reward”.
B. “Come in and make yourself welcome”.
C. “Do not disturb”.
D. “Auction next year”.
16. What one point does Gandalf say that
they don’t notice on the map?
A. Rivendell
B. Gollum’s lair
C. The dragon’s lair
D. The secret entrance
17. What went with the map? Who does
Gandalf give it to?
A. A frame. Thorin.
B. A frame. Bilbo.
C. A key. Thorin.
D. A key. Bilbo.
18. In the note, what do Thorin & Co. offer
Bilbo? Where are they waiting for him?
A. One twelfth of total profits. Rivendell.
B. One fourteenth of total profits. The Green
Dragon Inn.
C. One thirteenth of total profits. Outside his
D. One fifteenth of total profits. Mordor.
19. Who comes back when the trolls are
arguing? What are the trolls arguing about?
A. Gandalf. How to cook Bilbo and the
B. Thorin. Whether or not to go with the
C. Bilbo. Which way the dwarves went.
D. Smaug. The weather.
20. What do they take from the trolls’ cave?
A. Food.
B. Weapons.
C. Clothes.
D. All of the above.
21. What does Bilbo smell in the open glade
above the banks of the stream?
A. Dragons
B. Goblins
C. Elves
D. Trolls
22. Why are Kili and Fili sent to find better
shelter during the thunderstorm?
A. They are the youngest of the dwarves.
B. They are the oldest of the dwarves.
C. They volunteer.
D. They lose at rock-paper-scissors.
23. Goblins are…
A. Cruel.
B. Wicked.
C. Bad-hearted.
D. All of the above.
24. What does the blade of Gandalf’s sword
do when goblins are about?
A. It makes a whistling sound.
B. It gleams with rage.
C. It vibrates.
D. Nothing.
25. How did Gollum get his name? What
does he always call himself?
A. A sound he makes when he swallows.
B. A sound he makes when he cries. Precious.
C. A sound he makes when he swallows.
D. A sound he makes when he cries. Smeagol.
26. What does Bilbo find in his pocket
during his riddle contest?
A. A coin.
B. A ring he found in the passage.
C. A small knife.
D. Food.
27. What was Gollum always afraid of?
A. Going crazy.
B. Of the ring being stolen.
C. Being found by goblins.
D. The dark.
28. What kind of ring was the ring? What did
it do?
A. A magic ring. It made you invisible.
B. An evil ring. It prevented you from dying.
C. A special ring.It made you stronger.
D. A normal ring.It didn’t do anything
29. What do goblins not like because it
makes their legs wobble and their heads
A. Water.
B. Fire.
C. The moon.
D. The sun.
30. What does Gandalf say he will do if the
dwarves don’t help him look for Bilbo?
A. He will turn them over to the goblins.
B. He will use magic on them.
C. He will leave them.
D. Nothing. He tells them to leave Bilbo.
34. What service had Gandalf rendered for
the eagles?
A. He had brought them food.
B. He had protected them from hunters.
C. He had fought alongside them in battle.
D. He had healed their leader of an arrow
35. Has Beorn ever heard of Gandalf? Which
one of Gandalf’s relatives has he heard of?
A. Yes. His cousin.
B. Yes. His brother.
C. No. His cousin.
D. No. His brother.
36. What did Beorn say before he left?
A. You must not stray outside until the moon
is up, on your peril.
B. You must not stray outside until the sun is
up, on your peril.
C. You must not come inside until the moon
is up, on your peril.
D. You must not come inside until the sun is
up, on your peril.
31. What do they hear howling at the moon?
A. Elves.
B. Wolves.
C. Vampires.
D. Wargs.
32. What proverb means to be in an
uncomfortable situation?
A. It’s all relative.
B. Don’t judge a book by its cover.
C. Out of the frying pan into the fire.
D. Don’t reinvent the wheel.
33. What are wolves afraid of?
B. Fire.
C. The moon.
D. The sun.
37. What news does Beorn get from a Warg
and a goblin in the woods?
A. The goblin patrols were still hunting for
the dwarves with the wargs.
B. They were happy with the dwarves and
Bilbo for killing the Great Goblin because he
was evil and a bad leader.
C. The wargs and the goblins wanted to join
Bilbo and the dwarves on their journey.
D. The goblin patrols were hunting for the
wargs with the dwarves.
38. Why will the goblins not dare to cross the
Great River,nor come near Beorn’s house?
A. It is well protected at night.
B. It is well protected during the day.
C. It is haunted.
D. It is too far from their home.
A. He lost the ring.
B. He wasn’t in a barrel himself.
C. Forgetting to tell the dwarves.
D. There is no weak point in his plan.
39. What do the voices of the spiders sound
like? What are they talking about?
A. Scratching and clawing. Gandalf.
B. Screeching and screaming. Bilbo.
C. Creaking and hissing. The dwarves.
D. Laughing and crying. Wargs and goblins.
45. How does Bilbo get out?
A. He climbs into a barrel with Bombur.
B. He runs out of the front gate.
C. He catches hold of the last barrel and is
pushed out with it.
D. He climbs out a window.
40. What secret does Bilbo let the dwarves in
A. His ring.
B. The trolls’ gold.
C. His sword.
D. Gandalf’s plan.
41. What fault do wood-elves have?
A. Trusting strangers too much.
B. Distrust of strangers.
C. Being too friendly.
D. Being too unfriendly.
42. What message from Thorin does Bilbo
take to the other dwarves?
A. He was free, but he had told the king
about their errand.
B. To leave him behind and go on without
C. To fight their way out of prison.
D. That he was in prison too, and not to tell
the king about their errand.
43. What do the elves do with the barrels
when they are empty?
A. Cast them through the trap doors and
send them downstream.
B. Burn them.
C. Reuse them.
D. Make furniture out of them.
44. What is the weak point in Bilbo’s plan?
46. What mountain does Bilbo see? Does he
like the look of it?
A. The Lonely Mountain. Yes.
B. The Lonely Mountain. No.
C. The Misty Mountain. Yes.
D. The Misty Mountain. No.
47. What does Thorin say loudly when he
reaches the door?
A. “I am Thorin son of Thrain son of Thror
King Under the Mountain. I return!”
B. “We are hungry, cold, and tired. Please let
us stay here for a while.”
C. “I am Thorin and I have been wronged by
the wood-elves. I need your help.”
D. “We are on a quest to defeat the dragon
Smaug, and if you help us, we will share his
gold with you.”
48. What happens after the dwarves are
brought into the town?
A. Gollum comes to visit them.
B. Ravens are sent to Gandalf to tell him
where they are.
C. They are put back into prison.
D. They are doctored, fed, housed, and
49. Why is the master not sorry to see the
dwarves go?
A. They were expensive to keep.
B. Their arrival had turned things into a long
holiday in which business was at a standstill.
C. Both A and B.
D. Neither A nor B.
50. What is the land about them like? What
was it like before?
A. Bleak and barren. Green and fair.
B. Green and fair. Bleak and barren.
C. Bleak and barren. The same.
D. Green and fair. The same.
51. Who finds the secret door?
A. Bofur.
B. Bifur.
C. Thorin.
D. Bilbo.
52. What does Bilbo see on the grey stone
after he hears a crack?
A. A raven.
B. A thrush.
C. An owl.
D. A woodpecker.
53. What does Bilbo start to see at the end of
the tunnel? How does it start to feel inside
the tunnel?
A. Water. Warm.
B. Water. Cold.
C. A glow. Warm.
D. A glow. Cold.
54. What are the two reasons for Smaug to
go to his golden couch?
A. To sleep and gather new strength.
B. To protect his gold and sleep.
C. To watch and wait.
D. To count his treasure and think.
55. What is the way to talk to dragons?
A. Tell them your name and where you are
B. Tell them where you are from, but not
your name.
C. Tell them your name, but not where you
are from.
D. Don’t give your proper name, but don’t
infuriate them with a flat refusal.
56. What does Smaug know the smell of?
What does he not know the smell of?
A. Dwarves. Hobbits.
B. Hobbits. Dwarves.
C. Hobbits. Gold.
D. Gold. Dwarves.
57. Where is there a hollow patch on Smaug?
A. Under his chin.
B. In the hollow of his left breast.
C. On the right side of his stomach.
D. In the middle of his back.
58. What does Bilbo do with the Arkenstone?
A. He breaks it.
B. He throws it.
C. He puts it in his pocket.
D. He gives it to Thorin.
59. What happens when the heart of a dwarf
is wakened by gold and jewels?
A. He feels smarter and wiser.
B. He becomes happy and shares.
C. He gets scared and may become weak.
D. He grows bold and may become fierce.
60. What is “cram”?”
A. A biscuit-ish food.
B. Fuel for fire.
C. Medicine.
D. A disease.
61. How many arrows hurt Smaug while he
sets the town on fire?
A. 0.
B. 5.
C. 10.
D. 20.
62. What does does the old thrush tell Bard?
A. Abandon the town and run.
B. Come to the dwarves.
C. Where Smaug’s weak spot is.
D. He should be king instead of the master
of the town or Thorin.
63. What do they begin planning under the
Master’s direction? Where do they plan it?
A. A dam. Upstream.
B. A dam. Downstream.
C. A new town. Southward, lower down the
D. A new town. Northward, higher up the
64. What does Roac tell Thorin about
A. He is coming back.
B. He has been killed.
C. He has flown away.
D. He got sick and died.
65. Whom do the lake men blame for their
sorrows? Which of them does Roac say he
should trust?
A. The dwarves. Bard.
B. The dwarves. The master.
C. Smaug. Bard.
D. Smaug. The master.
66. How much of the treasure do they want
Thorin to give to Bard?
A. 1/8 (one eighth).
B. 1/10 (one tenth).
C. 1/12 (one twelfth).
D. 1/14 (one fourteenth).
67. What does Thorin say about the
A. It is cursed.
B. It is worth more than a river of gold.
C. He wants Bilbo to have it.
D. It is not valuable.
68. What does Bilbo give to Bard?
A. His sword.
B. A thrush.
C. A map and a key.
D. The Arkenstone.
69. Who claps Bilbo on the back and tells
him “Well done”?
A. Thorin.
B. Gandalf.
C. Bard.
D. The master.
70. What does Thorin say when Bard asks if
he is of the same mind?
C.”I don’t know.”
D.”My mind does not change with the rising
and setting of a few suns.”
71. What does Thorin say that he will give in
exchange for the Arkenstone?
A. 1/8 (one eighth) of the share of the hoard.
B. 1/10 (one tenth) of the share of the hoard.
C. 1/12 (one twelfth) of the share of the hoard.
D. 1/14 (one fourteenth) of the share of the
72. What is the battle that no one expected
A. The Battle for Smaug’s Treasure.
B. The Battle of the Lonely Mountain.
C. The Battle of the Five Armies.
D. The Battle of Evermore.
73. What does Bilbo do during the battle?
A. Puts on his ring and vanishes from sight.
B. Fights with the dwarves.
C. He runs back home.
D. He gives supplies to the elves.
74. What sight makes Bilbo’s heart leap?
A. Ravens.
B. Eagles.
C. Dragons.
D. Ponies.
75. How does Bilbo get down to the camp in
the valley?
A. An eagle gives him a ride.
B. He walks down.
C. Gandalf carries him.
D. A man carries him.
76. How does Thorin say that wishes to part
with Bilbo?
A. Quickly.
B. Quietly.
C. In friendship.
D. As enemies.
77. Who comes to join the battle after the
A. Beorn.
B. Gandalf.
C. Gollum.
D. Smaug.
78. What treasure does Bilbo take?
A. One chest of gold.
B. One chest of silver.
C. One chest of gold and one chest of silver.
D. Nothing.
79. What is Bilbo’s only wish after he turns
his back on his adventure?
A. To stay with the elves.
B. To be in his own armchair.
C. For the dwarves to remember him.
D. To forget that it ever happened.
80. What is going on at Bilbo’s own door?
A. Construction.
B. A party.
C. His funeral.
D. An auction for his things.
81. What had Bilbo lost besides his spoons?
A. His reputation.
B. His friends.
C. His family.
D. His mind.
82. What does Bilbo say when Gandalf says
that he is a little fellow in a wide world?
A. “Thank goodness!”
B. “No, I’m not.”
C. “So are you.”
D. “That’s what you think.”