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Global Warming Sentence Outline

(The following information is at the top of the page before you begin your outline)
Working Title:
Warming Our World and Chilling Our Future
Global warming
Specific Purpose:
To inform my audience about the reasons for, and problems created by global
warming, and make them aware of possible solutions.
Working Thesis:
Global warming, an often misunderstood and misinterpreted topic, is causing
economic problems, sustainability issues, famine, drought, and poverty throughout
the world.
There is no Introduction in a Sentence Outline. It only addresses the Body of the essay.
I. Global warming is a gradual warming of the Earth from human activities.
A. It is characterized by a high concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
1. Each year five tons of CO2 are pumped into the atmosphere. (Union, 2016)
2. The carbon dioxide traps heat. (Union, 2016)
3. 1998 set temperature records. (NOAA, 2000)
B. Carbon pollutants also eat a hole in the ozone layer.
1. In 1998 this hole set a size record. (NOAA, 2000)
2. This allows more ultraviolet radiation to reach Earth. (NOAA, 2000)
C. If this problem is not corrected; we may see disastrous results.
1. There could be dramatic climate changes.
a. There could be drought in the middle of continents. (National Issues Forum, 2017)
b. There could be many severe storms. (National Issues Forum, 2017)
c. There could be rising sea levels that would destroy coastal areas. (National Issues
Forum, 2017)
2. There could be serious health problems.
a. There could be an increase in skin cancer. (NIH, 2016)
b. There could be an increase in cataracts. (NIH, 2016)
c. There could be damaged immune systems. (NIH, 2016)
II. The loss of woodlands adds to global warming.
A. One football-field-sized area of forest is lost every second. (Union, 2016)
B. Some loss occurs through cutting trees. (Union, 2016)
C. Burning adds more carbon dioxide form smoke. (Union, 2016)
III. Industrial emissions accelerate global warming.
A. These account for more than 20 percent of our air pollution. (Union, 2016)
B. Americans are the worst offenders.
1. We use 26 percent of the world’s oil. (NOAA, 2017)
2. We release 26 percent of nitrogen oxides. (NOAA, 2017)
3. We release 22 percent of carbon dioxide. (NOAA, 2017)
C. There is light on the horizon.
1. The rate of emission is slowing. (Dept. of Energy, 2017)
2. Companies are uniting to arrest climate change. (New Initiatives, 2015)
IV. Personal energy consumption magnifies global warming.
A. Energy consumption is the single largest cause of global warming.
1. Fossil fuel use accounts for 90 percent of America’s energy consumption. (Union, 2016)
2. Transportation-related energy accounts for half of all air pollution. (Union, 2016)
B. America is on an energy binge.
1. We are using more fuel in our homes.
a. New homes are much larger. (Myerson, 2015)
B People have more energy-hungry equipment. (Myerson, 2015)
2. We are using more fuel for transportation.
a. Commutes are longer. (Myerson, 2015)
b. Vehicle horsepower is increasing. (Myerson, 2015)
c. People are buying gas-guzzlers. (Myerson, 2015)
There is no Conclusion in a Sentence Outline. It only addresses the Body of the essay.
Complete APA citations of sources referenced in Outline.
APA format with Cover page, running head, etc.
Outline should be double spaced. This sample is not in order to keep it to just one page.