BSc Industrial & Instrumentation Programme Outline

Name of Programme:
Bachelor of Science Honours Industrial and
4 Years
Credit load:
Minimum Credit load:
Maximum Credit load:
Maximum MBKs Credit Load:
ZNQF Level:
Accreditation Organisation:
Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education
To explore the physical principles underlying in modern industrialization and
instrumentation and the use of industrial physics in problem solving, improvising existing
systems and designing systems for modern industry.
To meet the rapidly changing demands of modern economy and society where highly
skilled and adaptable graduates with a strong grounding in fundamental Physics concepts
are equipped with industrially-focused training and expertise in areas such as
Instrumentation and Automation.
Equip graduates with the skills needed for employment physics, with a particular emphasis
on the applications of physics in industrial and environmental contexts – also with the
inclusion of science underlying renewable energy, sustainable technologies, medical
physics etc.
To capacitate graduates with industrial and instrumentation knowledge to synthesize new
ideas, interact with wide range of industrial technologies whilst further advancing practical
skills in the industry and application of knowledge for the betterment of industry and the
country at large.
For all entry pathways candidates must have at least five Ordinary Level subjects including
English Language, Mathematics and a Science subject at grade C or better
Normal Entry
Three Advanced level passes to include Mathematics (Pure
Mathematics/Additional Mathematics), Physics and a third science subject.
Special Entry
At least a minimum of NC, ND and HND
Mature Entry
At least 25 years old plus 5 years relevant work experience
Areas of Study
This includes Applied and Industrial Physics, Instrumentation, Optics and
Photonics, electromagnetism and electronic devices, air and water quality
instrumentation, Industrial Automation and process control, Thermodynamics and
statistical mechanics, computational Physics.
Specialist Focus
This is a unique programme that brings the applications of physics in industry and
instrumentation Aspects.
Research and innovation oriented. Teaching and learning are academically and
professionally oriented and focused on practical aspects.
Distinctive Features
The programme builds the research-technology-innovation continuum and
focuses on knowledge development and application using a student-centred
Industrial and Instrumentation Physics graduates work in a range of advanced
manufacturing sectors where fundamental concepts in science are applied to
manufacture high value products with precision and an advanced level of process
control and automation. Sectors include BioPharmaceutical, Energy, IT Hardware
Manufacturing, food and beverage, water management and aerospace/space. They
get employed as Instrumentation and process control Engineers, Design
Scientists/Technologists; Metrologists; Radiation control Officers; Industrial
Software/hardware specialists, R&D Scientists; Hi-Tech Consultants; and
College/University Lecturers.
Further Studies
Master’s and doctoral studies in Physics, Applied Physics, Industrial Physics, and
Teaching and Learning Methods
Lectures, tutorials, practicals, group presentations, group work, research projects,
industrial visits, work related learning, research project, individual independent
Assessment Methods
Written and oral examinations, tests, laboratory reports, seminar presentations,
industrial attachment report, final year research project report, continuous
On successful completion of this programme the graduate will be able to:
Innovate, implement and maintain industrial and instrumentation & control systems
Apply research skills and knowledge to solve industrial, manufacturing, medical
and agricultural complex problems
Demonstrate professional and ethical responsibility
Apply technopreneurship skills to start new technology-driven businesses
Apply knowledge and skills to professionally manage projects
Utilize specialized computational software to analyse and solve problems related
to industrial production phenomena and technological issues.
In level 1, normally a student shall register for a maximum of 12 modules
A student shall not be admitted to level 2 or higher level modules unless he/she has
passed all pre-requisites for the module prior to the start of the semester in which
he intends to study that module.
A student may include in his/her programme, modules offered by other as long as
the total credits for the degree does not exceed 540 credits
A student’s section of modules of a Degree programme is subject to the approval
of the Dean of Science and Technology and the Chairpersons of all relevant
Departments and to the following conditions:
The module combination is feasible in terms of timetable,
A student may apply for exemptions during the first four weeks of the
The Departmental Board responsible for a programme may designate, in the special
regulations for the programme, certain modules as core modules for that
programme. Core modules are the modules, which are considered to be essential
for qualification in a particular programme.
Coursework shall comprise written assignments, practical work, projects,
reports, presentations and tests and shall account for 25% of the final mark for
theoretical courses and 40% of final mark for practical courses.
Written Examinations
A three-hour final examination, which shall contribute to 75% of the final mark
for theoretical courses and 60% for practical courses
Practical Examination
The duration of a practical examination, where it is deemed necessary, and their
contribution to the final mark, will depend on the module.
9.1 In order to proceed from 1 semester to the next a student must not fail more than 4
9.2. To proceed from level 2 to level 3 the student must not carry more than 4 core modules
9.3. To proceed from level 3 to level 4 the student must have passed Work Related
Refer to Section 11 of the General Regulations.
To be awarded a Bachelor of Science Honours degree a student must pass each
core module listed in that programme and must have accrued at least 380 credits
The classification of all modules and degree programmes shall be as stated in
Section 5 of the General Regulations.
For the purpose of degree classification, weighting of the results of the different levels
shall be:
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 1 Semester 1
HIPI131 Instrument Measurement*
HIPI132 Industrial Automation*
HCSCI132 Principles of programming Language
HIPI133/HAPI131 Mechanics*
HMAT131 Calculus I*
CS131 Communication Skills*
Level 1 Semester 2
HIPI134 Modern Physics*
HIPI135 Waves, Oscillations & Thermodynamics*
Linear Mathematics I*
HIPI136 Electricity & Magnetism*
HIPI137 Fundamentals of Instrumentation & Metrology*
Level 2 Semester 1
Computational Physics*
Digital Electronics and Systems*
Ordinary Differential Equations*
Gender Studies*
Level 2 Semester 2
Electromagnetic Theory*
Industrial Communications and Networks*
Environmental Instrumentation
Telematics and Industrial Telemetry
Electives: (choose two modules)
Digital Systems and Interfacing
Optics & Optical Instrumentation
Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics
Level 3
Industrial Attachment*
Level 4 semester 1
Process Control Technology*
Acoustics & Industrial Noise
Advanced Industrial Automation*
Medical Physics and Biomedical Instrumentation
Level 4 semester 2
Applied Heat and Power Technology
Applied Nuclear and Radiation Physics*
Vacuum & Semiconductor Technology*
Electives (choose any two modules)
Project Management
Lasers and Laser Technology
Applied Optics
Renewable Energy Technology of Sustainability
Quantum mechanics
Electric Drives & Control System
Module Synopsis
Instrument Measurement
Introduction to instrumentation and their applications, measurement terminologies and principles
of different measurement techniques. Types of bridges for measurements of resistance, capacitance
and inductance. Universal Instrumentation amplifiers. Types of sensors and their applications,
Temperature sensor calibration, working principle and their maximum and minimum threshold.
Ultrasonic transducer and their applications. Working principle and calibration. Airflow/Pressure
Sensor and their working. Working of accelerometer for vibration and speed, LDR sensor and their
working principle. Motion sensor and its applications.
Industrial Automation
Introduction to the Importance of the automation of an industrial systems. Basic concepts: plant,
control, operator, sensors, drives, open loop control, closed loop control, continuous processes,
discrete processes, mixed processes, batch processing. Functional and physical architecture of
control systems, automation pyramid and function of each level. Technological elements of each
level: sensor networks, fieldbuses, controllers (PLCs), instrumentation, drives, robots, plant buses,
RTUs, local area networks and control centers. OSI communications model. Control types:
centralized, distributed and real time control. Methodologies for discrete processes control, classic
methods: Boole’s algebra, wired logic definitions. Sequential and Combinational logic. PLC
programming; Execution models and architecture of a PLC. Ladder diagram language, Instruction
language, Functional block language and Structure text language. Industrial communications
network types; OSI model, Sensor networks, Device networks, Fieldbus networks. Industrial
standards. IoT in automation systems; Definitions, Models, Design considerations, Architectures,
Risk and Security. Control Centers; Communication systems, supervision and control systems
(SCADA), Functions, Basic models of organization. Integration with other systems. Web
Technology; Man/machine interface design and Information model. Case Study: energy systems,
industrial plants, intelligent management of buildings, home automation and security systems.
Design strategies and implementation.
Principles of programming Language
This module examines the concepts and structures governing the design and implementation of
programming languages. It presents an introduction to the concepts behind compilers and runtime
representations of programming languages; features of programming languages supporting
abstraction and polymorphism; and the procedural, functional, object-oriented, and concurrent
programming paradigms. Programs are required in languages illustrating each of these paradigms.
Inertia framework reference; motion in two dimensions, three dimensions. Particle dynamics,
rotational dynamic systems, gravitation, mechanical oscillations, properties of matter, fluid
mechanics. Special Relativity: Space-time frame reference Galilean transformation, simultaneity
of event, Einstein special relativity theory and Lorentz transformation, time dilation and length
contraction, velocity transformation, fluid mechanics.
Calculus I
The principle of mathematical induction. The real number system: Functions: Limits of functions.
Continuity. Sequences: Differentiation: Derivatives of functions of a single variable. Integration: Method
of substitution, integration by parts and reduction formulae, fundamental theorem of calculus.
Communication Skills
Refer to communications department
Modern Physics
The nuclear atom: Thompson and Rutherford; The Bohr Model of hydrogen atom; Quantisation
of energy; Line spectra; Rydberg constant. Black Body radiation; radiation and quantization of
light; Plank distribution; Compton effects; Continuous and discrete energy spectrum; Frank- Hertz
experiment; spontaneous and stimulated emission; Wein and Plank distribution.Wave particle
duality; Uncertainty principle; Nuclear Physics.
Waves, Oscillations & Thermodynamics
Oscillations and SHM; Wave motion and interaction, standing waves, sound propagation and
effects; EM waves, ray model of light, the wave model of light. Temperature, thermal effects on
solids, ideal gases; Kinetic theory of gases; 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics. The Einstein
model of a solid. The ideal gas. Temperature. Paramagnetism Mechanical equilibrium and
pressure. Diffusive equilibrium and chemical potential. Engines and refrigerators. Free energy and
chemical thermodynamics. Boltzmann-Maxwell statistics. Partition function. Elements of
quantum statistics. Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac distributions
Linear Mathematics I
Complex numbers: De Moivre’s theorem polynomials and roots of polynomial equations. Matrices
and determinants: solutions of simultaneous linear equations, applications to geometry and vectors.
Differential equations: separable, homogeneous, exact, integrating factors, linear equation with
constant coefficients.
Electricity & Magnetism
Static charges: Electric charge, Coulomb’s law, Electric fields, moving point charges in an electric
field, lines of force, electric dipoles, Electric flux, Gauss’s law, Electric potential, capacitors,
energy in a capacitor and dielectrics. Charge distributions, force vector at a point; superposition.
Current and Resistance: Conductors, current density, Kirchhoff’s laws, DC network theorems,
Wheatstone bridge, pd and resistance, capacitance and capacitors. Magnetic Fields: Force between
currents, magnetic fields, magnetic flux density, magnetic intensity, magnets in magnetic fields,
magnetic dipole moments, Torque on a current loop, motion of charge in a magnetic field, BioSavart law, Ampere’s law, Induction and Inductance, Faraday’s and lentz’s law, self and mutual
inductance, energy storage in inductors in magnetic fields, Superconductivity, Principle of electric
motor and generator, Laurenz’s force, Alternating currents: LR, LC and LCR circuits, ac circuts,
phasor notation, power in ac circuits and ac networks, frequency filtering and tuning circuits,
transformer, capacitor and inductor circuit in a generator, Eddy currents. Time constants and
Fundamentals of Instrumentation & Metrology
Basic concepts of instrumentation, generalized instrumentation systems block diagram
representation, scope of instrumentation in Industrial organization. Measurement systems,
impedance matching and loading, dynamic characteristics. Metrology: Errors in measurement and
Traceability: Errors and sources of errors, Uncertainties’ types; calibration; Transducers and
Sensors - Industrial Flow meters.
Computational Physics
This module introduces their use for modelling and simulation of physical systems. Good
programming practice is emphasised throughout the module so that you should begin to appreciate
the discipline of programming beyond that of developing simulations of simple physical systems.
Assessment is based on written laboratory reports/mini projects and computer programming tasks.
Hands on application of Scientific Software for Numerical Analysis; Simulation and Modeling of
Dynamic Systems and control processes- Programming, Simulation and Modelling of dynamic
systems and control systems through Scientific Computing in Maple and, COMSOL,
MULTIPHYSICS/ C++ and other specialist Packages.
Digital Electronics and Systems
Numerical systems and binary arithmetic. Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) and ASCII. Logic gates
and truth tables. Boolean algebra theorems. Karno (K) - maps. Combinational logic - minimizing
logic expressions using Boolean algebra theorems and K-maps. Universal gates (NAND and NOR)
implementation of combinational logic circuits. Combinational logic applications: adders and
subtractors, magnitude comparators, multipliers, encoders and decoders, multiplexers and demultiplexers. Digital integrated circuits. Integrated circuit families: RTL, DTL, TTL, ECL,
NMOS, PMOS, CMOS. Bi-Stable systems – flip flops: R-S type, T-type, D-type, J-K-type and
Master-Slave type. Sequential logic circuits: counters and registers and applications. Finite State
Machines (FSMs).
Memories: RAM, ROM, EAROM. PROM, EPROM. Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs).
Ordinary Differential Equations
This module aims at providing a broad introduction to differential equations (ordinary and partial),
First order differential equations: Second order differential equations: 3D coordinate systems:
Introduction to 2nd order partial differential equations, their solutions written in terms of a Fourier
series; the one dimensional wave equation; the time dependent Schrodinger equation; the Laplace
equation in two dimensions; the Diffusion equation. Fourier Series:. Fourier transforms:
mathematical definition, relationship with Fourier series, inverse Fourier transform, Fourier
transform pair, Fourier integrals; definition of odd and even functions. Dirac delta-function;
Fourier transform of a Gaussian; Fourier transforms applied to diffraction, Young’s slits
Lagrange’s Equations including the following: Generalised coordinates and forces, Holonomic
constraints, The Lagrangian and Lagrange’s equations.
Introduction: Nature and importance of technopreneurship, Differences between
technopreneurship and entrepreneurship; Relationship between technopreneurship and the national
economy; Innovation and creativity, Qualities of an entrepreneur.
Small business model and financial issues: Developing a business model, Basics of small business
management, Risks and stages of funding, Sources of funding, Financial funding for growth,
product valuation, How to form and register a small business in Zimbabwe.
New Product development (NDP): Opportunity recognition and creation, Sources of opportunity,
Screening technology opportunities, Designing your product/service: design thinking; process
thinking, strategic thinking; The NPD process: idea generation, idea screening, concept testing,
market strategy development, business financial analysis, prototyping, test marketing,
Developing and Protecting Intellectual Property: Concept of intellectual property, Theory behind
IP protection, Intellectual Property (IP)-driven vs non-IP driven technopreneurshipTrade secrets,
Copyrights, Trademarks, Patent and Trademark protection and its significance, Basics of
patenting, legislation governing IP in Zimbabwe; Case studies of successful technopreneurs.
Gender Studies Refer to Gender studies department
Electromagnetic Theory
Maxwell's equations. Laplace and Poisson equations and their solution. Boundary conditions.
Plane waves in a perfect dielectric; propagation in imperfect dielectric. Propagation in imperfect
conductors, skin effect. Generalized wave equation, field distributions in rectangular waveguide.
Radiation field, dipoles, radiation resistance, impedance, mutual impedance, linear arrays.
Industrial Communications and Networks
The course covers the standards and techniques needed to design and maintain a communications
system in an industrial production environment such as listed in the following: Data
Communications, Electronic data communications and automated process control, Data
Communication Terminology, Serial Communications Standards, Data Link Layer Basics and
Data Encoding, ISOIOSI Reference Model, LAN Technologies to automate process control,
Ethernet Technology, Cabling and Configuration Rules, Repeaters, Bridges, Routers, and
Gateways, TCP/IP, Error detection and correction schemes, Ethernet Readiness for an industrial
environment, Industrial Ethernet Design Techniques.
Industrial Ethernet Design Techniques, PLC software systems, PLC Networks in an automated
industrial setting, Industrial Networks and Fieldbuses, Wireless communication systems. The Five
Rules for troubleshooting industrial data communication networks.
Environmental Instrumentation
Introduction: Necessity of Instrumentation & Control for environment, sensor requirement for
environment. Instrumentation methodologies: Ultraviolet analyzers, total hydrocarbon analyzers
using flame ionization detector, Gas chromatography in environmental analysis, photo ionization,
portable & stationary analytical instruments.
Quality of water: Standards of raw & treated water, sources of water & their natural quality, effects
of water quality. Water quality parameters: Thermal conductivity, detectors, Opacity monitors, pH
analyzers & their application, conductivity analyzers & their application. Water treatment:
Requirement of water treatment facilities, process design.
Sedimentation & flotation: General equation for settling or rising of discrete particles, hindered
settling, effect of temperature, viscosity, efficiency of an ideal settling basin, reduction in
efficiency due to various causes, sludge, storage & removal, design criteria of settling tank, effect
of temperature on coagulation. Ground water monitoring: Level measurement in ground water
monitoring wells, laboratory analysis of ground water samples, instrumentation in ground water
monitoring, instrumentation in assessment of soil & ground water pollution.
Waste water monitoring: Automatic waste water sampling, optimum waste water sampling
locations, and waste water measurement techniques. Instrumentation set up for waste water
treatment plant. Latest methods of waste water treatment plants.
Air pollution: definitions, energy environment relationship, importance of air pollution, air
pollution from thermal power plant, their characteristics & control. Air sampling methods &
equipment, analytical methods for air pollution studies. Control of air pollution. Flue gas analysis
for pollution control –Measurement of CO, carbon di-oxide, NOX and SOX, dust and smoke
measurement. Chromatography –Basic principles of liquid and gas chromatography –Column
details –Detectors for chromatography –Thermal conductivity detector –Flame ionization detector
–Flame photometric detector –Electron capture detector –Effect of temperature programming –
High pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC).
Air monitoring: measurement of ambient air quality. Flow monitoring: Air flow measurement, gas
flow, non-open channel flow measurement, open channel waste water flow measurement. Rain
water harvesting: necessity, methods, rate of NGOs municipal corporation, Govt., limitations.
Quality assurance of storage water
Telematics and Industrial Telemetry
Instrumentation Standard Protocols and automation networks, bus standards, third party interface,
object linking and embedding for Process Control. Wireless instrumentation-Wireless HART,
ISA100.11A, Foundation Fieldbus H1: frame structure, programming. Buses, Controlnet,
Industrial Ethernet. PLC and SCADA/DCS.
Digital Systems and Interfacing
This module enables the design and construction of instrumentation systems based on digital
techniques and safely interface digital systems to the real world. Aspects of the module include:
System hardware and software; Bus design and timing, processor and local buses, bridge and bus
hierarchy, fault-tolerant; Parallel, serial, and Internet communication, RS232, USB, SATA, GPIB,
PCI, SCSI; A/D and D/A; System design process, design entry, signal integrity, PCB testing.
Optics and Optical Instrumentation
Fundamentals of Waves- wavelength, period, displacement, amplitude, speed, phase and phase
difference, wave superposition, reflection at a boundaries and discontinuities, coherence,
coherence length Interference in thin films, thin film equation. Huygen's Principle Single slit,
Young's double slit experiment, diffraction grating, Michelson Interferometer Fresnel and
Fraunhofer Diffraction
Polarisation, Malus's Law, polarising filter. Monochromator Spectrometer
Optical Instrumentation
The eye; Electromagnetic spectrum - optical radiation - ultraviolet light, visible light, infrared.
Black body radiation. The Sun; Spectral Output. Labelled diagram of the eye. Vision - photopic,
scotopic. Colour. Rods and cones. Spectral sensitivity of the eye.
Review of geometrical optics. Reflection - specular, diffuse. Plane mirror - image formation.
Refraction. Snell's law. Refractive index. Total internal reflection, critical angle. Application to
prism binoculars. Dispersion of light through a prism.
The mirror and lens equations, ray diagrams, image formation using lenses and mirrors, one and
two-lens arrangements, The Lens Maker equation. Spherical and chromatic aberrations,
Cameras. Basic components, image brightness - influence of effective aperture and focal length.
Inverse square law. f-numbers and exposure. Depth of field, depth of focus. Digital camera.
Simple microscope (magnifying glass). Lateral and angular magnification. Compound
microscope. Diagram for photomicrography. Kohler Illumination. Refracting and reflecting
telescopes. Astronomical and terrestrial. Hubble Telescope. Resolution of telescopes and
microscopes. Rayleigh criterion. The wavelength limit.
Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics
The course covers the structure of solids and other phases of condensed matter. The first part will
give an introduction to materials which are not solid, or crystalline, and neither liquids, but are still
condensed matter, such as colloidal fluids or glasses, gels and liquid crystals. The remainder of the
course will be focused on providing a basic understanding of the electrical, thermal and mechanical
properties of solids, and in particular metals and semiconductors. The aim is to give a firm
grounding in the core concepts.
Process Control Technology
Process characteristics: Incentives for process control, Process Variables types and selection
criteria, Process degree of freedom, Oscillations and Damping, Characteristics of physical System:
Resistance, Capacitive and Combination of both. Elements of Process Dynamics, Types of
processes- Dead time, Single/multi-capacity, self-Regulating/non self-regulating, Interacting /noninteracting, Linear/non-linear, and Selection of control action for them. Study of Liquid Processes,
Gas Processes, Flow Processes, Thermal Processes in respect to above concepts.
Acoustics & Industrial Noise
Basic acoustics, terminology, measurement metrics, physiology. Analysis of sounds, energy
equivalent sound level, measurement techniques, FFT, octave & 1/3 octave band frequency
analysis. Sound sources such as machines, roads, pipelines. Environmental noise, sound
propagation outdoors, assessment criteria, noise modelling software. Architectural acoustics,
sound absorption, sound transmission, assessment criteria. Noise control methods such as barriers,
enclosures, vibration isolation. HVAC acoustics and noise control methods.
Advanced Industrial Automation
Distributed Control System basics DCS, PLC, HMI and SCADA functionality; Distributed
Control Systems Engineering, configuration and programming, functions. Enhanced functions like
Advanced process control, fuzzy logic, ANN. Process safety and Safety Management Systems;
Basics of Advance Process Control and Optimization. Batch Process Control Requirements; Batch
Process Control Application and Case Study.
Analysis of Control Loop: Steady state gain, Process gain, Valve gain, Process time constant,
Variable time Constant, Transmitter gain, Variable pressure drop. Analysis of Flow Control,
Pressure Control, Liquid level Control, Temperature control, SLPC-features, faceplate, functions,
MLPC- features, faceplate, functions, SLPC and MLPC comparison. Scaling: types of scaling,
examples of scaling: Feedback Control: Basic principles, Elements of the feedback Loop, Block
Diagram, Control Performance Measures for Common Input Changes, Selection of Variables for
Control Approach to Process Control. Factors in Controller Tuning, Determining Tuning
Constants for Good Control Performance, Correlations for tuning Constants, Fine Tuning of the
controller tuning Constants. The performance of feedback Systems, Practical Application.
Medical Physics and Biomedical Instrumentation
Introduction to bioelectric potential, bio-amplifiers, components of man Instrument system, types
of bio-medical systems, design factors and limitations of biomedical instruments. Cardiac vascular
system. Blood pressure measurements: - direct, indirect. Respiratory system: types of volume,
types of measurements, Instrumentation of respiratory system. Medical Imaging systems.
Applied Heat and Power Technology
The aim of the course is to provide a technical assessment to implement theoretical aspects and
the practical borders for thermal power generation systems, operational performance for thermal
power plants, concepts of system upgrades for recycling of waste heat to utilise technology
solutions by carrying out combined energy systems for higher total efficiency improvement. The
course contains six main subjects;
• Theoretical concepts and operational performance of common thermal power stations, e.g.
different applications of steam turbines, combustion turbines and gas engine based power
• Basic concepts of the design and practical limitations of both electricity and thermal power
distribution network.
• Analysis of the power cycles to estimate the quality and the quantity of the potential for
recycling from thermal power generation systems and provide technical solutions to utilise
waste energy in the appropriate combined power generation applications.
• Performance evaluations of thermal power systems converted from fossil fuels to
renewable fuels.
• Evaluation of concepts and operational performance for the more advanced thermal power
systems, e. g. combined power generation (Combined Power Generation systems - CPG),
combined heat and power (Combined Heat and Power systems - CHP) and combined heat,
force and cooling (Combined Heat, Power and Cooling system - CHPC) through case
• Sustainability and mitigation of environmental impact that is caused by thermal power
Applied Nuclear and Radiation Physics
Radiation and matter: Heavy charged particle interactions; Nuclear reactions & scattering.
Detecting Radioactivity & Radiation: Gas counters; Scintillation counters, solid-state
spectrometers and neutron detectors. Applications: Solar nuclear Physics; Radiation Dating;
Mossnauer Spectroscopy; Nuclear Energy & Nuclear Reactor Design Technology; Applications
in industry; Medicine; Material analysis and Forensics. Non-ionizing radiation and how to address
safe use of non-ionizing radiation producing devices. This includes tanning beds, ultra-violet light
curing of materials, lasers used in entertainment, medicine and industry, and radiofrequency
sources such as WiFi networks, cell phones and industrial heat sealers. Use knowledge of
mathematics, science, and applied sciences to determine exposure limits to all types of nonionizing radiation. Radiation Control and Policing.
Provides students with opportunity to design, undertake or conduct an independent piece of
research of study related to their programme of study under the guidance of a supervisor who is
usually a member of academic staff of the department. Runs over two semesters: Regular report
backs to the departmental board by the supervisor. The project is continually assessed throughout
two semesters. A student undertakes a viva for the project.
Vacuum & Semiconductor Technology
Vacuum Technology. This course will introduce the fundamentals of vacuum technology and
system design. An introduction to gas kinetics in the context of a controlled atmosphere, the
analysis of the issues involved in atmosphere control, measurement and pumping and a thorough
description of the equipment typically used industrially in the generation and monitoring of
controlled atmospheres. Good laboratory practice will be emphasised throughout. Applications
include introductory surface physics and plasma technology in industry. Semiconductor
Technology. The inorganic semiconductor fabrication process will be examined in detail
beginning with the production of electrical grade silicon and finishing with the production of a
semiconductor device. The procedures employed by industry at each step of the fabrication process
will be examined. The student will also be introduced to the theoretical background to each of the
production steps. New organic semiconducting materials will be discussed and their performance
evaluated against traditional inorganic semiconductors. New carbon technologies will be
introduced and discussed.
Project Management
Project proposal writing- types of proposals; Project definition, life cycle, and systems approach;
Project scoping, work definition, and work breakdown structure (WBS); Project time estimation
and scheduling using GANTT, PERT and CPM. Project costing, budgeting, and financial
appraisal; Project control and management, using standard tools of cost and schedule variance
analysis; project management use-case through practical, example projects; use of computers in
project management, some software tools for PM e.g. MS Project; PM techniques e.g. PRINCE2.
Lasers and Laser Technology
Introduction to laser physics: Classical electron oscillator model. Fundamental optical processes:
absorption, spontaneous emission, stimulated emission. Basic principles of lasers: Gain processes,
optical feedback, spectral linewidth. Laser performance: Frequency and intensity distribution,
temporal behavior, pulsed systems. Laser systems: Solid, liquid and gaseous systems. Applications
of lasers: CD players, holography, optical fibre communications, gas sensing and LIDAR, medical
applications. Pumping processes: optical pumping, radiative and transfer efficiency, Quantum
efficiencies for absorption and power, Electrical pumping: electron impact excitation, ionization
balance equation, pump rate calculations. Optical systems; Matrix formulation of geometrical
optics, Fabray-Parot interferometer, Fox and Lee treatment. Confocal resonator, Gaussion beam
propagation and ABCD Law. Stability condition, unstable resonators, hard edge, unstable
resonators. Resonators design, and transformation of impedance multilayer optical systems.
Applications in optical instruments, metrology & medicine.
Applied Optics
Introduction: Overview of light models: geometrical, electromagnetic and quantum. Basic
concepts: refraction index, ray and optical length. Light propagation: rays in homogenous and
heterogeneous media. Reflection and refraction laws. Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Optics:
Electromagnetic waves characteristics. Electromagnetic spectrum. Plane and spherical waves.
Intensity. Coherence. Polarization: Unpolarised, partially polarized and polarized lights. Types of
polarized light: linear, circular and elliptical. Polarizers. Half-and quarter-wave plates Classical
interaction of light with matter: Absorption. Chromatic dispersion. Scattering. Interferences and
diffraction: Double-slit Young's experiment. Multiple-wave interferences. Difraction phenomena.
Huygens-Fresnel Principle. Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction. Fraunhofer diffraction through
different apertures: rectangular and circular apertures. Diffraction gratings. Imaging systems:
Paraxial Optics. Principal planes and points. Focal planes and points. Spherical refractive surface.
Mirrors. Prisms. Thin lenses. Thick lenses. Basic optical instruments. Quantum Optics: Photons.
Basic processes between energy levels: absorption, spontaneous emission and stimulated emission.
Renewable Energy Technology of Sustainability
The Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems course provides an understanding of the
conversion principles and technology behind various renewable energy sources. Topics include:
The principles of operation of the broad spectrum of renewable energy technologies; conduct
preliminary resource assessments for a variety of renewable energy technologies; analysis of
energy technologies from a systems perspective; The technical challenges for each of the
renewable sources; the economic, technical, and sustainability issues involved in the integration
of renewable energy systems.
Quantum Mechanics
Origins of Quantum Mechanics. Introductory Wave Mechanics: Schrodinger’s equation and its
physical interpretation. Energy eigenvalues and energy functions. Potential wells, harmonic
oscillator Step potentials and barrier potentials & tunneling. Operators, particle in a 2-D box. The
Hydrogen Atom: Radial solutions, Radial probability densities, energy level. Separation of
variables. Spherical harmonics & angular momentum.
Electric Drives & Control System
Fundamentals of advanced electric machines and motor drives. Applications in industry
automation, robotics, automotive and traction systems, home appliances, aerospace, and etc.
Different drive systems for conventional and advanced machines are presented in this module.
Fundamentals of electric machines, basic principles of variable speed controls, field orientation
theory, direct torque control, vector control of AC drives, induction machines, switched reluctance
and synchronous reluctance motors, permanent magnet brushless DC drives, converter topologies
of DC and AC drives, and sensorless operation. Selection of motors and drives, calculating the
ratings, speed control, position control, starting, and braking are also covered. Drives for DC
machines, induction motors, brushless DC, switched reluctance, and stepper motors are explained.
Simulation projects using COMSOL Multiphysics, Maple, PSPICE and MATALB are parts of