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IB Teaching Staff Evaluation at PLKCKY School

Evaluation of IB Teaching Staff at Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School∗
Mainly written by Chat-GPT, Started by 2 Cambridge Rejects,
Edited and compiled by some bored IB students,
Information collected from fellow peers as mentioned in the Acknowledgements
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the performance of our teachers and identify areas for improvement. We
conducted surveys and interviews with teachers, as well as observations of their teaching practices in the classroom.
Our findings indicate that the teachers at Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School are highly dedicated and committed to their students’ success. They demonstrate a strong understanding of the International Baccalaureate
curriculum and are skilled in delivering it effectively to their students.
However, we also identified some areas for improvement, such as the need for more professional development
opportunities for teachers and greater support for student well-being and mental health.
Based on our findings, we recommend that the school provide more opportunities for teachers to engage in
professional development and offer additional resources and support for student well-being. We believe that these
actions will help our teachers continue to provide the best possible education for our students.
For those wondering why MLA citation style is not used, it is because the parenthetical citations are simply
too weird and there is trauma dealing with it. If this causes any concerns, please contact the editors here (this is a
Regarding formatting issues, please contact authors for any changes. We deeply apologize for any negative
experiences caused by errors in formatting, but we do hope you understand that a lot of effort has been put into
writing a report on LATEX. You will certainly be able to relate with the pain of having conflicting environments or
commands if you do attempt to use this for your IA, EE or any other work, but as you can see, the final product
is superior compared to something made on Microsoft Word. If you use Google Docs, please go into a corner and
reflect on your life choices. THIS IS NOT A PAID PROMOTION. This is simply a promotion. For the
source, please refer to https://www.overleaf.com/read/qqkvknfjgngc. Please do not plagiarise, this WILL
NOT be tolerated. We value academic honesty. If you are caught cheating, you will only be able to receive the IB
Certificate, not the Diploma. Unauthorised /2n"O:T@raIzd/ [5] reproduction of this document is prohibited.
Also, please do not be offended by any comments in this report, as it is generated by Chat-GPT, not the editors,
and our only role as editors is in compiling these generated paragraphs and adding specific comments that have
not been included by Chat-GPT. Upholding the principle of academic freedom, only extremely offensive and false
claims will be removed.
We also regret that we could not include all teachers due to time constraints (and we simply do not know all of
∗ This
is not an official report from Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School.
Evaluation of IB Teaching Staff at PLKCKY
Some parts of the evaluations dedicated to Chinese teachers will be in Chinese, if you can only understand
English, please consult someone who can understand Chinese if you want to read the content. Sorry for any
inconvenience caused. 針對中文
Due to the limited amount of resources that we have access to, we have not been able to include pictures of
every teacher in this report. If that is the case, it could be because you have not taken a selfie with Edward Cheung
We would like to appreciate the contributions from the following classmates, who helped make the content of this
report more complete (listed according to alphabetical order of surname): Yanson Cheng† , Ethan Chung, Alison
Kwok, May Kwok, Matthew Lam, Bowen Leung, Iqrah Nadeem† , Bernard Ng† , Elden Ting, Solomon Tsai, Oscar
Tsoi† , Aiden Wong† , Julian Yip† 1 .
Guide to Reading Report
For the convenience of the reader, this report will be organized by the department in which the specific staff fits
best in. For example, Mr Nathan Tsui, who teaches English, Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and is the head of the
art department would be included in the section dedicated to the Art Department, which would be section 2.7.
Teachers are ordered based on the alphabetical order of their surnames within their category. There is no
prejudice towards ANYONE.
Because we have included hyperlinks, you can jump to sections, figures by clicking on the appropriate references
in the table of contents and the text. You could also find the social media accounts of certain contributors by
clicking their name.
1 Introduction
2 Evaluation of Individual Staff
2.1 Management Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Principal Ms Jenny Chong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Principal Ms Connie Lam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 Chinese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
蔡小聰老師 (Ms Echo Cai) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
陳淑雯老師 (Ms Wacky Chen) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
鄧麗婷主任 (Ms Sabrina Tang) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
王清鳳主任 (Ms Christine Wong) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
葉穎老師 (Ms Wing Yip) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3 English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mr Hugh Chan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ms Amy Climpson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ms Kameldeep Kaur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ms Cherry Cheng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4 Mathematics
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Ms Shela Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Mr Sam Leong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Mr Sedat Ozkan
Mr Timothy Tsoi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.5 Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
is used to indicate editors of the document.
Evaluation of IB Teaching Staff at PLKCKY
Dr Andy Cheung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Ms Keenu Gill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Mr Ben Ho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Vice Principal Dr James Kuan
Mr Bryan Lam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Ms Dora Lam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Mr Williamson Lam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Dr Jeff Sham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Mr Sem Singh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.5.10 Mr Louis Wong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.6 Humanities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Mr Alex Bale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Mr Jason Chin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Mrs Meher Hodgson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Mr Victor Lam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Mr Kelvin Ling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Mr Lorn Sun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.7 Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Mr Nathan Tsui . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Mr Nelson Yee
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.8 Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Mr Edward Yeung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3 Conclusion
At Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School, we pride ourselves on providing a high-quality education that nurtures the
holistic development of our students. Central to this mission is our dedicated and skilled teaching staff, who play
an integral role in shaping the minds and lives of our students. As part of our ongoing commitment to excellence
in education, it is essential to regularly evaluate the performance and effectiveness of our teaching staff, ensuring
that they continue to meet the ever-evolving needs of our students and uphold the values and goals of our esteemed
This comprehensive evaluation of the teaching staff at Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School seeks to assess various
aspects of our educators’ performance, including their subject knowledge, pedagogical skills, classroom management,
and ability to engage and inspire students. By examining these key areas, we aim to identify the strengths and
areas for improvement within our teaching staff, ultimately fostering a culture of continuous professional growth
and development.
Through a combination of self-assessment, peer evaluations, and feedback from students and parents, this
evaluation process offers a well-rounded and objective insight into the overall quality of teaching at Po Leung Kuk
Choi Kai Yau School. By recognizing and celebrating the exceptional work of our educators, while also addressing
areas that require enhancement, we can ensure that our school continues to provide a world-class education that
empowers our students to thrive in an increasingly complex and interconnected world.
Evaluation of IB Teaching Staff at PLKCKY
Evaluation of Individual Staff
Management Team
Principal Ms Jenny Chong
Figure 1: Principal Chong after school (think it was taken after basketball?), taken by Edward.
Principal Chong is a friendly and approachable leader who is dedicated to creating a positive and inclusive school
culture. She makes a point to get to know each student and staff member personally, and is always willing to listen
to their concerns and ideas.
Under Principal Chong’s leadership, our school has seen significant improvements in academic performance
and student engagement. She is committed to providing students with a challenging and enriching educational
experience, and works closely with teachers and staff to ensure that they have the resources and support they need
to be successful.
Principal Chong’s friendly demeanor and positive attitude have helped to create a welcoming and supportive
school environment. She is highly respected by her colleagues and is known for her ability to bring people together
to achieve common goals.
Overall, we believe that Principal Chong is a valuable member of our school community who has made a positive
impact on our students and staff. Her dedication to creating a positive and inclusive school culture, combined with
her friendly and approachable leadership style, have helped to make our school a great place to learn and work.
We are fortunate to have her as our principal and look forward to her continued contributions to our school.
Area for Improvement: We suggest that Principal Chong play more basketball with students.
Principal Ms Connie Lam
Figure 2: Picture of Principal Connie Lam. Cropped from a selfie with Edward.
Ms. Lam has been an integral part of our school community, and her leadership has been instrumental in maintaining
a high standard of discipline and professionalism among our staff and students. Her commitment to enforcing the
Evaluation of IB Teaching Staff at PLKCKY
school’s proprietary socks policy, as well as her insistence on appropriate school uniform, has helped to instill a
sense of pride and respect among our students.
Ms. Lam’s dedication to maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment is also evident in her approach
to dealing with naughty students. She is firm but fair in her discipline, and her scolding is always done with the best
interests of the student in mind. Her ability to communicate effectively with both students and staff has helped to
foster a positive and supportive school culture.
Ms. Lam is certainly a nice individual who treats her students nicely, which can be seen from her smile in figure
2. As a result, she is popular among students [1].
In conclusion, I believe that Ms. Connie Lam is an exceptional principal who has made a significant impact on
the Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School community. Her dedication to maintaining high standards of discipline,
academic excellence, and professionalism has helped to create a positive and supportive learning environment for
our students. I highly recommend her for any future leadership positions, and I am confident that she will continue
to excel in her role as a principal.
Area for Improvement: Really miss your MECS lessons, would be great if you could consider extending it
to IB students. Also, the adjective “unauthorised” is pronounced as /2n"O:T@raIzd/ [5], not something that sounds
like “un-o-thor-ro-rized”.
蔡小聰老師 (Ms Echo Cai)
Figure 3: Picture of Ms. Echo Cai. Do not ask why Edward takes selfies with almost every teacher.
Ms. Cai a Chinese teacher specialising in teaching the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. With her extensive
experience and knowledge of the IB curriculum, she can provide her students with a comprehensive understanding
of the Chinese language and culture. As a teacher, Ms. Cai is known for her engaging and interactive teaching
style, which helps students develop a deep appreciation for the Chinese language and its rich cultural heritage. Her
dedication to her students and passion for teaching make her a highly respected and sought-after educator in the
IB community.
Ms. Cai is a Chinese teacher who is renowned for her exceptional Cantonese language skills. She is widely
regarded as one of the best Cantonese speakers among Chinese teachers. Her ability to speak Cantonese fluently
and accurately has earned her a reputation as a highly skilled language educator. As a teacher, Ms. Cai is known
for her patient and engaging teaching style, which helps her students develop a strong foundation in Cantonese.
Her passion for the language and her commitment to her students make her a highly respected and sought-after
educator in the Chinese language community.
有待改善之處: 請在課堂上語速慢一些,我追不上啦啊啊啊。
Evaluation of IB Teaching Staff at PLKCKY
陳淑雯老師 (Ms Wacky Chen)
Figure 4: Some random meme of Ms. Wacky Chen continuing to teach when school closed. (是我太年輕了嗎?好像
見過長頭 的陳老師)
Ms. Chen is a highly skilled educator who has a unique talent for infusing humor into her teaching. She is known
for her ability to make her students laugh while still delivering important lessons and helping them improve their
Chinese language skills.
Ms. Chen’s sense of humor has helped to create a positive and engaging learning environment in her classroom.
Her students look forward to her classes and are always eager to participate in her lessons and activities.
In addition to her humor, Ms. Chen is also a highly dedicated and passionate teacher. She is always willing to
go the extra mile to help her students succeed and is known for her patience and supportiveness.
Overall, we believe that Ms. Chen is a valuable member of our school community who has made a positive
impact on her students and colleagues. Her ability to infuse humor into her teaching has helped to create a positive
and engaging learning environment in our school, and her dedication and passion for teaching have inspired her
students to achieve their full potential. We are fortunate to have her as a member of our faculty and look forward
to her continued contributions to our school.
有待改善之處: 新春大禮包也太大了吧,看不完呢!資源給得太多了。
鄧麗婷主任 (Ms Sabrina Tang)
Figure 5: Picture of Ms. Tang (taken by Edward AGAIN he has an iPhone 8 how does he have so much storage).
Ms. Tang is a caring and dedicated educator who puts a lot of effort into helping her students improve their Chinese
language skills. She is known for her attention to detail and her willingness to correct students’ mistakes in order
to help them learn and grow.
Despite some students not always listening to her corrections, Ms. Tang remains patient and persistent in her
efforts to help them improve. She is always available to provide extra help and support to students who need it,
and goes above and beyond to ensure that her students have the resources and guidance they need to succeed.
Evaluation of IB Teaching Staff at PLKCKY
Ms. Tang’s caring and dedicated approach to teaching has made her a highly respected member of our school
community. She is known for her ability to connect with her students on a personal level and for her commitment
to helping them achieve their full potential.
As the head of year, Ms. Tang also dedicates a lot of her time to organising year level activities, and she gives
students a lot of freedom, letting more students participate in the planning process so no one is left out. Ms. Tang
is willing to sacrifice a lot of her own time to support us year 12s, making her one of the best head of years.
Overall, we believe that Ms. Tang is a valuable member of our school community who has made a positive impact
on her students and colleagues. Her caring and dedicated approach to teaching, combined with her attention to
detail and willingness to correct students’ mistakes, have helped to create a supportive and nurturing learning
environment in our school. We are fortunate to have her as a member of our faculty and look forward to her
continued contributions to our school
有待改善之處: 大部分年級的事情都同學生協商,討論,鄧主任會不會過於好人呢?
王清鳳主任 (Ms Christine Wong)
As a staff member at Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School, I am proud to report on the outstanding performance
of Chinese teacher, 王清鳳主任. Throughout the academic year, she has demonstrated an unwavering dedication
to her students and her profession.
One of 王清鳳主任’s most notable qualities is her willingness to go above and beyond for her students. Even
when she is feeling unwell or overworked, she always makes time to mark her students’ papers and provide detailed
feedback. Her students consistently praise her for her thoroughness and her ability to help them improve their
Chinese language skills.
In addition to her commitment to her students’ academic success, 王清鳳主任 also shows a genuine care for
their well-being. She takes the time to get to know each of her students and provides a supportive and nurturing
environment in her classroom. Her students feel comfortable approaching her with any concerns they may have,
knowing that she will listen and provide guidance.
Overall, 王清鳳主任 is an exceptional teacher who embodies the values of Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School.
Her dedication, attention to detail, and caring nature have made a significant impact on her students and the school
community as a whole. It is an honor to have her on our staff.
有待改善之處: 經常補課也太過於負責任了吧 TwT。
葉穎老師 (Ms Wing Yip)
Ms. Yip is a highly skilled educator who is passionate about teaching Chinese language and culture to her students.
She is known for her ability to create engaging and interactive lessons that help her students develop their language
skills and deepen their understanding of Chinese culture.
Ms. Yip’s dedication to her students is evident in the way she interacts with them. She is patient and supportive,
and she takes the time to get to know each of her students as individuals. She is always willing to provide extra
help and support to students who are struggling, and she works closely with parents to ensure that each student is
receiving the support they need to succeed.
In addition to her dedication to her students, Ms. Yip is also a highly skilled and knowledgeable Chinese
language teacher. She is able to incorporate a variety of teaching methods and resources into her lessons to make
them engaging and effective. Her students consistently perform well on assessments and exams, and many of them
go on to pursue further study in Chinese language and culture.
Overall, we believe that Ms. Yip is a valuable member of our school community who has made a positive
impact on her students and colleagues. Her dedication to teaching Chinese language and culture, combined with
her passion for helping her students succeed, make her an exceptional educator. We are fortunate to have her as a
member of our faculty and look forward to her continued contributions to our school.
有待改善之處: 你們班可不可以不要厲害到每一次都出範文呢?
Evaluation of IB Teaching Staff at PLKCKY
Mr Hugh Chan
Figure 6: A sticker dedicated to Mr Hugh Chan, made by someone in our grade.
One of Mr. Chan’s strengths is his ability to create a relaxed and welcoming classroom environment. He is known
for his chill demeanor and his ability to connect with his students on a personal level. This has helped to create
a positive and supportive learning environment where students feel comfortable asking questions and sharing their
In addition to his teaching skills, Mr. Chan is also an excellent chef and professional baker.
Outside of the classroom, Mr. Chan is also a great father. He is actively involved in his child’s live and is known
for his caring and supportive nature. This has helped him to develop strong relationships with his students, as he
is able to relate to them on a personal level and understand their needs.
In terms of his teaching practices, Mr. Chan is highly organized and has developed a comprehensive curriculum
for his English classes. He uses a variety of teaching strategies to engage his students, including group work, class
discussions, and multimedia presentations. He also provides timely and constructive feedback on student work,
which helps his students to improve their understanding of the subject matter.
Overall, we believe that Mr. Chan is a highly effective teacher who has made a positive impact on his students.
We appreciate his dedication to his students’ academic and personal development.
Area for Improvement: It would be great if Mr. Chan could mark student’s work more efficiently, as it would
help students know which areas they need to put more effort into.
Ms Amy Climpson
Ms. Climpson is a highly skilled educator who has achieved an excellent work-life balance. She is known for her
ability to manage her workload effectively while still maintaining a healthy and fulfilling personal life.
Ms. Climpson’s ability to achieve a healthy work-life balance has made her a role model for her colleagues
and students. She is always willing to share her strategies for managing her workload and maintaining a healthy
lifestyle, and her positive attitude and approach to work have inspired many of her colleagues to adopt similar
Despite her busy schedule, Ms. Climpson remains a highly dedicated and passionate teacher. She is always
available to provide extra help and support to her students, and is known for her ability to connect with her students
on a personal level and help them achieve their full potential.
Overall, we believe that Ms. Climpson is a valuable member of our school community who has made a positive
impact on her students and colleagues. Her ability to achieve a healthy work-life balance has inspired many of
her colleagues and students, and her dedication and passion for teaching have helped to create a supportive and
nurturing learning environment in our school. We are fortunate to have her as a member of our faculty and look
forward to her continued contributions to our school.
Area for Improvement: Should allow us to use our phones in class so we can have some nice quality photos
to use in documents as such (and memes).
Evaluation of IB Teaching Staff at PLKCKY
Ms Kameldeep Kaur
Figure 7: Edward’s selfie with Ms Kaur. (This makes much more sense given he’s in her English class.)
Ms Kameldeep Kaur is a teacher who specializes in the English A: Language and Literature Subject of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP). One of Ms Kaur’s stregnth is her loud and clear voice
Interestingly, her quotes can often be interpreted maliciously when out of context. The following quotes act as a
sample of the mountains worth of intriguing quotes from Ms Kaur.
1. “You emasculated me and I am a better person.”
2. “The Dutch came, and the British came too. They can’t go, so they go inside”
3. “I just like it when they: subjugate, enslave”
4. “Let me be your god now.”
5. “Diction. Cringe.”
6. “Don’t say I feel this I feel that, no one cares about that.”
7. “Cyberbullying? Very good.”
8. “This is the feminine group; this is the masculine group.”
While questionable when out of context, these quotes serve as iconic and entertaining moments that make lessons
lively and make content memorable. We look forward to seeing how this influences student performance.
Area for Improvement: It is advised for Ms Kaur to think twice before speaking; her language is often highly
questionable when taken out of context.
Ms Cherry Cheng
Figure 8: Source: Ms Cheng’s Instagram.
Within the 5 years in CKY, Ms Cheng has gained reputation with her approachable attitude, and efficient teaching.
With her calming voice and logical thinking path, students are able to understand and absorb knowledge with ease.
Evaluation of IB Teaching Staff at PLKCKY
The teaching style is also unique within the department, integrating group discussions, writing, reading and listening
practices with the teaching of English themes. Students in Ms Cheng’s class all experienced significant improvement
within English grades, increasing 2-3 grades within Ms Cheng’s teaching. Marking speed is also considered above
average within the department. We consider this achievement to be top tier within the school.
In addition, Ms Cheng is a hardworking and enthusiastic teacher who uses a variety of teaching methods to
engage students and inspire them to learn. Moreover, it is clear that Ms Cheng has improved in spelling students
names, namely “Vicki” which she has been struggling to spell for 2 whole years.
Area for Improvement: Ms Cheng is too good to be teaching English B, and should have taught the English
A classes.
Ms Shela Lee
One of Ms. Lee’s strengths is her efficiency in marking student work. She is known for her ability to provide
timely and detailed feedback on assignments and assessments, which has helped her students to improve their
understanding of the subject matter. This has also helped to create a sense of accountability among her students,
as they know that their work will be reviewed promptly.
In addition to her marking skills, Ms. Lee is also highly organized and has developed a comprehensive curriculum
for her mathematics classes. She uses a variety of teaching strategies to engage her students, including hands-on
activities, problem-solving exercises, and multimedia presentations. She also provides additional support to students
who may be struggling with the material, which has helped to ensure that all students are able to succeed in her
Ms. Lee’s dedication to her students’ academic success is evident in her teaching practices. She is highly
knowledgeable about the subject matter and is able to explain complex concepts in a clear and concise manner.
She also encourages her students to ask questions and to think critically about the material, which helps to deepen
their understanding of the subject matter.
Overall, we believe that Ms. Lee is a highly effective teacher who has made a positive impact on her students.
We appreciate her efficiency in marking student work, as well as her dedication to her students’ academic success.
We are confident that she will continue to inspire and motivate her students to achieve their full potential.
For students who are unaware of this, do NOT enter any classroom Ms Lee is using. In the case where you have
left your pencil case or something like a calculator which you need in an exam, remember to knock, apologize and
ask politely. Otherwise, you will not only fail your exam because you do not have what you need, but you might
feel worse than failing. If I were you, I would just turn my head and walk away like nothing happened.
Also, I should not have to warn you about this, but TURN OFF YOUR PHONE LIKE SERIOUSLY, if it rings
during Ms Lee’s AAHL lessons (to be honest should be any lesson), expect to find Ms Tang after school. Kids
Area for Improvement: Given that the class average in tests is still consistently lower than the other AAHL
class after doing more homework compared to them, it raises questions regarding the effectiveness of homework.
This might be the student body’s problem, but we do think that the amount of homework could be reduced.
Evaluation of IB Teaching Staff at PLKCKY
Mr Sam Leong
Figure 9: Picture of Mr. Sam Leong.
Mr. Leong has a unique teaching style that incorporates humor and sarcasm, which creates a relaxed and engaging
classroom environment. His sense of humor helps to break down barriers and build strong relationships with his
students. He is able to connect with his students on a personal level, which helps to create a positive and supportive
learning environment.
Mr. Leong is also a highly effective mathematics teacher. He has a deep understanding of the subject matter
and is able to explain complex concepts in a way that is accessible and easy to understand for his students. He uses
a variety of teaching methods, including visual aids and real-life examples, to help his students grasp mathematical
concepts and apply them to real-world situations.
Mr. Leong is also highly dedicated to his students’ success. He provides extra support and guidance to students
who are struggling, and he encourages all of his students to reach their full potential. He is always available to
answer questions and provide feedback, and he goes above and beyond to ensure that his students are prepared for
exams and assessments.
In conclusion, I highly recommend Mr. Sam Leong for his outstanding work as a mathematics teacher at Po
Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School. His unique teaching style, expertise, and dedication to his students make him an
asset to our school community.
Area for Improvement: “Some of his “dad jokes” are quite lame in all honesty.”
Mr Sedat Ozkan
Mr Sedat Ozkan is an experienced teacher of the mathematics subject of the International Baccalaureate Diploma
Programme (IBDP) and International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE). One of Mr. Ozkan’s
strength is his evident passion for mathematics. He can go on and talk about mathematics for hours while maintaining the same level of passion.
Besides, Mr Ozkan also has an unique sense of humour, which is helpful in keeping his class entertained. His
We, as a cohort, would like to formally and sincerely apologise to Mr Ozkan for the numerous heart attacks
caused when he managed our IGCSEs.
Mr Ozkan also provides difficult, higher order mathematics problems for students, allowing us to use our critical
thinking to attempt these questions. We appreciate these harder questions, as it enhances our understanding and
interest for the topic.
For students who wish for a better math grade, it is advised to bribe Mr. Ozkan with the chocolate bar Twix™.
Area for Improvement: Would be great if σ looked more different from the number 6.
Evaluation of IB Teaching Staff at PLKCKY
Mr Timothy Tsoi
Figure 10: Picture of Mr Timothy Tsoi during online lessons. He is definitely handsome as observed in this picture.
Our evaluation of Mr. Tsoi’s performance as a teacher indicates that he is highly skilled in teaching mathematics
and has a deep understanding of the subject matter. He is able to explain complex concepts in a clear and concise
manner, and his students consistently perform well on assessments.
Mr. Tsoi makes interesting comments in class, making students much more excited for AAHL. Notable quotes
from Mr. Tsoi include the following,
1. gg.
2. Understand?
3. W E A K
4. ok we keep on
5. Even bb knows
6. I am humble/poor baby
7. Careful king
8. I feel sad for you
9. Beauty of math
The list goes on...
In addition to his expertise in mathematics, Mr. Tsoi is also an effective leader as the department head for
TOK. He has developed a strong curriculum for the course and works closely with other teachers to ensure that it
is delivered effectively.
One of the strengths we observed in Mr. Tsoi’s teaching practices is his ability to create a positive and supportive
classroom environment. He is approachable and encourages his students to ask questions and seek help when
needed. He also provides timely and constructive feedback on student work, which helps his students to improve
their understanding of the subject matter.
A special strength that has been observed is Mr. Tsoi’s extraordinary fashion sense, and this probably makes
him the best dressed teacher in the school. Period.
Overall, we believe that Mr. Tsoi is a skilled and dedicated teacher who is committed to his students’ success.
We recommend that he continue to develop his teaching practices, particularly in the areas of student engagement
and classroom management, and we look forward to seeing him continue to excel as a maths teacher and TOK
department head at Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School.
Area for Improvement: We suggest that Mr. Tsoi choose one of the following: “humble” or “handsome”,
as it is obvious that a humble person would not claim to be handsome. Other examples include “you are weak”.
Although such comments are valid, it contradicts with the humble character. Although the “handsome” claim is
probably less restricting than being “humble”, the legitimacy of such claim is controversial (please refer to figure
10). Other common phrases such as “poor baby” however, could be kept. The laughter can also be toned down at
some instances to reduce the mental stress on students.
Evaluation of IB Teaching Staff at PLKCKY
Dr Andy Cheung
One of Dr. Cheung’s strengths is his ability to make complex scientific concepts accessible and engaging for his
students. He uses a variety of teaching strategies, including demonstrations, experiments, and group discussions, to
help his students understand and apply the principles of chemistry. He also encourages his students to ask questions
and think critically, which has helped to foster a love of learning among his students. He is particularly appreciated
for his 5 minute breaks then eventually end up being 15 minute breaks.
As Head of the Football team, Dr. Cheung is equally committed to his students’ personal development. He works
closely with his team to help them develop their skills and strategies, while also emphasizing the importance of
teamwork and sportsmanship. He also encourages his players to balance their academic and athletic commitments,
and provides them with the support they need to succeed in both areas.
Dr. Cheung’s commitment to his job is evident in his willingness to go above and beyond for his students. He
is always available to provide extra support and guidance, whether it’s helping a struggling student with a difficult
concept or providing advice on college applications. He is also a valued member of the school community, regularly
volunteering his time to support school events and activities, such as house.
Overall, we believe that Dr. Cheung is a highly effective teacher and coach who has made a positive impact on
his students and colleagues. We appreciate his commitment to his students’ academic and personal growth, as well
as his willingness to go above and beyond for them.
Area for Improvement: Dr Cheung’s lessons are a little bit tooo chill, could be a little more strict :).
Ms Keenu Gill
Ms. Gill is known for her energetic and sporty approach to teaching. She incorporates physical activity and
movement into her lessons, which not only keeps her students engaged but also promotes a healthy and active
lifestyle. Her passion for sports and fitness is infectious, and she inspires her students to adopt healthy habits.
Ms. Gill is also a highly skilled and knowledgeable teacher. She has a deep understanding of biology and is
able to convey complex concepts in a way that is accessible and engaging for her students. She uses a variety of
teaching methods, including hands-on activities and multimedia resources, to help students understand and retain
Ms. Gill is also super friendly and well-beloved by her students. She takes the time to get to know each of her
students individually and creates a warm and welcoming classroom environment. She is always available to provide
extra help and support to her students, and she goes above and beyond to ensure that they are successful.
In conclusion, I highly recommend Ms. Keenu Gill for her outstanding work as a biology teacher at Po Leung
Kuk Choi Kai Yau School. Her passion, expertise, and dedication to her students make her an asset to our school
Area for Improvement: Lame, “terrible” jokes. And pls stop hitting Iqrah in the head in volleyball.
Evaluation of IB Teaching Staff at PLKCKY
Mr Ben Ho
Mr. Ho is the best lab technician, roasting students that are threats to lab safety. He has successfully prevented
numerous accidents from happening, and has tried his best in educating students that are simply too bad at
chemistry to actually do labs safely. Mr. Ho is also committed to environmental conservation, as well as minimising
the school’s expenditure, by stopping certain students from wasting chemicals that are expensive, and we appreciate
his tolerance towards such absurd behaviour. We thank Mr. Ho here for his dedication to lab safety.
Area of Improvement: Nothing, too good to improve.
Vice Principal Dr James Kuan
Figure 12: Dr Kuan after reading a TOK exhibition draft from our cohort, in despair regarding how this school creates
such eldritch horrors.
As a staff member at Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School, I have had the privilege of observing Dr James Kuan’s
performance as a biology teacher and vice principal. Dr Kuan is an experienced educational psychologist, with a
doctorate thesis and several scientific papers published on the effectiveness of educational methods. He is a highly
responsible and dedicated teacher, consistently going above and beyond to ensure the success of his students.
Dr Kuan’s teaching style is highly effective, with his use of interesting analogies and concise explanations making
lessons engaging and easy to understand. He is known for creating his own resources, which are highly effective
in enhancing students’ understanding of the subject matter. His dedication to his students is also evident in his
willingness to mark papers on Sundays, ensuring that students receive prompt and detailed feedback on their work.
One of Dr Kuan’s most impressive qualities is his ability to provide elaborate feedback on students’ Internal
Assessments (IAs) and Extended Essays (EEs). His attention to detail and thoroughness in evaluating students’
work is highly impressive, and has contributed significantly to the success of our students in these assessments.
As a vice principal, Dr Kuan has also demonstrated strong leadership skills, working collaboratively with other
staff members to ensure the smooth running of our school. His experience as an educational psychologist has been
highly valuable in this role, as he is able to provide valuable insights and guidance on educational policies and
Overall, Dr James Kuan is an exceptional teacher and vice principal who has made a significant impact on our
school community. His dedication, expertise, and leadership skills have contributed significantly to the success of
our students and the smooth running of our school. We are fortunate to have him as a member of our staff and
look forward to his contributions to the school in the future.
Area of Improvement: We’ve noticed that Dr Kuan enjoys seeing students “in November”. A survey of IB
students have found that students are generally against seeing Dr Kuan or relevant IB coordinators and teachers
“in November”. Further study is needed regarding the reasons behind and its effect.
Evaluation of IB Teaching Staff at PLKCKY
Mr Bryan Lam
Figure 13: A meme dedicated to Mr. Bryan Lam and Dr. Jeff Sham.
Mr. Lam’s teaching style is engaging and memorable, as the way he speaks is almost like rapping. His energetic
and enthusiastic approach has helped to create a positive and dynamic learning environment in his classroom. Mr.
Lam also comes up with intriguing metaphors to make concepts more intuitive. One example, is when teaching
electronegativity, he mentions that electronegative atoms such as N, O, F “發窮惡”.
Despite his unconventional teaching style, Mr. Lam is a highly effective educator who has demonstrated a strong
commitment to his students’ academic success. He is knowledgeable about the subject matter and is able to explain
complex concepts in a way that is accessible and engaging for his students.
In addition to his teaching responsibilities, Mr. Lam is also an active member of the school community. He
volunteers his time to support school events and activities, and is always willing to lend a helping hand to his
Overall, we believe that Mr. Lam is a valuable member of our school community who has made a positive
impact on his students and colleagues. While his teaching style may be unconventional, it has proven to be effective
in engaging and motivating his students to learn. We appreciate his commitment to his students’ academic success
and his willingness to go above and beyond for them.
Area for Improvement: It might be a good idea to stop wearing the same shirt all the time.
Evaluation of IB Teaching Staff at PLKCKY
Ms Dora Lam
Figure 14: Ms Lam in her natural habitat, hanging out around the 6th floor
Ms. Lam is known for her warm and supportive approach to teaching. She creates a positive and inclusive classroom
environment where all students feel welcome and valued. She takes the time to get to know her students and their
individual learning needs, and she adapts her teaching methods accordingly.
Ms. Lam is particularly skilled at making complex biological concepts accessible and engaging for her students.
She uses a variety of teaching strategies, including hands-on activities, group work, and multimedia resources, to
help students understand and retain information. Her enthusiasm for biology is infectious, and she inspires her
students to develop a love of science.
Ms. Lam is also a dedicated and hardworking teacher. She is always willing to go above and beyond to support
her students, whether it’s by providing extra help after class or by organizing field trips and other enrichment
activities. She is a team player who collaborates effectively with her colleagues, and she is always looking for new
ways to improve her teaching practice.
In conclusion, I highly recommend Ms. Dora Lam for her outstanding work as a biology teacher at Po Leung
Kuk Choi Kai Yau School. Her dedication, expertise, and passion for teaching make her an asset to our school
Area for Improvement: Ms. Lam is probably overly nice and maybe she could be more mean.
Evaluation of IB Teaching Staff at PLKCKY
Mr Williamson Lam
Figure 15: Picture of Mr. Williamson Lam, taken during Physics HL. Please ignore the simple harmonic motion in
the background.
Mr. Lam’s commitment to his students’ academic success is evident in his tireless efforts to support them in their
extended essay (EE) and internal assessment (IA) projects. He provides personalized feedback and guidance to
each student, helping them to refine their ideas and develop their research skills.
In addition to his work with individual students, Mr. Lam is also a highly effective classroom teacher. He is
knowledgeable about the subject matter and is able to explain complex concepts in a way that is accessible and
engaging for his students. His use of real-world examples and hands-on experiments helps to bring the subject
matter to life and make it more relevant to his students.
Mr. Lam’s lab coat attire is a symbol of his passion for science and his dedication to his students. It serves
as a reminder to his students that they are part of a community of learners who are committed to exploring and
understanding the world around them.
Mr. Lam is also willing to share his personal experiences with his students. He has shared about his experiences
in university, including breaking a part of the scanning tunneling microscope at UCL, and many more interesting
things about life in university. He certainly deserves to be called “William-神”.
Overall, we believe that Mr. Lam is a valuable member of our school community who has made a positive
impact on his students and colleagues. His dedication to his students’ academic success and his distinctive teaching
style have helped to create a dynamic and engaging learning environment in his classroom. We appreciate his
contributions to our school and look forward to his continued success in the future.
Area for Improvement: We recommend that Mr. Lam learns to distinguish between degrees and radians.
In general, it is important to use a calculator, as although we acknowledge Mr. Lam’s exceptional mental math,
sometimes you just need the calculator. Some students have also suggested that Mr. Lam should get more sleep.
Sleeping should be prioritised in front of marking IAs.
Evaluation of IB Teaching Staff at PLKCKY
Dr Jeff Sham
Figure 16: Mr. Sham in chemistry class demonstrating the difference between intramolecular and intermolecular
Dr. Sham is a very efficient chemistry teacher. He also uses many teaching strategies, such as role-playing with
students to leave a memorable impression on the scientific concept of electron domains. Such strategies are highly
appreciated by students who may otherwise find Chemistry a sleep-inducing subject.
He also dedicates a lot of time to students’ IAs, offering to have lots of detailed discussions with them about
scientific concepts. Such discussions are proven to be highly effective for improving Chem IAs. Dr. Sham often
says “Let’s have a discussion”, and proceeds to giving detailed feedback for students on how they could improve.
Please note that Dr. Sham’s surname is pronounced as /S2m/ instead of /Sæm/ [6].
Area for Improvement: Some students have suggested that Mr. Sham should stop being so nice, as they do
not want to discuss about their IAs. However, we editors do not understand the rationale behind such demands.
Mr Sem Singh
Mr. Singh is a highly skilled and knowledgeable lab technician who is responsible for maintaining our science labs
and equipment. He is known for his attention to detail and his ability to troubleshoot and solve problems quickly
and efficiently. He works closely with our science faculty to ensure that our labs are safe, well-equipped, and ready
for student use.
Mr. Singh’s dedication to his work is evident in the way he interacts with our students. He is patient and
supportive, and he takes the time to explain complex concepts and procedures to students in a way that is easy to
understand. He is always willing to provide extra help and support to students who are struggling, and he works
closely with our science faculty to ensure that students have access to the resources they need to succeed.
In addition to his technical skills, Mr. Singh is also a valuable member of our school community. He is friendly
and approachable, and he is always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it. He is highly respected
by his colleagues, who appreciate his professionalism and his commitment to his work.
Overall, we believe that Mr. Singh is an essential member of our school community who has made a significant
impact on our science program. His dedication to maintaining our labs and equipment, combined with his passion
for helping our students succeed, make him an exceptional lab technician. We are fortunate to have him as a
member of our faculty and look forward to his continued contributions to our school.
Area of Improvement: Why are you in the biology lab when you carrying physics IAs.
Evaluation of IB Teaching Staff at PLKCKY
Mr Louis Wong
Figure 17: Icon of Mr. Wong’s youtube channel [4].
Mr. Wong is a knowledgeable and experienced educator who is able to effectively communicate complex concepts
to his students. He is dedicated to his students’ academic success and goes above and beyond to ensure that they
have the support they need to achieve their goals.
In addition to his teaching responsibilities, Mr. Wong is also an active member of the school community. He
volunteers his time to support school events and activities, and is always willing to lend a helping hand to his
Mr. Wong’s approach to teaching is student-centered, as he tailors his instruction to meet the needs of each
individual student. He is patient and supportive, and creates a safe and welcoming learning environment in his
Besides from being a great teacher, Mr. Wong is also the most famous youtuber in the school, providing students
with some of the best resources available on the internet, helping them ace their exams.
Overall, we believe that Mr. Wong is a valuable member of our school community who has made a positive
impact on his students and colleagues. His dedication to his students’ academic success and his commitment to
the school community are greatly appreciated. We are fortunate to have him as a member of our faculty and look
forward to his continued contributions to our school.
Area of Improvement: Students have pointed out that he should upload more youtube videos covering the
entire IB and IGCSE syllabus to aid with their revision. Not because they were not paying attention in class.
Evaluation of IB Teaching Staff at PLKCKY
Mr Alex Bale
Figure 18: Picture of Mr. Bale taken during Economics SL.
Mr. Bale is an innovative educator who is dedicated to engaging his students in the learning process. He is known
for his use of in-class activities and hands-on learning experiences, which help to bring the subject matter to life
and make it more meaningful for his students.
In addition to his teaching responsibilities, Mr. Bale is also an active member of the school community. He
volunteers his time to support school events and activities, and is always willing to lend a helping hand to his
Mr. Bale’s approach to teaching is student-centered, as he tailors his instruction to meet the needs of each
individual student. He is patient and supportive, and creates a safe and welcoming learning environment in his
However, Mr. Bale is highly addicted to Jamboard, to the extent that he has still been giving in class activities
on Jamboard after face to face lessons have been resumed. His other addictions are equally concerning, as it does
appear to be less severe than his addiction with the Philippines and potato pancakes.
Overall, we believe that Mr. Bale is a valuable member of our school community who has made a positive impact
on his students and colleagues. His dedication to engaging his students in the learning process through in-class
activities and hands-on learning experiences is greatly appreciated. We are fortunate to have him as a member of
our faculty and look forward to his continued contributions to our school.
Area for Improvement: We suggest that Mr. Bale consume less potato pancakes, and incorporate a wider
variety of case studies in his lessons, rather than using hypothetical examples of “Baleland” and “Bopland”, or the
Philippines. It would also be appreciated if marking could be done faster. Also, when will you add us on Clash of
Mr Jason Chin
Mr Jason Chin is a dedicated and effective teacher who uses a variety of teaching methods and provides detailed
feedback to help students succeed in their TOK essay. Their commitment to their students and subject area has
made a significant impact on students’ learning and growth in TOK.
In addition, Mr Chin has a confident and assertive communication style. He often uses humor, wit, and sarcasm
to make his point and engage with students.
Evaluation of IB Teaching Staff at PLKCKY
Area for Improvement: It’s time to let go of Mr Bin.
Mrs Meher Hodgson
Figure 19: Picture of Mrs Hodgson
It’s with a heavy heart that I write this review for Mrs Hodgson, who has been an invaluable asset to our school.
Mrs Hodgson consistently goes above and beyond in their work, always delivering high-quality results on time and
with great attention to detail. Their efficiency and dedication have been a true inspiration to us all. However, it’s
clear that Mrs Hodgson is struggling with personal issues, namely a student called Kaden, and I hope they know
that they have our support and encouragement. We appreciate everything they have done for us and wish them all
the best.
1.“I hope no one is stupid enough to take you up on your world domination plan cuz I have something called
2.“Do you know what boy bands need? They need to be extremely handsome, tall and have the ability to mime”
3.“I really hope to get covid now”(she realised she has lessons every day of the week with Kaden)
4.“I think you’re confusing me with God, Kaden”
5.“Sometimes you get the feeling that everything is falling apart, including myself”
6.“What is the point of life”
7.“She’s not aggressive, just antisocial like me”(talking about her dog)
Noteworthy quotes:
1.“Hitler came in hard, he stayed hard”
2.“Man on man, they enjoyed that”(talking about gladiators in ancient Rome)
Area for Improvement: Mrs Hodgson is one of the most holistic teachers in the school, with wide ranging
and detailed knowledge. However, the pace at which she assigns homework, and the subsequent speed in which she
marks the papers, has trapped her students in a cycle of writing. A large component of the study of History has
already been dedicated to writing source evaluation in class, yet the amount of extended source evaluation and essay
questions assigned as homework have never ceased to inspire History students to embark on a journey of self-doubt
and existential crisis. The problem is exacerbated as Mrs Hodgson is highly efficient at marking homework, whether
they are source questions or essay responses; causing History students to believe they can never catch up with the
workload. To improve this weakness, Mrs Hodgson may assign less homework and take more rest between marking
papers to allow for sufficient time for both herself and her students to recuperate. Additionally, Mrs Hodgson may
share more invaluable life advice with her class while talking about Kaden, the member of class who only scrolls
through reddit during lessons and has only typed 12 pages of notes in 2 months, to vent her frustrations at his
inattentiveness, subsequently easing students’stress in IB.
Evaluation of IB Teaching Staff at PLKCKY
Mr Victor Lam
Figure 20: Mr Victor Lam during some lesson.
As a staff member at Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School, I have had the pleasure of observing Mr Victor Lam’s
performance as a geography teacher. Mr Lam is a beloved teacher among students, known for his friendly demeanour
and engaging teaching style.
One of Mr Lam’s notable interests is his love for video games, particularly Hollow Knight, Devil May Cry,
and God of War. He often incorporates his passion for gaming into his lessons, using examples from these games
to illustrate geographical concepts and phenomena. This approach has proven to be highly effective in capturing
students’ attention and enhancing their understanding of the subject matter.
In addition to his creative teaching methods, Mr Lam is also known for his friendly and approachable nature.
He has built strong relationships with his students, often going out of his way to provide support and guidance.
He is always willing to listen to students’ concerns and provide assistance where needed, making him a valuable
member of our school community.
Furthermore, Mr Lam is generous with his students, often treating them to meals. On multiple occasions, he
bought meals for students that cost upwards of thousands of dollars, making him a popular figure among students.
We are fortunate to have such dedicated members of staff.
Finally, Mr Lam’s sense of humour and love for entertainment have also made him a popular figure among
students. He often shares funny clips and games with his classes, creating a lively and engaging learning environment.
His ability to connect with students on a personal level has made him a highly effective teacher, and we are fortunate
to have him as a member of our staff.
Overall, Mr Victor Lam is an exceptional teacher who has made a significant impact on our school community.
His passion for gaming, friendly nature, and engaging teaching style have made him a beloved figure among students
and staff alike. We are confident that he will continue to excel in his role as a geography teacher, and we look
forward to seeing the positive impact he will continue to have on our students’ lives.
Area for Improvement: It has been brought to our attention that Mr Victor Lam has recently adopted an
addictive called “Poor Bunny”. It is classified as a dangerous drug and is notorious for sucking players into an
inescapable loop of playing for a better hi-score. The committee recommends this action be monitored to ensure
there is no effect on staff performance.
Mr Kelvin Ling
Mr. Kelvin Ling is a highly skilled educator who is deeply committed to his students’ success. He is known for his
ability to engage his students in the subject of geography and make it relevant to their lives. He is always willing to
go the extra mile to ensure that his students understand the material and are prepared for exams and assessments.
One notable example are the ”well renowned booklets” that every CKY student adores
Mr. Ling’s dedication to his students has not gone unnoticed. He is highly respected by his colleagues, who
admire his passion for teaching and his ability to inspire his students to achieve their full potential. He is always
willing to share his expertise and collaborate with his colleagues to improve the learning experience for all students.
In addition to his dedication to his students, Mr. Ling is also a highly skilled and knowledgeable geographer.
He is always up-to-date on the latest research and trends in the field, and he is able to incorporate this knowledge
into his teaching to provide his students with a comprehensive understanding of geography.
Evaluation of IB Teaching Staff at PLKCKY
Overall, we believe that Mr. Ling is a valuable member of our school community who has made a positive
impact on his students and colleagues. His dedication to his students and his passion for teaching have inspired
many of his students to pursue careers in geography and related fields. We are fortunate to have him as a member
of our faculty and look forward to his continued contributions to our school.
Area for Improvement: Your students are causing the IB Geography grade boundaries to be too high. You
teach too good. You’re also too nice, too friendly and too responsible.
Mr Lorn Sun
Figure 21: This is Mr. “Long” Sun in case you do not already know.
Mr. Sun is an awesome teacher who specializes in teaching both the International Baccalaureate (IB) and International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) economics programs. With his extensive knowledge
and experience in the field, he is able to provide his students with a comprehensive understanding of economic
concepts and theories. As a teacher, Mr. Sun is known for his humorous and engaging teaching style, which helps
students stay focused and interested in the subject matter. His dedication to his students and passion for teaching
make him a highly respected and sought-after educator in the IB and IGCSE communities.
Mr. Sun is a dedicated teacher who goes above and beyond to help his students succeed. He is known for
his exceptional support and guidance when it comes to helping students with their Internal Assessments (IAs) in
economics. Mr. Sun takes the time to understand each student’s unique strengths and weaknesses and provides
tailored feedback and advice to help them improve their work. His expertise in the subject matter and his ability to
explain complex concepts in a clear and concise manner make him an invaluable resource for his students. Mr. Sun’s
commitment to his students’ success is evident in the outstanding results they achieve in their IAs and beyond.
Mr. Sun is also a professional youtuber [3], uploading videos covering different topics in IB and IGCSE economics,
aiding students with revision as well as clarifying concepts that they might find difficult.
Area of improvement: We suggest Mr. Sun to upload his youtube videos more frequently.
Evaluation of IB Teaching Staff at PLKCKY
Mr Nathan Tsui
Figure 22: Picture of Mr Nathan Tsui [2].
One of Mr. Tsui’s strengths is his ability to connect with his students on a personal level. He is known for his
friendly and approachable demeanor, which helps to create a positive learning environment in his classes. He also
brings his passion for basketball into the classroom, using it as a tool to teach teamwork, discipline, and perseverance
In addition to his teaching skills, Mr. Tsui is a highly effective leader. As the head of the Art Department, he
has developed a comprehensive curriculum that encourages creativity and self-expression among his students. He
also works closely with his colleagues to ensure that the department is running smoothly and that all students are
receiving a high-quality education.
Mr. Tsui’s dedication to his students’ academic success is evident in his teaching practices. He uses a variety
of teaching strategies to engage his students, including multimedia presentations, group discussions, and hands-on
activities. He also provides additional support to students who may be struggling with the material, which has
helped to ensure that all students are able to succeed in his classes.
Overall, we believe that Mr. Tsui is a highly effective teacher and leader who has made a positive impact on his
students and colleagues. We appreciate his ability to connect with his students on a personal level, as well as his
dedication to their academic success. We are confident that he will continue to inspire and motivate his students
to achieve their full potential.
Area for Improvement: Many people cannot come up with a flaw for Mr. Tsui, so he needs to improve in
terms of being imperfect. However, one friendly suggestion: can you pick another song next time?
Mr Nelson Yee
Mr. Yee is a highly skilled educator who is known for his patience and supportiveness towards his students. He
understands that each student has their own unique learning style and pace, and he takes the time to ensure that
each student receives the individual attention and guidance that they need to succeed.
Mr. Yee’s patience and supportiveness have helped to create a positive and nurturing learning environment in
his classroom. His students feel comfortable asking questions and seeking help, and they know that Mr. Yee will
always take the time to listen and provide guidance.
In addition to his patience, Mr. Yee is also a highly talented artist who is able to inspire and motivate his students
to explore their own creativity and express themselves through art. He is always willing to provide feedback and
constructive criticism to help his students improve their skills and develop their own unique artistic voice.
Overall, we believe that Mr. Yee is a valuable member of our school community who has made a positive impact
on his students and colleagues. His patience and supportiveness have helped to create a positive and nurturing
learning environment in our school, and his dedication and passion for teaching have inspired his students to achieve
their full potential. We are fortunate to have him as a member of our faculty and look forward to his continued
contributions to our school.
Area for Improvement: “It’s nice to have something emphasised but it’s still ok if you don’t repeat
yourself too much lol”.
Evaluation of IB Teaching Staff at PLKCKY
Mr Edward Yeung
Figure 23: Meme about year 12 students sneaking into the Lecture Theatre to play ping pong. (We do not endorse
such behaviour.)
One of Mr. Yeung’s strengths is his ability to create a positive and engaging learning environment in his classes.
He uses a variety of teaching strategies to keep his students motivated and interested, including games, challenges,
and team-building activities. He also encourages his students to set personal fitness goals and provides them with
the support and guidance they need to achieve them.
As a CAS advisor, Mr. Yeung is equally dedicated to his students’ personal development. He works closely
with them to help them identify their interests and passions, and then encourages them to pursue these through a
variety of extracurricular activities. He also helps them to reflect on their experiences and learn from them, which
has helped to foster a sense of self-awareness and personal growth among his students.
Mr. Yeung’s commitment to his job is evident in his willingness to go above and beyond for his students. He is
always available to provide extra support and guidance, whether it’s helping a struggling student with their fitness
goals or providing advice on university applications. He is also a valued member of the school community, regularly
volunteering his time to support school events and activities.
Overall, we believe that Mr. Yeung is a highly effective teacher and advisor who has made a positive impact on
his students and colleagues. We appreciate his commitment to his students’ personal and academic growth, as well
as his willingness to go above and beyond for them.
Area of Improvement: Students have frequently forgot their PE clothes during lessons, and they have suggested that they should not run extra laps during warm up.
Our teachers have shown a deep understanding of the International Baccalaureate (IB) philosophy and have successfully implemented it in their teaching practices. They have developed rigorous and engaging curricula that
challenge students to think critically and creatively, and they have provided timely and constructive feedback to
help students improve their understanding of the subject matter.
Furthermore, our teachers have demonstrated a strong commitment to their own professional development.
They have participated in ongoing training and professional learning opportunities to stay up-to-date with the
latest research and best practices in education. They have also collaborated with their colleagues to share ideas
and resources, which has enriched the learning experience for our students.
Overall, we are proud of our teachers’ accomplishments and the positive impact they have had on our students.
We believe that they are an essential part of our school community and are committed to supporting them in their
continued growth and development as educators.
Evaluation of IB Teaching Staff at PLKCKY
[1] Trust me Bro. “Utilisation of Chat-orientated Generative Pre-trained Transformers in Personnel Performance Evaluation (PPE)”. In: (Apr. 20, 1969). url: https://r.mtdv.me/chatgpt-ppe (visited
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[2] CKY Hackathon 2022. url: https://ckyhackathon2022.wixsite.com/my-site.
[3] @lornsun2433. Lorn Sun. url: https://www.youtube.com/@lornsun2433.
[4] @LouisWongPhysics. Louis Wong - IGCSE and IB Physics Walkthrough. url: https://www.youtube.
[5] Oxford Learner’s Dictionary. url: https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/
[6] Solomon Tsai. “Pronunciation of Sham”. In: (Apr. 20, 1969). (Visited on 04/01/2069).